F a foie wind & MORTON, |
[sin Sa G0 a
ea ‘FRICTICA ma’
y No. 9 Friend Street, DOSTON,
pone! — MATCHES,
the towect, greed. ‘fer ee
Patent Rolled Boot © Shoe Couni
Of all Descriptions, constantly on hand, or made to Order at Short Notice,
Swedish and “Norway” Iron in Stock and tepals to Orde
Agents for the sale of The “Burden Rast Tran
} Q x ha
Ry ‘boston Library Dotiety
Absol NOE eta PLS E
rey Led day of Stree 18 Fo.
“If any book is lost or injured, or if any notes, comments, oF
other matter are written or in any other manner inserted therein,
the person to whom it stands charged shall replace it by new
volume, or by a new set if it belongs to a set, or shall pay the
current price thereof to the Librarian. The remainder of the
old set shall then be delivered to such person." ”
Ege TONE, 1919
Sinple, Rapid, and Beautiful in tte work,
Saves Time and Strength, and seoures grew
Miles’ Alarm Tills,
Also, Store and Rallroad Trucks, Letter Presses, Lawn Mowers, Coffee
Mills, and Store Fixtures.
Iron, Steel, Tin Plates, Sheet Iron, Metals ~
ie J. F. SAMPSON & CoO.,
Manillaz:Straw Papers,
Wrapping Paper and Bags Printed to Order, for all classes of Trade,
| 19 Exchange Street, - - - - - - - Boston.
Importers of and Dealers in
Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Sheet Zinc, Block Tin, ra Spelter,
Manuf ’d Copper, Lead, Wire, Tinners’ Solder, and Bismuth,
No. GO Union, and 47 Friend Streets,
Mevnen a, nicuarps. BOSTON. WILLIAM Q, WALES.
taal RR Sp eB
r? MILK STREET, (Opposite Kilby Street), BOSTON.
Tin Plate, Roofing Tin, Galvanized 8 Black Sheet Iron
Sheet Zinc, Sheet G pper, Sheet Brass,
f) Pig Tin, Pig Lead, Spelter, and Antimony.
ig Agents for ‘The New Bedford Copper Company, The Brooklyn Brass Company, A. Norton & Coa
‘English Steel Wire,
/Boston Steam & Gas Pipe Works.
Wrought-Iron Steam and Gas Pipe,
Of all kinds for Steam, Gas, and Water,
1,3 & 4 Haymarket Square, Boston.
Contractors for heating all kinds of Buildings with Steam, High or Low Pressure, either
direct or indirect radiation,
es ee Pumping Purposes.
Simple, Reliabl a
Soaae inorder. ak NO OILINC.
a -
‘Gectional View.) (Finished Kettle.)
Steam Jacket Kettles.
Pies isle lating Sonex Saco) Avon ioaseny Ay aren peta od oll Insttatfona wich cooking
4s done ona farge scale, Tanners and Fantacturers, they ne welt
high indispensable. aie Please send tor Price-Lists and Circtlars:]
E. HOWARD & CO., Agents,
| Clocks ana Watches.
, Depot, Railway Clocks.
Clock Dials, Driven by Electricity.
‘uawyoyeM yuanbuyjag Jo uoNde}9q 94} 104
‘uoljonajsuoH JOLadNg JO Sxd0jQ JOMOL
Also Manufacturers of the
‘We wish to call attention to our NEW PATENT STEEL BARREL, STEM-
WINDING, and STEM-SETTING MOVEMENTS, which are acknowledged to be, in all
yespsots, the most desirable Watch either of European or American manufacture,
‘For full description, send for Circular.
Flags, Wagon Covers, Canvass Signs,
Large and Small Tents for Sale orto Let on the
most Reasonable Terms.
The Latest and Best.
In appearance and operation, the Octagon is offered to the public as being un-
surpassed by any Range now inthe market. It possesses all the Modern improve-
ments, and is warranted to give perfect satisfaction in every case.
To which was awarded
‘Tho Prize Medal of the Ohio Mechanics"
First-Class Premium ut Vermont
A Silver Medal ut Mechanics
tate, Ution; Silver Medal at
Joan Institute; Silver Medal at
Michigan Stute Fair.
This Oven has heen Greatly Tupraed
Less Fuel than any other Oven in use,
Furnaces, Portable Ranges, Cooking Stoves, Round and Oval Parlor Stores and Air-Tights, Large
Portable Ovens and Patent Camp Stoves, Hollow Ware, Cauldrons, Boiler and Aeh Doors.
3 ~The
Cash Capital, $750,000.
Meriden Fire Insurance Company,
Security Insurance Co.,
Gash Capital, $200,000.
These Companies are sound and reliable, and prepared
to issue policies as usual. Losses adjusted and
payable in Boston.
Embraces overy variety of material suitable for all ovcastons.
Manufacturers and Manufacturers’ Agents.
Homogencous Steel and Iron Boiler and Tank Plates and Sheets. Be ss Jap Welded Iron Boller
‘Tubes. Also, an Extra Qualify, made expressly for Locomotives,
‘Wrought Iron I, Deck and Channel Beams—Angle, T, and Grooved Iron. Bessemer Steel CUT
NAILS, Forgings in Iron and Steel,
‘Many of the above lines of Gooils in Stock at
Warehouse, 19 Batterymarch Street, Boston.
WATER r Office, 239 Broadway, New York. | DUPLEX
WORKS? Branch Office, 83 Water St., Boston.) ote ay
reed | (OR si 5
pumps. | (1) BLatei , * ia WATER,
— OIL,
PUMPS, | Senne SAE | FLuips.
The most powerful and reliable of Fire Pumps
Sole Owners of the right to Manufacture and to Sell
Celluloid Veneers,
Perfect imitations of Tortoise Shell, Malachite,
Ebony, Ivory, and Veneers of all colors and shades
of color, in large sheets beautifully polished.
These Veneers are specially adapted to all Interior
Decoration, and have been approved by the our best
Architects and Decorators.
Manufacturers of Carriages, Railway Cars, Vessels, }
Furniture, Pianos, Organs, Caskets, Picture Frames
and Cabinet Work of every description, are invited
to call at our rooms and examine our goods.
ABNER |. BENYON, President.
GEO. F, WHITING, Vice-Pres. FRANCIS S. WILLIAMS, Sec, and Treas.
= (1)
re ui :
NASH & 0./8
&c., &c.
( ‘Manufacturers of the Celebrated Vitrified
‘The Strongest and Smoothest Pipe in this country, after several
tests with other manufacturers,
STONE WARE FOR {ees been awarded 7 Medals and { FIRE CLAY,
CHEMICAL PURPOSES,} § Diplomas forthe Best Ware, |KAOLIN, LAND TILE,
400 Fenenat’ street, } Office, 8 Liberty Sq., noar cor. Water St., Boston,
Send for Circulars and Price Lists. GEO. ©, DUNNE, General Agent.
114 State Street, Boston.
General Shipping Commission
Melbourne, Sydney, and other Australian and New Zealand Ports,
With 30 different Changes of Position.
Mein tho best Char nt 9 er < Dre Caretsety an
PARLOR, Combining
ROCKER, . rn
President and Treasurer. Fice- President and Secretary,
Washburn & Moen Mfg. Co.
Established, 1831. Cepital, $1,500,000,
Patent Galvanizing, Rolling and Tempering.
Patent Steel Barb Fencing
The best and cheapest Fence for Railroads, Farmers & Stock Raisers,
horn Hedge. No other Fencing so cheap or put up so easily or quickly, Nevor rusts,
rial warps. Unaffected by fire, wind, or flood. A complate barrier to tie rari
For sale at the leading hardware stores with Stretchers and Staples. Send. for
New York Warehouse: St. Louis Warehouse: Chicago Warehouse:
21 Cliff St. = — 802 No. Second St. 107 Lake St.
Readers & Writers
| Main Offices and Machine Shop, over 28 to 34 Hawley St.,
Factory, 615 to 623 Albany, and 52 to 58 Sharon Streets,
Economy Book Supports, Metrle Rubber Bands,
Fite, Eye Shade, und Stoping Book Cases, Reader's Cot Chair,
Study Tables, Noyes' Dictionary Holder,
Kender's Rendy Rest, Also, all supplies recommended by the Amer-
Perfect, and Vacuum Inkstand ican Library Association,
Utility Scrap Book, And over 100 sinilar devices,
‘Tapley’s Files, Cabinets and Solld Hend Pads,
Kaskell’s C Clark’s Book Rests,
C,H, Denise Hambler’s Pen Pocket,
Danner’s Kevolving Book Cases, | Student's Folding Table, Ete., Ete., Ete.
_ |Lapham’s File, Puzzotine,
Mating Stov | Brooks’ Congress Record Ink,
Stadent Lamps, | Paper Shears,
And over 100 other Improved Appliances for Desk, Study or Library.
Wo aro heudquarters for more than 300 specialties. All are either m y 1s OF we are 80
onpnectad with the mauuhietutors by exch nf yonds ur speckil cont Nitles that we
nthe eutiee list, aml guarantee to furhish wil at the lowest rates ubtainable. Of many
Us Wwe CAT a than the mautifacturers themselves,
a ed'us it is the best on the market, and
we Hind a better article. All our goods are
ble and invariable; and while we make and
re rapidly selling articles of sterling merit than eny other
Mary stationer wil lad it of great interest and profit to send for our “Ecoxomy Nores," a month}
peritdfat devoted to improvest uicthods mul devices for desk, study and library. A. visit to ou stores wil
Pereudily resuic in fudiag some hew articles which will rell themselves.
6 as headquarters
iMlustrating exch work own and are free to wll.
Enel 80 bers all friends of edtication and progress, and many belong to all thre
Otherwise they have no connection except the econ id convenience of offices in anon,
OBJECT:—"'The best reading for the largest number at the least expense.'"
OBJECT :—The exclusive use of the International Decimal Weights and Measures,”*
OUIECT;—" The simplification of English Orthografy.”
Each society has a SurvLy DerAntaesr, farnishing at low prices, often at half former rates, every-
thing it recormends pertaining to the Library, Metric or Spelling Keform movements,
Supported entirely by yifts and members’ fees, the smallest sums are gratefully received.
6, 7, and 8, No. 32 HAWLEY STREET, - - - BOSTON.
pprover! Hot aa Furnaces
Seven Different Siges, Brick and Portable,
t And all kinds of
a 2 Pan Buildings and Private Residences,
Jo introducing this Faranee Yeonftdently
nd it for its large qmount of
(4) Radiating Surface,
Shnpllelty of Construction,
Personal attention given to heating
a - and ventilating buildings of all kinds.
CuanLes Warrrien, Pre: . A. ©, Warrrren, Treasurer,
Works, 1176 Tremont St., Office, 87 Milk St, P. 0. 8q., Boston,
Koohester Savin
‘Tribune Building,
Ball, Blick, & Con,
Delaware and Hut?
New York Hospital,
Brown, Brothers &
Orient Mutual
‘CorrmioHr, 188, By SAMPSON, DavExroRT, & Co.
‘American Legion of Honor...)
Ancient Order of Gaited Workmen,
‘Apartivent Hotels...
Boston Commercial xchange...
Boston Protective Department. .:..-..-.
Br geoa ccs ces vnceeee
Business Directory. are
Business Directory ot Gui-of-town Adv.
Business Exebanges,
Gautiovary Siguais.
“Churches andl Ministers. 0.¢,
sOity Government. .
SOlty Hospital... 6.2:
“Ghiy Regiatra
“Coal Mining Comipantes..
‘Commissioners for other
‘Comunissioners to quality Civil Oilicers.....
Commissioners, United
Gonmtables.. ass ...4-
‘House of Correction.
House of Industry.
Mndex to Advertisements.
Insurance Agencies...
Hts Manufacturing voip.
Jo44 | Marks ee -
Tat | Minin
Munlelpal oars,
Navy Yard...
bor Widows Fund.
| Post Otiee..
| Probate Courts,
Pablic Baths,
ube Bull
Savings Banks...
Savings Fund
Telegraph Othices.
Templars of Honor...
‘Trust Companik
United American Mectiniica.--
‘Number of Names in Directory of 1879 (exclusive of died and removed)
‘Number erased in compiling Directory of 1880...
see IBF
‘Number added in compiling Directory of 1880...-...... 705
‘Number of Names in this volume..-.crcessseeceeeeoee essuesenceeonssesssenseesette HIM
Increase. ae £ 8,109
In addition tn the above the Directory contains the names of 1,585 persons who have died or removed
‘from the city during the year,
Fela ia
Vere “i:
Boston & Said feh Oluas Go 1641
‘nhs ant
pi a a
es * ‘Trontea Nihed te
een ne
sie ote Ua
Hi Co
BowaersAlberts1 Old Shue Hommes: ASE
poveaer Fels Co. coe
1p Kiya
Tragdon J.D, 135 Herriaon aver
| rata Dorey & Coe 3 Haymrt
Braman Jog. 33 Gon "
on 1
ie ¥ ik Cor 1 iinekatones I
Hepa Bp
lek We eae Hs |
Sie tah
sree os
Shave sense 100
Yong i ih
Brown Heathers 3 Scho.
own D. 9.899 Washing
Proven 304, 4 Co Wer
dike HS 2
orton Excelsior Cn. 38 Canal
Bonu Five Grats Savioge
Ho | Feruaid G81 0.12 Brat
tae | Fernald & Jacksou, 12) Suunhuors
Sous Swett, cvraer
wa Unfoncea
ral cover
Footer, i Cor Ut Wack
hace & (85 Berkeley:
‘Chundiick Laud Work
FLOM totes Furniture Git Wash
Totonsensc sosay But cover
oes Hag way Cb Sabu.
‘lacin A & Sous Lat Lamgwood hi
ae Sa tal
‘Gilde Pai
Fund dann te Mire 8 Twang place
ie Rel Hh Wa
Koster Win.’ Cu 174 Cumniers
Pony Supply Go 0 Cilyrssvenee
dui, ‘i
Franklin Guat Go, Ri Wate eat
anki Savings Bank, 3) Bayan:
Fredericks Ms Peel
Willan C2 Hanes
h Win he a Go. 73 WW. Gai
1 tas Waskdigion.s
‘Chave Guts We “2
ireanieat x CW) Ulin.
Pryedy SR nn Pee
Lilla Win theory tS
Huila & Deiawo
Gun, Bilas, & Go, Oh
if Co. hss Wath roe rig
sera ik
{nts | Loturop Geo. W-1E Harvard places 18
4 ard
Heide kebcee wai
nitton for Saving in Heaxbar
Siseea Rye? Bar
fit ay Sk Congres: a Bienes Gampted
fan ROO, He Tremontersecse<ee< bone
fatanin Sita Fie cor
“Sh awe,
ee Furiat
Malden Dye House. 8 Ta
Fr io ot tonite Manchester Lavo
Harrie & Wo. 94 Hrowifeld.. Tavcutnott
rina, Heard, & Co. 90 Wali
Bgr.1 Park squshessss Lith
Go, 1) Do
“aly rosa teat pp, 1288
tern 1a
Jervons Wr Ws, W
fab Kala} AR High
Hervey Hrus., W. Boca
| tend AG, ¢
3 ts
MeParin o)
‘Metmtorh dda 00 Feder.
ie Go a
"osirpagee following 128
(vir pases followin
McMahon Jamon dt Helaraleseeraee 1
‘MeNutt J. 3., Maldon ¢. Ws
1 Laverne ners
EWelBNE te suinner
Mae Turret he Sie
i tag Co ler
PO. Boe titi
wind, 20. 13 Fas
i, Weat Fist, corner ©. 1947 | Meteui 1
fing Machine Co.361 Wash. 1273 | Metric Mureau
It | Mever Chas a cy: 3
Mingit W/O Hoy en
Binet x tanaeid 0 Feira
More Ans
Mores 8 wipe. 73 Cura
Moron gral a'Gh. 2h Woah
orton Newton & Go. Be Feiceat
ick cnr nbd 18
Morton & Chesley 308 Dedhsinses HO
Morfey elisha: Water
Roseiey, Wheelwright. Go. 4 iii 1388
Moves. Wij a,Go. Frere tape
Motitun 8, € i Co," itanover it
Mowey & Phila, 135 Crome Yah
Mudge Afed a'8bu,04 School, ops, 100)
Go ik
Reponuc Urge Found
oe Euan Car Co,
E Gontersary, Sh
"Washinetines as
New Eng, Fult Rooting Gor 38
Rew Eng. lage Works. Fs
Nom Engiand Linea
"sat Wash
og. Mb
hard Hurt § 0
ign Bese nis Federal2scssn
Page Geo. G. x Go. Cambeldigepart::
Goi Sines
Proctor & Stony
Prouty Preis Gi 82 Federal
i Fai
a deal opposit
Randall & Jones, 1 and 15 Ol
io 7 Od Sh
‘colgred Fad 130, 194
Security Safe Ui. Co
Seller a Felker, 140 Dus
suapieng We
vine SP IV
Shy, Agile 8c
win Benjy
| Sith ttros ita Wastington.
EERE tesla:
rivony Ste
mgs invert
1 Forbes, 131 W.
pies 24 CoNih aes cers
Moward mt wll.
otra 908 Wagh shack colored
Soeur Uney
Spear} Wk Ge
Shear Won. P. 34 8
Spefing tetova hw
Werle H.
Wer Samori,
ester ‘beck colored
Whitcomb HGS Go. stliees eso
‘White Bros Sonu, lol sunnier. 007 i
White Cons. 1 lou Washington:
White €.W. Ga. a8 Court
White Eitwin A. 135 Albany.
‘x Gu. iC
‘Whitiwan & arnce Manu Ca
‘Marke ees tsnen
Waltmore W. WW Ganggranses
Wiiton, Bro. a Co.
Whiton'st #2 & Go: 6
Sieyeai inti
Wideee, Ht.
Willers Qui
Wier son
It, 10 Courts vesescne
Henry Ws 25 cep
il a ae i
Fin ah pie ah aici
S| gibt aca
is ee
Warde Henry 4.21 Commercial...
eeey areal:
Pie al is
sree ats
Sah Yoo bomen tei
Hate Wes aoa ara
i 20 Hiroud. stron colored in tien Co. Aha
Prune Co, 20 te
2 tee NSO Pvt
Hat Go 30 Wesht
gion A. Ce
mgt Hon:
Hock vaiout ew.
Westaessrencee 10)
Sewer and Drain Pipe, Fire Bricks, &c.
Plaster, Sand, Mair, Laths, Ete. Proprictors of Boston Sewer and Drain Pipe Co.,
‘And Agents for AKRON PIPE.
Office, Wharf and Manufactory, 730 ALBANY STREET.
| .| F
icoleo| P.
2 |SIS\
|W. jM Tu WTR) F.
1 2|_3{_4) Am Re My 314] 5] 6
8) 9101112 9101112113
|15/16|1718|19 16 17)1819|20
21|22|23'24 25/26||17/18) 23/24)25 26127
27/2820 3031 |30)|29|30)31 Le
logue, with Price Tt and full {nformation
= ~
Ta Send cent stamp for 24 page Catal
TeT10 cents for Catalogue and copy of the ™ Bicycling World:
, AS Het
Mercantile Work of every description,
GIVING the location of each street, and showing what other streets and places run from It, or across it,
‘with the number at which they intersect.
‘From this list, the location of any number on @ street can be easily ascertained; as, for instance wish-
ing to know at what part of Franklin Street, the DIREOTORY OFFICE, No. 135, 18 located, you look at
Franklin Stread upon page 21, and nd int Federal Street rane from 13}, anid Congrens Strict from, 16
Showing that 195 Franklin would coua on the right, between Federal and Congress, the fourth door fron
‘Streets in wards 1 and 2 are located In EAST BostoN; those in wards 3, 4and 5 are in CHARLES-
mowN; those In wards 13, 14 aud 15 are in SOUTH BosTON; those in wards 19, 20, 21 and 22 are in
ROXBURY; those In ward 23 are Iu WEST ROXBURY; those In ward 24 are in DOKCHKSTEK; Uose in
‘ward 29 are in BRIGHTON.
A. Btecet, romain Dorehese | Zap. Ria Rie Aitora, fiom §¢ Mala to
vate tatongrem, Wants | “0 git Ea Ersatees Whast Sicha uetage, Wand
ay oteniee Ses iae aide
2! 8B Ambiont c °
n o hetiate
i $f
468 Dorchester
nt ° tte Wa
i H ean Centre to
Bhd o praiee © gy tien Fare aan Ose
Ht gave #3 Nala" auase,, wane, om
a on ne cm oe NNN whaet Alturiahg, Comets om
oon kh Po Rent USM Ease Waid
trom Boylston to pet oe Alleghany, fr. 71 Terrmce,
Artie hve Word Se 8 Washington abt, civ Wat ohay Bader Ward Se
Adams, fr. Everett, Ward 2 | yay 9
Afitma, Wasi?
yerdeen, from Beacon to ca
damn, Fetes, fom 15
APTAST OT Wanis | Adame’ Btaces froo. 1s
tom ng Ae
pipe soma Neca
xd bene®
Agade: som, Ward Allen, fr.opp,74 Chanibersto
Agsmn Giese tem oa] ECGS, = fot tata
from 2 Willow to 5 Spring 2h
Age: tar, dams Iliace, from 2 Chester Park ‘& Allen G
etal Maman a8 gn se Palen
<laalagadles ete
fom to) Bradford, Ward 17~ | Aydtnen Sets june Washing a Syn
ns uthrop 10) Addtsan, from Sart Dike it
ribet fh et Ndr cP | Chtein rice | gain re Bre Ant
a With Save | Aina, Hetaces fom © | ge Haney race A eMier'Ms ope, Wand 2
8 Common Kingaon, Ward © S72 Bailey's Court Allen Court, trom 3 Allen
‘Mechanic Akron, from # Alpine to 2 5 Magox Place jard 8
0 Cheyne Msfent Ward 0 Se Pe,
i oe i Allen, Ward &
sis Bampton | ms Perey: 25
iliey, Wart 30. | Akron. Pince, trots 2 Havre to Burin, Ward 3
1 Hampden “‘Akroo, Ward 21. Allen Pince, from of
{esi Acre wits © END dhe sem ine
ionee uches aay Cente Rai
edad ‘inte was Soe “AgeRae: | nem Tetaer, fom 18
Bi oa ea Bie Net Aen WAST
4b ban, Lert e,ess | AR tS 8 | guen race, fom Wath
ts, from Junetion Hfan- | A\tban, from Welles Av. He te kakey
AesekTand Teton, eck | AAthrsotas Ward sa S| Albert, Mr Od Hea
Fock endl Tioedoin, at Meet: year esto Browley’ Fark, | Atterton,
ag tote Mill to Weak itt | Atmano, (rom Washington | Ward 32 War's
m Lawes Mile, Wi. Wt. | AT ini Avy Ward 2k | Atbton from 13 Dover to146 | Attaton, from 247 Bunker
Aitmams, thom 3 Beach tags | “ewe, Warde Mito Rd Medford, Wa 4.
fords 12, 117,150. | 2 3 Dover Allston, from 24 Somerset
i Mota Bortaviny Ward i
2 Sommers
& * Ailuon Pts
a Gerard,
9 futinen
F 12 i Bowdon
19 Curve Autstong from Matber to
Tals RAK RDedge | Atmos! Mente, Ward 24
hk pS Albion Place, from 415 | Alstom, trom Brighton Av.
See ees 0 S'Brghton' Ave
‘Alden, from 10 Countora| 9 ° RMEnn AY:
sudbury, Ward $A Sea
Do Suvmit Av.
Alden Place, trom Green | 0 Washinston
Sieas Wasiingios, Ward Si | Allatom Meiztts,fe.Can
Alexander Avenue, fr. | Dee np. Gunton, Wa 3.
‘e Tbsken; | Alston Place, fiom €
ward he
Po "e Whart
eines fe Sonat
Acct SH
mee Place, from Ot
AgNNinut Avs Wand he
Ameen, fom Dares 0
ihe Di Areas 6
4 list AV., Ward 2
Agnes Court, [om Ames
ard 1.
tron 248 Centre, n.
Ait iillpe to ea on,
7 cogs
rt ay
o fo
0 Auyleton
Asner, Aygmmgy tran
Ti Contra Sta Wad a
rom 130 Cw
eke wach
Irew's, from 73 £. Can
Woke Deaham, Ward tt
utegom, (4 Tremont
Sata Av, Wada
ft Gutumabus Av.
Ape ton Elaee, from
tnitue Av. to Sisple AY,
fark 22
from, choot
ard ~)
ARE eal hy. Word Se
chet Tepe
Bi colada
from, UC Woah 6 |"
"Ar, Ward tie
mney to die
0°} Brookilne li
Sab ecseeneiiae
S08 Eevee...
& EWusEzE2 oF AF
Aer Riera est
rat, fromm Washlogton,
eve “Aveney Wasa.
8 Veron
Agnurn Court, from
‘Samide War
Aghurm Pince, fom 18
Mtb Ward
Se, fam
opreaie fuse,
re, to
ty Ward 4, oF
toate A 0
Aneaetehciepchien Sven
eam from, 220
Saat render, Was
Aatumn, fiom Cent, neat
‘Seante ws Summer, Wa.
Nyonanket Pace
20 Malone
Pace, from? Av
jar i
1 10h a
ton 3 Ws
Court, from
MaMsiss vars
es age
Pen red
© 8 tue fim Ave
Ward 2h
3 oWalsut
wien, Works
Moker Pisce, fom, ‘Bird,
Makerig Alter fom ha
mite iat af
gees SoM
Ke rrtCSs:C<‘; Cl”:
Beles from 6
Pitaie, creas dat
Att, fem 300 Washington
x: fo Ws Shawinut Ave Wi te
mois Ar
eee ies
Rater ATE
1 ipnecehs nee, tom
ins, War
Barber's ‘ates, trom st
oer ast
Marnnedt Pace, ow
ree Ewes, fom 6)
eis wand
Marecces trom, # Yatioa to
TvNordh Want @
Barey, trom Bellevue to
Visalia Avy Ward 3k
bres Compt, tran 1358
Maliogtom, Watd 1.
Mpettety Rass feces
foiument Square to Walker,
O Jetteron Av.
Ot Sullivan
awe 135 Walker
74” Bilne Square
Aurttete Court, from 110
ilk Avy Wand
Martiege Btace, fon
Bineton, from Ut Lowel
Mito: Ward &
3 sb Keron
fs Mipier Pl
remy from 40 Ba
Madsen, Werd te
ekehad ta *
Pines oa ex
Rates hitte
i eon na
‘sp ina Othice 8a.
Bach Avenue,
minehuvavenve, Ward
ey, fron 40) Hanover
Labpard ‘Ward &
fr Lite
Roger ast ihoed, Wada
1 Ley Sauar
wh Bam
Pepondng bs, Was ti
Baxter Place, from 3
urvard, Ward 15.
Master Rauare, toms
Fayette to
Pint ettod Keo at, Wal
Ba «fora egy Fiace to 0.
< oR Ws
‘Atate Pte ager foe
ME Vint Ward
sav Etsy |
Rigy-view Eigeg: tom
azine, Wane
Rega, fom BS Maid
8 Wo
Tit Fodera
Beene, from Commercial to
Bits Warts
Rigach Pace, fom 3
Heuchany Wenttom
te Kiver, Ward <4
econ Tremont
Magee te Shed, to
T Congregatiousl Houve
5 somerset
0 Boston Au
5 Freemat
1} Flew PW input Ch.
1 Bere Bota
Boston University
‘Common and
@ yoniie Garden
88 E8555 ezesensy
ee = 8 BEE
th Twining Col.
Hieacoa Bil Charch
Hecate, fom Dorchester Ay.
tear Siulerto Carrain, Wt
Beaumont, from Adams,
‘Ward 4, e
from 8 Beacon,
104 Lineoin
a! Summer
Beatord Comet, from 7
Readrord Court,
Meech, Fg Conte to ep
Meech Glen Axenne,
front {13 tighten 0 Port
‘Avenue, Ward te
Meethaven, fo Wash-
itn te Aen War
Taanskne Lanes feet
SAusnie" Avante to le Pur
Shave, Ward 1
Belfort, from Dorchester
*Avunue to Saxton, Ward 3
0 trrchester Avenue
3 & Rockland
0 Saxton
werk ay Flee, fom |
oy Wart
Belle Aver
gfe |B
Place, ff; Dor.
Rt Ward CLS)
Belmont, from 2 Bunker
“S Medtord, Ward
Rete, trom 1¢ Rugg
Belmont Pace, fom 12
Ricimont Square, from
Neuer om Stuiner,
[Adare Schoot
2% ‘ay.
Bennet Avenue,
MS Pinsce to's Nord eae,
Bennet Place, fom
‘nner, Ward Ie
remmetty frou, Market to
Ficpmett i Bincey a
Ronan m3 Cente
Bennington Place, fe
‘Bennington, Ward 1
Benton, toay 0 Tremont,
to 63 Berlin, Wand 19.
Merkelen foe.
Waren Ay.
Hevetey-Bi Chareh
2 Peru Hat
as Hi Grlumnbus Av.
146 Stanhope
176 113 i'n PR. R. Bridge
Th" Si. dawer Av.
Bs an Marlborvugh
His ais Heweon’
rkeley Couet
BSSRSY Pinon Want a
Berkeley Place, from
is Duley, Wand Si
Bertin, from
toi Davenpor
$1 Davenport
i Bnd al'Street
mien, frum Brookline
MU Tou, Waid 2
Berry, fn, Canterbury to
Park, fom a
Ayjnne to Bea P.
Ressom Court, from 0
Webster, Ward's
SSindttaune Wand
eeveriy, Goin 4 Chat
Eiger Waren age Wie
8 Seta
ard, tom, #0 Heath
Mia Cenees Ware,
stele ford Avenue, fom
Meath, Wayne
inieneret eens kot
isl Hoxbury, Ward
getory, fom Faneuil ©
patterns Aon eh Oe
109) Minot, Ward
aes, from 7
2 O Francie
Hine ad
D0 Longwood Av.
Hinney Place, from 5a
‘Albany, Wants"
Biren, from Souh, near
Washington to Prorpeet,
S— _
Berton Place, from 290
ASuishener Words
froma Walk HIM to
0 Bodwell Park oe Put
yee moweronaceemvsn | SAE
$e Heeariees bocca att et
ents 1 Chapeau Aven ares
emt 8 taoniae Avenue =e rin Same 8 Buble'Ganten
oa rege from | 9 i Jones Avenue Mai, q il be onideadacd Ie} Si ark
_shisie enetue, vA wc,
i ert
sane, from River, Z a 7 Hat History Bison
eit i oa
Bs Newbern to © Collins 0 | Brunswick Hotel Soe
Ch. Sceund
0 Haven Avenue
Biamarek, fom Porter to| 0 UN Y.8N ERR
tee Bieter feu Cure
HMoyinton browery, Wart 3h) g Cheviee Sai Crs Hal tha.
Binmaeek ow Mewinger | "9 hectic 020 Darton
end irl 9 eae coh. OH Soa emaren
Hahan Tiace, trom Rontl piety
ars Wart 4 2 oRiver ao Faiencia
Blackstone, from 2 vul-| 0 6 Milton tine Sagistine, tron Wail?
Ton snd Cunton to Board Ane:
from, 2 mato centie,
Hanover to 138 North, Was Gabspce phelece
market Square, Waele
. Bow-t. Court, from 0 stom Avenue, from
af tweSinglnd Mouse | Hoawalt Bark, i Bird, | alow, Ward Mexia ie Regism, Waid
44 Sra 0. Court, from atom, hace, from 5
fF Riitiiane to Creek Sas "ia Warren, warusti’ “™ | Mitten Was te tm
78 to 94 Blackstone Market
AH Hanover.
& Weahinston Stall MghWiasington os iylion
St Wane nh
% md Wattay
ar ass wimat Av., Wa. 17.
Rigadtogd Fhace, fom
Bisham, Wand ite
Hapkcey trom Town Street Hradgtreet Court, from
sige see eae eat a, Ward
Mlanehnedy fw 0 tact: | Holtan Court, from? Bol- = on Washi
Teittto 4 Norfolk, Ward 2 Ward Tirag un, Washing
Blorwon, iam 1 Betton. “Face, fom 135 liad heey Bh ey
Pa A, Wa | A an 2 arena dst ws
Wotton, Ward 1 oe Wanton ey trom 3 Coast to
ipmd m 4 atiied tor) 0) Meow ay, | MAAN ARG ogton, Ws
% 1s Rowan sonaeth free 55 Fi ice WF Stanton to
as Almont Place” Morden tom Sumner te] 9 Gaeta, rank Avent
3 oo Parkin aati 0 Fredy b iouse
ch, Be'Mery's Church x
{Stanton Awe from st
? gee Nard Te
0 See overt Stackpole Linus
@ Herc sare Saket
Brcek, trom, Warren to
Wagon, Ward 3h
Breen Place, fm
bi Hiueton 10" Ska ‘Saini,
go 7) Fonterik Llehton'e WE
Bh BRR oot sirggnen. fom Samer
aca casey ssi ae Fa
2 (© Buinach 3 1 Sumo
Rigvedain square, ftom
4 BERT oy Sart .
2 Sern nee Weal
gee, fn Be Get fe
a Sey cneshgra| MRSC, Wes
4a 443 Coooe Brosgen, from wet Cfo
Banton, (rn 4 Dorehatr| oh ir Dorchester, Wan 1, 1:
Dudley, Was. | 20 18
in te
0 0 Dorchester
ower, fro St Warren to n Place, from
Vis Waiut Av. Ward 3 oan wade nt
* yt Sera Brewer, frou Burro
15 Laurel it, Ward
7 19 111 Walnut Av. ieee, fom nah ev
Bowker, rom, © Sudbury | ita Bh is
0 Beater Loure 43 Chardon, Ward 7 Bridue Court, trom 21 N.
° Boylatom, am rae, | urns Wad
8 0 Co eee, Warde ie, 121: | apetigge Pee, trom ae
‘pineent Court 3 sinatinuc atenaey Ward 1
see O Bhginetiouee wot | 3 Sey
0° Michigan Avem a
° eee ~ @ ° Upham Court :
ee Hood 0 | Soughioa ‘Gniea
© Sedician Avenue o Datley 0 Franklin Savings Be. | 0 0 Columbia
0 Chester
0 Harvard Avenue
Mechanic, Avenue
‘Webiter Avenue’
Ch. Bane Chore
6-0 Cambitdge
Brizhton-strect Aven.
‘ym by Brighton to Audra,
Mirlgnton-at, Wace, &
Dace rsess (ie ee Ree
Nath Beacon, Ward i
mrteungradnees fom
1, fron 34) Atbany 9
eeloom Avo, Was. iyt7
Auntie ttenue
0 Beat
vd Porch
1 m9
Heirs na
Koei ee
yg Homa
Seo Bast
14 W. Brondway.
Jromatey, fom t Heath to
romney Wack, Ward 22
Meamtey Fark fom Al
Teor Wat
Sian peat
ag enema ae
See F. Brook
20813 Comoe
Birgoke gfe ancl 0B.
Bronks Pines, from 14
‘Cavbridge, Ward
Brookside Avenue, fr.
‘Green to Boy ton, Ward
fom 4 Hunneran,
Brown Avenue, from
Floreuce to Poplar, Ward 2%
renee Ee
Allstoo, Ward 2 a
Bieorwe Pine, trom Sear-
fern Aves Ward 3.
Hrown's Court, from 40
awremce, Ward
mpsnenareht, We
Buckingham Place,
from ucktughars, Wat
Warren to
av, Wand St.
Mutncte fo, 105, Court
to Alten, Warde Fy
Tihevere Howe
a Hialanen Howe
Harding’ Hotet
“h Malanen FeChapet |
ine More 4
2 at Aiton
Bulfinch Place, from 2
Baliach tote Bown, Ward
wanker FEM Co:
Myrom iis Banker WL WET,
Burke, from 10 Tremon
ou Devin, Ward 1
Markers Court, fom 44
TEvere, Ward 2
Baer fr. Royleton to Spr
Park Avenue; Ward Si
Bucreit Pace, fin 0)
Sabon this Tes Ginbo
to Fond, Ward 2
0 eats
Sch." Grammar eh.
8 9 Pood
4 Avene, te.
"Av. to Beacon
urromahe Pace, from
iS Tio, Ward toe
Burton Avenue, from 19
Copeland, Ward 3t
Hush, fe2E Canton, Wid tT,
Bhuaaey, from South to Cen-
a rane Blnce, from 10}
he Ward ih
Jer, fram Brookline Ay.
Ye Noe Ten Wee
“av. to Leen,
MST Sarai, Wasa
a, from Rearing ta
gram Court, from 4
© Street te ow. § —
Canes, fom 100 Trem
So etinderein, Waal
a Gunna
fo Rast Winitaor
1 Gnd ace
14 Ha Hes
185 Harmpahice
Wo" Dallse Pisce.
10 Church Place
0 Engine Hoare No.
195 Culvert |
BA Weckineham Place
Sit sy Laden Pare
Cahot Place, from 10
Cabot to a7 Warwick, Wa 19,
alder trom Canterbury 10
Taek, Ward’
Cant fom Posh
Cat, om. Jemien Phin
Mtn to ene Wa Se
Catt-rtreet Faery trom
PENG Sante Ware
Calvert Place, sear 20
mg74 Main
Wand se
6 Stdlivan Square
Rutherford Av.
$ ° eu
8 chon
Cooldiee Avenue
a Staniterd
Eases « ¥ Zo
4 Fedo tat
18 Bi
1a” Ganten
He rope tia
i) Anderson
19 Lawrence Pace
100 1 Stone Pate
1s Novi Ateran
xe i bert
aay 1 Pitdat Pace
ust North Gree
ah Combate Aes
a Went Cesta
Sunes cre
8 Atinton Station
D Prandin
0 Waihingwo
Cambridze-at. Ave.
eel it a
Cambri ace,
ey Fi un cambrtise,
Camden, fom 187 West
Ovetan eas fm
Place, trom
War mui
Canat, changed to Ruther.
‘ord Aven fet Ware
aa Tver
‘Canal Bank, from Besch-
‘ane Dorronee, Ward 4
Canterbury, fon Blue
HORE NS wep, Ward
Cantar, se aa Catton
2 con
napenrse: nest, rm
Heat Cantons Ward
cee tgs, toa
sara Wee Neon
COTM Pan want
Carita, from Crescent Av.
‘ut, Ward 3
from 4
Fue fom
HEAR, Wane eS
Carglina Ave. Son
‘oWaatingtons Wand Se
ert om 3
Casi ara
Carroll Place, fom 1
rut Hy, from m,Ashmom
Carruth, fon eto
Carter, tam Camb.
Carter Place, form 6
‘have, Wart
cere, tm, tt patent |
AT Bian Wwe
a th Townend Pace
tary, fhitn 15‘Tremont Place
TB Hes Was
Cary, Place, om 1 High,
Candie, fom 95 Waanington
‘Ste ivemnont. Ward 1a
Castte Court, fom 168
Beare, Want 2
anvebine hom 16 Sher
betty ta wie
Ehleesiver Bridge
Cazenove ‘Place, from
Fp Chandlar to a8 2 3 Colasioue
‘Rvenves Wank.
Geary’ fom 27 Wigh to 8
‘Sania, Ware
ean jen 30 ting
ba toby i m Eynchon, Ward Z
Cedas, fom Washington to
lievite Av, Ward
Cedar, from Kiver, Ward 24.
Cevtug Axe. tom Chestnat
1o'Oak Place, Ward
ea, Union Av.
Boeddns Ware's"
Coane Place, trom Bind,
Cosine from att
Wahu "Sedan,
Want Bt
Ward 3.
1, from 2
Central Ave. fom Wah
Instn, wea Bee, Ward 3
Ogutres th Ehot Sue
Bedi te — ng
Englocitote Ne
a Hipatna Avenue
Sie re
Wl Centre Pisce *
fr Lora | 04
te Charlee ver i
‘Privee, Wards Ty
FT Leverett
a 7 nping tote
oY Lowa
H Billerica
0 Bickiond
Sch." Lowell Schoolhouse
ass" Wyaun Place
0 Eilot
©h. Fest Cong. Society
18 Asha
178 177 Spring’
Chambers St. Courts
‘rom 30 Chambers, Watd ©
Pea Newnan
ChamemesyCqaet ten
hminsy, agg: fom
Santor epymmmcbing: fon
St, Chandler, fr, 1 Tremont
8 ketaers Lane ee Sishbue ver Ward
a ° Water
8° Roath nen
go Ee nl Cnr rasley
8 Stileadingtocenttsta.| 9, payee
¢ Wie att Bot
8 Gorey Cham
{ Belevwe Wara
Hat Bethan ese, | |S Srehante tote
5; EB nun | Cato, etn
Sh, ME Vergo a
oh Beco oom No.0 fees
* o kern Shyam ati a
ea Chapels fom x atiora
Asuran e545 3h Wesson, We ie
9 oder ‘fro for Feud Wad ee |
8 Sisefcoming het, | Chapel iace, trom
0 ope Chapin Avenne, trom
Centre, from Le
oh cee
‘ babe srmeat Ward im
SINE atone are el
See Soames | &
gneve Court, fom on
ere eet 108 moat
‘4m Avenue,
ifean, | Paki be Te fsei, Wa
secre | Sane Boe
| Sop tyes Waa ss ome
Cayton, te Probie to Hyde,
Cayton, th Quiney to Bud,
cnofetens He tnt
eedrick, Sean
oe, from
“epee Wangs “oat
ere Stone
on Ro
shares a Runde
nt ‘omaoin Square
“ane tit'Ay-t Lyons,
eRe il, Wank” *
S Bite FF
= Seeezeete2 « «:
Opuetgns from Poplar, near
ac re ene ts
bi: te, elieselinaee to
1 tore Whart
rlestawn, thom Ms
Smarcegaagare to 3 soause:
ia 18 Caioeway
Cee menat Ward
BC tanner,
TA Jackson Avenue
re Washburn Puce
Kaw How, from 138
CuatsP than, Word
eer, from, Pope to
Noone’, Wara te
Synge, Fineh se
opera aad
gern rn
Beate lee, We
Chelsea Co
Cheoeas Be
Chelios (Place, fom 8
Chestnat Ave. fom 1 |
| “Chestnut to 13 Sit. Vernon,
Cheatuut Avensey trom
imine Green,
0 Mans Infant Asylum
‘Sheridan Avenue
0 0 Greco,
Chestaut Grove, from
‘sane, opp- ond, Ward
Chestnut FEAL Aven
Enon Howse so
* fiemuese bane
7 ut
Chestnut Say from Chest-
wha, {om Ne-
iets Gitte, Warde
9 "Glide
Chheertme Pugees trom
yenge, from | Chipman, fr, Norfolk, ep.
Reetnetery, bo Torrey,
Cherry, fm 190 Werhing- em 4 Marl nro
iio Shawmut Aven
arty io Shnwmma Avenue,
Cpewe gs from, U2 Quincy to | Chur aan
‘Yh, cr Churety from 361 Tremont
ery Court, fr | Fd Brenan
Cherry Court, fr. Chery,
bur Av., Ward il.
Ghneter Gem aeentt Ay. | Cee See Sesagepes
(oOnkinnd, Ward 3
ster, fram Hrighton Av.
he; Pa fig tele
Chester, rena ra x
PT Wesnington
37 Harrbon Avenae
135 135 Alluny
ampeon, Ward 18,
TSS Woah
ian ate te" 1 Norte
2 io fhe
12" Gremille Place
exe from S85
Chestnags, from 72 Chelees Cyereh Aronne: tos
iver, Ward
Woument Square,
Ms Sg
from 15 Walnut
Chumretitt Pine Sul from
ab ngton,opF.
Circutt, fom Wetnet A
"Sst Wash, Ward ai.
| Bo eelsowepie chase
@ Ghreult Place
1% as Washington
Circuit Place, from
Chey Ha a yoata, oo
to Court Square,
Clty Square, Chirletown,
‘Ware 2
Pubile Library
Evening Star Hall
Foun Hill Courk
‘Bunker 1 Nat. Bk,
Charles river Av.
Warren av.
ie Hing
ar ity, Werk
Clapp Place from Boston,
be rd 2
(Opacanegs heer txt
Bsiistneiiserio well Aber
Clarence Place, from
Mahington. m, Park, WA 3
Clarendon from 157 Tre
it to 278 Coluons Aves
ro at dging Aven wet
S01 eacou, Warde
2" 1 teemont
Be dames Av.
fom Rosin
CUTS gee, Wanda
Park, (rom
“Yoniatie Steepottat Ave
3 Wal
i Non
F & Sommer
acter Belerye le
UsEtiton ir, Ward Ne
lt eae,
Clarks ees & from sit
fiom 1238 Tremont to
Clayton Pisce, frum #5
‘Siuasine, Wand St
Hand Place, fron
TE Sruwiill to 10 Sargaet,
Ongar, fom: Warren to
‘Ts Biehl ave Ward’
ONarord Pace, thom 3
Clifton, Hom Cetuge to
Suite Wan
on Cin
trosing'albono, Ward 2
Hitton Place, trom et
Owasso, Ward
ton, from 18 Merchants
“Hea ante Xeeaus,
Ge" Mercantile
13 121 Atlantic Ave.
Chinton PI
Donde nes
Glyde, tr 61 Magia
Gown, Gom 10
fo his'shawmut aN
Yohuen Comet, fos 36
ohittn via’
Coburn Piace,fom Reed,
Wain be
bes. ecoy!
Cadman Ave. fom 29
Waring “to "ad Amory,
Codman Parke, fro 200
‘Wash. tn Townsend, Wil 21
Codman Place, fom 2%
‘Washington, Ward'2t,
gleman, fom Betlevae to
fie eee ane
Coleridge, % Wordsworth
fo'Switt, Wied
igilamore lace, fom
Catkimeye mises:
Ittma, ry ine. Bush
rene aves avevaat
Colony, from 18 Swan to
Bonney, Wand. 8
tony Place, fom
gtnaz,Wwaraas oa
Colony Place, from ss0
“Albany ta Fellow Ward 3
smn, fn
Bisex, Ward r/o
Columbia Court,
‘rear O82 Main Ward h,
ftom, from Roslin Ave. | soa Sit he
Gh. Sond Unive Church
a sor Genet
Columbus Place, trom
fait Ward ee
Columbus Square, Col-
WMnbug AT. opp Berwick
obks Ward 11.
Commerce, fom 9 Com
‘pereal to ascwle Aven
Commeretat, f.170 State
fon Gharteeniver” Bridge,
#83 Union Whar
ui if
40 Luther Place
445 Einerson's Whart
$82 Convey’ Wart
Po gipieye
0 ort
{, Hancock
Condor, from foot of Bor-
der to Glendon, Ward 1.
35 Merida
Migeto Chetwn
Taylor's Siig Yard
Gutter & WeraWhart
h Facer,
Eee Pour
Confrmed Placi
‘1 Rotherford Av., We aie
Congrens from it State to
i eset
Al) ere ieee
i dearer Ar 25 Congren sare
e Motthows
©. oNepacet Ay, 0 SOA SE Bldg
‘GeCommercal, War a
opus, Gort. * ;
ark * | Caressa ©
Commercial Place, te| Congress, daa
‘Commercial, Wend fe ‘Beiiteana Ws Bernathire to
Hand 38 Congress, Ward 0
Hotel Hlemitton
Hotel Vendome:
ee soso
Bies we.
End of Street
Conant Coart, fiom
Rie Waa gene fom §
Concord, fom 25 Mony-
Paok-St. Pr
Bade Med tee
4 .
9 Charlestown
“Reereagere fom
sgsten Garam
Coon, from 23 Bunker HL
‘feed Want
41 Booker Hil :
ple to “Mi Cambria
iT oedsia ware
suey tro.
Fetes | ons .
mages | Spaaag gee tm ut
esperar tah
2 Patino Sprmenaon, tren
* O How ho Age Women
4 Copetand Court
48 turtonAvenue
3 Copenh Pace
oO Strela
Copeland Place, fom 9
iad, Ward sie
Corbet, tom Xortikta
eset Ave, Ward gue
is Av
IN'hunker Hil, | on 95 Warren
‘ia, ara’, Waren
Concord Avenue, tom | CordieSt. Avenue, ty
FLstinatod to Seernta ars | RSet NNW
Pls St. Place,
earths 2
Carey, fom, M Mout
‘Medtond, Ward t.
grey, from Weld to Park,
Goocort Piece one
2 3 Columban a, SSS af eet hea
grey. Court, tr58 Corey,
Re sccct tae toe
1 Haueork Howse:
atu Wants Sa
oa cure,
Gecuteen Wie
Fernand t
304 10h Mavorok
SHERASG sation ward”
‘©ptgnge tom it W. ath
Coeaiges fom 854 Dude
wi Warde 20,340
4 7
o " Ginad
@ Novbk Avenne
6 Humpheeye
1 Bowton
é 0 Pituont
um vi
agttage, from Willams to
Ogttuwe A, rete fr
jenire, near Spring, Wa. 2h
etme Comey Aad
Syiers Eaistres| 6
tags Pines, nt
ee et
fas emit
estes rsa"
epting teal om
rd ie
Ransom Court
ab Laver”
Cotting my from 4
tom 6 Wah
fe on Waa
gure Avenue, fom. 37
a, Court Shane we
‘Youn’ Hotel
Qa ChE ay Hal,
y RA ont
Bo Court House
16, Sherman Howe
sa City Hath
Courtlana, tam'ea Parker | Curse, {2 Harcinan Ave.
feusrers Av Ward ‘eis
a Fora:
ue from 105 Cove
C¥umaet Wea
Caventry) from ‘a Tre
mont Wi
Crate, trom 20 Heath
Kiernan, Ward 22.
Hine bit avon
Cenwahaw Pace,
GMa, waa
Crete, from Dorchester Av.
Tifa, Word
Creek Square, between
‘Thiam andBlacksiones We
©petehtan; rom BP Cen
ane ite & Day, Ward £2
Wo ies Albany, Ward 12
uma, fr, Modi A
Cotesia ‘wend
mn Avenue, trom
Cut eavered es Wall, Was
Cynon, Place, tom 52
‘South arene Wind 7
Cnatom Howe Street,
Fyne Brow! te 3 in
8 7 India
Cxprean, t,t Cantos
Woe Parkman, We "
Hievae Ave, Ward 3
bit ta lied
Creseene Court, fron 74
Friend, Word fe
Crencent Place, from 3
Crimmen Place, from 35
‘Corey, Wand 5. her
Cracker Fince, fom, ts
tensions We
Ow Ma aie”
Croan from Reed,
‘gray Pisces
Crosby Page, from 1
Steak wort
Border to 15
‘Stet Reward
gett Maja At Migh to 20
fisrtctt, Ward % ~
‘Cepes, from Corey to Male,
Crome eats em
from it Crows,
Copgacatrces © Genrtston
Cromin Place, from 2
‘Rie, Ward 10.
ince, tom 9
ctgee Binge, fom i
tars, Saar:
eerie sie
Culvert Court, trom Cul-
vertu Feroe, Ward
Cuma m4 TY West
‘Concord ts Watiand, Was
Cumston Place, from $00
Sheamut Ave, ‘w Cumston,
Curtis, from
‘Chance, Coens
Cartis, fom Sra
Tx eintridee
1 141 Wockineton
i from, "
uthss, weeks 7%
Date Avenme, fh Dale,
Mattar Places trom y
‘Cabat, We
Bagmen Place, fom °
‘Bennet, Ward 12
mae Rjngey es’ dat
Pane, Ress,
ror Tre-
Davenport, (om oi Tre
mont wel Henin, Ward 1.
Davenport Avenue, fr
is ear “Hani,
wenport Mace,
Papemmert weet 7
seb, frem 1010 Washington,
MeMv itr ave Wa Te
[Davis Court, trum 4 North
"Groee, Ward
fry TM Heath to 89
MER Wart es
f9 Atwnod Ave
145 11 Contre
Payton Avenue, from
Math Ward St
Deacan, fr. 74 W: Concord
to Worcester, Ward 18.
Baga from Warren to Breck,
rartrm fh 2 Albany
Rear iMoney, Ward
ee bi thuley
mn, Ward ah
Tearhirn Roboo}
Debtate, om 40 Shawmut
War 1
Desntnr, Het 1 flontor
bl iienien, BeBe, Ward
St dx Tenn
oh G Havre
13) asf Miremen,
vatanry, from 11 Bunker
Hilt te 1s Medtoed, Ward &
Tunver Ul
Deoatur Avenue, trom
"S'Pynehon, Ward 21
Deentur Court, fom
‘Decatur, Ward's.
& @ Biwe tilt ave
tem Mt. Vernon to
Pein Be He, Wand Se
Derhy Court, to iE,
"Second, Word Hi
Deehy Place, from 141
"Wak, Want
frown OM Warren to.
(Avenue, Ward 2
Devonshire, from Dork
2 Sumner, Warde 0
Peconshire Set Continued. Dove, tom Se Eto 5 Dor-
me ihesin, Ward it
yee eS
eH a Pion SSK brchone
ee, BK .
Br Oe Me Chery, Ward
‘om or Summer? 2 Dave Court, fron Dore,
ewerson Court, from
Bi eE eS Dover, fom 4 Tremont te
Dexter, from 89 Dorcher-
veer Av, Ward 15. 2° 1 Tremont
Bextor Courg, fon Boe gee
ates Sethe. #
Dexter Row, Thompson S
: & on Sete bee,
eotereapead al BEG
merce "ar Aiea 13 18 fren ve,
Minster, Pinee, fom 88] gs BEE Bron Sip
sy Wad i” 2 Roreey fron cogent, | ta Nea tee
agi me a Dover Place, chenged to
Ditrom Gorm, Charles to | 444 Bore Py Ewa
e Dover St. Bridge, from
Division, trom Dorheer Mees ie ers, te
“Avs neat Wome Point xen Fourth,
Fonindry, Waid Ise
Division, from Northam
Monevand’” Cheaer ban to
Hitnitou av, Wara is
Dix, from Adame, m. o9p.
‘MI, fe’ Borehentet Rvenney
Dix Avenue, from Uolon,
wadse™ 7
from 77 Wash.
frm, 10 Ky to 7
Ward SF
er, from 423 Went
‘384 Dorchenise Aver,
‘Warde ta
OW. Fl
0 Ese
Doverstreet badge, Wand
Pameet w
F Fince, fron
ard Bh
Dra fom Arcadia,
Draper's Court, | from
funder ‘Bowsots snd Hane
Sock Wart
Draper's trom 5
"Neotland, Was the
ww Felace, trom 38
Asien Wao,
Deiaky, Mom #0 Parker,
az ats aa
eat fey Ee
Dartlett 5
a ieee
a fees
21 St Peatnt Cong,
‘2H Hotel. Dud Lo
335 Alvany ave
35 Sis Pleocas
2H Dearborn Rs
Sot Me Plant Place
3 Mulberry Place
Si Newinan Place
sag Tipe
ch St nich
More, from 448 Dorchester | "sag ripen CRO
Avence, Werd 15 #1 Mt Plessant Ay,
Bore, fom oi Hisbland tost| ki i
tet venues Wards | Woodard ky
Dorrance, from 631 Main. Towle
"Gas Works, Want 4 Sheree
fae, from. 459 Bast | 446 Ean
Pettis Waa Pt) oe
Douglass Avenue, from row Pisa
Pig aE
"SEs, Weed es? Tibien
eter, Arena fo
rahe tN a
fon 8
* ope
Dyymerys, from 200 Hugg
ea, fom Gneih
Panne ta
"snenn wager
Despre, fg Bexy
to Elinwood, Ward 19)
nlow Place, tr Dun-
Mi near Hivos, Ward 8
reath Place, fi
Pyare Waance:
Mitiipn, wantes om A
Marsala Heenan, Wie
Bryer om Capen to rank
222582 Bf:
“aA bter Miwa
Mites ope eden Wand
rom 1 With to
"Bec, Boi, Ward i
cant | 20 Fact Sixth, from ¥ G 1 | bow, fom 26 Meridian to .
salwar he | 6 etaoe wart Wing Wara a0 © | PPh Wa
Ho FSION | on tap Keke Strect Fider Pace, from us
oe Fy Si thar ss Keswert Exaerny frm Washinetn to
Yaueeewit | Set *paeisin Rveone, Word 3
steet Soect Blarigee, fr Metrooltan
Ostet Street
PStret ante House Fitet, from 1 Wahi
QStret a at Bet atte Pema, Ward Ho
Fast, Fourth, fom 124 oot | Beach House Fa washington |
‘Brenan Cy Point | pen ee 1h Evers Hotel
cont ingfeld,. BS Barre Place I
ait weeshincken fat Ar | 4 & Bore gue
a Ewe
Fin Pace
Tisce .
Wend it 199 1 Carver
2 Doenester 2) Studley Pace }
eh 5 Eiet soy Bt Meant |
ag eet Flat, trom Centr Ponds
Ho Company mock | tox Pace, from Eilot, ‘
from ok ee Rare owe No.2 | Sah Barnard Place A babe® ~
hs - a =. r Hare, eon
ath ee ayy Wa | 728 2 Te Steet iio ant K Sireat isburye Wudiey, and Pat
sree aie in Cr Haptint Church fig eu Bonber
13 11 Mow 10 Tal M Breet an ¥ Tits Yeleioas Soeety
10 Hirrson Ave, PRMD heret Sy ane Riri House
rene father wore | et egy fg Desert ote
mt tos a F rect tae To Bar
Fyet AY prem, | Fe, Hun Pea Howe tateor, ftom ws | Tale Word tae )
at hatter . Fark: wAvenvefow Cabst, | attcott, from Walaut to
AGG nog | Re ta ro Fo Eyeotts, om,
fens re |
act Ea Bird
‘Purchase, War 1 Spemmet Avene +
Rs West trom a Tharaton to
se Concord, from 10t| Fast Lenox, fiom ci| A Wereice rm, Ward 2
ain iors atinny, Wate | AE, toVeliows, Wan iss | 0 Cuber Etiewarthe, fF Dorchester
PP aangton ‘Ae tsar wo Gommer=
40 tain A Maye en ts bt aleeny | “Aaa Spl aehets
tasne Toi, Log ‘ara i mys | Aitaele Aces se Efieworth Pisce, from
Choco ane Sore el a sg
1405 EN Ramet, Ward ® Ripa, from, fm, ah to
ide. 2° Chambers be tes
1 Mele Court i
Faton Court, trom 6X. 1 Eegine ligne No.7
tus no Aiveny iin, Wand | Th Hstae are
Kaw frogs 24 Dor | Eton Court, for 10 doxeln Pace
East Kagle, tongue Rag Nitty fm oe Dar: | Mgehariosterioe Puce, Waal | fy whist vice
a0 Celica, Ward ly | 2 Dorenent Raton Piwes, trom 3). TW Gy
ny ‘orman, Ward 7. nker
bir hed Preaede Sehoot
H i Rang Pigeesrom 2 Ty | yo 13 Me
oo 0 on t
te 2 OES wear
i biher sa wt There
= to rect gS
a 3 ees wy Forest Pace item, from South near Centre
8 ay OE ctor 0 ON Suet So Renee ie Greg, Want zh
St Aliant East Second, from Dor-| Eden Pluce, tr.20 Een,| 6
cn Ht Genet PH | Renard 1
Boe es Eden-St. Court, from 19
uo tia un Herby Court agers from 4
a Sy Mickaburg. Pificheen Warde
fa Sek on 1 Street
Sa 0 ‘it Emmett Eatgeer na, fm 248 War
Bar Sei Se Eset Raggy aide Avenue,
tha et Mi Steet,
rat 84. kudependence Sgoare
x ms DSirat
Sicpeo'e Court
reer ingen om 22
Ragemerrh Riagy tee [ASST
SRR, Wand 3 En from Burnt Ave.
Ealpere’ fs Seer | eres Se al
| ene to 74 Beach, Ward Wi
rmaats Cote
Sais Remeae Sort
Fen im 3
mie Some Sa
Fatewchinnse ese! Wak
at Avs Warde,
Regge oe ast Eighth an
Elmwoed Court, from 2 Right. Exeter Place, from 51| Federal, fiom [5 Mik
Bimwood, Want ie ed etitow Salita, Want Poteet dee wera
Imweoe Ince, from 7 xeter Fince, from 87
enw Weetises | OS as Bale Roiatsss, Wank a Sein,
Elton, trom Doroheter Ave, | [es 1 Bese Export, fom 116 Breed to| or Siri Pace
den, AS |S yy Ma oso ar us Sen
Emerald, from 110 Castle to Street, frm 198 West a "anh
Hirer Ward ‘can Sy Gampelt Place Mele to hO'W Fl, Wa | yy 4 Mion Dace
iH ape
4 Paul om Bi 1 IE oot Fight, 160 Ist Purrhave
BoM Then 0 20 Magazine sa Seventh i
SL 88 Chapman Eustis Place, from 50 28 OVEN RRR. stat,
2 yy linen Bas Waast sas Pidein Pie
a Ga
HUET eos Eee ele
Sei 2 ae
0D Dorchester Jk MT Meridian,
Think 4 Marion
aay Me
4 4 East Roadway Sti Broma ‘Tirvells What
Pe 00 eee (22 45 White a sharing
10 1 Jett Eptaw Pace, trom 49/5 B. Me Wag
bt tas AE Street Rema NE SF an Rroslean wee
imme ve tag iM ‘ain, from 19 Newland to | 8 Boston Fire Brick Co's
“arene wan'ses ™ | Naa Ree Ward "eg Tesnhoo Wand cae
Frmet Pince, trom 9| 9 8 xekcn Fatefetd, from 25 Beacon | yo, Fdlmonis Wharf
inaaSs, WUE ae sn Wa |
mimetic ip oH ta! $y Am i
FREE aE Sate! | 8 a Pateacleaizees tom 4/3 Mat
Ward 14. Eyelyn Place, from Dor 4 :
Rendicartt, from eettanover| chevier Avene, Ward 3 | Fatetaud, fr 9 stt Pee. | 4 305 Felen
Tos Cunceway, Wart f 1 0 Orleana to | 3y%yj8% 0 Morelany Fpateral Court, fon 13h
Pay Ward 2 2" 1 Mt. Plensant Av. Federal, Ward 18
ae ba Miah FperptyPtag tom
2g fieSanetoue | 2 Bae Sahai neat anh: fom 9
63 Burke's Comrt me aracire from 1106
i og tered, stung, 0m 8
saa ier fer
125 Catholic Chapel Falemanng, fy Waste | Vampion to22 Webber, We
pop ocala na Peal aa Bs ak Se
ne Fleas om Dri ae | 2 Rohan
Hc a cane
wa eae | “Gampteernicatis | 4 Fea
wo pecs, | $l
Pera 3 Peis Gaut
® tom rs} 38 Fea Oa ae
inatene niet 08 | Ss
pene Ofek tie
Herings om 7
sn Aves ne | viewer
rm, 10 Brookline line, | Kverete, from Elim to Call,
Wards be
‘ello pce, fo
¥palogsswara' ae 7
vere 15; Ronker
Fygtewaod Avenue, | Eyerett, fom
meas (aes
essence! Avene, t
acta Aran =
meen feciee eae hs
cone wie
o in”* ats Fenton, from Duncan to
es pau SB wih |
Erie Avenue, tom We Faneuil rea
‘ear Me Howden ha tot
Pat ; aod tn ae
me ines paeediches Sa
ste Pisce ee Ea wae
xe Ringe te é
ool 107! Border, E.B..Wa, 2.
Eanes, tom Jrostion Maly
fet Syl" to sted
Butpegnt aes Wed
Farnham) from 14 Uap-
eps porous Reading and Gre
‘end, Wanda oe
om inom
Byerett Court, nom a0 | Mpsuom, Ninces tom 2
Bert ids
Beret Court, irom 4s) PAPEEH Wtace, from su) Ll Winchester
Baraka ess ow ey 2 8 Connie Ave,
Huse, fom tet Washington | yvcrete Court, from | Farrington, ff. Aunwaa
PTE Suh, Wandelt, 2 | Bycrett Court, from sa | Forrineton: Ror yiny tray ie cheins bo
Byerett Place, from 28 | Farrington Avenu 0" 0 Chelven
Byers i Wied Tarver Avene to Li 35 Hinten
Bverett Place Wards. wo pigerorth
‘ony ae Everts Fauwell Avenue, from| . % Lichen |
Byertom, from Olney to etic ae i ‘Bunker Hilt
seve A ayre,, fom, Meminger na
m assert, Ninth a | YORE Waa Seek Fain
in Darr, B. f Place, fom 140) on
333 ass Pincus 5 Fro 96 State to oes *iiwoaee
138 7 South fare, Ward
‘ay. fom HE Marion Ay. | Fewsenden Cou
Basti Boer Wards Websense Wana to"
from 112 Pheasant | PUFGhy see East Fuh and
tem Fok
Wart a. “=
Euclid, from Wash. near + - ctinand, Ward lly West Fisth.
“to Wing, |g © Pyrite Bank TMewane FEEL ror 28 Sade to the
eee Exchange wn» tees He wa 3
Panties, from 213) Wash, to | ™a Gaure toss Rin, B Dingley Place Fi EP Lacestom,
Tails peter, pie tontagin | HES Fiftaore Place, fo 6
Sem, Conary ArctoSb Beacons Waste” |S) $1 Paina soreness
it fires ave Exeter € Fayette Cow Fint
Bert Baa Wout =" | Fezstts Cavety me O° | ara ee kant Flot and
fm Anan, gsrer) 2,
i, cH a “ne
her, Avenue, from Bi 3 on yet
qghiatet Ants | ER aar,
from Lake, tear your
Fhe a a ee
ef, trom i Hanover t| at Chaos Pace
Mis Mtinmeruak Warde) 3 Srtao
ihe Sey
tit ste Dorner
[foaee Foun. from
B , Uison Pace Wert Pour Wand
f Fun tatn
Bathe rand, ena, oe
Fe Eee ipo
Tasca ‘Fro 1) Wash=
ont? Harrison Ave,
find i.
uehes Avenue, from
int Avent Hoy ton
aes 85
rarest, ome 4 4 an
moat Aven Ward 3
f SH ete ae
a Vie
Forvat Pace
Ait" Fietmnt Ave.
from 302
Forest Matis, fom Wash-
Tages Mort Foret
its sation, Ward
Kills Avenue,
to Norful, Wi
Fprent Place, fom 6
rey Wart 3
wyenters! Court, fom 11
ore Avemue,, from ist
iron Avene, War I
Fort Avenue, fivin 1s
aad tseCcotre, cot
gen Mar i
1 Mihand ark ave
sy fata Bark Ave:
Bate td stn pe
Beech Glen iver
109 Centre
Mill Square, Ol-
Merroeqear a ott Yas
“Bivgive Liouse No.25.
Foster, tc. Darehester Av
‘eae Pies Conver, Warne
pater, fon Woahington at
‘w South, Wa 3,
Court, tm 17
Peer Wate!
pater, Place, fom 1
Foantate Abs, from 16
‘Fountain, War
Fountain Place, from
22 inves, Wand ie
Pince, trom 6
‘Poni, Wars
Fgurt we East Fourthand
eth-St, Court, fron
Pst Pouin, Went
Fourth-st. Place,
Seton, Want, |
Fox Avenne, frum Adame
to Perdval Avs; Ward 34,
Franets, toot 1643 Tremont
ilibugeion Ward a.
Frlend-me. Place, trom
fs rnend, Ward 7.
Francis Place, from 1%” Fitchburg RT freight
ane Wine eke gen
PrankGrarentemer| wane
Whhewse, Wade |
© 0 Aut
Lh cielalap poeta
Frothingham Avenue,
‘rom Slain to Muerto
sty bu Devonatire See Bents
Lu Dil Pederat erie, from 3 Booker Mill to
Dikkerouy orrice i, Watd 3
Pratt, om 52 Blowom to
Bo Uitarles, Ward
Actin, from Cambridge
‘Sinn, Miiratl Avie aie | PrMEME, Comet, fom 7
Harvard, Ward" © | "Frutt, Want
Fruie$e, Place, from 6
Truth, Ward De
‘rom Carruth to For~
fis Aves Ward sk
from 34 Clinton to
ewes Werte
kit Aven
i Raunwad ieee Meee
Feanktin Places ir lors
‘Fretwoutto Bertin, Wa ue
Framktin Square, im
Taw to 04h Wahiugeduy ata
Dounued north, k. Bronkiine | Futtom Court, from 111
Skt south, sk: Newtou Sty | Norah and 124 Unvts, Wa 6
feat James St Wan IS | rattan Rbace, fh 2 Fale
Frapks Court, from 9) patel Nonh, Ward.
Su. May, Ward Furbush Court, fom 00
Ered, trom Arlington Ave, | Sain ty Huthenord arent,
Frederick, fea Furnace, fy 40t Federal
Sirord. ken, wate | win Coxe Warde
Frederik, fom Adanis| G Street, fom Dorchester
‘Hea Codie, Ward 24. tid, to aud erase
Fycemam, fen Chaserto| $8 Plein, Wankld
‘ec ras
1 Mi The
Gpraux Place, from i
‘Porduud, Ward f
Garden, fr 124 Cambrdge
WH) ip rie, War ie
2 Caintilage
“SE Arch,
Garden, from Brown Av, Ww
“Alb, War 2k,
Garden, trom Dorchester
“Avot atdweney, Ward 3
Garden-Ce. Street, fe
Nor Suuire toe heet,
Saracen Fiace, fon 1h
‘ich to Mend, Wiad 4
darden-St. Arey fom
st. Court, frm
dea, Ward te
0p Chester
0 0 Saivern
Gardner Avenue, from
‘ais Heating, Wards
astern, v9 3) War
‘ie tani Avs, Ward aI,
Guten, fron 146 Dorehenter
Twas Lighah, Ward Io.
from, tat Roxtniry to
ah, Ward Ie
Genesee, (
“Av ho sa
George, frm Hamtlen we
‘Sid ind t
George, trom 1H Haropden
eta Wane
19 18 Lavon
0 Tindaon
George, from Walnut near
fd Sutoue, Wik ak
Gserain, Avenue, trom
‘cto ve Waed 2
Gerard, trom’ Swett to
Germain, irom Norfolk Av.
Ww AcGee, Want 2
German, from, Washington
fo Grove, Ward 2.
Ar Wenn
ch. Church
a oan
Rigen el rete Bl
ert Renee Wand
Givyon Piace, fom sl
saabnc War
Givin Court 08 Sate,
the marsh, Ward's.
Gimord Place, fom 10
‘Ward St, Ward 1s)
Girwert, wear Centee, and
“Houshiisn, Ward 3
fron Bogaton near
"Av.sto Washington,
Glen, fom Glen Road to
reehiwoud, Ward 2k
Ghon, f Gleodale wo Trull,
Ward a4.
Iona, from
st to urvaed,
Glenaatey from, Bird w
ASRS hate at
rr ae
» nbla
0 Fignoo Av.
Do tiamvek
Ghemdon, from junet. Bast
"beget reuton to Gouden
o froen
‘Chelsea tosde Brennen, Waele
Glonn Avenue, fr. Blue
tay Wan
Glenside Aveune, from
“Glen'itoad, Ward
Glenvate Terrace, from
‘tamaruns, War at
oriny Avge
fen tour
4 oo Cun
Glenwood Place, trom
i Glenwood, Wards’
Ghae, from Chickatawbut to
nog War's
7 Martborongh
encester ine
Oeetisttent ays Wand fe"
Gord, from LL At 135 Dor
‘chedtir, Wards 1,
Bt bate
an gers fom
Gigaset nee ora
igen 3.2,
Opto ite eam
Nort Beacon, Ward 35,
Sere Apesiee oer
sre. nants ft
corny Wetter
wb ena
a Green-St. Place, from
Gorham Piace, fom | Green. sce,
‘Wong |
Gouch-st. Place, fom | Greenleaf,
iNet Ws | Ovesnae
‘Si Green, Ward
fe. 41h Parker,
wear South 1
Lane, from
"iss Commer,
Alley, ftom a3
> toes West Second,
© o junction Wondiand Av.
and Savli-hidl AVE. "| Greenville, from 215 Du
Granger, rom Duncan wo | Spe Montana Nas
‘Ciayi, Waa Greenwich,
from 11 West
Granger Place, from | _winsier toa Warwick, WA,
‘Duncan, epp-GrangehWi-2) Green wieh, fr. Dorchester
| Greenwich
be tr per
| S&V%o Commercial, Ward 24,
Park, trom
ib Columbus Ave. to B. a
iit, Ward 1s
Greenwich Place, from
Ward, Grenville Place, tow
OO Adame
8” Marah Wara tl.
Churen to Columbia Avs,
@ Milton,
Mila Gridtey. fom 17 High to
8 Cedar Grove, Cemetery | Oeste ¥ceses Ward 12
© Granite se Station
Seponset Raver
Silene Riise ata
fice aveu ue, Wa
Washburn to
Grant, fom Covent Ave, Grimes, rom 170. Wt
th fer Aveuue To
Harbor View, Ward 34, Ward 18,
ine Iss Went Eighth,
Grant, from Westen Ave. | Geinnel, eroming end of
‘Waa. Bilton’ Bes Ward
Grant Fiance, fom 12
Cito, Wars,
Grane Place, from Wash,
‘ear Sanford, Ward 24.
Gomes, om 19) Gy
Greve, from
wo 1) ay ete,
PT Conon
Gray, rom 47 Chee to
Watel, Ward “3
Gray, tran 3) Besley to
we Ukeaton, wand tee]
= Pies, free
ro, 11 Wan to
‘from Centre to Ded
Green, trom Manat Dex
‘Gr oy "to bas Bunker Ml | hain ibe, Ward
Want Grove Place, (17 Grove,
ae Wang.
o “HetmtltSucn | Grove ince, trom Law-
Egan tina | CSA
i Grove square, from 101
to as ners Caeerae a el
=! Grove ‘Terrace, trom 1:
ohh ‘Grove, Worden wm 7S
Gutta, fom 251 Washington
= ie Lathbert Av, Wands
1 Chara Gulla Aeow, foo tt Rox
2 wins Syuure irs tts Oude Was ae
Ba pa ty
5 Crescent Place bites Church,
ao 2 Greet ace 0 'G butler
oS Siler AH Stree fom 41 B,
nee prea
9 Leverett “us Be
ea oes ES Bituon
Green, trom Centre, near ay
‘Ruut vest Fovest Hike Se, | 4 16 East Broadway
jean sie ais faut tn
8 Mah A Fest
i 45 Howes A
3 toy ta a
isd ire
% "0 art
° wren,
Green MUL Avenue,
‘Centre, a: Allsudaiey Wid
betrets ria lad
agenbneny tm Ae
mania teat
‘arts Pon Tht Suan,
0 Fort Hill Sq.
Hamilton Alles, from 3
nlltos, Ward 15.
Hamlen Pace, from 90
Wieaant, Werd fi
meni ie aan
Aarich dara
mane eho
beamed aes
amon fa bn
2 teeta
Mampahtre Court, from
‘inmgentre, Ward he
Hampabire Btace, fom
{2 thatapaniey Wand 1
AMampuon Cour
iis Northampton, Wa {5
Ham's © frown ald
‘aun, Ward
Hancgele, fiom 17 Gree
teat Sn eae Ore
Hancoel, f.48 Cambridge
1 Te Neri, Wan ie
Hancoek, trom 7% Dual
te juseton "Adem and Bae
1 esa.
rhevluck Av.
W Avene
Mipnewse fom Pownce to
from | Harvard, from City Square
funt top Station, WA. 28. aes,
tow Maine Ward 5.
Tales Station OAS | ay aevtey, fo 2 Mik to
2 * Bow i,
from) 3) Harvard Place bririntig
mtg 8 Me Vernon,
fard 10. henna ‘F Marvard Square remit.
peieth ins dct ag UR tar Chores | $$ Ratner
nets si Horaef Stare | Mawvthvorn, fom 188
Tana to 44 Cadac, Ward 3h
Hawthorn Avenue,
SOS Wan., Wand
o Maio.
Harvard, (ym 10 Wash.
1B gouth, Wand
StBaptincn.| HP
to] st Nona pated
i ye Haymarket Place, tt
Si ttadon Braver, Ward It,
Mase Squmresdeget
4 Re Biker
on eke eis
aos insrantyatee Wea uy]
gi ie Lier ae
se trgseoma | 2h. Sait Ha =
TAI Movertson House
tres Ma
from. as
Wipiton’ to fy Tremont,
feats frm 18h Contry 10
MUSE YRconont, Warde Sy"
+ Fondo
as Harvard Place, fom
Ea a Whi Aa
3 0 Marvard Place
fs ie Patt
em a fend Sk
#0 Fi r. Cratt
in 3) aco Trtmont
1B ou Ghee Fer am Heath (Ou) from Cone
lanever Avenue, trom | __ Gh: te 2,
Mig iaiece SE Noa | re Si e
te Maven, from #Sharmut| °
MeanoverPince, tomas! 4,7 Neciwrsgmre | MATT fitatnandie |
from awmut | Se AY em Avenue, 0
pa shat 3 Chast a “Aveo Wankend, | ticass
‘Shima ve ns Meath Place, fom 10 :
St ‘fen
femigeky. fom Wath
MicaeBelietye Av.and Hore
Marhor View, Cota aie ye Wad
Bret bance vor aad AMenehomam, 1.85 Charter
Wordsworth Ward Hye Coun | Maver Henchman. 5 char
20 Nawn Place 1 Haymarket 3
roa Weber : ;
104i ws ote ah
Tia ts few iS Glory
Hehe Bulmer lave, fom, Us Sumner to
Mawaing Court, fom 10 | 118 he Zee ts 5
reat Fumi te ents Tue 1% yes :
Maple (om Wolle Ave | Lil Ware 3a
os Marrison Place, trom 9% ©
iActowe, trom Weadwara | Marrinon JPtace, tom |,
MAN lier avs wa ss | 2 Feed, Ward 1 :
Marta Yard, trom 3 I
Lawrence, Ward oie r
Hartford, fm 14 Se |
bao Ey
Has from Howard | Hmwes, from 52 Congress | Hereford, frum 423 Bescon
TOES Haart, Wark Se Wad
o Rawara ke Haye oary | Hersey. from Haven Ave,
o tee an eae
Martong Pace, toms) fh msnciantaee
SSikasy Ward on Hickory Avenue
Bigratsct: fom Setar) 4g ee
sigh, from westeorner Mon- | HEiMaide Fiace, from 5 |
TAR Square to 20 Walker, | | Haynes, Ward 2
Wards 34, 3. Hilton, from Swett, Wa. 20.
Howe Bridge, Cents,
stan wer ae
Jotbrregis frm Genre 2,
salbee Sheismorah
Ward a, rs
Mate Wak
fran 13 Summer fo
Meh ly, Wart
ore Hi) Square
sgh, fom Wash. near Lat
: oma
im Cuma Yo 5! Haag
a Ca. Moule Se Chareh
Eig, frown Bigelow, Wa. 25. | 20 we
a, Pace, fr.
HipgheRe. Pace, too 6| "Warde hacia
seer t Lolli Pace, from 1)
Se Verne,
frm, fot Bae
»» Ward ale o
fom simiio Cour, Ward
Holmes Avenae, from
Mincvatd Ave, wear Brookline
tine, Waid =
mueaveane, Ward ste
Homer, from SMoore
a! Wart, Ward 1 ‘ed
sg tae at a.
Mit xn Mi
00 Gent
Atoms Htaces from Ute
Wighian i
ait pe Homestead, from Walnut
‘ ets Wilts Atay Wile Be
oO Whiter
Aizhland Avenue. fom
BeCentre co os dghian
Ward ite Seve’
ighiand Avenue, ffm
Metin to ufue fim Avenue,
ad Avenue, ounton tive, fe. 158
Mga nrenmes fm | Mitral Ward ie
y Avenue, fr. Blue
migniaa Aone fom | Messy, Atsatey Se
Tuaniiraiges ne
Ward 2
wey's Court, rear 4
Mightand Parke, fom | oi Ward
Por Aveate War | steward, fom SCout to
Mightand Park Ave buriaety Warda FM
Men itwesburav.wad. | 1 Qvre
Wet 28 stoduand
pict 4 Toward Athena
Th Sinemet
Hildreth Place, tom 72) 35 yy Tuutnen
Uhireer, Waraie
erway fm 18
[HAIL frm 7 Webster, WALA, | "tntacrass Gerard, Ward
from Central Avenue
| toward A:
sari, from Poplar neat ard Avenue, from
EUR Ay te Metoyoian | Dudley to Quincy, Ward
Av Wald
© Dudley
OMe Chapel
r 6
ide Avenue, trom | &
Suited Tree | 8
Holmes Piace,from Mill, | My
wands He
folyoke, fivin 413 Colum |
Howard, Flace, from
Iuton, Ward 2
Howe Place, fr Quincy
Word «
Howes Avenue, from 18
Howe's Court, from 154
Trewont, Ward
is Awenae, from
ue Aft a¥- tok Dents,
Ward 3
Hudson, {fom 37 Chelsea to
St Waters Ward 3.
WC 14s Curve
tacteont, from 516 Dudley to
‘Clitan, Wera 20.
Hudson Place, from 3
Mueon, Ward Is.
Mutbeet, fom 202 Wash.
tu Hegenty Ward
Hat, foes 17y Salem to 200
treet Court, fom
Mow, from Mul,
1 from
ia West Foun; Ward 1h
Humphrey. Square, fr
Ths Duley, Ward te
suemphreye, foun | ais
Attuiny to Collage, Want 20,
Humphreys Court, fom
umbnes Wares
nmewell Place, fon
‘Marion Ward
Huncingtow 1
Tern Casteroury. wtar gas
Burk avenve, Ward 3
ys. fromm Wiliams
Myde, from (2) Dorchester
‘vegto UC: Heit, Ward Js.
Hyde Park, fom Harvard
12 Hiewsant, Wank
fromm 4 Bast Flat
ithe 8s, WO Tk
Tee € fom a
SpuGguets Gow v2 Water,
Tedenendents Sonat
Peo Swart
ray bt in
‘Whart, Wards 6,
AP. ‘State
4 Export
81 Rite avenue
inate Wht
India Saunre, fom 1
Bra, Ward
tara, frm £40 Wash. to
Tasan Herron Ave Wake 1G
Andina Place, fom
‘Wshigon tard Prmunt
PST Washam
ch More
Ai Whee
Ht Xitkana
ah Bore
sobs Trem
a aye
Irving, fign Anewan Av
uy ard
Pisce, from 41
Irving Place, from i
Tring: Wend
alana, trom 9 anpdea to
Magazine, Ward 20, be
Peer ipo
ya ten
3b Siepetne
Iwamho, fom 46, U
WVERSrookeine sar fe
3 8 Met betham,
8 Ris
Ayory fon Dent to Temple,
Ward ts ee
Freese fhow 06 tun)
HSNO bernie Wend
aekaon, Tom Boston
ree Aven Ward 1a,”
Fuekaon Avenue, from
er at Ca
Backson Avenues fun
hewn NC Avenue te
‘Aeulemy Atl, Ward 2
Jackson Place, from 1
Juckwon Place, trom
School wartaeses
Leas from South, opps
yen Wald gn Pe
Bareie Place, for
‘George, Ward 3, a
Agayer luce, from 1s
Bay, on Bit Haat Fin to
Fourth, Ward Te
setfersom, from 25 Tre
unit Payee, Ward fe
etterson A venue. fom
fot tinker tit to
fain ‘iirtieth,
Federson Place, fom I
‘Bennet, Ward 1,
— on
fom 204 Marginal | Heennare from’ | LanPayettc. Ave. ,fom
Tema lateaner eoeWes 2 | Vkcananl Avestan 8 SEPT BT Enalcer,
Sharh Wht reyes, from Washington to| Ward 7-
Hasna ssi Werks
ee ogqu Place, ® Karey,
an Bera nem Fer
ie by; fom 67 State to 106
Maverick AU
saninn, fqn g36Derchee-| 2 1 Be
Merb iay aa Wane | 30! Done
inkine Pgcey from 5 hance Pace
éoamereu, Warton Py
ga seliera, Word
roe, Facey from 8
pines, Wend 9
Kimball, from
‘near Heath, Ward 22.
eauge Place, fom
73 Seaives S
Benn, off Porter, Ward 25. ven Ward 3.
Place, fr. Ottawa,
from 4 Fulton to 73
in 'A. Andrew, from
Fgtban ta Walkers Wace 2
non Aver Lakeville Place, fom
Ssniets fawre King, trom Dorchester Ave. | ‘Center, near Fond, Ward 2
Sohusen Fiance, tom 12 | st in, Wark
meentharge King-St. Court, from 2
Borner, from 2 Park to| Kink Want 1
nie ward Heunntury, fom a
‘Avenue, from tue | tae to 8 Wath Wa.
FANE NS Halau"avenue, | Rima
Warde cane
Jon, foes 5E Summer
BAiesth: Wara to
SU ton Wand
Esc Mees fart'ane Ward ie
sein, Wass Lambert, Avenues tron
gator Pimee, tom | ieiaatattSatesiver an
Ms Ritgn, Ward 2 Vhariet
fr. 00 Pleasant 3 Lambert
bee, Ward Te | Late Bape brary
from 8 Resch tos | SF SVimont
won AY. Ward 10. °
et, from B60. East
iat forthe water, Ward It,
Wa. Bre Coss WHE.
toil Toda
HE Breet Pace, tm 0
4 from
Soxbury Latin hoot
Srcaans aad has
reunites oe ia | ngetand Pines, Sr he Bi
mali cle SSUES WIRE: "| caper toners
«Saleen Seats $2 xemeaony Cows tom
Hele, Core a Manet owe
sta ca ates
perm Geiatds Ward 20 WaKingions Wand £0
Siganie Pisces teat, :
are enon tote | WES] eae a
some, nom estate| akeeunree
from 67 Shaw- na throp Place, from 315
ue to 156 Tremont, < fe ‘Chareh- iisnover, Warde.
Mi git Kenda Bey ed Aguurety fom, ie
ndriek, from Lake to) ¥. Street, from (0 East First
Raat yierare ™ | Rerres mene Ba | Mme con
‘Kenilworth, | 2 1 East First rand Sh.
‘to. Dudley, Ward 21. ‘M4 St East Second 1 Dave
eg gente Pre
age waber. 3 So
oe eee rs 2. fee
4 RR cy Baten
18 ie Emer Satake oo
hmee, tom atl ffi Ear tk Serhan
irove, mph Was 1S Eat Seventh Taurine Axenue, from:
Frresacenyare| oo" eae Bee eoe = aie
. ————————— ee
Lawn, from, st
Pimeraty Wad
‘Lawn, from Mt, Hope street
aes lope stroet,
Lawrence Avenue, fr
Geol Aves te Myre,
Wert 3. me
Lawrence from
BYirwrence, Ward a
Lawrence’ Court, from
ie Wen Third, Ward i
Tawrence Place, fom
Tas Cambridge, Ward ¥.
TSrence, Watd Se
gather Square. frome
Ward'ts at
Lebanon, from Myris to
‘Rieeander ave, Ward iO.
from 214 Albany to
Wards 1,16.
Leland Pace, (rom 139
‘Washington, Wart 7.
Lenox, tom 163 Wash. to
$2 Tremont, Ward Ib
Hardy's Lot
*gisrect wees
Lewis, fom 505 Sumner ta
E%H toro wera
2) Ni
00} " Warchoure Whart
ung it Bast Bovion Ferry
sorth, Ward O
ewie Pack, fr. 55 High
iin, Ward Sle
tom 396 Coramersial
wis Face, fiom 4st
Vesuiity, Wart
Lexington, from 271 Bor.
een cing Meridian at 9,
fo Boot Engle, Ward 1.
104 Mia
BO 2M Prewnt
$08 £2 ‘Trenton
mcinyzton, from 13 Mom=
Lexineton to ist Mediord,
o ° Nomvnent Sa.
0 Boker int
+g 0 Medi
Hapentha dn
from 1G Tudor to
‘seventh, Ward 1
ater, Ward 9:
Lincoln, from 115 Summe
eS Uh, Wana,
1 beiora
9 1h Eee
in ite
TA TA TE Me depot
au” Kuectund
On ‘
Lincotm, from Adem to
{tenn vey opp. Powe,
War 3
ianket, Ward.
oe Caldas
8 Everett
Lindatt Court,
tine wane
Hisdatt Place, from 16
‘Eiinbedtee, Wad
rom 3 Fourth
from 5
Linden, from, Beech to
fhellevus Ave, Ward
Hinder, fron Wits to
‘sek Wart
Random, fom Adame
‘Siznmereial, Ward
jem, fom, Cuubridge to
PMiner Wort
se, fron 5
mena aeaaye
So eae ore ik
‘Roxbury, Ward t
"| Wackinghain Place
Lowell Conrt,
‘Pamwarh, Were 1
ammeter to Lae
grange, Want 2
Linwood, fo
Toor Mightandd, Ward 21.
Linwood Place, from 3
Stain, Weed 3.
ym 82 Centre
$E Tremowte W
"Wraahi ne
Lembard Place, fom
my, Ward 38
from 112 Sumner
ton, Wardr,1- | Keymdle Avene
Kinwinat Ave,
ood Ave, from
Wher'to troosiine line, | 10 East Ni
310 209 Bone
SHC 63 Brookline Ave.
i Map
‘rrm Forest Tile
‘Ward &. 94
‘POnedwiek, Ward stp
att, We
net Place, from 9
Lubec, from Swift, Ward 1.
Lines, from 1085 Wash. to
nt 38
GBs fern, Warde 7
from 108
jain to 19 Austin, Ward 3,
Lyndeat Pace,
CC aaa be |
chore’, om Encx | 8
sshithaes, Weeds
Xmstenora® Fumces
ote art
Lyon Pisce, (rm
Ps ward,
ftom Tauri Ave,
tore, ar
ME Rtreet, trun Eat Fint
Ste th, Ward 14
oa Mandisom, from 2085 Werh,
D donewood Tous Shakmut Ave Wa: 1,
40 &9 Tirocklune line "roon Hevfolk to
Longwood Park, bt Sooner
Pane vod Austin at Lone:
‘woot, Wand 22. ‘ogy Waahington
ard 2
Meson eee
Ward 3. a
rexedeee apse om
Madina, sera so"
Co aay
nears, ail
a oF, wand a coat
Lonntard, te.20 € Eights | Mahaw Avenue, from 3
‘eTant gE: Eighth | Minune, Ward 1.
ie N Giass Co" WE | Manan lace, from 2
HPiemant, Ward
Maiden Lane, fom
Hinnnlen Heading
Main, from 14 City Son
Singin, ae
1h Post
fis 4
Linwood x
‘Linwood to Cen re
‘ Luteman Place, trom | oy
‘pte Rvener, Ward 2.
Lautner Piace, fo #2 195?
Etecemmot, fom 8 Sumner | "Esneerca ae
{Sear goare, Wend soem ale
a oi sett Warde" ]
Ws 108 Presta u
1 Merit, “ ig
ara 7 Goatel Square My Femme
Livingston, 80 Brighton | 25 27 Lave
sneetote nt wera : e 1
eegiten Tymnee gh Monk beacon |
aa Wards, i dns
nace man Pine, from oi
14 _ Benet Fee Ayman raspes fom 1) so dtathon Square
Aewellen Ave, {rom 285] ynde, fom opp. Arrow to | 214 5 Hee
seat. baie (Daceien |e yt tes sua BE fpnend Place
“Rie. to Button wood, Ward 15, Lynde, from @ Cambridge Pld
aaa Line
Ss) Fine Hose Co, No. 3
ies Aniuur Place
ruth Baten
‘00 Auburn
400 Mathcep tat
mnytentntieh Wards
git nee
oo cig we
Levis, from 16 Gold to 106 24 -!
eat its, Ward 3. Pince, fr. 100
Tame kien pet n
sah ges 5) Magazine, from 3 Dud~
Lowell, from 40 Cause ley, june iin of lew 3 Galella Cathedind
Bian werd Howse ve, Wass | SAE,
benny 1 nemeden 45 a Haiencount
© ee Mime’ © 0 George 2h: va Hercege Ave,
at at 2 ESEoree | mgaigen Cgurts om
Bie | BSCE AN niger si fee
jeorts, from Adams, near
unite ave, Ward ste
Wwern, from Brighton
pvesiorAshrord, Wand 23.
0D Longwood Ave.
je Park, i's Dale,
Maple Par
0, tram
Marten tans Sos,
she Place, froin Sear-
bis ‘Avenue to" Sure lave,
from 8 Westin
Maar biSs Wanelek, Ward
nie, Comet, tom 4
ba a
stm i Was
Mpreh Ayenme, from
hs RNR
from 83 Prin
minsnecie’ word as"
2a ject wi
@ Guard Whar
tae Tle nn
sw 7 then’ Street
fartony, from 1 White to 88,
TL Trenton
fy Lexington.
2 Riri
ils ace
sed figs court
Moacion, from 63 Banker
to veuecton, Wie 3
“Marion Court, f Marion,
er kano Ward
Mts wane:
Miata Wt
om Washi
mea Aten, We
a it Parish Chureh
¥ Tennett
eee basen
© Spurhawk
0 0 Wentern Aveuue
ket Place, from 10
reimont, Ward 1
Marah, fom Adame, near
‘inet, to the marsh, Wd. 24.
Marsh ane, fr.35 Union,
Marshall, from 140 Hane
‘over 1043 Union, Ward 7.
ee anoree
5 Hancock Row
ah Mambell Howse
ML Creek Square
2 Union
Marston Avenue, from
fa dhue hil avenues Wat
elt, Ward &
aaretin, from La Gran
Martin, frou La Grange to
Maison, from Le Bow to 2
Front, Ward 5.
Manon, trom 28 West to 170
‘Ercan, Ward 10
Bruford Pace
Oice School Camneittee
‘Engine thease Noe 3
Baton Place
0 remot
son Court, from 6
Muuiiven, Wark
Mateheet, from, Weshing-
Hon beyond Usk Sqm Wa 5.
‘Mather, from Dorchester
‘Ave. to Allston, Ward 24,
Mattapan, fom Bluebill
vAvenue, Ward St.
Matthews, fom Lis
erat SC
Eeees ©
8 0 Capen
8 OMiltn Avenae
Muy, from Centre to Pond,
Ward Si
Iay. from Glen, Moa to
tirechwood, Ward 24
May Place, trom 55 Osk
to Semon, Word 1.
May Place, from 25 Ro
ies, Ward SS =
Metenn Court, om 2
Sfctisan to fo Eas, Wa
McManus Court, fom
oS Quincy, Ward
Mend, from 3a Main to 5
tinal Ward's
os Mate
Coyle Pace
Beads Meet Court
o Ramcit
Mechante, trom 18 Putnam
toa) Adaimy, Ward 3.
Mechante, f= tanover
fori North; Ward
Mechamte, fr 3i! Ropzles,
Ward Se
Mechanic Avenue. fr
Hrishton Argan sear
Goede ee
hanie Court.
Mirateinas, Sent!
cehamtent Pace, tm
MP Revco to Ee eighth,
‘ward it
fron 185 Chatece
nope: a Mace
Jape. Right.
eam n
0 Tocker's Whart
8 Dovgr'e Whart
22) Waterman Wharf
sea Bans Whar
So Binet
sss farh
0 Horie aut
o Man
Medford, 1.22 Charlestown
tow Causeway, Ware fe
Medford Comet, fo
Medford Court, fr 121
SSastiastons Wands 1a i
Metrosey irom 13h Veteant
LSU Pesca, Ward ite
2 2 Vieasent
7 3 Chueh
S38 Ferdinand
Melville Avenue, from
Washington to. "Dorthevter
Avenue, Ward 34.
Melville Place, from
Spring, Wand &
Mereantite, fr. 80, Mer
Het to as Kiehiwond, Ward &
2 11 Telesraph
E. Eignth
Row, tye
‘Noth, Ward @
® ) Com Court
21 Chathagn
2) Month
EB, Wards 1,2.
T'Maveriel Square
a) Maverick Steet
Tork ee,
MSTMerditn Ete Wanl ee
‘Merritt, from Brie Ave. to
iNew Seaver, Ward 3
Merrimac, from Haymar-
feet Square fo 3 Causeway,
Nes ‘Causeway,
et Square
imac Place, from
M'Reriase, Ward?!
jerton Place, {rom 145
Msnte Eaton Ck, Want
Leusinger, from Rockville
Maine Wad
Metropolitan Avenue.
eatin to Myst
Poe ne, Want 2
Metropolitan | Place,
trom 16s Weshinzton W
Heian Avenue, from
Manse aR eae Ase,
i 2.
™ Higa from 341 Dorehester
center Ave Wake
Alene, frm 96 Castle
Mati bores Ward ae
Midland, trom Savin Hi
rAvenue. Ward
ML Ford, from 211 Shawmut
Ay- node Tremont, Wall.
2” T'shawmut ave,
3 Hotel Mitiond
3 anh”
F Devonshire
on Hou Oey
i &
from 161 Sumner, Wa 2.
{rom Nala fo Rath
aries A Ay. ‘Ward: hae
| Hult iow
6 Huthertord Av.
0 Gorssereal
MILNE. Court, (om 9
iitigr, fom, 214 Sale to
iinorord Av, Ward
atittet, from Parks Ward
from 12 Rockland
ME Bae Ward 3
es from 702
meat ‘Wark 12"
mesos fy Mooreto Word
ay frm ping to
aa aiton, fom, 3, fon
from Adame to
aMition Avene, fom
Milton Place. fom Mr
Ward 12, ‘ sé
Mindoro, fom 24 Prenton
to 13 Staion, Ward 2
Miner, from Bearon and
Bigs! Aversa er 8,
Minot, fom Neponsot Av.
0 Aduina, War
Higilend Av.
0 Narruransett
oO Aisne
Mino Place, fr Minot
Model Pinge, fom i
nat Mngtafom 1
Model Piace, from 171
Picasa Wand
Momadanet, from Dodi
fois Words DOO
Moumonth, from 57 Meri
ints bent,
Pi Nerina
fap hae
BS broke
Jommonth Sa Sanetin
Monmouth sad ite Sts.
Montgomery, f Spring,
Montgomery Place, tr.
ur Teemont ta 4 Broviner,
P Paik Houre
Montrose Avenue, ft.
2 Warren, Ward die
TF loonment Sa,
9 re
8 hese ra,
aurment, Avenue,
“iat es Me
Ward 5. . i
Morgan, from 20 Colom
Dus av: 16 Stanhope, Wd. I.
Morland Place, from
ond, Orchard, Ward 33.
Morton, fio 6 Salem to
i Boece, Ward 7.
Morton, fe. South to Back,
Ward 3"
Morton Pinee, fiom 1
Semont, Wand st, 10" 8
Moseley Aveuue, fom
eae at
Mose Mace, cece
tater wast
Ward 1a. a
Moatiton, bor
iit hedonds Wend 2
Moulton, Cow
Siodlisae wat tras
rg aes wo Dated
Me. Hoy
Rhiy itive Ponarconcs
ME. Ida, from, Bowdoin,
ear Adatis, Dorchester.
Mt. Pleasant Aven
Pee Dudley rime
Me, Pleamant, Pine
Sin IRA dS
Ses uh SEN | an
froma 445 Blue. Hi
Ward 2t-
ME. Vernon, fron Howto
to Buttonwood, Wards 13, 26
Me. Vernon, from Cents
ons Saker, Ward
Me, Vernon, fom
‘omy Hilt en Foster, rd
Mt. Vernon As
fon SAM Vernon to
Ghestaut, Wards 3,3.
ME. Vernon, Ax
‘isin Nit" Ne ven
Fiockney, Ward
Me, Vernon Pl
5 Chelsea, Warde
ME-Vernon Place, fom
Deitvecock Avenue 18 Joy,
Me. Wachusett Ave, tr
Hyde Fark Aves Ward
Si'Poind, Wes
Mulberry Place, from
a2 Budiey, Wand 3,
MONE hadl Rees Wand Ae
Munroe Pisce, fm
ene wted
Mu Ftwee, from 2
Vernon: Wart Is
Munson, trom Beacon to
rooting ranch Hatrond,
Muraget, rom Cembrides
‘acroas Spatrhiawk, Ward 28.
AS achive Weal
Murray Court, from i
Urls Ete, Wards
Murray, Flac
Prince, Ward
Music Hatt Pi
1S Winter, Was
Myrtle, hom Hancock to
2° linseoek
14 ad Joy
1 Roth ogetd
3 Bowdotn Sioa
400 Grove
190 148 Mevere
Af yrele, from ont Dac
Twente ave., Wards
O°" Dadiey
© 8 Qkingy
Myrtie Piace, ft. Myla,
Myrtle Ftace, fom 1
DMynttey fone 2 Bunter
Mut Wate ©
Rapler Place, fiom
area chiex-
argo te eh
® ayy fran, Llewelly
enna Ward a.
Ih Court, fora sm West
int, Wart 1
Mowe Wada
MaMahaton aves Wan ne”
Newn Place (10 Har
Kuwa, Court, Tr 2 King,
Real's Court, frm 5 Short,
8 oSeien
qm Commer
MANS, Wana He
HKet Avenue, fm
aria irk “Avesta Cauter:
ary, Ward
Nepanset Avenue,
ot Rone alee
OF Adams
0 oan
1D Dieston Piace
O Dinter Ave.
8 Pierce A
0 Chickatawbur
9” Reputwet touse
8 Wainue
SSMivereky Ret rm van .
Stade Whack
18 Cros
34 Rieltings Whack
Nicks nat
41 Maverick
Newherny fom 1076 Tre
mont tu # Weston, Ward 10.
Newheen, tom Kim, opp
‘Revere, Wied 2 sigs
Newhern Court, fron 7
WNevwbers "Wand iis”
Newhern Place, te i
ore Bene
Newbury, trom 19 Artiog-
(on'pribec Hayy Ward 1h
31 Aainaton
‘Ch, Emgnvel Chureh
10.4) Worn
Newbury, Canterbury,
feweounty 13%, Wah.
pon Hlarczon Avenue,
Soma from Pierce Av.
ig'WtestSpringteld, Wards
2 pe Base
1 Pabie
Newman Court, som
‘Champney, Wa
Newmah Place, (30
Duley, Wann 3h
gg Lie
i kbernee
Bey na ain
215 Law lon Place
2" Son Cour Steet
Newport, fom | Crecent | 2a St Fert
Aesiepe Sasi. wo Sota,
now, Ssaren sy folumbia
Mawrtens om East Mevion
‘Wat Newton
Newton, from Brookr.near
‘Faneuil Station, Ward 2
Newton Court, from 7
'iylen Ward ts
Note 279 Sum-
mene. Be Word eS
Nonamtums fom, Wash.
Neto fines Ward 8"
Noelle tn. 3 Mean
Tp fami Av Ward
27 titeniena
40 Manchara
4 sr Larmtert Avenue
Nortotte, trom Word.
lve ml AN,
‘Ward 3.
154 13} Mocutne
Upland Plo
from as
NGUinineion, Ward 10°
Norman, from 8} Green to
"NE Bterninac, Ward 7.
North, from | Union to 990
forth Anderson, trom
Nore brn War
1 is Bice
H Aeiige Gov
x i hari
% Seen
SBT Renlorsuee
Nortts Avenues toon 22
foo Brak Avenue
Se dobn the Bap. Ch.
‘Besinet Avenue
North Trimmer Pt
runt t73 Sart Ward G.
North Centre, fom 19
Mianaver to TH Notth, Wa &
Pedy aay al
{St Butaner to hry Sanding,
Ward’ ¥
fe tonco.n0
Aectaianer bee
frou 288 Hanover =
Necte Mareara, dom
re es
North AMudsony trom, 54
‘Soowhulto at att, Ware.
North Margin, {rom 0
Stour co Lahipene Avenvee
Ward T. mien eae
North Margin Pha:
irsar Nord Margin, Wits
2G rial
North Mend, from
Banker Mul, tse .
Nort Mea.
eatonn ss
Neri Masset, thm 25
Gitiaden oh Bon,
Heel! Place
Hae Const
3 Garden courts
riecout St
4 Prince =
1 Manitey's Mouse
hy." tthe Chur
a Ror
aueneend Ico,
Miron Counce, Wa
Norwtely 4. 9 Mile to
i sme, Ward 2"
Notre ame, froin Cod-
oan shy. 80 Maid, We
Noyes Fince, trom
‘Siesn Wank a
© Street, tom £. Fink to
eS Eiganrs ty Wart Te
2 1 E Fit
35 Miple Fiace
30 May Pisce
Sar Marcie “Aveo
= 2 Madson
£9 Alban}
10 1 Beate
ak, trom Beech, Wat
Oak Avenue, fr. Adams,
Wend 2
Oak Place, from 15 Oak,
Agha Wea 12
oP? Re. Moral Re. Soc.
Oak Place, thin Gree tm
‘Lasuartine, Ward 2.
Oriote, from 50 Walpst Ay. Parkman Mace, from
eel Wa te to Willams Avenue, Wards. |] MPoriotan Wasa at
fonantinn, ote, 2 ai yebe
Bs Oriole, from Park to Delle Feotler Ayer ‘
Oatces, from Norfolk Av. to | | Yur, Warde
Slap, Wend 5 Ortenns, trom 48 Margios!
"pjand cions Maverick, EB,
frmenter, fr, si Fase
onertg ibs Salen Warde
Frac tromopp. ta Tremant
Park, «frm Minne to Long
‘wood; Wani no"
g fice Fo Beles avene
ioe ities
8 best < 0 8 tia
akin on Wein rierks a Senco SBE
bined fos Tate a Fe,
fin Seid yee beatin
Ene ea eae
nal Place, fom
BNeHverans ed, so | Onesed Conres,
eee ee Willan Hains Ek maqam Ayer
Ofer Wind 3 opsgedyeinces mr 8 orien ad
ecole a eS Parjen, Gonrs. Gyutsl
Me Et ae Waeae Pas wi a
from Welles Ave. to | Otis, trom ¥17 Devonahire, Payaon Place, Ein,
amit ed ‘Widtnrop Syaare, t 8 Sure
frum (27 Wash to 74 | _ mer, Ward Frwy Brgoktion
tian Avene Warde" | Otis “trom Cambridge to Av cortiniey, Wi
Old Harbor, Gon Der | Fraiklis, Ward.
Feahody Ptnee,. fom
wt Nath, 3B | Ouse Filsee. from S21 Main, = i
Old inthe Pace mer, Wrewet fe 108 Tigh tos
is cas en sit
ii cers EE }
Pipe Parks War 9
; Ofige, tom Braco, Wa URE coun
oasctare ne & ‘eae
Oxford Place, from 2) 2 Our hi
ah Cte 3 die
eet, ty fe
iret, lt"
Tin West Cheer
ne Page "neta So eh
Ht Second 0 West Chester Mark i=)
Oliver Court,
‘Webster Aver, Was
OLS tt
ie i Ailsntle Avenne
from ‘Plentont to
Nisan age Wack
Teer eat
Page's Gonrt, tm 22
WET Broatleny, Ward 1,
Oiney-st, Pace, fiom | Palme Pincers, trom 12
Cieauets Panett?
ldo Haroon | atime, ron Washing
OReNu aL Aibuagy Ward ia | "tout enke Wane Ward Sy
Ontacto, fH Swan
in Pousdey, Ward i ane
lon fn sn,
Oi Wa tes Pe i
ee, from O87 Wash. to
OPONES: Want in
2°) Washington
Court, trom 2
Flinws, Ward 3)
ge Tanne, from i
ihe fo $80 avrtoon Aves
Ward ui
Potton, te Pui, Ward.
Pemberton Snare, tr
Aen oF Romar
Pembrelce, tr 40 Shaw
‘quot Act S12 Warrea Avy
2 T shawrmut Ay,
2} Pembroke Court
Hote Bobroke
38 i
UA 1 Warren ‘Av,
Pembroke Court, from
Be Sat Bromley Parke
es ter Contre
frvos 4 Yeoman,
Wind 30.
| Orehant
4 aw Bunis
Orcharal. fe Cee to iS FenGrase, Woe
am 3 Non 4
Ogehard Pack, tom 34 ‘crore, Waa. | TeSOPUGY oomnee te, ER
phan he Ma Wat Te tae Feppergtt lace, totm
Pepin 1 areal
a Smear" RGiinh toe es Wan ee
mags bares OO,
pete Gears temrtren, | Parka, fy aoie| “SSE TN
camels, Sell sateen heigl so sgepatar, 0,
nas Wend “piace Wee” wt Faocal Sadiony Wi” | Avan Ward ears a8
Parkman Pl ers
‘Sime. wea an ae.
eenericlioe, Wane
0 Cambri
© Columbia
ek, fron 170 Congress
Misr fearl, Ward.
Fond Avenne
Do Brookline i
Perkins Pine
‘Hoxbury, Ward 2
Regeln. fons Morena to
Raynes for Sad
ws Re Aes from
Peete om
1 iving
{hom 8 Erving to
Ward 9.
i est
‘Gh: Revi Rant Chorch
Bi Dit Plate
8 Bilin co
Aouthte Place
0 Tae ace
ania Sse
w Wo
Nk fram 1A Treo
Monta Want
Hives Cours, fom 70
Apo Places from
out fron 246 Nain to
rietery, Wart.
wees from 72
Piekevini te.
* phe
13s Pieassot
Wart te
“Ave. trom Adame
re ar ene
Plcrpent, from ff Prentiny
Fitee, from sat Albany to
Fellows, Ward 3,
Pike's Atte;
to rear oe 30
roe 10
teres bogey a
ver, Ward
Reg, 1 Baber Hl to
lng ape 1a
Pitts Court, tom Fi
‘Ward 7. ee oy
Fitts Place, frou Pit,
8 0 Ashmont
sere from 10 Man to
“IR it
Phewaint, Com 7 Wash
iene Warten
3 Mabe
# ointen.
PAE" therwseon Ward sc
Plymoath Court, fron
rb Hatriaon Aves Weird 3
Plymouth PI. chanzed
‘naprrsuect, tata, Wa.
Frkymmtnn: 68 arrton
Ate test Abang
Spraeaes Conte ten
rab iceuas te Saver, Ward
Pate, from 19 Wanker Ul
br alelacks Ward's
© avon,
0D Brooktive tine
Pond, foo Dorchester Ave
‘to Dortom street. Ward 34
Pond Avenue, from Por
Ente Riva ine Wards
Wiad, Wand 6
Poe, trom 340 Saratngn to
Addi tis
hon, EB, Ward
rorn, 8 Chaimbers
Parton, fram 73 Pleamat to
‘Bindisha Mace, Waud 10.
Frorter, fog torison Ave
Power, from Barton 81. to
Sorchester Avenue, Ward
Frowers Court, foun $8
Pratt, from Ballon Aye. to
Kaurist Avenue, Ward 34,
Neath fom Landen near
Pyaanns Wand f
Preble, frm i Dorchester
Prentins, fr. 128 ‘Tremont
fo Parker, Wanda 19,22
BV tremose
Bee hatleond
Peesby Place, from
‘Wianhtop, Wand 3
Prewoatt, trom jype, Bow
Warts. oS
larvand Schoo!
Heres aie
"Ee atv
Prince, ©
fae fie, Ward 3
jneeton, fro
Princeton. toy
me jet bet
Renee naw
ne from
SEBS, wa
gouty 3
a xin
Prospect, from. Bireh. W
from Norfolk,
to Milton
Prospect Avenne, from
Ribiae ts Hancock, WA. 55
Prope , Brown
ad Broapect Are Wal 2
Ryospeet, ao 36
Providen Park
tate Bercy Wa.
Provinces fom 1 School
fom aren let, Ward 10.
Putaski Avenue, from
BRtheus to Went "hind,
Ward ii:
OT Lexinaion
nt fea
La 135,
45 Mechanic
0-4 Common
Prstaram, frown 14 Dustey to
G0 HoNtiryy Ward Zhe
Putoam, f. Griges, Wi. 25,
Putnam Place, fro lis
Hoabury, Ward 2
Fatnam Square, between
aun bet
Pynenow from 1400 Tr
hone tye Centre, Wael, 3,
No. 10
‘A strets trom Second to
He siah, Wa. Ticrouniug,
ft luce, te. TT Pu
Wit Ailantie Avenue,
frome 921. Bunker
inl, Wa
se Wak
Quincey Piace, from 7
‘Quincy, Want
Rw ro 10 Blue
Bund Place, {7,8 Rand,
Wand 9.
Mand Sanare, from 2
rand Say
Handotph, from 511
som avense, Wand ne
Hansom Court, from 1
Cotting, wa
Aravenawood Bark, {6
‘Glen Koad, Ward 22 se fe
Rep, fale o eps
Rift ro
Mord, fom Glen fou ta
‘MeCielian Avenue, Ward 24
Heaatug, from Kemble to
Reed, from
to Is Husneraa
Heeduante, trom Biz
savenearth rome
Regent Court, tron 5
Tegenta Ward 2
Megent Place, fom 19
font Ward
Heim Pince, fr.1 Ward,
Feces fom 1 Fanta
it Whaiow, Ward 3
Memfrew Coe, from 15
Renfrew Fico. tom a
Eenfre t
Revers, fret ti © aie
to Vig Charter, and eroan 1
tom 0
Megane EAE
egereceg ieee. bot
ii ‘77 Revere, Ward ¥,
ipa fm Oral
te einen
ashore shar
mghase Area tia
ton Avenue, Ward 2h
Henagae, Court, fo
seis ia
‘therfond Avats7a, Ward 3.
Bichmnnd. tr 109 Atlantic
wer, Ward
Tntiantie ar
from Wash,
Hlageway Lane, fe 90
riage to 45 Berna, Wald
er-St. Pince, foo
fot liver, Wards
Melee, frum 1 Tre-
peaks Avene eer
fn to Alveston, Wan
Rodman, fro “Ada.
Draper. Ward 34.
Robinann Avenue, fom
Sehinon Waa
oninenn Co
Savinebi Ave
Hobineow Place, tom
rook Avenue, Ward 9,
Mechester, 6-30 Rarragn
“Ave. 1 Albany, Ward 1
from iss Oneane, Ward ee
fockinghum Place,
from ab"Cabot to TU Hos?
ary, Ward 10.
fe 387 Warren
Hoch nye
from Wash
va Chenwaut Mal Av,
Apchians Ara ti
ard St.
Reckview, a
Perey Wo Green, Warde
agente perm
i ae
>| tect
ba tit ing, Wards, g
go eS
Ssh tM Asan,
aEAS Ei 3
Rca Wee
meses serie opt
set fama.
sgn ejaces ton
salle ETE
nee ram
OW Norco Avene
2 oe hauway
mani from 5M Warren,
1 fe: Wah to Oven,
Avenue, trom
Rowe, from, Canterbury to
Trews Av, W
af feaeaaoe
Putas Piace
a0} ekg Place
Hoya, fron Lamartine, Wa.
oe beet cig Se
from W6 Pearl to
Yobur, Ward 4.
1 Pea
* alte
Bis bin
Aumsel Cay
Bahia We
Seeryeaise: fom
Ave. from
Wwto le Cauiruige, Was
Johns Episcopal Ch.
ie Chu
Tony x
at Samare, from
unt, Ward 18)
Columbus Avenue
Matern tuiata Stston,
‘in Hill Avenue.
$ uke
8 0 sudan”
yy £1 Mito
Ward 9.
gem gy oer
jem Pane, fr. 25
Salem Place, tr.2 Salen,
omeatreet Av
Tes Sitar loathe was
Sa J fFom 35's
intnek Se Werte Oo?
Spica Worse mS
Sintura, fom, Washington
tise Wand st
Oe Washing
18 Het canane Chur
We eee
iSarstepe harper den
be Lod Fane
wrgent, fou) Hertford
foward hy, Ward a0.
ot frame Canerbu
SEneaR ht Wan
Snvie from 98 Warren to
307 Whe tll Ave, Ward BL
Saein-HEi Avenue, f
Pleasayt to savlociiitt Ava
Ward st
8 0 borehester Avenue
& ° Aucktand!
0 Grampian Wi
0 Bath Avenur
9 Wondiand Avenue
0 | Grampian Way
0 O Savini Avenue
Sawyer, from 3 Shawmut
‘Avot tremout, Wal a.
awyer Avene, fem
Sedat Aas
Ramen Wa. 3
Sppsinna, Ruan:
ts King chapel
School, fom Walout to
‘Amor; Ward 2.
hoo, fe. Wash. to Har
etn Werd a
from Market to
‘Waverly, Want sh
Schoolstreet Pic
aa Schack Word
School-street Pin
USS Want
Schoolhouse Court, (.
‘Charles, Wards
Sehuyter, trom My Rive.
SERS apie, Ward 2
Scollay Square, oncom
‘Fremont, Come Fremont
How. md corm
Scotts Comet, from 105
Chel, Want”
Seabury Place, fom
Sioa oe
Scare’ Place, trom 3k
‘Xdernon. Ward
from 188 Webster
to upp. 40 Suiner, Ward 2
sare eee
Wier mena
‘0 Walnat Avenue
ie” Willa Avenue
3 Maple
530 0 Blech Avenue
Second, from 6 Lynde to
the, Wards,
Selden, fm Miton Ay. 0
onset ta tWeha
ary Place, ti
te ani Wa
Semece: from 88 Herreon
See Bb Ktagwend
Seventh, see East Seventh
fd West'Soveuth
Seventheatreet, Co
feito Bescon, Wa ee
Sever, from 20 Haverhill to
fidge, Want 4
Sewall Place, fom 10
‘ihe, Ward a
Sewall Place, from 16s
‘Trem 2
Sewn, Court, fm Ar
Gaia Bea oe,
Shatter, Avene fom
pi Site
Shamerocly fom Roch
ter Ave. to Clayton, Ward 34.
sharon, gel
ARE Da ge WA
Sharon, from Bromu's Ave.
to Canterbury, Ward 3
Sharon Court, from 1
Tiavre, Ward
Shaving, from 31) Fedrra,
toe Wish Aves Was iS"
Shawmut, fon 182 Pea
to Church, Ward 1:
2" Y Flessant
§ | German Beformed Ch.
3 0 Charen
Ha A. Kaliroad bridge
We Hote! Windsor
Yom 107 Cancie
tie” Cobn.
Ce Gt ane toy Telly
far Shorey
{i 108 Chaprian,
8 Waterford
Viton Ek
sas Hol ak
Terrace, tr.
iiut Av, Ward
Sheafe, fro 10 Cook, WA,4,
Shesfe, tron 1 Salem to
‘Soowhil Wand &
Shelby, fon 2 Princeton
to Cndsea, Ward L
stom, from Ashland te
Soren Went
SBikinrkane on aol :
Sheridan Avenne, rom] 2) Shale
ios Centre, Ward. ah aes
eridan Court, from 4s | H North Hudson
Sheridan Court, fom ss] M _, Kodi
Sheridan Tiace, trom 39 | SRownitl Pince, from It
Went Finn, Wand is ‘Sawin
Sheridan Place, trom
Binet Wand
Sherman, fom Mywic Av
tear Shentan Syuare. Ward &
1 Congregational Howse
th Wand
A? Bower, Ward: Piigriin Tall
} pao
Ef Ete Seman |
sees Bae ee
0 1 Lai eal 2
8 alan PO ed
brown 3 i
hermun Court,
‘SWrstilnmdvay wth
Sherman Square,
ignite Av. near ies Wald
elev trom U8, Daley to
SRO Ateane Wank
Shoe toy Homer to Coles
Linwod Place
Ward 12,
orks ym 24 Breet to
SES arene, Wand
Aor rn 4 ander
Mss ai ao rae
foes thee
Blatt Esutre, Ward"
Short, fen Pier av. tol gS nay
rh van 8 Gru
Brorts rom Wasbiion to] 8. Leal Avenue
Grove, Ward 2. > 0 White Avenue
Shortens. Court, fiom 8
Bhorts Wand
Bhortst. Place, tom 0
‘Short, Ward 4
Shreve, from Norfolk tw
‘Madivow Avenue, Ward 3
Bizourney P
ar Tha
ny Ehsyees frou Mun-
2° T"Dirchoniee
& , Sigerattee Pace
SF gaan a
NW Ne i,
t Place, fr. | “i Soul
South, trom Chet
Hexen ane Ws
hesthut Ai Ave
©. Exrgreen Ce.
00 Newton tine
Sonthestreet Court,
ins Ward
Silvers Wari it Southae Ptace, from 78
from 104 Vernon | P
ilps Ward
Ward, South Cedneot. Place,
Btpmnmon Cortef 8 Yau | tm 3 Winches’, Wats
Scents Uaioe ne
antes Mack
sieees's Soars, im | Pte
Walesa) ese, Wa ih
Sixt, soo Bast Sixth and
ale sixth
10 Lynde to the
30 ta
‘0 0 Bususiend Lae
Smith Court, fou 48 Joy, | South
Eden, fr, 58 Main
‘utter v= Wal 4
Margin, fron 3
sm teopecte WL?
Market, from #9
Rage auth siae
May, (2 1380 Wash,
Want 0. fo"aus Martvou Ay, Ward
Smith Place, from Joy, | 1
Want 9. trom 9
Smlthestrect Place, fr
Hth's’ Avenue,
Starve wanes
Srelline Place, tom
cline Pace, Gom | Se. “Townsend Piace,
Garver, Ward
co Comet,
wen Ward
sterting, fom es acre
tnswiene as
a a ecmin
“i oWirn
pert, tom
sipstgh eas
sigteam tee, tom 9
Spring, fram Centreto Ded-
Ward St.
Stewart, tr Bown St.
CMR Wand
Stitt, from 76 Salem to
Spetug, Gardens from | “Elthaneaionn, Ward:
‘Breage Avenue, next depo,
© © Silliman Pace.
33. at Charleniown
SUttiman Praces trom ay
‘sittin foi Goonies Wa.
Spring Park Avenue,
ew’ Eenveto cheat ays | 2°
nee = : a
Springer Court, from sit laren
Rewriiphus i Hat Soveuth, |
s a feta ce, Eat
Sprac 49 Heacoo. to
BE Ciestaut, Ward
Stators, fom’ Blue 1h
‘Aveta diconls, Ward 3
ask gr
cima ASW [ag games Haan: om
Standish Court, tomy
Whisy Ward 7: St, Mary, from Dcghton
‘Mitdann Ward 2
Stoddaed, tn 25 Howard
‘tw 108 Court, Ward
iane itpoan
Hapa Socal Probes
eau emetarn te
Stam: rm
Ford Trinee, (ror 9 as Bont vara
Stuntey’ Flees fom «| Story, Contig. ten inet
Stanmore Places fom | Stowsdton, fo Oa
Nyce, Waatsic® | Slates fsa,
Stanten Aven: me a! from Ward ‘
War Startaid adler
Stauwond Avenue, tr Toeccent. S1at0 He,
a ae Bit
Starke fomcamtritesonn.| faves
‘Parker, Ward 4 ownbroo-at. ‘Church
o Pane
ear Summed,
Strang Pixce, trom io
‘Samuflage, Ward.
Place, from 2
ford ten
fon Srey to New
s oe Exchange
oy Suauae Avenue
ee trom out
Sumner Gourt, fr sum-| Tennyson, fe 212 Piscant | © ay Unig
7 Main to to Columns Av, Wari. | 26 Bt Sales
Bunt ily Wards, | em Want 3 2 Gee Titertons, fom Hive
‘ae Summer Place, from 98 | 92 _ Sear, Warde
Terrace, ft} Tremont | Wah “tite SO Mieth Se
tw Heath, Ward 22.
ritentan ny Erte from
8 Sargent Rissehyde” “Titestaw Place, (3
Wail KY - naet Avenue, beyond Mill,
7D o tnuker ti Hunaertana i Ser ene
Agate, Place, rom ghia Ftc om
ew “Herpace Mace, too tid | Torrey. from Waahigton
Pict ee : cal beta eR
Pott a ras ‘Kewn:hilt Ga, fom 9
trae geen aS
te" Colon
o, Townsend, (2978 Wash
"Thacher, from Prince to | 1? 8 Warrel, Ward ah
‘vi Caresiown, Ward fe
4 2 Thacher Ave
Swets frum en arnanyto st 4
Boreheacr'av, Won 3,0 | 2, 2
‘Tnacher Avenue, 0 | peainer Court, tm Tt
.. ‘Sawyer Av, Want ‘Lenox, Wand 1
Thacher, Court, fo 2 trom 8) Mersin
chasers , i
vee. etferd Avenue, from
1 vo elt Aggy, fom tates, | TREE A
amen, trom ing to ~ ” how a ‘anal
res We si Spring 10 | sydney, trom Crescent av. | beady fro 24 34S Hout © ataino me
Gummo, fh Metropolitan | 0h cry Tate, see at St every
sr ha, Wn ui ad ES Ea wn
pam See Warren to omer! Thies. + Court,
ba bs locaca Sou Wear find, Want
Sydney Place, ( tar
Summte, fon 29 creat, to | Sat, Want se"
“Enintatrent Place, f
to itege
Third, Ward is:
5 reaver
Foe afi | cota aah
poll ee eae Repel Sore
It Aver B Marr Av.
Siig Aluoamedirecc.waess | $8 41 Wine
Bh 30 tutor areet
ers tt, Weekes Wat
ded ‘Tarte Places trom South,
Hehe BB | AN Romitdale apy Wi
“Ramm a Berbice
Eye r Ward i
fom 22 Delght to
mnt, Wank tie
3 Papas fat
Fea a,
Taylor, from Taylor Av,
"Raylor, fiom Nepouset Av. villon House
Probate 0
#2 Sane Seri ant
Pehapees kameariees
eaters ear | SNE Raving al lh
Taylor Avenue,
oat Duley wis
*aylor, |
. ‘ace, from ati | Thompern'a Court, ft
ie Are Wa | Nat Reverse Warden
‘Telegraph, from 22 Der-| a warn, fom Ils F- Canton ies
erste wes | Ween Wane ee | HB Etat
oe Hon Post
a Four
eet “Thorndike, fr. 12 Wash.
Hieron Court 2 13 Old Harbor Ne fiareispn ies Ward
Wit coo
eS cone
‘aw Wenwer ave
Ghrever Cour
Be Nola
3 Sine
oo OG
Bi Bano sa
Be a sehoot Jeet ign
ex Jeane” oh reas
betiture No.1,
E551 erat of street gi
Bilstein | arempte ete tem =e eds
sper inti | oe sranpetey fo 0
‘0 to i" ry Pinee, from &
Tees ise, waa
tah. Home of te Good
PS mae
Fie 2 tee
1890 1855 Brookline line
‘Tremont, from Wesh. at
‘Gak Square, to Newton line,
ington to
Wart Ss NG
‘Fremont Court, from §
BF Warrenton ‘Tremont Fase, Wat 38 = a
Bh Je ‘Tremont Place, tows | ye son | Vgemer, trom Pranklio
creme whom Court, trom set
‘Tremont, Pince,,foin| Erte twats oT Fant
Hecpy; rr Tremont sow, | Wnton Court, tm 100| , 9 Yeruon Place
fant aiinewaats. 8 awa
mre ttom| Utes rari, fom a8
iesRhoaat Mm | Uke Pa, SGA! | Verna Binge, tom 2
Tremont Howe, om 2) (OM: Vgraom Fince, tom
“|g spssoe ates
Mi seripoe Kes
fons Es | Untan Pari percee, ge | Veunaytsh4sees rm Ve
Meridian mere, Vickst from 62 East
ates Boge Wiens eet Fine
Peay Bg ee Ppp a a
tm Hrdon ta | 2 1 Bee, ie Wicaseias tas Hashes
‘Avene, opp, Helfor, Wa. i,
‘eenten, trom 15 Dartlett
to 170 Bunker Hull, Ward 3.
“Fey, trom 38 Haris Av. ward is Cute
oH Atbuny, Wend Io Place, toc ‘Gaile
“Pealhy fr, Hancock fo Belie- rE By Ward Paul
oe Wars Bes ‘Place, fr. 3 Wall, ‘Chapman:
‘Feambult, tom 7 New
8 Hane, Wa. If.
‘Tucker Place, fr.38Joy,
Ward 9.
Ward 104 and Duver
Sanare, junction | Vinal Place, from
‘Beacon and Cuinbridge, |” Marri v4 i
Rao ‘Ghumbbridge, | "Harrison Ay, Ward
os. uta Sa ‘Tuckerman, tr. 37 Dor-| Union ‘Terrace, tow | MASehtyaetes frm 2
eC a rinstess Wan Mat ore At Ras | ne
Wan ‘Misr, Waca es
trom 24.Charter to
fiom 929 Dudley to 7
canant Av Wark
2 SEZ 2 ecegSee 83 sn re £89 eBEN fE BS gy
Vine-nt. Place, trom §
Parkins, Ward
roty, | Warten, ton 30 Dore
‘he Ney Court, fr. 0 Unity, | VAMtame from 3) Dorchester
co Putia, fom 31 Donker in| Upham Avenue, fon| Viston Court, trum a
Ka wise Wants Virginia A yenmey fm
ten ‘Fates, tn 105 South 10100 | Upham'a Corner, junce | sphie Dally ts
wa Tamia isgfye Wards" "| Uphamie Carmen, dunce] seas,
Bt {Pian Soya al Was | WEAbame tm tr Waren
ke 21 Lincoln fe Dos %
Ia Cietiey Tas Comet, 65 Tuts Aide" | Wadtelgh nace, trom
TBE san ete Conon | Marty Corts f Upland Pisce, fe. Nor fas gio
Mis Frankia Pice | Papen fr. Savin to Quincy, | Meare bow Magaalue, Wand sk
190” Nowbern ene Watren, Ward 21 i Walden, trow 10 Heat
1 epg ‘arp Court, fom, cot. | URtoMefm Se Saemat | ESET Wnts,
Preemie cutis itera Wantse | a re ee)
dus Lire ha is, Ty oN SS Beach to 15, # assy it Mighland, Ward 21! a9
Jota Cou eels, BS wn Tay SENAY
Ht on Ie "Tiree £ gue Meant Ward an tA
189 Hiveraite > Wee Wales Place fr. Colum
Lane, won| Witten sure
peters Paes: 5
; Sadar
wae mais i ww
Silene men 0 tte! eater ta since
Viste; um Rete suet | eden ai, Ward
Wig, ae eto oN et
ianveliay Was an atker from
balyterseae NG alee! “Norte tfara tee
Bra ele
Y Waer Arsnne Wa
Walle FEM, Com South,
mnction 1 Wo Norfolk
i, Ward 3.
Vaughan, tro Blue 1th
‘Av. fo Harvard, Ward 3
ope Cemetery
9 in ay.
fe HHH Aveuue, f.
wea hants
Walt, fm 79 Solliran to 4
at, tor Moot wo 4
Wall's Place, fom oF
feuey, Ward
Ley y trom 387 Bunker
rt se a
im, Ward’
u St Vermon
fatty continuation ot
Myfatiat a. i Foret
0 Wilistae
8 0 Boarborough
Mealnas, ego
Apne Avente, trom
Maiti Tilston Sy
Livwelly Ay,
BEL Wratminter Av.
0) Orie
ss Walout Parke
go Homestead
a7 Egleston Square
ala cat
Miata Ca
mda Se gue
Walnat Park, trom s04
aun rita
Win Price,
minneziwan f°
Wrtaue Place fr.Gree,
4 Flnce, trom
Menta A
er, tr 4
Walter, jussey to South,
‘altham, from S31 Tarr.
ary :
Warland Pt.
Vanover, Ward
mand, wear Wales,
nut Court, from o|
Menke, a toe
lace, tr. 436
Warner Avenues tom
Harve Wart:
‘Warren, from junction of
Park avd Healey #0 149 Main,
Yypppine. Charente | Warren Avenme, trom
Beards Ie
‘== Columbus Av.
Warren Place,f.sWar
ren fo Pevear Place, Wa. 21-
Warren | Piacs
Ward Court, tr. Want, | Ws." Codman, Wa. 4.
Ward ts.
a San, juve, Merri-
seuagient wacand Fond, Ward
‘Ware, from Trl, Ward |
Warrenton Place, fom
Bs Warrenton to 10 Pleasant,
Ward i
Warwiek, from Tams
pond 10 1 Hogzien, Wand
2° 1 Hammond
Washburn, fr Moson St,
to Dorchester’ Ay.. Watd 13
Washburn Place, from
74 Charter, Ward 0.
Washington, fr. @ tar
‘yard ty Rf chapuua, Ward 6
2 U'tiarvand
3 Prescott
3 Wesie
o @ Uno
BEE & SE az
&r are
fr Hoyinon Bluse
oe Boneh
oui Go
0 Kem Orphan Agu
13s Tesene
1383 Children's Hospital
gg at Hoan °
ae pea
}007 Thorndike Hall °
E, Cancord.
1aet Clifton Pace
184 Derby ince
Jasy Metroguiian Pa
10) Ars
Cblby Pace
85 Whslow Pac
3hk3 Winthrup Phe
74 Pelion Place
4g Hac’ Hal
Warren re
iin Court °
Baa Ko
Bi Zeiger
‘sus Nas Hoekland. Bank
Tit, fr Savinge
os Donley an
e0 Far Du
us 1
323 Vernon
2 ss wena | OO
ou Wit 0
‘ashington, continus'ion
o''Mlton line,
‘Washington Park
Tecan ae aoa waa
Swan are wana
Warhington ine,
Vea welds
Washingtan ince,
veritas eee aa
Washington Pace,
aghington Face
Warhington Itace, tr
nae Ware ke
Washington, Sune
Yann ts Wakington Wars,
Wasen Place, tom 31
Lect ea
Witt Courts tom 1.
nit wae
Wavertess ony, War
pee eats
Fa tan
Ba Bch Avo
Wyant anise
Waveriay Pine
eset Wauseon
Orage woe ei”
Way Ptace, roms
I, Ward 21, hi ag
Wayne, from 29 Bive-hitl
“Avene t Maple, Ward Si.
Webber, fom 002 tar-
wa" “Albay,
27 Haron Avenue
ewslaa Avenue
Wighrters erosion Bimsow,
Webster Avenug, from
Reaper oS Weer,
Webster Avenue, tom
eo .
Ei asover toa ty
Signe to. Candy
‘ear Union ‘Sq, Ward 33.
Webster Court, from
Wenn Warder
Webster Court, from a
‘Wetmer Avenue, Ward 8
Webster Place, fr. 251
Webnes, Ward
"yetettna tise fmm
Wenn 5
We Pied’ 7"
Mesaspatitees mma
Weld Avenue, tr.
Monto Sets Ward
Weld Part, from Ceotry
rear May, Ward
‘Weta Pe 15 Contato
‘St to" Whart St., We
Gus lose Bt
0 Dorceater Av.
‘Wertington, t,o Col
MieAvenne toe DoT Re,
Wellington Place, fom
elle nee, from 27)
fahington, Ward If
‘2 Oliver
ard ig,
Wengen fom 4 Preble,
Wendey Etace, trom 18
Probie, Ward
Wentworth, fr, Norfolk
Boor ‘Comietery to Torrey,
"YGRomoeinaar Wa.
Wiser yen eo
Siataraa, Pei
t Preble
MMS, Wand 7
M1 Becocae!
ite fa
lows Hall”
Main Fistreer
Gh. oti faptae Charen
St Kite Totel
49 Shawmut Chureh
AH GN Grrl BF the Discip
soa Sai Warren ‘Avene
tom, from, 15
8, Ek hy
bus Av.
leatanr, fr 1 Cheat
Fenmildge, Ward,
2 Sie ees uw,
Chester Park,
XP Tal -Tremot wo Beacon,
nation Ay
1 Fey manta cv.
8 Neva
f Seinatioure
“170 169 Tremont
pests tre
Went Pleat, (rom Foundry
‘eroasing Worcbevter Ay att
te ‘Warde, tt.
Went Fourth, from Dover
Sircet Bri
ter Stet.
& S2euu
West Newton,
ty igs Lorene
fards i, 1a.
OO Dowerat fir
10.6: Kaliroad’®
Frenchva Square
Hllips Pave
Dorenester Av.
frown 140,
Washinton 30 nin
sven, Wards 38, I. oo
West Rutana
Mowe ta" Columns Aveoe,
2 ex
evga; ton a
Nester AN y
ists -:
West Sixthert, Pince,
fea West sinh Wa th
lowe for Aged Men
vet Chae
bed, frown CL W.
10" Dorchester,
328d 0 SE een
Walnut Park,
Wass, Ward 23°
wor, from 2
enon, Wiad.
Nessiese cheats tr
bet Went
Westland Ay. from Wet
‘Chester Park Parker, Wa.
‘Walnut av, Ward ol.
—— ~—S
from 12, Cabot
eter RR. Wanda
wo ia
2 Wee Windsor
OR TP ila
Weatvitte, fom
Arcadia, Ward 34. otic!
Wharf tron Broad
Indies Ward i tte
land Avenne.
Wheeler, frum Shagmut
Ward ie pare
Avenue, fr,
i var Col
i ‘Coluthol,
White, {00 Dorder, cross
‘dog Mefidinn wt 40), 0 Prem
in, Went
White Avense,
Todmaieay Wasa 0
Whiveortroet Face,
Whe Warsi ees
Woiesetd, tr, Park, Wd.
Tyee eS
Withur Coure, trom
Sinner, 8, Wied
je ington,
Columbia, easterly, Wa
LL Leverett
Wittard Place, fr. Noth
vara Ward 3
Wittiame, toon 90 Mal
Mo Winchester, Ward, a”
wtegme am
ati oe ET
# ince
22 8 Westminier
wi tr. Washington
Ro Miueshit Av., Wal 3k
Wittiams, from South te
Dudhy avy Ward 2
Witams Aver
Ted saver, Want ah
Willian Court, from
"By Washington to Cou
Se Narhingwn to Cour Ba
Witloughhy Place, ft.
Thlanchard, Ward 2h
Wittow, from % Chestnut
‘to 85 Mt Vernon, Ward 9.
Witlow, $1. Centra to Wel
ot dy
from Elmore te
‘37 Halntridge, Ward 31.
Witson, Walput to Sut
Tolle ad'across, Ward 2.
‘Wetton, tom Cambridge
Winchester, from 07 Rue
thertord Av., Ward 5.
Winchester, fr, Mu Pou
atu ai Ferdiiand, Ward 1,
‘Winfred Court, tom T) Winter Pince, from 2
ward Winter, Ward 10,
“Winship, from Washington, | Winthrop, {1-20 Maverick
a Chunbrlige te Ghes | Sqsareto opp. Pars Wa
‘from 53 Mais to
sare, Ward
Hil Avenue,
toship Avenues, from
Miler Bas ae i
Waris Waren
Wimbie rtace,, tom| # Helo Oo.Ne.
wee ot Winthrop Sq.
(alovv, trom 51 Eustis to
Maa pudgy, Warn. Yano
Fah Restrew Winthrop, from 108 War-
wo 1b Bein rete a Biber,
Iathrop Sq
“Maun heomaatre sud" Od,
Wirth Place, tom 2
Tien, Ware
Wise Etace, tom 25
Unie, Warns
Wistar Fiace, fom 4
YE Want
on. aa Withington, f, Nortik,
‘Ch. First Parl Church ae i
0° Lyceum Hal Wasa
ear Was
fru, 188 Mai toot
Woo, fr. Walnut, Wa. %.
Wood-street Court, tr.
Waluai ts Wood, Ward 3.
Woodbine, tron sa War-
Fen to, 180 Bive-hill Avenue,
Want 2
Woodstue Avenuey tr.
Forest ite to Wasting:
too, Wand 33
‘oodstock,, tom Maple
MYeite Hijo, Wa. 32
Woodvitle Square, te
Ever Uaage se Deials
Weedevara, rm 35 Dor-
‘ghester to Dorchester AVERUe,
‘Ward 1.
Woodward Park, trom
‘opp: GS Dudley, Ward 20,
Wareceater, tr, 167 Wash.
Tobie Camtian Ate Wa
ut 1a Columbus Av:
Worcester Place, from
Tal Washington, Ward 1
wecster Square, fr.
rt Washinstan to 709 Marr
ard 18
Werdaworth, fom Lope
to Coleridge, Ward
Wires fom Rade tobe
Wrighes Cages ee
W. roadway, Ws
Toa oh cues
‘Gkaraur Avenue, Wand 32
Wyman Place, trom 1
‘Cdinmmon, Ward Ls
Wyman Place, from 38
“Contes, Ward 2.
Wyoming fom 15 War
‘armouth, fr. 943 Colum
oar Reenves Ward
ows, tom TH Alb
MSR Rnpien, Ward
‘ork, fit len,
Greenway Wand Me
g's Court, from 134
Zedglon, tru 28 Ws
yor’ Wie.
(For Apartment Hotels and Theatres, sce Business Directory.)
ne Hal, 144 a
tinge Muli
Minan sta
Soham Hat
‘near Uphasa'|
shin ia, 123 Washington House, V.
1 flail, South, ce Tans
ah fla Soh Tan
Boston Hai, 18 Tremont
Bonu Hall Prema
Bown Pyeng 7 A
Setoe gla Naat ey
Seah on i
Shandler puta
Sheprnsfot" Chapin Banned
Sete eran eat
ests Duliding: head ot Fonts
Ghmmontreaity block, HQT Wash
Goncert Hail 7 Green
‘Gineord Hall, 73 West Concord
Saeregetional Moure, Beacon,
980 Male, Chen.
gongren “vat
‘Gontioentat bik, Lae Washington He tu ‘ul ting, 3
a Navy tia ta dy aa Soa Sotcnreeeaast Histo
renont Heheovk’
Hoimes block, Weer
ise sa
nee, alta bu
ies ene
Hutnont fl
Independant Tia
sind ot “teehnotogy, Boyldon,
free aL
al Wash cara
tid ‘Dusley
fiaieoek Halle Weeds bldg ase
tnd Land Commissioner
voila ail, Rockland,
Wit oe
‘a orth
etal Fk 2 Washington
Forest Millay,
‘F utaneock
John Ae Andrew Hall, Chau
. 7,
one bk, 2 Con
"2 WahingoN
Sey sll i aan
Rar beliaing io aorer
ay Hal 0
Knight Hauge Hall 750 Wash.
Fath Hill, 108; Trethons
Taerenee = Boek, Washington, eo
2. West
al, Maverick are
Hoag, dic,
aS eatora
Haiiaia Sine
tle block, Walia, near
ats tev
win tay uae
eye Se
MfeLuwuranceCo.\ of N.Y.)
Le iaegesy
Ritentmnes une. Wa
thd Water Giatewoun
‘at brn gf 8.8.
Tea Go.) B- Fleet, nef
Ret Ne
Ba tse Bom
|, Charlesto’n
land Tal Rive. cr. Oakland
Sat Fetes tints Stain Chen
Park street ltall, Fark, corner Ex
Sen bork ype
pan Sienrrt lr ane
Perkiue fnattation for the Bund
Fomion Abeay" 0, bla
Erte AA evans
Pisce iat itjontlantn
Ei lS iat
Fie ing WES Wa,
Fu*EomminlcersF Ronen
Pu SAEE bernie bt Water
Prebie Hal, 176 Tremont
Probate 0
Bublie Library, #0 Boy ston,
Pulaski Hal, Durch. cor. Four,
Pythian Hall, EW Prewoot
ui al ver FH ark
lirvad bioek, Laweutny e- Beach
Haliroad xe
Weed » block,
Hegistrary of Yi
tn aqunre
Revere Hall
‘Schoo! Cuntnnittes’ Masow wtrect
Scieuce Hail, 118 Washington @
Bears bidg., Washis 'e. Court
ome ate
‘Marvard ay., Allston ve
eso Tempe he
‘Frimouning Hit Weyiaen
Foren bade
Polos Halts
Valon Hall, Cainbridge, corner
‘North Bead
oe ome, diater
thar fa oe in
URN oe am
ura Nigual Berge Ooo, atk,
Vodivan Hall 76 X remnout
Wait tall
Warren bull
Young Meats Chris duno W8 lot
Stic or
Shendun: Geri
Stetina 5 $5 Ca
jarin 140 Ue vine ee
fettries, Ee
a Stmaet
4 1 Albay
-cighton fom lib surter, EB.
Lewis, of Atiatic avenue
NEUE SsommeED ina ba
Retrm Sceebectnt
Paonia Sires nhaatie
aera aero
Sn oat fe
PWeet Fit, Se yharf,
Pond’, 2 West Pst
ante Av. foot of State
Bint bee LM, Se
‘ea int
Tleston's, ly Atiantie avent
Tilton’, aly atbany:
‘Tirvelt's, WO Federal
‘Tucker’, Medford, opp. Belmont,
Water, and Charles
Itiver bridge, Chacleatuws,
‘Tus, thom. Lewin. opp. head of,
Websten ig. PD
Tune i Foiniey. 8m.
SST Men, hasta
Nisa Washay
en Mein opp. Lesage
ov aston uveno
RipndeGhees Urdge, Chats
Nadal Dock and Watescese aes
ih Pee Beek Co », Kynear
‘late fan
Saunier, BB,
8 Foundry, $B,
god's, Uhevier park, &- Albany
wie oor that's : ona Har
i Nacht
‘Sixth, wear Ps:
Souther sf. Flext, ot of H, SB,
Ghaloca Ferry, toot ot Uanowe to toot ot Wlanslmunet | as By
Aaa owtat‘North erry to Batiery ve, ar Donde, [ se
Pirectories PvsvisHED BY
Sampson, Davenport, & Co.,
—ar me —
ie 3.001 ALBANY (WN. Y.) DIRECTORY...
‘or For Sale—All Diurcrontes published In the United States and many from Foreiga Countries
Aasrs of Bosineas men frou State and City Directories supplied at reasonable rates.
Branch Ofices: 65 State Street, any, N.Y. - - - 54 North Main Stree, Providence, R. 1,
LYNN DIRKOTORY....2..000000
1, All hat part of tho sty common Fant Bos ,
kta ust nantly oreateahy of the flowing ine’ Dec bagi
at the water gear Front gtrgt thence threuzh Porter
ieee ra iar eee fatan tip Tat
ora eee ees
c therly and
tothe eastside ofS
iuyovo square to High atresty thence through High
or i
foe point of Birinning. [Rreet ta Hudson street thence thn
Waki 4 CAI that putt of Boston formerly known as Charles. | land street; thence uhrough Kucelaund street to “Eliot atrecty
Aown and not comup/tved i thence through Efiot strect to Tremont street; theneo throught
pa ‘Tremoot sre to Heston erst fence through Bop ere
wring lines, ‘Beginning at fo Garver eet; theuee through Carver giv to Lalo teak,
le ici ate ee een | ee
Ritinanr alerted eget
metirnnridkoarecs tae Seat
REA eta Hc Mea
ious ye
i Sah it
Alhnny treet; thence
ce the water the middie of
Sliousy Vernon west thence thnvugh: Mount Vernon atert | polntnf bexinntne, twdodiug all bldg
he water tn the Soutn Bay 99 ext}
teroming of the Old Colony Raion
mie ye water fot throw ore
to the norihenate
ia ridges for the entry eo
rant Vernou avenuey thence through Mount Vernon avenue to | Uf the drawe of cach.
ratnut treet} thence thevagh. Chestous street fo the easterly
Dargo Stoner quar hehe Eup te aid sate par
Risaament syoare to. High street thence, through High weet
Walker street) theuce through Walker. street
ence through ‘Main. street ta LAncoln: street; hence Chrongh | vtret includ
Anoln steel and the tine therwot exieuded tothe water} thenee | Hiercots thence from
ing atthe rater he draw on Charles Kver| B vert: thenee Trough
ie ata incding vad’ Wr to Prince arcs | thence by the fine of
i taal wrt thence srs | Marea pol
hough Hanever veep | Wass 14 Hoginaln
‘hinckeutve street to North | thence throweh wtreet
eo street
square he Devoushiee
dividing the former Central | Wane
rf thence: along’ said live of
70 water frout fo the point of | ti
ft the southerly end of |
ce wereet to Sales
iackstone street
‘North atrect; thence Through Nor
ce Ure
th street
fa Berkel
b Meet
mice the
tof esto
ne bene
int of
Beisel areet 9
deypeen to Cube
Mievetnonstett hana esa avenue hae though Mount | eae any unten eh
errata Chevunst streets thence tanwogh Corsdautsreet | rect to BLUE treet; thence throopl Mil
runvent mjunes Uscoee through tne eastside | street; Uhence through Devenahiye sieetto Lincola weet; thence
are ‘ineois svest fo Beach str thence through ea
oh Hoon weet Xe
lot wiret to
free! and bridges dienee through Tie
sale ore | Point Channel thence acute
eprint of beelaning fo Wer Sisth, sett thence: through Wee ath stat
it “3 street ne Ghd Canon Belloc
Pike syatwenay ide of the Od Colony
St ihe Sealer af the end of street,
4 2 West Trowdway thence Drought
kurt ask muses thence cere | West Broaeay ts Burchester rely thente theauh Dorehewtse
rely thence dura Devonahre | stret to Oid Harbor weet; thence throughs OL
ik sett Kia sre | Ure water sence y fe wate
of 6. Color
Todia wi
vd of atv re
at of
‘at spol
"tthe wi
hence acrose Albany street fo the water; Wence Ly the water
renibe; thence through
and eset | St ress pc end
ited evr | tat ec roe a :
‘haranaes| ‘i
hart at former
hence throug Anda
‘trent to Devonahire
ret to Pive weet
venue} thence Ehroughe
and’ Dorchester geengee
iret; three cron Ale
Di Way street to Harrison
ison aveuue w Pine street; thence
ie of
id area
‘ppoalte the
ugh Wi
‘2 the point
‘Waren tres fo
irate rrenvileneet tart
nthavpwrets thence’ cent awn tthe po
op wet fo Blue Et aveniay ihenes through
uel Gales ret tenes tgp Go
fow eur; thence rough Wile
Ai 3k Being Sy
facie eee y aa epee
Sia Aricent oe metret peat
4 Sehioo! ho. 11 W. Concord st,
10, Hath Howie, Cebit ate
3h at bua
Tole fall. Dudley treet,
‘Ola Primary Schoulshon Sih
28, Curtis Hall, South street, Wert
%. Police Staton, Fields! Corner
2. Municipal Court itn,, Uighton
Containing a Street Directory, Events of Past Year, Members of Congress, Maze, State
Government, City Oftcers, Churches, Societies, Schools, efc., and a complete
Business Direcrory or Boston.
552 PAGES. - - PRICE §1.00.
1, Hentington Hall, Rast Boston
2 Munlelfad cr
8. OU Wintirop” School - hotse,
‘Sent Postpaid on Receipt of Price,
155 Franklin Street, Boston, Mass.
BOSTON DIRECTORY, ant Diretoris for Fal River, Gloucester, Lawrence, Lowel, yao, Nowburyport;
Malem, Taunton, Manchester, N.H., New York State, Albauy, N.¥., Troy, N.Y, Rhode Island and Providence,
Treont ate
There are Two Hundred and Seventy-six Signal Stations, located ax foltows:—
No. Looasry,
3 wort, erent bride
Ti depot
yi ‘Plippe place
SEE rte
Peer seen
1s cone
Rretaion what
18 LP sorher Net Margin
H Bichonind oar Hanover
13 Commereal or. tNensnred ”
10 Fast Eo of Poel Hall
West Gelar near caine,
Scare Mo. ‘Nos
Hever tie
hur ie tation No.2
t, eor, Central what
Lit ureg cor Tong sient
ar Fe ep)
trent (Sef Moose)
ou, neae Tremont
re cues Wareham
ie) Hinkley Loco, Whe
aussuwasee rasaesseserenessssesnt:
Tremont, cor. Rutland
Suu City Sables Albay We
BEE a re
4613 Mart Womocopatiie Woepital
South Boston.
1 A, cor. First
1s Sieh - Dorchester avs,
Ceugine favor Ne, 13)
ne Bois Sx No.6)
1B Baek are or, Dae :
‘g (Savings
ee Wall ia
w eon or.
Dorchester ave. cor. Doreh'r wt
4S (Duplieas) tee Hi, Dorehes'e
‘sisi tee
Ha (Dunleate) Jae) Ayo,
1 NAPE STE Rem pate shop
SS Harvard use 28)
(Sasi centre
Yet Gra Seton ard Cherie.
3 Gates eee 2 Sete, cor Main,
mt Engi Rlouse 0.8)
iF GUT Bit oui oneal
He Phettung Wie Sant
ib Blocks er Cane
2 Guanrcomcticne
BU iea Puke ged ari
‘Guncords cor a
Deer Inan
Wi leheowna® ton tenia
22 Aan. co. Hagen
ce taboe
‘Medifurd st. (Waterman's MIM)
vor il rors Aba
‘Steainer idouse No.7)
“Manuf. Medford st.
“na Meh nd
ved fuet: Dune Hi
sity Mi Ln Hell oid
ot Barbary
3 Si I a
3H flatts eves cers ATwenon
214 Cant Se" Centra ace
Scaonroaga, coe. Walnt
Canterbury Sein Mone
Hi Bhontate vane.
The Meridian Bells.
Yl Sings and Foe mal ne, Sey append Fite, rates i a a
Hint ie ‘fiom he Fire-Alarm Otter preci mt noon
Soe ney Resa triane noe pocket Gueeb astee Semency wears
EX The Figures on the right hand Margin of the columns refer to the Page upon
which the Advertisement may be found.
« Bakers (Cracker). Copper Manufacturers.
Kennedy F. A., Cambridgeport....... ++++ 1848 | Crocker Brothers & Co., Taunton... +1408
Bale Ties. Copper Sheathing.
‘Washburn & Moen Manufacturing Co., Worees- | Crocker Brothers & Co,, Taunton. seve ee TH08
ter. srereeeefromt colored K rs joa Santee eeie
Banding Cordage. Crocker Brothers & Co,, Taunton. +1408
Hale B. 8. & Son, Lawrence, .., 0.» see MOT ene
Barb Fencing. ‘ashburn & Moen Manufacturing Co., Worces-
Washburn & Moen Manufacturing Co., Worces- ‘er. has sseedtont colored KC
‘er. srcceeearesftont colored K
Black Lead.
Phonix Manufacturing Co., Taunton, ......
Black Lead Crucibles.
Phonix Manufacturing Co., Taunton.
Black Lead File Hardeners.
Phoonix Manufacturing Co., Taunton,
Black Lead Lubricator,
Phoonix Manufacturing Co., Tauntou.
Black Lead Nozzles and Stoppers.
Phoonix Manufacturing Co., Taunton........... 1400
Boller Makers,
Campbell Bros. & Co., Cambridgeport,.
Kendall & Roberts, Gambrldgensn
Box Manufacturers.
Page Geo, G. & Co., Cambridgeport....... 1949, 1406
Bratd Manufacturers.
Hale B. 8. & Son, Lawrence...
Brasters’ Rods.
Washburn & Moon Maoufacturiug Co., Worces-
ter, Haseesesnernensneee «sffOBE colored KE
Brick Manufacturers.
‘Williams Brick Co., Taunton ..
Broom Wire.
Washburn & Moen Manufacturing Co., Worces-
ter, «front colored K
Bung Manufactorers,
Ela Bros , Cambridgeport...
Calico Printers’ Rollers.
- M00
vee OT
see M00,
back colored
Crocker Brothers & Co,, Taunton.......- 1408
Card Wire,
‘Washburn & Moen Manufacturing Co,, Worces-
ter. ve ++-ss-ffont colored K
Talbot C. P. & Co. Lowell. ..- seeaceeseseeenee M08
‘Thayer Henry & Go,, Cambrldgeport...
Clothes Line Wire.
Washburn & Moen Manufacturing Co, Worves-
<c.ffont colored K
Coal and Wood Dealers.
Wyman J. Henry, East Cambridge.......0... 1940
Coffin and Casket Manuf.
Lookhart William L., East Cambridge........-. 1349
Composition Natls.
Crocker Brothers & Co,, Taunton... 1408
Covered Wire,
Hale B.S. & Son, Lawrence...
Dye Woods,
Talbot ©. P.& Co, Lowell...
Dyers’ Drags.
Talbot ©.P. & Co,, Lowell.ose vu
Wild 8. S,, Providenee, R. I.
Envelope Machinery,
Whiteomb G. Henry & Co., Worcester, back colored
Envelope Makers.
Whitcomb G. Henry & Co,, Worcester, back colored
Fence Wire,
Washburn & Moon Manufacturing Co. Worces-
+-fFont colored
Fishing Taokte,
Hale B. 8. & Son, Lawrence.
Foundry Facings.
Phoenix Mannfacturing Co,, Taunton...
Furniture Spring Wire,
Washburn & Moen Manufacturing Co., Worces-
ter. “front colored
Galvanized Wire.
Washburn & Moen Mannfacturing Co., Worees-
$00, fon sees front colored K
Glass Chimneys.
‘Now England Glass Works, E, Cambridge.
lass Ware Manufacturers,
‘New England Glass Works, E, Cambridge...... 1949
Grist Mills,
Phonix Manufacturing Co., Taunton,.....<.... 1409
Handle Manufactarers.
Ela Bros., Cambridgeport........-.... back colored
Washbum & Moen Manufacturing Co., Worces-
ter... setnestnesectee fPOME Colors
Bay State Honse, Pond & Shepard, Worcester. ..1406
Waldo House, ie. Stash, Worse 1406
— i
Insulated Wire.
Hale B. 8. & Son, Lawrence.
Insurance Companies.
ubridge Mut. Fire Ins. Co., Cambridgeport.. 1205
‘National Fire Ins. Co., Worcester, J. W.
Porter, agent, 27 Stute sttect, Boston. <.... 1205
‘Old Worcester Mat, Fire Ins. Co., Woreester... 1209
Iron Wire Manufacturers.
‘Washbarn & Moen Manufacturing Co., Worees-
ter. a front colored. K.
Worcester Wire Co., Worcester
Ivory Tarners.
‘Bla Bros., Cambridgeport.....
‘Lead Manufacturers.
‘Now England Glass Works, East Cambridge.
Lines and Twines.
Hale B, S, & Son, Lawrence,
Loom Harness and Reed Manufacturer.
Brown D. C., Lowell. 140s
Lumber Dealers.
‘Burrage Bros., Cambrilgeport....
Gales Wood, Gambridgeport.
‘Sawyar E, D.'& Co,, East Cambridge...
Machinery Wire.
‘Washburn & Moen Manufacturing Co., Worces-
tor. ss-efFont colored K
‘Mason Volney W. & Co,, Providence, R. 1
‘Morrill & Allon, Cambridgeport....-.
Manufacturers’ Articles.
‘Talbot ©. P. & Co,, Lowell ...
Manufucturing Companies.
‘Washburn & Moen Manufucturing Co., Worves~
ter, "front eolored K
Market Wire.
‘Moon Manufacturing Co. Worces-
colored K
‘Washburn &
(Crocker Brothers & Co., Taunton
‘Musie Wire.
‘Washburn & Moen Manufacturing Co., Worees-
teres chetsesoesseesttonk colored
Nail Manufacturers.
Crocker Brothers & Co., Taunton. ...-+.++
Needle Wire.
‘Washburn & Moen Manufacturing Co., Worces-
*..ffont colored: K
Olled Clothing Manuf.
Sawyer I. M., East Cambridge...
Ol Hats.
Sawyer I, M., Enst Cambridge....-
‘Phoenix Manufacturing Co., Taunton...
Printers on Wood.
Page Geo, G. & Co., Cambridgeport........19, 1406
woe 1408
peace 409
‘Rolling Mills.
Washburn & Moen Manufacturing Co., Worces-
ter front colored K
‘Round Iron,
Washburn & Moen Manufacturing Co., Worces-
ter. setesetasesrserssesesesfront colored KE
Shade Cord.
Hale B.S. & Son, Lawrence. cecteeeess HOT
Crocker Brothers & Co,, Taunton. os 1408
Spindte Banding.
Hale B. $, & Son, Lawrence... - M07
Spring Wire.
Washbarn & Moen Manufacturing Co., Worces-
Were asesess <front colored K
Steel Barb Fencing Manufs.
Manufacturing Co., Worces- |
Steel Drill Wire.
‘Washburn & Moen Manufacturing Co., Worces-
ter. * front colored K
Stecl Wire Manufacturers.
Washbarn & Moen Manufacturing Co., Worces-
front colored K
= see 108
Stone Wire.
‘Washburn & Moen Manufacturing Co., Worces
POE ssancebyasesd front colored K
Stove Polish.
Phonix Manufacturing ©o., Taunton......+.2-+ 1409
Tanks (Water and Ship).
Campbell Brothers & Co., Cambridgeport......+ 108
‘Tar Kettles.
Campbell Brothers & Co., Cambridgeport......+ 138
Telegraph Wire Manufacturers.
Washburn & Moen Manufacturing
Coen oy
Worcester W:
‘Tinned Wire.
Washburn & Moen Manufacturing Co., Worces-
cr .front colored K
Ela Brothers, Cambridgeport,
‘Twines and Lines,
-+-back colored
Hale B. 8. & Sou, Lawrence. MOT
‘Wagon Covers,
‘Sawyer H, M., East Cambridge: wpaeeraces LOE
Water Proof Hats.
Sawyer H. M., East Cambridge. .
Wire Heddles (Patent).
Brown D. C., Lowell. Cee
‘Wire Manufacturers.
Hale B.S. & Son, Lawrence... os M07
Washburn & Moen Manufacturing Co., Worces~
. front eolored
Woreesier Wire Go., Worcester.
‘Reed and Harness Manufacturer. + 1395
Brown D, ©., Lowell... ‘Woolen Flannels,
Retorts, Talbot C. P. & Co,, Lowell. z = 1408
Phanix Manufacturing Co , Taunton. . 100 | ater isso Manuts. A
fives Wied, je B.S. & Son, sae Seecatenus
‘Washburn & Moen Manufacturing Co., Worces-
jarn & Moen Manafactaring front colored K | Crocker Brothers & Co., Taunton,.....+.-+++»-+ 1408
‘Too Late for Insertion in the General Directory.
Allen Alfred, clerk, 611E, Broadway, boards do.
‘Alien Harry 4.40 Water, louse Ashinont, boreh.
‘Andrews Silver Mining Co, removed to 251 Washing-
ton, room 3
Appletin Nathan W. oriental goods, 110 Tremont,
‘room 3
RCHEK & PANCOAST MFG. CO. bronze goods,
12 West — See page 1402
‘Atherton George . removed to 24 Congress
‘Atherton, Hall, & Co, leather, removed to224 Congress
‘Atherton Samuel, removed to 224 Cou,
Ball Charles M. Nats and turs, 26 Washi
‘Hanning E. P. physician, removed to 101 Boylston
Barrett C31. & Co. leat
So. 1
agent Mass, Cotton Mills, @ State,
Bee Albert W., Japanese goods, 169 Tremont
Bell Grenville'S, clerk, 2) Purchase
Berry John K. removed to 79 Wert Cottage
Berry Neleiah C. removed to 79 West Cottage
Bigelow Alonzo M. elerk, 450 Washington
Bigelow George N. 450 Washington
Bishop John 4. res. removed to 711 Dudley
Blako Win, P. removed to 2 Pemberton square
Boynton C. W, removed to 2 Lawrence
Boynton L, C, removed to 29 Lawrence
Bridge J. G. removed to 22 Purchase
Brien Thomas, cooper, house 74 West Fifth,
Brigam Heaiy P: tobacco, removed. 10 10 Contral
Brooks EH. 211 Fremont, boarda 18 Temple place
Brooks PC. jr. removed frou Court aquare
Brooks Shepherd, removed from Court square
Bruerton James, vec, removed to 2 Exchange place
old out wet Commercial
.G, jr. merchandise broker, 4 Liberty sq.
& Devine (Jeremiah Carew tind John A. De.
vine), stone dealers, 1S Weat Fourth.
hurchi (Heodlen o& Churchill), 405 Wash,
oi ved to 47 Central
Grou We (Nope 8
Cummings W. resides
Cutler Kalph W, residence removed to 9 Boylston:
Davidson Christopher P. removed to 23 Harvard,
Dean Charles A. res. removed to 218 Walnut a
Denuwtt Dental Nabolt Co, 96 Tremont
Benny imi rex removed to 2 xchange piace
Dever John #30 Peurberton aq, ent 4, tate Albany
Dilingham frank biter entice, st Vergon
‘Drew J. F. res. removed to Mopmouth, ¢, White, E.B,
Durette Alice Miss, nurse, 71 Hancock
Dwyer W. W. lawyer, removed 10. Chelsea, E, B,
Base N JOSEPH I watahionker, 109 Sumter,
room 31.
Eaton Chester W. lawyer, removed to 31 Milk, rm. 28
Evidy Peleg E. insurance, removed to 44 Kilby
Edwards & Brackett, hides and leather, removed to.
“Zs Congress
Emra Jobu'S. proof reader, 603 Wash. i. at Revere
Faweett Alfred .& Co. hardware, removed to 2121
Washington, corner Williams, Roxbary
Fergnson 'r. N. res. removed to 17 Dorchester, $B.
Folsom F. A. removed to 12 West, room 6
Folsom Horbert A. boards 23 Harvard, Chsu,
Forbush & Cliford, farniture, 53 Fulton
Ford J. HL, removed to 29 Lawrence
Foster David F. engineer, removed to 7 Oliver
Fowler Edwa. S. student, removed to 31 Milk, rm. 28
‘Gall i ‘old State House
Gatehell . 25 Hawley, b. at Chelsea
Giford H. ©, salesman, T Oliver, hy 654 B, Hehghth
Gibert & Barker Manuf. Co. gub macbines, 31 Union
Grant Joseph At clerk, 7 Oliver
Greeley Geo. Il. removed to 38 Monmouth, E. 1,
Greene Alborn 8, removed to Oak Pluce, WP.
Greene Ouis W. (Skilton, Greene, & Cod),
Hall Wm. A. jr. removed to 244 ‘Congreas
Hawuilton Sainuel K, lawyer, removed to 31 Milk,
Harrington Clarence A. (White Bros. & Co.), Roas
Market, house at Brookline
Hartt John ¥. (J. Nicherson & Co.), 9% Commeraial
Hartwell Henry W. architect, removed (0 18 Poste
fHice square
Mektograpli Co. 44 Bromfield
Merrick E. HL. P. res, removed to 771 Dudley
Holyoke Siutual Fire Ing, Co, of Salem, removed to
Hovey Henty R. 211 Tremont, dda. 30 West Dedham
Howland Frank H. removed to 7 Arcadia
Howland Geo. W. removed to 7 Arcadia
Apsen Ludwig’S. architect, removed to 18 P. 0. uq.
Joukine Chas. . res, removed to i Trenton, 1 1.
Joukins Edward J. lawyer, removed to 1 Court
Jones William i, Advertiser oftiee, boards Hotel
Keystone Insta wriny it
‘eystone Instalment Co. 9, 1 Brattle square.
Kitubal Eoward 1 treas, removed to 4 Centend
Ladd Nathaniel W. removed to 11 Mt, Vernon
Light Kobert W, 33 School, rm, KX, boards Neponset
Locke P. Webster, lawyer, 38 School, h. 29 Yarmouth:
‘Marr Augustus D. res, removed to 63 . Newton.
MeKay, Doyle, & Co. leather, removed to 76 High
Palmer A. C. Mra. removed to 450 Main, Chin.
Parker C. L.. clerk, 42 State, house Savin, Koxbury
Parker G. W, student, 10 Boylston, Ih. Savin, Ox,
Prouty Geo. W. & Co, changed 10 Proury Press Co,
2 Federal
Shawmut Ins. Co. removed to #4 Exchange plr
Sparks Klin 1. kindergarten, bds. o60 Columbus ay.
"rem. to 608 Columbus ay
removed to 566 Columbus ayouus
Tberlyp, “Brugrauings
Are the largest and finest fac-simile reproductions of Steel Plate Engrav-
jings yet issued in this country. They are printed on heavy
plate paper, of the finest quality, and are sold at the
uniform price of
Among the many favorite subjects comprising our list are
“YES OR NO" and "YES," by MILLAIS.
And the principal efforts of many of the most prominent artists.
Dhey are for Sale wt all Art Slores.
oud Sire. Spring Street Station
AARESTRUP NELLIE C. Mrs. nurse, rms. Fenton | Abbott Cornelia A. widow, house 20 Minot
place, Dorch.
Anrins Lewis, cigars, 158 Dorchester av. .100 do.
‘Aaron’ Michael, lgarmaker, 239 Federal, bas. 12
Aarons Samuel, elgarmaker, bas. 4 Fay
‘Aanrouson, see Aronson
‘Abbe Frederic R. Rev. bh. Pleasant. c. Pearl Dorch.
‘Abbe Fo, printer, 4 Wiillame court, b.
Abbo Andrew, mason, 87 Portland, ho
‘Avhot Caroline H. widow, house 8 Yamex
‘Abbot C-P. watcher and lacks, 004] Tremont, bla.
‘Boston, near Upbam's Corner
Avpot C. We pay dlrector UN. house
Abbot Downing Co. carriage manuts. 161 He
‘Abbot Edward A. trensurer Abbot. Downlng Co. 161
‘igh, Fort Hil square, house 74 Beacon
Avbot Edwin HE lawyer, & Pemberton aq. room 22,
house at Corabridge Hotel Nuntngson
Abbot gone I, (Vamen abbot, 18 Kuby, house
‘Abbot Francie K. editor Index, 331 Washington)
‘house at Cambridge ‘monwealth av.
Appot Brederick Bi clerk, 105 Federal, bis. 11 Com:
Avbot Georee, clerk, 60 State, bil, 8 Jammes
‘Abwot George W. & Co, (I. 1, Abbot), eommiesion
merchants, 21 Central wharf, b. at Cambrlage
Avbot Henry 4 accountant, 278 Waabington, house
‘01 Weat Brookline
Abbot Henry W. (exter, Abbot, & C0), 200 Devon
‘shire, house 11 Commonwealth av. {Somerville
Appot Jolin F. bookkeeper, 1 Commeretal, house at
‘Adhot John W. removed to Chleage (ct, Dorch,
Abbot Liogd F; milk dealer, b. Boston, n. Altbright
Abbot Nathaniel, house Grant, Dorch.
Abbot Roderick janitor, Hotel Dearborn. 397 Dud.
Tey, house Bosion, near Allbeight ct. Dorch.
Abbot Samuel. pliician, house WD Stk. Vernon
‘Abbot Walter Miva. house OF Warren a
Abbot Walter L. (George W. Abbot & Co.), 21 Cen~
‘tral wharf, bds. at Cambridy
Abbot William E. house Blue Hill ay, cor. Abbot
Abbott Abbie, widow, h.1 Cooper — [at Watertown
Abbott Abie awyer, 46 Merchants” Exchange,
Abbott Addie Miss, nurse, bds. 44 Adams, Rox.
Abbott Albert A. corresponding clerk National Hide
and Leather Bank, 70 Federal (ward 19
Aphott Albion F. vnrnisher, house & Champney. pl.
Abbott Alfred, carriage washer, b. t.80 Cambridge
Abbott Alfred, clerk, 5 Winter, hogve 6i7 Tremont
Abbott Ailen V. conductor, Met. R,R. house 200 Cen-
tre, Rox. mut a
Abbot Ambrose H. police station 5, house 443 Shaw:
Abbott Andrew J. Mrs. boarding-house, 19 Myrtle
‘Abbott Andrew M. fceman, house 6 Sever, Chsn.
‘Abbott Anthony, hostler, house 80 Berlin
Abbott Arthur M. clerk, 69 High, baa. at Cliftondale
‘Abhott A. Mrs, house 6 Codman park
Abbott A: B, W. Ars. house 2 Centre, Rox.
Abbott A: N. Mrs. dressmaker, hi 30 East Brookline
Abbott B. C, eabineumaker, b. 372 East Broadway.
‘Abbott Catharine Mrs. house rear 629 East Second
‘Abbott Charles, student, bds, 9 Allen
Abbott Chatles’ A. clerk, 100 Medford, wh. do. Chen.
Abbott Charles E. lawyer, 47 Court, house at New-
ton Highlands [bds. at Cambridgeport
Abbott Charles L. law student, 48 Congress, room 22,
Abbott Charles M. carpenter, house 1 Grimes
‘Abbott Charles , clerk, 157 Bunker Hill, bas. 21 Con-
cord, Chan.
lawyer, 27 Court, rm. 10, h.at Newton
‘Abbott Curt
(Bt Haines & 0>.), 11 Congrega=
jase at Cambridge
Abbott ‘ pollee station 5, house 85 Appleton
‘Abbott Ellas, sparinaker, house 3 Green, Clin.
“Abbott Bila E, cashier, 88 Washington, house 08
Abbott ttn F bookkeeper, Tremont Temple
‘Abbott Evelyn Mrs. dressmaker, 133 Pleasant (1
‘Avbott Fieteher M- student, be-317 Commonwe
Abbott Florence J: Inborer, house 840 Went Second
‘Abbott Frank P. removed to Naw York
‘Abbott Frederick W. clerk, 11 Clinton market, bis,
Abbott Frederick W. clerk, 86 Federal, b. 1 Grimes
‘Abbott George, real extate, 10 State, bie, 14° Kennt
Brookline (hiend
Abbott George C. lawyer, 47 Conrt, house at Murtle-
‘Abbott George E. dmuughiaman, city arcbitect’s fice,
‘City Half, nouge at Malden
Abbott'Geo, £.tullor, 41 Hanover, room 4, houxe do,
Abbott George H ret estate aud insurance, 82 Deve
‘oushire, room 1, house 20 Cherter park
Abbott George Ht. fireman, house 1 Sidney b
Union Park sireet i
Abbott George H. switchman, Be & A. RT hogs
Abbott George W, railmaker, house 240 Bonker HII
‘Avbott Grafton Si, Loe, 28 State, room aH, houee
217 Commonwealth av, (Hneeard, Chis
Abbott Gustavus S. commission merchant, bis. 18
‘Avbott Hannah J. widow, honse 8 South Russell
Avvott Henry G. printer, house 83 Pearl, Cha
‘Abbott Henry G: callectar, bouse 9 West Brookline
‘Abbott Henry L,, Na
‘Abbott Henry RC prov!
‘Abbott Holker W. student, b.
Abbott H. Edward, insurance agent, c
Bouse at Brookline [house 87 Chapman, Chen.
Abbott Irving M. baggage master, Bo & M. RAR,
‘Abbott James, laborer, house 27 Princeton, Chan,
‘Abbott James, laborer, house 206 Athen«
Abbott James Mrs. bds, 11 Bs
‘Abbott James 8. salesman
Abbott Jere & Co. (A. A. Wheelock), |
‘35 Oliver and 232 Frankiin, hou
Abbott John, machinist, rooms
Abbott Jobn, Inborer, hous
Abbott John, laborer, houre 162 Silver.
‘Abbott John, clerk, house 118 Warrenton
‘ident Shoe and Leather Ineur~
, house at Brookline.
Abbott John E. 1a 19. Merchants’ Exehange,
and treasurer, 7 Exchange pl. at Watertown
Abbott John G. lawyer, 17 Milly, house 59 Chandler
Abbott John G: coal anid wood, 199 Medford, house
Abbott John H. house 1 Hammond ay.
Abbott Jobn HL, machinist, house 81 Chambers
‘Abbott John K. auctioneer und real estate, 11 Corn-
Hill, house at Cambridgeport
Abbott John 8. lawyer, 21 Merchants? Exchany
houre at Watertown’ len,
Abbott John & bookkeeper, 98 Federal, bas, at Mat-
‘Abbott Joseph W. 78 Chauncy, bde. Norfulk House
Abbott Josiah G. lawyer, 28 State, room 34, houre
317 Commonwealth ay.
Adbott Julla A. Mrs. bouse 609 Shawrnut ay.
Abbott Julia F. baker, 11 Trenton, E.B. hovse do.
J. FRENCH & SON, REAL ESTATE Aars.™’Sswismesotetees™
ABBOTE 3. F. machiniat, 0 Purchase, rae. do,
— See page 1351
‘Abbott's Lawrence Express, 38 Court square, $$
‘Kingston, 75 Kilby, and 2 Merehants? row
Abbott Leander B. provisions, 919 Albany, hause 10
Clarence, Rox.
Abbott Levi B. machinist, b. 72 Hudson [ington
‘Abbott Lewis B. wharf Bulider, house 123 Wash-
‘Abbott Lorenzo L. painter, 459 Blue Hill av. house
Harvard, Dore.
Abbott Lonts F. clerk, 181 Ellot, b, 11 Boylston pl.
‘Abbott Louis B. foreman HL. & 1. 3, bouse T Hotel
‘Bradford No. 2, Union Park street
Abbott Lucius P: house 2468 Washington
Abbott Luther G. teamster, 25 Foundry, house 035
‘Fart Fourth
Abbott Lyman, leaf tobacco, 50 Tndia, house Wash-
ington, near Ruggles place, Lad,
AvpattLyinan ¥, CPutigrae’ & Abbett), 98 Ft.
Boston [A]
Abbott Marshall L. leeman, bd
Abbott Mary Moa, houso 602 Es
‘Abbott Mary W. widow, h. Mechanie ay, Allston
‘Abbott Nathan D. student, 25 Merchants’ Exchange,
hhda.at Watertown.
Abbott Neil, widow, honse 182 High Chap
jott Owen WW. contracting agent, 219 Washington,
house at Medford
Abbott Reuben, provisions, 11 Clinton market, bh.
‘Allston, near Allston equare
74 Hanover, house 24
Abbott Robert B. dry
‘West Canton
Abbott Samuel, foreman 8.F.E.25, h. Centre place,
Abbott Samuel, jr. assistant engineer, Boston Fire
Department, Bultinch, house 23 Irving, room 6
Abhott Samuel A.B, lawyer, 28 Btate, room 34,
Tl Exeter, cor. Marlbornuih (Ht
Abbott Samuel E, paper hanger, house 256 Bunker
‘Abbot Samuel P: lawyer, 26 Merchants’ Kxcbange,
house at Watertown
-Avpott Stephen laborer, bax, 162 Stiver,
‘AbvottS. K.& Co. hookbinders, 03 Federal, honse
‘at Malden, boro,
Abbot Walter, clerk, 87 Lincoln, rma. 27 Edin:
‘Abbott William, engineer, bis, 8’ Marshall block,
[iat do.
‘Walnt, Chan-
Abbott William, laborer, house Keyes
Abbott William’ A. clerk, 325 Washington, ds.
Abbott Willlam E. clerk, 26 Franklin, h. at Marion
Abbott William F, proprietor Neponset House, Ne-
‘ponaet a¥. opposite Stinot
Viiiace (Abbott & Co.), 1968 and 1627
fam, ure 32 ue
Abbott Wiliam J. boarding-house, 23 Prince
‘Abbott William T. (Abbott db Fernald), Parchaso,
‘cor. Congress, house Pear}, Doreb.
Abbott William V. pilot, Al ‘Lewis wharf, how
Texehiangey HS
for (Widiiam Hf. Abbott und 4. 0, Worm.
), furniture movers, 1308 nbd 1037 Wat.
Abbott S Fernald (W. 7. Abbott andl 0. @. Berni),
‘eamaters, Purehase, cor, Congress [Cha
William H. muslélan, bouse 4 Wallace court,
lager beer, Uo Maverick, hotise 98 do.
‘Ave Wiliam, buteber, house 42 Bartlett, Rox.
Abel Pan} Getler, Hoplaton station, Noase Spring
Abele Andrew, bootmaker, 304 W. Third, hose do.
‘Abelo Charles D. machinist, bila. 14 Adams pl. Rox,
‘Abele Bdward, car driver, bas. 18 Camden pl
‘Abelo Francis £, house 730 Shawmut ay.
‘Abele John H. machialst, bds. MW Adams pl. Rox.
‘Adele Phillp, mariner, bds. 19 Camden pi
‘Abele Philip’Mrs. house 15 Camden place,
Abell Edmund, printer, $62 Washington, h. 42
‘Abell Eveline Mes, elork, bda. 42 Poplar
‘Abell Frits, eandymaker, 1705 Washington
‘AbelLT, G.'boots and shoes, 3 Chester block, All-
‘ston, house Fraakiin, do.
Abell Louls, soapmaker, house 64 Bromley
‘Abell Salem, carpenter, houae 42 Poplar
Abendroth August, baker, Inetitatlon for the Blind,
Dose $40 Week Third
Abendroth August (Schneteer dé Abendroth), 1
Charlestown, house 49 East Fourth
Abercrombie oiling G. clerk, 200 Devanshire, baa.
at Cambridge
Abercrombie F. N, 12 West, lids, at Malden
‘Abererimble George N.salenman, Lt Wet, ba, at
Abercrombie W. E. (A. J- Solis dé Co.), 95 Con-
reas, house at Newtoo
Aberdee Henry, plchires and frames, 1248 ‘Tremont,
‘and furniture, 1204) do. house 18 Worthhiy
Averdein James, conductor, Met. BR. house 2 Hotst
“Aberle Henry, clerk, 88 North, b. nt E, Cambridge
‘Averle Philip, clerk, 8 North, b. at E, Cambridge
Ableton Franklin, chimney sweep, 22 Brattle, house
‘TT Soutbae place (Chen.
Aborn Charles ‘. clerk, 229 Washington, h, $0 Elm,
‘Avorn Frank W,9 Chatney, Ins, at Medford
‘born Joseph W. Fins, 88 School, roo 39
Avorn Pelee (horn «& Co.), 73 Water, hat Newton
BORN SAMUEL O. batter, 229 Washington, bde-
8 Rutland square — See back cover
‘Avorn Sarah A. Mr», house 16 Hotel Baldwin
{Avorn & Co. (P. Aborn), clears, 73 Water
‘Abraham Annie Mrs. bds. 837 East Fit
‘Avraham Aoi, carpenter, house Leonard, HLS.
‘Abraham Bernard, tallor, house 6 Harumond
Abraham Ferdinand, cigars and tobacco, 25 Court,
Thouse 24 East Canton {enst Fini
Abratiam George 8. starter, 8. B. Hi, RR. house 837
Abraham John A, paddler; bouse9 Vinwin
Abraham Mary, widow, house 663 Commercial
‘Abraham Thoniag, pudiler, house 13 Swallow
‘Abrabam William, book agent, house 35 Church
‘Abrahams Charles, cigormaker, house 81 Parkin
‘Abrahams Lelunant (Abrahame & Co.), 272 Wash-
Tngiom h. 1 Allston pl. [Ington, b. 1 Allston p)
Abrahams’ Sarouel (Abrahame d& Co.), 212 Wael
‘Abrahams Wolff, tallor, bouse 38 Onehds
‘Abranamne & Co, (Lehman and Samuel), Ral. Weket
Drokers, 272 Washington
Abram Charles, file cutter, house 35.Spring | [E
Abrams Abrahin 1. operator, 157 Kingston, bh 2H
‘Abrams A. removed to New York
Abrams A.W. & Co, brush manufacturers, 70 Sud-
bury, house 42 East Windsor
Abrams fenuc, 6 Lowell (Bulfinch
prams Taane” (Little & Cb.), 78 Peart, bude. 10
‘Abrams Joseph, clork, 6 Handver,b. 736 Harrison av,
‘Xbrame Julie, provialons, 104 Solem, b. 4 Stillman
‘Ae dngton
‘Academy of the Sacred Heart, 6 Cheater equare
‘Acheron Adam, house Poplar, 6. Washington, Ton,
‘Xeheron Francs, Inborer, bds. Centre, 1. Washing:
ton, Doreh, [Haynes
Acheson Jame 7 Washington, ida. 2s
177 Wash. ba. 28 Maynon
houee'155 Pleasabt
‘Achorn Albert, clerk, 7 Lexinyton, EB, baa. &
‘Frenton, do. *
Achorn Clara B, dressmaker, bas, 108 Pembroke
‘Achorn Orlando, teamater, houro 212 Weet Third
‘Acker Andrew, shoemaker, 333 West Fourth, house
10 Weat Eighth
Acker Freilorick, Inborer, house rear 69 Wot Fifth
‘Ackerman Arthur W, clerk, B. & Ly Rul 28 Minot,
dda. at Medford loin
Ackerman Charles Mf, 294 Washington, bds, 29 How
‘Adkerman Charlotte, widow, house 29 Worley, 1.1.
‘Aexerman H.N, eletk, B.& L. 11. 28 Minot, house
at Medford (Yarmouth
Ackerman Lizsle 8. Miss, vocal culture, house
‘Ackermann Exit F. (Ackermann sé Prand), 3
Dudley, house 771 Shawmut my.
Ackermann & Prand (8, #. Ackermann and Eil-
monde Prand), lthographers, U8 Dudley
Ackermann, see Akerman [Appleton
‘Aekere A. 'S. bookkeeper, $2 Summer, bus. 106
Rekland Thomas, house 1 Hurrell piace
Ackley Joho A. clerk, N.Y. & Nils Kult, house 7
Ackroyd George, bda. 4 Faxon
‘Ackroyd Willian, laborer, botse 4 Faxon
‘Acorn Abram, peddier, house 1 Page's court
‘Acorn David, teamster, house 7 Lowell
‘Acorn Mary, widow, house 5 Rotlins place | [EB
‘Acorn Theresa J, Mia. dressmaker, b.0 Webstvr
Acorn Willlam, helper, house 13 Camden place
‘Acorn, see Achorn
‘Acres Hannish, widow, house 301 Saratoga
‘Actes John W. jr. salliwaker, 29 South Mnrket
hoore at Chile {at Maplewou
Actes William '. sallmaker, 38 North Market, wouse
‘Acton Ceellin, widow, house 14 Chelsea, Chari.
‘Real Estate and Mortgage ‘Washington
‘Particular attention paid Wo the Care of Heal Etaie aud Collectio of Rents.
Brokers, 220, Street.
Boston [A]
Acton Elizabeth Mra. bouse 50L fh. at Lexington
‘Altair Charice Hl. clork, B. & TL. RR. 3s Minot,
‘Adaie Eliza Miss, house TS Cottage,
‘Adair Thomay 1 bookkeeper, he 29 Enat Eighth
‘Adam Hannah A. Misa, private shook, 98 Chestnut,
house Bishop, J.P [house 35 Piedmont
Adam Toute, vattety. store, Pledmont, cor. Church,
‘Ada BG Mies, private seboot, 98 Chestnut, house
hop. J.P.
Adam Wiltiann Mfrs, house Bishop, JP.
‘Adainy Abel Are, house Pond, near Rockwood, J.P.
‘Adan Abigale Mian al Old Ladin" Honey 108
Adan Abner G. mining, house 12 Fast Dedham
‘Adams Addison, musician, 88 Court, rms, 20 do,
oom 2) + atabridgepore
Adatan Adelbert A. salesman, 24 Lincoln, house at
‘Adama Adoipty peddler, house 10 Sawyer”
‘Adams Adonirain J. CM: £. Hall Cor), 9A Faneuil
Tall Square, house 54 Worce
Adama Albert A. watchman, rma. Suffolk place
‘Adams Albert HC bookbinder, 37 Corobill, House at
Adams Athert 8. 27 Doane, room 6, house
‘Adama Albert W. notary publley ie 1985 Washington
‘Adurox Atbion, potice station 2, by, 42 Codman
‘Aiamas Atexander, 27 Kilby, bibs, American Hou
‘Adama Alfonso A. salestoan, "Washington, cor.
Brattle, house at Malden
Adawas Alien N, house 421 Dudley
‘Adamos Alonzo 8. Wateh repalrer, 24 Winter
‘ane Alvin A; “Cifolt, Steadinan, dC), 2h
‘Slogaton and 20 AfIlK, house 130 West Canton
Adams Amos, agent, house 32 Billeriea
‘Ranga Anon’ F- (dame, Cnapman, & Co.), 37
‘North Market, house at Eaat Somerville
Adams Andrew J. (GC. H. t Ae J. Adams)
Wert tircadway, hds. 419 to
Adama Anu Mt. Mies, house 47 Wall
‘Aims Anna, widaw, house 4 Harvard place, Chan.
‘aims Anna’ G.Atre,"Gleadal, or, Paynon are
‘dune Aalto, cashier, 48 Chester ng. {mont
‘Adama Arthur’Arnouit, clerk, 10 Milk, bids. 92 Pree
‘Adame Asa J. bookkeeper, 73 Pent byt Hyde Parke
‘Adams Austin W. ciel el TER, boards a
‘Quincy. ‘t Haverhill
Adanis As Hf, & Co, Jonther remoanta, 145 Fedloral,
‘Ailatis A: L.'spotheeary, 295 Meridian hy 207 doe
‘Adnms Benjiuunln Mr. liouse 108 Beacon
‘Adauus Benjamia F. (Medewet -Ailams),
1é2 Tremont, house at Belmont (43 Revers
Adams Ben). N-( Adame «& Go.), 03 Anderson, house
‘Adama flon): W. eabinetioakery bh Ruggles pl. LM.
‘anme Wrooks (ivaeyurtane. a Adare), 6S Beare
‘bullding, hotise 13 Chae
Adams Hrothers (J.P. Adana’ fetes ani B, Clark),
colton waste anid paper etack, 215 Peseral
Adams Byron 8, removed to Washington D.C.
‘Adama Caroline, widow, house 63 Wall
Adams Caroline'8. widow, bds. 19 Auburn, Chan,
‘Adams, Chapman, % Co.’ C4. F.ddaine and E
‘Chapman’, produce, 37 Nori ‘Market and 37
Adams Chacles, confeetloner, house Sheridan Nep.
‘Adama Charles, earrlageralker, b. 2 Plewsadt, Chen,
‘Adams Charice, bda. dt Tremont
‘Adams Charles; varicty store, 35 A, house do,
‘Adama Charles, laborer, house § Pleat, Chan.
‘Adama Charles’ A. (HL, dfalt é Co.), 34 Fanon
Hall Square, house at Dedham
Adama Charles A. ca
Adanis Charloe E. shipwright, b. 182 Bremen, EB.
Adams Charles E. clerk, 60’ Devonshire, bile. it
Adatns Charles Francis, 23 Court, room 38, house 57
At. Vernon
Oharles Francis, jr. 23 Cot hot
Gases Drench, Cott oor =
Adams Charles F.
‘Adams Charles F.
Prorrpen ie
Adams Charles H. jr. clerk, 11 State, bas, 705 Wash-
Adams Charles H. clerk, bids. 3 Tolman place
‘Adams Charles H. removed to Dayton,
‘Adams Charles H, sawyer, 88 Utiea, Mh
‘Adams Charles H&A, 'J. furatian
‘West Broadway, house 412 do.
Adams Charles J. 40 Wal
‘Adams Charles L- died Aug. 15, 1879
‘Adams Charles [. bds. Savin Hill av. Dorch,
Adams Charles N, foreman, 215 Federal, hd
‘Tremont [Ganbrideport
Adame Charles 0, fireman, P.O. bullding, houne at
‘Adams Charles P-h, 14 Boylston (hh. nt Modford,
‘Adams Charles ft. teacher vocal music, 14 Tremont,
Adams Charles W Jr. bookkeeper,’ 14 Sudbury,
hhouse at Cambridge [Academy Hl, He:
Adains Charlotte, asst. Winship-pl. primary, hoards
‘Adams Chester, conductor, M. FR. bds. 74'School,
Bg. aa.
Adame Clara M. Mies, dressmaker, bds. 37 Boylston
‘Adame Conrad, tinsmith, house 15 Russell ct. Rox.
‘Adama Cyrus F, conductor, Mid. RAR. bil 12 See
‘ver, Chat. 103 Shawmut av.
Adame'C. Henry, slgn painter, 325 Washington, hy
‘Adame Danlel &, (Downs & Adame), 5 Chauncy,
‘bua. 12 W, Cott {National House, Ch
Adams Daniel 8, coal and wood, § Chambers, house
Adams David, brass worker, 7 Hull (mut uy,
‘Adams David’ A. waiter, 60° Summer, h. O24 Shaw-
‘Adams Delia P. widow, house Park, fox. fav.
Adams Ebenezer, elvil enginver, h. 410 Mt. Monaunt
Adams Edelbert P. notary, 149'Franklin, towne wt
‘Newton Lower Falla
Adams Edward A. (0, £; Bortlett dé Co.),115 State,
‘cor. Broad, house 11 Mt. Vernon
Adams Edward A. rmx. 54 Bowdoin
‘Adams Edward E. bookkeeper, 918 Washington,
house at West Newton
Adams Edward F.30 Franklin, bat East Cambridge
‘Adams Edward H. (1, #: Lawrence, Adan
169 Devonshire, house at East Watertown
Adame Edward H. watcbmaker, 787 Washington,
house at AUiford.
Adame Haward I 4 Chauncy.
‘Adams Edward L, 40 Court, honse 14 Marlborough
Adams Edward B. civil engineer, 82 Devonshire,
room 2, bda. at Medford
Adams Kdward R. clerk, 104 Summer, bs. 45 Upton
‘Adams Edwin, mason, 33 Hawley, h $4 Blue Hiltwy.
‘Adams Edwin’, Mrs: honxe 2 Cordla, Chan.
‘Adams Elbridge G. Mf. travelling saleginnn, 62 Chnal
‘Adams Eltzabeth, laundry, 122 Harrison av. hi, do.
‘Adams Elizabeth, widow, house 14 Rochester
‘Adams Ellen, widow, house 2 Sawyer
‘Adams Ernest, clerk, 50 Summer
‘Adams Everett D. milkman, house 41 Eesex, Chen,
‘Adams Express Company, 40 Court, 77 Bedford, and
280 Federal [Chan,
Adains Eata E. clerk, 43 Chatham, bids. 90 Parker,
‘Adama E. Francla, malo teacher, bide. 122 Wash,
Adams E, Franklin, music teacher, 281 Columbus
‘av. bls. 1 Davis (is Akron
Adamé Francis M, constable, Superior Court, house
‘Adams Francie P. (Adame de Eaton), 827 Tremont,
and Kellogs’s extracts, 400 ‘Tremont, bds, 49
Union par
Adams Frank, clerk, rma. 12 Chambers
‘Adams Fraok’(Adains d Oo,), 02 Browd [Boylston
‘Adams Frank (Adama dé Maley), 130 Promont, bi. 04
‘Adama Frank E, printer, bds. 38 Leverett
‘Adaios Frank H. goldbeater, 87 Hawley, rooms 82
Myre ‘Allen
Adams Franke 8. salesman, $3 Summer, bus, G1
‘Adams Franklin, salesman, house 15 Sharv’
Adams Franklin 'M. painter, house Neponset av. cor,
Minot, Nep. irker House
Adams Fred T. safety air-cushlon, 12 Court, bide,
‘Adaine Frederick H. grocer, 264 Main, holise 203 do.
‘Adams Frederick H- (Thomas B. Adame & Co.).
‘Federal, house at Newton Centre [br
Adams Frederick W. driver, U. RR. b, Bigelow,
‘Adams Freeborn. jr. house 758 East Broadway.
DAMS FREEDOM 8. proprietor Union Carpet
AP Gesatng Go, 228 Cambridge, houre at Can.
-R. repair shops, All
‘ston, house Cambridge, near Union aquare, do.
Adams Gardner, baggage master, O.C, 1B, howee
‘4 Elm, Chen.
& SON, REAL ESTATE Acrs.*"3s%wathingtoo sere"
52 Boston [A]
Adams Georg, saleeman, 65 Summer, Dds. 85 Dart
Adams George, cutter, 127 Federal, bas. 18 Changeav.
‘Adams George, insurance
‘Alums George A. 96 Frien
ent, bade. 6 Allston
George A. clerk at
73 Hancock
E. 14 Milk, house 172 W. Brookline
George H. baker, 39 Prince, bi
George H. clerk, 2 North Market, bls, Har-
‘vard place, Chsn. B.
Adams George Hl. police statlon 16, b. 12 Cottage,
jeutenant police station 7, bas, 07
‘Adana George W.
Adams George W. mason, b. Orlent Heights, E.B.
‘Aaims George W. eupt, Boston Electric Protective
"Assoc. fib Suromer, b. 1784 Dorchester ay.
Adanix George W. jeweller, 2400 Warhington, b. do.
‘Aaamnt George W.bank-note printer, $7 Si house
M4 Shirley
Adama George W. oysters, 6 Blossom, house do.
‘Adams George W. waiter, rma. 20 Garden
‘Adams George W: house 9 Hayward place
‘Adame George 2. lawyer, 104 Waabington, howe
Adatne Harry, balrdresser, 180 Dudley, b. 88 Taber
‘Adams Harry’ B. ticket agent F. Hit, house 21
Forest, Cambridge
Adams Hatry F. corresponding clerk Mase. Nat.
Bank, 00 Congress, bile. 45 Weat Newton.
Adams Henry, 80 Winter, he Allston street, Allston:
‘Adams Henry, woo! broker, 18 Summer, bouse at
‘New York [mouth
Adaine Henry, talesman, 11 Greeny bds. 65 Dart-
‘Adams Henry, 650 Washington, bh. at Newtonville
Adame Henry, removed to London: fing” Uley ple
‘Allams Henry’ A. porter, 72 Franklin, honse Berke:
‘Adaine Hency 0. Hiraslian vier-conet and (lo
‘Loote), cous. wer. 119 MiDky he 20 Hi "
m Henry D. mason, bonse 20 Rochestor
leek, 45 High, roms. 11 Davis
jenry K. bas. 409 Colambus av.
‘Aadains Henry L. (Stacy, Adama, & Co.), 08 Sum
mer, house at New York,
“Adams Henry 8. cashler, P.
“Adams Herbert I. tallow of
Herbert W. elerk, b
Aled May i, 1870
‘Adains Horatto, 40 Water, room 44, bh. at Kingston
Horret, organ builder, 1131 ‘Tremont, bouse
‘at Dedham
Adams House, 595 Wasbtngton mouths
‘Adams Teaae, clothing, 1 and 13 Green, b. 0} Dart
‘Adame Toone, chernits 6 Alexander ny hoore Wo,
‘Adame Ivers W. (J. He Pray, Sant, Cv), 956
‘Washington, house 2 Delle a
“Adams Jwines, bolter, house 34 Lexington, EB.
“Adame Janes, blacksmith, bas. 124 Loudon
‘Adame Jaines, president Warrea Inet. Bavings, 25
‘Mbuin, honse 67 Washington, Chen.
Adame James, jt. cashier Blackstone Natlonal
Tank, house 26 Chestuut, Chen.
Adam James, driver, bouse 13 Allen, Chan.
‘Adaina James, house 102 Bartlet, Chath.
‘Adams Janes, house 170 Brooks, E.,
Adama James’ B. clerk, 47 ‘Tremont, be
‘Adams James B. salesman, 55 Frankl
‘mont coal, Swett, cor
‘Adama James E. & Co. (2. A. Remick), wood sud.
Adime James H, police station t, house $0 Paris
Adama James H, Insurance agent, b. 347 Warren
‘ame Jaryes ML. clerk, 185 Dudley, house 19 Chad.
Adame Janws HT. real estate, 60 Devonshire
‘Adame James 8. printer, 290 Washington, house at
Adama dames W. clerk, 45 North, bd. 1
‘Aiains Jennie Miss, dressmaker, 42 Staniford, b. do,
‘Atlan Yor! M. carpenter, house Marsh, Nepineet
Adams John, engineer, house 42 Princeton, E.B.
‘Aunms Jobin, house 20'Minot [5 Bona
‘Adama Jobs, fruit, 2 west end N.P.HL mkt. house
‘Aaaros Yoho, orguimaker, house 123 Lenox
‘Attama John, saloon, 10H "Tremont, house do, | [pl.
‘Adame Jobn, clerk, "1058 Washington, rma.
‘Adams Jobn Mrs. bouse $1 Bennington
Adams John, brass finlsber, bouse 125 West Sixth
‘Adame John, clerk, rms.2 Damon place
‘Adams John, mason, house 18 Rochester
AAdaioe John, genera ant. F. KK ole at depot,
Douse 17 igh, Chan.
Adama John, Job “printer, Washington, opposite
‘Cate Fair Hotel, house Foster, Dr
Aduns Jobn, coal and wood, 3 Crescent place,
rae. do Ttyter
Adams Joho, baggage master, B.X A. RR, bis. 6
‘Addams John'c. 9 Chauncy. at Newton | |plnce
Aidams Jobn C. fireman, B. & PLR. Rh 20 Milford
‘Aasins John E. teinuaer, rms, # Kneeland place
‘Adame Jou E. 8. foreman, 118 West Brookline,
house 2 Sawyer
Adams Jobo F. coachman, h. 30 Kendall [Belmont
Adinms Joho F.forcman, 220 Kasex, house 4 Hotel
‘Adams John G. (Adamy'& Rich), 1 Union market,
Those at Malden
Adaine John P. author, rooms 3t Leverett
‘Adame John Quincy, Inwyer, 28° Cour room Sy
Thonse at Quincy {7 Porter
Adauis Jolin G, slverpl howe
‘Adams John Y. shipmuith, house 49 Mavorick aq.
‘Adame John Q, house 1 Madison
‘Tea Co, 1205 "Tre-
‘Ollice, house
Adams Jobn ig. bookkeeper, treasurer's office, State
House, bovine at Auburndale
Adams John Q’ watchman, Deer Island, bas, do,
‘Adame John 8: games, hotise Lagrange, Wt
‘AAdains John 8. (Adama a Jones), Dorchester av.
cor. Commercial, tone Cedar plseos Dore
Adams John S.30 Temple place, hyave ut Brookline
‘Adame Jolin W. mosie teacher, 22 Eliot, house dy.
‘Adams Job W- caterer, house St Grave
mn W, engraver, @2 Devonshire, room 28,
‘at Medford
jowwph % Oo. (HP. Wrnnerberg)s Mali, 27
relat wharf, north aide, hab Somerville
mh 1B. teacher, 008 Waslington, be at
h HL. foreman, 62 Canal, be at Medford
DAMS JOSEPH H. solicitor of patents, 3
Schvol, room 23, house ut North Audover—
Sea page 1302 {Newton
fostply HL. bookkeeper, 28 Pearl, idk. at
Joseph I. trader, house 7 Lexington ph. By
‘Adams Joseph K. bootmaker, 7 Pinckney, h. 5 du.
‘Adame Joreph L. tiremnan, Kiaiwood, cor: Elmwood
court, bds. Hotel Goldatnitty
Adama Joseph M. whalebone worker, 26 Lincoln,
house at Cambeldgeport [Greeny dat
Adams Joseph SN. pianomaker, h. Washington,
‘Adams Joseplt R house 10 Chadwick place
‘Addains Joseph W. clerk, house 142 Schoul, Bx.
‘Aulatoe Josephine G. bds, Seaver House ton
‘Adama soshiun We driver M, HRs 1M Wanhlng-
Adams Jutlas, carpenter, house 1382 Tremont
Adame Jove}
‘Adasus Julius, lawyer, 83 ‘Tremont, bas. 106 Weat
Adains J.B. rm4, 96 Chambers [Maiden
‘Adams IE: clerk, Washington, cor. Brattle, 1. at
‘Addams J. Henry, engineer, . Brown et. Allston
‘Adama. Webb, house 36 Marcella
AAdaiws Kate M. "teacher, Minot school, bde. Saviit
Hill av. ‘iil av, Doreh.
Adams Laban, bookkeeper,41 Franklin, house Savin,
‘Adams Laura's. Stra, houae 9 Clifton plisce
Leonard 1, wool, 190 Federal, heat Newton
nls, arebliect, house 122 Harri
Adaws Cools H, 33 Sommer, house Chestnut Hu
av. cor. Unlon, Br. cor, Unlon, Hr.
inda ©. widow, bis. Chestnut Mill ay,
suclus B. carpenter, bile. 00
Juke, moilider, bds. 8 Dorchester ay.
Adame Later (dame, Taylor, a Co.), cn. mot.
145 Broad, home Faneuil, near
‘Adams Malcolm, laborer, house 4 Webs
‘Aaames Mansteld, provisions, 86 Pilla, pr, 42
‘Grove ths'chuidier
Adams Mark. bookkeeper, 294 Harrison av, house
‘Adams Martha, widow, House § Parkman
‘Adams Martin, died Dec. 17, 1579
Adams Martin’Mrs. honse 6f Lasington, EB
‘Adums Stary Miss, marie veacher, hos south Russell
‘Adana Mary A; irs 8 Lavering place fevers
‘Adams Mary A. Misa, at Old Ladies’ Home, 108
Real Estate and Mortgage Brokers, 226 Washington Street.
‘Particular attention paid tothe Care of Beal Eatale and Collection of Rents,
Boston [A] DrrEcrory.
Adams Mary D.B, Mrs. house 114 Appleton
‘Aduins Mary I. widow, house 2 Payson court
‘Adama Mary 1 widow, bouse Cedar place, Dore,
‘Adame Mary 11, Mrs, house 3 Cauneway
‘Adams Matthew, coachman, ED. Sohier's, Brighton
av. bide. do. Allston,
Adams Mehitable Mrs, house 45 Vernon
‘Addams Melvin, house 194 Dorchester
‘Adams Melvin'0nesinane distr attorney, 24
‘House, bd. & Ashburton
Adams Minnie Mrs, bouse 00 ir
‘Adams MW. Mes, house & Obi
‘Adame Nahum 8. coal and wood, 86 Bennington,
house 131 Trenton, E.B.
Adams Nathaniel, died Jan. 12, 1880
‘Adams Nathaniel, porter, house 6 Mitton
‘Adams Nelson J. carpenter, bouse WLM (F.P.
‘Adams Nervine “Asylum, Centre, n. Lawder’s lave,
‘Adama Obadiah F. maaoa, be Myrtle, m. Pond, J.P
‘Adams Obed I, house 463 W. Brondway " [orvitie
‘Adama Ocean P. printer, 18 Spring lane, bls, at Som
‘Adams Owen, manager Nat. Mercantile Assoc. 7
‘Exchange place, room 24, house at Newton
Adama Paul, House 125 Charles
Addn Peter, pedilor, house 8 Hampshire
‘Adana Petee house 60 .\then
‘Adams Phabe, widow, bourde 27 Kilby
Ailunua P. P, bookkeeper, 04 Pearl, boise 23 Lynde
‘Adams Ransom B, printer, house $24 Northampton
‘Adams Reuben A. dled Septeraber, 1879
Adanis Richard, foreman, hy 28 Russell, Chan.
Richurdy house 14 Bartlett, Chen,
Richard H.-cabloetmaker, 23 1ussell, Cha.
Robert 1. conduetor, bade. 24 Ken
Ruth A. widow, house 13 South Russell
‘Adams It. F. bookkeeper, 33 South, rins. 68 Clarendon,
‘Adams Sainuel, engineer, house 179 West Third
Adams Samuel, sation agent, Harbor View Station,
B. Te. € 1. RR. house do, E.B.
font, house 123 Leverett
, clerk, 182 Federal, bis. 6 Wil-
Adama Samuel A.
muel Q. superintendent of police, oflee
City Hall, house 6 Willow park.
‘Adatae Sara E.G. Mive, house 24 Albion
‘Adams Sarah, widow. h, 142 School, Eg. #qe
‘Adama Sarah'B. widow, houre 24 Aibion
‘Adams Sarah L. teacher, bda. 64% Tremont
Adama Surah Le 8. Mra. house 128 Brook av.
Adains Sidney’. (Lovie: Uolmer, Adam), 82
Broa, house at Buttilo, N.Y.
Adama Simeon Pts 276 Buber {0M [Somorvie
Addams Stephen 8. beltmaker, 176 Devonshire, he at
‘Adams Suxar Refinery, Granite, $13.
‘Adana Suriner, house 2 Taslor’ay. Dorch.
‘Adama Suconer’ Mfrs, house 158 Went
‘Adams Susan M, widow, bda. 2 Md
Adams Sylvester K. dentist, 28 Temple place, house
at Chelaen
Adame 8. Jarvia Mrs. bag. 74 Temple
‘Aanney Taylors & Co. (Lier tame
iylor). Foreln cous. merchants, 1
erent teamater, house 28 Northfield
‘theodore brs, 16 Ashburton pl
‘Adams Thomas, 8 Decatur, wil. 16
DAMS THOMAS Be & CO. (Fred. Th, Aidame
and Samuel Kidder), lather belting manuts.
31 Federal and 176 Devonshire, factory. 121
Haverhill — See page 1391
Adams cane ¥. burtender, 6 Summer, house 107
onigwevod a
Adams Thowae ¥, conductor, howse 10 Vern
Adinis Thomas H. police stailon % bas. 133 Warren,
Rox, (Harbor
Adame Thomas M. clerk, 3 West, rms. 23. Old
‘Thomas §. house 8 Tremont (iris, EB.
‘Thomas W. fireman, LE, No. 8
‘Tullius J, etectricia, 131 Devousbire, eas. 24
T. P bee. 83 Lynde.
Lrial, earpenter, h. 48 Mt-Vernoa, Chen.
Victor HL. clerk, $7 Court, bds. at Melrose
5 Waldo, 40 Court, hose 222 Bescon, and at
Adame Wallace F. steward, bds, 71 Hancock
Adams Walter, lawyer, 42 Court, room 5, house at
Framingham ‘West Canton
Adame Walter B. salesman, 22 Tigh, house 233
‘Adams Walter F. clerk, 34 North, hutise at Chelaca
‘Adams Waiter H. hairdresser, 11 ‘Bennet, h. 60 Oak
‘Adams Warren B. clerk, 41'Franklin, bouse 156
Adams William, Inborer, house 6 Anderson
‘Adams William, real-estate agent, 6 Devonshire
Adama William, dds. 38 Colummlyus av.
‘Adams William,
Adams William, cabinetmaker,
Vow Alinot, ea:
Adams William B. removed to New York
Adame William G. clerk, 1358 Washington, Wa.
Adame William D. carpenter, 6 Taber, house 27
Adame William D. carpenter, 6 Taber, how
‘Dore. Rox. (shiney
Adame Willntn B. inter, $7 Milk, bd. 14
‘Adams William F. shoemaker, house 10 ¥
Adame William Fengraver, baa. 3'Tyler
‘Adams William F. captain, honee 11 Entaw
‘Aduine William Henry, coal aud wood, 28 Water
‘aaine William H. proprictor Maine’ Aliniug. Ex-
change, 28 Camgress
Adame William 1 bullder, 69 Devonshire
‘Adams William i. burglar alarm, house
Adame Willisin 1. expressman, h. 19 Beach, C
‘Attame Willara K: seaman, bas, 64 Woreestor
‘ne What ame maker 13 Kings
iam 1. houso 39 Union, Chen.
‘Adame Willlam 8. carpenter, bda, 0 And
Adame Willlam 8: contractor, de. UU
Aiame William T: house Dorchester nv, near Poster
Audame Wille C, “clerk, 248° Washington, dx
Poplar Ui nowai
Adame W, Trving, casbler, 7 Exchange place, bd
WAP Ms aa romley ate
Adams Zina Hl. Mra. hows
Rants & Co. (HeN: Autama)e grocers 8b Anderson
Tiquors, 02 roa
nnd ets Baton),
y (Frank Adame and
Tharness and trunk manufacture, 1
Adams & Rich (7. @, Adam
visions, 10 Unlon market
Adatison Andrew, house 39 Old Harbor
‘and FL, Rich), pro-
Adamwon David plano polisher, 449, Washington,
Thouse at Melrose 34 Sarato
Adamoon Davia clerk, re deparinent, Cy
a is N- mariner, bd. 1 Hagovur
1 Md. Mflen, dvowaminkerr, b 3 Old
jon Thosnas, currier, bis, 247 Hanover
avon William S. mariner, house 1 Hanover ph.
eon Willian W, tearaster, his, 1 Hanover ple
‘Raidon‘Jon The Doots and hoes, 46 Pearl woud ak
Ttewing. 95 Henley, Ch
Addicott Robert A. machinist, 20 Washington, ie
‘Addie Joba, engineer, 116 ‘Franklia, hac 184
igh, Chen.
Addison Ary, earpentor, hovse Farnum place
ait Feary jewelry, 274 atu: 38 Oak, Chan
‘Addison James W. provisions, Bellevue, n. Contry,
house South, Reo
Addison Philip, earpeater, b. Whitney, cor. Conant
‘Audison Richard, provisions, 212 Shawmut av. bh,
a7 Gray
Addison Thomay, atone cutter, b 25 Corey, Chan,
‘Addison ‘Thomas D, blacksmith, house 4 Stilton
Addison William 'T. HL.
‘Chan, house 24 Webster, do.
Adily Charies J. machinist, 81 High, h. at Malden
‘Ade Thotaas, laborer, house 62 Hampsh|
‘Adelman Frank, hairdresser, house 4 Ward, Rox,
‘Adelman Joseph, House 6 Ward, Rox.
‘Adelof MC 0. 131 Federal
‘Ades Henry, upholsterer, 6 Pleasant
DIUSTARLE TAP CO. bout and shoe
Rquliable haldng— Bee inder to Adeertianwte
W. station agent, 0.6. IR, 8.3,
hairdresser, 62 Wartlett,
Adler Frank, printer, 759 Washington, b. 25 Kirkland
Auler Frank, clerk, 13) Federal, bda. at Hyile Park
‘Adler George M. painter, 789 Wasb. 0, 30 Kirkland
‘Adler Jacob, machinist, house 39 Adams, Chan.
‘Adler John, pianomaker, house § Auburn, Rox.
‘Auler John C. bootmaker, house 38 Kirkland,
‘Adler Joba E. bookkeeper, house Canterbury,
fount Hope
Adrian Elizabeth Mrs. horse 208 Tremont
‘Adsit Willard J. salesman, house 80 Villa
‘Aechtler Catharine, widow, h. Culvert, n. Tremont
‘Acchtler Frank, machinist, house § Coventry
J. FRENCH & SON, REAL ESTATE Acts.“**.3eWsstington sereces =”
Boston [A]
Acchtler Gottlich, plater, house § Coventry
‘Aechtler Jobn G,"conductor, house 900 Heath
coi Jolin. apacbiniat howe 6 Coventry
‘Avschlimann "Louts: (Boston Watch Gave. Go.), 5
Provinee court, houre 135 Pleasant
itu Fire Insurance Co. of Hartford, St Milk
Eine Life Ine. Co, of
Hoos Ate,
Zan Rubber Auli, 183 Devonshire, and Brookwide
AN Gv of Green, JP mi
Seuna ieubber Stamp Co. HL. J. Hallgreen, 208 Wash
‘Aftno Menod, clerks 94 Washington, bs. 02 to.
‘Apanns Aleznodar' 10 Pemberton square, room 1,
oltse at Combridge
‘Ager Angst, brewers house 7 Prontiea
‘Race fon, ter bs 0 Koeaand
cr George Beat Clty Treas oiler, CRy Halle
SSalveaton, cor. Reveresd-P. (Revere, J.P.
‘Ager George'i jr. clerk, 19 Kingston, B, Alvestane:
Aer Solotton, nds. 226 West Canton aa
Ager Thomas, farmer, b- Washington, n. Richmond,
‘ger Tae frmer, Dds Wangaty ed
mond, Latte
Ager Williaa, earpenter, house rear 88 Warrenton
Alfeuen George, tender, £63 Charles, houye 879 do,
‘Algo William’ CE 6! #. Ang sb Coy drugs, 26
Tad, bas, at Salen
Auuew Andrew 5. fee , 10 Salem (Salem
‘Agnew Andrew J. Jr. atersotyper, 73 Federal, b. 119
Agnew Ann Miss, house 2 Stanho}
‘Awe Hiridget, widow, house 68 Lowell
‘gnew James I. patternmaker, h.7 Hotel Chapman
Agnew Jobn H.71 Broad, bda. 77 Prince
‘Agnew Joseph F. moulder, bds, 274 Wext Fourth
‘Agnew Lawrence, framemaker, house 37 Barton
‘Agnew Lawrence J. laborer, house 65 Lowell
‘Agnew Millard ¥. laborer, "2 Commercial wharf,
north side, bds. 77 Pei ate
106 Quiney,
tr sane Guage
Any Clerk, 68 Clarendow, bds.117 Chandler
Abry Mary A. Mrs, house 101 Chandler
Ary Willan Ht, grocer, S04 Tenover, TY Kneeland
(01 Harrison ay. and 58 Olarenidan, bas. 10 Buck
-0 Jone ME. vice-consul of Tauly, 5 Congress, rm.
jeand (Aguayo € Roberts), 16 Indin, bile.
Eaut Newton (oom. mers.'t6 India
Aguayo & ltoberte (4, Aguayo and JU Robert
‘Ahearn Catharine, widow, hirise 44 Belmont, Chan
Ahwarn Catharine, house 31 Columbia
‘Ahearn Corvellue, laborer, house 05 Baxter
Ahearn Daniel J. carrier, house 272 D
‘Ahearn Hannab Mtiss, house 138 Hudson
‘Ahearn Jamon, maxon, house Greenwich place
‘Ahearn John, laborer, house 408 Went Firat
‘Abearn Mary’ Mrs. Douse 16 Vieksburg
Anearn Maurlee, baker, bas. 66 F
‘Ahearn Maurice, laborer, houre 863 Wort First
Ahearn ‘Thomas, laborer, bouse 417 West Second
‘Ahearn Thomas, Inborer, house 15 Plympton court
‘A'Hlern Anastasia, widow, house 216 Sumner, E.B.
‘Ahern Catharine, widow, hie. T Genesee
‘Ahem Corelle, prlater, ovine 140 Holton
‘Ahern Cornelius, laborer, house 34 Phillips, Rox,
‘Ahern Daniel, house 407K. Eighth (Everett, E.B.
Abern Danlel, teamster, 250 Commercial, house 2
‘Ahern Daniel, grocer, 92 A, bouse 4 do.
‘A'Hern Daniel J. law student, 6 Court, bis. 66 Poplar
‘Ahern Daniel W. packer, ba. 407 Kast Eighth
‘Ahern Dantet W: house Yo Chander
‘Ahern David, porter, 62 Long wharf, h. 5 Tleston
‘Ahern David, longshoreman, house § Powers court
Ahern Dennis, bartender, 226 West Broadway, house
WM Dorchester av.
Ahem Edward, carpenter, house ¢2 East Windsor
‘A'Hern Edward H, ticket soller, Musle Hall, bas. 66
Aneto Elles, widow, house 62 Catle
Ahern Ellen’ Mes. house 346 Federal
‘Atiern dames, Inborer, house 47 Commercial
Abom Janos, shoemaker, houre 497 East Ehghth
Atiern James, carpenter, honse 77 Lenox.
‘Ahern Jeremiah, walter, bouse 204 Albany
‘Anern Jererlah labore, bs 3 Faxon pitce
Abern Jolin, teainster, House 24 Salutaton
“Sern John’ (Pearce sf Anerm), 15. Wendell
Abern John, laborer, house rear 88 Warrenton
‘Ahem John, laborer, house 38 Moulton, Chsn.
‘Ahern John, Isborer, bas. 437 Commercial
‘Ahern John, tearster, house 20 West Sixth
‘Aber Joho, slater, h. 37 Billerica “(114 W. Eighth
‘Ahern John’ (7. Ahern Son), 100 Hampden, bds.
‘Ahern John, dled Maret 10, 1880
Alern John, laborer, h. Hainblen, near Gilbert av.
‘Abern John'G. house 69 Pinckney [68 E. Windsor
‘Ahern John HP. law student, 33 School, rm. 7, bas.
‘Aber Mary, widow, house 41 Utiea
‘Aborn Mury Miss, house 70 Chandler
‘Alicrn Matrice, tallor, house 67 Albany
openinkerh. Kemble, near Gerard
rer, house 66 Poplar
‘Aber Maurice, hack driver, 8 Maxon, bas. 1:do.
“Ahern Michael, clerk, 118 Kneeland, bas, 81 Wash,
Ahern Michaol, laborer, house 87 Coventiy |
‘Aner Michael, plumber, 85 Joy, house 43 Fayette
‘Ahern Michael, telegrapher, Dds: 43 Utes
‘Ahern Michael, luborer, house rear 20 Cuarter
‘Aheru Michael, laborer, honse 3 Ontario
‘Ahern Michael’ W, clerk, 341 Washington, ban. 6
"Tileston ‘Salem
Abern MJ. Miss, salerwoman, 69 Hanover, bids. at
‘Ahern Patrick, clork, 310 Commercial. b.3 Powers el.
‘Ahern Patrick; saloon, 138 Leverett, house do.
‘Abom Peter, laborer, hoase 16 Hudson, Chan.
‘Ahern P. George, salesman, 8 Dock square and 142
‘Washington, bia, 24 Demme
Ahern Stophen, teamster, house 402 Wort Second
‘Ahern ‘Thomas, carpenter, bas. 194 South
‘Abero Thomas, hostler, house 624 Shawmut av,
Ahern Thomas, shoemaker, house 11 Onelda
Ahern Timothy & Son (John), bullling movers, 100
Tarnpiien, house 114 West Elebth
Abero Willing, laborer, house 16 Marginal
‘Ahern William, teamster, louse 270 West Third
‘Ahera Willis, laborer, bide. 41 Longwood my,
Ahern Willian, Inborer, bas. 8 Powers court
Ahern William, laborer, houre 82 Curve
‘Atorn William, Inborer, house 87 Billeriea
porter be 6 Bowdoin
Inhorer, bila. 3 Kero
laborer, hia, 92 Curve
steamboat had, b. 280 Everett, EB.
‘Ahern Wiltlaz, carpenter, bde. 08 Raat Winds
Ani Daioh Jr oot and ‘se, Hanover
si change,
~ physlelan, 4 Charles, house da,
Abas camer, ‘teamster, 161 Milk, house 549 Dor-
chester av.
Ablert Vincent G. laborer, bds. 848 Dorchester av.
Abistrom Axel, engineer, 101 Milk
Ab Lun, Chinese laundry, 808 Weet Brondway
Abmeck Mining Co. 178 onsbire, room 36
Alrherry Gearge, laborer, h. 300 Lexington, E.B,
‘Alirend Simon, houxe 800 East Fourth
‘Al Charile, Chinese Inundry, 35 Main, Chany, do.
‘Aide Eimiind,moroceo dresser, b.T8 Decutir, Chia,
Alken Anthony C. conchman, house 2 Seare place
Alken Carrie Milas, dressmaker, room 81 Leverett
Alken Charles A. steam fitter, house 124 Parle
Alken Edith Mra. house 22 Hotel Baldwin
Alken Elisha W. physician, oltice B, Concord aq.
‘bade. Cornmonwealth Hotel
Alken Frank W. president's clerk, E. R.R, bde.
Commonwealth Hotel
Alken George K. 621 Washington, bh, 150 Saratoga
‘Aiken Henry B. cook, 80 Sumamner, hi 108 Liverpool
‘Aiken Herbert, expressman, bds, Frederik, Dore,
Alken HM. yocallst, house Hotel Bristol
Alken John, engineer, house 8 Summer place, E.B.
‘Alken Jobn, ropemaker, boards 42 Banker Hill
Ativen Jonathan, bds. 159 Saratoga
Aiken Josiah B., U.S, Navy, bds. 161 Brooks, E.B.
Aiken Lettle J, Miss, dressmaker, bd#, Centre, near
Washington, Dorch, [ton, Doreh.
Aiken Bate: widow, house Centre, near Washing
n J. salesman, 143 Federal, house
house at Winthrop
Alken William A. clerk, 125 High, Fort Hill square,
‘Alkens William, died Jan. 14, 1380
Aisin Loulea Mrs, house 42 Leverett
Atkins John, 221 Federal, house 146 Tyler
‘Real Estate and
‘Particular attention pald 19 the Care of Heal Estate aud Collection of Reuts.
Brokers, 226 Washington Street.
Boston [A] DiREcTORY. 55
Aikn Lemme) 8. agent Hudson Fabric Co. 26 Haw-) Albree Jobn & Co. deatber, 225 and 225 Congress,
Tey, bds. 6 Hersey place (place, Ei
Allinae John H. optician, 6 By
ley George bids. 269 Shawrnut av.
Ainuey Neh, bookkeeper, 8 ‘Sussmer, boune| Atbro George A designer
‘Cambriitgeport| Albro George ‘T. & Co. New
Ainaile Alon, toward, Tremont House, house at
Ainaite Wiiltsm A clerk, 237 Bunker Hill, honee 40
(house do. | Alcbin Thomas, laborer, b. Curtis, Hosision Station
Hotel Eifingiom
Pearl Clisn.
eq.| _ bouse 122 Weat Concord
Albret Philip, provision wagon, house 12 Maguzine
Albro Alden if died June as, 1870 —
Walnut pl. J,
‘ rigland Sewing Ms
‘chine Exchange, 17% Washington, bds. 18 Arnol
Albro Helen M, widow, house Walnut place, J.1’,
Ainsworth George C, dentist, 118 W. Springfield, | Alehon John, safemaker, bds, 104 Silver
‘Ainaworth Mary Mrs. house 23 Chestnut
‘Aled James, phimber, bie. 22 Hudson
‘Airoln G. 1s: Inger beer, 38 N. Bennet, h, at Chelsea
‘Aitenison Janes, carpenter, i. 74 Marginal, E.B.
‘Aluken Jolin B. 20 Central wharf, house at Chelsea
Aitken Vete
Aitken William, artist, 8 Hamilton pl.
‘Mioley Charien 127 Fulton, b
‘Acer beorge H. Heath place
‘Aker James, blseksnit, bouse Heath place
Akeriey Ait, walter, hose 10 Spe
Akerle} Margaret, widow, howe 18 Spring
‘Akerly Ansel W. carpenter, 84 Chardon
Akerman Mary As whdow, h 3 Shermao #q. Chen
Akerman Mary B. milliner, Ay 1 Chester square
‘Akerman Ratph L. wamater, 6 Sheran 44. Chan.
‘Akerman William, died March 14, 1880
Akerman, see Ackerman
Akeroya vans, musiclan, bd. $32 Heath
‘Akeroyd Thomas, bus. Harullton av. cor, Rowdoin
Dare; [Bowdotn, Doreh
Akeroyd Vincent, musician, house Hamltot x¥. cor.
at Milton
‘Akers Unarles Z. clerk, 018 Washington, bds. Union | Alden Charles A. 181 Broad, ba. at Cambri
av. Doreh.
Akern Geot
‘Akin Thomas, laborer
‘Alabord Jolin, gardener,
‘Alaby Andrew, cvok, house 40 Billerica
Alary J. E. F haleawan, 33 Summer, ), 15 Florence
‘Alary Madlacs, quilting, 14 Tremont, bouse do.
Veter, salesman, 477 Washington, house at| Alcorn James, mach
Alcock Daniel, lather, house 1 Babcock court, Chen.
Alcock James, 6 Summer, bda. 09 Hudson,
Alcock John, porter, 42 Summer, hi. 3 Mt. Wash. 9
‘Aleock Walter B. t1 G
‘Aleock William, bot
ie 81 Pipe
lst, house 4 Hayes block, Wal.
‘aut, Chen.
Alcorn James F. bas. 4 Hayes block, Walnut, Chr,
Alcorn Jolin, house 70 Bediord
‘Aleora Robert, laborer, bia. 2 Central pl. Chan.
‘Alcorn Willtar, laborer, house 2 Central pl. Chin,
‘Aloott Charles, cook, rms, 230 Hanover
‘Alcott John, clerk, house 38 East Dediam,
‘Aleott Mary'F. Mr. hairdresser, 1), 38. Dedham
‘Alden Adelbert H. (George A.’ Alden s& Co.), 107
Congress, house 24 Falrticld
.| Alden Amberst A. clerk, Port Office, house 1463
‘Washington [idence
Alden ‘A. E- photographer, @ Court, house nt Py
‘Alden Bartiett R. carpenter, house 11 Onkuan, Nep,
.| Alden Bela, bookkeeper, 6 Commercial, bouwe at
"} South Abington
| Alden Carrie H. widow, bouse 83] Green
‘Alden Charles T. xeatemaker, 8 Milky N. at
0. earpenter, house Kotler, Dore
We clerk, 9 Bowdoln square, house
‘at Cambridgeport
Alden Charles WV_ boots, thoes, and paper hangings,
177 Bunker Hill, hone 175-40.
Alden C.F, roanager A. J, Jotinson & Sone, 106
‘Shimmer, root 12, house at Bridgewater
Alden CE. & Co. (Thaue Alden), grocers, Centres
‘opp. Bellevue, Wt. bas. do.
Aldea Tiana Ke. CAlden i Co,)y 198 State, houre at
‘Sterling Junction
Moiy Insurance Cor of Albany, 24 Exchange place | Alden Darius. thread and trimmings, 38 Winter,
‘Albeo Amos, Janitor, Rico acho
Brookline’ us
Albee Amos D.
house 1a Weet
‘ollaston Heights | Alden Ediound K.’ Kev. ‘nec'y A.
agent Best Ink Well, 16 Hawley,
house 10 Salem, Ch
‘Congregational Houke, house Cedar
‘Albee Benjamin (Albee dé Jackson), ablpwright, 185 | Alden Edward, bade. 18 ollin
order, house 73 Butaw
Alboe Tiyran, Jeweller, 6 Winter, bus. do.
‘Albeo Charles M. joluer, bouse 252 Ruggles
Alvee Clarence, insenith,
‘Aloo G. Harvey, cler
‘Albee Baward i bus. 288 Bhawinut a
‘Atheo Francia H, clerk, Brattle square, bus.
Warren ee, bas
“Albee Frank W. agent for C. 8. Bacon,
Alves Henry K. bookkeeper, 148 Border,
twee Hen
we Henry
Albee Johh H. teamater, house 372 Parker [av.| Alden
A elothing, # Brattle aq. h.61 Warren | Alden George, enlcaman, 109 Tedford. U4 Waldv
Albee Jo
Albee Jo
ph Z, salesman, 87 Summer
Sees one eeice aintlon 2, Louse 283 Shawmut | Alden George A. % (ee
Ns {Cambrdgeport | Alden George B: clerk, 167 Congres
‘Alves Sumoner, lawyer, 20 Court, om 19; house. at
21 John, b. 412 Columbus av.
Dh Temple | Alden E: G. Ci
Exchange | Alden Franc)
ode. #3) near Mt. Ze
[house at Wyoming | Alden Frank E, draughtaman, 178 Devonshire, room,
L. & Co. furniture, 38 Washington, | 60, bd.
John, broker, 168 Blackstone, house at Cam:
‘Alden Edward, 66 State, room 4, bds. 6 Exeter pl.
‘Alden Edward M. elork, 10 Kilby, house at Liridge-
Leverett, b, 13 Bowdoin | Alden Elisha. clerk, B. & P. freight, b. at Dedbum
LDEN EMERY CO., A. H. Kimball, treasurer, 178
‘Devonshire — See page 1308, ‘Thornton
«| Atden Aimee Spounaty 288 Waehhagui hee
Vard-oll manufacturers, 181 Brond.
alent, 90 Chathana, house Conte,
entre, near Mit, Vernon, Wot.
ky 167 Congress, Ude, at Cam
rick T. 191 Devonshire, b. at Somerville
reas, hat Canbeligoport
‘H. Aiden), com wwer. 107
bd at Can~
i. so wat Seventh,
‘Alvee & Jackson (Benjamin Albee and Williom T,| Alden George E. (7. W. Horie «& Co.), 246 Staley
‘hipwrights and ealkers, 148 Border
fen. died March 14, 1580,
Alert John G. pocketbook maker, h. 144 Terrace
‘Alnerts Paul, collector,383 Wash. Ws. 123 Centre, Rox,
‘Alberton Lydia 8, widow, h. 61 Lexingtou, E-B.
‘Albortaon William H. wacbinist, bis. 20 White
Alberty Antonio, earver, house 3s Mystic, Uhan.
‘Alberty Rafael B, tailor, 109 Main, bouse'do. Chan.
Albrecht Francia T- bootmaker, Green, J.P. house | Alden James C. 40 N- Market, bis. Quincy
Union av. do.
Albrecht Frederick, printer, bda. 105 Sawyer
Aibrecht Lewls, machiulat, 256 Roxbury, house 158] Alden John, carpenter, 68 Kingston, b
(Washington, n. Lotus pl
Albrecht Nicholas, bairdreseer, Green, J.P. house| at Bridgewater:
Albrecht Phitip, Iithoxrapher, 286 Roxbury, house | Alden John E. clerk, Glendon Iron Co. 18 1
‘Creighton, near Day
“Albrecht Ulrich (Liteelman d€ Albrecht), 404 Wash-
Concord | Alden Joseph D. painter, bds. 28 Cross, Chi
“Albree George, clerk, 225 Congress, bds. 122 West! Alden Joseph H. clerk, 2 P.O. eq. b. 4 Holl
‘ington, bd
La Grange pl.
Alden Gustavas 0. house 362 Dudte
‘Alden H. B. jr. clerk, India Mutual Ins, Co. 49 State,
houxe Centre av. Doreh.
. | Alden H. D. clerk, 262 Purchase,
Alden Ichatiod, ship carpenter, h, 36 ©
‘Alden Teane (0. L. Alden & Co), Ce
Bellevue, WR. house do.
Alden James B, 32 Drvad, house 74 Chester square
Go.) 77 Pearly
30 Albion
.| Alden Jolin'C. (Alden a= Lavcton), 10 Kilby, bouse
[hore si) Kast Seventh
‘Alden Jesse Fo (2. F. Campbell &
‘oda. Tremont House
‘Alden Jobn H. coal ‘and wood, house Olney, near
Bowdoin, Dorch.
+ ple
J. FRENCH & SON, REAL ESTATE Aors.*23s%wantinstoo Sirect
56 Boston [A]
Alden Joseph W. presldont Naty Farmers* Asso. and
iteasurer Window Protector Co. Exchange pl
room 25, his. Hanson i
Alen }; Hepry,clere, 96 Pederal,bds. 542 Shawn
Alden Loci Alden),
‘Alden May jrookllne |
‘Alden Morton, clerk, house 22 W D
Alden O. W. & Co. wholesale grocers, 12 Blackstone,
rns, 15 Allato
Alden Richard B. salesman, $2 Summer, bds. 22 E.
‘Alden Ruel, stone mason, b. Nep. av. n. Mill, ILS,
Alden Sauniel G. engineer, Inst Techy
‘ston fewton
Alden Stephen, saleuman, 341 Washington. his. 04
‘Alden Walter 6. clerk, 48 Sumer, bd. at Malden
‘Alden Walter J. cleeky Tremont House, bda. dos
‘Aldon Wilder, stone wason, house Centre et Dorel
‘Alden Willian, laborer, bda, Fenton place, 118.
‘Alden Wilthun’'A. clerk, 342 Washington, house 4
‘Walden park at Auburndale
Alden William E. spiral springs, 12 Charlestown, bh,
Alden Wiliam i "eleré, # Merchants! Exchange,
bod. 108 Harrison
Alden Wiltiam H. clerk, 29 High, house Bi
‘Alden William K- house Olney, n. Bowdoin, Dorel.
Alden W. H. conductor, B. & PRR. bouse at
Aldon WoL. clerk, 230 Congress, bis. at Catmbri
Alden W. M. carpenter, bds, 282 Hanover ty
ve. & Co. (D. X. Alden), patent salt bottles, 198
Alden & Lawton (/. C. Alden and Walter Lawton),
‘coil dealers, 10 Kchiby
Aldor W. W. (Peckham, Ralph, & Co.), 100 State,
ouse at Farmer city, I.
Alderman F, W. salestnan, 66 Chauncey, house at
Lexington (bas.$ Concord aquare
Alderinan Josie B. note broker, 25 Congress square,
Alitred Abbie Mrs. house 264 West Third
‘Aldrich Aaron Mrs. house 88 foylston
‘Aldrich Aaron & Co. (4.8. Morve ond GB. Dar-
Hing), butter and cheese, RE N- F. I. tarket
Aldrich Abbott L. removed to Haverbit [hue ay.
‘Alario Addison i. clerk, 60 Water, bd. 359 Colum
Aldrich Albert, tearoster, bds. 10 Monmoath:
Aldrich Albert M. & Co. butter and cheese, 4 Fane
cull Hall market (cellar), honse at Melrose
Aldrich Allon P. (Aldrich "WB Cressey), 208 State,
hhovse at Lynn
Aldrich Ambrose (Aldrich gusting) Oo Mer.
chant’ row, house at North Cambri
Abivioh A. C, ler, 10 Ii
‘Aldrich Ciuries A, houke 43 Walnut ay.
‘Aldrich Carlos K. CN. #. Tenneys Som, Coe), 70.
Vourl, houme 67 Bainbridge [Springniolt
‘rel Ite 335 Washington, house 51 Weat
Eduar Bi. (White, Aldrich, ® Co.), 105 Sux-
mer, house at Dedham.
Aldrich Edward, bds. 29 Upton
‘Aldrich Edwin, tauvhintat, house 44 Dudtey
Aldrich Kara, brakeman, i, S L. RR, hide. 25 Wall
Aldrich E. 1. (Atuygles’ Aldrich), $4 Summer,
dds, 6it Tremont
Aldrich Frank (Auatis «@ Aldrich), 224 State, houre
it Narth Cambridge Chelsen
Aldrich Frank D. bookkeeper, 66 Chauney, hotise at
‘Aldrich Frauk E. (Prince Aldrich), 30 Chaaney,
House Billo pl J. fat Somerville
Aldrich Frank 8. rear 425. Medford, Chien. house
Aldrich George A. clerk, cellar 4 ‘Faueuil Hall
market, bds. at Melrose
Aldrich George E. clerk, 5 Union, bas. 99 Meridian
‘Aldrich Geo. E. police tation 10, house (ey he.
mut ay. jant av.
Aldrich James H. expresaman, house 31 Mt. Pleas:
‘Aldrich Harrison, butter and cheese, 112 Bouils Mar-
ket, house at Winter HIM jar
Alirled Harrison A. real estate, 25 Congrens, room
2%, house Ashinodt, near Dorchester av.
Aldrich Harry A. bd. 35 Upton (Woburn
‘Aidsich Henry M. bookkeeper, 118, Summer, Ble, at
Aldrich Henry 0. (0. 2. Cobb vé Brus.), 726, Wash.
tgton, 140 Hanover, and (C906 dros. & Co),
2253 Washington, Columbus ny.
Aldrich Hotes 1" machinist, 11 Hawkins, house at
‘Enat Somervilo
Aldrich HL. ©. conductor, N.Y. &
Aldrich Hf, E. “salesman, 146
Columbus ay.
Aldrich Tra B. carpenter, house 50 Anstin, Chen.
Aldrich Jerome B. hous 91 North Avderson
Aldrich Lewis A. clerk, 201 Causeway, b. at Lynn
Aldrich Louis, actor, house 8 Seaver place
Aldrich M. J- bds. 88 Boylston Worceste
Aldrich P! Emory, judge Superior Court, house at
Aldrich PW. taxidermist, 400 Washington, house
at Readville Jat Somervitle
Aldrich Samuel, appraisers’ office, 177 State, house
Aldrich Samuel S, lawyer, 104 Washington, house at
Aldrich’s South End Express, south-east corner
F-H. market
Aldrieh William C. machinist, honse 19 Dexter
Idrich W. Henry, salesman, 135 Summer, how
Hotel Huntington
Aldrich & Cressey (4. P. Aldrich and J. I, Ores
sey), flour and grain, 208 State
Aldrich’ Cushing (4." Aldrich and S. 4. Oushe
ing. jr.), produce, 5 Merchants’ row
Aldridge’ George F. tronkmaker, bits. 10 Church
Aldridge William . clerk, 6 Hawley, bda. 14 Ouk:
Aldus Eliza, widow, house 36 London
Aldus George W. bollermaker, h, Belmont ot, E.B.
‘Aldus Lavitila Mrs, house 46 Emerald
Aldus Robert, ieeman, hds. 36 London
‘Alemo Amelia Mrs. house 61 Hudson.
Alory J. E. F.33 Summer [Brown av. Mt. Hope
Alesworth Henry Clay, salesman, house Sharon, n.
Alexander Alex. (Alerinder Dinner), 78 Chauney,
house 59 Hammond
Alexander Alexis Rev. house 44 Carver
Alexander Andrew, physician, house Neponset av.
cor. Adains, HLS.
Alexander Bernard, optician, h. 75 Lenox Arch
Alexander Bertrand, cigarmaker, 299 Federal, bd. 2
‘Mctnnder Brothers & Go. (Charlen and William ay
Mlerander awd #. MeLellan), fruit, $0 Chathany
Alexander B.A, and i. Misses, dressmakera, Hotel
Glover Chatham, h, at Malden
Alexander Charles (Alexander Brothers @& Cp,), 10
sander Charles, fancy goods, Dorchester av, near
.tndon, 10.
Alexander Charles A. clerk, rms. 100 Dorchester
‘Alexander Charlos A. 18 Roylaton, bde. 2 Studley ple
Alexander Charles K.2 High, house 18 Concor on
wor Charles KE. clerk, 78 Devonshire, tl
Alexander Charles N. 62 Indin #q. honxe 24 White
Alexander Coacles P salesman, sit Summer, b
avid D. shipper, 100 Washington, houre
Ebenezer (Henry Callender & Uo), 3
Commercial, hoawe Wabon, neat Warren
Alexander Kawnrd “L. lerky 101 MiDk, da. 243
‘Alexander George H. ear driver, house 10 Toxas ct,
‘Alexauiler George H. bds, 100 Dorehiorter:
Alexander George Ia backman, houve 65 Dover
Alexunder George W. laborer, house Cambridge,
opposite Beacon park. Allston [Malden
Alexander Gertrude, bookkeeper. 98 Broad, bd, 1
Alexander Haley P. carpenter, hoose 30 Norfolk
Alexander Harris, tallor, 114 Kingston, house do.
Alexander Henry, clothes cleaner, rms. 62 Melrose
Alexander Henry, teamater, bi. 41'Chapisan, Chat.
Alexander Ids Mf. Miss, compositor, 45 Summer,
de, S44 Shawinut av.
Alexander Taabella Misa, rma. 48 Garden
Alexander Isabelle and ‘Annle Mises, fancy goods,
20 Shawmut av. board 44 Carver
Alexander Jacob, broker, house Hotel Columbue
Alexander James (of Glaagow, Seottund), 29 em.
berton square, rma. § Hancock nv.
lexander James, machinist, house 16 Ontario
Alexander James’, engineer, Hotel Boylston, howee
Studley piace
Alexander James E. clerk, house 16 Allaton, Chan.
Alexander James F. watebmmaker, 17 Brattle aquare,
house at Chelsea a
Alexander James G. wood turner, house 44 Trenton,
Alexander John, engineer, Kaat Boston South ferry,
hoards 96 Chelsea, B.B.
Alexander Jobo, shoemaker, house 217 Kneetnnd
Alexander Jobn, machinist, hone 40 Border, E.B.
Alezander Joaeph, steward, 129 Federal, tide. 361
J. FRENCH & SON, *sucantsoams crits Lokam 226 Weettanton sere:
Boston [A]
“Atesinder Joseph B. saloon,105 Bunker HIN), rms.
‘48 Sullivan, Chen.
“Alexander Joseph K. walter, house 381 Hanover
Alexander dJoweph M. enginéer, B. & A. Hatt house
Alexander Joseph R, engineer, house 67 Havre
‘Alexander Josiub & Co. American china, 101 Mik,
house 43 Warren, Rox. [Mt Pleasant
Alexander Josiah P. clerk, 178 State, house Hotel
‘Alexander Loula, oculist, house 70 Westminster
‘Alexander Louis’ W. salesman, 42 Summer, bds.
‘Dorchester ay. near Linden
‘Alexander [,. A. salesman, 20 Central, b. at Chelsea.
‘Alexander Margaret Mrs. clothing manufacturer, 42
Border, house 40 do.
Alexinder Michael, pediler, house 290 Athens
‘Alexander Nancy 8. Mrs. louse 34 Shawavu
Alexander P. peddier, house 38 Nashua
‘Aexander Richard A: fireman, bds. 38 Unton, Chan,
‘Alexander Richard HL painter, house 2 Spear place
rHtichard Re, sallmaker, 904 Commercial,
house 4 Myatie, Chen,
Alexander Robert, baker, house Keyes, near RR.
‘Aloxander Samnel, freseo painter, house 41 Village
‘exander 8. W. cngineer, East Hoston South ferry
‘Alexander Thankful, widow, house 11 Allston
TEXANDER. THOMAS J. agent Eureka Clothes
Wringer Co. 55 Cornhill, house ‘at Waltham
ge 1328
Aloxander Torlido, gilder, house 3 Pond-rtreet pl.
AeStnder Willits {As Clever Brot Co. 0
Thatham, hotise Centre, cor. Dorchester ay,
Alexunider William A. clerk, 4 Broad, b. 44 Carver
‘Alexander William B: carpenter, house 21 Wheeler
Alexander William B. reporter, 324 Washington,
bile. 243 Warren, Rox,
Mexanior William it. xalimakor, b. 54 Mystic, Chsn.
‘Mexander Willian H. mason, house 259 Meridian
‘Alexander William H, waiter, house § Anderson
‘Alexander Willlam J. Sra. house 189 Chelsea, EB.
‘Alexander William 'S, engineer, #. B. South’ ferry,
‘baa. 07 Havre
Alexander & Dinner (A. Alerander andl I, It. Din.
net), cap moanufacturers, 78 Chauney
Alford Edmund 1. carpenter, bouse 178 W. Seventh
‘Alford Frederick (Pollard, Aiyord, && Co.), 104 Tre~
mont, house & Chambers
Alford dimes, walter, bouse 20 Norman
‘Autord Orlando H. (Wright, Bites, d. Fabyan’
‘Summer, house Bellevue, near Park, Rox.
Alfred Frederick, olerk, 34 Kneeland, b. 1 Muntoe pl.
‘Alfred Surah, widow, h. 1 Munroe place, ward 12
‘Alger Alpheus B. lawyer, 23 Court, room 14, house
iM Cambridge (Milford
Algor A. Willa, engineer, D. & M. H.R, da. 10
‘Alger Charles H. tin worker, 73 Blackstone, bas.
‘at Chelsea [at Chelsea
Alger Charles W, tin worker, 73 Blackstone, house
‘Alger C. M, Miss, bouse 41 Bowdoin
‘Alger Kitwin, engineer, house 3 T.incoln piace, Chen.
‘Alger Edwin'A. (Brown «€ Alger) lawyer, 33 Cour
oor 14, house at Cambridge
“Alger Edwin A. Jr. lawyer, 40 Water, room 25, bas
58 Chester sajuare (Bowdol
Alger Francis, 8:1, Iron Co. 87 Foundry, rma. 41
‘Alger Frederic W. clerk, 450 Wash. h. 1293 do.
‘Alger Martha P. Sirs, died une 90, 1870
Alger Sarah A. Mies, ourse, bds. 216 Northampton
‘Alger Walter E. saleeman, 53 Summer, house 10
‘Cedar square,
Algor Williams R. Rey, honse 6 Brimmer
‘Alger & Co., East and West, Bridgewater Expres,
‘34 Court aq. and 174 Washington
Alehlert Simon, cook, 42 Beacon, h. at Cambridge
‘Algrin Andrew, blacksmith, house 9 Duncan,
‘Allen Passenger Agency, 236 State
‘Aker Thomas Mra.b. Centre, opp. Barrouzhs, J.P.
‘Alkern Robert J. bis. Combridge, cor. Parker, Chso.
‘Allan Alexander, printer, 7 Spring lane, b. at Camb.
‘Allan Charles E, Janitor, Hotel Union.
‘Align George H. author, house 60 Weat Canton
‘Allan George W. wooden ware, hi. 60 West Canton
‘Allan James A. clerk, 198 Causeway, Wb. at Chelsea
‘Allan Jobn D. manager Rutland Marble Co. 198
‘Chuseway, house nt Chelsex
Allan Mary A: widow, house 49 West Dedham
‘Allan William ME. music printer, 451 Washington
Allard Aaron, supt, M. EUR. house 381 Meridian
‘Allard Benjamin li. furnitare mover, Joy, cor.
“Myrtle, house 84 Poplar
Allard David, house 84 Poplar
Allard Frank E. conductor, ba
Allard Frederick, driver, house 25 Bartle
‘Allard Harry 1 carpenter, paving department,
‘house 216 West Fi
Allard Tease H. milkman, h. Virginia av. Dorch.
Allaway John, laborer, bas. 140 Northampton
Alibe Edward P. printer, Borion Horald, house 24
Elm, Chen.
Alive James. M
18 Lexington, Chan. [Virginin sy
Allvelght Henry @._provislons, 12 Mafcock, house
Allegrett! Refrigerator Co. 167 Tremont
‘Allen Aaron H. furnitare, feathers, Se, 42 Wakh-
Tngton and i Dock square, house 220 Teacon
Allen Alice E. Miss, house 40°Tennyson
Allen Almyra, whtow, house 328 Heath
Allen Alvin B., Highland Express, 30 Court aq. anid
Tt Bedford, hi, Beech Glen av. c. Fort ay. Hox.
Allen Ambrose, oots and hoes, 202 Meridian,
house 88 Putnam, E.0,
Allen Andrew J, fireman, bde. 11 Indiana place
‘Allen Andrew W. sereant, 10 Mariboropgh
Allen Ann, widow, house 49 West Dedham,
‘Alien Ann'M. widow, house 388 Dorchester
‘Allen Annie i. Mes, house 1222 Washington
‘Alien Arthur, coach driver, bda. 1805 Washington
‘Allen Augustus 1, walter, house 1 Wirth place
‘Alien Augustus ©: iron worker, bds. 388 Dorchester
‘Allen A.M. clerk, 95 Milk, room 52, bds, at Our
ute Hun engrave ad printer 28 Charlo,
town, bd. 218 Tremont, room 3 [ville
Atien Benjamia F. 230: Whabingion, bh at Somer-
‘Allon Betery D, widow, house fd Kast Newton
‘Allen Boyd, bronzer, 2 Harvard, house 1 Centre
‘place, Rox. Washington
Allen Brothers (N. JZ. and J. E.), hand siarnys, 180
Allen Brothers (Peter and John .F-). tranks, valinets
‘Ko, 768 Washington and 279 Federal
Allen Calvin, designer, Chlekering’s factory, honse
66 Vernon [fherkeley
Allen Charles, lawyer, 99 Court, house 3b Hote
Allen Charles, real-ostite agent, rim. 98 Myrtle
‘Alten Charles, machinist, ), Cottage, n. Norfolk.
‘Alten Charles, expresemian. h. 271 Wont Broalwy
‘Allen Charles Mrs. hairdresser, b. River, 1 Codar
‘Allen Charles A. conchman, house 10 Shawinut
‘Aulen Charles A. engraver, Milk, Das, at Maple,
Allen Charles C. packer, 48 Cornhit!, house at Som>
‘Allen Charles Edward, lawyer, roon ford pt.
Slew ICR. house Seas
‘Allen Charles E. conductor,
‘wer’ block, Centre, dP
Allen Charles
‘Allen Charles B. house 19 Temple place
‘Allen Charles F. expressman,b. 18 Walker, Chan.
‘Alien Charles F. men’s ahd boys’ talloring, 30
‘West, house at Malden
“Allen Charles G. clerk, 112 State, bas, at Cambridge
‘Allen Charles G. 287 Washington, house at Wollas-
ton Helghts
Allen Charles H. president Home Savings Bank, Tre-
‘mont, cor. Boylston. honae M4 Warceste
Allen Charles L. setor, Boston Theatre, b. 73 Day
‘Allen Charles N: masic teacher, house 2 Burroughs
fat Chelsea
Atich Charles 7, expreseman, 26 Devonshire, hot
Allen Charles 7. engraver, bdas Hy te Parke ay. near
the lise {oa'Vernon, Hoe
Allen Charles XW. bookkeeper, 254: Washington, Be
‘Allen Charles W. 101 Faiton, house wt Chelaea
Ailen's Cheleen Exprese.25 Devonshire
Hien Cole, patent medicines, ide. Boylston pl.
‘Alen Gurtiftn; Occkdental Club room, 18 Provinen,
Hvac Hel Frank, °° “iehiand Satan
len Cyrae, cleraymna, "bde. Crotre, con, Pat
Grngente Lat Devonshire, rootm i, bdae
East Broadway.
Allen Dana, teamater, bis. 1 Briggs place
Allen Danis, engineer, 2 Suruner
‘Alten Daniel, jr. cutter, house 117 Berkeley.
‘Allen Daniel; died Jan, 23, 1889
‘Alien Daniel, planomaker, bouse 319 Knst Eighth
Allen Eagar, iaker, house 168 Gok
‘Allen Edward, waiter, house 61 Phillips
‘Allen Edward E. clerk, 104 Water, h.at Watertown
‘Allen Edward F- clerk, 35 Congress, hi. at Medford
58 Boston [A]
Allen Edward G. pisnomaker, h. Hotel Warwick
Allen Edward H. vsman, 525 Washington, bids.
“Continental Hotel
Aten Edward: aiaman, 30 Temple lace
Allen Edward L. (Allen & Rowell), ‘inter, house
Cottage, near Norfolk av. [house do.
Allen Edward M. clothes cleaner, 11 om Halt ay.
Allen Edwin, Roxbury Express, 2273 Washington,
35 Devonshire, 3fKilky, 43 Kiugstoo, and oi
Court aq. house 4 Grosvenor place
Allen Elbridge G. removed to Lynn:
Allen Eilzabeth, widow, house 1903 Tremont
Allen Elizabeth, widow, nurse, bouse $44 Tremont
Alten Ellen, widow, dretamuker, rooms 90 Dover
‘Alien Een'e. Mion; tescher platy We Centre, Rox.
Alten Eroma, vnchvr, bids: 138 Washington
‘Alten Etta H. Sirs. house idy-Appleton
‘Allen Kera, trimmingsand corsets, 48 Temple place
house 37 Concord «q. Forcestor
Allen E, boots and xh room 21
Allen I, & Co. (William E., Washington, and Hen:
H. Allen, W. EB. Bieta,
and A. ©. Lawrence), hides and leather, 72 High
Allen Francis, architect," 01 State, roum 10,
Spring, cor. Savin Hill av. Doroh.
Allen Francis G. clerk, 131’ Devonshire, room 27,
house 247 Shawmut av. [45,h, 12 Fairfield
Allen Erancis Re (itien & Kenway), 28 State, room,
‘Allen Frank, house 40 Buckingham
‘Allen Frank'A., Orfental "Tea Company, 87 Court,
house at Cainbrldge (at Lynn
Allen Frank D, lawyer, 31 Equitable bullding, house
‘Allen Frank D, eabinetnaker, bis. 40 Auatin, Chan.
‘Allon Frank E, bds. 765 Tremont
‘Allen Franke Bele, 100 each [Derne
len Frank ¥, frolt, Chauiney, cor. Easex, bis, 9
‘Aden Frank F. bids. b4 Worcester
Alien Frank H 68 Chauney
‘Allen rank HL. & Co, provisions, 482 Tremont, bie.
1598 Washington [28 Worcester
Allen Frank N, clerk, 30 Franklin, room 4, bie.
‘Allen Frank 8. salesinan, 105 Bedford, bh. at Brewster
‘Allen Krankliu H. 11 Avon
Allen Frederick (Alden Woodworth), grocer, 50
‘and 62 Broad, house 130 Weat Concord
Allen Frederick, bookbinder, 17 Boylston, bie. at
Revere ‘yfi2 Sault Ieee
Allen Frederick A, printer, a2 Washington, house
Allen Frederick 4. engineer, house 4 School, Chan.
‘Allen Frederick 1. clergyman, house 3 Brimmer
Allen Frederlok D, (Allen, Lane, Co.), 2008 Dev-
onshire, house ia Brimmer
Allen Fred.'D, enlestan, 33 Summor, b. at Newton
Alte Fredere sleson, 2 Renn, houte
Allen Frederick W. salesman, 5 Fulton, house’
‘Allen Freeman, Stes. houte 107 Boylaton
Allon Gaius W. house 26 Js »,
Allen: Aco (Alien & Noble), bardware, 127 Wash-
ington, house at Newton
Allen George, periodicals, bds. 9 Derne
Allen George, bia, 682 Tremor
Allen George, pianomaker, house 6 Clifton place
‘Allen George, nexton Bt. ‘Paula Chureli, 434 ‘re.
monty house 129 Charles
Allen George, jr. Mrs. houxe § Milford
Allen George £. clerk, 143 Tremont, b.28 Worcester
Allen George E. dress trimmings and buttons, 16
‘Winters hut Newton Arlington
Allon George G. (Wilson s€ Atlen), S04 Devonshire,
Allen George G. & Cx foe Tuber), printers, 4
Kingston, bde. 11
Alien George G. printer, bua, 2 Sonth Teussett
Allen George H. superintendent ‘of lamps, City Hall,
house 147 Warren av.
len George H. (Silsbee & Pickman), 40 Sears
dullding, howe nt Salo ‘Somerville
Allen George It. bookbiader, 44 Federal, house at
Alley George H fireman, B.S A. RR. house at
Aten George Le died Oot. 22,2870
6: physteinn, Contre, cor. Park, High
ont park
5, 11 Peart, boa
06 Maverick square
1, Dorehs
Gnd Bs dhependl fancy nena te Case
‘Gnd 8. 8. Shepard), a0 Chan
Alten’ Govornae Co, 08 Sut i
. | Allen Henry W. 27 N. Market, b. at Ci
‘Allen Gustavus P. clerk, NY. & NE, LR. rres.
31 Edlnboro®
Allen G. Warren & Co. (0. 4. Guild), cloibing,
Tit Summer, bis. Hotel Berwick
Alten @. W. 58 Bedford, house at Wellesley
Alien Hannab, widow, hi. Dorchester av. n- Adame
‘ten Hannan’ rx nonse 20 Gester park
‘Alien Harry M. bookkeeper, bis, 40 Dal
Allen, Heaenway, & Savage (5.3. Alien, At/ved
Hemenseay, and Thomas Savage), tawyers, 6
Alten Henry, cashier, 109 High, bds. 40 Perrin
‘Allen Henry’ ©. (Allen dé Co.), woolen, 02
Franklin, h. Park, cor, Ratledge, Hightand att.
Alten Henry'C: carpenter, 810 Sawant wr, nee
“ab Dale hen
Allen Henry C. machinist, §1 High, house 4 Stark
Ailen Henry F: Caton: Goodin.) 80 Chau
‘cy, Noune Park, cor. Contre W.Re
Alten Henry F. clergyman, bouke 100 Boytton
‘Allen Heary J. prater, 48 Spring nie, da, 18
Ferdinand ais Waren,
Allen Henry J. salesman, 480 Washington, hon
Allen Henry N. watcbinaker, house 37 Cilturd
Auten: Heury 5.02 Franklin, bd 4 Pigmouth
Allen Herbert, bs. 9 Park, Chien,
‘Allen Horace &, canvasser, house 12 Kirkland
Allen Horace G. lawyer, 23 Court, room 22, bds.
‘60 Columbus ay.
Allen Howard B. receiving teller, NE. Trust Co,
‘$5 Devonshire, car. Water, house at Newton
Allen Tra Mrs, house 125 Cabot
‘Allen Isaac, steward, bds, 23 Pledmont — [Newton
Allen Imae'D. & Co. trimininge, 21 Winter, houre at
‘Allen Isabella M. widow, house 124 Leverett
Allen James, # Summer, boards 115 West Sixth
Alen Jaumes, clerk 99 Cayseway, house b Leverott
‘Allen James’. cuiter, 248 Wash. bh. at Cambridge
Allen Jamies H: bookkeeper, 38 N. Market, house wt
Allen James J. salosman, 99 Summer, bie. 9 Tomple
‘Allen James M. clerk, 65' Franklin, house 4 Sprace
Allen James O, machinist, house 246 Gold Fwator
len James 8, show manuf. $2 High, bt K:Bridge-
‘Alien James 8; salesman, 345 Wanb. bde.2 Bowdoin
‘Alien Jamen W! laborer, hiouse 8 Grove
‘Alien James W, clerk, City Heglatrar'e office, Clty
‘all, house bf Centre, Hox.
Allen dames W, plumber, 89 Jog [Brockton
Allen Jared K. (Allen Biroe.), 180 Washington, he at
Alles Jay A. blacksmith, house Taylor, n, the depot,
Alten dereesiab, brass fnishor, house ¥ Margaret
Allen ere B-printer a1 Sane
Allen Jobin, machinist, house 49 Middle
Alien John, ous iter, house rear 815 Albany:
iter, bd, 23 Knox
mith, bouse 149 London
, house #1 Phillips, Rox,
‘Allen Jobn, bda, 770 Dudley
Allen Jobu' (Aiden Co.) 143 Milk, b. at Somerville
‘Allen John, lgara and tol 7Onmden, hi. do.
‘Allen John, jr. ear driver, bids. rear $15 Albany
Alen dobn'A. painter, 17 Blossom, louse Maxwell,
Allen Jobn A. enter, house 249 East Eighth
Allen John B, fruit, 188T Washing 1, houne do.
dies yore 5 Eee Ceneeere anna
Allen Joby E. laborer, house 116 i Sixth.
Allen John F. ewitebman, B. & A. RR. h.
Allen John F. produce, 90 Clinton, h, at Arlington
Allen Jobn G. wachinist, bde. 217 Webster
Allen John H. bouse 984 Parker
Allen John H. mariner, bouse 403 Meridian:
Allen Jobn J. (Allen Brothers), 768 Washington,
and 250 Federal, bas. 208 West Ninth
Allen John R, hairdresser, 323 Main, house 238 do,
Allen Jobnson, walter, 642 Washington, bds. do.
Allen Jonas M. teamster, 12 Middlesex, Uhen.
Allen, Jones, & Co. (8. Mf. Allen and Walter Jones),
‘wood-pulp manufacturers, 70 Devonshire
Allen Joseph, bds. Rowe, Mt. ae
Allen Joseph, bricklayer, house 150 West Eighth
Alles Joseph G. clerk, 60 Beach, bas. 350 ‘Tremunt
Allen Joseph H. clerk 8. B, Municipal Court, Dor.
tie Soe oes aaron as Ws bl
re Peay hi
Allen Joseph M. oysters, 130 Court, bds. 68 Myrtle
‘Teal Estate and Mortgage
‘Partienlar attention pald tothe Care of Heal Estaie and Collection of Rents,
Brokers, 226 Ws Street.
noston [A] DIRECTORY. 5g
Allen: mrs S. Wiacksmith, 485 Rutherford avenue,
house 11 Bartlett, Chen. [h. at Somerville:
Alien doneph We ateara-heniing engineer, 63 Kilby,
Aiton Soria. printer, 146 Franklin, h. at Mtaklen,
Alien doniah &. Aunt, house 14 Orange
Alien SN. & (dug. 8), engravers and
printers, 149 Franklin, house at Newtunvtile
Allen, Keene, & Co. (L. Allen. jr. and A. A. Keene),
iMinminnating olla, 250 State
‘Alem, Late, § Go, (Pred. D-Aiten anit JA. Lane),
‘dry goniln coramission, 268 Devonshire
Atien Lavinia Ais teacher, Welle achool, bas. 24
Alten Lewin T.. conductor, bas. $81 Meridian
Ailen Lizeie Mian, house ? Derne
‘Allen Louisa A. Stes, house 187 Northampton
Allen Lowe ‘bade. 28 Dartmouth
‘Alten Lielus, jr. (Haron, Allen, a Co,), and (Allen,
“Keene, & ti), 20 State, house at tye Park
Allen Lucius W. (Allen € Daniels), 282 Washington,
Houve Atherton places a 94
Allen Lucretia, widow, bouse £3 Piedmont
Allon Lucy’ A.'rms. 6 Hancock
18 Dartmouth pl.
‘Allen Luther 7. 50 Franklin, ba
Allen Lydin M. Miss, bd. SY Myrtle
Allen Lyman We salesman, High, house Nepon-
‘set av. cor. Tileston ple {heat Woburn
Allen Marcellis H. dentlet, & Tremont row, room 4,
Allen Margaret Miss, house 40 Tenny’
‘Allen Margaret, widow, house 4 Lark [Somerviile
‘Allen Marietta F, ussistant, Warren ebook, bda. at
wa, house 10 West Rift
‘daw, house 709 Shawmut av.
Widow, bds. 127 Charles
‘Allon Mary, widow, house 203 West Ninth
‘Allen Mary'A. widow, house #4 Thornton,
‘Allen Mary A: Miss, dressmaker, house 605 Tremont
'¥ E, Miss, Indies’ gymnasium, 34 Essex,
House 218 Tremont
Allen Mary E. Miss, 183 Devonshire, b. 82 Parmenter
‘Allen Milo L. clerk, U.S, Treasury, ie at Reading
Allen Mira, widow 2 Bromley m {Woburn
Allen Montressor ®. lawyer, 28 State, room 4, b. at
‘Allon M. B, Mrs. bouse 117 Berkeley
‘Allen Natwon Hi. Cilien Bros.) 136 Washington
‘Allen Nathaniel, engineer, Euld. Bouth ferry, house | Al
4d Meridia
Allen Nathaulol Mt watchmaker, boards 25 Joy
‘Allen Nathaniel W. house 31 Lexington, EB.
Allen Newell W, carpenter, house 64 Warwick
‘Allen N, Tracy, insurance, bas, 338 Dorchester
Allen Orace W. salemnan, 14S Federal, house at
‘Enat Braintree
Allen Park P. telegrapher, bouse 21 Ball
‘Allen Voter (Allen ‘20 Federal and 768
‘Washington, house 7 Auburn, Rox.
Allen Peter, carpenter, house 9 Clayton, ELS.
‘Allen Philander, marble worker, Berry, near Canter-
bay Mount Hope, house do.
Allon Phineas D. Mrs. house Draper, Doreh.
Allen Porter S. 88 Franklin, house at Chelsea
‘Allen Richard, laborer, house rear Foster, Doreh.
‘Alen Richard, clears, house 29 Avery
‘Alien Richard; longsboreman, house 20 Battery
Allen Richard A. upbolsterer, house 11 Southac pl.
Allen Robert, agent Western express fast ftrelght
Une, 197 Washington, bia. American House
Allen Pope N. house 163 Beacon [at Andover
Allen Rollin H. 230 Washington and 2 Court eq. bh.
Allen Rufus B. melter, bd. 335 Dorchester
Allen R. Sidney, polisher, house 9 Tileston
Aten Samuel, laborer suse 9 Pulls
‘Allen Bammuel'E. 28 Chauncy, bds. 25 Hutland eq.
Allen Samuel H. plumber, 82 Water, b. 89 Warwick
‘Allen Samuel Parker, 16 Pemberton #q. room 4, bds.
“Allen Samuel 8.
shire, house 70 Mt. Vernon
Atien Satan, widow, house Rowe, Mt. Hope
Allen Sarah, widow, house 29 Adame, Roxbury
‘Allen Sarah". Mrs: baa, 18 Ashbarton place
‘Allen Sherman, removed to Plymouth:
‘Allen Sith, exprossman, 1 Maverick #g. house 108
Allen Stephen G. artist, bd. 18 Ashburton place
‘Allen Stephen M: (Allen Jones), 70 Devoushire,
house 27 Fort av. Rox.
Allen Stillman B. (Allen, Hemenveoy, & Savage),
‘er, 5 Tremont, house 575 Columbus a
Allen Bussn Miss, at Home for Aged Women, 108
‘Allen Susan E. teacher, Hancock achool, house #2
Alen 5. 1h clerk, 11. Doane, house at Brookllive
‘Alen Thaddeus, house 79 F
Allen Thomas, sexton, houre 68 Fayette
Allen Thomas, earpenter, h. 257 Benpington, EB.
‘Allen Thomae J. 31 Mik, room 35, house Astiland,
cor. Kim. HLS.
Atien Thomas Ti. 287 Devonshire, bis. at Reading.
‘Allen Valentine, printer, 4 Williams court, rm
‘Oxford house at Newton Highlands
Allen Waker, Daily Advertiser ofliee, 27 Court,
Alen Watter C. engineer, bouse 269 Meridian
Aulen Warren W. machinist, b. 31 Lexington, ¥..
Alien Washington (2; Aen 0¥.), woolen, $2
Franklin, house 4 Plymouth, Rox,
‘Allen Willard. clerk, Municipal Court, EB. Die
Trct, house 88 Lexington, HB.
Allen Willlam, laborer, house 8 Philips couet
‘Alen Wiliam, house 8 Eat
Alen Willian, express driver, 244 Washington, li
‘2 Frail ‘Cuan.
Allen William, porter, 614 Tremont, Wd, do,
William; “judge Superior Court, houwe at
‘Willlam, rarble cutter, bas, 9 Allston
‘Allen Wiltnas; laborer, house 12 Acton
‘Auten William, rais. 9 Boylston piace
Allen William, laborer, house 7 Clinton pl. Chet.
Allen Willlam, express messenger, 24 Warhingion,
Tide. Quincy Howe
Allen Wiliam, carpenter, houre 7 Decatur, Chen
‘Aulen Witiam; Custom House, houre 106 Myrtle
‘Allen Witla’ A.’ Catdien Orcutt), {i Wusbing-
Yon, room 3, house 10 Terkeley piace
Alten William B, machinist, houge 1) todiang
Allen William D:ealesman, 67 Cornhill, b, 148
Alten Willlarn Kael, jr, 2 Promila, h. at Wal
‘Allon William I tow boat, house 45 Love
Ailen Wittiam 1. CE. Allen & Co,), woolen, 02
Franklin, house at Walthiin
‘Atien Wiiliata F- ralesman, tds, 208 Wi
Aten William HL clerk, Ee 1G Ie houre at Everett
‘Allen William HL cutter, 308 Washington, houew 18
Woodward tion wharf, House nt Chelsea
jen Willlacs HL. clerk, Be ATE, Grand dune:
‘Allen Willian H clerk, house ftyde Park ay, newr
the tine, J.P
Aten Williaa
Go. 73 State,
we at Melrose
Allen ‘Wiltiam SL. laborer, bile. 302 Lexington, 12.8,
(Alien Witliann 1G house 96 South Kumell
‘Allen Whitlam I, pilot, EB. South ferry, bas, 146
Aen Williaa Hy Custom Toure, bat Arlington
Allen William 11. & Co. trimmiuge, &e. 66 Winter,
“house 11 Wellington
Atien Willlara HA. tnason, b, 45 Bast Broadway
Allen Willian 1. atadent, bs. 18 Chester square
‘Alien Wiliam I, taxiderralst, bouse Newbury, near
‘MH. 8. st. Cloud Hotel
linn M. apothecary, 509 "Tremont, house 8.
iam Af. music printer, 481 Washington,
ins, rear 808 do.
Allen William M. horse shoer, 8 Porter, house 251
‘Meridian [at Cambridge
Allen Willlatn AL paper ruter, 9 Are, room 38, hoake
‘Allen Willlatn 8. cutter, 3 Winthrop sq. bas. at
Allen Willian 8, enitter, b. Hotel Carver, Bloskom
‘Allen Willie W- transfer aye, 75State, b-27 Bowdoin
‘Allen Wills B. stadent, 6 Fremont, bide. 876 Colum-
‘Alien Winfield 8. clerk, bas. 330 Charles Tr.
ington —'See page 1905,
‘Alien & Jonee (S.-M. Ailen and Walise Jones),
‘wood. palping engines, Se. 70 Devonshire
P. Kenicay)y
im 48
Allen & Newton, boats and shoes, 15 High
gt a a
TATE Acts."™'2e'washington Stecct
Boston [A]
Allen & Noble (George.
Alten and William Noble).
|ware, 127 Washington
Allen & Oreutt (William 4. Aven and Frank E.
Orcutt), tailors, 508 Washlnston, room 3
LIEN & ROWELL (2. Le Allen and Frank
Rowell), photographers, 35 Winter — See front
‘colored page B
Allen & Woodworth (Frederick Allen and G. Le
Woodworth), grocers, 60 and $2 Broad
Alteo, wee Allnn, Aline, and Alyn
Allendorfr Henry, moulder, house 75 Bromley
Alendor# James, Navy’ Yard, b. 62 Trenton, Chen,
Alerby daines, Tnburey house Marah, Nep.
Allerton George 2. 30 Winter, house at Everett
Allerton Willlam, earpenter, $18 Washington, rms,
282 Tremont
4 South Russell
hn (atdlee d& Fisher), 10 Cambridge, house
Alles Willan E, music teacher, bia. 44 So, Russell
t Glohn Ailes and W, Ne Fisher),
F manufacturers, 10 Cambridge
ieey, roelte
Alley Charles A. sslesman,
‘at Hyde Park
Alley Charles
“anal Sheridan oe. Ka
ley Daniel B.
Alley Daniel 8 deanna
‘Alley Edith Mes. house 3 Stafford
Alley E. & Co, hay and straw, 100 Commerc
Alley George ¥, letter carrier, P.O. hi 76 Clarend
Alley John, hatter, bus, 25 East Canton.
Alley dobn' B.S Co. (Grigin Plare and John 8.
Alley), Westhor, 79 High, bh. at Lynn fat Lynn
Alley Jobn H, president, 257 Washington, room 10,.-
Alley Job Re ewter @ Ailey), New Heath, oor.
pager, use Revere, cor. Elm J.P. fat yuh
Alley Joba's. (John B. Attey ob Cn), 70° High, bda-
Alley Michal, tableaai, de. 371 Shawmut ay
Alley Orrin, xs captain, tra. 1 Parkman place
Alley Konhronta, widow, house 82 Chapman.
‘Alley Wilbur Kt expressman, bda. 33 Vernon.
Alley William i. at Burton’ Hecwlog Co,, Heath,
cor, Parker, house 085 Parks
Alley Willan W. house 107 Kiiceland
Alley W. A, (Aussetl « Aliey), 127} Summer, house
iit Marlhorowget
Allgoler Andrew, laborer, house 90 Yeoman
‘Allin Einma &. teacher, Walt primary school, bis.
19 Batterymarch, otise at Malden
Charles W. sales
“1221 Wash. b.82 Chapinan,
(at Maiden
1058 Washington
Alliog John W- Ube W. Kendatt & Co,), 0 Bedford,
ky 158 Summer, h. AT Do
. Com"
Alito Wil
oF, tanner, bde, 480 Main
Ctaptin, Ativan, & Co.), 10
Alligon Chacten 58
Alllison Chartes N. hoseman, 8.F.B. 10, River, house
‘Ot Winchester
Allison Eifeatieth Mrs. house 19 Carver:
‘Allison Frederick L.. saleaman, house 120 Marcella
Allison George .\..30 Commerce, - Cambridge
Allison George B. goldbeater, 37 Hawley, bouae
‘Camden place
Allison sJaines, Uthographer, bda. 101 Toylston
Allison James'W. carpenter, b. 08 Cambridge, Chat
Allison Jane, widow, house 31 Rochester
Allison Jon, peddlek. hi. Olney, a. Howdol, Dore.
Allllson John W. (Allison o&
Hussia wharf, hous Bowe, near Centre, Rox.
Allison Mary, widow, house 83 Cove
| Almond Ferdinand, conte
jason), ship chandler, | A
‘Allison Robort J. guider, bis. 19 Cuever
Allaon Robert L. kalearhan, bh. 41 Woodward ay,
Allison Sanne), clerk 34 North, ds. 12 Stansford pl,
Allison Surah Sf, widow, house 3) Sterlin
Allison S Mason (i. Wt ddtaon awit A. 2: Mason),
ship chandiors, 1 Mussa whack
Allison, see Ellison
Allman’ Daniel, bootmaker, house 33 Atbany
Allman Geange, conchitoan, bla kt W, Broadway
Atlan Fanole Mra, house 34t West Brondway
Allman Redmond.t. palnter, house 122 Lincoln
‘Altman ‘Choinus Mire: hotive 122 Lincoln
Thomas, grain buyer, bas Lid Shawmut ae.
Allmand Willing W. engineer, b. 182 Treaton, EB.
Allsterlund Jobn, goldsmith, honae 49 Yeoman,
Allston Car Wheel Co., M. H. Washburn, president,
Pe oe
‘Allton HM Silos bia, Clarondon Hotel
ib 8. Walter, Bouse 1 Hope place
Allston Madison &. Iaborer, house 66 Kendall
Allsion Sarah, widow, house 42 Mt. Vernon
Allatrans Leud Miss, compositor, bds, Dorchester av.
‘near Ellsworth
Allstram Susan, widow, b. Doreh. ay. n. Ellsworth
Allweatber Alphonso, cabinetmaker, biti Webster
Anyu Willan 1, designer, rma.9 Allston
‘Allyn W. W. surveyor of lumber, 23 Central, house
‘at Cambridge
Allyne Annie N. Mra. house 82 Cottage, KB.
‘Almoder Charles H. letter carrier, Charlestawn P.O,
house 6 Tremont, Chen. [18 Lincoln, do,
Almeder Francis J. Jr painter, SY Harvard, Chat. hy
‘Mmoder George Le paluter, hy 10 Tremont, Chi
Almeder Lyman P, ¢lerk, 30 South Market, house at
Jaaer Wile F clerk, 69 Maly, baa, 18 Lon,
Almeder Wiltle F. clerk, 63 Malu, bds, 19 Lineola,
Almeida Jona Lewis, carpenter, h, 43 Border, HB,
Hoour, 128 Tremont
Alinquist Peter,
‘Almy Charles,
Almy George W. salesman, 3 North, house at New-
tonite Disrte
Almy George W, clerk, 10.8. Re He mkt. day M0
Almy Untiie B. (46, J: Lane @ C6.),87 Temple ple
82 Harri nv
Almy-dohn P: bookkeeper, 98 Water, bids, 9 Boacon
my Win vate Buda a
‘Aimy Wilam ¥: Cdmy ve’ Co.}, 98 Water, House 77
Pinckuey [Water
Aly & Co: (Wittiam F. Atm), cotton buyer 05
ayuloa Mary Motiersifoune Good Shepherds Tee.
‘mont, oppoaite Darker til
Alpkte Vincente houre 9 Kyexlan
Alstorhorg Frank, cabinetunter, house $ Burke
stom Calvin I. salesman, 30 Winter by at Creve
Aston ane, widow; houve 88. North fiennet
Aine iat iver Ailing Co ot Bonorn, 24
uy Siem, Maines, 8 Franklin ay. house
Alter} Cathartoe, grocer, 28 Ferry, house do.
Alter! Peter bs. 38 Ra
rovsione, h. Greens, ets Doreb,
Atuntinr Clement Atrsc house's Vernon plage
‘item fon hoe 48 Racharer
Alton John ‘15 Washington
Alteleth Leonhard, house 4 Market
Alvers amen 1. conk, 13 Green, hi. do,
Alves doscph J. clothing, 39 Hanover, House at
Teast Gorwersils
Alvord George F laborer, house 40 Bradford
Alvord James C, Me, Hotel Baylston
Aivros Cathariog, widow, house T38 Decatur, EB.
Alvres Henry, elgarmatser, bd. 67 Border
Alweil Lawrence, grocer, 7 80: Marine h, 85 do.
Amano Joh A. currier, house 8 Deca, Chane
Amat Lawrie Hk pertodeas, 125 Chie, Ca
Amann Margate, house 131 Cheleen, Chen
cen Christopher, maahintaty hei Mystic, Chan.
Amageen Frank to Hah dealer, 41" Dveatur,” howe
13 Bennington ington, i a Chetnen
Amazcon William It (Amaceen de Tylon 347 Was
Amgaven Tyler (We dmnseanand le Tyler),
Hatters, 247 Washington
Ambler Ariemas, machinlet, wouse 3 Warren, Oba,
Ambler J.B. bas. Somerset
Atibler Wiliam N40 Summer, . 2 Goodwin place
Smbrvse Benjamin iat Boston’ Musoun, be at
Ambrose Phenols, elgars, Washington, cor, Friend
Ambrose Geo. picture frame muker, 14 Main, Chan.
hotse at Solmerviie
Anibrowe George Those 9 Atherton
‘Atwbrose Harvey, fremnn, tinted States Hotel
‘Ammbrove Jamesy ieamater, Bouse 4 Bush
Ambrose John, laborer, h. 30 Belmont, Chan
Real Estate and Me
Partealar attention paid \o the
Brokers, 226 Washington Street.
‘Carwof Heal Betste and Collection of Reuts,
postos [A]
Ambrose Jobn, foreman tallor, 484 Washit
"ts adam
Ambrose Jobo B, bartender, 50 Webster,
‘Ambrose John F. machinist, bis. 12 Oawego
Aimbrove Justia & leather belting, 3 Charlestown,
hhdxe Commonwealth Hotel
“Ambrove Lawrence, earver, bouee 13 Clapp, 8. B.
Abrus “ache waning elere Coxon’ Journal
Mice, 34 Washington, house 10) West Fourth
“Ambrose Robert, laborer, boare s Gardner ae.
Ambrose Robert; house 12 Oswero
Ritbruse (Thomas J, boggaye muster, b. 00 Warwick
‘Ambrote Thomae Ie currler, bls. ¥ Genesoe
Ambrosoli Bernardo, restaurant, 145 North, b. do.
Aide Ro. (ls Daggeté and Jon Baenaded), Arer-
ean Sandand oa 4 ili
_Amee John, clerk, 50 Congress, house at Cambridge
Aien Charles, laborer, house 106 Hallock.
‘Amen William, laborer, house 102 Hallock
‘Rend Conend; baker, boure 223 Cabo
AMerens Sibert, muatelan, house 22 Wall
inerena Joseph, municlan, house 22 Wall
‘Mierlean Acatdemy of Arte. and. Sciencen, Athe-
‘pwum building, 10) Beacon
Amertentt Armie Co ortiee 108 SU
‘Rmmeriean Art Publishing Co, chromos, Ke. 419 Waals
‘Amertoan Ash Fein Go. 03 Kilby
‘American Band, 121 Court, room 10.
‘American Bauk Note Co, $5 and 87 Milk, room 25
Amerlean Baptist Home Missionary Soctety, ‘Tee.
‘mont Temple ple
st Missionary Union, Tremont Tem-
Vubiteavion Society, 4 Beacon
Aineriean Belt Telephone Co. ¥6 Milk, room OF
Amerlenn Board of Commissioners for Forehen Mts-
elons, Cong’! House, Beacon, cor, Somerset
American Rout & Shoo Reports, 2 Equitable bldg.
‘American Box Too Co, 90) Sumainer
‘rleal Ds Ls & O, Sewing Atuchine Co. 41 Avon
Rmerieun Cable Go, 30 Equttable buitaing
mnerlean Carpet Linlng Co, 170 Devousire, W. Ti.
"ay manager (intional House
Ameriens College nnd Edueation Soetety, 10 Congre-
Rimeriean Congregational swodiation, ” Comgceya-
onal House
American Culvator, 48 Summer
Aieriean Kuropean Fexprees, 40 Court
Ainerican Excban ‘ire Ins. Co. 26 La ant
Americuo Exchange in Europe, Heory F. Gillig &
'Co., agency in Boston, 131 Devonshire
es are ‘Expres Co, 44 Washington and 25 Mer-
chante! raw
American Freee Co, 147 Mille ballding
Amertean Gas Light Co., gx machines, Equitable
‘Ruvriean Gas Light Improvement Cy, ((ibson's
patent), 53 Devonsbire, room 0
“Ambriean fasurance Co. 64 State
‘American Insurance Co. of Newark, 63 Devonshire
‘metloan Library Assocation, 82 Hawley
‘American Liven fhread Co., Waldo O. Ross, treas-
iirer, 1 Devonshire
America Lloyds, 10 state
‘Ameriean Machine Co. 35 Olver
‘American Mcuneslum Co. 79 Mie
‘Amnerienn Marule-Cutting Co. 25 Tremont
American Metric Boreau, office $2 Hawley, eales-
‘oot 27 Franklity
American Millenolal Association, 74 Kneeland
‘American Missionary Association, 21 Cong’l House
Ainerlean Molded Coliar Co. 249 Weet Pith
Aicrlean Myroleum Co. petrolears specialities, H,
‘Sawyer, agent, 185 Sat
American Net and Twine Co. (William Stowe, J.
“S. Shepardy fon W. Fairbanks, and Me N.
ice), det, scine,and twine manuf. 48 Commercial
Amerlean News Co:31 Milk, room 44 [3 India eq.
‘American Oi Cabinet Co., Lang & Jacobs, agents,
Riieriean Patent Single Fluke Anchor Co.’ 2°Con”
“American Peace Soclety, 6 Congregational House
‘Ainerican Powder Co., HL. J, Hosmer, treasurer, 253
American Rapid Telegrapl Co- oftce 4 Devons
-Amertean Rubber Cow O- W~ Paine, weavurer, a
American Seamen’s Friend Society, laSomerset
“American Shade Roller Co. 34 Hawley
‘Aimerfem Shoe Manuteturing Co, 134 Summer
‘American Shoe Shavk Co. 42 Federal
‘American Shoe Tip Co, 147 Summer,
‘Amerlean Sleigh and Carriage Iron Co. 68 Beverly
American Social Science Assoc., 8 Pemberton sa.
MERICAN SPICED FOOD €0., James 0. Tu Joy
ry 31 and 3 India whntl— See page 140k
‘American Standard Brake Co. 49 Water, root iT
‘American steam Gaoge Co. 35 Chardon
‘American Steam Packing Go. 0} Kilby
AAimerlean Steams Safe Works, 108 sudbu
‘American Street Light Reflector, 9 Cambridge
Armerican ‘Tool and Machine Co.'84 Kingston
‘25 Franklin
‘American Union Telegea
‘gress, 25 Merchants’ row and 9 Atlanite ay.
Amorican Unitarian Assoctation, 7 Tremont pli
‘American Wateh Co. § Summer
‘Aroeriean Wires
‘Amerige George M. asst, eoc. Board of Marine
derwritere, 1 Merchants’ Excbungey howe at
Giifiondals iftondale
Amerige Henry, aallmaker, 1 Com't wh
Amerie Willian H. eallmaker, 1 Come
house at Kast Saugus
Amerie & Fiske’ Lynn Express, 2% Me
‘Amery damer, bollermaker, house 34 W
Ames Albert P, B. 1 Ttedford, bie. wt somerville
‘Ames Asa, boarding-boure, 174 Har. uy. ns
‘Amen Asa’A. salesinan, 23 Norch Market, W174 Hare
‘Ames Azel, jr. president Enule Odorless Apparatiin
‘Co. 12 Pemberton unre, house at Wakenield
Mre. bide. § Union Park #treet
min F. trimmer, 7 Holmes block, houre
SL Austin, Chen.
Ames Bessie Mise, nurse, ban. 5 Lawrence (E.B.
‘Aines Charles, feather-dusier mak Evereat,
‘Ames Charles G. ev, editor Christian Kogister, 101
Milk, House at Grantvilte
Ames Edward, B. & Jo. Rug. rooms 9 Staniford
‘Ames Etlaha B. (ushing a Amer), Gry goody, 12%
Hanover, house & Alfmum
Ames Ellis, musician, rooms 112 Dartmonth
‘Atmes Ervest L., carpouter, bas. i Fayette
‘Ames Emma F. Mrs. saleawonat, 3 Summer, bd
‘Montgomery, near Spr. Bt 5,
Ames E, ML walesman, 174 Coneceas [Newton
‘Ames Fisher, lawyer, 2 Vomberton aq, houre ut W's
‘Ames Frank W. bookkeeper, 8 Commorelal, Wouint
‘at East Somerville {ar Che
Ames Fred C. salesman, 42 Fort TH square, house
‘Ames Fe L. ((tiser snes of Sons Cox), AD Equitable
Dullading, house at North Barto
Ames George, 48 School, rnin, 7 Alston
‘Ames Geurge’E. carpenter; howe I
‘Ames Henry W. carpenter, bi
‘Ames Hiram (8. ot 1. Aner),
house § Yarmouth, ‘Chel
Amer Ira HL. paitted furoligre, 102 Fulton, bouee at
‘Ames Jacob Ars, house 4 Chelsea court
Ames Jacob W, brushmaker, bis, 4 Uhelven court
‘Ames Jarvie A. Rey. bouse 1) Mt. Vernon
‘Aties John A. waiter, Creighton Hous, bln, ds
Ames Joho 0. foreman, b. 176 Bunker Hit
Ames Joseph B. (Ames & Coburn) 22 Heh hous
‘Ames Jorephine B, Miss, music teachers hours
‘Yarmouth, Tirookline
Ames Lucia T. Miss, musle tencher, bde, 100 Work
‘Ames Mary, widow, howsy 174 Saratoga
‘Ames Mary'A. Mrs. house 159 West Springtield
‘Aten Mary E, teacher, Bloseom-et. primary, Wilts
‘Tey West Springfieli
Ames Noyes, sulestnan, 34 Broad, house at Molden
‘Ames N. W-teurnstor, 37 Mercantile, b.at Somerviile
Ames Oakes A. (Ulicer Amer & Sour Cos), 4
Mauitable building, house at North Banton
Ames Uliver & Some Co. Fs Leng O. Ais und Ulver),
fuses, Ke. 40 Hquitable bulldiny
-Aunes Giver (Utter dimen Son Co), 4 Etable
Dullding, house at North Easton
Ames Orlando, optical instrument maker, 30 Han
‘over, house at Somerville
Ames, Patrick, bollermaker, house 59.5
MES PLOW CO. agricultoral warehouse, Quiney
Hall. —See iniler to advertivenents
‘ames Samael T. onto 7 Gloaceer F
‘Ames Seth, judge Supreme Judicial Court, 19 Court
ioune house at Longwood. [ Webster, 2th
Ames Seth C. physician, 10 Studlo bldg. bo
‘Ames Sullivan D., US. N.14 Pemberton ng, house L
‘West Cedar Thoune 85 do.
Ames Sumner & Hiram, carpenters, 71 Fayette,
‘Ames 8.5. bds. } Allston
~ _—
62 Boston [A]
Ames 8. P. Mrs, house 13 Ash [at Dedham
‘Ames Theron B. salesman, 694 Washington, house
‘Ames Willard, joiner, 39 Curve, h.17 Princeton, E.B.
Ames William, 127 Fesleral, house nt Hyde Park
‘Ames William, machinist, bds. 11 Pitts
‘Ames William’ G, foreman, carpenter's shop, 0. C,
TLR. house 25 Vinton
Ames Winfred 8. clerk, bia. 19 Mt. Vernon.
‘Ames Coburn (J. 1. Amen and G. Ml. Coburn),
‘boots and shoes, 22 High
Amidon Charles K. bs. 14 Worcester
‘Amialdon Philip It. treasurer Suffolk Paper Co. 49
‘Court, house at Cambridgeport (at Cambridge |
Ammislon Russell P. porter, 168 Washington, house
‘Ammidown, Lane, & Co. (8. W Stetson), dry goods
ee ete a meapedl
ninidawn Marcus M. Ctnmidoten Hone 5
142 Knecland, b. Wash, ey nv. Row.
Ammidown & Honeycomb (it. I. Animidown and
FB oneycomt), tanchinist tools, 12 Kee
Amory Arthur (pham, Tucker, & Co.), dry goods,
48 Franklin, hou ood
‘Amory Charies Mes, house H
‘Aory Charles, 25 Suite, room 21, house 60 Beacon
‘Amory Charles W. 60 State, room 8, wt Longwood
‘Amory Copley, dled Dec. 14,1870
Amory &. L., house 4 Teacon.
Amory Frasicle jr, (Ueymer & Amory), 170 Devon
‘dre, baa. Coolldge Hou
Amory Erineis, b, UMt. Vernon place [41 Beacon
‘Amory Francia’. lawyer, 2 Court, room 1, house
‘Amory Frederio, Jackson Co. and Nashus
Shaul Pv. du Water, room O1, bis. 1 Common.
‘wealth ay.
Amory George W. bas. Coolldge House
‘Atwory Hall, 503 Washington ‘monwealth av.
‘Amory Harcourt, 40 Water, room 61, bis. 1 Com
Amory House, 4'Amory, I
‘Amory James'8. treas. ‘Lancaster Mills, 40 Water,
‘oom 51, house 1 Commonwealth ay,
Amory Jobin Lat, 108 Warren, Rox. | (216 Wash.
‘Amory Jouathan, U.S, despateh and passport agent,
‘Amory Manuf C3, do Sig. CW. Amory, treasurer
‘Amory Mary Stlsa, bis, Savin Hiti, Dore
Amory Kabert, physelaa, 40 Water, oon 6, house
‘at Longwoo
Amory Thomas ©. lawyer, h. 10 Commonwealth av.
Amory Thomas E-clerk, bile. 108 Warren
Mea. hi
‘Amos Clineion 1. carpet shaker, f. Caroling
‘Amos Ob ‘eouchman, house 6 Seb
Amon Fen ir builder, house Pope, nent M.
‘Amos Robert C. steward Commonwealth Hotel,
House 19 East Windnoe
Amos Thomas, died Jan. 28, 1880
Amoskeny M
‘Ameheln Adam,
109 Shawmut ov, aud 7 Parkman, house 195
baker, af restaurant, BS depot,
Tguae 40 Cabot
#, Frank, clerk, 14 State, bas.
“Amilo Frederick K. clerk, baa.
‘Anvaden G. M. bis. 413 West Broadway.
‘Amsiien Harriet Mrs, house 109 Sarat
‘Amadon Henry Fs GF. F. Amsden
Amen Soe! F & on (afng 8) baskors 29 Cone
jen Joel F. & Son (Henry #:), bakers,
Amsden Samuel H. driver Hose 4h. 44 Bunker HU
‘Amaden Thomas J. (Simmons, 'Amaden, af Co.
4 und 6 BAU. mkt. house 3 Atten
Amadeo Willian U. (A. Sevith & Amaden), 15
Kingston, bile. 4i3 West Broadway
Anuguce Mishel, aecretary, and director Tueitatton
the Blind, 97 Avon, bat the Institute, 8.8.
Anatole Roulf, French eouk, Spring lane, oor, Wash.
ington, house 1 Columbia, ward 10
in), 89 Come
| Anderson Arthur’, constable, house 18 Walnut
| Anderson Edwin, mule printer 2
Anchor steamship Go. 1) State
nd "ode .¢. Rockland, WR,
‘Anderer Jobu, bde. Washi
‘Anerer Remy, lager beer, Washington, oor. Rock
land, house Re
Anders Geo. L. electriclan, house 37 Woodward ar. | A
Anderson Albert, locksmith, 074 Washington, house
14 Gloucester place
Anderson Aiton, 89 Washington, bie. 2814 Malo
Atereon Alevanster, maton, order box Bb Hare
‘Anderson Aletauter; upholsierer, house 1 Eaton ple
Aiddereon Alexander, lea Atay 18,1610
Anderson Alfred H. captain, house 221 Webster, E.B.
Anulerson Alice, widow, house 122 D
Anderaom Allee; house 661 Washington
Anderson Andrew, walter, house 24 Church
Anderson Andrew, mariner, bouse 261 North
Anderson Andrew, car iter, 4 Winslow, order box
35 Hawley, house 32 Laurel, Rox.
Anderson Andrew, cook, Clurendot Hotel, bas, do.
Stderaon Andrew, borer, house 101 Cottage Keil
Anderson Andrew! mariner, house] Sumner pt
Anderson Andrew, Junk, b. 1 Culvert et. [Second
Redireon Andrew’: ship carpenter: house ait Wy
Anderson Ann, widow, bouse Li2 Havre, E.B,.
Anderson Annle, widow, house rear 25 Austin, Chen,
Anerson Archibald Cy car baller hu Sumner pl.
Anderson Arthur, clerk, bis. 36 West Newton
Anderson Arthurs. clerk, 8 Cornhill, b. at Walthany
Anderson August, tailor, 410 Wasblugton, house at
Anderson A. bds. 6 Lovering place
Anderson AL Wallace (Harduell, Andersons & Co.)
51 Bristol anid 19 Charlestown, rma. 93] Chambers
Anderson Bernard, boarding-houwe, 247 North.
Anderson orgie, helper, house 61 Medford, Chan.
Anderson Catharine, widow, house 39 Mercer
Anderson Cella H. widow, house 84 West Brookline
Anderson Charles, portor, Mt Pearl, house 48 Border
‘Anderson Charles, walter, American House
Anderson Charles, rigger, bda. 30 Parmenter
sraon Charles, laborer, b, 18 Hanov
‘Anderson Charles'A. confoctioner, rn
‘Anderson C1 erk, 43 Howard, ty
‘Anilervon Charles H. organmaker, 1131
Anderson Christian, iager beer, 241 Hanover, house
2 Hanover place
Andersou Christina Mrs. house 23 Trenton, E.B,
Anderson Christopher, hairdresser, 21 Avon, house
3 Hanover place (38 Rendall
Anderson Christopher, bootmaker, 45 Court, hoes
Anerson Cilfond A. femoved to atanchester, N. tes
we 252
Anderson Cyrus J. salesman, 4 Chauncy, hoi
‘Weat Sixth
Anderson Ebenezer, dled May 15, 1870
Anderson Edward, clerk, bis. 2 Arch place
‘Anderson Edward, engineer, botise 3 Palmer
Anderson Edward, watchman, b. 208 Chelsea, E.B.
Andorsou Edward, cook, bouse 12 Webster av. 0.
Anderson Edward ©. planornaker, h. 78 Chester pk.
‘Jackson place,
“ange 8 Com aad Wotaa Pope B-
nderson Eltsabeth Mrs, house Washington Pi
Anderson Eltzabous, widow, howee 41 Longwood at.
Anderson Emanuel, tinemith, 81 Portland, hy 10 Joy
Anderson Ema Misa, mauale tencher, bda, 28 Gold
Anderson Ephraim, clerk, 10 Marshall, bds, do,
Anderson Francis, engineer, house 46 Nashua.
s Uphiolsterér, 979 Washinton
Anderson Frank, varnisher, house 44 Cabot
Anderson Prank, mariner, bda. 004 Shaymut ay,
‘Anderson Frank H. teamster, bds. 132 London
| Andereon ‘Fred W. driver, 100 Worcester, dda. 51
Hammond house'28 Fleet
Anderson Frederick R. bartender, 4 Lewis, ward 8,
Anderson Frits A. tinemith, b. 8 Metropoltian place
Anderson George, baker, house 6 Maple place
‘Anderson George H. house 43 Howard,
Anderson George H. 5 Sudbury, b, ul Crescent pl.
Anderson George M. bia, Lindes, 8. Dorchester ay.
‘Anderson George P. clerk, 47 Broad, bas. 10. Mopii-
‘ment square, Chan. [Shawmut av.
Anderson Geo. W. salesman, 50 Chauoey, rina. 235
Anderson Grenvilie O. stereotyper, bas. 184 I
‘Anderson G. Herbert, seaman, b, r-25 Austin, Chen,
Anderson Hannab Sfrs, house fear 9 North Bonnet
Anvdereon Hai, joiner, Bouse f Lovedsed court
‘lotky 41 Temple place, ds, 5
(Cabin, Chin.
“Anderoa Harry N. clerk, 58 Sears Valldlng, bday 1
“Anderson Henry, varpenr, poate 10 Popiae
‘Anderson Henry, clerk, 100 State, h. 35 Chambers
Aderngn Henry At béotmaker, 2 Liveoty bse
Tarbert, machiniat, baat Balfinch place
Boston [A] DIRECTORY. 63
Anderson Horace, salesman, 177 Cor
Andoreon Horatio, tablemaker, bds, $24 Chambers
‘Aiuerson Howard C. hds. reat 2 Austin, Cho.
‘Anderson [rving, cook, 61 Keaex, rms. do.
Anderson Isane HL. printer, bda. 18k
‘Atdersoy James, stevedore, 54 Central wharf, howse
AF Marion, Chen,
Anvvrson Janes, laborer, house 1221
‘Anderson James, atone cater, house 11 Bennington
‘Anderson Janes, plpemasker, house Pope, near Pipe
Anderson James, $1 Milk, rm, 20, hat Newtonville
‘Anerson Jaren Mrs. house 3 Newman place
‘Aniereon James, agent, house 107 Poplar
‘Anderson James, fsherinan, house 25 Decatur, E.B,
‘Anderson James, wood turuer, 146 Portland, house
10 Medford court, ward 17
Jatnea B, Watchmaker, bds. 30 Palmer
F. ins, agent, he 19 Auburn, Chen,
laborer, house 42 Charles
house 5 Commercial court
john, baker, bd. JO Walmer
‘Anderson John, eablucunsker, house 48 W. Fin
‘Anderson Joho, laborer, house 83 Medford, €'
Xnderson John, laborer, house 6 Fount
‘Anderson Jobn, bookkeeper, I North,
Princeton, 1.1,
Anderson John, tailor, house 2 Bunker HL
Andes engineer, house 98 Margi ¥
Anderann Jos, laborer, house 40 itt (Newton
‘Anderson John'A. clerk, 61 Chauncy, house 3 Wet
‘Anerson John A. removed to Chicas, I,
‘Rnderson Jobo B, house Wash. n. School; Doreb,
‘Anderson Job O. Mrs. house 111 Maverick
‘Atdereon John C. laborer, h, rear 43 Cottage, EB.
‘Anderson John C. 27 Dock square, house at Chelsea
Anderson John F. (Wheeteright, Anerson, Co),
‘dry goods, 70 Prapkiln, house 189 Beacoo
Andgrnan fobin H; (Doheriy Anderson), 24 Cis
iquare, bis. 63 Tremont, Chet
Anderson John F. salesman, 31 Avon
‘Anderson sob J house 8 Spring
Anderson John M. (Anderson & Reynolds), boots
‘aid shoes, 0 Pearl, house at Salem
Anderson Joba O. seanian's boarding.hous
Anderson sohn Iv, clerk, 30 Wiuter, bis. 44 Dover
‘Atuuraon John W. plumber, 829 Hanover, b. 46 Pitts
‘Anderson Joshus, englie builder, b. 41 Rockland,
Anderson J, D. bas. 18 Appleton
Anderson Lafayette 8. tinamith, rms, T1 Leverett
“Anderson Lewls, carpenter, bda. 13 Lynde
‘Anderson Louia’C. busketinaker, 27 Dock square,
house at Chelsea [Hestford, ti. at Quin
“Anderson Luther W. master English: High school,
Anderson Lydia A. Stes. hotise 44 Upton
‘Anderson Margaret Sirs. house 1380 Washington
AAndoraon Mbungaret, widow, b, 63 ‘Tretnont, Chen
Anderson Martha, widow, house 3 Medford, Ch
‘Anderson Martha‘. Misa, periodicals, 25 Fleet, bi.
‘Anderson Martin, house H6 Harrison av.
Anderson Mary, widow, house 2 Irving place
‘Anderson Mary Mrs, house 37 Warren 3
‘Anderson Mary, widow, house 18 Shaving
Anderson Maty’A. Mra: physician, 47 Prince, b. do.
‘Anderson Mary E. died June 11, 1379
‘Anderson Nels, couchman, b. Koslindale Ftel, Ros.
Anderson Olof’. house 245 Centre, Rox.
‘Andersow Oscar, ‘sim, Chan.
‘Auderson Otto, engineer, house 18 Tndiana place
‘Anderson Otto, pianomaker, bs
‘Anderson Patrick, laborer, house 548 Aibany:
Anderson Patrick, Inborer, house 46 Pitts
Anderson Peter, laborer, bls. 173 Tudor
Anderson Peter, watchman, house 172 Condor, E.B.
Anderson Peter B. porter, 07 Summer, house rear
250 Bunker Hit
Anderson Peter L. laborer, house 127 West Third
Anderson Rebecca 8, Mrs. bis. $ Union
Anderson Richant, teamster, house 545 Albany
Xnuerson Robert, eutter, 100 Arch, house 252 Gold
‘Anerson Robert, servant, 3 Ms. Vernon
Anderson Robert, clork, 150 Court, h. at Cambridge
arson Robert H. clerk, under Revere House
Anderson Rufus Rev. D.D., 12 Congregational
House, house Cedar square
Anderson Samuel, carpenter, house 25 Knox
‘Anderson Samuel, Inborer, Seneca
Anderson Sarah, widow, bh. i0 Spring
‘Anderson Squire, coal and wood, $0 La Grange,
house 53 Piedmont (Eset Cambridae
Anderson Stephen, brass foundry, 34 Hawkliis, boas
‘Anderson Stephen’ B. salesman, 276 Franklin, House
jO™atSt. Albans, Ve. (bd. at East Cambridge:
| Anderson Stephen Hi. brass moulder, i Hawkins,
| Atderwoa Theodre G, elerk 10 Broad. 170
‘Anderson Thornas, laborer, house 83 Phillips
Anderson Thomas, foreinan, cordage mills, house 207
Rayules [tom
Anderson Thomus G- (Phtitrook
‘Anderson Thomas J. stoves, Sc. 100’ Merrlinney
house at Chelsea
Anderson Thnothy, ds, New England Hoare
‘Anderson T, H, baggage master, B.S MG. 16Rs
‘Andersou Wallace -A. tablemaker, b, 2) Chambern
Anilerson Wallace billiard clr, Young's Motel
Anderson Warren L. elerky bite, 31 Quincy, Rox,
‘ndereun Wr, farnier, bids, Booch, nm. Poptor, O.1L.
Anderson William, shoemaker, house s80 Federal
‘Anderson William, clerk, Contre, opp. Burroughs,
P. bda. Carolina av. cor. 1400
Anderson William, palutar, bile, 12 Carter, Chan.
‘Anderson Willian, bis. 1 Acton
‘Anderson William, laborer, house 7 Clreult
| Anderson Willian, Inborer, house 345 Sonner, BB.
| Anderson William, tailor, house # Mwleowe (av.
Anderson William B. plastorer,
‘Anderson William ©. satentnan, 740 Waxhingtony
‘bds, 19 Auburn, Chen. (land, Hox.
| Anderson William F. clerk, 21 Motte, bd, 41 Rock-
NDEBSON WILLIAM G. wire wcrocns, 103 Mer-
rimac — See tader to wdoertha
Anderson Witham H. 37 Ponrl,
‘Anderson William J. lather,
Anderson Willlam J. proj
(Kneeland, cor. South, 0.
Anderson William 1. boat builds
654 E. Broadway
02) Dorchester
ctor Plymouth House,
} Atlantle a
Andersson Charles, eatin
| Anderton George I. carpe
jouke 731 do,
{hous do.
1 Chin,
Andre Charles St. Belper
‘Anuire Henrletia, widow, house 62 Cabot
Andre Rudolph ©, clerk, 136 Leverett, bls. 02 Cabot
‘Andren Alban, solicitor of patents, 61 Stato, Louse
‘Andrew Ellen’Mt. Sti
Andrew George T. (John Anitrew d Son) ,ongravery
‘3 Temple place, house Arcadia, nuar Adams,
Ficld's Corner
Andrew H. J. bookkeeper, house 48 Emerald
‘Andrew Isaac W., Custon House, b. at W, Boxford
‘Andrew John, carpenter, boure 613 Albany
‘Andrew Joha'& Son ((evrge T. Andrew), wood en
gravers, 3 Temple place
Andrew John A. Mrs. botise 110 Charlos
Andrew John i, Inwyer and notary publi, 242
‘Washington, root 18, h, 10 Charles (HLS,
Andrew Pierce J. bookkeeper, 34 India, b. Lincoln,
‘Andrew Samuel W. agent N. K. Fairbank & Co, 16
india, bds. 8 Obester aquare
Andrew William, laborer, b. 43 Maverick [Tyler
‘Andrew Wililam 1, printer, 262 Washington, b. 109
Andrew W. I. salesman, bile, 49 Cortes
‘Andrews Abby M. clerk, Charlestawn Five Cents
| ON savings Bank, bs, 21 Cordis, Chas.
Andrews Albert EL Inspector customs, 296 State, b
at Fitchburg [oyman
Andrews Alexander, machinist, 76 Sudbury, bide. 1
‘Andrews Alfred A‘ clerk, 141 Franklin, bas, at
Andrews Alfreg W. house 11 Burlington ay.
‘Andrews Alonzo (Andrews Stevens) provisions,
47 Bromfield, house 79 Carver
NARRAGANSETT HOUSE, 691 W? "Ste ttre. tien, Hom.
64 Boston [A]
“Andreves Alonzo P;clork,§2 Devonshire, rm. 1, bls.
23 Lambert
Andcews Aloneo T. (Andree Gleason), TNF.
Kt, hue 10.Chamnvere
Andrews Alonzo T, michiniet be. 02 Bow, Cha.
Anurewe Amanda iM. widow, bas. 4 Thotas park
Andrews Auntie Aties, House Tlotel Berkeley
Andrews Arthur E. provisions, 49 Shawalot ay.
30 Pleaeant [Windsor
Andrews Anu Le produce, 94 Clinton, hone 32 st
‘Andrews Avgusths, uwyery 7 Exchange ple bouse
nv Etatis
Andrews A A. packer, 42 Canal, bs, 32 Ptte
Andrews Benjainte F- upholserery bide. 3 Melrose
Andres Hemjania L: salen, 34 Sommer house
at Bover!
Andrews Brainard A. student, bde. 137 Main, Chan.
‘Anirews Caroline Ar widow, house 24 barnoge
Andrews Caroline Mrs. house 21 Gordie, Che.
‘Anidrewe Chicien veamster, be 904 Main Togton
Andrews Chattes, clerk, 216 Ciarendon rine, 3 Teme
Aeaven Charis Sten. house 113 Chandler
‘Andrews Charter A. watchanan, he? Neale ct: Chan.
Atidrows Charles A’ lerky 211 State, ds. 10 uve
‘Andrews Charterds: buotnaker, 13 Berkley, houre
Andrews Ohy (R. Me Pulsifer & Co,), Boston
Herald, 25 Washington, hoone 401 Beacon
NDUEWS CHARLES Hy. & CO. stoves, .
‘sud repatrs, 107 and 109 Blackstone, Bile. Hill:
alile ny: Kox.— See page 1002
charles J. seusoo-tieket clerk, Be & A.
a |, som.
Androws Clement W. chernlat,
‘Andrown Gyrus P.
Andrews Danict
Andyows D. A. house Bellevue, eor, Park, Rox.
Andyows D. H. engincer Boston Bridge Work
Vemborton sq. ring. 3 and 4, hove at Cheleen
Andeows Edward, bde. 41 Carabldge, Chany
‘Androws Edward, ayent, bds. 21 Brook w
Andrews Edward C. horse shoee, 198 Portland, I
Somerville (137 Mat, Ch
Andrews Edward F. engraver, 6 Temple place, bi
Audrews Edward J. physictan, 6 Hotel Albemarle,
‘house do. (Melrose
Andrews Edward 1, clork, 336 Washington, bile. 27
NDREWS EDWARD Re, Hayford Urcosote Wood
Preserving, 4 FO. Square, room, 7 house 0
Marlborough — See page 1a
Andrews Edwin F, salesat, house 7 Kirkland
Andrews Elbridge F. 118 Bail. rok. bie. 0 Hanson
Andrews Elisha Ty (A. 4. Gilmore 76 Bum.
mer, house at North Baston
Andrews Eileabeth, widow, b. 27 Melrose (Chan,
Andrews Kllanbeth' B. widow, house 4t Cambridye,
‘Andrews Jillen Miss, house 68 Hotel Berkeley
‘Androws ovina Miss, bds. Hotel Berkeley
‘Andrews Emma Mrs. house 12 Newman
Andrews Kzeklel, house 617 Shawmut a
Andrews Kzeksel Candreir & Co.), 404 Auiantle av,
hove 400 Bennington th, ab Malden
Andrews Ezekiel Jr. Jl sawyer, 42 Chardor
Andrews #. Jono, 6 Congress aq. be 107 Pincknes
Andrews EL. & A. P. Misses, h. TO Motel Berkeley
Andrews Francie H. clerk, bas. 251 Saratoga, K.B.
Andrews Francis Loring, porter, 86 Merchabis! row,
house 8 Leviug place, Chen, [bridge
Andrews Frank, rear 42 Medford, Chan. b. at Cate
Andrews Frank’ A. hie, 240 Suratogn
‘Andrews Frank A. 1 City Hall av, bie, at Cam.
beidgeport (2 Metrose
Andrews Frank B. shipper, 252 Devonshire, bie,
Andrews Prank L, clerk, 107 Tremont, Uds. 617
‘Shawmut ay.
Andrews Frank 8. englocer, Grand Junetion wharf,
house Belmont square” [house 187 Beacon
Andrews Frank W. stuck broker, 31 Mlk, room 5,
erick, saloon, 62 Washington, house
Anitreies, Richy d Co.), fed, 9 asd
11 Commerclal wharf, north Frese
Andrown George A.teamiter, 8 Oliver, hi. Adame,
Fins. do.
Andrews George W. clerk, 7 Commerelal, house 44
Andrews George W. olerk, 65 Bedford, bds. 15
Louisborg square
Andrews George W, cleriy25 Onk, rms. 18 Chapman
Andrews George W: driver, houxe 102 Appletun
Andrews Henry, 38 Chauncy (tis &
lenry, alversmnlth, 421 Washington, huvne
Heury, shipwright, bh. 251 Saratows, EH
Anarews Henry, jr- produce, 68. Blackstoticy tide.
Andrews Hen
av. house 43
‘wharf, rms. 10 Appleton
Andrews James M- carpenter, h, 891 Bunker Hilt
Andrews John, engineer, house 420 East Third
Andrews Jobn, porter, 63 Summer, b. 13 Dix place
Andrews Joho, clerk, house 257 Bolton inentor
Andrews Joho, bartenyter, 241 Hanover, bide. 20 Pure
Andrews John A. (Wadley, Amdrewen, s6 C,), weo~
‘cer, 278 Franklin, house’? How! Blackstone
Andrews John. D. photographist, 138 Waahingtan,
‘house 866 East Pint oure 74 Hudaon
Andrews John D. B., Soldier's Menenger Corps,
Andrews Joba K, wholebone worker, Ost Washing:
ton, baa. 1 Kapp Chelsen
Androvs John 8. inner golem, 48 Hanover, house a
‘Androws Toroph Mre, house 1323 Washingwn
Abdrews Joseph H, liquors, 670 Main, bds. 41 Cam~
ride, Chan.
Andrews J. Kawards, physteian, 289 Columbus ave
iouse do
Andrews Levt W, tearster, order box 410 Shaw-
' Lyman, police station 9, h. 01 W. Cottage
fart‘. Canitrwwon a! Halsall), 21 War
use at Somerville
We Mary Mrs. 8 Irving pl Chan. fmarte
Andrews Mary ACM. physician, 0 ifotel Alve-
Mary 1, honwe 4 Astiland place
Matllaa’ Mes, boune 22 Kart ight
Andrews Matthew 8, foreman 33 Bowker, houro at
Andrews Morton D. lawyer, 48 Court, room 5, houee
Andrews ME L.. Mra. removed to New York
Andrews Peter It. carpenter, house Boylston ay. 3.2
Andrews Priscilla, widow, b. 91 Winthrop, Chen:
Andrews Rich, & Co. (George Andrvioa it. S. und
A. F Rich), flah, O and 1 ComMwhf north ede
Androws Wichard F: constable aud real estates 1135
Dudley, nouve 2i Lambert
Andrews’ oderick B, foreman pavh
‘Charlestown District, bda. 4 Adame, Oban.
Andrews Samuel, notary publle, 4 Peiuberton ey.
room 5, house 0 Cesitre, Tea
Andrews Shinuel Mrs, house 31 Winthrop, Chan,
‘Andrews Sarah M. Mere. house 23.Sedlursa nth.
Andrews sliver Mining Co. 21 Equitable bullding
Andrews Stanley, baa. 86 Centre, Tox,
‘Anarews Sephen H Beater, Mound He ay,
indrews Stephens em) ‘ome,
Davis, house 102 Appicion
Andrews Thomas A. h. lace, Chan,
Andrews Tristram, bisekamith, HRS. b.46 Zolgler
‘Andrews Tyler, porter, 110 Summer, b. Moscley
Andrews T. 4. carpenter, Hotel Brunawick
Andrews Walicr . (Charles Storrow c Co.),180
‘unabire, house at Brookline
Andrews Walter J. clerk, Maverick Oil Works,
(Chetec srcot ba. 242 Saratogs
Andrews William’'Mrs, house 90 West Fourth
Abdrows William, 177 State, b. at Chelaen
Wiliam, printer, Boston Globe, rma. &
Viliamn ‘A. Mra. house 70 Bustle
Andrews Williain A. salesman, 276 Franklin, bd.
‘47 Columbus ay.
Andrews William A. nksher, bds. 37 Northield
‘Andrews Wiliam B. clerk, bus, 44 Forest
Andrews William E: undertaker, rms. 28 Chambers
NARRAGANSETT HOUSE, 691 WAS2i597O%,. 83...
Andrews William G. stock keeper, 208 Devonshire,
tine wt Maplewood {Chandier
Andrews William H. clerk, 76 Washington, bds. 69
‘Andraws William HL bs. 36 Gray
Andrews William Hi. H. lawyer, 28 State, room 29,
hh 25 Highland av. ‘Chan:
Andrews William K. wheelwright, house 44 Austin,
‘Andrews William It clerk, bds. 45 Cortes
‘Andrews William Tr. died Nov. 24, 1
‘Andrews William 'T. Mre. house 6’ Marlborough
‘Andrews William. jr.4 2.0.99. bds.6 Marlborough
‘Andrews William W: laborer, h. 2518 Washington
‘Andrews & Co. (Bzekiel and 12, D. Andretes), team-
‘ters, 404 Atlantic avy.
Andrewn & Gleason (4. 7. Andrews and George N.
Ginn) frolt and product, 7 N. - Hm.
and cellar 31 do.
Andrews & Halsall (4, B. Andrews and J. P, Hat-
all), carpenters, 21 Barrett
Andrews & Hamell (7. F. Andrews and Hi, B. Ha
melt), clears, Ke, 8 Central wharf
Andrews'& Stevens (Alonso Andrews and 0. E.
‘Sirvens), provisions, 47 Bromfield,
Androscoggin Mills, N. Walker, treasurer, 1T Mer-
chants’ row
Andrus Betsy Miss, bas. 45 Dudley.
‘Andros Helen Mise, bds. 45 Dadley.
‘Auezin Augustine ¥, cook, house 2 Mt, Vernon av.
Chen. (Chat
Anezin Augustine F, Jr clerk, b.2 Mt. Vernon av
‘Angelbeek won HL. 'tresco palnter, house rear 121
Vest Concord
Angell Amos 8. painter, 10 Kingston, b. 229 Peasant
‘Angel Bradford W. aupertotendent’s ole, R.lt
“Angell Churles F clerk, 257 Tremont, b. at Maden
‘Rage David carpenter, 0 ington, house a ye
“Angell E. A, grocer, 251 Tremont, bd. 399,00.
Rnurell George O, bis, 33 Clarendon
Aiifell George, counsellor, commolssloner, and
notary, 6 remout
Angell Livary C. physician and ocullst,h- 26 enoon
Angell Jonn-d, cutter, 2 Franklig, be 470 Trewont
Angell John We Homan, owe $ Acton
Angell Martha, whtow, houne 83 Clarendon
‘Angell Martha’ D. Miss, milliner, 220 Pleasant, do.
‘Aig MotB platr, 0 Ritson bs 0 Cla
Angell Peter A. confeetloner, house 18 Tufts
Angelo Bullding, 4 Congress
Aigerline Mt Re/palnter, bd. 85 West Brookline
okior Calvin W? house'S17 ast Foard [200 E
Anater win 1: (Oller Apter} th Treat be
Aiiier B. Morton, tenmater, Ir & AC. Rf bs. 172
‘Chelsea, Chin Newton
Seorge, Ucket agent, B. & A. RAR house at
ie Ar carpenter, 0.0 16.8. b. 200 B
de Cute), chldren's Vouk
antic ay. hea
‘Angucra Fernando Ge, plano teacher and salesman,
"138 Washington, 0:00 Galdwin.Chen. (Chen.
“Anguern J. de, muste teacher, 50 Baldwin, house do.
T Leverett
Annable dane, widow, house 10 Frothingham a
‘Annable John F. 38 Broad, house at Caml
‘Annable Joseph H. clerk, bda. 11 Beacon yreh.
‘Annable Thomas HL. bookkeeper, h. Mt. Bowdoin av.
Annable William F. salesman, 75 Union, beat Salou
‘(Annan Charles F. foreman, house 866 Kant Fourth
‘AAnoao Frank, machinist, bls. 75 Washington, Ch
‘Annan Willian H. machiuist, house 1 Merce
‘Annand James, 618 Washivyion, hds. 1747 do,
‘Annesy Mary, house 510 Bast Noth
‘Annis Elizabeth Mrs. house 04 Revere
Annis Horace C. engineer, 2 Aldeu court, hi, § do.
Annis James L. repairer, BoILB. BL it. hoisve
‘at Lynn
Annis Joel N. hatrdresser, house 86 Green
‘Anois Patrick, cook, ® Exchange place
‘Annis Peter W ahip carpenter, house 6 Haynes
Annisquam Milis, 17 Merehunts’ row
‘Ansart Benjamin F. grocer, 6 I'ync
‘Aneel George F. painter House 18 Wesrantnster
Ansel Goulled, painter, house 70 Sawyer [mentor
‘Ansel John E. porter, 11. Comercial, bds. 11 T'ae-
Ansel Peter, laborer, house 7 Notre Dame, Ex.
‘Ant Witham "clerk, 112 Cambeidge, babs 2
Anselm William laborer, house rear 3188 Tremont
AAntley Frederick, C. (dnstey Cui), 24 Goutral
‘whiorf, bouse 1 Rutland” (24 Genteal wharf
Ansley & Co. (Frederick ©. Ansley). ship Urakerss
‘Anslow Htobert J- plasterer, house 73 Cabo
‘Anton Warren, licuse $4 Kesex
Antellite George, 250 Federal, b, 908 Summnor, EB,
Antelitle Jou H. (Stewart sb Antolife), 290 Fesderal,
house 308 Sumner Howse dus ilo,
Antelitfe Margaret Mrs, varlety store, 310, Sumner,
Anthes Adolph, Lager ‘bear otter, 0° ‘Tranont,
house 61 La Grange
Antes Matthew, lager beer, 48 Kington, h. 3 Gaton
‘Aadiaine John G. carriage manufacturur, 478. 1u-
thetford av- house 406 Mala
Anthoine Joseph H. shoemaker, bh. 6 Wesley, Ch
Anthony Abrata, peddler, bouse 155 Weat Fourth
Anthony Aifred'd. teacher drawlug.and (Anthony
e¢ Co,), 38 Bench, house Florence, Ho
Anthony Andrew V.'S.47 Frankllty fi. 106 Tencon
‘Authouy Benjamin #. machinist, 163 Ruggles, house
143 Cabot
Anthony Churles, hostler, rms. 6 Oto
‘Authony Charles, sitk sploner, bis. 161 Northampton
Anthony Edgar W. trewarer Smith & Anthony
‘Stove Co-f2 Union, he 343 Marlboro’ “(Menm
walenman, 1. Winter, ty
cer, house 107 Warrenton
. 00 Terrace
Anthony George N. Rev. acting treasurer Masxa-
‘chusetts H. ML. Soo, Congregational House, bouts
at Newton Highlands ‘ode. at Malden.
Anthony George W. salesman, 101 Commercial,
‘Anthony Henry, peddter, house's North Bennet,
Anthony Henry’E, clottiée cleaner, house 20 Camden
‘Anthony Teac, salesman, bouse 13s Washington
‘Anthony Joseph B. elilef clerk, 95 Milly rout. 20,
‘da, 92 Chester park [Somervtile
Anthony Lewis, clerk, B.S L. IR. depot, bile. at
‘Anthony Louls, variety store, 219 Knoeland, b. do.
any Marky clerk, S18 "Washington, bh. 77
Anthony Nathan (Bradford & Anthony), hardware,
Bid Washington, house 283 Mariborough
Anthony, Poor, & Oliphant (Joward Walter) ban-
‘kere and brokers, 8 Devonsbire
Anthony’ It H. Mrs. house Hotel Berkeley
‘Amhony Thomas, balrdresser, 263 Warren, house 3
Anthony William A. clerk, 69 Purchase, hat Chelaea
‘Anthony. & Co. japanners, 36 Bench
‘Anton! Jorephi, images, house 4 Baker's ales, wa. 8
Aniont Peter, eonfectioner, house 2 Bakers alleys
Antonia Edgerton J. carpenter, h.2 Wilbur et. £0,
Atonto Hasdolt, mariner; house 383 Bennington
‘Antonio Vinson, laborer, house 683 Bennington
‘Apel Jobn H. fret eaveser, house 1881” (Havre
‘Aplin Fred, ©. machinist, 111 Commercial, house 5
‘Apollo Clab, 161 Tremont, Arthar Reed, secretary,
"66 State {o24 Warren, Itox:
Apollonlo Nicholas A. clty rewistrar, City, Hall, bh.
Apollonio Niebolas T- clerk, eity regletrar’s uf
'. Albion, cor. Clifton, Doreb
{Chan. | Apollonio Spencer M. ‘alestoan, S43 Washington,
bie at Newton Upper Falle
Apostola Basile, fruit dealer, Beach, near Washing.
Yon house 1b Edgerly place
Appel Mary Airs. bds. 1453 Washington
Appell Frances, widow, house 14 Sudbury place
Appletsam Abraham Bey. house 67 Gross
Applebaum Josiab, peddler, house 74 Endicott
‘Appleby Benjamin, carpent
Appleby Benjumi'F. h. 1038 Tremont
Appleby George A. carpenter, 188 Dover, b. 82
Appleby Joseph A. remuved to Worcester
Appleby Joseph H. engineer, rms. 33 Weaton
Appleby Robert, earpenter, house 268 Silver
Applegate Charles H. salesman, 450 Washington,
‘ods. at Cambridgeport
Applegate Joha HL. agent, 29 High, house at Revere
Applequist Frite F.Applequist & Gannon), 7 Court,
‘house 2 Bromileld {Chen
Applequist Isaac 'T. shoemaker, house 35 Lexiugton,
Applequist & Gannon (F. ¥. Applequist and Ju L-
{anon}, Sazeppa Sign Co, fo Court
Appleton Alice and Julia Mlases, house 54 Beacon
Appleton, Amory, & Co. (New Orieans), 1 Water
Applown'A. [at Atheneum,
Appleton Bina J. widow, house i
Appleton Charies D. 62° Summer
Tat Combrllge:
‘APhleton Charles 2: hate, cape, Ke ol Wash,
iT? Walthara
‘T. Mrs. house 54 Walnut ay.
erton a.
Appleton Edward Gr stoves, &e.1 People’s Fo
Pies ab Putnam, Cat Uambeidge
Appleton Eimer W. printer, 292 Washington,
‘Appleton Francis H. agriculluralist, wt Peabody, bk.
‘107 Heacon (way, bds, 37 do.
u Krederick 'T. paper hanger, 443 W. Broad,
mB. E. Mrs. boarding-house, 11 Stanlford
mi Cieorge, printer, Globe Oflle, da. 12
Appleton George B. clerk, 374 Washington, house
re lg nea ous A al 2 Appleton),
ppleton George Ce CFG. Barnes tow),
Pirealeatate agents States nc 21 Lan woed oy
Appleton George HL, selling agent ‘Tyer Kabber Co.
"20 Devousblre, house at Winchester
Applet Weorge hase 40} Duley
Ap mm George W. clerk, bda. Th Myrtle
AD) m George W. (Learned, Tompson, & Co.),
Chathaun Yow, house 2797 Washingt
Appleton Henry, Unamith, bis, Pope, near Saratoga
‘Abblcton # ulory 22 Bromfield, howe
Appleun Hasty ie. Js Spodheeary, 25¢ Colant
ions Tenky Ke Jr. apothecary, iumbus
a "av, ua. Casnbridge, near Otis, Allston
pivian Jamen, Unstnith, hk, Bupe, near Sarat
Pblstam Sound, (pups Gopewel, ce sippleten),
"23 Court, house wt Camb
Appleton J. Fred. 61 High, house at Boverl
Appleton J. Henry, sliver plater, bds. Hotel Avon
Appleton Lewis U. grocer, 300 W. Eighth. 202} do.
‘Apploton Mary'@. Mra. It; Pleaxabt t. avin HU
‘Appleton Nuthan, hoose 10 Commonwealth av.
Appleton Nathaniel, sasistaot yarduaster, 2. RR.
Tholise 34 Cambridge, Chet
Appleton “Nathaniel W. (Ace d& Appleton), 100
Tremont, bids. Plessant, near Savin Hlll av.
Appleton Sainuel, secretary Common wealtt, Insur-
‘anoe Oo. WW Congress, house 4 Linwood
Si Samuel, buots and shoes, 44 Winter,
at Winchester
Appleton Samuel ©. house TT Waltham (Waltham
Appletwin Sumner, clerk, 518 Washi Dade. 77
Appleton 8. Herbert, letter carrier, 8.5, P.O. house:
248 Weat Broadway’
Appleton 8.11, rs. house 18 Hoylaton
Appleton Thoruas, janitor, Girl High and Normal
‘school, ide, ‘W. Cant [Marblehead
Appleton ‘Phornas, cotton buyer, 79 Water, house at
Applvton Thomas G. house 10 Commonwealth
Appleton ‘Thomas R. anperintendent box depart
“Apart Ry. 3 WY Caton 5. fat Combe
ob Warren J. inter, Vashington, b.
Appleton William htvas house 76 Beacon
Appleton Wiltlamn, physician, house § Wainot
‘Appletuwn Willa, stair builder, b. Pope. n. Saratoga
Appleton William C. pres. Eliot Five Cent Savings
Bank, and treasurer Roxbury Gas Light Cou
aay 30 Dudley, house Be litord
Appleton William &. Ars. house 72 Waltham
‘Appleton Willam I. clerk, be, 3 Bloseous
‘Appleton Willa S. house 38 Beacon
‘Appleton William W. bouse 37 Blossom
Appleton W, Elliog bde. TF Waltham
Apples Oliver G. 63 Haverhill, Boose 23 Bradford
‘Appleyard Charles, clothes clester, by
Appleyard Enoch," earpentery
jin Sumoer {Shaw Aplin), tu ”
Applin Sumner {Shae <& Appl), furatture,
| “PFauabury, th, at Cambeldge
| Apt Henry’ peddle, house
‘APted Wilken H, bairdroser, Tremont “House, h
ft Somerville [Ote p
Apthorp Robert E, real estate, 44 Kilby, bovse 2
Apthorp William F, musle teacher, bas. 2 Otis plies
Aranclo Joseph, hatedresser, 251 Hanover, bds. 24
‘Thacher court
Arata Giovanni, laborer, bouse 38 North Bennet
‘Arbeeam BL. clerk, 85 Devonshire, b. Hotel Pelham
‘becam Henry, captain, bouse 141 Trenton, BB,
Arbecimn Jaimes'G, pollow station 5, bus. 830° Shaw.
mut wi
Arbecam John, house Wabon, near Warren
‘Arbington Michael E. laborer, house 421 East Third
| Arbogast Michwelycurrier, house 74 Longwood av.
Arbogast W. Mrs: house 17 Concord, Chan,
Arbuckle Thomas, uphulsterer, bda.'64 W, Cedar
‘Aro James, silk spinner, bis. 1436 Wasbinjgion,
Arean Joseph, teacher of dancing, Dewcon House,
| "Toro Washington, bouse do.
Archambeault Herioigeld, salesman, 618 Washington,
Dds, 14 Ferdinan THuntington
Arclidaie C. William, messenger, house 4 Hotel
‘Arctideacon Ellen Miss, house 21 Kaaex
Archdeacon Maurice, hostler, house 224 Knesland
Arelier Albert I, carpenter, bis, 17 Salem, Chant.
Archer Augustus J. clerk, 400 Washington, hou
at Salem
Arober Chiarlotte, widow, bas. 14 Ball
Archer Edwin W. carpenter, 87 Lexington, house
Ui Bunker Hill, Chen.
Archer Kilen, widow, hi 80 Hudson (Doren.
Archer Francia E, bookkeoper, 127 State, h. Puller
Archer Freeman, mason, house 18 East Sspeingteld
Areier George ‘Ay elork, 169 Devonshire, bids. at
Archer George W. teamster, baa, 22 Rogora, W.
Archer Jesse, clockmaker, house 172 Woat ghih
Archer John, clerk, 42 Summer, tus, 76 Camden
“Archer Jolin’, walter, bouse 10 Grave
Archer Joseph A. mann, Nouye 23 Kogers, WV.
Archor Lizzle A. Mrs, house O14 Sbawmut av.
Archer Mary Mt, Ty ter AY. OPP.
Archer Robert D. (Ji W. Hunneeelt e& Co.),70 and
72 Commerelal, house at ast Somer
Areher William Mrs, died di 22,1880 [Frlend
Arebital Charles Ht. clerk, 1 Union mkt, ris. 884
Archibald Adam, tosurance broker, I Exchange
Ince, house 20 Sherman
Archibald Albert, student, bls. 25 Hancock
Archibald Charles, matiner, house & North, Brim-
mer place [ot Medford
Arehibald Charles D. grocer, 149 Blackstone, hota
Archibald Edward, stat
ion agent, 230 Shawinut ay.
Arobibald Elizabeth H. Mrs. houas T Cusbman a
Archibald George F. commission merchant, 00, Kil-
by, house 263 Shawmut av.
Archibald George R, watchman, house 19 Vernon
Archibald James K, clerk, 60 Hanover, house 21
Auburn, Chan,
Archibald do
| Arclidald Jobn'd. harnesamaker, house 37 Conant
‘Arcbibald Joseph ¥, bell boy, 600 Washington, b. do.
‘Archibald Nicbolas, cooper, house 40 Weat Sixth
‘Archibald Rlebard, cooper, house 11 West Thitd
| Arobibald Riehard'H. printer, 260 Washington
Archibald Robert, latter, hoose 38 Telegraph
Arebibald Thomas, lather, hotise 3 Chentaat place
‘Archibat Walter, boards Houre
‘Archibald William, machiniat, house 38 Ose
‘AAretibald Willam'D, sph, he 33 Jono
Archibie Robert M. biackemith, bis. 252 Hanover
‘Arehilus Wiliam, carpenter, ba, 7 Albert
‘Ar Chong Wong & Co. teas, 2383 Wanbingtop, h. do,
Mass. Register and Directory,
135 Franklin Street.—Price 6%.
————— CC t~<“<‘; Tht
Ardill Witlam, Inborer, house 29 Minot
‘Ardint Doardo, fruit dealer, house 5 Stillman place
‘Arens Jobn, laborer, house 102 Orleane
‘Arey Arthur B. 108 Reach, house 19 Indiana piace
‘Arey Austin, tinsmith, house rear 739 4. Broadw
‘Arey Benjunin ¥, bridge tender, 1. & M. RAR.
‘Chapman, Chen.
Arey Betsey IL. widow, bds, 110 Lexington, E.B.
‘Arey Frank J, clerk, 81 High, bds. 18 Sherman
‘Arey Levi H house 116 Lexington, E.B.
Arey Keubes (Arey Maddock), 30 igh, bonve at Armutrong Henry 1.87 Sunier, bas. at
ae (Wenley place | Armstrong Howard
Arey Mlchard HL curler, 28¢¢Commercial, bis.
‘Arey 8. B, Mra, dressmaker, 168 Tremont, by d
‘Arey, Fumitby, C. salesman, 40 Washinton, Bas.
19 Mount Vernon
Arey William I, clerk, 10 Federal, bds, at Salem
‘Arey W, H. removed to Lowell
Arey & Co, produce, 106 Bench
feather dealers, 80 High
Arkansas Valley Elevator Co. 95 Aft, room 29
‘Arkansus Valley ‘Town Go, 6 Milk room 29
‘Arkerson Charles A; bookkeepe
house at Caubrhigeport
Arkerade Charis H cordagemaker, houre Western
lock (Reuben Arey and G. i. Maddock), |" Chsn..
{81 Washington, | Armstrong Job
Armstrong George A. died Feb. 22,1850
‘Armstrong Goorge K. elerk, 40 Stale, room 8, bds. 1
‘Belmont aquare, hore 208 ‘Ath
Armstrong George T, dock master, 404 Atiaitic ny.
‘Armatrung George W.news stand, Hotel Brunswick,
‘and B. & A-depot, and refreshments, (8. & A.
and BU, und news, F. Kit. depots, boure at
Armstrong Henrletta, widow, b. 108 Harrison a.
‘Armtrong Henry Eayer, 4 Hxchange place
'B. bookkeeper, 187 Congress,
ids. 5 Exeter place
Armstrong James, marble worker, bde. 18 Thacher
“Armstrong James, cork cutter, bis. 16 Tull
Armationg James J. eablnetmaker, 49 Cornhill,
Armstrong James T- plomber, bas. 62 Leverett
Armstrong James W.cabluctmuker, bds. 42 Warren,
Armstrong John, janitor, house 207 Cambridge
Armetrong Jobn, machinist, house $6
‘Armatrong John, baker, 2 Brighton, houre do.
marble cutter, house 22 Thacher
Conantatreet ph.
ston [Cambridgeport | Armetrong Jobn'E, shoe wax, 329 Medford, house
Arkerion George W. clerk, 55 Devonshire, bds, at
‘Arkerson George We coi ker, bas. z
ay, near Everett, Br. (do. cor. Kvereti
Arkerton James, eordage manuf. Western av. house
‘Arkerson Leonard, corduge manvf, Western ay, | Armstrong Jolin J, baker, b. #2 Brighton
‘Allston, house at Canbridgeport ‘Armstrong Joseph, clerk, 01 Frankiln, bade, 13 Boyl-
Arkorson Leonard, Jr. eordayemaker, b. Western |" ston pl.
‘avs Allan sy, Allston | Armstrong Joseph, laborer, house 02 Leverett
Arkerson Morrill W, cordagemaker, house Western | Armstrong Margnret Miss, ho!
‘Arkinon John, blacksmith, house 9 Lowell court
‘Arkiuy Parte dry-goods commission, 68 Franklln, | Armatrong Mary Mins, houed 9 Orange lanw
Touke 116 Marl
Arkwright Mutual Fire Insurance Q9.13} Devonshire |“ bds. 1
Arlington Gas Light Co. $7 Equitable busldin
Aion atti) Water rooms 38808 St
‘Armes William EH, optician, 33
8 Clay ton
Newton Contre
Armingwit Asa W, aleaman, 432 Washington, house | Armstrong Rabert, pre
‘Armingion Bliphniet I. aalenizan, 79 Chauney, house | Armetrong Robert, wal
Armitage Charles, rma. Eaton,
Armor David . tallor, house 8 Emerald
‘Armor Harriet, widow, house 941 Princeton, EB.
Vashington, bis. | Armetrong Ro!
ng wood, 419 Albany, | Armstrong Robert J.
WW Anderson
Armstrong Margaret, widow, h. 1013 Harrivan ay,
‘Avmatroug Micha: 1F. (Armatrong 2ros
79 Prince,
Armitrong Peter, marble polisher, house 24 Nashua
‘Armatrong Richard, walter, bids. 105
rt laborers e870 Med
+ Chet
s bonse 202 Bennington
idume 40 Melrose
‘Armatrong Robert J. woud turner, 9 Utien, bas, 14
Dix place
clerk, 89 Ou, baa. ft Brfahton
house 2 Briggs place — See page 1305 ‘Armstrong Robert M. printer, 3 , Mouse 17
‘Arms'Annetta BP. teacher, Comins school, bie, at| Mystic, Chan.
Hyde Park Armatrong Robert R. ter, house 14 Dix place
Arms Byron D, clerk, 27 Winter, h, at Maplewood
Arms Frank H. paymaster, Nev ‘ard, house do.
‘Arms Willan, tds: 18 Clay
‘Armistead David, laborer, bia, 52 Philiipa.
‘Armatesd John Atrs, house 21 Pleasant,
LS." [Somerville
‘Armaby Willard A; salesman, 0 Hanover, house at
‘Armatrong Samuel, bds.§ Auburn court
strong), coopers, 8 Richmond, boure at Cam
Uridirort Se page 1804
Armatrong Samuel G. laborer, honte 1 Dingley ple
Armetrong Samuel Mrs. house % Beacon
‘Armatead Leonard H, expressman, 30 Court square, | Armstrong “Thomas, aparmanker, 270 Border, house
‘da. #1 Pleasant, Chen.
Armatead Ri
‘21 Pleasant, Chsn.
Armstead William, porter, 15 North Market, house
‘Armetrong Abbie Stles, house 146 Putnam, EIB.
Arinstrong Alfred, liquor dealer, $29 Dorchester ay. | Armstrong William, shoom:
‘house 626 do.
Armutrong Auelia, widow, hovse 62 Leverett
‘Armstrong Aunle Airs. house 7 Malden
Armateong Arthur Le express, by. 2 Bow, Chan,
‘AArmatrong Arthur ML 16 Leverly,h.at KE: Somerville
‘Armmrong Ass, cablnvtmnaker, 16 Hevoriy, house at
‘Somerville 18 Thacher
Armstrong Bernard (Armatrong Brox.), 70 Prince,
‘Annatrong Bros, (Bernard and M. F. Armstrong),
grocers, 79 Prince
‘Arnistrong Catharine Mrs. house 30 West Second
‘Armstrong Cecilla A, house 92 Bow, Chan.
‘Armstrong Charles & Co, ltbographirs, 47 Franklin,
house North Beacon, opp. Everett, Allston
Arinstrong Christopher J. carriage Voilder, bas. §
'85 Brooks
ell G. expressinan, 39 Court square, | Armstrong Thomas, laborer, house 159 Knecland
(30 Garden | Ai
‘Boylston place oie
“Armtzung William, clerk, 24 Hancock, Dureh. bia.
Prescott, Rox.
Anstrong Emma Mrs. house 26 Pitte
‘Armstrong Frances, widow, house Chestout av. n.|° near Brewer, J.P.
‘Boylston, J.P. {1 Belmont square, EB. | Armstrong & Co. (if. M Armstrong and W. J.
‘Amatrong George, carpenter, house 17 Ervin
Avnuttrong George, eablne *
‘at Everett
Frank H, clerk, 40 State, room 8, bis.
‘Anmatrong Ered L. 16 Beverly, bus. at E Somerville | Arnaud
maker, 104 State, house | Arnaud Jobn J. eabinetmake
Zk, eablnctmaker, 107 Eustis, house rear
‘Adame (euie 16 Adama
107 Eustls, boure
‘Ames Edward, physician, rms, 92 Upton
Crosby), oysters, 85 Cause’
SAMPSON, DAVENPORT, & CO., Publishers, 155 Franklin St.
\ — —————— ———
68 BosTos [A] DIRECTORY.
Amett Henry, telegraph Instrument maker, 100
‘Court, bds. 5 Cambridge
Arno Ydward, printer, hots 49 Parker
‘Arno Jobn, painter, house 1 Vila (Evere
Ammola Adin A. B. clerk, 6% North Market, bat
‘Amold Alvert E. porter, house 13 Auburn, ward
‘Amold Alfred, coachman, A. W. Spencer's, Colum-
bia, Doreh.
Aruold Ausuctue B. clork, B. & Pfrelgbt, house 18
tel Haldwin
Amol. H'brakeman,B. & PIR. at Dedham
Arnold Caled, baggage master, B & P.
‘at Providence (Q4Common, Chen.
Arnold Carrie A. teacher, Bunker Hl primary, bas,
‘Amold Charles, removed to Newton
‘Amol Charles i. fresco painter, h. 14 W: Dedham
Arnold Charles H. clerk, bo Milk, bds. a Wobura
Amold Charles Hi, book wunoy, bels, 14
‘West Dedham (h. 30 Sheridan ay.
Arnold Charles It. (Colburn ¢ Arnoid) 319 Fremont,
Amotd D. W, 67 Summer, bis, at Braintree
‘Arnold Edgar B. bookkeeper, 164 Court, bat Malden
‘Arnold Edward, 43 Haverbill, house wt Marbiebesd
‘Arnold Edward [.. commission merchant. 82 Lin-
‘culo, house 5} Beacon
Arnold Edward W Jr. 694 Washington, tds, at
‘North Weymouth
Arnold Hitridge W. bookkeeper, h, 2 Granville pl.
‘Amiold Euiphaz W: trustee estate of W. Carleton,
‘30 Buich, house at Norah Weymouth
Amold Watson (Skinner & drnotd), 28 Faneuil
Hall square, house $ ¥arwouth
Amold Frank, expres Oriver, 27 Merchants’ row
Amold Frank'J, clerk, 0© Bedford, b.
Amold Frank T. (Munroe & Arnold), Peabody 3
Dress, 128 State and 264 Congress, bi, at Peal
Arnold George J. physietan, 176 Warren,
mun place, house do,
Arnold’ George K. pharinaclat, Wood's block, Nep.
house Wood, di Bower
Arnold Greenwood C. grocer, 149 Warren, house 69
‘Arnold G:C. clark, 66 Bedford, bds, at Cambrid
port (Howdoln
Arnold G. Eugone, florist, Tremont House, bda.
Amold Henry, bas: Wood: Naps
Armoti Henry A. biackamfth, Bouse 06 Chester park
“Amold Henry B. (Arnold & Leatherder), 14 High,
‘house wt Rockland. [4 Forest av.
Arnold Henry HL book) 31 Milk, rm. 35, house
“Arnold Horaito B. & Oo. (8. Hf, Leach), tallow ren-
erers and fertilizers, ine, office 69 Bluck-
lone, house 5 Weat Cottage
venold Howard P. houne 136 Beacon
Amol Joho G. W. sole watter, 78 Tigh, house at
Braintree house 67 Old Harbor
AArsold John M. watehmaker, 376. Washington,
‘Acnold ohn P, tailor, house 43 West Fourth
Arnuld Joseph (Fak ib Arpold), $ Hatsiton place,
‘Bouse 11 Lexington, EB. eutien
Joneph, powre Cores, sor. Garden, Hghland
‘Aroold Joseph'W. clerk, 18 State, room 7,
‘Cam Ft
Areail Julle i. widow, house Oak place, J.P,
‘Arnold K. G. widow, house 14 Cominun, Ch
‘Arnold Lemuel, 104 Court, bouse at Malden.
Arnold Loule (WAlttier Machine Go.), 1176 ‘Tree
‘sont, house Park, opp. Rutidge ilighland Si.
Armold Loules P, adsiataat, Hillside school, bds.
Arnold Matinew, lanpmaicer, house 334-Atheas
Arnold Michael, elyarmaker, bds, 39 Emerald
Amold Mining Go,,Jobn Brooks, treas, 19 Exchange
lew, roOt
Amubid Monroe, clerk, 2010 Washington, house do.
‘Arnold Orson AL clerk, 32 Commercial wharf, baa.
8 Trenton, E.B.
Amol Robert, potter, house Western av. Allston
Amol Samuel 8. hides and leather, 12 Matthows,
ones at Cambridgeport
Amold Thomas, tallor, bds, 248 East Ninth
tt | Arnold Thomas, carpenter, honse 60 Dudley
‘Arnold Thomas E. teameter, 005 Washington, house
‘at Chelsen {opp, Haat, Dorch.
Arold Walter B, police station 0 house “Adams,
Arnold William, house 89 Washington, Chan.
‘Amuold Wiltiam, tailor, hose 248 East Ninth
Amold William’. laborer, house 248 Enat Ninth
Amold William H. fruit,'Se. 147 Main, house 1
‘Austin, Chen.
Arnold Willin J.488.. Market, house at Everett
‘Arnold William O, draughtaman, bas. 210 K
Amiold W.F. teacher, Comers’s Commercial College,
‘bda. 3 Malden [Pemberton eq. room 20
Arnold Zeuae 8. Inwyer, 28 School, room Sy ras. 19
Amold & Leatherbee (, B. Arnolit- and J. Ds
‘Leatherbee), boots and shoes, 14 High
Arnon Anti elgrmaker, house 141 fTuason
‘Aroatein Adolph, farrier, 415 Wash. b. 3 Knecland.
joemaker, rms. 66 Yeoman [37 do.
harm, pawn broker, 30 Kneeland, house
Aronson Adolf, jr. pawn broker, 872 Washlogton,
house 34 Conitmen hound
Aronson Henry, pawn broker, 2311 Washington,
‘Aroosou Morris, clear dealer, house 54 Cabot
Aronson Sam, pawn broker, 44 Usrrison wv, bds. 3
Arras Roger 8. watchman, house 9 Chapman, Chim,
Arris Adelbert F. mason, house 88 Villa
‘Arris Charles W. machiaist, ba. 142 Main, Chan,
‘Siri Corrin HL bds. Baker's court, LM,
Artie Eliza B. widow, nurse, house Tiaker's et, LiM.
‘Arris Martha, widow, house 802 Dudley.
Aris Wiltiam H. patter, bis, Baker's coart, TsN,
Arrouet pbon, walter, 4 Winter place, mig
Charles ‘125 Maverick, EB,
Arrowsmith Richard, feb and oysters, 10 Suinner,
‘Areott Janey, shoemaker, bouno 178 West Eh
Arsenault Joseph, carriagemaker, Bry ere
Arshowe Co, (9. W. and We. Berry anit Ge
W. Perkins), teas, Se. 29 Union
Ar-Sing John, tea peddler, house 9 Morton
Arwen John, baker, 1238 Tremont, b. do.
Arterant Aled, bootmaker, 48 Ocur, house at Cam:
a ofintan
Arthur Allen, shipper, 118 Commerce, b. 108 North-
Arthur A, A.'files, stecl, Se. 40 Kilby”
Arthur Charles O: stampmaker, 24° NM0k, hou
Brookline [mut a
Arthor George, slerman, 8 Winter, bis,
‘Arthur James, clerk, rma. 221 Shaweiul
Arthur Jane A. Mise, housekeeper, Crawford House,
Arthur John, cook, house @ PHinus av.
‘Arthur Jobu'J. raason, house 12 Greenleat
Arthur Thomas, liquors, 72 Marginal, h. at Milton
Ais Win nui ee
Arthur Willa,‘ tachinlsts house mel
‘Atte thtred F, barber, howe M4 Grove
‘Artmnan Julia, widow, house 1 Delle uy,
‘Artz Parker W. currior, bd, 60 Purchia
‘Arundel Lawrence, laborer, house 2 Seneca
Arvideon Charles, bds. 187 Blackstone
‘at | Arvidson Charlotte, boarding-boue, 168 Court
Arvideon Karl A. heliotyper, bda. 166 Court
Arwitheou Gustavus, house 165 Court
Asbestos Felting Co, of Now York, H. W. Sayre,
superintendent, 13 Pemberton square
si PACKING CO, 109 Congress — See
‘Asorand Henry W. messenger, Blackstone National
rm 2 me National
Tate, bde at Chelsea
Asbury Jasper, butler, house 28 Grove [Motrose
Ascher Maurice (Jacobs & Ascher), 17 Pitta, Be 10
Ascher Solomon, tallor, 70 Kneeland, b.19 Melrose
Ascher Solomon, 24, 10 Kneeland, bis. 19 Mel
Aah Alice and Annto Misses, bd. $95 Columbus
Ast Charles W. yardmuster, B. & L. Itt 28 Minot,
houve at Carabrid
Ash James E. walter, house 4 Melrose | Arlington
Ash John Tiron worker, 168 Fortiand, Nouse at
house 42 Phi
Experienced Nolleliacn,
Canvassing for Committees and others, |""s2s"rcsin wet
——_—-—-- °° ©
Boston [A] Directory. 69
Ash, ave Asbo
‘Ashbourne Alexander P. house 5 Sears place
‘Athburnhan Sheeting Mills, 63 Chauncy
‘Aapby George W, ice cream, house 67 Elem, Chan.
‘Aaheroft Burbara'A. widow, house 10 Tuckerman
‘Aesherof Charles E. house 108 Charles
‘Amboroft Edward Hi, 51 Sodbury, boure at Lynn
‘Asheroft Elias, machinist, house 654 Dorchester av.
‘Asnoroft Henry, machlalst, bouse $3 Middle
‘Asherof Maniificturing Co. St Sudbury, c. Bowker
‘Aaidown Charles,
‘Ashdown John &
Dartmouth plac
‘remont, rms. 16
‘Ashonden Alfred, Bookkeeper, @ Chauney, house
“Allston atreet, Allston
Ashonden Fanny, teacher, bds. Poplar, Ros.
‘Ashenden Wlehard Afr: house Poplar, Ros.
‘Ashendon Richard D. clerk, P.O. b. at Aubarndale
Ashenden Sural, teacher, Charles Suianer school,
‘bis. South, Kos.
Ashendon Phoinss, removed to Europe
‘Ashley Alfred, deputy wharfinger, Ounard wharf,
house 2i9 Webster
Aabley Edward it houre37 Worcester
abley Edwin ML carpenter, h. 33 Cambridge, Chan.
‘Ainley Frank, cook, 16 Portland, bas. do.
‘Ashley Homer, agent American Ex. Co, and Wells,
Fargo, & Co.'s Ex. 244 Wash, house 39 Common
Ashley dames, painter, bis. 828 Hanover
‘Adbley Jol, cabinetmaker, house rear 21 Spring
Amitoy Joha'd. laborer, hotise 29 Eastern nv.
Ashley Luke B, provisions, 1, 3, & 9 Williams mar-
ket, house 30 Dwight
Ashley’Siiver Mining Co. 45 SC
‘Ashley Thomas G. (Rollins Ashley), 70 Bedford,
house Mechanic ay. Allston
Ashinan John S., Military Musical Academy, 10)
Hanover and 7 Salem, house 7 Salem
Ambport Charles IT, driver, house 2 Liberty, W-
‘anton Henry B. foreman, 43 Haverhill, house ‘at
Bast Cambridge [Somervitte
Ashton HL. G., Ashton Valve Co. 27 Frankl, beat
Anton Toba ear builder, house Cambridge near
ton 1. Alls [house 19 Bond
“Aabton J. lurriaon, clgar nnd tobacco, 00 State,
‘Ashton Ni Trving, clark, St Milk, house 83 Eutaw
Ashton William, carriage painter, rms. Crescent pl.
‘Aanton William F. Caturphy, Leeana, & o.), brash
Tianutacture, 3 Rchanie, houss at Salein
Ashton Valve Co. 371 Franklin
‘Ashworth Henry, junk, Culvert, b. 76 Hampshire
‘Athworth Moses, nest. ateward, Lodge for Way-
avers, Hawkios, house do. LEdgerly pl.
jager Jacob, hoot and shoe maker, house 1h
Henry, clerk, Ml Parehase
‘Ankenasy Herman, lawyer, 47 Court
‘Abkenasy Herman, ikkeepor, 43 State
‘Abkenney Paul P.clork, 191 Washington
‘Ankey Robert, mison, House 42 Longwood xe.
‘amis John I. M. bookkeeper, National xchange
Bank, 28 State, he 1110 Greeti, 3B.
Aspinwall Jairus, carpenter, b. Washington, near
Aspinwall Thomas (Aspinall & Lincoln), "7 Ex-
‘change piace, room 48, house at Brookline
“Aspinwall AViiliam, counsellor, 8 nd 52 Sears
bullding, house at Brookline
“Aspinwall & Lincoln (Thomas Axpimeall and Ed.
hein H, Lincoln), civil engineers and surveyors, 7
Fexohaniy place, room 45 and 40
‘Assnbet Maoulacturing Cy, A. Maynard, agent, 208
‘Devonshire, TQ. Browae, treasurer, 13, State
Aasenhelmer Charles, confectioner, botise 5 Pleasant.
st, place {place
_Asaoniveiner Louis, confectioner, bds. 5 Plensant-st,
Rsmus Joseply, eatpenter, house reat 18 Webber
‘Aeeoninted Chatiies, dt Charity building, Chardon,
cor, Hawking eh.
Asten Joseph C. house Harvard, near Washington,
Aitte John F- salesiaan, 90 Arch, h, 06 Brook av.
‘Atton Daniel IC. stone inason, house 242 Dorchester
‘Anton Danlel K. machinist, bas, 242 Dorebester
‘Auton Henry, watchmaker, 97 Water, b. 18 Coventry
‘Katou Joln i. printer, 883 Washington, bis. 242
Aston Joshua J. painter, bds. 242 Dorchester
‘Asirom Carl G. artist, 120 Tremont, rma. 12 do.
‘Aehteon George, machinist, rms. 74 Pinckney:
Atchison Joseph J. preseman, 4 Wiltiams court, bids.
18 Livingston
Atchlaon Sarah, widow, honse 744 Pinckney [29
rchiaon, Topeka, & Santa Fe RR. Co.09 Milk, rim.
‘Atehison Winifred, widow, house 15 Livingston
‘Atha Benjamin & Co. steel manufacturers, Priest,
Page, & Co. agenta, 145 Frankita
Athenian Ciub, 165 Tremont
‘Atherton Albert B. house 3 Mitford
‘Atherton Charles E. 400 Washington, b.
Atherton George E. (Atherton, Hall, &
‘Pearl, house 28 Schiaylor
Atherton, Hall, & Co. (@. E. Atherton and Ws Ay
Hall, jr), leather, 09 and 62 Pearl
“Atherton, Hughes, & Co. (George Hughes J, Pe
‘Frecker, W. F. McLaughlin, and C. 1, Lough)
‘commission merchants, 21 Lowls whart
Atherton H. Faxon, clerk, 29 Sammor, hds, at News
ton Lower Falls
Atherton James E, plano finisher, house 12 T.
‘No. 3, Kast Canton, Bremen,
Atherton ‘John, gateman, B. & A. Kn,
Atherton Joseph, hairdresser, 73 Eliot, b.18 Fayette
Atherton Otis, clerk, O.C. IL fretght, house at
‘Newton Lower Falla Tumbla, Doren.
Atherton Samuel, 0 Pearl, h, Washington, cor, Co-
‘Atherton Thomas, bolleriaker, house 107 Chelsea,
Atherton William, boilermaker, Ih, 149 Havre, EB.
‘Atherton William, 6) Pearl, Wy 14 Warren, ox.
Atherton William, clerk, 18 South, b. at Stoughton
Atherton Winthrop Ib, clerk, 153 Dovon
fat Newton Lawer Falla," _ (306.0
Atkin Richard T. stenographer, 74 Eq
‘Atkins Abraham N carpenter, house 1
‘Aude Albert's. wcamster. h. 1 Lyndebor
AL Mrs. house 6 Union court, Chan.
Benjamin F. hatter, bds. 74 Baxter
RenJarmin 1 bas. 750 Kast Brondway’
Caleb U- pollee station teh. 47 Putnam, EA,
GoHL engineer, NcY, & Nis, Balt,
Dora Mrs. talloress, bs 4 Hnmnifiun et, Chan
Atkins Eaward, Glerk, 188 Purchase, bh. 100 Vernon
‘Atkins Bitwin F. (£, Atbing o& Cp.), 97 State, bd
‘37 Commonwealth ay. [Commouvealily ay.
Atkine Ellsha (2, ddtine e Co,),07 State, house AT
‘Atkin Eilzabeth i ldow, hoube Lamartine, wear
‘Atkine Freeman (Wm.
“Atkin dé Som), 109 High
house 61 Sullivan,
Jn. (itm, Chen.
‘Atkins Preeman 8, stair builder, 16 Sullivan, houne od
‘Aukins Frank W. house 31 Oak (oliondnle
‘Atkins George, salesman, 181 Washington, bde, at
‘Atking George, laborer, house 450 Hanover
‘Antins George, laborer, house 2 Ward, Kox.
‘Atkins Geo-ge D. agent Nonotuek Silk Co. 18 Sum-
mer, house 140 Chandler
Atkins Henry, rims, 14 Leverett
‘Auking Henry’ & Co. (Uf Hand FB. Atkins), ime
‘porters of wines, 8 and ® South Market and 37
nd 38 Chatham. (house Hotel Brunawick
Atkins Henry H. (1. Adkina & Co,). 0 30. Market,
‘Atkins Howard W. bouse 90 East Brookitn
‘Atkins Iauiab, house 12 London [sea HB.
‘Atkine Tala, furniture, 13. Lewis, house 20 Chel.
‘Atkins Jobu, teamater, bas, 909 Enat Eighth
‘Aukina John, laborer, bie. 254 East Ninth,
‘Akins John, planomaker, house 4 Walnut av,
‘Atkins Jolin, harness cleaner, house 74 Baxter
‘Atkins John E. (7, Atking & Co,), 9 South Market,
‘house ® Gloucester [house at Somerville
Attine Jobn R Cltking t© Smatd), 60 Charlestown,
‘Atkins Jobn & printer, house 37 Hagmond
‘(Atkins Joho W. clerk, Norway Iron*Works, bds. 20
‘Ward. WV,
Atkins Jobn W. Mra, house 20 Ward, W.
‘Aukias Joseph It. tat: dealer, house 44 Chambers
‘Atkin Joshua F, merchant tallor, 3 Cainbridge,
‘9 South Russell
‘Atkins Margaret and Mary Misses, house 199 Silver
‘Atklus Mary 4. Mrs. house 11 Avery
‘Atkins Ora A. foreman, 42 Fort Hill sq. h.38 Sharon
‘Atkina Thomas, lithegraphle printer, house 178
‘Aikins Thos. F: conductor, 0.0. RR b.at Sandwich
‘kine Willian, machinist, house 254 East Ninth
‘Atkins William 'P. & Son (Freeman). groceries and.
‘provisions, 105 High, house 61 Sailivan, Ch
The BOSTON DIRECTORY, “*xe:3s¢brantun sc, near Consren st.
Atkins Zaccheus R. borse.car conductor, bds.
Atkins & Small (7. 2.
‘Atkinson Ann
Atkinson Byron A.'& Co. fas
54 Shawmut
Aikinson Benjamin ©. bas, 22 Oxtora
Atkigson B. B. upholaterer,
Atkinson Charles Follen, cation buyer,
lace, bls. 16 Loulsbung square
Atidhson Charles F.
Atkinson Charles F- musle teacher,
Atkinson Charles H. actor,
isa, bouse 3 Mystic
38 Elm,
Atkinson Charles J: japanner,
Atkinson Charles J. clerk,
Aikiunon Christopher,
Atkinson David C. ear
Printer, ria.
, boose lh
Jags. Cotton
Bostox [A]
(builders, 60 Charlestown
Atkins ant B. Gs Small), stake
iture, 09 Pleasant, h.
Pleasant, cor. Shawraut
19 Exchange
elocutiouist, b, 23 Pemberton eq.
281 Columbus sy.
nt, 3 Pemberton sg.
76 Wash. bat Cheleca
nter, h. 135 Chelsea, E.B.
hi, Row,
nd, Chan.
> bie, 810
Attwood Corneline G. gen. agt. Mutual Lite Ins.
Go. of New York, Mike house Bellevue ae
Rutledge, WR
Atowood Fraucle G. artist, ds. Greenwood av. J.P.
Atiquod George, proprietor Hotel Washington, Bed
Awood Gilbert & Go. bankers and brokers, 14 Mer.
hanta' Exchange, house Greenwood av dP
Atwater H. William, stallary system, 258 Werhings
1 Tolman place
Yon, house 21 Teand
Atwater John 8. paluter, how
Atwater Mary D. bospital cook ut Lunatic Hospital
Atwell Andrew, printer, 4 Williamna court, howee 20
‘Monument, Chen.
Atwell Cyrus G. cabinetmaker, U. 5 Auburn, Chan,
‘Atwell C. W. agent, rme. § Crescent piace EB,
Atwell Horace F, aaloon, 88 Broad, b.'180 Princeton,
Atwell Pickering, tailor, 2501 Washington, bas Nort
folk House
Atwell Willian H. Jr, Custom House,). at Wakelle
Atwood Albion, bookkeeper, 290 Comuicrelal bis. at
Atwood Alfred 8, house 146 Northampton
Atwood Alonzo F, teamster, 13 Commercial wharf,
house 22 Pleasant, Chen:
Atwood Amaziah 8. muachinist, b. 21 Westminster
Atwood Aiwos F, foreuan, 110 Atiantle ay. house 06
Pearl, Chen.
{iyvod Anthony, ollermaker, house 8 Cunard
Atwood Arthur E, clerk, 75 Chauney, bas, Neponset
av. HLS, (Qe vinirop
Atwood Arthur H. tongues, 31 North Markt, bse
Atwood Auhla, widow, bis. 44 Araold
Atwood Avery; trunkiniaker, 11 School, heat Chelaca
Atwood Barnithas Mrs. house 78 Sara
Atwood Henjamin F. bookkeeper, 49 Avon, house
at North Cambridge
ont | Atwond Benjamin Y~ (Mitehett Woodbury, & Obiy
‘Tre. | 151 Franklin, house at Readh
H Pinckney | Atwood Charles, counsellor, b. U8. Hotel (ett
‘kman, Yourig’s Hotel
Taeing & Co.),
Aton chatles Fe bookkeeper 4 Unon, b, at Ever.
Atwood Charles Hi. clerk, bd. 21 Rockville place
410 Washington, house 10 Hotel Boylston Atwood Charles H, Uckot sullen, B. & LR, house
Atkinson Richard P! house Blrohy Toe. ‘at Kaat Cambrian
Atkinson Robert, salesman, $18 Washington, house | Atwood Charles We'& Bro. (Jovhua Atwood, Jr.),
at Cliftondale
Atkinson Re
‘Atkinson Sa
tans WD. in Washingt
‘Avanta Cotton At
‘Atiantte ¢:
‘Atluntle Cotton Mills,
‘Atuintie Duck Go. 96 Commercial
“Atlantic Dyewood Oo. New,
Auantle Matual Insurance Co.
‘Auantlo National Bank,
Atiaxrie “Wouk vo
D steamships, bollers,
Tiuehinerys Wyo 90 Boner dey a aeah
‘Atlantic & George's Creeke Cont Co,
13 Com
Kilby, cor, Doane,
(4, house at Brookline:
8 Exchange pl. room
[and 35 Oltwor
‘Sumner, EB office 35
Association, 288 Devonshire
and 13 Chapman. place,
“ 1 White
‘oysters, 32 F. H. wg. and 116 Atlan-
Hie av, house at Cambridgeport
Atwvod Bvenezor L.teas, IR)" Hanover and 118
Winckstoney houxe at Somerville Ronding
Edgar C, salesnan, 181 Franklin, baa. nt
Atwood Kleazer H. commatsalon merchant, 107 Gorn
‘merelal, house #t Laxingtan, Hal,
Atwood! Bicazer W. lubarer, howe 4 Consmercial ote
‘Atwood Elisha Mfr house T Melton
Atwood Elkanah 8. monlder, house 172 Ceilar, Rox.
Atwood Ephraim, U. Mf, Le Hneurnnoe Co. 108. "ty
‘moni, house at Bust Cambridge (Fore
Atwond Eunice “, teacher, Lawin schools bine
Atwood E; Abbott, clerk, Commetelal wharf, gor.
Atwood Flora G. teacher, Heath-atreet primary, bai
Atwood ay, "Pcie
Atwood Brunk H. & Co, pickles, 104 Broad, house 1d
Atwood Frank H. bookkeeper, O0 Milk, bis. 4 ACK.
AUantle & Vacife Tel. Co., Equitable bullding, 160 ouse 158 Salem
Devonshire, branch office NO High - Mrs, hoitee 12 Vinal place
Atlas National Bank, 8 Sears bldg Wash. c. Court Jerk, 102 State, he at Chilaea
Atlas Vale Coy, Lyman Hatdleld, agvot, 8 Custora da. 78 Bil
Atteaux Fred, B,
Aten Willlam
Attenberger Antoine, cook, hi
Atenderger Guo
Atterbury Frvute
‘estate agent
house at Maklen en
Blackstone market, 9
-| Atwood George W. clerk, 118 Blckstdnen se
Avwuod G. Wilson, phyaleian, 17 Treimonty house a
peed Harton Lyme. 25 Poplar | (a verte
wood Hawes {4cood ie Bucy jon, hota
Alirood Helen Mf Mice bs Att a «
Atwood Henry C. lobsters
Atwood Henry
Atwood Hicks
‘and 104 3.
poston [A]
“Atwood H. & R. (12. 8. d& R. B. Abweood), oysters,
-Coromercixl und ia) Atlantic we.
“Atwood HL C. tas, $5 Chaunbere
Atwond HF, 40 Court, house 10 Townsend place
Atwood fnaae B. salesnian, Washington, cor. Brattle,
Thoue at Chelsea
“Atwood Latac F. real estate,h. Atwood av. cor. Day
Atwood Ioane My texmster, 38 Commercial wharf,
house 102 Bartlett, Chest.
“Atyeuoil Tate AC ah, otis BS Warren, Chao.
Atwood Inne Ky earpenter, Neponset av near MI,
TE. houre do. ‘opposite Keyes, J.P.
Agwood James H. police station 13, bourse South,
‘Atwood James ME. Salesman, 38 Summer, house ai
Plymouth Thouse at Chelsea
“Atwoud Jams 5. & Co. ship stores, 200 Commercial,
Atwood Wensey oysters, bda: 30 Chestnut, Chan.
‘Atwood ohn, clerk, 1s) Milk, bda, 21 Rockville pl.
Biwood John (Atirood .€ Cy.), 15 Commercial wharf,
ouse 2 Pieweant, haa” [hades at Chelsea
“Atwoud Joh & Co." produce, 160 South Market,
AWWond Jobo 1. 92 Arch, v.28 Myrtle [mond
‘Atwood John ML printer, 338 Waslsington, ty 10 Harn-
Atwood Joneph E. 4 Chauncy, 107 ‘Trenton, E.
AWood Tonbua, jr (GW: “Aitcood «& Brw.), 2
Province, bouse 7 East Fifth pridevport
“Avwvod Jostah ©. clerk, 32 F. 1, aq. bda. at Cam
‘Atwood, E. salesman, 49 Avon
‘Atwood J. Frank (Chute s€-atirood), 2011 Wasbin
Copeland pl,” [hat W. Somerville
J. Lorenzo, clerk, § Peinberton a. r00m 14,
f dancing, Lawrence Hall,
“Atwood It, FM. resturant, 19 Tremont,
Atwood Samuel Avclerk. ool Enat Rourthy, house 10 |
Howes av.
“Atwood Samuel C. bookkeeper, 28 Commercial wht.
‘north alde, house 12 Meridian, EB.
Atwood Shintiel L. 38 Corabill,b. 48 Pleasant
‘Atwood Samuel 8. clerk, 356 Rederal, bas. 1
‘Atwood Silas A. mugunt, house 26 Arno
‘Atwood Simeon, oysters, lobsters, aud fish, 211 Fed-
ral, house: Wentworth, Doreh. [Somerville
Atwood'S. B. fish aud oysters, 14 Union mkt. hs at
‘Atwood 8. M. Mrs, costumer, 13 Easex, house do.
Atwood 8. 1. salestuan, 654° Washington, house at
‘West Somerville
“Atwood 8. W. tray. aulesman, b. 101 W. Springfield
‘Atwood Thomas H. & Co. printers, 194 Washington
and 20 Devonshire, bouse at Chelsea
Atwood Timothy A. elitter, 221 Washington, bids. 81
Lexington, {elal, houwe at Cheleca
“Atwood Tunothy D. (Afveood Meh), 109 Commer
Atwood Willlary B. jr, master Frothinghas scbooly
‘Chan. house at Malden [at Melrose
“Atwood William C. foreman, 130 Adantic ay. house
Atwood William S. clerk, 4 North, hat Maid
Atwood Win. W. cugraver, 42 Wash. b, at Malden
Atwood Willie L. (Atieood’ & Co.), 19 Commerchal
“whurf, bis. 22 Pleasant, Chen.
Atwood —, laborer, rms. 29 Dover
Atwoud & Bacon (woes Aticond and Alten It.
“Jiacon), usaters, 41 and 43 Union
Atwood & Co,, Plymouth Express, 88 Court #q. 43
‘North Market, 48 Kingstob, and 25 Devonshire
Atwood & Co. (John and W. E. Aticood), fish com,
15 Commercial whart
Atwood & Rich (7. D. Atwood and L. B. Bich),
‘ship Drukers and com. mers. 100 Commercial
—- --: St”t~—
Atwood, see Attwood
‘Aubens Frank 5. police station 12, , 095 E Seventh
Aubene Inaiah, planomuker, h. 2 Madison, ward 1
‘Aubin Margaret P. Mex. house 11 Waslington
‘Aubin Philip L. bookkeeper, 14 Franklin, bile. 7
Hollins piace
UBIN THOMAS, com. mer, 90 Mit, huuse at
Glenwood — See page ¥
Aubrey Eugene (Boston Watch Care Co.), 5 Prov.
ince eourt, house 7 Kemp (Hudson
‘Aubry ©. Mlle. dressmaker, 132 Tremont, house 14
‘Audenried George A. (ludenried Go.), Kilby,
haute 23 Beacon {ae Pvilndelphie
Audenried J.T (ludenried de Co,), 32 Kilby, ours
‘Audenried Wiliam G. (Audenried dé Co), Kilhy,
house at Philadelphia
Audentied K Co. (Wi. Gus. Ty ond @. A. Ancien
ried), miners and shippers of coal, 32 Kilby
Audrain ‘dsiph, (Thayer audrain), is Washc
Sngton, rae. 17 Milford
Andy Theodore, planomaker, house 20 Camden
‘Auerbach Herman, tnemith, 1333 Tremont, Hi do.
Rutort George, eigarmaker, b. 18 Monument, Chan.
Auger Catharine L. Mrs, dressmaker, 240 Dorcher
ter, house do.
Auger Edward D, eabinetinaker, h. 240 Dorchester
‘Auger E. P. cabinetmaker, rme. 85 Chauney
‘Auger Geo. E. C. gunsmith, bd. 49 Lexington, EB.
Auger George L. machinist, h, 40 Lexington, #.B.
‘Auger James M- salesman, 27 Otis [sax
‘August Joseph, salesman, 6 Coolldge bldg. house at
‘August Peter, cablnetunnker, house $3 Decatur, EB,
‘August Peter, cook, house 160 Kichmond
‘Augustus Jolin F. bds. Multiken House
‘Rulbach Avthony, Diackemith, house 76 1
‘Aulbach John, gonmaker, bde. 16 Kirkland.
‘Aulbach Joseph, blacksmith, house 18 Kirkland
‘Aulbaeh Joseph Mrs, house 169 West Sixth
‘Aulbuch Joseph A. clerk, 1385 Washington, do.
‘Auld A. Sidney, clerk, house 26 Princeton,
‘Auld Eawin, peddier, rms, 11 Blossom court
‘Auld Wen Ai‘conductor, ALR, ¥--American Mouse
E It, ho
‘Aupray Victor, laborer, h. Grecnwich pl
‘Austin Agnes At ‘Lovering pl
‘Atatin Albert J. clerk at Custom House, house at
‘Austin Angle C. Miss, bookkeeper, 32 Charlestown,
‘yds. dis Sliver
Austin Arthur 8, clerk, 98 Summer, hoone at Salera
Austin Arthur W. 48 State, rooin 4, hour at NU
‘Rustin Aurelius 1 police station 3, Wuuse 127 Eustis
Austin Benjani fe. teamster, bo 170 Bremen, KB.
‘Auetin Calvin, enshier, Savford Steamship Co, Tin.
‘coln's wharf, hi, Chertout av, 6. Chestnst eal.
Austin Care S. widow, house 48 Baldwin, Chxn.
‘Austin Charles A. (Austin o Fellows), Exchange,
‘house at East Cambridge
USTIN CHARLES Fe & €0. (4. ZL. Graces ani
‘J. We Austin), bakers, 116 Commerelaly howre
380 Columbus av.— See page 1276 (ridge
“Austin Charlee IL brushmaker, 0” High, b, at Cain
‘Auiatin Charles L, house 14 Eoylaton
‘Austin Cornelius, tears er, 226 Main, b, Short, Chen,
‘Rustin Gyrus P- carpenter, house 2 Mystic, Ch
‘Austin Elgar H. clerk, 191% Wash, b ¥ Derby: ph
‘Austin Edward, house 45 Beacon
‘Anatin Edward P. astronomer, house 40E. Newton
Austin Elizabeth Mrs, house 16 Ashburton plac
Austin Elvira L. tencher, Charles Sumner echooly
nds. Washington, Ros.
Austin E. 1. house 24 Grenville place
‘Austin E. B. Mrs. music teacher, 46 East Newton
‘Rustin Freeman C. hairdresser, bus. 6 Unity court
‘Austin FB. & Co. metals, M North, house 38
Austin Geo. A-delver, 95 Bedford, h. 2 S1dnes: bidg.
‘Runtin Geo. A. 4 Pearl, b.13 Coren [bridwoport
Austin George H. clerk, $2 Franklin, bis. at Cam:
Austin George EL clerk, 34 North, house 130 Kustla
Rustin George Le phpeieian, 124 ‘Tremont, wn (12.
“L. Auatin & Cr), 40 Water, bonne at Cambridge
“Auatin George I machiniat, Mouse S18 Tremont
‘Austin Gruuville, clerk, 80 F. HL. mkt,
Austin Henry, porter, Si Congress, h. 20 Hi
Austin Hears, painter, house 61 Hammond
‘Austin Henry, student, 68 Tremont, roow 2, house
144 Boylston (salle
“Austin Heary 0. foreman, 21 Hawkins, b. at Somer
Austin Herbert, clerk, 4 North, bds. 9 sling
‘Rustin Irene Av Miss, clairvoyant, rms, 2 Beach
Boston Almanac and Business Directory, { sss erat never
72 Boston [A]
Austin James R. teamster, 82 North, hat Somerville
‘Austin James Ty, bde. 85 Norfolk ay. {Arlngiog
‘Austin James W. lawyer, 13 Pemberton sat betes
‘Runt John’ bas Ganenrore a
stin John'H. bda. 2 Garden-court street,
‘Austin Jobn $. ‘travelling salesman, 38 Exchange,
house at Melrose
Austin Jonathan We (0. F: Austin & Co), 118 Com-
"aerclal, house Bigelow, near Oak aq. De,
Austin Joseph, com, mer. St Fulton, bas: 195. Euatis
‘Austin Joseph W. carpenter, b. 8 Trenton, Clete
Austin Loring, bis. 4 Ashburton place
‘Austin Margaret, nurse, house 49¢ East Seventh
‘Auetin Martha J? Mrs, house 89 Beach
‘Austin Martha W. Mra. bouse 40 Providenoe
Rustin ary Mrs. house 4 Wigan
‘Austin Aftetel, laborer, house Gat
‘Austin Mitton, librarian, South End Brauch Publle
‘Library, bids, 287 Columbus avs
Anstia Nat
JF. carpenter, house Brook place
Austin Samuel D. bds. Pleasant, near Pond, Dorch.
‘Auntin Samuel P. teamster, house 318 Silver
‘Austin Sarah E, Mrs. house 22 Dwelght
Austin 8. Harrie (Porter, Ouden, of luatin), 101
Milk; house at Grantville
Ausito Thomas, carpenter, honse 88 Norfolk m
‘Austin ‘Phos. HL clerk, 105 Milky
‘Auatin Timothy W. machin
Austin Walter, ele
‘Austin With
Austin William, teamster, house 759 Saratoga
‘Austin Willian; laborer, house 043 Sarat
Austin William, clerk, 2 High, h. 20 tlareison av.
‘Avatin Willian Stra. house 4 Boylston
Austin Willisia HM. (Saltabury dé Awatin), 95 and
37 Battorymarch, bids. Pleasant, Doreh,
Austin William TL conductor, 8.1, Rt. b. 8 Jay
Auatin Willan J. house 240 Harrison. av
Austin Willams 1 Mv. Pleasant, nu, Peatl, Dore.
USTIN & FELLOWS (0. 4. Avaiin ond J. df,
ellos), beueh mactsciurery, 35 Exchange —
‘Sea page
Auatin & Rusweli (Wittiam Austin andJ. M, Russel),
Droprictors\Forest Garden, Forest Hi
Automatic Dove Co. toys, 85 Devonsbire, room 18
Automatic House Pump Co. 28 Btate, roous 36.
Alwtomatie Signal Telegraph Co, (Tho Watkina), 253
Auty Charles TL carriage painter, house 16% F
inhi Pn aio ane Hope pce [Pour
Ka 20 Soath, house 810 E.
Middlesex, ¢, Lucas,
Averell Charles 1; salosroan, 71 Hanover, h. wt Cam
Averell Charles H Fins. 119 Cuambers
Averell Exeklol, chbineimaker, h. 9 Rolton pl, Chan.
Averell George’ W. confectioner, 130 Maln, da. 6
Bolton place, Chan.
Averell Leonard M. (7, W. Stickney & Co.), Ob
Broad, house at Cambeidgeport
Ayorell Nathantel, house 1 Henderson House
‘Averill Eben, coachman, house 32 Templo
Averill George F. expressman, 122 Canal and 244
Washington, h. wee. Woburn Dadian pik.
Averill George H. fruit, 18 Clry Holl av, houee 53
Averill Hartley, Iumber, and Hope Collar Ca. 43
Haverbill, h: Waverley House, Chen.
Averill Hiram (lveritl, Tunting, Corter), B23
Washington, hi. 7 Monument ay. Chet
Averill, Huuting, & Carter (Zina Averill, EN,
Hunting. jean A.W. Carter), brush thanatae.
torers, 333 Washington,
Avorit! John Af, clerk, $8 ATbany, house 15 Way
Averill John P. manager, 323 Washington, house at
Averill Paint Co. 19 Federal
Averill Reuben ©. earpenter, house 49 Al
‘Averill Samuel blackumlthy E. Be fergy? houre 11
‘Webster ay. E, B. fn Hast Woburn
Averill Win. ©. meséenger, 944 Washington, bas.
‘Averill Wilmot, shipwright, house 122 Meridian
Averill Wilson E. house 27 Matte
Averill —, physician, bas. 68 Tyler
‘Avery Abner’. clerk, house 328outh Russell
‘Avery Abraham, 117 Franklin, house 44 Union park
Avery Adonirats 8. defver, house 4 Phil}
‘Avery Alden, bullder, 35 Hawley, h. 10 Chester pik
Avery Aifeed, conduvtor, Rik. bd. 61” Was
tngion, Chien,
88'North he at Sommery
Milk, Dds, 19 Gu. sor
Fy Chaties E. ay ingpoctans Lincobrs east, be
Avot Charles E, or, Lined a
‘Avery Charles #28 Bury: Rouas’ee chen
‘Avery Charles M25 Sudbury, house at Chelsea
Avery, Edwiga Avery cb Hobbs) lawyer, oat
Dollding. 17 Milk, house at Eat Braintree
Avery Pred locksinith, 2 Shawne. FW, 390
Avery George, Isborer, bas. 90 Nashua
‘Avery Georae A. architect, 70 State, room 16, 0.19
eater pa
Avery George Mf. conductor, house 988 Tremont
Avery Grenvitie 0, clerk, 60 Summer, bs. 160 Kant
Avery Hattle B. bds. 705 ‘Tremont
‘Avery Henry.
‘Avery € Maynard), collar, 18 FH.
TRL south aide, house Ae Ch
Avery Joh K, remaved to Augusta, Mo.
Avery Lidia 4 widow, houses 40 Cambridge, Chan.
‘Avery Mhry’A."widowe house a0 Nahe
‘Avory Nelson, clerk, bus. 371 itaggles
‘Avery Newell T- carpantor, howe’ Atyrtlo
Avery Simon, chale painter; honse 22 Hunker TI
Avery Watson, paper hanger, hotwe 4 Hochester
Avery Willard B-o Court ag. (ington Th
he Wilt i Doane, mary W
x lobba (Edward teary andl
“ance lamitry Fon baling ian “if cS
wery &'Slaynard (J. deery unit. He Maynard),
Produce, cellar, $8 Fe mktssouty ae
Avia Willian A. & Ca. (Ephraim, Souder), Cun
tom House brokers, 38 frend
Ax Mature, talor, house 40 Salen
Asner John, clerk, 180 Knveland, bs. 18 Hudaon
Axon Emanvel trite dealer, roar 109 Kat Tied
Ayer Adama, bouve 180 Warren, Rox,
Ayer Albert E. mackinle, bds, 33 Leverett
Ayer Benamin (Raymond ayer), 48 Mtond bi. at
- pressman, house 12 Washington
+ constable, 19 Court aquare, rans. T
Ayer Elmore C. 79 igh, house Now Seaver, Dorcb,
‘Ayer Eugene G. (Al. 8.'dyer dG.) a0 State, Boe
Tro Went Chester park
Ayer Frank B, 490 Washingtan, bd, at Lawreneo
‘Ayer Fred C. clerk Cambridyey neat
Aver Brederah’ We jeweller, 8 Beacon, 1
yer Frederick W. Jeweller, 8 Beacon, Howse
Aer George, dentist, anh. Wert Cedar
‘Ayer George’ A. rentuurant, 2 Bowdoin my he do,
‘ve, Ges, Ac ener tr Prank Re at
Ayer George C. rear 425. Melford, Chas.
Ayer George G: i
Ayer, Ellery
ree, bale IT
The BOSTON DIKECTORY OFFICE is at No. 155 Franklin St.
Boston [B]
Ayer Jobn, mason, house rear 1 Medford
Ayer John F. lumber and wood, Cambridge, near RR.
‘Chan. bouse al Somerville
Ayer John 1.38 West, hia, 26 Clarendon
‘Ayer Joseph N, house'7 Linwood place, Chen.
Ayer Julin A, widow, house 778 Shawmut av.
Ayers. Culien, mining engineer and lawyer, 40
‘Water, room 8, house at Newton ‘Marble
‘Ayer Louisa, teacher, Sherwin scbool, rms. 10
Ayer Marcelliis 8. & Co. (E.G. Ayer), ‘wholesale
Grocers, 189 and 101 Sate, h. 170 W. Chester pk.
Ayet Monroe Cayer & Farell), 90 Commerce, Ms.
‘Commonwealth Hotel {5 Cambrids
Ayer Stephen W. driver, 31 Court aq. (cellar), bis.
‘Ayer Thomas N. carpenter, rms, 850 ‘Tremont
‘Ayer Thomas P. ¢ incy & Co.), com. mer.
40 Commercial, h. at Winchester {ville
Ayer Thornas W. clerk, 42 Commercial, h, at Somer-
Ayer TA Mesh, a8 Leverett | (Bhawmut ay
‘Aver Wells W: cutlery and faney goods, ‘904 Wash-
Togton, howee at Medford.
Ayer William, produce, bis. 125 Main, Chen.
Ayer William J, printer, bda. 38 Leverett
‘Ayer & Co, Haverhill Express, 35 and 96 Court sq.
‘01 Kilby, and 48 Kingston
“Ayer & Farwell (Monroe Ayer and J. Rt, Farwell),
flour cominission, 90 Commerce
Ayer & Son, Winchester Express, 34 Court aq. and
Tid Washington ‘brook, do.
Ayers Albert -A. carpenter, Green, J.P. house Hol.
‘Ayora Alfred, com. merchant, 12 Summer, house at
Newton fiighlands
Ayors Alfred HH. com. mer, 12 Summer, bis, at
‘Newton Highlands
“Ayers B. Frank, receiving teller Natlonal Tank of
Tedeutption, 85 Devonshire, b. rear 18 Forest
“Ayers Charles. bds, 00 Washington, Chen,
‘Ayers Clark H. conductor, H. Rak. h, 381 Tremont
‘Ayers C. HL Mrs. dressmaker, house 381 ‘Tremont
‘Ayers David P. ellver plater, li. Van Rensselaer p)
‘Ayers Edwin I culker, house 128 Princeton, EB.
‘Ayers Ell (Minckley, Ayers, & Co,)y 8 New PH.
Mkt, (cellar), house at Medford.
Ayers Gvorse renter, loos 8152 Washington
‘Ayers Henry H. died Nov. 21, 1879
‘Ayers James, usher, bds. 85 Churelt
‘Ayers James W. laborer, bas, Bird, m. RR, station
‘Ayers John W. 264 Washington, bds. 46 KE. Newton
‘Ayers Joneph it. backsnan, his. 294 Harrison av.
‘Ayers Josephine A. teacher, Laman school, bd. 128
Prinecton, Bul. (48 Rutiand,
Ayers Lucy Miss, matron Children’s Friend Sockety,
‘Ayers Melvin D. carpenter, Centre, opp. White's
‘Hlock, house Oak place, near Green, J.P.
Ayers Michiel Mrs, house 85 Church
‘ayer, Oliver, captain police station 15, house 66
‘Washington, Chsn.
Ayers Orlando HL # Oliver, house at Maplewood,
‘Ayers Samuel E. mason, house 77 Kendall
‘Ayers, ew Ayer, Ayres, and Bay
Ayling Charles IH. removed to Waltham
‘Ayling Henry’A. electric railway #iguals, 47 Court,
house Washington, opp. Woodside av. J.P.
Ayling Isaac, removed to Walthars
‘Ayling Margaret C. Mrs. ds. 7 Canton-street place
‘AYeworth Thomas K, section foreman, B.S A. TR,
house Brighton ay. Cottage Fur
Aylward James, laborer, house 19 Ferrin
Ajiward James, lnborer, house 28 Princeton, Chen.
Ajiward John Kt apholsterer, b 28 Princeton, Chan.
‘Aylward Mary Miss, house 2 Spear place
‘Aylward Matihew, laborer, houte 362 West Second
‘Aplward Michiel gardener, houre Fuller, Doreh.
Ayres William E, bookkeeper, 100 High,
‘Ayres William W. bis. 11 Boylaton plice
‘Ayres, #ee Ayer, Ayers, and Eayra
vr Webster, clerk, 6 Province court, ‘bds. 45} |
———<—— lh CC ”~—
BAATZ GEORGE, carringosnith, bas. 14 Etlot
Babb Charles W. driver, bade. 102
Babb Cyros K. collector, 450 Washington, house 9
Totland {Warren av.
Babb Edward E, clerk, Ot Washington, rms; 125
Tabb Edward clerk, 308 Washington, bat Melros
Babb Rawin A. house 26 Ivanhoe
Babb Ellza A. widow, house 62 Temple
Babb Frank ¥. house 12 Cottage, Chan.
Tabb George clerk, § Fulton, bda. at Lynn
Babb George W. photographer, 49 School
Babb George W. Inborer, house 78 George, Rox.
Babb George W. Jr. remaved to Albany, N-Y.
Babb H. H. messenger, Pratt & Babb' Express, 8
Fulton, house at Lynn [0 Albion
raper, 206 Washington, house
Babb Philip, musician, house 13 Porter
Babb Walter (Babe & Stephens), 79 Water, houreat
Melrose at Went Medford
Babb William H. salesman, $18 Washington, houre
Babb & Stephens (Walter Babb ani (7, Stephen’),
printers, 10 Water [at Maplewood
tabbidge Adgustine L. clerk, 68 Sears building, h
Babbldge Charles, treasurer Gl. i 8.4.
‘Sears building, Uda. 21 Pemberton aq)
Babbidye Levi Fe bda, Metropolitan av. near Tyde
Park line rms. 1 Allston
Rabbitt Charles A. collector, 18 Pemberion wyuiarey
Babbitt Deborah Mfrs. house 2 Dearborn place
Babbitt Edwin H. grocer, 87 Albion, b. dK. Canton
Babbitt Fred C. watelimaker, 253} Tremont, house 5
Cortes erion. square, bile. si Stuniford
Babbitt George P. at Board of Health oflle, 34 Pern-
Babbitt George HL. division eupt. U.S. and Canada
“Express, 00 Court oq. h.at Bellows Falla, Vt.
Banu Honky ©. cell, Norway Aron Works, da,
Rabbitt Isaac, machinist, da. 2 Rockville place
Habbitt Ieane Mra. h. 2 Rockville pl. [Cambridge
Babbitt James H. clerk, B. & A. freight house, bs at
Bahbitt Jane, widow, 9 Portian
Rabbitt J. Frank, clerk, 61 Tigh, hda, at Lynn
leamnan, 270 W. Broadway, bd.
Babbitt Thomas G. plano pollaher, houre 67 Berlin
‘abba Sarah 8. Mrs. at Home for Aged Women, 108
Revero (mouth place
Babcock Aaron B. teamater, 7 Water, honse § Dart.
Babeoek Afbert, waiter, b. 18 Winchester
Babcock Aibert H. brass finisher, 1h. 26 Alblo
Rabeook Alfred 8.128 Hanover, bia. nt Chieleen
Babcock Charles P. clerk, 238 Centre, tox. house
Codman ay. near Amory
Babcock Charlotte Mrs. house 12 Cross, K.1.
19 Mechanic, Chan.
Babeook Emma E. M
Babcock Fanny F- Mrs. house 10 Koilins
Babcock Francis E. bis, 10 East Brookline
Babcock Frank 1H. Western av, Allston, hours at
Babeock Franke M, clerk, bds, 8 Dartmouth place
Babcock GW. physician and deriuntologist, 28
Winter, room 27, house at Chelsea
Bapeock Henry B. hds.10 East Brookline {place
Babeock James, clerk, 61 Milk, bouse 15 Dartmouth
Babeoek James I cherlst, 10 itolling, bd. do.
Babeock James L. clerk, Tremont, cor. Court, bas.
Rabooek Jolin & Co. (Za F. Rabeock), varnish rane
afacturers, 2 Liberty aq. h. at Camibridgeport
Babouck Joba B. & Co. (8. 12. Babeuck), vom. mers.
‘91 Bedford, house 12 Chester park
Babcock John ‘B. je. salesman, #1 Bedford, bas. 12
‘Chester park (39 Somerset
Babeork Lemuel H. lawyer, 38 School, room O, he
Babeosk Lysander P. (J. Babeock & Ce.) 2 Liberty
square, hotise at Cambridgeport (Ihevonshire
Babcock Manufacturing Co, fire extingulshers, 192
Babeook Moses, machinist, house 2! Cordis, Chen.
Babeock Robert G. messenger, 20) Franklin, house
‘at Newport pega nte cheater
Babeock Samuel H (J. B. Babcovk i Co.), 01 Bed-
Babcock Sarah A. house 9 Newcomb
Babeoek S. Willard, 8.8, P.O, house 77 O14 Harbor
Get a Moston Almanac and Business
A Pocket Directory of Boston, {xircctacy at tne Morton Diccctory oftce,
4 Boston [B]
Babcock Walter T. (0. 8. Bartlett & Cb.), 105 Sum-
mer, house at Cambridge jumbne av.
Bobcock Wilber ©. clerk, 6 Hawley, bds. 38 Co:
Babcock Witliam G. Rev. chapel, 10 Warrenton,
house Clark, Doreb.
Babeock Willlam G. teamster, house rear $7 Prince-
ton, Chen, ie
Babeuf Charles L. clerk, 14 Franklin, bas, 59 El
Babeuf Eugene, salesman, 1 Winthrop square, holes
‘377 Northampton
Babeuf Mary M. widow, house 22 Common
Babin Heary, 460 Washington, bis, 91 Hudson
Babin Jane, widow, house $8 Pearl place
Babin Jeffrey, clerk, house $9 Albany
Babineau Rosette, widow, louse 3 Webster court
Babo Leopold, apothecary, 12 Boylston, house do.
Babson A. E. Miss, house 22 Ashburton place
Babson Edward, jr. com. mer. 136 State, house at
ele (Gln tare
Babson Frank H, & Co. broker, 10 State. ban 6 bares
Babson George Fclerk, 198 State, bis at Chelsey
‘Babson James (Thayer, Babson, & Co,), 167 and 100
Mitt, hd, 8 Shawn ave
Babson Jobn, U.S. phippin commissioner, 1 Com-
‘relal wharf, bde- $2 Parmenter
‘Babson Jobn L. 177 State, b. at Rockport ‘Main
Babson Nicholas P. saeconany 18) PH wot ath
Babson Robort E. master Engllab High School, Bed-
ford, house Sis Columbus ure
Babson Thomas McC. lawyer and asst. elty solicttor,
TO Gariaod [Shawmut a
2 Pemberton sq. bd:
Babson William, whartinger, 39 Lewis wharf, h.
Bacall Charles H. real estate and insurance, 131 Dey.
onshire, roorm 24, and 57 Tremont, house do,
Bacall ‘Thornas Mrs. silver Wareandjewelry,7 Avery,
house 202 Shawmut ave
Bacall William F, salesman, 48 Canal, b. at Melrose
Bacall William K. house 13 Weat Concord
Bacharach Herschel, clerk, 55 Bedford, bds.9 Taylor
Bacharach Samuel, bds. 12 Dartmouth’
Bacharach Solomon, bds. 9 Taylor
Buchelder Albert J. carpenter, b. 254 W. Prose way
‘Bachelder Alden, desk and Ubrary cases, 34 Canal
Douse at Rend
Rachelder: award de machinist, bd. 62 H
Bachelder's Everett Express, 73 Kilby
Bachelder E. A. book agent,’ 14 Hanover, house at
Melrose [ait do.
Bachelder Frank A. clork, 133 West Broadway, bds.
wider George, house 5 Cedar, Chan.
Bachelder Gorge, machinist, rnis, 8 Suffolk place
ackeldor Gearges clerk, bda, 2443 Waahlngron
Bachelder Henry E. wood tuener, b. JS Warrenton
Hachelder Herman 1. b. Waverley House, Chan.
Bachelder James 8. carpenter, havse Norfolk, wear
‘Capen, Doreb (Chetven
Rachelle Jub B. pabitaher, 41 Fraokiin, nse at
Tha. 251 West Broa
Hachelder Joseph C "ys
(254 do:
esl Sa: (Pinar, dahon
pbisgon, he ageend
ater, clerks 38 WS Hrondway, bi
Tachelder J- Walter, cee
Bachelder Miarthn BC. Affe. apothigen
Bachelor Nathantel Q. clerk, bi8 Washington, bi.
at Qa
Bachelor William R, nebiola, house 2 1
Tiacheler, see Batchwler
Bacholier Charles A. clothes cleaner, 770. Washing
ot house 29 Stadieon place
Her Charles M- 67 Pest, house at Lymn
Buchellor Engeno E. died March 2, 1880
Bucheller Hannibal H. & Co, expres, 13 F. TH. sq,
[[Metrose place
17 Causeway, house
spenlendhet 14
77 Mood, house at
niph, hwirdresser, 1000
‘bds. Wyman pl. 8.8.
nite GUibert
hop. b. Gilbert
‘Dartmouth pl.
Jaborer, hs. 4 Ponds, pace
Bacigah ‘Frank,
Baclgatupe John, irulfonc te
Bacigalupo Jobn B. Inborer, house 38 North Bennet
Baclgalupo Lorenso, rat house Sulinen
Bacitalupo Lovie, carrier bouse 2 Suliman place
Baclgalupe Siepten, fut; house 3 Sullinan Place
Back Raphael, aflor, 1234 Tremont, bh. do. aoe
Back William, salesman, 477 Washington, h.at le
Backer Lafayette J. agent, 82 High, b. at Melrose
Backman Anthony, cooper..bds, 119 Chelsea, EB.
Backman Herma & 80h (Wea. Backes}. cytere,
i Darchecter ay. houve ind Went Moore
Backman James L. shipwright, bds. § Kust Eagle
Backman John Ephratin, saw flor, 114 Border, by
‘5 East Eagle
‘Backman Jobu E. furnitore, bas. East. le
‘Backman Mas ot, widow, house 09 Obelsea, E.B.
Backman William H. (4. Backman & Son), 172
Dorehester av, Ws, 10 West Foss
Backoff Catharine, widow, house 10 Cunard.
Backof Frank, it ipber, Dds, 10 Cunard
Backot! Joseph, labeter hriney Macatana
Backup Annie M. tencher, Dearborn school, bas. 46
Tiley ox:
Backup James 18; house 58 West Cottage
Backup John, books and periodicalay 117 Dodley,
mi. Beaters P20. bldg. h 22 Auburns Rot
Backup Mary J. teacher, King-atrect
22 Auburn, Rox.
Backup Robert A. provisions, 271
Backu* Daniel H. mustel
isry bd
4 Ea park
ashing by
reporter for Advertivor, 47 Court,
bids. 12 Bowdoin (Chambers
Rackwell Albert H. clerk, 30 Court aquare, rma. 15
Bacon Alfred A. clerk, Eureka Weinger Co,06 Corn.
‘oda. 126 Webster, EB,
‘Allen HL. (Atwood db Bacon)
Union, ¥. at Cholnen D,
Bacon Charles, bookkesper, B, cor. Woat Second, he
Hotel Twunyson
My Ne
idlvg manuf.
—See page 1201
Bacoh Clovis S, tlosraith, house 17 Marion, EB,
Bacou Cyrus V, salosinasy, 58 Summer, hat Hin
Bacon C. Mason, clerk, 4 Sommer, bh. Eilot pled
Bacon Dante G. (0, Wakepetd a Cb.), 11 Wah
Ingwn, Bouse at New York
Bacon Edwin M, Dall; 27 Court,
Bacon Elizabeth Mrs. bide. ‘1b Went Brooktin
tcon Hugeae 4. one Marrnan a
icon Misses, bd. 4 Spruce
Bacon E L. and M. E. Misses, dressmukers, house
38 West Cedar
Bacon Francis A. Mrs. b. 9 Oliver pl. [Cambertd
Bcon Franets ©. boo 52 Coeatueree, he at
Bacoo Francis E. & Co, (J AM. Prendergast), com.
‘Merchants, $6 State; house 270 Heacon,
Bacon Franele H. a furntehing 0 aannch 284
joter HUI [h. 2302 Washington
eal emiinwer, 8 Pombe age
ety Gru
keeper, U"Teesbonty baa, 30
and Retailers of IAIDWAIEE,
voston [B]
Bacoy Fred P. Journalist, Boston Herald, house 17
Hotel Comfort
Bacon Frederick J. tvory turner, b. 156 W. Brookline
Bacon F. Eogene, sulesinan, OF iligh, bls. at Arling-
ton Helghts ase at Melrose
Bacon George A. (J. Bacon & Son), 6 Boylston,
‘Bacon George E gracer, 325 Main, h. 32 Essex, Chan,
acon George E. farmer, Deer Island, house do.
‘Bacon George H. (Bacon & Co), 21 Commercial,
bak, Crawford House (50 Chelsea, Chen:
Bacon Gvorge W. driver, Boston Tee Co, house rear
Becon Grenville, M-D. 38 Chapman, bouse 8 Wia-
Bacon Grenville, jr. removed to Chelsea
‘Bacon G. W. Mrs. hhovee Hotel Berkeley:
Bacon Henry, jr- clerk, 280 Causeway, fh. at Everett
Bacon Horace, t Exchange pl. rin. 35,8. 2840 W:
ington {hi at Lawrence
Bacon Horace C. lawyer, 7 Exchange place, rm. 33,
Bacon sJammes, carpenter, 72 Warren av. b. Adame,
‘near Areadia, Dorel
Bacon Jamen, jr. removed to Omaha, Neb.
Bacon James ‘0, conductor, N.Y. & N.E. RR, be
at Putnam, Conn.
avon Janes P. stenographer, Daily Advertiser, 7
Court, h. 92 Inman, Cambridge [Cambridge
Bacon dunes 8. porter, B®. Ib. depot, house at
Bacon James W, clerk, Of High, bis. § Reading
Bonn Jerome A. paper manuf. Sid Washington, Wi.
‘at Hed
Bacott Joe! L. supt. almshoase, Austin farm, b. do,
Bacon John, removed to Chelsen
Bacon Job, physician, house 19 Somerset
Bacon John’ & Son (60. A. Bacon), fish, 6 Boylston,
house 48 Porter
Bacon John D. foreman, 117 Summer, h.at Canibridge
Bacon Joho F, carpenter, 20 Fution and 35 Hawley,
Thouse at Somerville
Bacon John H. teamater, bis. 22 Mercer
Bucon John SC Jeweller, 4 Elms, bis. at Dedham
Bacon John O- meter Inspector, 3 Dudley, house
Reed's eourt
Bacon John W. Judge Superior Court, b. at Natick
Bacon John W. clerk, 6 Boslaton (West Newton
Bacon sosuph W. clerk, 318 Washington, bds. at
Bacon Jonah Mrs, Louse Hotel Bristol
Bucou Jostah E. (Bacon & Cy,), 127 Oliver, house at
‘West Newton (Natick
Bacon Josiah 8. inspector, Custom House, house at
Bacon Justat A. 4 Charlestown, house at Somerville |
Bacon Lewis ‘av. hat Maplewood
Bacon Lewis t. ty
Bacon Margaret, widow, house § Reading [ter
Tincon Murtin, chglueen, B. XA. RuIt- bent Wortes-
Bacon Nell, ship carpenter, house 158 Bennington
Bacon Oliver, clerk, b6 Tread, hada. at Wobura.
Bacon Oliver D-clerk, 25 Maln, Win 2 Ease, Chap
Bacon Pot C, jr. paper, 2s bedford, beat Worvestae
Tacon Robert, shia nau. 409 Wath. h. at Chelses
Bacon Sarat & Mrs, houee 8 Telegraph
Bacon Steuben. hallot hues, bday 1s W, Concord
Bacon Suenn, whiow, house rear 242 West Thied
Bacon 8/3" Go.jevery, So, 14 rate w.house
it Dealtatn
Bacon 8M. Mrs, house 5 Hotel Shirley
Bacon Thovias, apy righty bis. 41 Saraogn
Bacon Thomas A, marbio cutter, ti. 19 Clifton pl.
Bacon Thoniae C: house 220 Shawmut ay.
Bacon Thomas Hi. treasurer. Suflilk Coal Co. 22
‘Congresn, house at Hrookline
Bacon Hinothy F- earpenier, rms. 111 Chambers
Bacon V-arllet 101 Tremont
Bacon Waller Mf, bookkeeper, bds. 23 Fountain
Bacon Walter 0.190 Tremont, heat Woburs [House
Bacon Wasot 1, aateamao, 42 Franklin, b. Creighton
Taco Water Meter Go. 40; Water, Foot 8
Hacou Williaa Mrs. died March, ¥, 1880
Bacon William & Augustus, dry
Washington, house 1a Anbar, f
Bacon Willis Beate Haring Bros. & Go, 28 State,
‘om 1f, bouse Prince, neat Pond, J.P.
Bacon William F- restaurant, 20 Estes, boase Van
Tenuelaer Hotise {West Th
lifiara, P- tousle tencher, Dobae rear 242
Se Se a a
1 William J. engraver, 444 Wasblogtan. ‘by.
“Adama, neat Areaula Totlcee
Bacon & CS. LJavlah B, Bacon), ron and steel, Wt
Bacon & Co. (0. fh. ani C. B. Bacon), tron and
Toetal, 21 Comiverelal
Badaraceo Andrew, frult,h. rear 3 North Bennot
+ Ke. 2109
———————<—< = CU SC Cs CC rt~‘“<Ci‘i‘<; }ChCt~™éf
| Badaraceo Feliz, laborer, h. rear 22 North Bennet
Radaracco Natale, bartender, house 36 North Bennet
Badcock Eilzabeth Miss, at Htome for Aged Wounen,
furton av.
Badenfeld F. von Ree. teacher, 296 Tremont.
Bader Anton, baker, h, 63 Deeatur, Chan, do,
Badersebnelder Adam, restaurant, 33 Bromfeld, by
| Baderschincider ‘Andrew, lager beer, 9 Province,
|" house 188 Ettot
Baderschnelder John Mrs, house 210 P
Badessa Antony, removed to Maine
Hadesea Paul, bulrdresser, 71 Causeway, house do.
Badger Adelaide E. teacher, Dean primary, bide.
36 Chester park
Badger Arthur C. student, bas, 51 Bowdoin
Badger Arthur E. clerk, 1) High, bds. at Chelsea
Badger Benjamin F. razor-strop manuf. & Badger
| place, Chan, house at Exs
Bader Charlos, machinist, bas
Badger Charles H. Mrs. house 1218 Washington
| Badger Charles, W. Grugalet, painia and oll, 00
Inckstone, house 1218 Washington
Badger Charles W. clerk, torttiveart cor, Fi. He
‘market, house ai Chelsea (Vernon
Badger C. 'W. bookkeeper, 08 Milk, Bus. 10, Mt.
Badger Daniel B. (£. 8. Badger & Son), 68 PtH,
| Ronse 44 Dartmouth
Badger David N. 194 Tremont, how
Badger Edward A. 127 road, bade. ot
Badger Kawin N. I81 Devonshire, bde. nt Chelwen
Bosdger EUinb . ma (Chee
Badger Eliphalet N. boots ‘and #hues, 10 1gh
ADGER RKASTUS TB. '& SON (2. Hadgrr)
‘coppersmiths, 69 Pitis and 83 Hawley, houne 61
Bowdoln page Vat
Badger E. Frank, clerky 81 Federal, bds. 51 Bowdoin
ADGER E, 8. manufacturer umbrellas, parasols,
‘and cance, 16 Temple place, house 15 Oxford —
See page 1201 : (Brookline
Badger George A. bookkeeper, 102 State, bie, at
Badger Geurge A. physiclan, rnis, 90 Tremont
| Badger Georgo F. salesman, bis. 39K. Spring!ield
| Badger George W. printer, house 3 KE. Springfield
Badger Gidewn, laborer, house 40 Hanover
| Badger Jaines (clerk, 87 Milk, ron 14
| Tiadger James MC house 80 Chester park
Badger Jolin C. Mre, house 2 Telegraph
at Everett
at Brookline
1. Rak. depot,
| Badger Sophia A. wid
| Hedger Stephen, house STZ Main CT.
| Badger Btephen'L. carpenter, hy Jackson place, TP.
Badger Sunan Bt es, corataker, 73a Tretnont,
nae do.
Badger Thotas H. artist, house 11_Akron
‘Tadger Walter 1, stadent, bds, 61 Bowdoin
Radger Walter J. F. porter, de. 164 Clambers
Badger Willan ©. (Daniela, Badger, & 6
Sudbury, bie. St Bowdoin
ADGER WILLIAM F. stale Vailder, 01 and 63
‘Warcham, house at Tiyde Park — See page 1288
Badger Wiliam ©. collestor, bas. 18 Dana place
Badger Williams R. janitor, Post Oris
jouae at Lynn fark. 8
Badger Willlam 8. salesman, 518 Washlogt
Badlam Anna B. teacher, Itlee echool, bds,
doin, Doreb, (10 St. Fumes ays
Badlam Charles. salerman, § Costomn-Ioune +t. bd
Badlam Mary E, teacher, Everett school, “bds.
Rowdolti, Dorch.
| Badiam Nancy, widow, house «2 Walnut a
Badlam Steplien, clerk, water flee, City, Hall
house 1h Madison piace
Badlain Stephen Mrs. house 82 Walnut av.
Badia Theodore H. Inspector, water office, City
Hall, h, Bowdoin, n. Cnion av, Horch.
Bodiam Witilam H. ‘depots collector, City Tall,
house 18 Columbta, Durch.
AEDER, ADAMSON, & CO. (C. Border, B. Fe
Webd C. Be Buewer, Ro J. Adnmaon, We Me
‘Scott. unit W.B. Adameon), glue, Se. 143 MANE
See page 1a
The BOSTON DIRECTORY, “*x.°issreniescs noar Conaren st.
Baoder Frank, waiter, rooms 33 Melrose
‘Baer Ernst, inairament maker: be Lavcas_ [bos a
‘Baer Nathan, jeweller, 503 Washington, b.327 Colum-
nag ldgar S elorts 125 Peri odes a0 Lyte
agar § elon, 125 Pear, de
Baggam Prank, cotter roaster, &8 Commervini, house
st Lyan
ley Alex. T. machinist, house Byron, near Poy
Bagley Cornclus'B: teneanor bib Novinasnted
Bagley Daniel J-liguors, 889) Hanover, au
ley David, laborer, house 84 Utica
Banicy Denula labore, ett Chadwick [Chan.
Bagley Dennis! ongshoreinan, bade. 1 Decatur sour,
Bagley Exra M muslelan, bds, S21 Columbus ay,
Bagley E- A. (Barton Co,), 11 Chardon, house 27
Uniow Park street
Bagley Prank E. clerk, bds, 1 Decatur et. Chen,
Bagley Frank M. salesman, 4 North, house at Lynn
Bagley Hannah, wilow, house 1f Chadwick
Bagley Hugh, twinemal
Bagley Willlam, laborer, house 68 Decatur, Chan,
Bagnall Hedley H. printor, 16 Water, bda. + Fayette
Bagnall ‘Thomas, carpenter, house 257 Bennington
tl ‘Thoms, house 21 Ohiford
BAGNALL & LOUD (iterdert Loud), pomp and
‘block makers, 139 Fulton — See page 1279
Bagnell chard ‘A. train despateher, 0. O. RR.
Dds. 17 Dwight
brass worker, house 62
2 3H Brighton
Balen Margaret, widow, house 62 Nashua
Baler Charles, hones
Baler Charles'A. bds, Hartford, cor. Howard, Doreh,
Waler Louis, &S Summer, bas.’ Hartford, cor. How:
ree W (Cushing & Bail), C, cor. W. First,
house 107 Dorubester (164 Dorchester
Ball William V. carpenter, Athens, cor. ¥, house
Bailey ort, driver, SPs, No.0, bonse 11 Lex.
(Purber & Bailey), 254 A\bany, house
442 Dorchester
Balley Avert HL & Co. com, mers. ST Summer,
House 105 Leeington, EB. [h. at Somerville
Bailey Atbon If. Transcript offlee, 334 Washingion,
Watley Alfred, laborer, house 482 Main, Chan,
Balloy Alfred K.
Dalley Alfred 1. & Co. (Wallace Batley), lay and
raw, 1 Divislon, tiotse 58 Kaxt Ninth
Balley Alioira, nurse, Vile. 253 Gold
Bailey Alvin Ke U6 North, house at Kast Somerviiie
Balley Arsen, carpenter, house 673 Kat Fifth
Balley Amasa W, billiard table manuf, 204 Harrison,
‘av, houve 220 do.
Hartford, cor. Howard, Doreh. |
Boston [B] pmecrory.
Chartes F, statloner, $8 Foderal, house 17
Balley Charles P. house 9 Hotel Sumner
Balley Charles H. cutter, 33. Kingston, bh. nt Chelsen
Balley Charles H. meretiant, 52 Central, hovse Fox
ay. cor. Pereival av. Dorch.
Balley Charles H. restaurant, 170 Lincoln, house do.
Bailey Charles H. jr. removed to New York [E.By
Bailey Charles Hi. bookkeeper, bds. 187 Lexington,
Bailey Charles J. (Olapp Batley), P.O. box 1148,
nee Sereno Diana ie
See mes
Espo gets ey
Bailey ©. W. painter, 8 La Grange, rms. 9 Hotel
Paley Dadley P. lawyer, 8% School, room 2 bis. at
fvorett iat W. Newbury
Bailey Ebenezer ©. boots and aboes, 00 Pearl, house
‘Bailey Kalth H. teacher private achool, Adams, cor.
t, bis. Fox
Bailey Edward R. died Aug. 11, 1879
Bailey Kdward 8. (J. W. Bailey & Son), 14 Charl
town, house at Maplewood
Bailey Edward W. 24 Kneeland, h, at Newtonville
Balley Eliza A. house 11 Meander.
Balley Ellzabei Mrs. house 370 Tremont
Bailey Elizabeth C. Miss, house 2302 Washington
Balley, Elizabeth Gi. teacher, Bigelow achoo}, bas,
ize West Fifth
Bailey Ellen H. bds, Fox ay. Doreb, (ana
Bailey Emily ©. Miss, ladies’ hairdresser, 14 Rout-
Bailey Emma F. Mss, music teacher, bids. 70 Ferrin
Haley Eugene Hl. conductor, Met, Ht.tt. da, S28
Bailey E. R, Mrs. house 120 Bunker HI
Bailey Frances J. widow, house ‘Temple, LaMt.
Balloy Francis ©. joinor, house 828 Meridian
| Balley Francie Hteamster, house 18 Bench, Cha
| Bailey Francteco, palnter, bds: Tf Trento
Ralley Frank, laborer, house & Wilbur cout
| Railey Frank’E. clerk, 18 N. Market, bd won
| Balley Frank Lslle, clerk, bas. 0 Hanson
|Halley Frank fj. elork, 24° Causeway, de. 0 Har-
vard, Obs, {Watertown
Ralley Frank Mf. salesman, 164 Parchune, bde, at
Balley Prank Q. (J, Bryden & Op.) 41 N. Market
‘house at Watertown,
house 2m) Webster, E.B.
‘29 India, bia. Harvard, near
| alley Ueorgs G:slsea Weigye ant a
jeorge ©. clerk, ne On
Taine" sae)
RR. bday
Battvramaker, he 1 Mitel Tradjord | al
Andrew J. (Bailey. & Ovzen), lawyer, 61
art, house 7 Ablow Chan.
Bailey Annie Mrs. howse 1d Warrenton,
Halley Arthur Me & Co. eaned goods, 18 North bi
larket, house at Newton
Bailey Barton A yuuchinist, b.2 Ohio [Berkel
Bailey Byron B. ealeaman, 440 Washington, bds-
Bailey B, F. rma. 10 Hancock.
Halley Calvin A. Bell's Hotel, b. at B, Somerville
ey Calyia C. alerk, Dorchester ay. cor, Mt, Ver:
how, bis, Harbor View, Dorch.
Balley Cuthatine, widow, h: reat 75 Rutherford ay.
Bailey Charles, veamater, Bouse 185 Athens
Balley Chartes A. 82 F. VL mkt. b. at W. Somerville
Bailey Charles . teamater, bus. Beacon, cor. Brook:
ine av.
Bailey Charlox ©. (CAipman's Sons Co.), Court,
py ey
Bailey Teane Ht.
| Haley
Batley dames, shoemaker, house 3 Hawthorne pl.
Bailey James Mrs. house $0 Ferriy, Chia
Dalley Tames A. house Hotel Hummer
House Joiners TOOLS & Butisivrs’ HARD.
poston [B]
Bailey James B, P. fisherman, house 47 Main, Chen.
‘Dalley Janes E- cabtnctmaker,1 Washington, house
70 Ferrin, Gian.
alley James F. watebmas, house 18 Magazine
Bailey Jamies F. watehman, bas. 97 Hammond
Balley James J. 170 Lincoln
Bailey Jamen 1, calker, house 170 Chelsea, E.B.
Batley James 1, bds. 1d Rutland
Bailey James O, watches and jewelry, 055 Washing-
‘tom, house $088 do. (Green, Chat.
Bailey James 8. salesinan, 51 N. Market, house 86
Baey James T, & Co. (Son Lincole)y routers
Hawley, house at Chelsea
Bailey James WV. fireman, house 46 Warren, Chep.
Balley James W. paying teller National Bank of
forth America, 106 Branklin, b. at Newton
Balley Jason 8. salorman, 09 Washlogton, house
in av, W.R ‘Fourth
Batley Seremlah 0. driver, S. B. R.A b.089 East
Bulley Job Fs Mes. house Park, n. Adams, Dorch.
Balley Job F. doors, sushes, &6. 24 Kneeland, hat
fewton Contre felt
Bulley John & Co. shoes, 201 Devonshire, b. at Tops-
Balley John, cook, 50 Summer, house 80’ Hudson
Bailey Jobo, driver, bouse 1 Hotel Coluunbis
Halley Joho A. hairdresser, house 48 Cook, Chen.
Bailey Joho B. 177 State, house $0 Garden
Balley John B. eonfectioner, 49 West, h. 88 Moreland
Malley sTohn 1. teacher of sparring, 3 ‘Tremont row,
‘house 14 Rutland
Bailey John F. house 30 Garden (Chelsea
Bulley John F- oficer, Suffolk county Jail, Howse at
Balley Jobe H. clerk, 282 State, bus, Kilton, Doreb.
Bailey Joha H. & Co. earringe toanufs, 43 Bowker,
house Michigan av. Doreh.
Bultey Johia H. Jr. bis. Michigan av. Dorch.
Bailey Joba K; machiutst, house 154 Bremen
Balley John W. paper carrier, house ¥ Bay
Balley Joseph Gs house 229 Harrison a
Bailey Joseph H- ugent, 71 High, Chan, h.2 Polk, do.
Bailey Joveph M. teamster, bis. 18 Lamson, Et,
Balley Joseph president Boytaton National Bank,
Sle Washingion, and. (Binidey x Jenkins), 103
Federal, house 6 Commonwealth ay.
Bailey Joeoph 'T. 24, messenger, Boylston National
Ic, O16 Waalington, houre at Newtonville
Batley Josiab M, teamnstor, bi, Cambridge, Allston
Bailey J. Kdward, morooco dreesor, h. 385 Medford.
ct Winter Hill
Bailey d. Prevtina, clerk, 288 re, bd
Balley Js Warren (im. @. Buker & Co.), 28 Brown
‘lvld, house at West Somerville
Batley J! W.& Son (Edward 8. Bailey), movld-
ings, Ko. 14 Churlestown, house at N. Scituate
Bailey Kendall Mrs. house 2 Anbarn, Chan.
Bailey Kendall, potier, 41 Medford, Chan. house 62
‘Lexington, do.
Balley Leander, machinist, rms, 4 Brook av
Bautey Lewie BW houve 6 Bowdoin
Haley Llewellya P. carpenter, house
Halley Lorenzo A. priater, houee 12 Kennard
allay Lorenzo Breet foreman, Roxbury
Dudley, house $4 Woodward av.
Bailey Loretia Mies, bouse rear lt Anderson
Balley Luny a widow, bas, 74 Temple
Balley Luther C-deiver, rms. 120 Zeller
Bailey Mariette, widow, house Auburn, Chan.
Balley Mark V. wamster, house 47 Sullivan, Chan.
Halley Mary C. widow, bouse 66 Trving
Balley Mary IL Mes. house $9 Bowdoln
Balley Mergy A. teacher of drawing, publie schools,
‘bila. 57 bretmont
Bailey Michael K, toamster, house 210 Athens
Balley M, A. Miso, millinery, $41 Washlugton, bh. 12
Wiig Go, 33 Byultable bulldiog, bus.37 Chester sq.
Os itand Hi elerky 122 Suiomer, bis. Harbor
————————_ i — |
Bailey Roscoe A. teamster, house 14 Monmouth
Bailey Roswell E, provisions, bde, 328 Meridian
Balley Saouel Mre. bouse Hotel Berwick
Bulley Samuel E., 0.C. KAR. freight, rms, 18 Oxford
Bailey Samuel G. expreseman, 96 Blackstone, house
4 Eden-at. court, Chat.
Bailey Samuel K. (Woowt, Bailey, & Wood), 83 Bev-
erly. h.2 Washington, Chsn. (Adama, HLS,
Bailey Sara G. Miss, teacher of rusic, inde. Park, 1,
Bailey Sarah J, widow, house 272 West Fifth
Balley Sarah J. widow, house 6 Goodwin place
Bailey Sibylin A, aest. Lyrnun school, tals. 32 Paris
Balley Simeon KE. hairdresser, 872 ‘re
6? Hammond {00
Bally's South Natick xpress, 4 Court square and
oh Kilby;
Balley Stephen, rubber worker, h..1 Gardner, Chen.
Bailey Stephen 'E, Mrs. house 104 Enet Broad way
Balley Stinson io polisher, rms. 42 Dover
Bailey Susan H. Are, house 83 Glenwood
Bailey Sylvanus I clerk at gus works, Hilton, pds.
Woodward av. iat Stoughton
Batley ‘Thomas, machinist, 258 Purchase, hourw at
Bailey Thomas, cook, $3 Siate, house 181 Hdwon
Bailey Thome’ B. bookkeeper, 69 Milk, eon 62,
bbs, at Cammbridze
Bailey ‘Thomas F. baker, bds. 66 Gold
Bailey Thomas G, laborer, house 44 Middlesex
Bailey Thomas M. painter, houve 1 Sherman court
Balley Thomas T. achool books, 23 Franklin, house
‘ai Melrose
Balley Wallace (4. L, Bailey & Co,), 1 Divistons
‘ode. 689 Kast Ninth fat Kast Somerville
Bailey Walter ©. engraver, 304 Washington, bo
Bailey Warmer, painter, 201 Rutherford av. Vouse nt
merville (Ferdinand
Bailey Willard R, grocer, 210 Shawmut ay. bds, 12
Halley William, physician, house 624 Tremont
Bailey Willian, steward, house rear 148 Marginal
Balley Walla’, lnepestor, Custom House, bow
Batley William D. brane moulder, h. 24 Tufte, Chan.
Halley Willlana E. conchman, hi. Leo, cor, Child, J.P.
Bailey William Th. & Co. lumber, 27 Devonshire,
house at Winchester
Bailey Willlamn HH band sawyer, b.268 W. Fifth
Balley Willian W. grindstones, 234 Albany, house
5 Clarence place, Dorel (Dorct.
Balloy Willie I moulder, house Highland, 1. Bast
Bailey & Co, five cent more, 21 Tremont row and
Washington (Jenkins), wool, 305 Federal
Batley & Jenkins (Joveph T. Bulley anit Charen Be
Bailey & Owen (4. J; Batley and Ht, 1 Owen), awe
‘yers, 01 Court
Baul: seo Bay
Bain Willan, baker, 92 Princeton, BB. b. 94 do.
Balnaed Jobin, house 610 Parker
Bainbridge Benjamin, house 6 Waltham
Bainbridge Clement, actor, baa. $19 Columbus av.
Bainbridge John, died Dec, 21, 1879
Bainbridge Thomas, house 14 Porter, J.P.
Baine Joho, laborer, house 6 Henchman
Baird Albert L. tearater, houre 91 Athena
Baird George B. helper, 5 Joy, h. 47 West Cedar
Baird George O. Unsinithy, house 2 Mill, Chet.
BAtH ACO. paver bx maker and plcturen St
Bedford, house at Medford — See page 1236
Baird Jotin 6. (Cook, Rediting, d& Co.), 146 Franke
iin, bds. 82 Weat Newton
Baird d. H. engineer, B. & A. RR, b. at Worcester
Baird Milon E. sbipper, 81 Federal, b-335 Dorcherter
Baird Otls, Ussmalth and sheet-lrop worker, Nepon-
‘tet av. house Chickatawbut, Ni
Baird Robert, teameter, house Market, Br.
Baird, see Beaind, Beard, Bayrd
Baisley Martin, hairdresser, house 135 ‘Tui
Bake Thomas W. clerk, 1209 Tremont, bis, 1258 do.
Bakelmanu Charies, varaisber, house id Eagerly pl.
Bakeman George R. house 24 Upton
Bakeman John O. painter, i § National
Baker Abby L- ast. teacher, Dearborn school, bas.
Baker Abner L, clerk, house 18 Atherton, Eg. sq.
Baker Addison G. 107 Washington, b. at Dedham
Baker Aenon, clerk, 99 Harrison ay. rme, 180 do.
Baker Albert, mechanic, house 314
Baker Albert C. police station 6, h.1 Colambus ay.
Baker Albert H. clerk, 107 State, bds. 9 Holyoke
Baker Albert H. house 124 Dorchester
Baker Albert MC clerks, 105 Salem, bouse at Chelten
CIRCULARS ADDRESSED | stmricn"Savensors, ae Con 155 Frankitn st.
ee EE
Baker Albert W. walter, bis. 36 North Anderson
Baker Alexander, master mariner, h.20 Trenton,E.B.
Baker Alfred, organ builder, house 148 Cabot
‘Baker Alfred, wariner, bia. 517 Tremont
Baker Alfred . clerk, 50 Water, bds. 3 Milford
Baker Alice W. veacher, Fifth-atreet school, ba, 126
Baker Ainein J. Mrs. phprlclan,b. 168 W. ¥
er Almeua J. Mrs. physician, b. Newton
Baker Almira O. widow, house 11 Brighton, Chan.
Baker “Alonzo, sailmaker, 81 Commercial, be. at
‘Chelsea (chester
Baker Alphens 8. clerk, 24 Fuderal, bds. 116 Dor-
Baker Aiphonzo, bookbinder, house Berkeley place
Baker Amos, bis. 7 Bulfineh place
Baker Andrew Roy, house 47 Blae Hill ay. [vere
Baker Ann Miss, at Homo for Aged Women, 103 Ite.
Baker Anna L. Mrs. dressmaker, 22 Langdon
Baker Anthong, bookblnder, house 18t Howen
Baker Anton, laborer, hou
Baker Aaa B.
Baker A. L,
right Plano Co,
. 77 Warren av.
, violin tanker, house 47 South Russell
Baker Catharine, widow, house 2 Whart
Baker Catharine, whiow, house 174 Bremen
Bukor Catharine, widow, house 7 Shoreat. et. Chan,
Baker Catharine Mrs, house 201 Roltom
Bakor Charles, showmaker, house 30 Chi
Bakor Charles, house 421 Rast Broadway
Bakr Charles’ A. bookkeeper, bs 402 W. Brosdway
Baker Charles B. painter, h. 88 Keevere
Baker Charter D, toumatcr, H. & P. depot, house 128
Baker Charles £, machinist, house Oak place, J.P
Baker Charlos E, clork, 00 Fremont, h. 64 Bowen
Bakor Charles #. (Colburn ob Bulker), 47 High bas.
‘at Franklin
Baker Charles G. printer, house 47 Deeatur, Chan,
Baker Charles Ht Clork, 0 High, b.17 Aubaru, ox,
Baker Charios Le W. fOresmuty 132 Oliver, house at
Cambridge 7 Commonwealth av,
len AC. clerk, 40 Rqultablo butlding, bits.
‘T. Insurance Broks
3, bouge 8 Wellington.
Baker Charles T. $4 Indla wharf, house at Wollaston
Baker Charles Warron, Massnoliusetta Hotel, Budi.
80th, cur. Ceoas, hase da.
Boker Charles Willinn, clerk of d
Baker Ubristopher,
Buker Clittay
- iaehintat, bd. 201 Botton
Bakar Cyrus J. F. grocers.’ 29. Commercial house
3 Charles, h. at Cambeidge
Baker O. Alice (Lane ‘private schools'5
Baker Duntel, whariingvr, Foster's wharf, hnuse 10?
‘Buiaw {roadway
Baker Daniel B. clork, 82 Summer, Deis. Sh. Kast
Baker Dantel W.'repaetor, Dally “Advertiser, 27
Court, ida, atone, nose Dull
Baker Dailel W, eaptainy Vimy end of ‘T whut,
house 31 Webster hen
Baker David, manuf.
Baker David clork, ts State
Baker David’, reslasirant, house 18 Wobster, Chats
Taker Davi Mt. dopot master, house Dorchster at
OF. Parkin
Bakse Dennis W. Junk, house 18 Lowell
Bakor D. Howard, enyinevr, bila 317 Athens
Baker Bhon, elvil enginevr, house 6 Montrose ay,
marine compasses, house 317 | B
Baker Edward W. restaurant, Oliver, cor. Franklin,
house 378 Dorchestar
Baker Edward W. milk dealer, bouse 100 Leverett
Baker Elbridge, jank dealer, bits. 8 Unity court
Baker Elbridge, porter, 12 Canal, h. at Cambridge
Baker Elisha Mrs. bds. 00 Washingion, Ohen,
Baker Elisha, can
Baker Elizabeth, ise 17 Auburn, Rox.
Baker Elizabeth’ Mrs, house 37 Crescent pluce
Hakor Emuna I wacker, yler-stret primary
Baker Ensign, cook, bds, 17 Crescent place
Baker Erastus, house 403 West Broadway
Baker Ermin J. gardener, b. Green, 1. Centro, J.P.
Baker Eugene D. bullder, Tuts, bd. 18 Sheridan
‘reanont, Chan.
av. Rox.
Baker Everett, patternmaker, bds. 835 Green
Baker Exra Hl. (Hater & Morrit), 40 Equltable
ullding, house 117 Commonenteh
Baker &, Frank, bookkeeper, 80 Bedford, bids, 402
‘West Broadway
Baker &. Henry, dds. 17 Commonwealth av.
Baker E. Jarvla, musie priater, 90 West, house Bird,
ppontte Glendale
Baker Francis M. (vost d Qo.) Yeamtor, Columbua,
‘av. opposite Grenville piace, house ut Norwood
Baker Braneis P, driver, ice ear, Pond opp. Biot
Baker Frank H. bds. 1 Asylum
Baker Erank L. paleter, ban, 88 Revere
Baker Prank , bookkeeper, 480 Harrison wy, baa.
Teale, Dorch. [use 24 London
Baker Frank P. © Co. «itt mouldings, 06 Hoverly,
Maker Fred W. carriage trimmer, , 263 Longwood uv,
Baker Frederick A. W. machllai, he 47 Hammond
Waxer Georgy, laborer, Ws. Ts Malla’, Wasinys
‘ton, Bre
Baker Coorg P. treasurer Eaglo Metallle Brush Co.
168 Franklin, bds: 400 Colaba {Coan
Baker Goorge F. machinist, bogen 61 Monument nv
Baker Georg I
near Condor
Aric aichane tect,
or George M. 41 Franklin spring
Raker George 8. yemoved to Wollsaton
Baker George £. dentinty 170 Tremont, be at Chelsea
Baker George Wy cler Warren, Rox.
Baker George W. mnlfkman, housa 100 Levereit
Baker George W: teamstor, house 3 Ghelocn ot
Baker Gilbert, Mocktuaker, h. 30 Lexington, Ch
Baker Granville & Co, fralt, Merchants row, boUne
at Chelsea
Baker Harry 8. shoemaker, rma,
Baker Hattlo Miss, b. 16 Cheater pl (thle Hospital
Baker Helen Mrs. ‘nurse, Massachusetts. Homuypa
Baker Henry, taborer, house 117 Salom
Baker Henty, toaster, house 35% Saratogn, KB.
Baker Hoary, laborer, house 150 Terrace
Baker Honry, printer’ 4t Federal, bus, ati W. Fifth
Baker Htonry' A den visio, house don
Baker Hoary N. (Boker de Couludge), 48 Kilby,
House at Newtonvitie
Baker Henry &. exp x, 244 Washington
Baker Herbert’ (Autor: 210 Clarendon,
hoowe at Prove
groceries, Of Eaat Canton, bh. ay
jeaman, 59 Bedford, house 104
Baker Ida St. private seboo!,
Baker Irving X clerk, 8 Hu
Baker Irving W.clerk, OL Avon,
Baker lease ik. Ales, Bouse 20
Baker Teninh (Rater i C0.)y
sr fecal Mt ineyee, 85 Devoosb
fncob 'M. lawyer, 85. Devomsbire, room
Tummes, shemale, bas. 211 Went Fitts
ames, planer, howse 8 Decatary Ee.
Baker Jaraes, bda. Dickens, 1.3.
faker sien arpener ge io Dorohonter
Bakur Jamies’ (itere sb MumpArey), 80 Commer:
int le at trvoktine
‘Treaton, E.B.
Porker, Chan. bdo.
Raker Bilmind JF. b, Washington, o. Kichmond, LM,
Boker Edward, ai Navy Yard, ras. 27 Lyman,
Baker Edward, grocer, Durch ai Leeds, b. do.
Bunker Edward A. house 163 Woat
Bukor Edward 17 Congress, W. Newton
Bulkcor Kilward I Mey, be A2 St. Rox. [1tR. | Baker
‘Baker Kdward K. letter exeriet Bodwell park, 0.
Baker Eilward Me, clone, 88 Suinmer, bus. 285, West
Baker Edward W. palgter, 35 Boston, h. S13 Durch.
Baker Jumes W. & Co. (Charles Q, Fuller), brashes,
167 Washi rms, 137 Tremont
Baker Jane, widow, bouse 213 Weat Fifth
Lowest Prices, 20 Dock Square.
potter, 146 Condor, bds. Brooks,
poston [B]
Baker Jason P. salesman, 106 High, house at Chelsca
‘Baker Jesse ¥. & Co. (Simeon ' Baker), oysters,
‘north-east cor. F, HT. mkt. and 120 Atlantic ay.
house 148 West Canton
Baker Joel, elvil engineer, house § National
Baker Jobn, carpenter, house 127 Easex
Baker John, fisherman, house 2 Wharf
Baker John, baker, hotiwe 78 Longwood av.
Baker John, flsherman, house 201 Bolton
Baker Jolin B. house 81 Chambers
Baker Jolin ©. bis, 187 Blackstone
Baker Jolin F. clerk, 2235 Washington, bds. 96 Cutt
Baker Jobn F, coal and wood, Dorchester av. cor.
‘Leeds, bds. do.
Baker John F, steam fitter, house 98] George, Rox,
Baker John H. dled Apri 6 1880 (tal
Baker John I. supervising wardmaster, City Hospl-
Baker Jolin H. house Hotel Dwight, 1200 Washington
Baker Jolin H sugar house, he 2 Sheridan place, s
Baker Jobn J. carpenter, h. 8 Milford [Wakei
Baker John K, L. saleaman, 618 Washington, b.
house 37 Central square
Baker Jonathan, earpenter, house Rive
Baker Jonathan W. house $26 Columbus
Baker Joseph, Dayman, bds. 16 Newman
Baker Josoph, agent, Masa. 8. for P. of O. to Ank-
‘mal house 70 Webster, E,B.
Baker Jomepty janitor, Ro, Uoston Branch Library,
‘bas. 26 Weat Broadway’
Baker Joxeph A. upholaterer, bis. 90 Trenton, EB.
Biaker Joswph O. 5 temple pl. bds. 072 Shawmut av.
Baker Joseph E- varnisher, house 10 Wood, Chan.
Bakwr Joseph E. artist, house 024 East Fourth
Baker Joseph F. (0. ad. . Baker), 29 Commercial,
house 116 Dorchester
Baker Jonhun, Jr. (. Baker «& Co.), 70 Commercial,
Baker Josiah Kt, clerk, 29 Commercial, Wat Chelsea
Baker Judaty, died Nov. 9 1879
Baker Julin . eacher, F.st. primary school, bds.389,
Baker J.8 Co. (F Baker, jr. and Frank Harring.
ton), ship chandlers, 79 Commercial, house
Greenwich park
Baker J. Edmund, music printer, 451 Washington,
hhouke Freeman, cor. Fonter, Doreh,
Baker J. W, salesman, 76 Pearl, house $ Hotel Cary.
‘Baker J. ¥. clerk, 49 School, bis. 141 West Canton
Baker K. W. real estate, 27 Devonshire, boure at
Baker Lelghton, 116 State, bda, Derby House
Baker Leonard, travelling agent, bi 98 High, Chan,
Baker Leonard C. (Moker & Jensen), mouldings, 18
‘Enatis, house East Third, near Mt
Baker Leonard C. jr, clerk, 186 Commercial, bis,
‘Enst Third, near AC (Temple, house do.
Baker Lilllan A. Miss, dross amd cloak ‘maker, 56
Baker Lincoln F, house 120 Dorchestor
Baker Lincoln F,24, agent, Commercial Wharf Tow
‘Boot Co, 111 Commercial, h. Everett ay. Durch,
Baker Loring J, inventor, 180 Border, E.B. bis.
‘Monmouth [at Cambridguport
Baker Lice, tencher of drawing, public schools, h.
Baker Lucy, widow, house 632 Main [Ropar
Buker Lydia M. widow, house Metropolitan ay. cor.
Baker Madison M. 174 Congress, tioune at Chelaer
Baker Marcellus G, foreman, 120 Atlantic ay. house
‘at Malden
Taker Marcia A. music teacher, bds. 154 Dorchester
Baker Marshall T. conductor, house 25 Kendall
‘usker Martha A. teacher, Tileston school, bie. Birdy
fary ¥. teacher, Winthrop-ttreet primary,
‘bas. 17 Auburn, Rox
Baker Mary F. phytsan, 281 Harreon av, bdo.
ker "Mra. house 80 Berkeley.
Baker Melville J. clerk, 195 State, rma: 00 Chandler
Baker Michael, house 1 Sheafe-street court, Chan.
Bakor Moreis, iallor, house 98 A
Baker M. K, Miss, artist, 54 Studio building, house
‘at Melrose Highlands
Baker Nathan N. clerk, 200 Hanover, b. 12 Parmenter
Bauer Naan W. alt, 48 Long wharf, bas. 201 W.
Baker Nellie ©. Mlas, music teacher, b. 47 4.Ruseelt
Baker Nelson, bat and bonnet bleachery, 339 Wasb-
Ington, bouse at Arlington
Baker Nelson K. 19 Commercial, b. 408 Columbus
Taker Obed, foreman, Frost & Cos, Columbus a
‘house 139 Lenox
Baker Obed B, milkman, house 131 Emerson
Baker Orrin
Th. 21 Greenwich pk: |
CW. Broadway |
W. alesmin, 518 Washington, bds. at
—— 5
Baker Osmon D. clerk, 64 Washington, hat Weat
{Somerville [Ington, Chen,
Baker Peter, salesman, 51 Federal, house 46 Wash-
Baker Peter, house 372 West Fourth
Baker Phineas H. paper carrier, rms. 31 Revere
Baker P. Edgar, bookkeeper, 4 High, house 127 K
Baker Richard Mrs. house 00 Washington, Chisti,
Baker Richard Mrs. bouse 152 Commonwealth ay.
Baker Richard, bds. 152 Commonwealth ay,
Baker Richard Mt died March 5, 1580
Baker Robert, lighterman, bds. 287 Bol
Baker Roswell F. engineer's yeoman, W
7 Hancock, Chan,
‘Baker Ruel Mrs. house 283 Tremont
| Baker Samuel B. 95 Warrenton, house 9 Porter
Baker Samuel D. Mrs. house 124 Myrtle
| Baker Samuel E, laborer, bis. 203 Dorebester
Baker Samuel E. rms, 4 Concord place
i, house
. | Baker Sarals, widow, bouse 29 Princeton
Baker Sarah’J. principal Diliaway selool, house 40
Baker Sarah M. Mrs. exrpetmaker, b. 6 Tollina place
Baker Simeon (J. ¥. Baker « Co.), NE. i
Baker Thacher, salesman, 14 India #q, bde, Boston,
near Cottage, Doreh,
| Baker Theodore, bs. 1a Grange Hotel
Baker Theodore P. b, Bird. n. eK sta.
Baker Thomas (Cotter & Baker), 000 Wash. houses
‘ort av.
Baker Thomas, laborer, bis. 32 Decatur, E.D.
Baker Thomas, laborer, bds. 1 Sheafe-st: ot. Chan.
Baker ‘Thomae, cook, Howes rear 18 Irv,
| Baker Thomas, saw ler, 135 Dover, hy Friendabip
ML Bowdoin
‘homas 1 sceman, houge 66 Chapman, Chen,
Thomas E, messenger, Nat. Bank Commere
h. 36 Varker,
lnhorer, bis. 18 Dorehoster
flour and grain, 194 Commereial, hy
ay. houre 180 do,
Raker Timothy D. (Bunker & Blond), 0 Harrieon
Baker Vienna Mrs. house 12 Walnut place (Chan.
Baker Wallace, clerk, 29 Hawley, bax. 17 Harvard,
Baker Wallace, cook, rms. 220 Hapuver
ince B. bs. 408 Columbuw ae.
Valter Mra. h. Washington, o. Park, Dorch.
Baker Walter & Oo. (1. L. Pierce), tanufacturers
‘chocolate, 158 State
tet F. anlesman, 49 Avon, dds. at Chelsea.
k, AY Franklin, b. 9 Greenwich
eon Si. real ‘entate, 5 Temple place, room
8, house 08 Chandler
| Baker Washington 1. 108 Summer, h. at Cambridge
| Baker Water Motor Co. 44 Washinton
Baker William Mra. h, Boston, near Cottage, Doreh.
| Baker William, rigger, Bouse 46 W:
| Baker Wittiam, 67 Sart
| Baker William, bookkeeper, bas, 215 W.
| Baker William, house 8 Hayes bioek, Ch
Baker William, ighterman, house 287 Bolton
| Baker William, harnessmalker, 171 Border, house 12
| Monmouth’
| Baker William, planomaker, house 13 Florence
Baker Willian Mrs, house 7 Axhland
| Baker William . walter, house 2 Walker place
Baker William KE. (Groner d¢ Baker S..M. Co.), 108)
“Tremont, house 63 Chester aqaare
AKER WILLIAM G. & C0. (- Warren Bailey),
upholstery and window studes, 28 Bromfield,
house M4 Appleton— See pagel "(ter aq.
Baker Wiliam E{-physiclan, 0 ticncon, v.24 Warcen:
Baker Willhim H.calll hand, h. 25 Brighton, Chan.
Baker William H 24 West, house at Chelsea
| Baker Wiltism J. teameter, hose 371 E.
Baker Willian J. blacksmith, house 31 Norfolk av.
Baker William M. Rev, houst $09 East Broalway
| Baker Williara I. variety store, 442 Main, house do.
Baker William B. auditor, 42 Court, room 24, howee
‘6 Warren place
| Baker Williara 7 teamster, h, 254 Medford, Chan.
| Baker William V. carpenter. b. Bird, m. 1A station
Baker William W. house 125 West Concord.
Baker Willis (Baker, Witherell, Co.), 99 and 96
‘Commercial wharf, house at Lake Cit
Baker Willis G. clerk, George James & Uo.'s, bis.
Green, IP.
‘No. 155 Franklin St., near Congres St.
The BOSTON DIRECTORY, “*xc'ise‘renauitn sc, near Congres su.
———<—<—— CO
Baker, Witherell, & Co. (Willis Baker, W. B. With-|
), fish dealers, 33 und 34
Bak ‘pookbinder, 48 Federal, bia. at
‘Baker Zeno D- officer, Iteform School, Deer Island
Baker € Blood (7. D. Buker and A. S. Blood), pro-
‘visions, 00 mn av
Baker & Co, Weymouth, xproa, M4 Court, square,
‘91 Kilby, 24 $0, Market, and 33 Merchants! row
Baker & Co. (alah Baker), stove liskngs, 224 Port
Baker & Coolldge (1. ¥. Baker anit Herbert Cool-
fdge), Insurance agents, 48 KUDY.
Baker & Cutler (17. Baker and A. W: Outler), gro~
‘ors, 216 Clarendon
Baker & Jensen (L. 0. Baker and 0. Jensen), bouse
nd frame mouldings, 18 Eustie
Baker & Morrill (C. Je Morrill and B. 1, Baker),
‘commilssion inerchants, 40 Equitable building
Baker & Prince (S. N. Prince), sallmakers, foo
ta wharf
Bakers & Humphrey (James Baker and We J. Hum
‘phrey), ship chandiers, 9 Commeretal
Balam George I. wood moulder, ba. 132 Marcella
Balam Robert, laborer, house 132 Marcella
Balance Valve Water Meter Co. 242 Washlogton
Balch Andrew C. clerk, b. Forest Hills, near Morton
Balch Arthur 8. saleaman, 11 Indle, ds. 87 Weet
atland square,
Balch Charles B. bds. Centre, near May, J.P.
Balch Charles ©. (Winn, Wicker, Cb.), 5 FAL
mkt, house 401 Charles
Balch Frederick, earpenter, 14 Webster ay. house
Baleh George I. 43 State
Bale George H. printer, 15 Spring lane, h. 301 Silver
Balch G- Spottord, clerk, 30 Water, bas.87 W. Rut.
land ° [twr, house 4 Worth
G, Kaulbach, jr. d Oo.) 128 Wa
honte 16 Foulsbura square
Balch Joseph, carpenter, bd. 130 Salem
Balch Joseph, bds. Centre, near May, J.P.
Baleh Joseph W. president Boylston Mutual Insur-
‘ance Co.48 Skate, house Centre, boar May, J
Baleh Lewin, clork, 30 Minot, house at Newburyport
Halen Lydia, widow, house 78 Dennis mut ay.
Baleb Mary E, uasiatant, Lincoln school, b. 814 Shaw-
Balch Walter Hl. bookkee Staw
Balch Wesley P. house 1 Bxeter Rutland «4.
Balch William, salesman, 24 Lodia whart, bis. 52 We
Balch William’C, 30 Minot, house 87 W. Rutland «q.
Baleh William D. jeweller, 32 Winter, b. at Malden
‘Baleb William HL. & Co, bosts and sboes, #4 Hanover,
house at Malden [Appleton
Baloh Wiilam 1 suo, 28 Brome rm. 1, Bs. 18
lcam Darnley 0. supt-oldlurs’ Messenger Corps,
‘i Pemberton square, house Clarendad ile
Boleom G. Mrs, house 1 Hotel Norwood
‘Valcom Monee I. brakeman, house 3 Middle
[Baler Sara Mra: House Cottage pine
se pe eR 8 |
Vewt Uheater
Hsicom Varnum, focksith, 18 Water, bouse # Cot.
Baloom V. O. house 291 Columbus av.
Baleom W. Hi. salesman, 37 Suromer, house at Athol
Ralsont, aee Balkatn and Bolkxcom
Balcom) Sarah A. Mrs, baker, 21 Camden, housedo,
Baldautf Adolph, bds. 110 Pleasant
Baldauf Edward, insmlth, house 110 Pleasant
Balderston John 0. (Badderston Daggett jr.) 156
‘Congress, house Walnut av. ¢. Westminster ay.
Baldersion &’ Daggett, Jr. (John C. Raterston and
HE Le Daggett... wholesale rubber boote aid
hoes, Tad to 1h Cony
Raldige Marshall, produce, hoase 8 Union, Chen,
Baldner Abrabati, machtolst, house 524 Parker
Rie oop eer eee
er 4
Baldner Joho ra Upholaterer, 47 West Canton, house
Baldrey Mary Mrs. house 500 East Eighth
Balarey Stephen & Co, (> Dr dest) weamaters, 4
te 1 CW De Kent), ven
‘Chatham and 40 S. Market, bat Cambridge
Balduff Peter, saloon, 300 Wert Third, 07 do,
Baldwin Albert, blacksmith, house 11'Bow, Chas.
Baldwin Albert, carpenter, b. 139 Hallock” [mont
Baldwin Albert I. clerk, 4 Water, rm, 6, b. 009 Tres
Baldwin Ann, liquors, house 983 Weal Firat
Baldwin Ann'L, widow, house 13 Thoraton
Baldwin Charles,
‘deigh), 118 South
Baldwin Charles F, blacksmith, bi. 31 Rutherford nv.
‘Chan. Hall, bd, 22 Bradford
Baldwin Charles TL. clerk, Water Board office, City
Baldwin Charles J. 89 Arch, house 5 Carver
Baldwin Charles ‘T. bookkseper, Boston Tow Boat
Co. house #1 Lincoln, Chen. [1381 do.
Baldwin Charles W. Jewelry, 388 Washington, bd.
In. | Baldwin Clarke B. inspector, Castom House, house
‘at Melrose
Baldwin C. A- razor strops, house @8 Tuoker Ht
Baldwin Edward E. (0. Wright é Co,), 82 Commer-
‘cial and 37 Norfolk ay, bds, 40 Dartmonth
Baldwin Edward L. bookkeeper, 84 Charles, house
24 Brighton, Chen.
Baldwin Edwin’ A. clerk, bas. 2 Knowlton
Baldwin Elizur, house 87 Winthrop, ox.
Baldwin Ells F: 24 Bromfield, house at Everett
Baldwin Kugeno, clerk, 122 Summer, house at Catm-
Baldwin Farnum, & Shaplelgh (0; 4. Buldwin, A.
H. Farnum, ‘and CH. Shapleigh), provislo
Tis. and 130 South Market
Baldwin Francis J. carpenter, house 07 Smith
Baldwin Frank F, bookkeeper, 157 Summer, bda. 10
‘Union Park street
wey et Baltcin), Eliot
Baidwin‘branin Ee (onnay
are, house Washington place;
Baldwin Franklin 8. (Cushing Balin, Cb.)5
is Commerdal-poure 4 Chaeg a 0 OO
Baldwin Vred F. salesman, 86 Bedford
Ere AW.
Baldwin Freeman ¥. clerk, 72 Border, bas. 00 Eutaw
Baldwin George 1, printer, 324 Washington, bd. 2
Knowlton ‘Everett
Raldwin George E, salesman, 64 Suramer, Rouse
Baldwin Gorge F & Dillawny (Henry 9; note-
‘brokers, 40 Water, room 6, holine We Treravat
Baldwin George P. jr.'b. 608 Tromont — [Choataut
Baldwin George W tawyer, 8T Milk, room 11, he 1d
Balgwin Gilbert. po 451 Washington, h. $ Lavin
Baldwin Harriet Sliss, bh. Dorchester av. n, Codman
Haldwin Harriet R. widow, ourse, 0. 48 Wash. LM.
Baldwin Hi clerk,’ #4 Purchase, bis.” 16
Colom rk set
Baldwin Henry. inwyer, 9 Pemberton square, and
Judge Municipal Court, Br. distelot, house Har=
vant av. Allston: Newtonville,
Baldwin Henry B. salesman, 116 Milk, house at
Raldwin Henry J. wood turner, house School, Hr,
Baldwin Henry M, salesman, 76 Peurl, bids. 82
Baldwin Henry W. bookkeepur if Boul Marka
din Hoary W ideo Market
Baldwin Jacob, house 604 Tremont (ville
Baldwin James ¥. clerk, 86 Central, bd. at Newton-
‘Baldwin James W. backinan, #9 Warren, Chan, house
Loa Washin do. Lh. at Cambridge:
Baldwin dann W'S, produce fhourh Marhee
Baldwi John A. (Upham, Tweker, 0o.), 48 Frank:
Un, bouse 6 Hawthorne, Kox.
Baldwia Jobo H. clerk, 4 Central wharf, house 52
East Springfield v-
Baldwin Jobn J. clerk, 8 Lincoln, h. 68 Woodward
Haldwiu Joseph Mrs. house 22 Bradford
Baldwin Judson (Aaldwin «& Amerson), 88 East
Dedham, bas, 87 Winthrop, Rox.
Baldwin J. Russell, 27 Summer, bouse at Everett
Kaldwin Life, house Sparhawk, Br.
Baldwin Loar, iter, house 68 Bunker EL
Baldwin Loarmunt i 100'Cremont, h, To Finck
Baldwin Lacian D. pollaher, house &3 Northiel
kecper for G.W, Hollis. nt
Sir, house 70 Pinckney
Baldwin Mary, widow, house 1 Corey ay.
Baldwio Mary, widow, house 181 Vernon
‘The Dock Square HARDWARE STORE,
Establlahed 1860, 20 Dock Square.
— ~~ ——~S
Boston [B]
‘Baldwin Minor C. music teacher, 125 Tremont, room
‘4, bds. Howard av. near Dudley [Somerville
Baldwin Nahum J. musielan, & Court, house at
Baidwin O- W. salesman, 216 State, house at Leb
anon, NH.
Baldwin Patrick, inborer, house 250 West Third
Baldwin Perkins E, salesman, 393 Washington, b.
Hotel Vine [Salem
Baldwin Place Home for Little Wanderers, from 18
Baldwit Richard 1. & Co. carrlage manufacturers,
‘238 and 964 Briend, house Moore, near Saratoga
Baldwin Rollin M. (fuse & Baldwin), teamster, B.
&L, RR, house at Somerville "[Wlnchester
Baldwin Samuel P. salesman, 65 Chatham, house at
‘Baldwin Thomas E. tinsmith, b. 4 Pleasant, Chen.
Ualdwin T. H, salesman, 115 Mitk, b-at Newtonville
Baldwin William, bedstead maker, h. 4t Condor
Baldwin William Mra. house 11 Kendall
Baldwin William F. leather, 90 High, house New
Seaver, Mt. Bowdoin
Baldwin William F, machinist, house 66 Eutaw
Baldwin Willism H. president B.Y M.C.U. 18 Boyl-
‘ton, honse 10 Union Park atceet
-Baldwin’ William P. clerk, bds. 63 Bunker Hill
Baldwin William B. carriagesmmith, 111 Merrimac,
‘bouse 139 Chambers
Baldwin W. H. F. student, bds. 178 West Canton
Baldwin & Emerson (Judson Baldwin and. G. Re
Emerson), flagging snd drain pipe, 88 Kast
‘Dedham, order box 88 Hawley.
Boldwiteh Marshall, com, mer. ho18 Union, Chan.
Bit Mary A. dfrs, House Wt W Vourth |" (Sieth
Balfe KdWward J. groceries, 138 W. Fourth, b.
Balfe James, ropomaker, house $4 West Sixth
Balfour David M. house 80 Union, Chen,
Balfour Edwin, cooper, bds. 3 Morn! court,
Balfour James, baker, house 7 Tileston
Balfour Jane house 3 Morni court,
Balfour Mary D. Miss, house 90 Union, Chan.
Balfour Petr D. bds. 9 Lyman,
Balfour Thomas, baker, bds. 7 Tileston
‘Balfour William, died April 1, 1880
Balkam Almira, widow, house
Baya rate” hag
sion mths at Case
Ball Calvin 8, proviator
Ball Caron E. ally Co»), 198 and 140
ids. 15 Leverett (Cedar
Ball Charles F. clerk, 112 Cambridge, rmos, 62 West
Ball Charles M, salesinan, 412 Wash, b. at Medford
Ball Chester, bds, 40 Temple
Ball Clara, widow, house 67 Chambers
Ball Elizabeth C. widow, house 8 Berlin
Ball Emeline, widow, houae M4 Worcester square
Ball Emma Mrs. hoate 61 Bennington
Ball Bred A etgineet, W288 Meridian [Somerville
Ball. surveyor of umber, 23 j) house at
Ball George, laborer, house 328 Ruggles
Ball George M. 9 Chauncey, house at Cambridgeport
Ball George T. stevodore, 48 Long whf. hat Woburn
Ball George T. hairdresser, rms. 24 Rochester
Ball Henry A. leather board, 196 Summer, house at
‘West Newton ‘house 61 Munroe
Ball James, watchman and notary, 2343 Washington,
Ball James E. clerk, 4 South, house 15 Edgewood
Ball Taves H. 19 Broad, hae at Oambridgeport
‘Ball James M. canvasser, $1 Milk, room,
Ball John, bds. 1808 Washington,
Ball John'L. conductor, house 2 Vernon pl. ward 19
Ball John N, rms, 9 Staniford. bridgeport
Ball Joseph A. aniline dyes, 13 Broad, houae at Cam-
Ball Joshua D. (Brooks, Balt, & Storey), counsellor,
40 Water, room 27, house’ 28 Newbur
Ball J, Warren, dentist, 44 Tremont, bds. do.
Ball Losien O. salesman, 30 Summer, b. at Malden
Ball Lucius W. musician, b. 41 Highland-park ay.
Ball Lucy M, Miss, teacher, house 267 Columbus
Ball Martha V. Miss, editress Home Guardian,
Oak place, hotise 267 Columbus ay.
Ball Mary, widow, house 79 Portland
Ball Mary’ Mra, at Old Ladies’ Home, 108 Revere
Ball Nehemiah, sea captain, bds, Everott House
Ball Oscar J. musician, house 7 Hotel Cherry
Ball Richard, porter, bs. 39 Edinboro”
Ball chuylet, atudent, b. Winthrop House [Nep.
Ball Stephen &. musle’ teacher, b. Fulton, c. Water,
Ball Sullivan B. teacher, 690 Washington, house S17
East Broadway
Rall Thomas, glass blower, bds. 46 Mercer
Ball Thomas, machinist, bis. 31 Green
Ball Thomas’ H. statiover, 10 Franklin ay. bds, at
East Canbridge
Bal Timothy ¥. Dookbinder, bls. 79 Portland
Ball Willard D. dentist, b. 20 Holyoke — [Edinboro!
Ball William A. clerk, 210 Shawmut av. rina. 30
Ball William H, clerk, 325 Congress, bds. Edgewood,
Ball W. T. W. secretary Eatex Gold Mining Co.
‘31 State, room 6, house 84 Vernon,
Ball & Fite (2. JV.’ Fitch), dentists, 41 Tremont
Ballantyne Catharine C. died April $8, 1880
Ballantyne Daniel, hostier, honse 27 Lowell
Ballantyne Eliza Mrs. bouse 302 Athens
Ballantyne John, slater, house 207 Dorchester |r.
Ballard Alfred A. engincer, h. Wash. opp. Parsons,
Ballard Benjamin F. died April 27, 1880
Ballard Bridget, widow, house 28 Chadwick
‘house 61 Hudson
house $4 Munroe (61 Mtudson
Ballard Charles E, salestaan, 727 Washiugton, bln.
Ballard E. O. insurance, 48 Kilby, h. at Mariburough
Ballard Fred. A. aupt, 480 Washington, h. at Lyn
Ballard Frederick #1. 23 Summer, bis. 60 Pleasant,
Chen. (Lamartino, J.P:
Ballard Georgie A. teacher, Wait Primary, bile.
Ballard G. L. Mrs, house 482 Columb
Ballard Harry P. clerk, 198 Con
Ballard Henry A. watshman, Bo ‘pont
‘and Trust Co, house at Malden
Ballard James, teacher of banjo, bda. 28 Chadwick
Rallard James M. Inwyer, 11 Bromfield, b. 11 Bennet
Ballard James I. 70 Canal, house 9 Auburn court
Ballard Joho W. V. cutter, 45 Temple place, bas.
2001 Washington
Ballard Joshua, treasurer Hamilton Woollen Co.
28 F.0. a, cor Milk, house at Newton Centre
Merrimac House
Mra, house 60 Pleasant, Chan,
Are. house 8 Adatna place, ward 9
Ballard M. Misa, millinery, 6 Temple ban. 9
‘Charles (Sheridan av. Rox.
Ballard Thomas E. collector, Station A, P.O. h. 40
ALLARD VINCENT, merchant tailor, 48 Temple
lace, house. ‘ashi lee page 1247
Haulard Willlam B, clerk, 46"Temple place, he, 2001
Ballister Joseph F. adjuster of accounts, 27 State,
‘room 25, house at Newion {sheaf
Ballou Archibald, junk, 285 Commercial, houro 43
Ballou Charles A: clerk, bda. 87 Decatur, ED.
Ballou Charlos A. clerk, 285 Commercial, b.42 Sheafe
Ballou Charlotte M. Mrs, bouse 13 Claremont park
Ballou Clara, teacher, bds. 164 West Canton
Ballou Frederick K. contractor, 82 Devonshire, room
31, house 10 Berwick park,
Th. at Chel
Ballou Harry B. clerk, 121 South Markut, bas. 14
‘Baldwins Chas. x
Ballou Henry J. clerk, 451 Washington, b. 89 Revere
Ballon Horace B. cutter, 902 Was. house at Melrose
Ballou H. P. 23 Kingston, house at Needham
Ballon Ira H. & Co. (@: B. Packer), produce, 121
So. Market, house 14 Baldwin, Chez,
Ballou James, tone polisher, house 1 North Grove
ALLOU JOHN, furnaces, ranges, &e., 112 Port
Tand, houag al Somervile— See page 12
Ballou Joseph E. agent, A.M. Ansoctation, 14 Kinee-
land, house 35 Newion, Fanuell
Ballou Julius 8. salesman, 71 Pearl, b. 886 Tremont
Ballou J. R. 14 Kneeland, house 35 Newton, Fancull
Ballou Murray R. broker, and president of Brokers’
Board, 51 State, room F, house 15 Pinckney
Ballou M.'f cuter, 6 Chaney, house at Melrose
Ballou M. Mf. house’
Tsan indispensable Hook of
The Mass, Register & Business Directory | itcrercacctemusinessaten.
82 oston [B]
Ballon Oren Mrs. house 13 Claremont park
Ballou Russell A- real estate, 15 Pemberton square,
hhuuse Centre, near Dorchester av.
Ballou Sarah A. widow, b. 89 Rev
Baltimore and Norfolk Steamship Co. office, 63 Cen.
Baltimore and Ohio Express Co.168 Devonshire and
48 Kingston
Baltimore and Ohlo R.R. office, 219 Washington
Bambauer Jacob, baker, Deer island
Bambaur Jacoby lager beer, 10 Avery, house do.
Bamber Edward, gents’ weck wear, 70] Summer, bla,
‘30 Sharua
Bamberg Adelaide Mrs. house 5 Shawmut
Bamberg Brederick B carver, house 270 Athens
‘berg Frederick I. physician, house
Bamectek gem house 10 Decatur
- painter
Barofard Alber ‘al entate, 13 Old State House,
house at Maplewood
Bamford James H. Urase fisher, bh, 1259 Tremont
bd. 3
fon, Bea
siden av, Chan.
Bamrick Jobn 'T. contractor, house 63 Rutherford
Bamrick Lawrence, died June 3, 1870
Bans D, hairdresser, 4 Milk, bds. 36 East Canton
Banaal Hf, clgar manuf. 40 Kneeland, rma. do,
Banchor Abigail P. Mrs. house 35 Chester park
Banchor George P. (Banchor «& Richardaon), 06
High, house 156 West Canton
Banchor John B, & Co, commisslon merchants, 98
‘Chauncy and 87 India whart *
anchor & Richardson (Geo. 2. Banchor and Wm.
'S. ichardson), leather, 66 High
Bancroft Albert M, driver, bis, 237 W, Broadway
Raneroft Alonzo, chalrmaker, bh. 007 1, Broadway
Bancroft 4-1: printer, bds, $0 Temple {ao.
Bancroft Charies P. physician, 200 Shawmut av. h
Bancroft Charles (2. Cummings & Co.), 18 South,
house at Woburn Douse 23 Lawrence
Bancroft Charles L. clerk, water office, Cy Hall,
Bancroft Charles P. (Bancroft & Dyer), twrniture
{180 Tremont, houks Cyprus place, nt Brookline
Bancroft U..A. express messenger, 9 Court square,
bia, 82 Temple
Mancroft ©. C. & Co. com. merchants, 27 Doane
Bancroft Franklin, salesman, 477 Washington, bas,
10 Greenwich par)
Mancron red, 1. clerk $4 Tigh, be, 28 Temple
Tancroft Frederick, broker, 48: Ailiky h. at Keading
Tancroft Beal. plano tuner, 451 Wastfington, house
‘at Reading ‘Beacon
Bancroft George, lawyer, 20 Court, room 13, house
Bancroft Geo. A. salesman, 180 Hanover, hat Lyn
Hancrot George D. Herald reporter, bda. 9 Davie
Bancroft George W. dds. 23 Lawrenes
Bancroft Henry 1, 4 Purchase, bds, 15 Joy
Bancroft Horatio HH, Mrs. h. 7 Pine louse
Bancroft HL. W. car shifter, B. & M. Rit h, Waverley
Bancroft krene A. asst, acl
Bancroft Jacob, house 37 Lynde. (Ghiureh
Bancroft James B. cigars, Ke. 29 Provinee, 5
anerot Joseph Ht. paper hangings, 110° and 121
Hanover, house at Cam!
Bancroft J. G,, North Cambridge and W. Somerville
‘"exprens, Sd Court aq. and 174 Wash
Ranoroft J amas, 18% rey
Mancruft Maria K. Mrs. houses North ae, [W.R.
ameruft Robert Ee printer, 2 Jackson place
Banerof Sarah B. ier, Phiilips-steoet pri-
‘uiary school, house at Grantvitle
Bancroft Sidney C, (aneraft & Ttur), 46 Court,
rooms §and 0, house at Peabody, a8
Bancroft Silas A, invele teacher, I4¥ Tremont, 3. 37
Haneroft Solon, lawyer, 4T Court, houae at Reading
Tianerof Sophia J. Srs. dressmaker, bouse 08 Kast
‘Broad way park
Bancroft ‘Thomas, teamater, 27 India, house 19 Green
Bancroft Thornaa J. at aaseasors' office, Clty Hall,
‘oda. 19 Greenwich park {ai Camb:
Bancroft William A. student, 40 Water, room 20
hoo}, b. 28 London | Ban!
Bancroft Willian H. watehman, 370 Washington,
‘house 28 Londun
ANCHOFT & DYER (0. P. Bancroft and Geo.
B. Dyer), furniture, 180 Tremont See page 10S
Bancroft & Titus (Stdney C. Bancroft and John W
Tutu), lawyers, 48 Court, rooms § and 9
Banfield A. Winslow (Banfi Foreitalts & Co.)
‘26 Federal, house at Wolfborough, Nd.
“fais cont Willian B. Whitcord) 10d,
4p Hederal and 127 Congress See page 1388
Banfold Fred 'E, dentist, 100 Bolyston, bas. 244
‘est Sixt
Banfleld George B. clerk, 26 Fedoral, b.117 Chandler
Banticld J, Stuart, associate editor Journal of Gom-
merce, 206 Washington, house 14 Pacific
BanBeld Nathaniel 8, clerk, 28 Federal, bds. 1451
‘Washington Mouse at Brooklyn, N.¥-
Banfield Willlama E, (Airick & Bansletd), 0 Federal,
Banford James Ht, brass Blaher, hy 1280" Tremont
Banford ‘John, laborer, house 74 Bolton
Banford ‘Thomas, steum fitter, h.9 Thompson, Chi
Bange Atbert U. removed to California
Banks Edward W. salesman, 17 Summer, b. 002 Kast
Bangs A.J.conduetor, Met. RR. b.74 School, Eg. #q.
Bangs Caiharine, widow, boue 30 Hanson
Wangs Charles, clerk, rma. Crescent place
Bangs Charles W. chair painter, 69 Fulton, house at
x Catnbridige [house at Medford
Bangs David E. Co. gus machines, 67 Waabington,
ange Edward (dung Wells), lawyer, at Pom:
wrton square, house 240 Heagon
Bangs Elisha D, & Co, bankers, 88 State, house at
Winchester (ig. wa.
Rongs Frederick A. driver, li. 18 West Walnut park,
Range Frederick W. condactor, Met. Rol bd, 18
Vest Walnut park
Bangs George A. Stra. house 38 Edinboro!
Tanye George P. Mra, house 44 Mt. Vernon
Hangs Goorge P. (Bangs & Horton), 10 Kilby, house
4 att. Vernon Brookline
Bangs G. Pemberton, clerk, 85 Devonshlro, baa. at
Bangs Meman K. stovedore, house 411 Maln, Cl
Mange Herbert It. 76 Union, bds. Clarendon Hi
Bangs Jacob Hl. conductor, Rit. bt Miller's Fall
Bangs Misses, house 62 Chestout
Bnuige Stepheh S. driver, bread wagon, h. 21 Shire
Bange Sylvanus, clerk, 40.N. Market, Ne 127 W. xt
Bangs Sylvanus J, clerk, 41 FHL. mkt. house T Minot
Mange William Tt. jr. removed to Linden, Minn.
Mange William H. 7 Exchange place, room 64, hous
Srescent av. Dorch.
Bange Willan 8. couatable, boue 17
Wee & Horton (@. P. Bangs and C.J Horton),
‘wholesale coal, 10 Kilby” J
& Welle (Edward Bangs and Samvel Well),
‘wyers, 31 Pemberton square
Baniga Wrank,Inborer, bs 30 Sharoo,
joseph, agent Woonsocket Itubber Co. and
Goodyear fir shoe Co, 71 Pearl, howe wt
wer, B. & A, Rt. house 17
"Tyler {hone 22 Milton wv, Doreh.
Banister William R. A. salesman, 612 Washington,
Tanker Perdinand eer, bd, 8 Balboro!
Bauks Andrew, walter, Youngs Hotel, hea Parkman,
Banks Anna Mrs. bouse 13 Kennard wv.
Banks Charles’ Augustus, laborer, b. 13 Kennard ov.
Banka Charles P. aaleesinn, 480 Washington, bv.
Banks David Be tea broker, 24} Centra, house at
‘Somerville ‘Washington
Banks Edgar, clerk, 18 Washington mkt. bis. 184
Banks Edward 0. dr
©. driver, bi. 20. ra, [Eighth
Banks Jsdward We-selesrann,1f Summer b, (02 Bast
‘Banks George, laborer, bouse 26 Belmont, Chen.
Banks George A. died Jane 9, 1870
Be Hale Sect tte Nae de
= 4 1 house do,
Banks H. W. & Co. tena, 18 Cential. (ck. Dorch.
Banks James H. carpenter, bda. r. Adams, a. Hall's
‘Banks James M, produce, 123 Auantie ay. house 663
‘Banks John, tinsmith, house 34 Lincoln block
Banks Lafayette, farmer, bds. 4 Phillips court
Meadquarters for CARPENTERS and
BUILDERS. Ne. 20 Dock Square.
Boston [B] DrREcrory.
house r. N. Harvard, All.
Banks Thomas, labore
Fity Hall av. he Parkman
‘Banks ‘Thomas ©. tinamith, pda. 32 Lincoly block
‘Banks Thomas J. laborer, house 9 Soathae place
Banke Walden, walter, ms. 25 Garden
Banks Webber A. & Co. coal and wood, Ferdinand,
or, Knox, house 79 Chandler
Bans Willi, tea broker, 22 Central
Banks William, jr. 44 State, bds. wt Bedford
age aout H. bookkeeper, 17 State, hous
Lexington, KB.
Bannand Solomon Hl. clerk, N.A, Oyster Co. Faneuil
Tall marivet, hotise at Cal
Banning Henry H. ¢alesman, ms.43 Indiana
Bannister Joseph M. clerk, hone 724 Harrison av.
Bannintor J. M. Mrs. dressmaker, 724 Harrison ay.
Bannon Edward, janitor, house 214 Cabot
Bannon Edward, jr. hosiler, house 264 Cabot
Bannon James, foreman, 3 India vq. b. 107 W. Cedar
Bannon James; laborer, house 8 Wilbur court, EB.
Bannon John, tallor, wage 08 London,
Bannon John, paper hanger, bona 0% Northfield
Bannon John Mrs, house Magazine, cor. Norfolk av.
Bannon Joseph E. aleman, 30 Winter, bds. 1
Boog forethioe, widow, house 83 Buckingham
jannow Josephine, widow, house &3 Backs
Tannon Kate Misn; house 4 West Ded
‘Taunon Maria, widow, housu 102 West Cedar
Baunon Mary, widow, bouse 74 Bast Canton
Bannon Matthew, laborer, house s King.street ot.
Bannon Matthew; tnsmith, bis. 73 Wash. Chan.
Bannon Patrick, iaborer, by 0 Eagle SUN! place, tf.
Bannon Peter porter, 2 Pear, House at Bomereiile
Bannon Peter, laborer, bow rd 19
Bannon Richard 1, laborer, bi
Baron Thomas ¥. painter, bus, 33 Buckingham
Bannon Thomas P, 38 Suminer, b W. Cedar
Hanson Thomas W. produce peddler, h. 17 Benton
‘Panta Jacob J. teacher of dancing, b. #77 Tremont
Banton Alfred, servant, 176 Beacon Nep.
Banvard Daniel, suleaman, 33 Summer, bds. Plain,
Banyard Joseph clergytnun, bouse Plain, Nep.
Bany John, currler, house 118 Longwood ay.
Bape Joh Bike: Marton College, 7% arian x
splint Sunday Sehiool Depository, & Beacon
Baptist —, widow, house 7 Tucker place
Baptista rincieeo, widow, house Z Lathrop place
Barber Charles I. compositor, bds.
Barber Daniel, laborer, house 79 South Margin
‘Barber Daniel W, clerk, 205 Washington, house at
Newton {it Newton
Barber D. Fletcher, clerk, 1321 Washington. house
Barber Eilzaboth, widow, bi. 180 North [Newton
Barber Frank O. clerk, 1321 Washington, bouse at
Barber George W. 62 Canal, bds. at Newton
Barber Henry, port warden, 190 Commercial, house
1s Dartmouth
Barber Henry A. shoetiron worker, bdr, 255 Gold
Barber Henry HL. Rev, editor Unitarian Review and
Religious Magazine, 101 Milk, b. at Somerville
Barber James K, removed to Utah
‘Barber John E. house 645 East Fit
Barhor John F. police station 7, house 133 London
Barber J. Wesley, 285 Washington, h. at Newton
ARBER LYMAN L. sowing machines, 40 Lincoln,
house 464 Muin— See page 1286
Barber Melvina A. Mrs. bouse # Dover
Harbor Oliver E. laborer, b. 255 Gold | (James av.
Barber Rollo, engineer, B. & A. IR. ds. 8 St.
Barber Theodore B. 470 West Broadway, house 31
Barber William L. clerk, 40 Lincoln, bds. 464 Mata
| Barour Charies Hl. b. Morse mansion, Ni
| Barbour Frank H. asst. bookke
‘Barber William M. floor, 224 State
Hin — See page 1363 (Wank street
2 Untow
Harbour Eltzabeth Mx, house 8 Charlen
Barbour R. D. 20 Sears building, houge at Sharon,
hawmiut Now
house at Carnbridge
State, room 9, howe at
Barbour Isabella, widow, house 78 Lawrence, Chen,
Barbour LR.
‘ward School for FeebleAtinded
20 Havre
harnesmmaker, 1204 Tremont,
oI Conant (ton
Barbour K. M. 450 Washington, bis. 383 Northamp-
Barbone “Fuore We eabneanker, bids. 13 Law-
Barhoue William, 186 Franklin, house ot teading
Barbour William F. foreman, house 48 Alpine
Barbour William &. removed to Cumbrldgeport
Marcel Lou, Inborer, house 80 Endicott" (place
Bareellos Ellas, grocer, 418} Hanover, i. 1 Hildreth,
Bareelo James 8. house 40 Pitts
Barclay Alexander, er, b, 135 Hudson [pks
Barclay Charles R. clerk, 218 State, bie. 34 Codman,
Rarelay Henry, marluer, house at Bunker Tt
Barelay Peter, engineer, Cunard wharf, houve at
Barclay Robert, clerk, house 200
Barelay Thomas C. manager Temple Manuf. Co. 37
‘Temple ph. § Briges pl. (Northampton
Barclay W. J, alesmany 477 Washington, b. 200
Bard Charles W. salesman, bd. 16 Sale
Bard Franz L. machinist, house 12 Bake
Barden Jobn, carpenter, houre 27 Bor B,
Barden Thorax H. clerk, 63 Beach, bds. do. (Chen,
Barden T. C. clerk, 100 Malp, bia, 10 Chapman,
Bardenhoff Charles, clerk, baa. 1222 Tremont
Bardenhoff F. W. 64 Chatham, rma. 1221 Tremout
Bardoll Nicholas, baker, bh. Mayazine,c. Norfalk av.
“A, We Aniterson, anit B. Vornbrock), tab
Bristol; warerocins 10 Chen, — See page 1
Bardwell A. C, Mrs. house 38 Indiana pluce
Bardwell Charles E. saleemun, 19 Charlestown,
‘ds. at Somereilie omorville
Bardwell George I. printer, 2 Jackson pl, hy at
Barford Walter C. couchroan, bds. 7 Dover
Bergman Morris fallor, 295 Har. av. 74 Village
Barham Robert 1. house 280
oume 670 Kuat Sixth
Barker August A. Mrs. house 1 Franklin, Chen.
Barker Benjamin F. removed to Somerville
Barker Benjamin P: house 16 Pinckney
Barker Benjamin W. clerk, 200 Main, bda, 127 Bart-
lett, Chas Travers, ti at Hanson
Barker Caleb 8 Co. (17. #. Thompon), enrpenters,
Barker Caroline Mra. honee rear 86 W. Brookline
Barker Charles, clerk, 40 Summer, bda. § Tyler
Barkor Charles, blacksmith, rims, 18 Parmenter
Barker Charles, painter, b. Doreb. av. 1, Romsey
Barker Charles, ameter, bds. Sumner, ¢. Bromen
Barker Charles, bookkeeper, 44 Clinton, bids. 25 Stant-
ford {at South Acton
Rarker Charles, salesman, 88 Commercial, house
Barker Charlee A. bds. New England House
Barker Charles E. (Culler Bros. & 00.), 80 Broady
Thoure at Weet Newton
Rarker Charles F 60 Union, house 3 Columbus sq.
Barker Charles H. painter, 31 Province
Barker Charles 1 E. der, 96 Union, hat Medford
Barker Charles L.clerk, B. © M, freight depot, boure
at East Somerville {sixth
Barker Charles - conductor, 8.B, IR. bds. 670K
Barker Charles 8. clerk, Sy Isiugston, bds. Franklin,
Barker David 0. palnter, h. 3 Cook st pl. Chan,
Barker Eben Mrs. b. 18 Harvard, Chen.
The BOSTON DIRECTORY OFFICE is at No. 155 Franklin St
Barker Edward (Day dé Harker), 227 Wash. b. 623.
¥. Fourth
Barker Edward L. coo
Barker Edward 8. p
670 East Sixth
Barker Edward . supt. city delivery, P.
Barker Elle K. Mrs, house 1603 Washington
Barker Elizabeth Mrs. house Sumner, cor. Bremen
Barker BL. (William Lowry dé Co), 48 Bedford,
Barker Brank, provisions, bis. 1806 Washington
Barker Frank’? clerk, 14 Franklin, h. 6 Telegraph
Barker Frederick A. clerk, 227 State, bds. 18 Har
vard, Obst. (Shawmut s
Barker Fred. W. 513 Washlagton, bi 48h
Barker B. W. Mrs, ,h. 48} Shuweaut a,
Barker George, carpenter, 34° Beverly, house ai
Barker George, police station 10, house 22 Lambert
Barker George A. Mre. house 220 Bowen
Harker George Edwin, sliver plater, hy 669 K. Fourth
Darker George F. music teacher, b. 17 Saratoga
Barker George G. cotton buyer, 4 Kilby, house
fat Salem
Barker George H. mason, bda. 680 Saratoga
Barker Geonge J clerk, 182 E. Dedham, houke at
Vest Newton
Barker George W. expressman, house 226 Bowen
Barker George W: plasterer, house 689 Saratoga
Barker George W. Inspector, Custom House, house
at Cheleea
Barker G. Mrs. dresamaker, 140 Court, bouse do.
‘Barker Harry, laborer, bds. Saratoga, e: Wordsworth
Barker Henry, vinegar, 88 Commercial house at
ih Acton
Barker Houry A. (11. Barker & G.), flour and
larch, 74 Commercial, house at West Newton
Barker Herman, salemati, 38 Commercial, bds. at
Haat Somerville (h. Parsons,
Barker Hiram (/. Barker dé Co.), ¥4 Commerela
Barker Iiram &. (0. Harker & Co), 74 Comeaerstal,
ane at New
Barker Horace & Co, produce, rms, 26 Lynde
Barker Hugh, teamater, house 60 Haxter
Barker HL & Bros. graniv, order box 38 Hawley
iran, Henry A. and Hira, Be
Iso. starch, wane. 74 Corn’
‘ashlngton, house wt Chelaea
‘69 Dover
4 House 8 Willams, Chas.
Barker James’ A. clerk, 8 F, H. mkt. bds. 10
Bartlett, Chan. [Alyrite
Barker James A. carpenter, 208 Portland, house 8
Barker James A. Jr, clerk, 13 Summer, b.'58 Myrtle
Barker James D. pissterer, dda. 680 Saratogn
Barker James H. removed to Hyde Park
Barker James H. house $1 Eaat Springtield
Barker Jane, widow, bis. 80 Dover ‘View
Barker Jane 2, Ae. house Dorchester ay. e.Harbor
Barker John, clerk, National Bank of Redemption,
house $0 Gray
Barker John A. salesman, bds. 26 Magazine
Barker John A: Mra. house 26
Barker John M meat wagon, b.
Barker John I’. saleaman, 6 Chat
Barker John P; removed to Pro
hn 'T. Mrs. hou
waeph A. phyalel
Barker Joshua, ras. 27 Melrose
Barker Josbua'k, coachman, H. W. Jordan's, Wash-
ington, Br. bda. do. Lexington, Chea.
Barker Joshua R. (Holt d Barker), 38 16
Barker Lean ee house S14 Mate
Pelealy 608 2 Broad
: (i tarvard Chen
Barker H. & Co.
. roman,
‘Barker Letouel jr. Custom house at Malden
Barker Mary J. widow, house 7 Milford
Barker Mary L, Mrs. house 29 G [Hyde Park
Barker Melville H. millwright, #4
Barkor Michael, gle blower 64
Barker Prescott Mrs. house 16 Pinckne;
Barker Robert, backemith, house 29: Everett
‘Barker Robert P. (Taylor & Barker), 14 Purchass,
Boston [B] DtrEcTorY.
Barker Timothy, silver finisher, house 381 E. Eighth
Barker T. A. manager Adams House, bas. do.
Barker William, sewing machine manuf. bds. 19
Crescent place worn
Barker William’ Mrs
Barker Whilam G. shipwright, House 47 Monmouth
Barker Wiliam G, turn!
‘carpenter, house Adams, Allaton
Barlow Edward, jank, house 1 Exsex place
Barlow Frances'A. Mre. (Vance dt Barlow) 274
Carver, house do.
Barlow Frederick, Junk dealer, bis. 1 Essox place
Barlow George, moulder, house 78 West Eagle
Barlow Hovora, widow, house rear 196
Barlow Horace M. dining saloon, 801 Tremont, b. do.
Barlow H. M. Mrs. house 8 Winthrop, Chan.
Barlow James, died June 24, 1879
Barlow Jane Li. widow, house 6 Phi
Barlow Jahn, Jeweller, rma. 18 Garland
Marlow & Co. (Aibert Barlow and W. J. Corbett),
Jum, 147 South
Barine Charlotte, restaurant, 235 Federal, house do.
Barnabee Arthur H. clerk, 180 West Broadway, hdr,
na rk
Baranbee Henry C. vooalie, be. 158 Weat Clfwtor
Barnabee Joseph H, farmer, house Summit av. Br.
Baragbee Stephen, laborer, house Summit wv. eo.
Allston, Br.
Bariacle John iL. Inborer, baa, 3 Short, Kt,
Barnacle Michael, baker, bda. 41 North Mi
Barnacle Thomas, laborer, house 3 Short,
Baruaclo Thona'W. laborar Dds. 9 Short Hi,
Barnard in F, 147 Milk, house at Wakefield
(Darwin ‘and. \ Barnard),
‘aatant clerk Miunlelpal Court, oritalnal session,
bin @ Alison ee xe
1. Cenire, do.
Bamand Edward Q, clerk, 133
‘81 Tremont
Barnard Edward HL. artat, 48
Barnard E, Lawrence, caahler, 220 Devo
Barnard Frank J. 162 Washington, hat Somoryii
y le
Barnard Frank (Barnard Bron} tosurance agent,
'38 Congress, room 34, house 40 Hotel Berkeley
Barnard Fred B. b. 7 Adama, Chan. (youn, Chan.
Baraard incer, 120 Faltoo, h. 18 Chap
sion mercbanin,
hale, 222 Shawmut avs clerk, 160 Blackstone,
Barker Samuel, carpenter, 62 Charles, b. at Melrose roma one 126 Salem,
Barker Samuel’ F. superiitendent Mystic Manufac- | Barnard George W engineer, 8.F.E. 25, Fort Hillaq.
{uring Co. 99 Mili, house we Winter HI Hanoab, widow, h. 87 Monument ay. Chat,
Barker Sanus! H. Janitor, 96 Milk, house 84 Bremen | Barnard Harris, bds. 47 Melrose.
‘Barker 8. D. Madame, dabeing scalemy, 1485 Wash. | Baruard Hattie, widow, house 23 Bennet
Barltt Todor tse tach, h. 61. Springtla | Berserd Hone Roy eee egw 8
. em rh feury Rev. rma. 1 Ho
Harker Thomas E: (Wodigy andere, a Goch 28 | Barnard Wiad K. tSrnard oocaster), 8 Char
doo, rims. 215 Harrison s¥.
Mgnt ait Carpenters FOOLS at | BURDITT & WILLIAMS, { sacsct
— --
Bostox [B]
Howard W. clerk, Drimmer, cor. Byron,
‘ods, 7 Adams, Chsn. ‘iriamer pl:
Barnard Isaac, saloon, 110 Riebmond, house 1 North
Barnard James HL. machinist, 54 Beach, house at
‘Newton Upper Falls
Jerome, machinist, house 44 Orchard, Rox.
Barnard Johu, clerk, 34 North, bh. at E, Somerville
Barnard Jobin, $5 Causeway, house at Somerville
Barnard John M. distiller, house 13 Temple
Barnard John P. stable, 3 Willow, 23 Myrtle, Brim
‘mer, n. Beacon, and 29 Warren, Chea. house 7
Adams, do. [Chen
Barnard John P. jr. clerk, 23 Myrtle, bds. 7 Adams,
Barnard Jonus, h. Ellot, u. Centre, J-P. [Beacon
‘Barnard Joseph T. broker, 51 State, rm. F, house 106
Barnard J. E. Miss, dressmaker, 31 Wipter, room 5
‘Barnard Kate F, teacher of music, house 301 Shaw-
mt av. (Summer, b. 39 Sharon
‘Barnard Lewis & Son (Maurice), bairdressers, 76)
Boroard Lucinda, nurse, house 64 Melrose
Bornurd Lucy A. Mrs. house 104 Kevere
Baroard Mary C. K. Mrs. bds. Glendale, Dorch.
Barnard Maurice (£. Barnard & Son), 16) Sum-
mer, house 39 Sharon (Chan.
Barnurd Oliver H. clerk, 08 High, bds, 7 Adams,
Barnard Orin A. boree shocr, 141'Portiand, house
808 Northampton,
Bornard Philip, matches, 4 and 5 India, b.47 Melrose
Barnard Reuben, clerk, 6 Blackstone market
Barnard Robert M. 82 Chaunoy, house at Everett
‘Barnard Roland M. pe house # Hotel Union
Barnard Samuel, 14 Rowe's wharf, h. at W. Newton
‘Barnard Samuel O, bookkeeper, 12 Summer, bds. at
‘Barnard Simon, clotbl Union, house 22 Fayette
Barnard Williom, 79 Causeway, b. Falmouth House
Barnard & Co. (0, 4. Braman), manufacturing per-
fumers, 415 Washington
Barnard & Lancaster (H. -K, Barnard and J. J.
Lancaster), tnagons and builders, @
%: phrenologlst, house 17 Norman
"correspondent at B. F. Sturtevant’,
house Union Terrace, Forest Hille
Barnes Adeline Mra. house 14 Davis
Barnea Albert L. & Co. (J. Williams), furniture, 85
‘Charlestown, house at Malden
Barnes Albert M. (0. 0. Foster & Co.), 22 Broad,
houae at pennies, cS
Barnes Albert T. clerk, 20 Winter, bds, 291 Shawmut
Barnes Alexan: stucco worker, 151 Shawmut a
house do. center place
Barnwy Alfred O. porter, 11 Tremont, fms. Clot.
Barnes Amos, rubber worker, b. Baker, n. Belle a
Barnes Amos (Barnes & Dunklee), Hotel Brune.
wick, h. dow [Taylor, Nep.
Barnes Andrew, nailer, house rear Neponset av. 0,
‘Barnes Annie Mra. b. 109 If
Barnes Augustus Y. porter, house 42 B (Milton
Barnes A. 8. bookkeoper, 70 Summer, bds. at Eaxt
Tarnes Carlos M. removed to Newburyport
Barnes Carrie L. house 1947 Waahins
Barnes Obarles B. (Barnes, Ward, & Co.), % Arch,
house 111 Marlboro" mont, bds. do.
Barnes Charles D. C. clerk, Evans House, 176 Tre-
‘Barnes Charles F. 67 Summer, house at Medford
‘Barnes Charice H. bookkeeper, 9 Otis, house at
Newton Centre eee
‘Barnes Charles H. machinist B. & A. Rul pies
Barnes Charles H. (2. P. Cunningham & Oo.), 512
‘Washington, house 92 Moreland jat Chelsea
‘Barnes Charles L, fish and oysters, 149 Kingston, b.
‘Barnes Charles 8. machinist, house $19 East Third
Burnes Curtis, carpenter, 206 Portland, house 1 Wall
Barnes C, E. ‘editor Young Pilgrim,'144 Hanover,
house at | [41 E. Newton
Barnes ©. F. Miss, dressmaker, 149A Tremont, bds.
‘Barnes David C, salesman, 96 Washington, house at
Chelsea (rookline
Barnes D. FP. Miss, ealeswoman, 3 Beacon, house at
‘Barnes Edmund Q. mason, house 43 Buckingham
Barnes Edward, removed to New York cits
ya AY pret house: nae wm A
Barnes Edward, draughtsman, 22 New, bie.
Priceon, Ral [room 17, hy at Newton
‘Barnes Edward F. (F. @. Barnes & Son), 27 State,
‘Barnes Edward L. mason, house 4 Glover,
‘Barnes Edward R. clerk, 122 Tremont, bds. at Cam-
mee Ba
Barnes Edward R. clerk, 294 Medford, bds.100 Pearl,
Barnes Edward W. bis. 3 Staniford pl.” [Chelsea
Barnes Edwin C. bookkeeper, 38% Federal, at
Bares Edwin H. bds. 600 Harrison av.
Barnes Elijah V. masoo, house 1173 Washington
Barnes Ellsha J. mason, house 43 Buckingham
Barnes Klleabeth Mies, nurse, house 127 Pincknes
Barnes Ellzur, contractor, house Myrtle pl. Doreb.
Barnes Emily Hi. Mrs. sec.1 Congregational House,
‘ods. 5-Asbburton pl. rear 21 Tileston
Barnes Exsle Miss, bookkeeper, 30 Exchange, house
Barnes Eugene F. clerk, 92 Canal, li, Richmond, LM.
Barnes Francis, janitor, Mechantcs” building, Chaun-
ey, rms. do.
Barnéé Francie’, Appleton (@. ©), real-auato
‘agents, and (F, @. Barnes & Som), 27 Stato,
roorn 17, house at Newton
Barnes Frank E. teller Mt. Vernon National Bank,
19 Franklin, bds. at Somerville
Barnes Frank 1,27 Kingston, house at Newton
Barnes Krank FP. muslolan, bouge 3 Fayette
Barnes Fred P. freight agent, Providence and Sto
ington 8.8. Co.214 Washington, bat Auburndale
Barnes F. G. & Son (A, #:), avetioncors, 27 State,
room 17
Barnes Garrett, carpenter, honse 13 Mechanic, Rox.
Barnes George, salesman, bas. 19 Moon
Barnes George, French polisher, b.187 Chelsea, E.B-
Barnes George 0. machtnlet, house Prospect, Ho.
George E. driver, H. Rok, bds. 40 Roxbury
Barnes George Hat J... N.G, Gooeb’s, Allaton,
House at Waltham
Barnes George W. 5 Central, bas, at W. Sonierville
Barnes George W. clerk, bis. 107 Green
Barnes Hannab Mra. hove 104 F
Barnes Harvey, machinist, house 41 Ontario
Barnes Henry A. (utter, Barner, & Co.), 964 Ate
Tantic av. hoase at Hingham
Barnes Henry F. bas. 120 Thornton
Barnes Henry J. phystolan, 17 Beacon, bah
Barnes Henry K, salesman, 45 Arch,
Barnes Henry L, planomaker, 902 Washington
Barnes Henry T, mason, houke Rietond, 1.
Barnies Horace C. house 142 Trenton, E.0,
Barnes Howard G. 21 Hanover, rins. 4 Boyieton pl.
Barnes Hugh, painter, house 25 Prenties
Barnes Hugh W. cutter, houxe 656 Enst Seventh
Barnes H. A. widow, house 53 Eataw
Barnes H. HL bookkeeper, Hotel Brunswick, b. do.
Barnes Ianue A. removed to New York city
Barnes Israel M. Inspector of bay, 146 Canal, house
1M West Newton [Newton
Barnes Iaracl M. jr, clerk, 24 Federal, bde. 134 W.
Barnes Jacob H. driver, houxe 17 Sudbury place
Barnes James, watchin, bie, 9 Rending
Barnes John, note teller, Merchants’ National Bank,
25 State, house at Cambria
Barnes Jobt, laborer, house 171 West Ninth
Barnes John, blacksmlth, bds, 7 Allston place
Barnes Jobn'A. clerk, 6 St. Charles mkt. hs. School,
‘bear Market, Br. (Pearl, do.
Barnes John A. grocer, 204 Medford, Chen, bas. 100
Barnes John i rs watchman, Mt. Vernon National
Bank, 18 Franklin, house 11 Carlton, Doreh.
Barnes Jobin F. bookkeeper, Tremont ‘Temple, bas,
fat Melrose
Barnes Joseph, shipwright, h 106 Princeton, E.B,
Barnes Joueph Tl. deputy, coliector, Custom Houser
house 111 Trenton, #.B. ‘Waltham
Barnes Joseph I. dranghtarman, 171 ‘Tremont, bd, at
Barnes Jaue Gi engineer, of Canney, Mouse 24
Washington av. Nep.
rat Putoam Nall o. h.
Barnes J. W. F., Custom House, houxe at Malden
Barnes Levi, house 110 Appleton {ingham
Barnes Lewis H. clerk, 46 Summer, bds. 24 Huck-
Barnes Lizzie E. dressmaker, 25 Motte, house do,
Barnes Loring B. tobaceo, 23 Central, house at
Barnes Lacius P. machinist, bds. 94 East Brookline
Barnes Lather (Parkers & Barnes), 22 Milk and 142
‘Charles, house 111 Pinckney
Barnes Martin L. iter, house 42 Ferrin
Barnes Michael, laborer, House 81. Wert Ninth
Barnes Myron E. provisions, 14 Central market, he
ft Sommereilic (Teutaw, EB:
Barnce MF. Mies, millinery, 182 Tremont, bas. 88
Barnes Nellie Mrs: b.10 Merrimac [Broad
Barnes Otie H clerk; 10 FH. market, house 161.
Barnes Parker, house Cenire, ear Allston, Doreh.
Barnes Patrick, laborer, house v4 Middle
= Ce
155 Franklin Street.
‘arnes Patrick, laborer, house rear 18
Phebe A. widow, house 22 Warrenton
Barnes Preston P. 40 India, bds. $2 Appleton
Barnes P. H1. Mrs. house 93 Moreland
‘Barnes Hobert A, machinist, howe £35 Bast Eighth
Barnes Robert J. cutter, bds. 160 H fat Me
‘Barnes Samuel M. gents’ furnishing, 22 th
Barnes Silas J. tinsmith, house 7 Palmer place
‘Barnes Stephen, eamster, house 423 Bunker Hil)
Barnes Thomas, caterer, h. 17 Linden
Barnes ‘Thomas I. master” Bigelow school, 778 he
Barnos Thowas P. hardware, 29 Oliver, b. at Chelsea
Barnes Timothy, teamster, house 202 Dorchester.
Barnes Walter G. grocer,'366 Shawmut ay. b.
DI (Appleton
Barnes Walter H asst. supt.B. & A. Rt b, 112
ARNES WALTER S. paper-box manufacturer, 54
Chauncy, b, a Somerville See page 1270
Barnos, Ward, & Oo. (0. 2. Barnen We F. Ward,
‘and @, Mitchinson), woolens, 4 to 97 Arch
‘Bames Willard F. carpenter, house 4 Gifford place
Barnes Wililam, upholsterer, house 7 Temple park
Barnes William, peddier, bas. LL Wesley, Chai.
Barnes William C. removed to New York [ford
Barnes William C, salesman, 22 Chaney, bh. at Med
‘Barnes William H, bouse 18 Minot
Barnes William H. undertakers’ goods and builders’
hardware, 42 Union, bis. Norfolk House
Barnes William J. compositor, house 108 Tyler
Barnes William L, variety store, 108 Sale, bis. r.
Peston (Jefferson House
Willian M. printer, Investigator offlee, bis,
‘Barnes William P. clerk, bds. 1 Cazapbell pl.
Barnes Wm. W. cutter, 25 Summer, beat E» Medfor
Barnes William W. elevator tender
‘at Cambridge (grea, bs, ny
Bares W. Howard (Barnes sé Holbrook), 35 Con.
Barnes Zine 8.6 St. Charles market, , School,
Barnes & Dunklee (4. Barnes and J. W: Dunklee),
proprictora Hotel Brunswick
argos & Holbrook (W. 4 Burnes and Jf. W, Hol
hnrovk), stock brokers, 3 Congres, room.
Barnet Robert A. clerk, 42 Central, b.112 W. Concord
Barnett Abrabam, elyar manufacturer, 4 India,
Somerville [Werle
Barnett Benjamto F. manager, 293 Hanover, bas. 7
Barnott Daniel, laborer, house Unlon, Commercial
point, Doreh.
Barnett Eilzaboth G. Miss, teacher, bis. 80 Dwight
Hgarmaker, 46 East Dedham
Barnett George H, teamster, Grove, cor. Cambridge,
ria. 13 Grove
Barnett Hannah Mrs, house 9 Winelow
Barnett Henry ‘T. aborer, house 163 Went Second
Harnett Isaac, salenmay, 422 Washington, house OFF
Baruett Marks, furniture, 97 Hoach, house roar 28
Harnett Patrick F. blacksmith, house 062 ¥, Third
Harnett Richard, bus, Unloa, Com't pointy Doren.
Barnoy Alfred #. ongau-key maker, bus, 4431 Wash-
ington [Doreh.
Barney Arthur F. 10 ‘Tremont, bds, Stanton av
Baracy Charles O. saleaman, 33 Susie, bogs 34
Nk, house
rorrin ‘Dorch.
Barney Clarence A. 115 Broad, house Stanton av.
Barney Kdmund G. Gruit, 168 Washington, house 4
‘Hotel Winehestor
Barney Edwin F.
, house 28 Chapman
Baroy Kain Le lawyer, 12: Pemberton 5g. house
at New Bedford
Barney Gearge C. mason, rma. 89 Appleton
Barney George H. clerk, 131 Devousbire, room 7, b.
at Hyde Parke
Bamey Ioury K, collector, bds. 1866 Washin
Barney Horbort 74° Franklln, house at Newton
pper Kulls
Borncy"damea, machiolet, 9 Pacis [Hyue Park
Barney J. B. & Co. venillators, 60 Kingston, bat
Barney Mahala 1. widow, house 1 Pesobroke ‘court
Harnoy Stearns, police station, house 118 Caruden
Barney Willian, butlor, house 1 Perbeoke eourt
Tiseney Willlatn J. panier, baa. 29 Chapenan
Barney William "M. "bookkeeper, North Natlooal
Bank, 109 Franklin, bouse at Lyon
Barnhill Green, cook, 42 Washington, bas. do.
‘Barnhill Watacn, janitor, 105 Tremont, h.4i Kendal}
Barnleoat Baward Ws U.S. Navy, hose Pearl
Baraca Prank D. J, clerk, 99 High, dds, at Revere
Boston [B]-DrrEcToRY.
rd | Barr Oliver J. compoxit
| Marr William Mra. house
jnm George T. D. foreman, 1 South, house at
Barnott Alexander, clerk, 86 Merrimac, b. 41 McLean.
Barnott Dora, clotbing, 86 Merrimac, h. 41 McLean.
Barnott Joseph, clerk, 86 Merrimac, bds. 43 McLean
Barnott Solomon, clerk, 86 Merrimac, b, 43 McLean
Barnstead Robert P. stoves, Xe. 69 Dover, house 21
Berkeley place
Barnum Ann M. Mrs, house 13 Allen, fre
Barnum Annie, artist, 64 Boylston, bda. Hotel Boyl-
Barnum Benjamin, store and office furniture, 130
Blackstone, house at Medford,
Barnwell Edward, boatman, bds, 82 North Bennet
Barnwell John, clerk, 109 State, house 82 N, Bennet
Barnwell Michael Mrs. house 89 North Bennet
Barnwell Robert, engineer, bis. 32 North Bennet
Baron Edwin, el ‘s d. ut Somerville
Baron John J. salesman, 434 Washington
Barone Anthony, engineer, house 15 Pine
arr Arthur W. agent, Merrick ‘Throad Co, 276
‘Devonshire, house at Everett
Barr Elizabeth Mrs. boarding-house, 49 Roxbury
Barr Ellen M. teacher, Bird school, b:2 Ashburton ph.
Barr Fannie Mrs. dressmaker, 189 W. Fourth,h. do.
Barr Henry, laborer, house 6 Stillman
Barr James, laborer, house 48 Hall
Harr James 8. plastorer, bouse 7 Unton place, EB.
Barr John, teamster, house 111 Endleott
Barr John, laborer, house 169 Endicott
Barr John, laborer, house 211 Endicott
Barr Jolin, shipwright, houxe 60 Chelsea, B.B,
Barr Margaret; widow, bouse 1222 ‘Tremont
Barr Michael J.
70 Milk, by at Camnbri
Bare Pariok J- printer, 87° Water, bda. it Nor
ennet av
Barr Peter, sewer Inspector, office City Hally house
Chestnut ay. opponite Infant Arylito, B.S.
Barr Kober, machinist, house 17 Hadson, Doreb.
Bare Stepiien, candy store, house 4 Hern alley
Harr Thomas, clerk, house 130 West Fourth
Barr William, mason, bas, 6F Lomax
Barr William’ A-ahoemaker, 1 Bow, bouro 2 Brad-
breet et. Ch
Barrar William jr. clerk, bs 21 Edgeworth, Chin.
Barreau Eiheabelh, widow, house 8 Liviugston
Barreau Francie K. mariner, h.§ Livingston
Bareall Frederic ¥. ship earpester, house 27 Allston
Barrell George O, printer, boards 3 Exeter place
Barrell Morton D, salesman, 48 Canal, h, ut Lyne
Barrolle T. W, removed to Framinghinn
Barrent Abratam, tallor, house 53 OswoKo
Barrett Addie Mrs. house 78 Albion
Barrett Alvin, avap manufucturer, bide. 20 Milford
Barrett Amos R. foreman, engite hous, KE. BR,
Prison Point bridge, house 4 ville
Barrett Andrew, currler, house 64 Rand
Barrett Andrew, laborer, bea 4. Athena
Barrett Andrew J. hostler, bd. 64 Ral
Barrett Anole Miss, rma, 1 Gardensstreet court
Varrett Bartley, laborer, house Lexington, Tir,
Barrett Bros. Jamex anid Thomus Barrett), mnchins
Hat Haver
house 2 Balom placa
wave 18 Hamburg
Barrett Catharine, widow, house 0 North Ludson
Barrett Charles A. gente farnlabing woods, 109 Tan-
ber, house al Chelsea
Barrett Charles Be & Ca. (Qe Barrett), whnen,
Tiquors, We. 43 North Market, hisuse 19 Rutland
Barrett Charles D. 00 ‘Temple place, he 17 Catawba
Barrett Charles M. &'Co. (J. G. Bridge), bien and
loathor, 228 Congress, house at West Modford.
Barrett Charles O. bookkeeper, 185 Summer, Dd ut
Goneord Market, baa. 37 W. Newton
Barrott Charles R. (0. 8. Barrett « Uv,)y Aa Ne
Barrett Cornelius, iaburer, bde. 20 Shaving
Barrett Daniel, blockwaaker, b;18 Monument, Chan,
Barrett Dail J. Inborer, bls, 9 Saving
Barrett David W. teatslar, 34 Atlantic wy, boune #
‘Kemble place
} BURDITT & WILLIAMS, |“sepusse"
nosTon [B]
Barrett Edward 8. elevator tender, 42 Court, house
‘i Carnbridye
Barrett Edwin J 34 North, house 34 Elim, Chen,
Parrett Edwin 8. (Kdmandy & Barrett), 192 Con-
igreae, houne at Concord
Barrett Elizabeth A. Mrs. house 17 Green, Chan.
Parrett Elicabeth M. widow, physician, b. 382 Main
Barrett Ellen Mra. house 39 Carver
Barrett Eilon, widow, house § Breen place
Barrett Ephraim C. Draas finisher, 3 Haymarket
music teacher, 251 Columbus av.
i Mystic, Chen.
‘clerk, 33 Surmmer, b.200 Roxbury
nee, cab
Burrott Fior
Barrett Francie J, Mrs
Barrett Frank Hi, machinint, 3 Haymarket wquare,
yen, Ch
‘ida. 02 Peas], Chan. it
Barrett Frank 8, clork, 450 Washington, bis. 24
Barrett Frank 8, machinist, E, Rl, house 152 Lex-
ington EB,
Barrett Frank W teamst
Barrett Franklin W, house 138 Marion, E.R.
Tuarrett Frederic Q, clerk, 40 Court, h-at Somerville
Barrett George, clerk, 12 Charles, house 48 Garden
Barrett George B. aalesman, § Blackstone, bis. at
Barrett George C. (John W. Candier dé Co,), $8 Com-
teresa, Dds, Commonwealth Hotel
Barreit George D. removed to South Abington
Barrett George J. furniture, bda. 30 Cambridge, Ch
Barrett George Mf. jnitor, 600 Washington
Barrett Gvorgs N- apothecary, Centre, cor. Myrtle,
hhonse Burroughs, near entre, J.P.
Barrett George P. (Horse & Barrett), 105 Summ
rouse at Lexington
ler, House 22 Highland, Ros.
fer Sanction Express, 4 Centra
‘Brother, 82 Vetmple
; house 270 Bowen.
jase wt
ef Gi.) 10 Mer-
Barrett Henry O. supt. 4 Haymarket eq. house at
‘Barrett Henry T, teamater, bids. 70 Main, Chan.
Barrett Houry W.aalesman, 219State, b. at Norwood
Barrett Honora, widow, house 9 Shaving:
Barrett James, teamster, house 47 East Seventh
‘Unrrett James, exprossman, Bouse 11 Columbia
Barrett James, ag 221 Tremont, h. 33 Carver
Barrett James (Barrett Bros,), 48 Haverhill, house
‘at Somorvill
Barrett James, hairdresser, house 18 N. Anderson
Barrett James, currier, bds. 16 Longwood av.
Barrett James, walter, house 115 Albany
Barrett Jarnes, walter, bds. 2 Champuey pl. ward 9
Barrett James, laborer, house 453 East Pirst
Barrett James; laborer, house 14 Granite
‘Barrett James, atone mason, house new street from
student, boards 34 Tyler
‘died Dee. 24, 1879
stone cutter, house 17 Lyman
Barrett James K, printer, house $ Haven
Barrett daies H. clerk, 62 Templo pl. bis. at Malden
Barrett Joanna Miss, house 2 Shavinw
Barrett John, teamster, house 0 Hanover
Barrett John, caterer, house 1 Wigglesworth
Barrett John, laborer, house Leeds, Dore.
Parrett John, floral artist, 61 Tremont, b. 34 Seneca
Barrett Jolin, laborer, house 51 Albany
Barrett John, waiter, bds. § Breen place
Barrett John jr. clerk, houre 203 West Fifth
Barrett Jobe, taborer, h. 83 W. Seventh
Barrett John, pleture-frame pike, Dass @
Barrett Jobo, tnborer, bouse 16 Benton
Barrett Jobn, printer,
Barrett Jobs, feamemaker, 63 Charlestown,
‘Lincoln building
Barrett John, 1, house 673 Albany
Barrett John, laborer, house 633 Harrison a
Barrett Jane
Barrett James
Tur Devonshire, bh. 30 Wa
as. 6
wen. | Barrett Michael ,bds. 2 V
Barrett John, jr. clerk, O.C. B.R. house 106 West
Broadway {bde. 4 Philips
Barrett John B. telegeapher, 28 Commercial wharf,
Barrett John B. B. waiter, bouse r. 241 Marion, H.B.
Barrett Jobn F. halrdresser, Tremont House, vda,
10 Green
Barrett John H. clerk, Marshall House, b.at Chelsea
Barrett John J. engineer, bds. 65 Harrison avs
Barrett John 5. plumber, 3 ‘Travers, house at Ee
Cambridge {Cambridge,'h. at Woburn
Barrett Jonas P. organ bullder, North Grove, cor,
Barrett Jonathan F. (Hodges & Barrett), St and $2
Bears building, house at Concord Teock
Barrett Joseph, clerk, Young’« Hotel, bds. 13 Han-
Barrett Julia Mrs, house 18 North Anderson
Barrett Lawrence, house 1. Springer court
Rarrett Lucy A. Mrs. house 17 Upton
Barrett Luther G. Mrs, house 37 0
Barrett L. B, Mrs. ace. Mass. W. 0. TU. 36 Brom
field, house 308 Shawmut av.
Barrett Margaret, died April 4, 1880
Barrett Margaret, widow, house 46 Chapman
Barrett Martin, ai rubber factory, hda. 16 Elmwood
Barrett Mary D. Miss, house Gardner, cor, Hvrvard
‘ay. Allaion {orth Cambridge
TE. Miss, teacher, Eliot acho), bdr. at
Barrett Michael, porter, 241 Congress, house Clapp,
isher, bas. 510 Medford, Chan.
Barrett Michael,
Barrett Michael, laborer, house 200 Wot Fourth
Barrett Michael, Inborer, house 373) West First
Barrett Michael, fishormmau,
Barrett Michael HH, conch:
Barrett Michael J. peddl
Barrett Miles, Inborer, bouse 27 Bolton
Barrett Nathaniel A. Mrs. house 80 Wont Cedar
Barrett Nellie M, 43 Summer, house 11 Muple pine
Barrett Olive T.. widow, house 3 Winthrop, Chan.
Daw, & Od.), 8 and
eat Malden
Barrett Patrick, laborer, houae 63 C ton avs
Frod, cor. Arling:
fretn place
Barrett Patrick, laborers
Barrett Patrick'F. laborer, house 49 1
Barrett Peter, coachran, houss 0 Stanhope
Barrett Peter, wallor, house 141 Ellot
Barrett Phebe, widow, house 4 Barton
ih, ahip Joiner, bd. 2 Salem place
y iaborer, house Burntiam's wharf,
ast Ninth) =
Barrett Richard, laborer, house 37 Oneida [Dorch.
Barrett Richard H. oleri, 204 Purchase, bda, Clapp,
Barrett Richard 8. (Barrett & Bro.), 62 Tomple
Place, house at Malden (sil
Barrett Robert, carpenter, . Green, next Innndry,
Barrett Robert, watehran, hi. 610 Medford, Chen.
Barrett Same Matar, hovee 4 Pleadant-reck
court, Olist,
Barrett Samuel W. captain watch, Navy Yard, houne
18 Union, Chen, Teord
Barrett Sidney J. clerk, 192 Congress, bds. at Con
Barrett Theodore W. painter, house 46 Garden
Barrett Thomas (Barreté Bros.), 43 Haverhill, bia,
S82 Main, Chen, MIB. 8.
Barrett Thomas, laborer, bouse off Mt. Hope, near
Barrett Thomas, noreeryman, Washington, ear
Green, J.P. house do,
Barrett Thomas, laborer, house 10 Ellery [bride
Barrett Thomas, «alesman, 149 Broad, he at B, Cam
Barrett Thornas, lnbarer, house 100 Kneeland
Barrett Thomas, coachman, house 165 West Sixth
Barrett Thomas, laborer, house Lotus place, J.P.
Barrett Timothy, cooper, bouse 5 Sayward place
Barrett Ulyaaee, mason, house 28 Bradford
Barrett William, farmer, house 3 Lark
Barrett Williaa, laborer, house 14 West Fi
Barrett Willtam, tearater, house 317 East Eighth
Barrett William, agent, rms. 24 Oxford.
Barrett William A. laborer, bds, 47 Medford, Chisn.
Barrett William H., U. 8.'N, house 28 Monument
court, Chen:
Barrett William H. coachman, h, 40 Decatur, Chsn.
Barrett William J, elerk, 71 Prince, bits, 12 Salem.
Barrett Willlam L, fren, house 390 Chelsea, EB.
Barrett Willis M. pivslelan, 30 Shawmut ay,
Barrett William §, M. hairdresser, 9 Bromfield,
hhouse at Malden
SAMPSON, DAVENPORT, & CO., Publishers, 155 Franklin St.
88 Boston [}]
ARRETT & BROTHER (Zonry, George Wa, une
Bichard.S.), dyers, $2 ‘Temple’ place See
Barrett, nee Barrie
Baretta John, fruit vender, house 34 North Bennet
Barri John A.'clerk, 38 Kilby, house at Cambs
Barrie Alexis, shoemaker, 93 Chambers, house Nor- | Barro’
‘man, cor. South Margin fay. J.P.
Barrieau Hubert, morocco dreaser, house Boylston
Barrieau Laurent, harneesmaker, 913 Rutherford av.
house $2 Cambridge, Chas
Barrier George, coppermmlth,
inger John, laborer, house 7 Hill, Chan.
Barrogr William Ht printer, ans: 13 Indians place
Barrington Ang, widow, house Auburn, ward
Barrington Jobin, clerk, bda. 194 Harrison ay.
Barrington Joseph, helper, bda. 29 City 4q. Chen.
Barrington Richard, bookkeeper, 8 Congress, house
at Malden ‘ward 5
Barrington Thomas J. printer, house 87
Barron Abbio ¥. Miss, house 163 Boylston
Barron A. peddier, house 7 Stillman
Barron Benjamin, blackamith, bda. 148 Court
Barron Clarence W. floancial ‘editor Transcript, 324
Washington, bds. 25 Polk, Cha,
Bafron E. T; brakeman, B. & P. KR. ba at Dedham
Barron Frank T bookkeeper, 267 Medford, was
Barron Henry, teamster, 43 Commercial, buluee 25
Barroo Henry, wheelwright, 190 Chelsea, Chan.
Barron Henry, Melrose ‘Express, 4 Court. equare
and 43 North Market ill ct. Chsn.
Borron Henry's. teauster, 80 Commerelal Barry
Barron James, laborer, b. Crowley's Dik: Paris, Bote
Barron Jammer F. clerk, 19 Kilby, bds. 20 Charter
Barron John J. salesman, bis. 298 Silver
Barron John W- lithographer, house 3¢ Sharon
ron Joseph (Downes s®' Burvon), teamuters,
‘Nickerson's wharf, bds, 24 Maveriek, EB.
Barron Laura E. Mivs, house 31} Mt. Vetnon, Chan.
Warton Lawrence. M.’ prosaman, 400 Washington,
Thouso 74 Harrison ay.
Barrow Afatthow sf, clerk, bds. 60 Gold
Barron Oliver L, legraph operster, 109 State, 12
Darfon Patleks cooper, house 24 Maverick
r7on Patrick, cooper, house 24 Maveric
Barron ‘Thomas, coupe, 7 Central wharh be 0 Gold
Marron Thomas'F printer, bss 0 Gold
Harron Timothy, (oamster, hovse 302 Dorchester wy.
Barron Willa, hostler, bouweat® a
Barron William clerk, 88 Congress, room 13, bis.
fi West Somerville
‘Dorchester av. at
Barrows Cyrus M: printer, 9T South Market, house
29 Phillips 5 (Wash. rms. 3 Concord re
per, 204 Devonshire, house nt
‘West Newton
Barrows Frank L. wool, 182 Federal, bd. 15 Petharm
Barrows ¥: Lewis, printer, 4 Williams court, hovse
Barrows George, clerk, 31 Union, bh, at Watertown
Barrows Herbert C. A. conductor, house 21 Hunt. | Barry Edward,
{ngion House
Barrows Herbert R. bds. 49 Sharon
Parrows Hormco G physician, 10 Bennet, house do.
Hulda J. Mra, house 19 Loulsbarg square
Harrison (Kendail, Barrows, & O0.),25
bda. 1 Mount Vernon
Ws Jamies, componltor, 75 Mlk, house at Cam-
re BATE IE widow, house 49 Sharon
t low, house
Barsowe N, W-(Burrovee, Soneyers ue Co), 20, Line
toln, his. 7 teach
Barruws Koswell S. lua, wat. and gen. ayt. U.S. Plate
lus. Co. 237 Washington, and real estate,
Bartlett’ building, J.P. house Seaverne ay.
Barrowa Samuel J. clereyiman, house High, Doreh.
(Caanbridge | Bar
65. Pitts boune 153
& Co. (Albert Barron
2, W; Barrows), boot and shoe
turers, 30 Linco
Barrows Susan, widow, boose 122 Elm, Chan.
» R. Ke
ws Thaddeus M- house 9 Chestnut place
Barrows Willard At. bds. 1895 Washington
Barrows William Rev. removed to Reading [ford
Barrows William D. salesman, 04 Wash, hast Med-
ros Hiram, Custom House, house at Reading
Barros Jouepl, hoseinan, Hose Ty 1045 Tremont,
se 1031 do.
Barras William L. (Barus db Cusvet!), painters, 10
Leverett, house T Sumner place, Rox.
Barras & Csbacll CW. Z. Barras andh We df. Cassell)y
painters, 16 Leverett
Barry Alexander M. laborer, house 2 Camden place
Barry Ann, widow, house 39 Smith
Barry Ann, widow: house 20 Sheate (115 do.
Marry Annlo Mrs. liquors, 117 Chelsea, Chant, how
Barry Annie 1. Sirs, houre 02 Gold
Barry Arthur Ii. clerk, bds. 6 Park, Chen,
Barry Augustus F. silver plater, h. Clark's ct. Chan.
Bartholomew, house 1238 ‘Tremont
muse 19 Charl
Charles ©. cashier, National City Banks oF
[s, 2 Moy
i. W. Peabody sé Co), Wi State,
| waoblilst 208 Purchaso, bday 16
Vent Seventh
Harry Charice J. 13 Kilby, bouse at Watertown
Barry Charles ©. cutter, 38 Summer, house Taylor.
Barry Chari Tiinns' Weltngton Brothers & Co)
aries Thomas { Wellington Brothers db Co.)
da Chauncy, house S0 Atpioe
Barry Chaos P house 2708 Washington
Barry Charlotte M. Adama Mr corsets and. skirts,
‘Washlogton, bd.» Murble
Barry 0. E, Jeweller, 37 Mainy Chan,
Barry Daniel, butcher, house Uburch, Br,
Barry Daniel; peddler, house 301 Teugglen
Barry Daniel butter, 158 Beacon
Baery Danlel, borer, bila O11
Barry Dalal’ Espoincary he Wat Broad
f 7 81 Went Brondway,
parte ett 10 Mit, bas, 40 Aut i
Dante printer Dia. 40 Athena
Daniel J; bartender, 204 West
Barry Edmund, laborer, house 49 South
Bort Elces ac e y DG
Iward, at auditor's of nine
foreman, B. & M. RAR. freight, house
Barry Bawa sboomaker, house 65 West Fifth
Barry Edward, laborer, bib. 400 Eaat Third
Barry Edward, clerk, 41 West, house 38 Shente
Ea iter, St Tinrnca te hokeo 36
“gine, aa} BURDITT & WILLIAMS, | *° 253e""
noston [B]
Barry Hawin A. engineer, Navy Yard, hooee 70
julllvan, Chan. “Allston
Barry Elizabeth, widow, bouse rear North Harvard,
Elizabeth D. Mre., Children's Mission, 277
mont, house 12 Wyman
Barry Ellen, widow, house 23 Parkman
Elleo, widow, house 28 Harris
Barry Ellen, widow, house Washington, opp. Keys,
Barry Eugene, butcher, boose N, Harvard, Allston
Barry Eugene, kid, goat, and morocco, 6! High, h.
at Lynn
Barty Fannle A. Miss, bouse 135 Hudson
Barry Flora E, Mra. vocalist, house 124 Chandler
Burry Frank, restaurant, $58 Hanover, house do.
Barry Fraok’A. teamster, house 79% East Third
Burry Frank H. bds, 4 Barton court
Barry Fred W. bookseller, 108 Wasbington and 68
Barry Garreit, laborer, 18 Onelda
Barry George E. house 80 Blue Mill av.
Barry George F. bookkeeper, 61 High, bds, at Lynn
Barry George G. laborer, houye 3 Broom plac
Barry George M. lawyer, 508 Washington, b.8 Marble
shoemaker, M4 Anderson, h. 21 Fruit
Histon, Chen,
olaterer a9 Sudbury, bh 6 Maple pl
Barry House Cal near Carolin
rer house Call, near a.
Barry James; laborer’ bds, 3 Fax
Barry Jaumer, laborer, das 8 W
Barry James, laborer, house 38 Seneca |.
Barry James, hostler, bda. 42 Decatur, E.B.
Barry James, pedler, bie, 18 Cros
Barry James’ A. salesman, #8 Bedford, b.at Waltham
Brrry James F. carriage painter, b. 246 Weat Sixth
Barry James I. plumber, house 130 Gold
Barry Jam
HE foachinlst, house 190 Conant
Barry James J. paintor, house 29 Sheate
Barry James J. mason, house 1541 Tremont
Barry James J. clerk, Railway Clearing House As-
soclation, bds. 64 Dover
Barry Jobn, furniture finisher, house 16 Seneca
Barry Jobn, at gas works, house 41 Sheate
Barry Jobn, baker, bouse 64 Brooks, E.B.
Barry John, laborer, house 20 Wood ward
‘Barry John, laborer, bds. 3 Linwood place
4 Harrie
02 Tyler
Barry John’ Mrs, house Leeds, Dorch.
se 37 Smith
plumber ‘0 Billerica
Clerk, 181 Eliot, bds. 91 Warrenton
Intorer, house 1 Hall's court
teamster, house 269 D
Inborer, house 25 Dove
Barry John E. removed to Lynn’
grocer, 167 I, house do.
house S!9 East Fourth,
Barry John TL. stone cuttor, house 73 Charter
Barry John L, house 277 Shawmut xv.
‘Sohn M. shoemaker, 244 Medford, h.do.Chans
Barry John P. bds. Washington, opp. Keyes, J.P.
ohn K, constable, Municipal Court, house
‘yds. 45 South Margio
City equare, Chan,
[aneock, cor. Everett
Barry John W. clerk, #6 Pitt
Barry Joseph, helper, bas, 29
Barry Joseph E. fev., Children’s Mission, 277 Tre-
mont, house 12 Wyman, Rox.
Barry doreph F., U.8. storekeeper, 170 Essex
Barry Hoth (Burry sé Moyo), ‘Malden ‘ridge,
Touse 40 Winthrop, Chan.
Barry Julia Mrs, house 11 Parkmoan, ward 8
Barry Sulla A. Mise (Barry & McFadden), wil-
Thery, 117 Washington, house 67 Hxrvar
Barry Margaret Mrs. house 02 Kneeland
Harry Margaret, widow, house 41 Mindoro:
Barry Margaret Miss, house 2 Andrews
Barry Margaret Mies, liouse 20 Sheafo
Barry Margaret, widow, house 142 Marginal
Barry Margaret, widow: boure 301 Ruggles
Barry Mary, houee 298 D
Barry Mary’Mre. house 88 Newland
Barey Mary Mrs. house 67 I
Marry Mary, widow, house 108 Warrenton
Barry Mary, widow, house rear 106 Leverett
Barry Mary, widow, house 74 Blue Hill ay.
Barry Mary’ Miss, house 3 Webster ay. Kt,
Barry Mary, widow, house 94 Kverett, FB,
Barry Mary, widow, house 18 Onehd
Barry Mary, widow, house 53 Camden
Barry Mary, widow, hoose 4 Everett, Chan,
Mary, widow, house 48 Corey, Chan.
Barry Mary, widow, house 2 Arlington place, Chen
Barry Mary Mrs. house 799 Kaet Third
Barry Mary, widow, house 380 Charles
Barry Mary, widow, house #1 Warrenton
Barry Matihiew, horse thor, house 9 Brighton
Barry Maurice ft tewmater, 40 Devonabire, houke
Patrick, constable, Superior Criminal Court,
yuse 120 West Brondwa}
rocer, houe 09 Barton
ig inborer, houre 54 Liverpool
borer, house BU Cove
Junk, nouee 70 Naveriok
Toure $9 Warrenton
laborer, house Newhall, ep.
Barry Patrick, upbolaterer, house 40 South Margin
Patrick, lnborer, bas. 6 Sberidan pine
Barry Patrick, currier, honae rear 168 indo
Barry Patrick, tnsmith, bde, 25 Hampden
Bargy Pteck J canhl, 460 Washington, oda, 29
arey Patsiee J, painter, b. 3 Webs ER.
ic J: painter, b. 3 Webster av. EB.
Barry Patrick 'T eutter, $3 Ouls, b.4 Everett, Chin.
Harry Phebe Mra, house & Barton court
Barry Phillp, tailor, bds. 35 Hudson
Bare Haptic tall, 8 As house io
Hebecen, widove, house Tos Shaws
Barry Hichards borer, bouve 28 West Third
Hichard, Inborer, house 101 Fellows
Barry Hichard, laborer, bds.2 Camden place
Harry Richard, laborer, house 86 Heath
Barry Webard, teamater, house 9 Second, Chan.
Barry Richard, laborer, house § Waverley place
Barry itcbard Mrs: house 025 Warren, Rox.
Tiarsy Richard, laborer, house 16 Oneida
Tichard - liquors, 6 Chardon
Tichard J. removed to Hyde Parke
Tarty Hlchard J, Comes" eh
Richard {0 saloon,
Barr} Hchard 1. gilder, bd. 344 Medford, Chst
Harry tober, boot fitter, 1 School, b. 101 yl
Barry Robert, died March 14, 1850
for sale at Publishers’ prices by
Sampson, Davenport, & Co., 155 Franklin St.
90 Bostow [B] pDrrecrory.
‘Barry Robert B. ear inspector, house 1 Minot
Barry Robert G. baker, 1044 Harrison a¥. house do.
Barry Royal P. (Thayer, Brigham, & Co,),32 India,
Bouse at Melrose
Barry Samuel B. cabinetmaker, house 31 W. Sixth
Barry Sarah R, widow, house 83 Park, Chan.
Shelton Mrs. house Mt. Ida, Bowdol
Barry Simon, anderiaker, house 1 0
imon, undertaker, house 17 Orange
Barry Standish J. house Doreb av. cor. At. Vernon
Barry 8. E, dressmaker, 25 Winter, h. 859 E. Fourth
Barry Thomas, carriage driver, house 8 Hudaon
Barry Thos, porter, $0 Broad, h. 83 Pleasant, Chan.
Barry Thomas, plasterer, h. Wash. opp. Keyes, J.P.
'y Thomas, shoemaker, house 831 Federal
Barry Thomas, photographer, bda. 102 Tyler
‘Thomas, laborer, house 185 Maverick.
Barry Thomas, laborer, house 80 Terrace
Barry Thomas Mrs. house 4 Brooks, E-B-
Barry Thomas, machinist, house 30) Rag;
Barry ‘Thomas, pluwober, {05 Heach, bas 03 Oak
Barty Thomas'e, lawyer, 27 Tremont row, bd 361
‘olumbus av.
Barry Thomas J. packer, 98 Summer, b. 18 Onelda
Barry Thomas J. cooper, bas. 317 Maverick
Barry Thomas V. Mrs, bouse 18 Hotel Comfort
Barry ‘Timothy, painter, bouse 39 Border
Barry Walter, hacktoan, house 04 Oak
Barry William, laborer, house 310 Dover
Burry William, laborer, house 38 Oneida
Barry William, mason, house 307 Dorchester ay.
‘Barry William, laborer, house 16 Moulton, Chsn.
Barry William, laborer, house 181 Havre
Barry Wiliam, Inborer, bia. 113 Beach
Barry Witham, tinamith, bds. 24 Harrie
Barry Willan, laborer, house Th Milton
Barry We. bine
Barry William, house 9 Park, Ohsn.
Burry Willan, house 631 Kast Eighth
Barry William, laborer, house 4 Publi
Barry William, jr. morocco dresser, b. Union ay..P.
Barry William, carpenter, house Union av. JB.
‘Darey William: pleture-frame maker, 127 Tremont,
Howse 31 Wet Sixth
Barry William, ‘house 5 Crosby place, Rox.
‘Barry Williatn, cooper, house 317 Maverick
Barry William,
lampden, 9.
Barry Wiliisn, laborer, hose Lincoln, Atiaton
Barry Wiiliata, shoomaker, house 2 Onelda
Barry Willan’ A. carpenter, U.3.N.
Barry William D: hoster, house 137 Brighton
Barry Willlam E. draughistan, 0 Devonshire, bas,
‘Mt Melrone
Harry Willlam B. machinist, house 19
Barry Wilinca 1
Barry William H.
*y Wil
Gainey Point
Barry Winifred, widow, bouse 49 Lowell
Barry & Locke (Edward W. Burry and Lyman
Locke), livery atable, 271 West Fourth
Barry & Mayo (Jotham Burry and Eliot Be Mayo),
‘Wood und soa, Maiden Beldge, othe 980 Main,
han. and 11 Donne
Barry Geni W. ou aes bee Murtha Mo
udden),talllinery, #17 Washi,
Baranntoo dames W- maschinlst, hf. 82 Bow, Chan.
Bores Arthur H. ol 85 Commercial, house at
ast Somerville
‘Barstow Albert H. mason, bds. 182 K.
Barstow Amos, wool #01 rms. 16 Edinboro"
Ww Ann E. widow, house 42 Walker, Chen.
w Arthar C. mason, house 182 K
Ww Charles Mra. bouse 6 Claremont park
nv Charles ¥. bda, 3 Clarenopt park
Datel House 182 Charles
Barstow George B. clerk, b. 147 Bunker Hil,
Bartow Georgiana D, teacher, Doan sehoot, bis.
ry Hlovae
in 3. house 152 Charles
M7 Bunker Tih
i bles at ep
a assistant eacher, Winthrop school,
iey F. Mr. house 183 Charlow
IL. rachiniet, bds. 25 Edinboro’ fram. 11
6 Barstow), 40 Water,
Barstow Samael emith, bide. Centre House
Barstow Sarouel K. mason, house 48 Sever, Chan.
Baretow Stove Co. 66 Union
Ruratow sto
Barstow William H. mason, house 211 West Fifth
Barta Lowls, forvier, house 11 West Cedar
93 Groen, house 39
Barteaux F. W. artist, house 18 Fayette
Barteanx Joseph P. removed to Woburn
Barteaux 8. J. ds 4 1, house do.
x *, 1283 Tremont, b.7 Greenwich
Bartelt Jobn, mariner, house 2 Lamson, E.B.
Barter Edward H. laborer, house 220 Hanover
Barter Siege, T. clerk, 82 Blackstone, honse at
Barter dames A. teamster, bds. 850 West ‘Third
Barter William H. driver, house 109 West Eighth
Bartera Cornelius laborer, bds. Child, J.P.
Barters Thomas, gardener, bouse Chik P,
Barth Henry, boots and shoes, Lamarti
house Boylston ave
Barth Jacob, currier, house 2 Noble court, E.B.
Barthel Frank, mason, house 1 Davis place
Barthlome John, walter, house $0 Weat Cedar
Bartholmess Anthony, house 86 Arlington av. Chin.
Bartholmesz Goorge, currter, bs. 6 Mechanic, Rox.
Bartholmesz George, house 9 Elmwood
Bartholmess J. G- house 9 Elmwood
Bartholmess Leotard, cooper, he Mechanic, Rox,
Bartholmess William, walter, 42 Beacon, bis. do.
Bartholomew A. KE. Mrs, drosamakery house” 49
Woodward ay.
Bartholomew Oharles G. weigher, house 141.0
Bartholomew Ernest I. freight clerk Bs & MC RAR.
‘ade, at East Bornorvilo,
Hartholomew Gearge, com. travellor,bds. 18 Upton
Bartholomew James W. lelter enrtior, Tox. 0.
house Ot West Col
Bartholomew John, mariner, house 41 Tufts, Chan.
Bartick Benjamin, enginoer, house 121 D_
Bartloman Richard M. chief engineer, U. 8. Navy,
Novy Yard, house 22 Chestnut, Chan,
Bartlet liam W. & Co. chemists, 35 India, and
Ispotheeaty, 676 Shawanut ae, houwe 871 do.
Bartlett Abby W. Mes. dressinaker, he $3 Indiana phe
Bartlett Adeline, widow, house 1890 Washin,
Bartlett Addington M. males
(Bei ot arta Qiiney
Bartlett Albert E. (Bor & Bartlett), 2 Bim, vda.
‘at Malden:
Bartiett Albert J. clerk, 82 Sumner, E.B. bds, 80 do.
Bartlett Albert R. cook, 171 Etlot, house 23 Carver
Bartlett Alden, died May 25, 1879
Bartlett Alden Mrs, hot
Bartlett Alden KE. furnitut
Be 8. "furnishing goods, 72 Hanoy
andor M. 27 Summer, bas
Bartlett Alfred 1.80 Broxd, bda. 18.0
Bartlett Alvin G.cake and pastry baker,
house 48 Forest
Bartlett Amiel J. leather i +h. 4 Entiw ph
Barilett Andrew Capt. bis. 116 Salem
Bartlett Ann J. Mra, bouse-45 Raviand
Bartlett Arthur F. olerk, 6 Commercial, bis. 34 Ball
Bartlett Ashibell, house 60 Haverbith, Chan,
Bartlett Auguatus J. clerk, 7.N, Market, b. 65 Myrtle
Bartlett A. F. trussmaker, 17 Batteryroarch, bis.
Wl Tremont
Bartlett A. M. Mra, grocer, 86 Sumner, #.B.h; #4 do.
Bartlett Hola. mulllwrlgbt, 40 Union, house at
Bartlett Ben). F. periodical store, 73 Green, bis. do.
Barilett Broa. & Co. (J. &. Bartlett), tour and
grain, 103 State
Bartlett B. F. mason, bs. 110 Princeton, E.B,
Bartlett Caroline and Mary Misses. Norfolk Hous
Bartlett Caroline H. elerke 87 Court aquare, room 13,
Dds. 379 Wet Broadway
Bartlett Chandler P.salesinan, OO Washington, rma,
Ti Carver
Bartlett Channing S. salesman, 116 Water, house at
Bartlett Charles A. 24 Summor, house at Chelaen
Bartlett Charles 4. clerks, 807 Tremont, b 24 Hanson
Bartlett Charles C. house 72) Cambri
Bartlett Charles E. (Bartlett & Oo AT Kilby, house
at Winter Hill IER. b. at Lowell
Charles E. A. treasurer, ton and Lowell
Sh NEW" EnGLanD. wisobecesqeece”|BURDITT & WILLIAMS,
noston [B]
Bartlett Charles H. & Co. ottomans and hassocks,
49 Union, house at East Cambridge
“Adays), coratalsalon rberchante and ateamsbip
agonta, 11 State, hy at Lexington—See page 1304
Bartlett Charles L, ¢able, Norfolk, near Blue Hill
‘ods. Norfolk, Mat
Bartlett Charles R. Ieeman, house 14 Liucoln, Chan.
Bartlett Charles 8. & Co. (W. 7. Babcock), commis.
felon merchants, 109 Summer, house at Chelaca
Bartlett Charles 8. (8. P. Bartlett & Son), dentist,
142 Boylston, bouse do.
Bartlett Charles W- washing and wringing machines,
113 Court, h. 16 Bond 31 Bromley park
Bartlett Charies W. lawyer, 83 School, room 14, b.
Bartlett David J, tailor, house To Cambrid
Bartlett Dennis, engineer, house 18 Columbla
Parilett Dennis's. dentist, 2257 Washington, house
Savin Hill ay. Dorch,
Bortieit D. B. Mrs. house Walnut, Nep,
Bartlett D, Wendell, 181 Devonshire, room 25, house
High. Nep. [Concord
Bartlett Rawnrd J. clerk, 53 Kilby, room §, house at
Durtlott Rdward 1. office 23 Lincoln, ti. 1838 Wash.
Bartlett Edward T. removed Wo Somerville
Bartlett Kdwin P. removed to Plymouth
Bartlett Edwin 8. card writer, 608 Washington,
Tnouse Central Statlon
Bartlett Fi L. waleaman, bds. 40 Austio, Chsn.
Bartlett Elza Mra died’ April 6, 1889
Bartlett Kara, rovelver M. RR. 919 Tremo
Barllett EZ. Wallace, baker, 15 Chester park, Wide. do.
Barllott Fannie, widow, house 138 Main, C
Parilolt Francis, lawser, 1% Exeban;
Thouse 256 Beacon
Bartlett Prank, ria, 40 Edinboro?
Bartlett Frank’ D. dentist, Washlogton, opposite
River, bouse Ikichmond, LM.
Bartlett Frank J. bouse $4 Monument av, Chan.
Bartlett Frank N, clerk, 360 B, W. Broadway, b. do,
Bartlett George (Burtied, Swadkine sé Miller), 65
‘Chauncy, bds. 60 Bowdoin
Barllett George, house 87 Leverett
Bartlet Georke’ A. (Buger, Hartt, & Co.) 8
‘Franklin, house 18 Cheater square
Bartlett George B. 49 Union, bda. at East Cambridge
Bartlett Geo, i. porter, 197 Federal b-204 Fourth
Bartlett George E, draughtaman, house #01 Abang
Bardlott George Pj. clerk, 40 State, room 8, bds,
A'Hoyleton place
Barilett George IL. teacher of drawing, public
fchools, studio” 18 Pemberton square, roo: 13,
house at Cambridgeport ithe ¢ Walthant
Barlet George 1 conductor, Fitehburg. Railroad,
Bartlett Goorue fe. bricklayer, hovse 175 Tremont
Bartlett George W. clerk, 1LOts, bds. Pratt, Allston
Bartlett George W. salesman, 618 Washington, bis.
40 Providence (h, 157 Bennington
Bartlett George W. steamer J. Putnam Bralles,
Bartlett Gilmore ©. surveyor of lumber, house 34
‘Clarence, Rox.
Bartlett Henry Mra, house 201 Washington
Partlett Henry A. clerk, bas, 63 Revere
Bartlett Henry J. carpenter and builder, 65 Ware-
Tham, house 19-Akrom
Bartlett Henry L, moulder, bouse 898 Albany
Bartlett Hirom M. paper banger, house 63 Revere
Bartlett Horace Mi. letter carrier, lila, 432 Boston
Bartlett HA. & Co. blacking, 113 Water, house
‘at Philadelphia
Bartlett Isaac, teamater, house 290 Dorchester
Bartlett James, sawyer, bh. 20 LACH. East Canton
Bartlett Jas. 2 8. H. rake, (basement), h. at Malden
Bartlett dames, house 8 Pembroke
Bartlett James, fe. slerk, 110 North, bds. at Malden
Bartlett James fre. house 3 Hawthorn av.
Bartictt James Cu & Co. machinists, 21 Chardon,
THouse at West Somerville
Bartlett aimee C. sawyer, bouse 29 LMU. No. 3
Bartlett James E. (Barilett, Brothers & Co.), 102
Newton Centre
Bartiett dames W. dentist, 89 Boylston, b. at Newton
Bartlett Jason T, (Bartlet & Budman), trasstoaker,
$825 Washington, and fancy goods, 329 do. house
48 Montgomery:
Bartlett Jennte E, studio, 17 S. Russell, house do.
Bartlett Jerome W. captain steamer’ J. Putnam
Bradlee, house 38 Saratoga [at Cambridge
Bartlott John (Little, Brown, o.), Zs Wash. b.
Baruett Jolin, nest. enginect, S.F-E. 37, bouse 12%
‘Bunker Hill, Chan.
2 91
Bartlett Jobo B, dentist, $9 Boylston, bas. do.
Bartlett John D. hay and grain, Cambridge, Ailaton,
house Pratt, do.
Bartlett John E. house 735 Rast Broadway
Bartlett John F. police station 3, rooms 49 Anderson
Bartlett Jobn L. lobsters, house 67 Behoo!, Cha
Bartlett Jobn M. watehinan, U. 8. Sub-Tronaury,
house at Medford
Bartlett Joba R. machinist, K.B ferry, b. 15 New
Bartlett Joba T. (Bartlett & Darling), 175 North
house at Everett
Bartlett Jolin W. glazier, house 432 Boston
| Bartlett Jonathan, teamster, house 06 Elm, Chan,
h A. clerk, HL. market, house 2
‘Russell place, Chan.
Bartlett Joseph E. physician, house 24 Milford
Bartlett}. Beds varery store, Blue Hill ay. cor.
TRiver, house near do. Mat.
Bartlett Lavinia L, Mrs. elty missionary, 19 Congs
House, bis, Washington, n. Clarence pl. Dorel
Bartlett Lemuel, died Nov. 14, 1819
Bartlett Lemuel Mra. house 150 West Brookline
Hartlett Lucius G. 15 Summer, bds. Quincy House
Uarilett Lucy A. widow, bda. 147 Saratoga
Bartlett Lucy C.assisuait teacher, Bigelow school,
‘house 2 West Broadway
Bartlett Luther, house Central Station
Bartlett I HL: teamater, bds. 13 Cross, Chan.
Bartlett by W, clerk, F-ICI, depot, auperintondent’s
coffee, hs. 82 Warren, Cha.
Barllett Margaret A, teachor, Princeton-rtroet pri-
mary selvool, bis. 34 Central aquare
Bartlett Mary 5. Mire. houve $08 East Fourth
Bartlett Matibew, morehaut, 303 State, bi 183 Beacon
Bartlett M- K. dentin 865 Washington, houro doy
Bartlett Nathanlel T, arebiteet, 25 Sebool, room fy
house st Waverly
Bartlett Neleon, 76 Slate, li, §4 Monument av, Cha
Bartlett Neleon’ 8. (dfowlletle, UUs, 46 Co.) 19
Watterymmareh, house 118 Marlborough
Bartlett Newton E. (Fulton, Harlelt, & Blain), Ot
Washington, rms. 77 carver" {at Wakeilold
Barilett N. J. & Co. booksellers, 28 Cornhill, house
Bartlett Obed W. Nes. house 23 Heim,
Hartlett 0. 1. postal clerk, hours 0 Cha
Bartlett Pliny He stean-pipe fter, 123
Dds, 45 Rutland
1d WK.
ut Vaults, 40
State, bai
Bartlett Sidne;
Bartlett Solon M, clerk,
Bartlett Stephen Mrs. house 81 Chelsea, Chen,
Bartlett Stephen F. hata, eaps, Se. 20 Cornhill, housa
at Chelsea ton Centre
Bartlett Stephen T. clerk, 199 State, bd. at News
Bartlett Stephet 8. student, bas. 15 Chester square
Bartlett, Swadkine, & Miller’ (@eorge Bartlett,
“Thomas Sicadkins, jr-and George A. Millers
hosiery commission merebanta, 69 Chauncy
Bartlett Thomas, laborer, house 3 Say wand place
Bartlett Thomas B. 17 Kilby, house at Winter Hill
Bartlett Truman, $9 Tremont, house Hotel Chapman
Bartlett T. Harris, clork, 85 Congress, bds. at Milton
Bartlett T. H. sculptor, 304 Federal and 616 Wash.
ington, rms, do. bridge
Bartlett Walter C. clerk, 72 Hanover, bade. 6 Carne
Bartlett Walter IL clothing, 9 Waverley block, Chwn.
‘da. 6 Exeter place
Bartlett Walter J. letter earrier, bas. 37 Dover
Bartlett Warren, machiniet, h. 2 Lincoln pl. Chan.
Bartlett Warren, clerk, F-1EK b.11 Pleasant, Chan
Bartlett Wilbur. at Webster'e stable, 252 Meridian,
‘dds. 16 Prinecton, K.B.
Bartlett William A. driver, bonse 2 Hudson, Dorchy
Bartlett William B. insurances agent, 19 Exchange
nce, bas. 7 Ashland
Bartlett William E. steam and gas fitter, 989 B, We
Broadway, house do.
Bartlett Willlam F. bookkeeper, house Walout, Nep-
The BOSTON DIRECTORY, “xersse'rranue sc. ene Conereer st.
92 Boston [B]
Bartlett William #1. house Taft place, Ras.
Bervatt Wilts H: cabinepaer, boute 244 Gohl
Bartlett William ruggisis’ sup]
‘Washington, room 1 botee 2 Marella
Bartlett William J. fruit, house 18 Columbia
Bartlett Wittiam L. removed to Colorado
Bartlett Willis I. clerk, 48 Congress, tds. at Medford
Bartlett W. H. organ bullder, Grove, e-Cambridge
Bartlett W. 8. Mrs. bouse 56 Dale
Bartlett Ziba L.. carpenter, house 24 Hanao
Bartlett & Butman (Jason
‘7. Bartlett and £. E, But-
Bartley Allen (G. W. Bartley & Son), 7 Sumner,
Harley frank {i pristen, homes Hotel Wellington
Bartley George i. sn (Allen) rlggers, Tae
her, house 68 Prinestan,
Bartley Janes F. mason, house Fall's court, Doreh.
Bartley Jobn, laborer, house 61 K
» BB.
clerk, 71 Commercial,’ bd. 58
‘Thomas, blacksmith, b. 347 Sunn
Williacn’ HL
inter, 45 Peart
‘A. ley. house 17 Chestnut fout
Bartol Es H. Miss, stodlo, 60 Mt, Vernon, he 17 Cbest-
Bartell John, boots and shoes, h. rear 83 Cambridge
Bartoll Mary'Miss, house 7 Oliver place
Barto William I, saleaman, 42 Buromer, house at
a Bs.
Castom Hose, bids. 9 Winthrop,
Barton Abbie M. bia. 2 Border
Barton Adeline, widow, bds, 0 Lexington, EB.
Barton Alexander, U.S.N. bds. 18 Chapiuan, Chan.
Barton Alfred, gi
Barton Annie d. Mla aasiat. Morarian, WR. branch
Publis Library, bas. Walnut, J.
Barton Arthur, teainater, houxe 8 Hrewster
Borton Charles, buckman, house 49 Bradtord
Bavton Charlee’ A. provisions, bia. 23 Shirie
Barwon Charles C. (Be “Me Oieilan), 84 Devon:
‘bite, room i, house at Newton Centre
Barton Charlew F. carpenter and builder, 43 Bristol,
house nt Somervill [Arlington
Barton Charles TH. drangbtaxnan, 9 Pemb. ay he at
Warton Danville ©. (dlurion x’ Co.), 11 Chardon,
Barton Dennis clerk, fright depot, N. Ys 8 NK.
rion Dennis, leek, fro WNL. AN.
Titer 494 Washington
Barto, due V. alah “agent, N.Y. & Ne mae
‘well, Dareh. way.
Tretght offer, bas
Barton Edward ft. Ohiy Point works, bh. 810 E,
Barton Frank, machinist, house Florence, Kos.
Hote), 7
Barton George M, proprietor Whitin
Barton Henry W. lamplighter, house Walt
arton Henry W. Jamplighte
Barton Keane’ adosman 11 Chau
Turton Jamies G. Me. hotiee 10 Shawnat
Barton Jobs, laborer, house 287 Federat
Barton Jobin 'C. walter, bds. 7 Causeway
Barton Joba J. tallor, 28 West roadway, bi. 30 do.
Barton J. Webb, removed to Salem
Barton Maria Mrs. houso rear 108 Warrenton
Burton Mary J. Mrs. boarding-house, 72 Hancook
Barton Olle B, walter, b. T Cause [Yeoman
Barton Richard, watchmaker, 3 + he rear 40
Barton Samuel M.at secretary of state's office, State
House, house at Watertown,
Barton Sarah, widow, havse 21 Cove place
Barton William, house 62 Wint
» Rox,
Barton William, watehmaker, 2192 Washington, ba.
rear 40 Yeoman
Barton Williany A. clerk, 20 Winter, b. 10 Shawmut
Barton Wiliiam G. corresponding clerk First Na-
ional Bank, 17 State, houae wt Salem
house 29 Walker av. Chan.
PARTON A CO: (2. 0. Barton and EA. Bapley)y
machinists, 11 Chardon — See page 1383
Burton & McClellan (C. C. Barton and A. D. Mew
Clellam), attorneys nt law, 83 Devonshire, Fra. 33
Bartueeh V.‘Gustay, ‘Aining-saloon, 0 Pynchon, house
Barutlo Jobn EL. shoemaker, ¢ Vernon, h. at Chelsea
‘Barutlo Joba H. jr. clerk, 18 Merehapts’ row, bda. at
Chelsen house 35)
Bascom Caled G. 40 State, room & bis, Ashmont,
Bascom Frank H. cashier, 184 Wasbington, bds. at
Hyde Park [house S Beckler av.
Bascom J. A. window shades, Ne. 763 Washington,
Bascom Lucla Miss, dressrauker, house 117 Applctow.
Bascom L. A. Miss, matron, Oak place, houve do.
Bascom William . bookkeeper, 40 State, room 8
‘house at Cambridgeport
Base Ball Associaton rooms, 788 Washington
Basford Charies B. (Harrison, Beard, sb Co.), TB
‘Wasbington and rear 425 Medford, Chan,
Basford George W. bookkeeper, 126 South Market,
‘bda. 37 Delle av. Nox.
Basford Hazen, bis. 9 KRearsarge av.
Basford Henry, carpenter, house 0 Rearsarge ay,
Basford Henry Jr. sec. 164 Tremont, h. 708 Parks
Basford Jauies 1, Jeweller, 289 ‘Tremont, house 2
hat Springfcid
Basford Timothy D. porter, 26 India
Bash Isidor, capmaker, 85 Avon, h, 40 E, Windsor
Basbford James W. Hey, bouse Seaverns av. near
Maple place,
Basill Jacob, peddier, house & Island
Haskell Matthew, laborer, house 18 Avon, pl. [Rox
Baskerville Atexander, safemudrer, hy 20 Atelrove
Hasley Charles K. house 25 Alles
Basley Manfred A. teamster, house 26 Unity
Base Abby 1. widow, house St Rand
Bass Henjamin, bookbinder, 73 Feder), beat Chelnew
Hass Charles H. (eamster, house 9 Pleasant
Baas Charles Hl. engraver, 3 School, roam 6, bie. at
‘West Medford (eo 'Tomple
Tass George, clerk, assessor's office, Clty’ Hal, but.
Bane George’ A. engineer, fire department, Na
Vand, bouse 218 Bunker Hi =
Biase George P clerk, 106 Oliver, bia. 98 Tyler
Tass G, Walter, clerk, 14 Pemberton sqUate, room
1 frank eh
Baas John A, house 000 Tremont [ison
Bass Joreph A. clerk, 41 Washington, bh. at Wol-
Bans Oscar ¥. salesman, 326 Hanover, bia, 06 Heo
Baas Quincy C. 31 Milk, room 39, house Washingtor
gar School, Dore nie
Baas Samuel, siceman, Was . Brattle
Base Bamutl’ O- echoed HS Go.) 18 High,
Bass Seth, shoewaker, house 101 Poplar
Base Stephon G. Airs. house 12 Ratland
Wass Sunn Mrs. house 47 Sever, Chan.
Base Willlors, rims. 311 Columbus av.
Base William Bs, roofer, house 45 Corey, Chen.
‘Bass, see Hares
Bassett Alonzo, rerdoved to Harwich Centre
Bassett Caroline 8. Mes, house 120 Weat Newton
‘Hassett Charles K. letter carrier, P,Q. house Boy!
‘sion, cor. Burr, J.P
Bassett Charies H.'(/. 7. Brown & Co.), 804 Wash>
ington, bds. 47 Concord square
Bassett Charles W. carpet
house at Newton,
Bassett Charles Z.(Z. Baarett & Son
Bassett Kilabay counsellor, and dep.
‘Court, Us. Court House, bh. at Newton Centre
Basselt, Farmer, & Co, straw goods, 18 Summer
Bassett Frank (Wade, Basnelt, Co.), 174 Stato, be
‘at Newion ‘rine. 10 Boylaton place-
Bassett Eran P. Whitano refegeraior 140 Tremont,
Hassott F. 8. Hiedtenant, U.S. Navy Yard
aeett George, clears and wbaceo,
Halley, Dorch. (16 Wyoming
Bassett Ufcrace 8: bogkkeeper, 167 ‘Tremont, house
Bassett I. Austin jr. clerk, 40 State, room
49 Pinekney: fington,
Bansett Joseph Mrs. house 8 Hotel Cary
Boasett Josepb M. removed to Colorado,
Bassoit Joseph P. clerk, bds. 120 West Newton
Bassett Joseph R. house 180 Castle
Bach Notliau B. (Sanger & Basch), 102 Chauncy,
"Andrew d house 3
IBassott Lucius A.
Bassett J. Gardner, teacher, Bi
‘at Allantle z
Bascom |. house 3 Becklor av.
OO ——— a
‘Howse Joiners’ TOOLS & Balldery’ HARD.
noston [B]
[ed Misa, house 379 Warren
vin E, painter, bd. 348 East Eighth
aaleaniat, 518 Washington, house
Bassett Sarah Miss, house Temple, n. Sanford, LM.
asset Sarah Mrs. house Smith ct. (Wyoming
Bassett Theodore F. clerk, 197 ‘Tremont, bis. 16
Bassett Williams, real tate, 16 Exchange, ose st
Bassett Williarn, horse dealer, h. 139 Washington
Bassett William A. & Co, cigars, Sc. 2 Howard,
house 78 Carver
Bassett Wiliam I. expresaman, house 63 Harvard
Basnett William R. porter, B. & A depot, house 8
Bassett Zepbaniah & Son (Charles %. Bassett), ebip-
‘smiths, 21 Kuatern ay. bouse at Chelsea
‘Baasing Adam, rubber factory, house 1378 Tremont
Bansing Joho, lithographer, house Bragdon, Bg, sq.
‘Basalty Edward J. brass finisher, bouse 164 D
Bastlauo Chiaga, fruit, house 4 Stillman,
Tastine Gilman L. conductor, house 16 E. Windsor
Basto J. C. masoo, bda. 71 Carver:
Basto William F, Mrs. house 1088 Washington,
Banton Daniel, watohinan, house 480 Medford, Chan,
‘Banton Ephraim K, carpenter, B. & A. RR. bds. 1
‘Orange [Somer
Baston Fred. §. student, 11 Hamilton place, bds. at
‘Baston Jonathan Rev, bouxe 9 Milford
Baaton William F. heel cutter, b. 135 Chelsea, E.B.
Batani Louls, cook, Commonwealth Hotel
Batastini Alesandoro, tmagemaker, bds. 212 Friend
Batastiol Gustante, magemaker, bis. 212 Friend
Batchelder Abbie, widow, house Centre place, J.
Batchelder Adelalde Miss, house 14 Indiana (av.
Batohelder Albert, Costom House, b. 705 Shawmut
Batchelder Alden, 34 Canal, factory Old State Prison,
‘Chsn. house at Reading [ington
Batohelder Alexander W. 44 Chauncy, bds. at Lex-
Batchelder Augustus MM. painter, house Centre, near
‘Monument square, J.
Batchelder Benjamin, rms. 1 Minot
Batchelder Kennett, marble worker, h. 2Stillman pl.
Batobelder Bros. (John L. and Henry L. Batchel-
Bassett Me
Bassett Orlando, jr.
‘Tb Highland park av.
‘der), coal, 856 Federal 619 Shawrut a
Ratehelder Burnoli C. bartender, Quincy House, b.
Batehelder Charles, salewan, bie: 7 Wesley. place
Batcholder Charles’ E., Everett Express, 33 Court
‘square, and 25 Merchants’ row
Batchelder Charles H. clerk, 87 Commercial, bas.
446 Blue HiIl ay. [house at Ay:
Batohelder Clark A. lawyer, 00 Devon
Batchelder Cornelius & Son
Ouse 179 Lexington, E.B.
‘Chelsea, cor. Sarion, bi
Batchelder Edward A. clerk, 27 Kilby, bis. Centre,
Bachelder Edward 5. salesman, 61 Federal, house at
Batchelder Edwin H. easbier Collateral Loan Co.
205 Washington, house #9 Chester park
Batobolder Elbridge A., K. RR.
‘and atable, 8 and 10 Pills, h. at Cambridgeport
Batchelder Ezra A. 134 North, house at Chelsea:
Batohelder K. Frank, clerk, 172 State, bdx, at North
Batchelder He L. Mra. bds. 138 West Chester park
Batchelder Fifeid 8.301 Waabington, b. 170 Tremont
Batchelder Francie D. teamster, house 46} Main
Batchelder Feed, B. (C. Batchelder Son), Chel-
‘res, cor, aiton, house 170 Lexington: EB
Batchelder George, machinist, rma, 8 Suffolk piace
Batchelder George I, clerk, 7 Dock aquare, bouse
Ti East Seventh
Batchelder George E. frelght auditor, B. & MRR.
right Spot babe
Batchelder George F. farmer,
ey. Savin Hi a
ire, room 1
(Fred. B:),' carriers,
Batchelder Jobo E. brakeman, bouse § Tuckerman
Batchelder John L. (Batchelder Brov.), coal and
‘wood, 856 Federal, h. Pond, near Brookline line
Batchelder John N., Custom House, b.20 Willard pl.
Bateholder Joseph, farmer, house 46 Blue Hi ay.
Batchelder Rorauna Mrs. at Old Ladies’ Home, 108
Hevere (at Wakettold
Batchelder Samuel C. clerk, 59 Commercial, house:
Batchelder Samuel D. clerk, Post Oflice, house at
Batchelder Sarah L. clerk, 5 Tremor
Batehelder Washington K. planofortes, 488 Wash-
‘ington, house #0 Exchange, 11.5.
Batchelder Williatn, salesman, bola. Park-sq. Hotel
Batchelder William, Iron founder, bie. Fulton, Nep,
Batchelder William’ A. bookkeeper, E. RR. bag:
5 omen, bas, st Combridgeport
Batchelder William D. proprietor Albany Hous
‘Kneets 20
and Dennis
Batchelder William J. clerk, 14 Dock square, house
PATCHELDER # LINCOLN (vonph Ft Lincoln),
boots and shoes, wholesale, 99 Federal —See
page ae
Batcheller Alfred H (2, dt A. HI. Batrhetler a Co.),
“(00 Summaer, houre 21 Hotel Herkoley
Batcheller Edwin, clerk, bis. Adams House
Rareheller kawitt H, eashier, Collateral Loan Co,
us Washington, bs, 46 Chester pk. (Soinmer
Batchelor ERA. HL. & Co, boots ‘and, shove, 106
Batchellor Francis, clerk, 100 Sunimer, bas, 21 Hotel
atcheller Geo
Batcheller Joniah,
E. Mra, house 134 Boylston
carpenter, house 28) Myrtle
“Edwin, 060 Wael. bis, Adama House
Batcheller, see Bacheller and Batchelder
Batehellor Andrew, laborer, bouse Barton court
Batehellor Daniel F. music tencher, h. 85 Bickford
Batchelor William, atone cutter, b.15 Adama, ox.
Batehelor William’S, clerk, bas. 68 Myrtle
Patchett Joho, machinist, house 776 Eaat Seventh,
Bate Wallace H. lager, 347) Washington, house do,
Bateman Alonzo T. removed to Milford.
Bateman Ann, widow, house 77 Hudson
Bateman Charles, laborer, house 10 Shaving
Bateman Charles’ A. aalemman, 02 Union, house 17
Parker, Chat. jouse dt Pleaxant
Bateman Charles J. architect, 1 Pemberton aquare,
Bateman F, W. surveyor, 80’ Court, room 20, bia.
14 Sharon
Bateman George, laborer, house 764 East Seventh
Bateman Henry ‘T. biackarpith, house 119 Saratoga
Bateman Horatio, removed to New York city
Hateman Iaabella, widow, house 06 ‘Tyler
Bateman James D. calker, bds. 70 Tremont, Chen.
Bateman John, laborer, bia 69 K (Tremont, Ohan.
Bateman John, watchinan, Navy, Yard, houne 79
Bateman Jobo, dled Mareh 26, 1
Bateman Jobo F. stone cutter, b. 70 Tromont, Chany
ds. 110
‘Bateman Thomas,
Bateman William, hoatler, house 88 K
Bateman William’ R, clerk, 202 Federal,
Bater Albert, cabinetmaker, bids. Adam
Cedar Grove
Rater Sarab, widow, h, Adams, opp:
Bates Albert F. clerk, 25 Haverhill, bas
Bates Albert M. carriage depository, 25 Haverblll,
jen ‘anbington, Br:
Bates Albert N. police station 14, house Union, near
Bates Alexander, taason, house 211 West Springfield
Bates Alpbous (J. W. Rogers & Co.), 125 Summer,
House at East Weymouth | [park street, room 16
Batoe Atnelia P. Miss, dressmuaker, house 31 Union-
Bates Amon ©. bostler, bds. 68 Leverett
Bates Amos E, bose 23 Brook av.
Bates Andrew, clerk, 44 Winter,
Bates Ano E, widow, house 3 Conard
Bates Arlo, author, bds. 252 West Sixth [touville
Bates Arthur L. clerk, 158 Tremont, house at New-
Bates Atkins I, clerk, 28 Exchange, bids. at Salent
Bates A. W. (Faulkner, Page, & 0o.), 00 Franklin,
house at New York
Bates Benjamin E. Mrs. house 19 Arlington
Bates Ben}. F. clerk, 18 Devonshire, h. at Somerville
Bates jn P. salesman, h. 176 Princeton, FB.
Bates B, F. clerk, Fiest Ward National Bank, house
170 Princeton
aud OTHER CITIES, for sate at the
Directory Office, 155 Franklin Street.
Boston [B]
Bates Calvin W. driver 8.F.E. 14, house 23 High-
Baten Galbarine fa Miss, clty miselonsry, 19 Congre-
‘ational house, bds.'7 Hotel Norwood, Ash
Baten os Charlee, ealcaman, 27 Winter, bovee wt Cam.
Bates Cltrles F. bookkeeper, 28 Central house at
Bates Charles F. extract abd soap manufacturer, 44
‘Broad, house at Wollaston {Salem
Bates Charles H, bookkeeper, 218 State, bouse at
Bates Charles 8. (.M. Bates € Sona), 16 Aiilk, house
17 Bomeract
Bates Charles 8. bookkeeper, bila. 27 Lawrence
Bates Charlotte Miss, house 166 Warren, Rox.
Bates Cyrus HL produce, 37 Commercial, Us. at
(house do.
Baton 0, Co. ladies’ furnishing store, 12) Tremont,
Batea Daniel C. hairdresser, 1 house
‘Yeoman wood
Bater Daniel N. clerk, 196 Washington, b. at Mapto-
Bates David, discount clerk, Boston National Bank,
5 Milk, hotise at Newtonville
Bates David T. mason, house 110 Chambers
Bates D. D. clerk, 515 Washington, bd, 8 Deeatur
Rates D. Webster, clerks By SP trig howe Bt
nl-park wy. maa, JP.
Botes Lawuril eecart delve, bs. Céatre oogenite
Bates Edward 'C. foreman, 82 'Canal, bda. 40 Afon
6 es.
iment aquare
Bates Edward Le SU Shawmut ay.
Bates Edward 1. clerk, 086 Washington, b.
Bates Edward Ml. bookkeeper, 40 Green, house 15
‘Staniford Princeton, EB.
Bates Edward I. apothecary, 96 Havre, house 176
Bates dard. police station 14, house Washing.
ton, cor. Union, Br.
Bates Edwin W, gr
ates Eliza Ke Atlas,
Bater Ephraim M
vireet A ‘at Cambridge
Bates Fletcher, Yookkeeper, Traders’ Natal Hate
Bates Prank, hairdresser, 698} Mula, b. at Somerville
Bates Frank’H. clerk, 10 Oliver, bas. at Cohasset
Bates George B. clerk, 40x West Broadway, house
265 Weet Fourth
Baten George C. dentist, bds. 27 Sterling
Tiaton George C. 14 Franklin, house Dixy H.
ss aa
Hates George O. clerk, 24 Teinpe plac,
Bates’ George i clerk, 80 Gummer, room 14 best
Bates George E. superintendent Boston Telegraph
Tnatitute, 230 Washington, house 80 Brook
Bator George I lamp-wiek manuf, ru, & Keaton
“Bates Georgo E. foreman, dled Aug. 28, 1879
Bae George ti. bookkceper, 23" itigh, house at
Baten Geori music,
106 Sud}
Bates Geor) DeWolf & Co.)y 24 Contra,
house 4 Moutrone av. water
Baten George W. 28 Ste, room 43, bouse at Wide:
Hates Gorham [abl carpenter, house 129 Lexing:
Rawr 6, gar, salonnan, bs, 181 Chee, B.B,
Baer tri Nvldow, house 65 Hudson
Hates Harry Ti7? Suramer, bile, at Cambrhd
Hates ienry A; Insurance agent, 144 Fremont hone
Aiington itso
ates Henry i; bokheepe 4.08 Commercial haunt
tes Henry Ai. yeaa Maley
ioe hokervs MorehcbidMechangey 61 te
Rouse at Newion
Bue Henry W. 8 Summer, house Woodie a.
Bates Herbert-A, mason, bas. 101
Bates Hiram “W: Crete a
Bates Jacob P ( “a Yorsa),
Washineton aod | Cooidge wading
West Chester par
Bates Janven;telegeaphsline nan, b: 6 Mel Bretow
Baten Jamen’D, haentaanaker, 173 Dorchester ay.
‘Notse 3 East Elghie
Baton James Ll clerk, hia. 2 Madieon av. Chan.
Bates James Her, house rear 39 Gold
Hates daanes WCF: Maynard oC), WD
‘Batee James W: arpentor, 64 Broad, hoose
Rates Jarses W. Jr. clerk, 190 North, b. st Mh
Bates Jennie Miss, teacher, Bennett school, Br. bd.
‘at Newtonville
Bates John, laborer, bl. 48 Prentiog
cooper, house Om
Bates John Set house 70"Femple a
Bates Joha D-40 State, room 4a, house 10) Common
Bates ohn 1. student, bs. 1 Saratoga
Bates Joseph C. (Aimbatt & Bates), 4 Commercial,
Thouse at Hyde Park
Bates Joseph H. (Union Elastic Goods Co.) 18
Essex, house S Hollis [44 Lexington, E.B.
Bates Joseph H. Veutcnant, pollée station
Bates Joceph Ly stereoscoy
‘Bromileb. 135 Win Concord
Bates Joseph X. ceper,
Baten Jonbta, bin 33 Beacon
Bates Joshua L. driver, 8. B. RR. house,
Bates J. Edwards, lawyer, 14 State, h.
opie and fancy 3 nt ra
Bates J. Fraok, eilesman, 19 Hgh, bi: at Che
Bates Leavitt (Smithy Richa Bater),
‘Summer, house at East Weymouth [Durch
Bator Levi 1 carpenter, 125 Albany, hh, Church phe
Bates Lewle B: Nov, pastor Meridhinstret At. oi
‘Church, house ti
Bates Lewis Fe CEauneys a is. $70 Columbus ay,
Nes Learing L. & Co. (A ‘suuchinin
‘co eked. i Coardon ones
ey, house at Kverett
Bates [. M. salesman, 87 Court, house at Kast
Bates L. KC 8 Co, straw goods, 12 Summ
"New York [85 Devonshire
Rates Manutacturing Co. Jacob Rdwards, trensurer,
Bates Martio & Sons (has. S. Bates), fen, 16 MIke
Bates Mary A. Mrs. house North Beacou, Allatow
Bates Mary A, widow, house 1 Blossom
Bates Mary E. Mrs. house 708 Kast Brondwa;
Hates Monta sf, overseer, Union Tee Cos house 7 Hols
iden row, Ch
Bates M- Frances Alles, house 186 Warren, Rox,
Rates M. F, Mrs. house 65 Chestnut
Batox Nathaniel N, Joiner, housed Madison ay, Chan.
Bates Pine ‘Kant
Bates Uhineas, jr. secretary Sehool Committee, Ma~
‘won, house at Watertown Chen.
Bamuel F. lquorsy 3 Water, house Austin,
Denver, Gol, (Oban.
3 Wal ont
SUsmith Bates) & Pemberton
‘square, house 330 Marlboro’ (73 Montgoror
Hates Samuel W. flour commission, 108 State
Bates Sarnuel W. i
Bates Susan Mrs, house 427 Maln
Hates Thomas, machinist, bds. 112 Meridian
Hates ‘Thoma’ J. engineer, steamboat, house 100
Marion, He, rifth,
Rates Thorhas {« conduetor 8. B. B-R house
tes Thomas B. 5 Co. en ake printers,
2s Avon, holies at Cheteea Z ct uriborot
Mates Waldron, dm,
Tates W Chsioen
fon: park
Dates Wiliam A. (Wipley, Howland) & Cr 388
‘Washington, room 8 fo
Rates Wiitam C. Cdlobmens Baten 46 Mlehola, 189
“Milk, hone at Newton
Raton Willlam F. removed to Middleborough
Bates William H. bds. Norfolk House
Bates William P. saiceoan, 1
‘Melrose piace
Bath Jolin, sallmaker, house 46
Bath ‘Job, boots and’ shoes, 706 bse:
‘7 Waverley, Rox.
Bath John, kei”
Bath John
verley, Rox.
Bath Robert J.
fs Fellows
400, Washington! house we
ert, 86 Wastingtoa, bia Tr Wh
Burridge Francie, Junk, house new T Hudson, Chen.
on Curtis, expreasioany Be LAL
Bateon Elisabeth, dled Feb. 22, 1880, [Canton
Batson Everett, teamater, ouse LEMLAL No. 1, Kast
Faison J.P. Mrs. house 850 Kast FN
Betsinge Wiliam. carpenter, bf Webeler pl. EB,
Batt Charles I cashier National Seourity.
‘Court, house 47 Rotinnd agasre
Sobbers and Ketallers of HARDWARE.
— —
Batt Michael, currier, bouse 103 Fellows,
attaglla Marino, macarou\ dealer, 130 Harrison av.
bouse 148 Washington an house do.
Bautagial Louis, placer imager, roar 36 Bennet,
Battelle Almina 8. widow, house 157 Dudley
Battelle Charles P. inspector, Custom House, house
‘ut Kast Somerville
Battelle Clara A. Miss, saleswoman, b. 187 Dudley
Battelle Cora W, removed to Dayton, 0.
Battelle Eugene (Case, Leland, Co.), 51 Avon,
‘house Everett ay. Doreh. (Dudley
Battelle Gearge W. cook, Everett House, house 157
Batten Joseph, bats and caps, 2220] Washington, bi.
1607 ‘Tremout 1418 Tremont
Baton Joseph, Jr. clerk, 220) Washington, bis. | Bi
Bulterman Johd, house 1 Medford court
Batterman Jolin N. removed to Carson City, Nevada
Battersby Sarah J, Mrs. house 37 Barton
Battery kawin ©. salesman, hi. 3 Hotel Norwood, Aa
Battey William, A, flour, 218 Stato, bat Attleboro
Baltiuon Joseph musician, hous 7 Shavemat
Buttls George H- 42 Pearl, bds, 181 Saratoga
Batils George It. (Aa Wale Co.), 180 State, house
Tal Saratoxa ED
Battle Josiah S, engineer, SFE. 5, h. 50 Mar
Title J, Olls, printer, 19 Water, bds. 27 Ceutral eq.
Bata Martin B, carpenter, bda. 201 Saratoga
Battle Willlaro i. house 90 Montgomery
tine Harriet A. Str. house § Anderson court
ticket clork, G.T. RE, 280 Washing-
ory, house at Somerville
Battlate Angeline Miss, house T Avon place, Chet
rank, submarine diver, house 418 Hana
in, laborer, house 6 Greenough tane
John B. porter, house 7 Avon place, Chan.
John L; engineer, § Waltham, b. 19 Sawyer
Trbde. Commercial, n. Beach, HS.
"3 Pemb. 94.
1038 Wash,
Battlon Joseph Wagon
‘Mili, room 3%, house ut Lawrence
Battles Lewis, telegraph operator, b.09 Maverick sq.
Battles Lucreila, widow, ly Savin Jil ay. c. Pleasant
Bait Martin, farpenter, houne 138
Batiles Woudell P. clork, 63 Devonshire, room 2,
lds Herwiek park
Battlor William 1. 20 Kingston, b.t Grant, Doreb.
Battles Winslow, provislons, 712 Harrison a. house
it Randolph
Batts James, Ceamster, bis. 304 Dorchester
Batte James, laborer, bus. 284 Dorchester
Batts Josepli, cawyer, tae. 304 Dorchester
Batts William, laborer, bda. 284 Dorchester
Batty David W. rheger, house 10 Hampshire
Batty Edwin C. salesman, 618 Washington, b. 816 do.
Baumann Leopold, restaurant, 31 and 39 Devonslirer
mis. 046 Medford, Chan.
Baumbauer Jacob, asst. baker, Drer Island
Baumelster Antbon}
h. do.
‘upholaterer, bis. 150 Bolton
| Baumelater George, teamster, ba. 180 Bolton
Baumelster Jobn, cabinetmaker, house Dorchester
‘av. near Coditian, LM.
Baumeister Maria Mrs. hoase 150 Bolton
Baumgarien Moentz, organ bullder, h, Boy’
Baumer Chas, hairdresser, 25 Avery, b. 00 Church
Baur Antonis, organmake indwick
Baur Frederick, agent, house 38 Chadwick
Baury Mary B. Miss, house 6 Chestnut
Bausch Peter Rey. house 1545 ‘Tremont
antiga Hogo, pocket-book maker,
Bavinew Willard A. steward, Hotel Berkeley, he St
Baxendale Samuel, shoddy manutact
Baxter Albert G. lumber, 45 Kilby, ota
Baxter Alonzo T. undertaker, 261 Tremont, house.
Seaver place
Baxter Ann M, Miss, died May 13, 1870
Baxter Atherton IL shipping agent, 104 Commerch
‘ods, Mariners’ House r
Baxter Augustus G. paper hanger, house 18 Cottage
Manter Augustus M. paper hanger, bda. 18 Cottage,
Baxter A. Mrs, house 16 Chester park
Waster Charles Follen, city suryeyor's offlec, Dor-
‘chester branch, bis. Dix, ILS.
Baxter Charles F. died July 16, 1870
Baxter Charles P. Mrs, house 11 Hotel
Baxter Charles G. conchman, house 10 Ch
Baxter Charles HL. beltmaker, 176 Devonabire, houre
1710 Tremont
Baxter Oharlos W. mason, rear 1$ Bedford, house 65
‘Chandler [Darel
Baxter Charles W. 238 Devonshire, b. Sayin HMI ay.
Baxter Clarence Mrs. b. High, e. Commercial, Dorct,
Baxter Daniel Mra. house Baldwin place, Bi
Baxter Edwin F.F. (Basler «& Santor}, Washings
ton, opposite Market, house Baldwin pl. Hr.
Baxter Edwin W. (2. Bazter eGo.) 8 Unlon, howe
‘at Quine;
Baxter Elijah 8. foreman, b. Savin Til ay. Doroh,
Banter Hera, hitrdresset, zh Tremont, bs, 1903
Baxter E. A. Me, house 221 Shawmut av.
Baxter E. Frank, ‘clerk, @ Williams court, bus. 84
Groen, Chen. [Binet Wile
Baxter Francis J. constable, 3 Court square, hy. S22
Baxter Frank, trunkwaker, 2% Cornbill, b. 0 Spring
Baxter Frank’E. house 64 Groen, Chso.
Baxter Frank W. jr. paper hanger, b. 24 Pesrl, Chen.
Baxter George, walter, rms. 17 Hayward pla
Baxter Hiram #, millwright, h. Wash, av, Nep,
Baxter Honora, widow, bds: 1 Walker, Chen,
Baxter Horace W. house Foster, Br,
Baster Horace W. Jr. bookkeeper, National Market
Bank, bds. Foster, Br.
Jin | Baxter Iaanc E. fruit and confectionery, 207 Federal,
Bauer Eells rusteal Instrumente, 1
Bauer Enuil'M. bookkeeper, 215 State, b. 77 Kendall
Baver Jaines, bookkeeper, 4 Tyler, house Lamar-
bh. OA Pitta
Dds. 54 Pitta
1 oa ema
sausages, house Bartlett court,
re. 106 Hudson r22t Shawrout av.
Baxter LJ. corsets and shirts, $18 Washington, be
Baxter Jauies I. cabinetmaker, bouse 7) Kevore
Baxter James IL police station 9b, § Chadwick ot,
Baxter James T. fr. clerk, 22 High, b.28 Rockville pl.
Baxter James T. Mrs. boune 23. Rockville place
Baxter Jeremiah, hairdresser, 654 Harrison av. bh. do.
Baxter John A. clerk, 618 Wash. b. 17 Polk, Ch
led Feb. 1
Baxter Joseph, junk, house 63% Harrison a
Baxter Josbia fl eepk, Horton Tow Boat ©
Baxter Julla J. dressmaker, Winter, bas. do. Dorch.
Baxter Langdon (Poleey & Baxter), 4 Merrimacy
de. 11 Hotel Newton
Baxter Lemuel & Co. (Sdwin W. Baxter), leather
‘and shoe findings, 9 Union, house at Quine
Baxter Lewie, provision wagon, house 10 Brook ay,
Baxter Mott A. bookkeeper, C. £, Dearborn’, Brigh=
ton ay. bas, Foster, Br. (si speing
Baxter Nathaniel B. trankmaker, 32 Federal, vas.
Baxter Nelson, distributing agent, house 87 Barton
Baxter Oliver P. removed to 60, America [Doreb.
Baxter Prodence E. dressmaker, Winter, tds, do.
Baxter Robert, house 1% West Canton
Baxter Rodney, house 37 Greenwich park
Baxter Sidney K. Wickerson Baxter), 00 Com
mercial, house 22 Sargent, Dore.
Baxter Sturgis C. machinist, h. Buttonwood, Doreh,
Baxter Jokm
Baxter Susan Miss, house 63 Harvard
The BOSTON DIRECTORY OFFICE is at No. 155 Franklin St.
Baxter Thomas P. harnessmaker, house 256 Eustis
Baxter Thoroas T’. boots and sboes, Doreh. av. opp.
‘Shamrock, bouse Lincoln, H.S.
Baxter Thompson, bookkeeper, b. 317 W- Broadway.
Baxter Whittield W. bds. Winter, Dorcb.
Baxter William, earpenter, house Winter, Doreh.
Baxter William’ B. clerk, 202 Devonshire, ba. 13
Putnam, Chan.
Baxter William 0, machin
Boston [B]
i treasurer, 135 State
Bay State Elecrotype Foundry (ZW. Rogers), 16
AY STATE FORGE CO. 3% Charlestown, G. M.
‘Shompson, manager— See page 1301
State fron Co, Her aad Eat Pirst, cor. I
Bay Stato Mlea, Porcelain, and Kaolin Co. 142'Knce-
Bay Stato Moulding Mills, Albany, cor, Bristol
—See page
Bay State diver Mining Co, 200 Yeqhington, room 4
Bay State Sugar Refinery, oflice 37
Bayard Harry 1. packer, 12 Fulton, house 221.D
Bayar Robert, jade, bs. 10 Nope place
Rayer Francis 8, pianomaker, b. 9 Marcella [ox.
Bayer Ludwig, foreman. 47 Tyler, D. 48 Sheridan
Bayieid George, clerk, house 107 Hudson [Chan
field Willan M. alent fitter, h. 3 Paywon place,
PATEDONE "RICHIAMD"C. oflectons and tee
{aiente, 109 Summer, room 10— See
Baylow L. Sfrx.b.33 Auburn, Chan.” (burn, Coan.
Bayles Mira E. Miss, fancy, In, he 3) AU
Bayley Augusiua, laborer, house? Blossom
Bayley Mrs, house d Lovertng place
Bayley Benjamin F. deputy aberiif { Court House,
Thouse 192 Walnut av. (ieving
Bayley Benjamin H. hoseman, 8.P.B. 10, house
BOG Gas 6 "ds "Washo
icy Charles 8. Washington, cor.
* Evelld, house do. Boreh.
Bayley Evelina, widow, houre 24 Trvi bridge
Bavley Frank 4. ootceper at toate bd. Ata.
Bayley James C. (Potter, White, ), 130
‘Simmer, house 18 Ualon park i
Bayley dames It. 173 State, house 15 Hereford, near
Rapley Jenby, widow, aurke, tuys 139 Chamnbere
Bayley M, B. Mra. house Hotel Berkel
Bayley Robert M: mariner, house 208 Barston
Hayley William 6. marble’ surveyor
Bayley William 8, plomber, 169 Ellot
Bajltes flenrys iawyer, 31 Milk, room 43, a
es Henry, lawyer, , room 43, hose a
Bsyllen John, house
i, house 23 Prention
£. Fleming @ Co,), 47 Franklts,
45 0)
Bazin Joshun W, tallor, 23 Sullivan, house at Som
Bazla Thomas Hf, died Jan. 21, 1880
‘Beach Abert M- clerk, 451 Wash
Beach Edw
‘Beach Et
Beach Eli
physician, house 151 Tyler
‘Beach William N- (Chipman Bros.). 191 Washing.
ton, bie, 408 Sbowmuta,
Beach & Co. aniline dyes, 13 Broad
Beacham Ajonzo, clerk, 6 F.H. mkt. b. 8 Chilson pl.
Beachmann Rachel, widow, house 12 Riverside
Beacon Club, 2 A, Beacon
Beacon Hill Club, Bowdoin, cor. Allston,
Beacon Oil Co. 43 India
‘Beacon Park, Cambridge, near N, Harvard, Alston
Beadle Francis, fireman, K. &.R. house $1 Buaselt,
Beadio Joslah, calker, bh. 228 Webster [ Warronton
Beadle Williain G. chemist, 44 Lincoln, housa Bt
Beagin James, diver bas Hampden plc
wen, teataster, house 1 Hampden place
Beagin Patrick J. 376 Albany, house ey ‘do.
Frank $38 Washingion, ms. Lynde
Beaird Henry, died Sept, 7, 1870.
Beaitd Mary, widow, house 146 Sliver
Beal Abbie HL. bds. Hotel Dartmouth
Beal Abby D. teacher, Webb primary acho}, houre
171 Prineston, (Winthroy
Beal Adaline, King.street primary, bd
Beal Albert HL. hairdresser, house 134 High, Oh
Beal Albert Hz jr. (Pickett & Beal), 95 India, bi
134 High, Chan. (near Godman, Dorel,
Beal Alden H. (eat dt Spear), Fredorika,h. Adams,
Beal Alexander, 7 Exchange place, room 10, Bouse
‘Wilder, Dorch.
Beal Alexahder, JF. clerk, 88 Congress, bis, Wildor,
Beal Alpha [. N-E. School Furnishing Go. Frank-
tin, house at Newtonville
Beal Anna, widow, bds. & Eden-street court, Ob
Beal Benjamin Mrs. hotise 61 Alien
Beal Benjamin, plumber, house 58 Pare, H.B.
Beal B. Leighton, reporter, Post, b. H, Hotel Duitl
Beal Caleb G. (Charles A. Smith w Co,), 18 School,
house 2 Forest ay.
Boal Charlos W. cashier, B. & A. R.R, freight, E.B.
‘ods. 348 Tremont
Bl i reer 9 Washington room 18
cle -tcket fice, 0, C1
‘house Minot, cor. Highland av. Nop.
Beal kan Wr clon *
win W, cler wont, house BO Mt
Beal Fila, 1 Cornhil, house ai teevere
Boal Kuzabeth H. Strs. house Hotel Dartmouth
Beal Kugeno W. clerk, 63 Summer, b. 27 Dartmouth
dwell (Newton ® eat), 11 Chatham,
A. wharh te gud
s is
15 Kast Windsor
Beal Georgy W. carpenter, house 156 Saratoga
w, house 2 Forest av,
‘carpenter, house 20 Warrenton
Se eed fer wi
Hrown, ATT to
ington house 37 Ruiland aquare
bis 48 Tremont
: Chauncy, Houne a Malden
Beal James H. Jr. 4 Chautiey, bd, 101 Beacon
Beal Frank’
Beal James ti. president ‘National’ Bank,
‘Seare building, botae 108 Beacon
Beal John, at
‘hoase 8 Cleveland place
Beal Joba i Sirpenter, 78 Lincoln, Nos, rear 008
#2. Chapman
ce, house
house at Brookline
7 boluse 200
kinds of HARDWARE GOODS at
‘Lowest Prices. 30 Dock Square.
BostoN [B] DIRECTORY. 97
Beal Samuel G. clerk, bas. 885 Friend
Beal Tarrant M. tablo manuf, 71 Travera,
Beal Thacher Mrs. house £48 Tremont
Beal Thomas Prince, vice-pres. Second Natlonal
Banik, house 104 Beacon Seventh
Beal Warren 8, printer, 824 Washington, b, 394 E.
Beal Wilbur F. broker, 1 Pemberton square, room 8
Beal Wilder, house 14 Winthrop, Rox.
Beal O. Li, Gloucester Express, 174 Washington and
Beal k Spear (4. B. Heol ok. a: Spear) earpen:
jeal & Spear (A. B. Real anit @. A. Spear), carpen-
Banle Aurelfun M, cierk, 89 Milk, oda ub R! Fourth
Beale Ensign ©. (N.Y.) ‘house 60 Princeton, EB.
‘Beale James, printer, 39 Arch, house Sheridan, Nep.
Beale Joseph HL, agent, Union Carpet-lining Co. 496
Harrison wy. house ‘Train, near King, Doreb.
Bene Merritt 0, Rev. 63 Milk, house 817 E. Fourth
ule Russell & ler 40 Wier, room 1, bade. North
Reale W, A. clerk, 83 Summer, bouse 83 Paris, E.B.
Beals Albert H. (Beale dé Brookings), 22 Clty aq:
‘oure 184 High, Chan.
Reale Alden, Nantiaker Express, 34 Conrt #q. 15)
Kilby, and 25 Merchant row, h. at Cohasset
Beals Anta, widow, house 1 Grove terrace
Beale Augustus, boots und #hoes, 84 Summer, Bouse
‘at Weymouth
Beals Benjamin, removed to Greenwood
Beals Hen}amin, watchrann, house 1 Till court
Beale Charles, hostler, b Ke
Beals Churlew J, munke printer, 421 Washington, bis.
at Everett
Beals Charles T, music printer, 451 Washlogton,
house at Everett ‘Newtonville
Beals Charles W. (Beaty oé Jones), 11 Mill, house at
‘Beals Charles W: coachman, h. 46 Middlesex. [shire
‘Beale's Cohasset’ Express, $1 Kilby and 26 Devoo-
Beals Edward N. laborer, 166 Commerelal, house at
Everett North Weymouth
Beals Ellas 8. (Beaty dé Tarrey), 129 Summer, house
Beals Elijah, Wood turner, house 199 Marion, E18.
Heals Forrest, clerk, 11 South Market
Beuls Frederick, watchman, O. C. RR. house at
Beals George B. clerk, M4 North, b. at Bryantville
Beals George N. decorator, 179 Court, house do.
Boals Georxo W. bis. 411 Bencon — "[at Somerville
Beals Henry M. (Beats o Bartlett), § Commerce, bi.
Beale Isalat, shoemaker, tls, 12 Bowdoin
Beale LA. (D.S8. Howard & Co.), 8 High, house at
‘Reals James H, 222 Franklin, house at Brookline
Beals John St, 203 Federal, house at Bralntree
Beals Youn We. (Beat ush), 34 Lincoln, house
211 Beacon,
Beals Joshiun G. house 419 Beacon
Beals Lucy, widow, house 26 Salutation
‘Beals Matiiew W. carpenter, house #, 33 Chadwick
Beale Thomas, mitisle printer, house Humphreys, n.
Dudley ‘wood
Beals Walter, rear 425 Medford, Chan, house st Nor-
Beals William Mes. fingroaker, 68
is Wil ft, Bouse at
‘am re
Beals Willams printer, bd 148 Court
jente William fn Europe Dortageport
Beals Willian, decorator, 08 Pitts, house at Cam
Beale Wi
wn’ EL. bootimuker, bds, Dorchester av.
cor. Mt. Vernon [house ut Somervitte
Beals W.H. messenger, Summer, cor. Devonsliire,
Beale & Baritote (47. I Beale and 4. M. Bartlett),
‘truckimen, § Commerce
Beale & Brookings (4. 4. Beale and F. B. Brook-
ings), hairdressers, 22 City square, Chan.
Beals & Co, leather reninants, 208 Federal
Beale S Jones (C. W. Beuly und A. S. Jones),
Beal'e Torrey (Bling Beals ond Ales Torre),
jeals Torrey (Alias Beaty an 5
oot and shoes, 199 Summer
Beaman Brothers (George 11. and Nathaniel P.),
‘commission merchants, 168 State, e. Comm't
Beaman Charles O. Kev. bie. €2 Weat Rutland «q.
‘Beaman Elizabeth M. widow, house 21 Pleasant
Beaman Frank, Granite House, 22 Leverett. h. do.
Beaman George H. (Beaman Brothers), 168 State,
de. 62 West Rutland aquure
Beaman George O. salesman, 88 North
Beaman Nathantel B. (Beaman Brothers), 165 State,
‘ode, 02 Weat Rutland square
‘Beaman Waldo G, artist, 6 Tremont, rma. do.
Beatnany Wiliam W. (Skinner & Bean), dentits,
‘1 School, house Hotel Elizabeth
| Beaman —, bds. 7 Allston place
‘86 Beamer Anna M. widow, house 8 Hanover av.
‘Beamleh John, teamster, huuse Boylston nv. J.P.
Beamish Michael, laborer, house 112 Cove
Beamish Richard, porter, house 113 West Fith
Beamont James, salesman, 024 Washington, bouto
|. 4 Sheridan ay. Rox,
Bean Aaron H, house $1 Bainbridge [Glenwood ph.
Bean Aaron P. varnisher, 100 Harrison ay, house 2
Bean Albert, teamister, bdx. 17 Madison
| Bean Asa 5.'at restaurant, 0.0. RK. b. 7 Edinboro!
Bean Benjamin ¥. real eviate, 121 boi house 16
7 Rox. lomurv illo
Bean Benjamin L, Wquore, 76 Portland, huure mt Ey
Bean Charles, removed to'Somerville' (pl, E.Hy
| Bean Charles’ E, clerk, 386 Sumner, bds. 1 Terrace
| Boan Charles E. brass worker, bis, 107 Gré
Benn Charles H. porter, £9 Commerelal, NW. nt Ch
Bean Charles H. clerk, 15 Merchants’ row, bd
Bean Charles H. clerk, 145 Atlantleay.b. at Woburn
Bean Charlee H. fireman, house 04 F ervitie
‘ean Charles L clerk, 16 Portiand, house at 8. Som-
Bean Charles 8. clerk, 68 Commercial, bd. 8 Poplar
Bean Charles ‘T. furniture mover, 12 Chy square,
Chan, house at Everett
Bean Ciisford M. clerk, 6 Oliver, h. 385 Matn, Chany
Bean Daniel G, agent, 220 Friend, house at Chelsea
ehman, Tremont House,
1 Somervitte
Bean Edwin E., whine Co, HT
‘Summer, house Hotel Dighton
Bean Eityn L, porter, 484 Washington, b. 09 Myrtte
Bean E. A. bde. 12 Bowdoin
Bean Forrest, clerk, 34 Court 4q. house S12 Parker
Bean Frank, puddier, house 22 Ward, W.V,
Bean Frank, forvman, 38 Chardon, hose at Medford
Bean Frank’. howersan, 8.1-E. 6, Wall, hal lo,
Bean Frank J. coal, 101 Pleasant, house 38 Dover
Bean Fred. R. clerk, $0 Hizb, house at Hyde Pork
Bean George, tinamith, house 11 Putnam) Chan,
Bean George H. clerk, 4 High, bas. 670 Treiaut
Bean George L. 61 Hrond, house at West New tut
Bean George W. driver, house 164 Eustis
Bean George W. farm ofcer, Deer Inland, house io,
Bean Harrie 8. (Conant dJiean), 84 Fabeull Hull
marke, house 3 Heh, Che
Bean Henry, porter, 234 Washington, bouxe do,
Bean Henry'G. engincer, houve Water, Nep.
Bean Henry &. clerk, 64 State, house 44 Woodbine
Bean Henry . clerk, 23 Brond, house 80 Berke’
Hoan Hiram P. mason ad Dulldery house St dit,
Pleasant Way
Bean Homer M. conductor, B. & A. .R, house 18
Bean Horace Mrs. boune 17 Madison, ward 10
lean H.C. apotticeary, 12 Norman, house do.
Bean Ieane B. ngent, b. 90 Soley, Chan. (Ti
Bean Ivory, bullder, order box $5 Hawley, house
Bean Ivory, Jr. clerk, bd. 670 Tremant
Bean Jwcob, general ‘agent and attorney, Met, Mate
Gis Go. also Insurance and tell estnie, 70
Devonshire, house #0 Warren nv.
Bean James, 30 Suminer, bds, at Cheleen (EB,
Bean James’ E. ship carpenter, house 7 Lexingtin pl.
Bean sJames f, baker, house 1f Madison
Bean James MM. tin can manufwoturer, 15 Custom
Hose street, bouse at Watertown
Bean James W, hi.
Bean Jeremiah T.. ship joiner, b-4 Neal's ot
Bean John, bootwoaker, 30 Merchants’ row,
Cheleen [varndale
Rean John, condoctor, B. & A. R.R. house ata
Beao Jolin ©. boarding stable, 6 und T North Cer
Louse at Somerville [Chen
Bean John D, teamster, 18 Clinton, th. 81 Auburn,
Bean John D. messenger, Boston Hive Cente Sav.
ings Bank, 38 School, houee at Trookline
Bean John ler, 30 School, house ak Chclven,
Bean John QA. general easiern agent C.B. & Q.
TER, 906 Washington, house at Concordy SH
Bean Joseph E. fireman, bas, 3 Pacific
Bean Joseph W. confectioner, 162 Tremont, ros. 20
Bean Joseph W. driver, bds. 2654 Washington
ate detective, 95 Pemberton #4.
houke at Nailek
‘Bean J. Henry & Co. tallors, 32 Avon, house Thorn-
Doreh. TMeLean
Bean Leonard &, conductor, Be & L. Buk bis. 38
Bean Lizaie Miss, house 83 Middlesex
OMT eu.
New England Directory, |°22. rnc ences.
Benn Louisa M. widow, house $72 Parker
Tiean Moves C. shoemaker, bs. 23 Edinboro?
Heng Mek. Ste milinery, 18 Temple pl bis 38
Beas Nicholas M. 69 Northampton, bs. do.
Bea, NS eroania™ Expres, ty, house
ft Maldon
Bean ‘Thomne, blockmaker, bds. 4 Neal's ot. Chan.
Hean Thomas C. ewitchman, pouse 3 Pacific
Hean Walter, waltsr, house 2 Ash place
Hiean Will cerk 7 Brond, bas 13 Cotton
Henn William HL carpenter, b. ‘doin
ae ee eee eee te
Tan Zachariah Mra, house 4 Neal's court, Chan.
Bean © Co, Concord Express, 33 Court square and
Benge Charles I, photographer, house 16 Cheste
aye Charles E- photographer, house £49.
Beat Jota raughtaman, Navy Yard, house at
Beati‘Afanson W. collector, Custom House, house
S18 Columbus av. Columbus ay.
Beard: Amherst W. salesman, 65 Summer, bis. 18
Beard Bartlet, clerk, bda. 000 Kaat Pith." [ter av.
Beard Charlee J- marblo cutter, bds, 35 Dorebes:
Heard Edward i. manager of Sew York Associated
WoT state, hous at North Camrlge
‘edward St. clerk, 21 Winter, bda. 1 Second,
“a [House
Heard George W. engincer, 109 State, bds. Merrimac
Heant James Mrs, bd, 290° ‘Somerville
Heard dames. F. bookkeeper, 78 Wash. house nt I.
Heard James 1. confeetioner, house 4 Price
Heard James M. (Zarrtson, firard, Co.),78 Wash
‘and rear 425 Medford, Chan. bi. at E. Somerville
‘Board Joseph, furniture repairer, 17] Dorchester ay.
da. 26 Swan ‘at North Cambridge
Hoard Luke, thill coupling spring, 63 Court, house
Heard Margaret, widow, house & Colon;
Beard P. conductor, B. & L. RAR. h, at Stoneham
Meard Richard, laborer, bda. 6 Colony
‘ead Richard, lxborer, house 225 Dorchester
Beard Riebard, jr. laborer, bis. 225 Dorchester av.
Beard Robert, laborer, hotiae 342 Benn
Beard Susan At. widave, house 1 Second, Ubso.
Beard William, bds. 343 Bennlogwon
eard, nee Boalrd and Babrd
rms. 15 Eaton
h repalrer, 37 Pent,
wpher, 108 Biate, bday ak
‘ket square, baw. 49 Dover
Beardalee William F. sew!
Wet Haymar-
Bearse Chas,
Bearse Charl
hh 72 Leverett
‘ob Son), lumber,
Boston [B] Directory.
ia Meg. house 789 Shawmut av.
Beaton Cornelius, shipwright, house 158 Bennington
Beaton Joh, removed to Chelsea
Beattie Charles H, organmaker, bde, 82 Kendall
Beattie Edward W. actor, bouse 1 Gharden place
Beattie Eleanor D. widow, house 2 Anthony place
Beattle Ellen M. widow, bua. 148% Washington.
Bealtle George, walter, house 187 Albany
Beattle James, laborer, house Western av. Allston
Beattie James, musician, house 119 Ruggles, Rox,
Beattie Jamnos, jr. lather, house 119 Ruggles, Rox.
Beatle Jane i Stes. bds. 80 Dadiey
Beattle Sarah Ti. nurse, house 60 Williams, Rox.
Beattle Willlun A. insurance agent, § Exchange pl.
Beatty Catharine Mies, honse 44 Suliman
Beatty Charlotte E, widow, house 209 Cambrid)
Beatty George E. cashler, #2 Devonshire, bids, 29
‘exlngion, Chan
Beatty Inans, fins 4 Irving [rma, 6 Oxford
Beatty James M. depot master, N.Y. &N. B. RR.
Beatty Jobo, shoemaker, house '37 Wall
Beatty Margaret, widow, house 1 Webster pl. E.B.
Michaol J. blacksmith, house 0 Wattt court
Bontty Sarah 1, tra. onrae, house 40 Williams
William L. shoemaker, #98 Hanover, rooma
‘318 do. ‘Bunkerhill, Chan,
Reandette D. balrdrosser, Fy RL, depoty bile: Gt
Beaudetto PE. halrdresser, 43 Tremont, house &
least As a
Beaudreaa A. clerk, 12 Summor, bd, at Malden
Beaudry Alexander, Dlackeith, 10 Burner, house
35 London senith, 171 Bunter
Beaudry Augustin (Lownsbro dé Beawiry), carringe-
‘Beaumont Francis B. 30 Sears building, house Alver-
ton, near Greenough av. it Somerville
Beaumont Kichard B, salesinan, 10 Central, bourw at
Reausclour Paul, mariner, be, 282 Gold
Heausijour Edward, pressman, bh rear 13% Har. ay.
Reaver Francis, mariner, house 6 Anderson.
Beaver Joseph, laborer, house rear $4.No. Bonet
Beaver Run Coal Co. 11 Doane
Bechorer Friedolin, iockemith, house 37 Sroith
Teeherer Joveph, cooper, hotge 3 Sawyer
Heck Charles O. stoves, Se. Cambridge, near Union
ta, Allston, b, Faneuil n- Oak ag Br, {HU a
Teck E. Shiney, salesman, 67 Pearl, house 179 Bluo
Heck Krank H. clerk, 183 Federal, bds, at Saxonville
Beck Frederick, treasurer, 8 Congress, room ¥, bouss
‘at Birookll
Beck Frederika, house 16 Winehestor
Beck Gideon & Son (Walter P.), auctioneers, 176
‘Tremont, house at Milton LA.
Beek ‘Jacob, brewer, bda. 11 Hoy io
Beek Jamen H. (Letts Beck Som)
Book Joho,
Beek sJobn, baker, h. n, Boy}
Hee Joba, brewer, house 891 Kast Eighth
Beck John, butcher, house d Walden
Beek John's, slgn and ornamental painter, 10 Br
house at Medford da
Beck Joseph F. clerk, Phenix House, 23 Gy
Beck Joseph F. clerk, Boston Wharf, bia, Niew Seavur,
Dorch. [Bow dott
Beck Larrey G. law studont, 68 ‘Tremont, bde. 31
Beck Lewle, baker, rma, rear 43 Eliot
Book Lewis’ & Son (James 11), coopers, wolghers,
‘and gaugers, Toston wha
Deck Mary, Angusta P. and Martha A. J. Miasos
house & Austin, Chan.
Beck Michael, laborer, house rear 45 Pitts
Beck M. Angelo (Sumiwel Beck Cv.), AMaton ay
ston, house Allston sq, do,
‘Mins, tencher, house 221 Pleasant
in, cigar manufuetiror, 122 Durchoster
fay, house do,
Bourse Saraly M. Miss, assistant, Everett
choot, bd. 29 Milford
Beare Stephen, Wi cor. Poplar,
house Bireh, near South, Row. ‘at
Boaree Sylvencr x. saleanan, Yad Wah, bie, 2) Book
Hourse Thomas A. house 354 Mertdian ‘Pleasant
Bearer W Beck Willian W, mato recelving #bip Wabash,
Buasiry David, house § Acton
‘Yard, house at Chelsea,
fre, dled’ De. 157
Oe er
Boston [B] prrEcTory. 99
Recker Anton, bookbinder, 44 Federal,b. 181 Bowen
Hecker August engraver, ds. Lexlogion, Eli
Becker Beruurd #. paper-box maker, hos Meirese
Hecker Chart utmaker, bis 30 Vilage
le er
Hecker Charen; Cutter, housw 32 ttnell court
Becker Charles, clerk, 273. Wash. bs. at Dedham
Becker Christopher, varnish
Becker Chrlatapher, house 20 Village
Tooker Conrad, laborer, house 4 Spring court
Becker Conrad’ W. upholeterer, house 4 Amory
Becker Dorn Mrs. midwife, hosat 7 Cherry
Becker Rdward A. bookkeeper bdy. 4 feed's court
Ttocker Ellen, widow, house 82 Heath
Teoker Federnan, calinetmnker, bis, 65 Middle
Backer Geopes, eograver, 0 Olver, bl. 92 Lexing
Becker Gcorve, confectioner, house 52 Heath
Becker George C. caterer, house 3 Keverestreet pl.
Becker Ignatius (John Hecker & Son), elyarmaker,
129 Shawmut ay. house 127 do.
Becker Jacob, cutter, house $2 Russell court, Rox.
Becker Jacob C. macbinlet, bis. 4 tteed's court
Becker John, house 50 Conant.
PRUE JOIN, engraver, 40 Oliver, house at Bom
‘erville— See pa (Spear place
Booker John. lager beer, 68. Shawmut. avs house
Bucker John, baker, 52 Heath, house do.
Becker Jobn, blacksmith, bis. 108 West Third
Becker John, lager beer, 42 La Grange, house do.
Booker John’ & Son (/pnatiue), clgurmakers, 129
Shawmut av. house 127 do.
Booker Joseph, clgarmnker, house 19 Trumbull
Meckur Joseph, laborer, hotise 65 Middle
Hocker Julius J. physician, 1006’Tremont, house do.
Becker Louis F. cliar manifacturer, h. 6 Cons
Becker Marcus, coppersmith, bda. 38 Fabin
Bookor Nicholas woemuker, 2 Chester block,
Hocker Otto, house 02 Lexington, E.B.
Heokar Peter, polisher, bs. 3 Vil
Becker Philip H. clgurmaker, house 3 Andrews
Becker Sarat L. ast. teacher, East Boston Tigh
‘achool, bus. 169 Boslaton [street court
Booker Simon L. shoemaker, 4 Province et h.6 Frult-
Booker Theodore S, foreman, 471 Tremont, b. 218 do,
Becker Wencenlus J. Rev, house 89 Vernon, ox.
Booker William, laborer, bds. 62 Heath
Hecker W; I. A. house 7 Cherry =
Bockerer Gearge, removed to Concord
Bockert Anton, tailor. b. M10 [Cambridgeport
Beckett Charles P. bookkeeper, 16 Olivers house at
Bockett Edward, butler, Kaat Krosdway, cor. N
Reekett Edward, rausiolun, house 1 Muhian pinco
Beokett K. W. Mra. house 07 Hancock (av. h. do.
Beckett Hannah B. Mrs. taney goods, 183 Shawraut
Beckett Joseph H, foreman, houso Thomas, J.P.
Beckett Metville P. clerk, 7 Exchange piace, bas.
Peabody Boytston
Teckett MJ. C, Miss, artist, 64 Boylaton, bds. Hotel
Beckford Amos, jr. salesman, 06 Wash. bat Lynn
Custom House, b. Maverick House
widow, house SL Austin. Chen,
‘Custora House, baa. Maverick
lnra TE. widow, house 17 Wall, Chan,
Beckford 6. H. ¥F. We our and grain, Neponset
ay. 1. Taylor, house Pleasant, nm. Sayin Hii) av.
Boekford Dantel K, 219 State, house at Dedham
Beckford Daniel I. jr. clerk, 215 State, b. at Dedham
Beckford Ebenezer,type easter, b. Sheridan av. J.
HOKVORD EDWIN S. lockstalti avd. bellhanyer,
‘23 Beach — See page 1263
Beckford Emily 8. widow, house 79 Dennis
Beckford John D. real estate,8 West Dedham, house
2 Wiglesworth Pblesingod, EB.
Beckford John W. ship joiner, 22 Atiantic ay. house
Beckford Joseph I. printer, bils. Sheridan ay, oI.P.
Beckford J. W. (0. Ht. & J. W.), Neponset ay, near
‘Taylor, bis. Franklin, Nep,
Beckford William, expressman, hgnae Thomas, J.B
‘Beckford William’ I. salesmac, 7 Holmes block,
‘house at Lynn
wel As genta’ furni 7
‘Washington, house 40 Holyoke
Beekholdt John, painter, house 30 Phillips, Rox.
‘Beckler Albion P. teamster, bouse 44 East Dedbam
Beeklet Charles H. 13 Summer, bds. Adams House
Bockler Chariea M. teamster, Dover, cor. Washing-
ton, hotixe 690 East Seventh
‘Beckler Daniel W. stable, Hancock Chan. bous
at Somerville oe ~'
pelle RS ean ve Chap
Beekler Martha L. teacher, Wait intermediate school,
pels Salt ceo er tra
eo Dt
oka Sar, Samoan
SEES See cee aa
ca nee arte as
Beckman Joseph H. steward, Parker Houso, house
Beceee FE cesar Rpg tae
pele 2 arena
Beckonert Hammond, stone cutt rane 38 Fabio
SS oar
skal Alt Senne Hae Rew
Beckwith Clinton, contractor, b. United States Hotel
setcin ele ue ted eet
betcin eet uni
Beckwith Frank lesman, 515 Washington, bda,
catty ett
Beckwith Bresensn, 2 Babi2gr, da. Revere, curs
Bsteis aoe babi
behets gare eer wanate
fetzia gare i
Hei hc tw
Beckwith Henry W, & Co. hack and livery stable,
cantar ee ornenat
pence pen ous
Bedard Louls T. painter, house 29 Taber
Bedard Wilfred, salesman, bis. 10 Ferdinand
Beddoe Sarah E, Mrs, bds, 15 Wood, Chen.
Beddow Thomas, painter, house 4 Franklin, Chan,
fk tau art, ae
Heke Smee meted
fey ik tsar ems ae
ana enum
Bedell David P. sewing silk, 78 High, hoase Brown
ell arcs oe
Bedford Augustus, aaleeman, 147 Wasblugton, house
13 Stafford
Bedford Samuel), at carpet factory, b. 2 Culvert court
Bedlins ‘Charles B, bookbinder, 76 Sudbury,
SH Gig cr, oe Me
Bedlow ©. C. assistant superintendent W. U. T.Co.
Race Rares a
eat te cite Bt il
Bathar we cae art Sekine
ara aerke
dee eat EGA, Semin
Bes nena iret
Boo & Ay ie (Albert W. Bee and Nathaniel W,
Beebe A. O. clerk, N. Y. & Nu E. KR. bda. 407 Co-
‘ker, house 440 Dodiey
Beebe E. Person, Temple place, house 30 Beacon
Beebe Frank, bds. 504 Colum!
Beebe Frank’ H. bde. 30 Beacon
Beebe Frederic (Lucius Beebe dQo.), 9 Merchania
row, bia, at Wakefield, {Somerville
Reede George W. clerk, F. RI. freight, house at
‘Beebe James M. Mra, boose 30 Beacon
Beebe James M. & Co. 36 Tensple place
Beebe Junius (Luclus Beebe oe Sons), 00 Tigh, bas,
at Wakefte
Becde J. Arthar, 26 Temple place, house 186 Beacon
Beebe Lucius & ‘Co. (C, Gand’ Frederic Beebe),
cotton, 9 Merchants’ row, house at Wakefield
Beebe Lucius & Sone (Deeins, Marcus, ond Junius
Beebe), leather, 69 High, house at Wakefield
Beebe Marcos (Luciue Beebe & Sons), 0 High, LOune
at Malden
Beebe Mary 8. Miss, teacher, Andrew schoo!
Beebe William H.16 Hawley, bde. 73 Chandler
Beebe Wiliam H- laborer, house 108 Richmond
Beecher Charles L. salearian, b. 10 Dartmouth place
Beecher George, engineer, bouse Whitney, 0. Conant
Beecher George A. mariner, house 4% Border, El,
Beeeber John, currier, house 651 Darker
Beecher John, printer, bds. 1 Crescent place
Beecher Laban 8. Mrs: house 25 Linden
Beecher Richard, cooper, bda.4 Cumbridge, Chen.
SAMPSON, DAVENPORT, & CO., Publishers, 155 Franklin St.
Beecher William, bde. 80 Tremont
Beeehey John E. cark cutter, b. rear 495 Saratogn
Beechey Matilda, widow, house rear 498 Saratoga
Becehing A. B. bookkeeper, 294 Washington, bis,
inceton, EB
George W. riudent, bs. 124 Princeton
EECHING KICHARD. & C0. corks, 69 and 67
ackwone, house 124 Princewn,"E.Be— See
page 110 North Cambridge
Beedbing lcbard, Jr clerk, 65 Blackstone, bda, at
Beeching William, cork eutier, house 117 Princeton,
= [iit Prineeton, BB
Beeching Wiliam H, teacher, Yast. ‘Teebmology, b.
Beecher Michael, laborer, bs, Pe Island
‘Willan, 490 Washington
Beds Erma 8. neat, Welle school. beat Brookline
Beekman William It. printer, 2 Fouptaln place
Beeler Andrew i, house 200 Chelsea, EB
Becta Paris A. mason, rm. © Senrs place
Beer George, laborer, rms.
Beering Frederick W. carver
Beers Charles F- printer, 262 Washington.
Boers Charles F. clerk, Northern freight dept. B, &
M, IL. house at East Somerville Everett
Beers Hdwin C. elevator boy, 19 Congress, bds, at
Boers Jucob T. house 641 Tremont [bridie
Heers Josep 5. agent, 96) Summer, house st, Cam-
Heere Willlam J. bda, $85 Columbus av.
iors W. 8. printer, 4 Williams et. b Camab'port
‘Boot William H. proasman, 400 Wasb b. at Hyde Pk,
Beetnowen Plano Ktooms, day Waahngton
Hegiey James, house 18 Senwea
Bogiey Zohn, inborer, house 616 East Second
(F Marguret, widow, . rear 37 Everett, Chan.
Begley Patrick Liquors, i8 1, and 12 West Broad.
way, botse Ti8 do,
7 Janen, troll, 400 Wash. house Somerset place
Bralget, widow, h. Call, n, Carolina av.
Hiehan James, carpenter, bouse 1 Croshy place, Ro:
Bahia Totma, bookkeeper, Dover, cor. Shawart a
‘house 20 Franklin plnce
Behan Jobs, laborer, house Lextogton, Br.
‘Bohuu Jobe, packer, house 247 E
Behaa Thomas, porter, 68 Uulon, b. & N. Hanover et.
‘Boban Thomas, leather cutter, bis. 41 8. Margin
‘ebm Frank 1. clerk, 225 Washington, rus. Casn-
rush manotaeturer, 88
“— See page 18h
Belek Fred W. photographer, 13. Tremont row, bh
60 Londen, BeBe en” (av. cor. Ste Vernon
Belcher Aired (letter cartier, V0. house Doreh.
Beleher A. F. 157 Summar, house at Carmelo
‘Belober Olariee B. clerk, 151 Hanover, hs at Chelsea
Belobee Charles F. clerk, 33 Unlon, house at Malden
Boleber Edmund K, clerk, 29 High, h. at Randolph
Beleher Edward E, freight conductor, house 18 Wa
Beleher Etward J, toe cream, 80 Malo, houre
‘Sehool, Chan. (ust Medford
Rekehor Edward W. bookkeeper, 24 Beach, house at
Bulehor Edin 8. provisions, cellar, 96 Tlackstone,
etcher Fagen, 301 Washington, bts €8 Pockney
Teleber Crank, 6 Chaunay, bus, at Medford
Batebor Prod. house 2 Harvard place, Chen.
Beleber Henry A (2. I. White & Co), 918 Wash-
‘hgtoa, house at Rando (Somerville
Tolcher Horace A. clerk, #6 Blackstone, hoose, at
‘Holcher H.C. tearsster, 24 Canal, bat N. Carobridye
Beleher James, Inborer, house 412 Surouer, BT,
Bolen James Co. dry oad Senay gpa 308 Gal
Belcher John,
Beleber Ma
Bester nado ¥ bel iosaut a9 orth
‘Belcher Russell E. salesman, 9 Waverley block, bda.
‘National House, Chsp.
Belcher Sarah T. Mrs. house 63 Bedford [throp.
Belcher Warren E. totter carrier, P.O, bh. at Win-
Beleber William,
Belcher William 'H. dda. 120 [ou
Beleber William M. bookkeeper, bds, 2 Harvard pl.
Belches Donald M. (vost Ziros. & Co,), 18 Chaun-
‘house 7 Schuyler
W. ae. Revere Fire Insurance Co. 43
Beldon Charles, ‘cl
‘Bremen i
Belford Charles.A. saloon, Washington near Gree,
Belford John 'Tflour inapector, 82 Commerctal,
as, Wash a,
Belford Surah, widow, house Wasim; Green, J-P.
Beleard Villy, pedir, howe 2 Cabot
Belgante Claby fas Tremont
Heifer ohm. blakartihy hange 8 Pimppton count
Beller Addis, died Ang. 3, 1578 aeclac pl
Beller Alfred, cabinetmaker, D4 Utiea, bs.
Belknap Austin (Belewap Boynton), A
house at Somsarvile
Bettvap Charles J. (delbnap Co.), rubber stamps,
+ Behool, rooin 13, be Norfolk, w: depot, Dorebe
Bethoap Dasiel H. bda. 3 Hollis place
Belknap Hieaveth Are house 8 Hall lacs (do,
Belknap Henry'S. bookkecper, O82 Wash bd 124i
Beiknap Layman 8 Cou (Za desing), prada, 12
ud 14 Clinton, house at Wentborodl
Belknap L.sman A: (Le Belenop 4 Cox), 12 Clinton,
ode Bells Ho Somerville
Retknap Robert W. clerk, 1, Blackstone, bd at
Belknap Samuel A. printer, 222 Wasbiagton, ri.
13 Pleasant
and W. 2.
AP & CO. (Chow.
. eek
0. Pushee & Co.), 106 Sudbury,
house at West Somerville
ELL CHARLES H. painter and decorator, 477
larendou — See paye 1528
Bell Charles W. porter
Boll Clare. A, aseletant
Nouse 11 London
Bell David, peddier, bda. 8 Boylston ay. J.
Bell Kdwin "As ‘bookkeeper, agrens, bda., 18
Bell Elza B, widow, house 11 London
Bell Elizabeth, widow, bis. 12 Burrougha place
Bell Frances Mi. neat. Au
Bell Frank H. bda. 98 Gray
Bell Frank Hi. bartender, 629 Washi
Bol! Frederick, fsb, rmoa. 233 Shaw nut a
Bell George, student, bda. 14 North Anderson
Bell George, sergt. U.8.A. 18 Portland, hds. do.
Bell George’ (Bell 4 Molle), 81 Cons
Bol George: ety Inborer, house 198 Brighton
jearge, clty .
Bell George B. (Bell & Dyer), 8 Province cor
house 070 East Sixth oi
Bell George E. died Apeit 25, 1680
Headquarters for CARPENTERS and
BUILDERS. Ne. 20 Dock Squarc.
nostoy [B]
Bell George E. Mrs, bds. Bell's Hotel. Court aq.
Bell George M. conductor, M. R.R. house 145 North.
‘ampton (State, house at Danvers
Boll George P. clerk, National Exchange Bank, 25
Bell George R. taleaman, 38 Channe
Bell George W. carpenter, house 3 Porter
Bell George W, 44 Broad, house at Malden
Bell Grenville 8, clerk, 238 Congress, h. at Chelaca
Bell GW. Danvers Express, 174 Washington and
Bell Hautah Mra. house 14 North Anderson
Bel Harriet F. Mas, tonse 27 Mt. Pleasant ay.
Bell Holen M. Miss, assistant, Public Library, MIU.
‘mont, bouse 4 Cedar square
Bell Henry, waiter, houre 10 Wheeler
Bell Henry, painter, house 105 Brighton
Bell Henry't. maxon, house 3 Reims place
Belts Hightand Express, 4 Central and 43 North
Boll Hugh, removed to Waltham
Bell Jacob'S. mariner, house 209 Sarat
Rel James, laborer, house rear 180 Nord
Boll James, blacksalth, house 105 Marion, EB.
Bell Jamor Mea. house 30 Clarendon
Boll James A. carpenter, house 306 WW. Broadway
Bell James B, notary public, 12 Old Sate House,
Tiouso 4 Millis, Rox.
Bell James E. bas. 105 Marion, EB. Dorch.
‘Bell James H. laborer, bia. Boston, n. Allbright ct.
Bell James W. painter, house 148 Castle
Rell John, laborer, house 7 Kaat-street place
Boll Joho, gas fitter, house 488 Tremont
Boll John, runner, house 233 North
Bell Joho, dentist, 120 Tremont, house at Chelsea
Boll Tobn, plasterer, house 1330" Tremont deo
Bett Youn, hay and dratyy 40 dante av. b.wt Mal
Hell Jobn'A. house 407 Columbus av.
Bell Jobn A. carpenter, house 1 Pulaakl av.
Bell John D. blocknaker, house 19 Princeton, E.B.
Bell John E. #bip carpenter, h. 129 Trenton, EB.
Bell Jobn H, eouchiman, house 40 Warwick
Bell Joho J. paper banger, ds 1 Dabney place
Boll Joneph, biackanith, rms, 68 Harrison ay.
Bell Josephs Mrs. boure } Dabney place
Bell Joreph Mrn. house 24 Chestnut
Bell Joreph ©. cigarmaker, house 73 Phillips
Bell Joseph G, jeweller, 413 Washington, house 4
Cedar aquire
Bell Joseph H. gardener, bouse 46 Ts
Rell Joseph J. bookbinder, house 287 Sitver
‘Bell Joneph 8. variety, store, 40} W. Canton, b. do.
Bell J. Webster, watchinnker, h. 48 Woodward a
‘Bell Kate Mrs. House 1 Leverstt ay.
Bell Letitia, widow, house 247 Roxbury
‘Bell Lewis i. pookleceper, 411 Washington, bds, 22
Mt. Pleasant av.
Bell Lizzte Miss, house 41 Bradford [house do,
Bell Margaret Ms, dressmaker, 4 Hotel Stiddteses
Bell Maxwell 8. lithographer, 120 Pearl, rme.
Boll Parks E, bda, 09 Hancock Hine
Bell Peyton I, eoachian at H. A. Church's, Porest
Bell Richard, laborer, bds, 170 Chambers
Bell Wiehard, cook, Zio Washington.
Bell Richard’ A, peddler, house Madleoh, Mat.
Bell Robert, walter, houve 8 Strom 2840 do.
Bell Robert, foreman, City Lot,
Bell Robert, rma. 18 Edinboro”
Bell Robert, student, bids. 1 Dabney place
Bell Robert’ G. & Co: provisions, 26 Ciinton market,
house at Somervil
Bell Robert J. bookkeeper, 31 West, h, at Readiny
Bell Robert P. B. clerk, 257 Washington, bis. 24
Bell Samuel, machinist, house 65 Leverett
Bell Samuel A. walter, ds. 29 Grove
Bell Samuel P. clerk, $4 North, b. 14 Parker, Chen.
Bell Stratford R. printer, 81 State, rms. 75 Har, ay.
Bell Theodore Hi. boots and shoes, 411 Washington,
house 22 Mt. Pleasantay.
Belt Thomas E- expreseman, by 31 Irving pl. Chen,
Boll Thomas F. bullder, bouke 148
Bell Vincent, upholsterer, house 9 Bridge eourt
Bell Warren F. mason, house Union av. J.P.
‘Bell William, laborer, bds. 661 Dorchester av.
Bell Win, E, marine engincer, b. 2 Auburn pl. Rox.
Boll William F. exprossman, b. 758 Shawmut ay.
Bell Willlam G. marine engineer, bas. 1 Dabney pl.
Bell Wiliam GK Co. (4. D, &. Bel, provions,
48nd 30 Commercial, i. 6 Wallace court, Chsn,
Bell William H. clerk, 60 Blackstone, bh, at Malden
‘Bell William H. plastorer, bi. 1830 Tremont
Bell William H'r. mason, house 7 Chambera
Bell William M440 Tremont, bds. 9 Dwight
Bell William T. laborer, bds. 7 Bast-st. pl. [Lyon
Bell Wisdom E. bookkeeper, 22 Charlestown, . at
Beil WW agent, 98 Chaney
Bell — Mrs. house D, Model place, Peas
Bell & Dyer (George Bell ant Albert W. Dyer)y
painters, 8 Province court
Bell'& Pullex (George Hell and A. E. Potter), rig-
gers, 31 Commercial Rochester
Bella Gaetano, halrdreseer, 351 Harrison ay. house 2
Bellamy Henry, mason, bouse Buttonwood, way 15
Bellamy Henry, bruahinaker, bas. 6 Cambridge
Bellamy Robert J. salesman, 210 State, bds. 144 W.
Bellamy William & Haley (W. Bellamy and C.F.
Haley), importers of fanoy goods and stationery,
21 Franklin, h, Washington.a, Colutnbia, Doreh,
Belle Charles, barber, 186 Merrimac
Belle C. 1. physician, 67 Green, house do, Ch
Helle Demetio, hairdresser, 186 Merrimac, 1
Bellew Henry E. room 6, Court House, bus.
Bellew William, liquors, 639 Shawinut a7. b. 637 do.
Bellhouse Margaret Mra: confectioner, 307 Tremont,
house &7 Northfield
Belli Antonio, frult peddlor, bonse rear 9 Prince
Belli Louis, fruit dealer, b.87 Northing. (Che
Bellis Thomas 8. bookkeeper, 5 Bedford, house at
Bellizia Frank, musician, house 27 Enatern av.
Rellizia Joho, musician, bis. 4 Clifford place
Bellizia Peter, fralt, house 4 Clifford ple [her HUM
Bellmix George W. foreman, 114 Court, b. 3 Bun-
Bellott Alphonse L houey rear 2061 Washington
Bellows Charles F. (Bellows so Manson), 77 Oliver
‘and 142 High, house 37 Hanson son
Bellows Charles F. jr. clerk, 77 Ollver, le. 37 Han
Bellows Charles H. clerk, 14 Branklin, bls. 82 Green
Bellows Charles H. clerk, 91 Franklin, bids. tat Weat
Newton [West Newton,
Bellows Daniel B. clerk, 64 Commerotal, da. 137
Bellows George M. conductor, house 338 Thexth
Bellows Gustavas, painter, bd. 1 St. Jamee placa
Bellows Henry C.8 Co. sblet manuf. 418 Washing.
top, house 28 Yarmouth [at Walpole, th,
Bellows Henry N. wool broker, 182 Federal, house
Bellows Jobn, bouse 7 Motel Comfy
Bellows John's. restaurant, 160 Federal,
84 Warren, €
‘ost, Dds. 33% Heuth
Willlam W, liquors, 64 Commercial, bow
187 Weat Newton
Bellows & Manson (0. F. Bellows and N. @. Man-
son, jr.), row and ste}, 17 Oliver and 142 High
Bellwalder Ignatlus, clergyman, house 21 Lucas
Belmont Edward, shipping clerk, 195 State, house 6
‘Cedar square’
Belmont John D. copylst; house 624 Harrison ay.
Helmont Lida Miss, bds. 108 Pembroke
Beloin Jobn, blacksmith, house rear 04 Cabot
Belser William F. salesman, Albany, cor. Doves
Belt and Leather Stufling Co, 47 India
Belt Charles B. phyaielan, 474 W. Hroadway, bs. do.
Belt R. Maurice, clerk, $1 Atlantic wy. bas, 174
Bunker Hi [Revere
Belter Andrew L.. salesman, 450 Washington, bds. at
Beltis Thomar, B. & A. RAL bdx, $66 East Fourth
Belton Catharine, widow, house 105 South
Belton Michael, laborer, hs. 165 South
Belton Patrick, poure 1é Souib Margin
Belton Robert, clerk, bis. 2502 Washington
Belton Stephen, fisherman, bda, 165 South
Belton Thomas, atone cutter, house 107 West Ninth
Belyea Bradford, button-bole maker, b, 72 Saratoga
Belyea George E. teamster, house 111 Bennington
Belges Joueph, porter, 6 Long whaef, house at W.
Belyea Mary A. widow, house 3 Washington court
Bement Edward N- house 18 Copeland
Bemis Anna M, widow, house Willow court
Bemis Augustine 8, (Leland, Rice, & Cv), 101 Are
house 75 Waltbam 26 Central
Bemis, Bro. & Co. (J, Mand S.A. Beis), colton,
Bemis Charles H. clerk, 3 Old Biate Mouse, bds, at
‘East Somerville
Mass. Register and Directory, {sss rramite srceu-rricewa,
102 sostoy [B]
Bemis Charles N. mason, bie. 48 Termee [J.P
‘Bemis Charlotte A. Mrs.’ nurse, bds. r. Lamartine,
‘Bemis Edwin ©. carpenter, house 48 Terrace
Bemis inspector, 32 Central wharf, house at
Grantvil [at Grantelite
Bowls Emery, jr. leaf tobacco, 32 Central wharf, d.
Bemis Eugene, baker, 30 Dearborn, and Hancock,
‘cor. Stoughton, house 5 Dearborn
Bemis Fidelio, maaan, house § Chauncey pl. Che,
Hemis Francis T. (Bigelow. Kennard, & Co.), SU
"Washington, house 22 Newbury.
emis Frank, cook, house 163 Friend
Bermia Frank’'B clerk, 35 Congress, b. 22 Newbury
‘enls Frod W. express messenger, 39 Court sq.
house 22 Northampton ‘Melrose
Bemis George, music teacher, 106 Court, house at
Berala George, laborer, bis. Willow court
Bemis George F. 382 Washington, house at Lincoln
Rernls George L. clerk, baa. Shawmut place
Boils George W. music teacher, 144 Tremont, house
‘at Sommerville
Remis Heavy, milkman, bas, § Chauncey pl. Chan.
Bernls Horace, steward, Creighton House
Burnis Inanc, bookkeeper, bds. 9 Allen
Bomls James, laborer, house Oakland, Br.
Bemis Jobn, laborer, house Walnat-st. court, Nep.
Bemis John W. plumber, house 68 Kendall
Bela Judson M. (Bemis, Bro. & Ov,), 20 Central,
house at Newton [equiare, Allston
Bemis J. H. clerk, H.W. Longfellow’s, bd. Union
Bemis J. W. 5 Court, house at Cambridge
Bemla M. Melvin, clerk, house 619 Shawmut ay.
Bails Patent Ol Mixture Co. #8 Union
Herne Richard, porter, 198 State, house 18 W. FIR
Bemia Seth, 6 Gar
Bamis B 3: (Bente Bros Co), 28 Central,
Tania, Mo.
Bemis Wiliams A. printer, bas. § Allen
Bemis Wm. W. 3 Summer, b. 8 Brown ct. Allston
Benari Bennett, 02 Washington, b. 125 Dartmouth
‘Benart Jacod, $03. Washington, house 125 Dartmouth
Benari Joseph, shoes, 602 Washington, house 135
Hench Bridget, widow, house 147 Charlestown
Bench Joba, laborer, Noure 147 Charlestown
Rench Patrick, taborer, house 6 Chapman, Chsn.
Beneb Sarah, clgar manuf. 147 Charlestown, b. d
Benchimol J. provisions, 147 Leverett, hotise at
at st.
Boneker Adam J. Mr. house 6 RookIgham ct, EB.
Benckor Kaldlon,glaas worker, housed Felling place
Boneks Hermann (Hormel & Bencks), 208
Third, ‘ine a ‘Athens
‘ncksmnith, house O68 Tremont
tk, 118 Milk, da. 188 Gold
house 129
nave 43 Chadwick
house’ Dartmouth
inter, 16 Ollver, bes. 129 Gold
‘ba. off Washington, near
Renedict Edward S. clerk, 200 State, bds, at Chelvea
Benedict Fanny E. bds. Centre, near Adama, 1.
Benedict 1 Howard, steno enographer, 183 Troma
Benodiot John G., Eagle Copytng House, 809 Waeh-
onli Tid Chandler
Rendon WiNiani
Bendort Frank, cus
Chemleal av. J.P.
ret B. widow, house 322} Tremont
Benedict William G. Denny, Rice, Co), 182 Fede
‘eral, house 120 Warren nv. ren ay.
Benedict William L. 40 State, room 8, bets. 120 Ws
lialrdrenser, 423 Hanover, Ni do.
Renet Lorenzo ¥. cigars, Se. Bh Milby
son Pe, el inter, house 197 Parle
n Pehes ter, house
i Abert clerks 34 Summer {ito,
ataln Elina I. widow, dressmaker, 1 Dover, b,
rin dames F. provisions, house 6 Preble
ohn, house 316 -Athene
‘Rae eae, howe 16 O a
lawyer, 01a
Meldea tat Artingion
W. Wales rece. 14 Morea, hour |
Benlaroin Yendelaki, pediler, bu. 9 Prince
Vaughan, Malden’ Eapreas, 4 Court |
ire 48 ‘Kingston, 176 Ws apd 43 |
Benkert Jongh, ht sugar hover, hosse £90 Bolton
at sigar house,
Benn taines 6. ioauraace agent, 153 Tremont, house
33 Green, Cham.
Benn James 8, clerk, 174 Congress, bda. $3 Green,
‘Chan. Chan:
Benn John M. clerk, 78 Commercial, dx. 38 Green,
Bennéehe Edward, Canton ginger, 115 Water, house
‘at New York
Bennéche Henry, clerk, 115 Water, bds. 88 Essex
Benneger Jacob, baker, Young's Hotel, bds. 1 Boy!
ston square
Benner Auson P. confeetioner, bds. 68 Leverett
Benner C. J. clerk, § Bowdoin, house 26 Staniford
Benner Edward A: teamater, house 142 Porter, E.B,
Benner Enoch & Go. (J. 17. Whitaker), commission
imerchapts, 97 State, hoase at Chelsea
Renner Eugene E. bartender, bds. 48 Rrndford
Benner Frank T. lawyer, 0 Devonshire, room 14,
‘bd. 561 Coluisbus ay. 2
Benner Frederick G. driver, bh. 142 Leverett
Benner Horace B. clerk, 1 FL. mkt. bds. 26 Stant
Renner James H. car driver, tms. 108 Merfitian
Benner John, house 27 Kirkland Hyde Park
Benner J. Wesley, bookkeeper 4 High, house at
Benner Lewis W. police station 18, house 68 Leverett
Benner Warren, hairdremer, 4 Stantford, bis. @
Boonie Abbie Mrs, house 60 Chelsea, B:B.
Bennett Abraham P. cutter, bale. 43 Wall
Hennett Albert. inside man, 1247 Washington
Bennett Aired W. clerk, 46 Winter, hy at Hyde Park
Bennett Alphonso W. removed t0 fd,
Hennett Atsirew poll stain 4, house 13 Bovey
Bennett Andrew W. machinist, house 90 Kendall
Bonnett Arthur G. commission merchant, 44 Kilby,
‘house 27 Cordis, Chan,
Benuiett Auguste, boarding-house, 423 Commerctal
Bennett A. 4. Mrs, carpetmaker, Hone 870 Tremont
Bennett A. Ri. clerk, & Central wharf, Dida 183
‘Shawmut av. Cambridge
Benoett Bernard, Yootmaker, 10 Frankiln ay, hose
Bennett Catharine, widow. house 24 Onel
Bennett Charter, clerk, 113 8. Market, bda. 83 Derne
Benvett Charles, elerk, bila. 2 Hotel Gury.
Bennett Charles, express driver, houre 38 Colony:
Bennett Charles, 665 Bartlett, Chin,
Bennett Charles bade. 280 Lexingto
Tennett Charles Hy stock broker. 78 Dovonahire, be
Dennett Charlier I. chyar clerk, Darker Houre, bai
‘ig Columb
Henne Charen O. Unmet & Rornard), Bariett
ding howe 4 Coauney piney Ka age
Bengt Chaos ft. chromo, 38. Kieviahdy bas.
Bonnett Charles W, eoglocer, house #34 Main
Bennett Charles W. iauslelan, house, 18 Dexter
House No. 1 19 Rivoralds
Rennvtt Charles W. bookkeeper, 1288} ‘Tremont,
Bennett Clark, Insurance agent, 75
Bennett C. Frank, «alesman, 33 Central sq
Reuinett C, 8. Mrs. house 20 Chestuut, Chan,
Bennett Dana W. bookkeeper, 161 Summer, bds, at
Bennett David 8. foreman, house 3 Onk, Chien.
Bennett Della Mina, Veachér, Institute fr the Blind,
‘us. 654 Raat Fourth
Bonnett Dennta, laborer, house 22 Ontarto
Bennett Edmund H. ean, Boston University Law
School. 36 Bromfleld, room 20, house at Taunton
Dennett Edward, machinist, bie. $2 Derne
Bennett Edward, shooting gallery, 13 Washington,
house 5% North Ru
Bennett Edward D. clerk, Montreal House, bas. do.
Benuett Baward E. clerk, 248 Purchase, ‘di. ab
Bennett Ellen, widow, saloon, 62 Henley, h.do. Chan,
Bennett Eugene, machinist, rms. 61 Shawmut av.
Bennett Frank P., Commercial Bulletin, 275 Wash.
Ington, house at Everett, (¢ jroton
Bennett Frank W. chemist, 114 State, room 10, h, 16
Bennett Fred E. clerk, Essex House, il Kasex, b.
Bennett PT. Co, (Se Eircom, Bh ‘photo
219 Hanover, rms, 220
te, hota wh
7 Mito
Bennett George, # or be, Hfodon
Bennett George, plumber, rine, 220 Hanover
Bennett George, lead worker, house 158 Marion, E.B,
Benvett George, clerk, 143 Kingston,rms. 6 Oxford pl.
Bennett eae ‘A. ole, 93 Summer. D. ‘at Cholaen
Disston's SAWS, Halley's PLANES,
and all Carpenters’ TOOLS ut
nostos [B]
Bonnett George W. ster, house 12 Wall, Chen.
Bennett Gilbort, ol ‘house 7 Hotel Dorchester:
Hennett Hannah, widew, be3 Bush (Somerville
‘Bennett Harry, salestoan, 497 Washington, b. at N.
Beunctt Henry, ship fastener, h. 226 Lexington, E.B.
Bennett Hoary, laborer, bouse $2 Battery
Bennett Henry U, saleatnan, 105 Bedfo: pk
‘Bennett Hermun R. telegraph repairer, h. 16 Cod
‘Bennett James, bls. 271 West Broadway
4 Wesley place
1d wood, 24 ‘Travers, b. 26 do.
Bennett James Hl. clerk, Bay State roo W
Bennett James He (Bennett, Rand, e& Co.), 19 North
‘Market, bh at Cambridge fil, Chen.
Bennett James M. lagman, B, & TL. RR, bo Haver
Bennett James M. tearaater, house 15 Lincoln, Chsn.
Bennett James B. clerk, 450 Wash. rms. 87 Appleton
Bennett James 8. (7. F. Bennett & Son), veunster,
1, & AL trelght depot, b. Faulkner es. Malden
Bennett Jeremiah, laborer, house 6 Shaving
Bennett John, slater, houre 82 Oswego
Bonnett John, bds. ‘Prull, Dorch.
Bennett John jr. Inborer, bus. rear 334 Somner, E.B.
Bennett John, house rear 334 Sumner, EB.
Bennett John’ A. lawyer, 63 Tremont, room 7, bds.
‘65 Chandler
Bennett John C. planomaker, b.22 Milton av. Dorch.
Bonnett Joho F, lumber, b. 1 Bennett place, EB.
Bennett John F. saleeman, 61 State, bouse rear 6
‘White, EB.
Bennett John L. physician, houre 680 Tremont
Bennett fonay, Hour Nat Mank, bat Lexington
Bennett Joseph (Delong & Seaman), 6 Ceutral wht.
house 1 Sargent, Doreh.
Benuett Joseph, mariner, house 289 Lexington, E.B.
Benuett Joreph, lawyer, 47 Court, house Union, cor.
Winship, Br.
Bennett Joroph 8. tenmster, bas. 2 Auburn #q..Chen.
Hennett Josephine, varlety sore, 34 Main, bouse do,
‘Bennett Josiah, vt
Bennett Josiah Q.
‘State, house at Cambria)
Bennett J. Frank, wood truer, bas. 308 Meridian
Bennett J. Henry, 152 ‘Tremont, house Trull, Porch.
Rennett Laura J, widow, house 244 Sumner, EB.
Bennett Liazte Mire. ho ton
Bennett Liszle Miss, boy aulta, 34h Tremont, b. do,
Bennett Luther W. physiclan, 40 Temple, ba
Bennett Margaret, widow, houae 28 Oneida
Bonnett Martin, laborer, house 6 Poreelaln place
Bennett Mary, widow, house 143 Eesex.
Hennett Mary" A. Mra. pattern rooms, 207 Tremont
Bennett Mary A. widow, house 11 Wesley, Cbs
Bennett Merril {. expressman, h. 2 Maple plac
‘Honnett Michael, lighterman, bouse rear 2 Charter
Heanett Michael, ledgeman, house Mt. Vernon, Kr.
‘Bennett Milo KE, clerk, bda.'2 Salem, Ch
Benwett Naddleman, cuiter, house 43 Wall
Bennett Oliver, § Pemberton aq. h. at N. Cambridge
Bounett Philander L. soineral water, 2 Park, Chan
house 66 Church
Bennett P. Joseph, supt, 450 Washington,
Bennett, Rand, & Co. Wie A, Bennett ani
Hund), produce, 19 North Market
Bennett Robert, agont, house 18 Shawmut av.
Bennett Samuel P. carpenter, Chestnut, cor. Charles,
ouae 87 Revere ‘Blind, b, 48 E. Fourth
onnett Sarah L. Mins, teacher, Thatitution for the
Bennett Simon, mechunle, bds. $1 North Bennet
‘Bonnett Sophronia T. Mss, bds. 77 Myrtle
‘Hennett Stephen, jeweller, house 1563 Washington
Bennett Stephen, clerk, 618 Washington, h. 4 Groton
Bennett Stephen’ D. 6§ Devonshire, room 42, house at
Brookline ton
music teacher, 1565 Washing.
eb Co), pl
Bennett Sylvester G. (J. M. Prior & Co,
‘and moulding il, 14 Liverpool, b 2)
Bennett 8, T. Mrs. house § Ashland place
‘Bennett Theodore W. (V. Boynton «& Co.), 89 Com-
mercial, house at Weat Medford
Bennett Theophilus F, & Son (J. S. Bennett), team.
sters, B. & M. Rk. house 03 Elim, Chen.
Bennett Thomas, boarding-bouse, 29 Moon
Bennett Thomas, machinist, house 6 Coventry
‘Bennett Thomas A. house 58 West Cedar.
Bennett Timothy, coachmau, h. 20 Grenville place
Bennett Water We inesanger, Third Not, Bank, 8
ngress, bh, at N. Woburn ey pl.
ent Grarres Be erks Greve, J.P Rae SCkaae.
Bennett William, mason, b. 5 Onelda [Russell
Bennett William, jeller, 433 Washington, b. 9 8.
Bennett William John, cutter, house 120 Silver.
Bennett William K. japanner, 4 Province ct. boure
Scarver 8 Ashitnnd pine
Rennett Winfred &. watchmaker, 231 Washington,
Bennett Woodbury, conductor, H. 8 M. IER. on
‘at Lowe
Bennett & Barnard (0. 0. Bennett and 2. M1. Bar.
‘nard), provisions, Burilet’s Dig. Green, JP.
Bennett, see Bennitt (mond, Laat.
Henneite Edwin B. house Dorchester av. near Kich-
Bennie A. A, printer, 19 Milk, bat Camiridgeport
Bennte David G. baker, houxe 24 Adame place
Bennlghot Adam, baker house F204 Cot (to,
Benniglof George, clerk, 227 Tremont, bla. 1100
Rennighof BP. P, baker, houxe 119 Tremont
Benning Susanna, widow, b. 1 Wynn pince, Rex.
pans a7 Jacod, baker, 184 Washington, bds. do.
Bennink Albert whesiirieht, bore Dri pines
Bennink Leonard E-0 Chauncy, bat Cambridgepurt
Bennink William A. died July 2, 1879
Bennison Charles E. house 0 Wea
Bennleon Charles Lb. 1498 Trew
Bennite Georges. Mev. bouse W Van Winkle, Dorch.
Bense George F. plasterer, house 00 Middlenx
Bense 1. Anne, Reacher, ‘Mather schoo, hovee at
‘South Canton tauCamton
Bense Wiliam, printer, 35 Congress, room 4%,
Bersel James Hierry, at State Aid dept, State House,
‘house at Lynn in. 8 Cumatant
Bensemoll Jacob (John Philipps Co.), 31 Dock
Bensemoil Solomon Mrs. houses Cumaton
Benson Allen, laborer, house 7 Cottnge, E,
Benson Andrew d. starter, Met, Ht h
Henson Ann A. widow, bou
Benson Benjamin, 24, watedman, house Centre, a.
Myrtle, J.
Benson Carl J. patternmaker, house D, J.P.
Benson Charles K. supt. O18 Washington, house
Hotel Hudson [Baltimore
Benson Charles W.phystelan, 6 Hamilton pi. hy at
Benson Constant T. carpenter, 134 Charlestown,
‘at Somerville ‘(a0 West Cells
Benson Edward W. trimmer, 225 Washington, bile.
Benson Edwin F. student, 16 Pemberton eq, bd
‘White ay. 3 (Pareliase, bs m
Benson Emery K. (A. Emerson a Co.), 36 nud a
Benson Ephraim ©, real estate, 1985 ‘Tremont, house
tchman, bda. 562 Knat Kighth
1983 do,
Benson Erastas,
Benson E. E. salesman, 49 Avon
Benson Frank A. salestinn, 39 Temple place
Benson George, paluter, bis, 24 Phillips
Beason George W. (4. Sruerson dé Co.) 96 and 38
Purchase, bouse at Balem {t. 0 Fountain
Ronson Harry, music teacher, N. E, Conservatory,
Benson Heury A. broker, § Endicott, house nt
Benson Henry H. conductor, F. RR. h. at Concord
Benson Henry J. houses Cottage, E.
|. Miss, house 484 Tremont
Kienson Jacob G. clerk, 87 Court, bas, 38 Bowdoin
Benson James, labore River, cor. Ceditts LM.
Benson James, laborer, house 28 Battery UT
permaker, bde. liver, cor. Co
Henson Jobo, cutter, 28 Suromer, house Ta? Sarato
40 Cavan
liquors, 50 Causeway, hi, 32 Mofn
Benson Jobo Q. A. mariner, house 169 Condor, #-B.
Bensou Joseph, house 579 East Broudway
Henson Josepb H. expreseman, bds. 8 Esvex, Chen,
Benson Letitia, widow, h.4 Washington pl. Uben.
Bengom Lewie'F. clerk,‘ Jackson's, Centre, J.P.
Benson Levi A. house 18 School, Eg. aq.
Benson L- 3 Sirs forewoman, 34 Temple pl. bs doy
Benson Mars, widow, house 3 Ward, [tox,
Benson Mason D. treasurer, F. Rut office at depot,
oes 10 North av. Cambridge
Teneon Michael, laborer, house 3 Faxon place
Benson M. C. Mies, dressmaker, house 408 Tremont
Benson P- tapmaker, house 109 Paris
Benson Robert, laborer, house at Spectacle Teland
Benson Samuel 8. sallmaker, b. 101 Brooks, EB.
Benson Thomas, laborer, house 206 Bolton,
Henson Thomas, gardener, b. River, ¢. Cedar, LM.
Henson Thomas, jr. laborer, b. River, e.Cedar,
Benson Willlam, cooper, bouse at Spectacle tslanid
Benson Willlam 'B. locksmith, 82. Chen. bouse do,
Benson William 8. driver, house 263 West Fifth
SAMPSON, DAVENPORT, & CO., Publishers, 155 Franklin St.
ent Avery P. Mrs, house Washington av. Nep.
Bent A Allen, 1 Braule; boose 22 Wilisins, Rox,
Bent Baran P died July 16 159,
* Beriah, clerk, house
Bent Charles C. cabinetmaker, b. Highland, Dore,
Rent Charles HL W. Mra, house a Myatle, Chau.
Bont Charles H. diamond pollsber, hls. 36 Clarentou
Tent Chatles T. A: 33 Summer, bla. 134 Lexington,
Bent C. B. Mrs. house 1479 Washin,
Bent Edward D. cabineumaker, b. Highland, Dore.
Bent Kiljab (Ben! db Zaickes), 108 Broad, house at
‘Canton [Cambridgeport
Bent George C: lawyer, 28 Pemberton 4q. house
Bout George W. uptolsiere, 6s Washingion, house
‘at Hyde Pash
Rent Herbert, 17t State, bds. 234 Tremont
Bent James, liquors, 127 North, house 118 Cross
eat Jamen If clerk, 182 Washington, house. 147
irooks, EB 2
Bent James 8. blacksmith, h. 154 Lexington, EB.
Tent Junes 8. elerk, 108 Broad, bas. at Canton
‘Bent Joel W. foreman, at Abattolr, house N, Beacon,
ear Market, Hr. ‘Lleieton, Et
Bent Joseph H. bookkeeper, 244 Washington bh. 190
ont Marin J. Alem, removed to Cambe
Bont Orrin, el HL. market, baat Chelan
Bont Reb 4.01 Washington, Lest.
Bent Rufus, carpenter, b. Dorchester av. cor. Crock
Bont Stephen C: house 241 Bunker Hit
Bent Siler O. (Snell & Co.), 2 Boylston Market,
cellar, house 2 Tyler {Somerville
homas A. provisions, 1 North, house at
Bent Warren A. clerk, Vieuna Brewery, b. 4 Ball
Tent Willlam 1, uphlaterer, bas. 4 North
Bont & Bush, bats, eape, fure, and military goods,
387 Washington olla, 106 to hz! Broad
Bent & Hawkes (21Yoh Bent
Be ken lUah Bent anil I Mek)
‘ntewers Cornellus, chyariaa “ashington
Bentham Edwin G, Thodlder, x § Glover
Rentham James, moulder, house 4 Champney:
Rentley Alfred I. engraver, house 156 Beaeh,
Hentloy Charles A. dle cutter, & Ph, 708 East Third
Bentles Daniel B mason, $1 Joy, house 84 Phillips
'.8. 8. Resolute, bie.
Bontley Fredorick J. engineer,
124 London
Rentley Mary A. Mra. cook, Derby House, bds, do,
Bentley Richard P. elimrmaker, house 108 Caatie
Dontley Kobert, plumber, h. 02 Chaproan, ward 16
Bontley Samuel (J. #. Buerkel & Co.), 2 Unlon-
park-atrost, bda. 27 Dove
Twotley Sarah B. Mra. house 34 Westminster [ford
Heutley Wm. E. watebinaker, 6 Winter, b, at Med-
Wonton Adelbert J. clerk, 20 Clinton, rm. 21 Chap.
ne jat Somervill
Renton Alexander R. bookkeey 14 FH. mkt, bide,
Renton Ana, widow, bde. Hotel Hrisiow
Wonton, Caverly, & Co. (2. Penton, D. F Caverty,
anid L. 2. Jackson), produce, North Market
ond TA Faneuil Hall market
Benton Flor K. bookkeeper, 113 Dorchester, ba
1 Fourth-atreet
Henton George W.
Chauney, house at Medford
Henton Herbert, teamator, 6 Avery
iwnton Tease 8, planomaker, hose 108 Lenox
muton Joainh ‘counsellor, 99 Mille, room 34,
house H, Hotel Alexandra Bomervitie
Honton TL. Chartes, ‘cotton, 131 Devonshire, room
‘Monton Natha
Benton Reuben P. sour, x
Market, and 74 P. HL mkt. house te
‘alter N. fireman, Bouse Hotel Bristow,
‘Dedham, cor. Harrison
Renton William 8. Isborer, house 31K
Reuway George W. removed to Islington
Henwell Henry, chaaor,h. Ashland. n. Florence, Ros. | Ber
Tenwilt George, brass worker, bds. 88 Oak.
Monyon A. 1. president Pacific National Bank, 131
Devonshire, house at Auburn
Wenyon George I receiving teller Puelfie Netlonal
nk, 131 Devoushire, bus. at Auburndale
Heng Alvis: plano polisher, $00 Tremont, houve 200
eet Fo
‘Anton, restaurant, 475 Tremont, i. 29-Afblon
Hons Paul, wateb-case maker, 208 Wrsh. b 1082 do.
Hua Petor K. clerk. 479 Tremont, bus. 2) Albion
Danengnen David, cigars, Xe. 776° Washington, rma,
181 Shawmut av.
Henanquen.Toln, bouse 5 Eaton
Berard Jobn H: assiet. U.S. Signal Service, 85
Equitable building, rms. 1 Liulfiveh place
Boston [B] DIREcTORY.
Berebue Emanuel, salesman, bds. 16 Ferdinand
‘Berenson Albert, peddler, house 32 Nashua
Berenson Louis, iinsmith,'95 Salem, house do.
‘Berg Adam, shoemaker, house 208 Athens
manufacturer, house 16 Sterling
= canvasser, house Bowdoin, near
Bergdoll John, confectloner, house 62 Chadwick
Hergen Beldget Men, bdo, F2 Grace's, Union, Br,
Bergen Bridget Mra, house St Cabot Rox.
Hergen Chatles B. grocer, 1 Adama, house 2'Crosby
Tergen Edward W. cooper, bas. 68° Warwick
Bergen Emma J, Migs, house 170 Friend
Bergen Henry, liquors, &e. 174 Friend, house do,
Bergen Joseph, pabomakers bas 47 Leno
jergen Joseph, er, bd 47 Lenox
Tergen Marta, farmesamaker, house 310 Friend
Reergen Mary Slee, dressmaker, house 08 Warwick
Tergen Michael J. near fier, house 22 Willard
Bergen Patrick, clothing, 1 Eastern nv, house 7 do,
Rergen Patrick, watchinsn, house 4 Mahao ave
bergen Patrick, teamater, houve 47 Lenox
Hergen Paul, cooper, bouse Heath place
Tergeon Henry, Quebec Hotel, 170 Friend
+ Kaward, ran 38 Buckingham
Horger Ieenc, tailor, house 38 Onwewo (Kase
Hoveer J Frank, diver, 2 Wasbtagton, tune i
in (auf Berger), 9 Provinice cour
"Touse 41 Brook av. woure do.
Berger Moses, packor and elgare, 1030 'romont,
Horger Susan Ste. house 9 Poplar wa
Merges Charles A. chalrmoaker, bda, 29% West rond-
Herger John i. chatemaker, h. 38 Went Brusdway
Terggren C.F” house 48 Prince
id) 220 Washingt
Berlin Fannle Mias, physician, 073’Fromont, bda. do,
Kerun Mille Co, 78 Mate, room a
riper Emile, clerk, 109 Court, rma: 82 Appleton
Herliner Joho, bda. 32 Appleton a
Horlo Anton, paitar, bdx- 181 Athens
Herlo John N. baker, bas. 181 Athens
Herlo Nicholas, laborer, bouse 131 Athens
to William, laborer, house 181 Athen
Herman Jacob, pediet,hoves OT Malem’ (ton
Rernard Auer clerk 0 High, ha, 180 West New.
Hernant B, leather, 60 High, bouse 130 West Newton
Dea wuse 219 North
ralesiaaty at Waahnyto
10 West Newton
| Bernard H. 0. & Co, straw goods, 73 Hawley, house
at New York [place
Bernard Ieaac, whitewaaber, house 1 North Brimmer
Bernard Joseph, inborer, house 23 Maryaret
Bernard M. J, Miss, millinery and taney goods, 803
Washington, bds. 1004 do,
Bernays Paul & Co, (C. #. Churchitl), lavporters,
24 Washington, house 71 East Brookline
Berneburg A. ft, 82 Fulton
Berney AVfred, house 51 Tremont, Chen,
| Berney William (Berney & Burrill), Bevorly, cor,
‘Travers, hoose at Somerville
beast? & Burrill (William Berney and John Bur-
rill), saw repairers, Beverly, cor. Travers
uangyasee} BURDITT. &
WILLIAMS, (smear
| 20 Dock Sas
Bostoy [B]
Bernhard John, cooper, house 39
Beroharde Alvert, blacksmith, b.75 Conant (do.
Bernhardt B. hairdresser, 137 West Broadway, h.
Bornhardt Daniel, seissors grinder, b. 1 Sudbury pl.
Bernharilt Jacob, cabinetmaker, bis. 10 Sudbury pl.
Rornhelmer H. Son & Co. importers, 79 Franklin
Bernt Rinaldo, magemaker, house 185 North
Boru Virgil, plaster statuary, 185 North, house do,
Bernier Cyritie, bootmaker, house 8 Russell place
Berostetn Nuthin, saleaman, bds. 83 Carver
Berto SopSiay house 3} Lowering place
Berntacn Hams, cook, rma. 4 Mahan place [J.P
Berran Daniel, coachman, house Pond, cor. Myrtle,
Berran Daniel, hostler, bis, 2 Cunard
Berran Daniel, coachman, h.6 Lime (Strong pl.
Rerran Daniel E. liquors, 31 North Grove, house i
Berran Edward, bouse 2 Fremont av-
‘blackmnith, house 2 Fremont av.
Borran John, receiving clerk, 149 Washington, I.
235 Cabot
Berran Joreph, plumber, 83 Joy, house 1 Strong pl.
Beran Patrick, hostler, house 37 Canard
Berresheim Nickolaus. newspapers, 1 Prescott, Rox.
le John, bda, 114 Kendal
gan Rdward, Inborer, house 37 Cook, Chan.
Berrigan James, clerks, house Chickatawbut, Nep.
Berrigan James, proprietor Lrving House, 30 How.
a [near Commercial, Dorch.
Berrigan Michael, barnessmaker, house. Hancock,
Berrigan ‘Fooma, cigars, § Union, house Chicka:
tawbut, Ne
Berrigan Thomas, steward, house 3 Wright's court
Berrilt James Ht, salenmaa, 90 Soromer, house 329
Kant Becond
Borrilt Patcicl I.
borer, house 37 East Canton
bartende! Merrimac House
Rerry Adeline D. Mrs. house 352 Walnut av.
Berry Albert L. 4 North, house 83 Winslow.
Berry Alfred T. carpenter, bis. 1 Princeton, Chan.
elmont, Rox.
jerry), restaurant, 227
Berry Andrew
at Somerville
Longwood ay,
Berny Atwood A clork, hoa re, opposite
arrin av, dD. house at Newtopville
Berry Aug. N-(/. ¥. Allen & derry), 140 Franklin,
Berry A. fun, elvii cogineer, 7 Exchange place, anid
eral, State House, 6 Hotel Clifford
irtslvirs, 141 Mit
22 Congress, house at Lynn
Berry Caroline, widow, house 13 Glenwood
Berty Catharine, widow, h. 4 Bash Malden
Berry Charles -\° porter, 558 Washington, at
Berry Charles Co llquors, 24
Berry Charles E. watchmaker, 37 Main, bds. 1 Fiar-
Yard pl. Chan. {Tremont
Berry Charles F- clerk, 99 Court, room 10, rma. 344
Berry Charles F, potter, bds. 73 Pearl, Chau.
Bory Charles MC (Berry, Frye, Co.), 281 South
farket, house nt Chielaea.
fish, 46 Dover, house 8 Fabin
captain steamer Neptune, 64 Cen-
house at Hyannis
Berry Charlotie Mrs. house 19 Lexington ay, Chsn.
Berry Clinton V. It. bia. 407 Harrison av.
Berry David A, builder, 154 K, house do.
Berry Dennis, clerk, bda, 188 Hinrrison av.
Borry Edward R, clerk, 124 Purchase
ral aq. boure do.
Berry Charles
Berry Charles
tral what
Yds. 8 Ringsold
Berry Frank Mt earpenter, house 16 Madleon
Berry Frank P- olerk, 40 Essex, rma. do.
Berry Frank W, house 7 Summit, Rox,
Berry Frederick, rigger, bh. 60 Euiaw venth
‘Berry Frederiek'J- panier, 81 Portland, b, 33 Bas
+ Frye, & Co. (0. M. Berry and J. F. Frye),
Nproduce, 1M Sou Market
Berry George Mrs. house 19 Russell, Chen.
Berry George A. provisions, bis. 18 Russell; Chen.
Berry George F. patternmaker, 29 High,
erry Gente! clerk, 34 Broad, bas. 29 dargent,
ler, .
Bre George W. (4rshowe & Cv.), 25 Union,
house at Lexington
Berry George W. bis. 81 High, Chan.
Berry George W- salesman, 72 Broad, h. at Brewster
Berry George W, blacksmith, Neponset av.
Vashington ay. Nep. (Wel
Berry Gilbert L. halrdresser, 146 Shawmut av. h.
Berry Harry G. paper hanger, bds, 116 London
Berry Henry A, salesman, $9 Brod, house 15 Bald.
ner tig Chae banger, 1a § Cambridge
jenry S. paper banger, mapman place,
erry Henry T. mason, house 14 Humboldt place
Berry Herbert A, clerk, bda. 65 Main
Berry Horace, physician, Deer Island, boune do.
Berry Horace'G. clerk, &3 Meridian, house 61 De-
erty Hursce W. planoe, 592 Washingt, bls
jorace W. pianos, Varhington, bids.
Berry Jacob W. carpenter, Allston at.llston,b
Berry James, bread #t0
house 1 Princeton, Chen.
Berry James (J. & J. Berry & Co.), die sinker, 8
wrabill, house at Longwood
Berry James A. house 25 Emerald
Berry James B. laborer. bouse 2040 Washington
Berry James B. piano manuf. 6& Warren, house 105
Vest Springteld
Berry James D. house Morton, Forest ills station
Berry James E. salesman, 27 Summer, room 82
Berry James 1, plamber, house 190 Gold
Berr} Co. our, gral, hay, Be, 109
‘house at Everett
harness worker, h. 1 Berkeley ple
Berry Jetferson
Berry Joe, bds. 24 Hanson.
Borry John, watchman, India wharf, house E.B.
Berry John’ 1. jr. carpet fitter, 450 Washlugton,
house 3 Codinan pack
Berry John C. earpenter, house 23 Haynoe
Berry John C. diver, 8.8. RR. house 4 Tuckerman
Berry John ©. tearnster, house 5 Gifford place
Berry Jobn F. driver, house 3 Canton.strect court
Berry John F. shoe Iaster, house 256 East Eighth
Berry John 4. mason, hose 45 Hunnes
Berry Jobn J. mariner, house 64 Bi Be
‘John K. lawyer, 62 Sears building, bak. 12
kland av (Hox.
(Auston & Berry), 100 Hanover,
Berry Joseph 8. bis. 2 Bowdoin
Berry Joslah C. sashmaker, house 8 West Eagle
UK J. & Co. (/aniea Berry and Thomas
Guitfoyle), dle ninkers, 68 Cornhill
Berry J. C. wer, 00 Leverett, bile. 150
Thambers Pearl, Cl
Berry J. Fred, foreman, 41 Medford, boise 78
Berry J. V. bda, Everett House [Peabody
Berry J. Webster, clerk, 17 Mercbanta row, ds. at
Borry Lester D. furniture packer, bas, 12 Bowdoin
ton Herald, bde, rear
Berry Levi 8. reporter,
= iver, sat. “ae
Lorenzo D, carpenter, hor
rey LB, boote and noes, 44
Berry Marin AM widow, house 34 Cottage, Oly
Berry Martha B, Mre, house Mill, HLS.
Th. do.
Berry Martin V. 1. mastor House of Correction,
Berry Mary C, widow, house Blue Hill ay. cor.
akiand, Mat.
Berry Michael, laborer, b. 11. Bell ct. fell, Chan.
Berry Miriam A, millinery, 265 Main, bas. 19 Teus-
Berry Mosee E. brakeman, 0. C. #.W. bas. r. River,
Rerry Mf. E. Mre, bs. Winthrop House
Berry Nathaniel, carpenter, bas. 80. Bennington
Berry Nathaniel Wb. Duley” {12 Rockland av.
Berry Nehemiah C. lawyer, 02 Sears bullding, house
Berry Parker H, house 434°
Berry Petor Mrs. house 190 Gold
Berry Phebe, widow, house rear River, Ma
Berry Rachel Dwidow, arpetmaker, he
Rerry Raphael, tallor, house 909 I
Robert, iahorer, house Shepard. Br.
Berry Robert, laborer; houwe 98 Hast Canton
Berry Rufus Le bas, 103 West Springfield
Berry Samucl, wood and coal, barcment, 100 Please
‘tt, house 4 Canton-steeet et [Dues
Berry Samuel W. clerk, 31 Milky room 20, bds,
y Sara Mrs. hoarding:onse, Commercial, cor.
sloo, Commercial Point
Berry’ Stclia Mise, Houte 283 Harrison av. [h do.
Berry Theodore & A. restaurant, 227, Coroner
Canvassing for Committees and others,
By Experienced Solicitors,
155 Franklin Street.
Berry William, foreman, 42 N. Russell b. 83 Green
Berey Willlam’ A Paper banger, h 11 Mead, Chen.
Berry Willan 8. North, house at)
Willis Be
Berry William ¥. general’ freight agent
“Gauacway, house 183 Webster, EB.
‘William F. musician, bda. € Madison
Berry Willa F. lrky 3 Charie, bas ion, op
poate Haan, Dorsh, lend
rip Wiam i ceeks S¢ Milk, room 2, house 13
Berry Wn. pile cavage F Mil, Bh Dover
Berry William ft Co, eoee, spices, Re. 53 Cen:
‘rah house st Lynn
Berry Willlam W, carpenter, h. Allston st, Allaton
Berry Winfield 8. carpenter
r house 413 E, Seventh
Bortz Winslow X. (arahewe . 0}, 26 Union,
house at Cambri
Berry Winthrop Bi nicer », 290 Marion, EB.
jerry Wyatt E. welgher,
Bertie Wom, borer, woure 112 Tudor
Toru Daniel bras Suliber, he & Coote pl 8.
Herelg doaeph, clerk, b. 4 Centeal pl. 8B. plang
Bertelsen Frederick 'R. E. eablnetmaker, house
Bertolven Rudolph, elevator man, bie. 675 Albany
Berthold Vax V. Wacher, house 156 K
Berthold Htobert E. haledresser, Norfolk House,
als 1273 Tremont (hat Arlington Heights
Berthrong H.W. 177 Stato, and erayon artist, 12
Bertie James C. trimmer, 3 Coolidge building, bda
9 Livingston
tint Joht, laborer, house 138 North.
Bertin! Joseph, laborer, house 138 North
Bertolaceint Henry, lina
Bertolucel Temlatoele, seulptor
Bertram Adolph dled Dec. 29, 1870
Bertram Adoiph Ms. house 1190 Fremont
riram Alice M. Mra, house 2 West Dedhara
Bertram Almira Mrs. house 640 Shawraot wv.
Bertram Charles E. teamater, baa. 600 Shawmut av.
Bertram Frank E. clerk, 1947 ‘Trowmont, bde. 660
Shawmut ay.
Bertram Fredorick Mra. house 6 Nichola court,
Berteam George, enginer, RB. Bouth ferry, house
Bertram Jams, carpenter, bas. 79 Raat Seventh
Bertram John, carpenter, house 19 Bhepton te
Hertram Joaophy, machloist, house #7)
ereram ney, J. carpenier: house #9
ram Robert, com. mer. 29 Avon, house at H
Park, {rua mae house 12 Ln
Bertrand Edmund, carver,
Hortrand Llazte Mra. house 208
Bertsch Caroline, boarding-bowae, 238 [Rox.
Bertsch Charles, fresco palate, house 32 oe
Bertaoh Grace, widow, Pavia
Bertach Ignats, saloon, 235,
Bertsch John, saleaman, 477 Washing ht ae
Bertach Stephen; brass "daiabery 10 Dowker, house
Kast Cambridge
Instrument maker, h. $4 Terrace
Berutich Laura, widow, house rear 19 Benton
Berwick James, foren ‘Arch. b. at Newtowvitte
Berwin 3, bas. Commonveatty Hotel [ Virginia ar.
Besnrlek John HL architect, 32 Pemberton oq, house
Besartok Willian H. dravgblman, 32 Peiaberton
‘#q- house 10 Rand aq.
Heal Hl Ecler, 241 Wanhinguon, be b2 Bayete
= hoi Ast Sharon,
do tiromiield, room 22, howe
Besse FE. (Flin Bosse), 22 Winter, bat Lyon
Besser Jerk, bas. 84 Dover
eaaet Frank, laborer, honse 4 Senbi place
Beasay Edar, horse ciipper, rye, 9
iy Fred, condocior B. keh, elt bat Reading
Bese Henry ‘stone inason, house BOT Dorchewtor
Tonas, removed to Linn
Beasorn Williaro H. clergyman, b. 28
Best Clermont L. Major V. Mee A. commanding Fort
est IF Gon, boot nnd shoes, 110 Bummer
[Somerville |
Bosent Gilman F. salesman, 27 Wioter, house at |
_] Best WS, (Mandel, Best o& 00), 48 Bedford
Best Williams R. shocinaker, Commercialy opposite
‘Clayton, house Penton piace
Bestwick Alfred “A. harncesmaker, Green, J.P. he
Weld Park, near Centre, d
Belcher George A. captaln, house 45 Border
Betham Jobn, carpenter, hi 138 Merrimac [KU
Bethel Sicam Mil Co. J. W. Skillings, treasurer,
Betheada Society, 32 Ratiand
Bethune George’A. physician, 160 Tremont, b, do.
Bethune Sarah E, wldow, house 1460 Washington
Bethune Thomas C, meneenger Shoo and Leather
raeegtal Hak 1 Devon enna
al ‘inagemaker, b-34 North Benn
Beucley ates Ben cle 0. Betileg)s costs Th
‘Doane, house 182 Weei Newion
Bettoloy A.C. (A. Beltetey Son), 11 Doane, ba
S81 Columbus ay
Betteley Charles H. it Doane, bas. 132 W. Newton
Bettens Jonepb, Tockamlths 80’ Budbury, wc0 Gren:
ineer, rms. 61 Evsox,
Hetter Henry, died. Dee. 29, 1879
Detrnaoa’s Combeige Raprete bo Court vay,
1 Kilby, and 17
Betunson cor, letter earrler,P, O. bas, 16 Chvee.
Bue neritic A. assistant, Quiney school, Dds. ak
1 John, sugar botler, house 68 Kendall
Betton Arthur, clerk, 108 Devonshire, b. at Longe
‘wood (eq. room 7, dae do W. Newton,
Betton George E. lawyer in patent causes, 17 Pom.
Betts Kidab, stair bullder, ‘Haverhili, b.wt Cum
‘at Cambridge
Baits Guisrge ¥. bead walter’Young’s Histel, heise
Betts George H engineer, Ameriean House, EB.
Betts Aten i, diy MCD. Bouse Green, car am.
artine, J.
Betis Jobs ©. carpenter, house Burroughs, J.P.
Bette M. 39 Sumuter ie
Rotts ‘Thomar W. clerk, b. 26 Lexington, K.B.
Bets John, earriagemaker,
house 17 Russell ot. Rox.
Boteen Emanu house 6 Cruse, BB.
BU Mm Jeweller, 28 Winter, room,
4, 131
Hvelel Jucody sonfeetonse-vouse 18. Tarke
Beurkholm Charles F, palnter, ta 10 Leverett
Hearktolm Charles M, cabinetmaker, b. 20 Blossom
Beyelander Cornelius, carpenter, house 12 Hallock.
Bovelander Jacob, earpenter, house 304 Heath
Hevelander Martin, earpenter, house 304 Heath
Hoven Ralph (deren «& Sefton), 87 Hariso
Bevon & Sefton (alph ‘and Charles Sefton),
paloters, 37 Nurrtson av.
Rovens Htobeet, cook, house 31 Stillman
Hovens Kode ini house 184 West El
Bevens Thomas FP. painior, 120 Tyler, bd. do.
Levens Wiillam ¥: paluter, 120 Tyler, note do,
Beveridge David, inborer, house $33 North
Woverly Charles 8. agent, 104 Commercial, house 30
Todla whart
ly Insuranice Co. 43 Devonshire
Melvin H. earpenter, Bs 102 Marlon, 1.
eet, 18 Pemberton wquare,
Parker Bomnury iho
ry ¥. clerk, 99 Winter, house at. West
Beyer award, musilan, bs. ¥0 Raat Brookline
Beyer John A. bookkeeper, 1. 681 Shawmut av.
Beyer Joseph, salesan, 218 Hanover, b. 800 Was
Reyer Joseph B. printer, house 1908 Wosbin
Reyer Lodwig, moulding maker, 47 sheridan nv.
Rezanain Christopher, cooper, 6.10 Princeton, J.B
feet aeneny eee etn
ter, prs, Louse
Biancont Peter, frult, 2 Meridls fm ince
Bible C.J. jaa Mreccteing-eip Wi vy
of Sheth, and
‘Yard, hotee at Revers
Bibber Francis F. Beach Hodas, foot
(Atiaball se Biber) 1 Mason, by. 830 E. Fifty
Binder Prank H. grocer, 18 Bumagr, Bouse 144 De-
Iibber Jacob ©. diamond cutter, b. $90 I. Fith
Mibder Jones, died Oct, 90, 1879
Aibber Jones Mrs. hogae 79) East Sixth
Litbbor Htobert J. bs. 608 nat Fitth
nunbey'Phonas,rager, house t Vernon place
sae ees BURDITT & WILLIAMS, { #0 Rak Benes,
Boston [B] Dimecrory. 107
Bidbey William 7, blacksmith, bds. 7 Vernon piace
Bibby William, foreman, #6 Cornhill, at Somer
Bible Abram, peddler, house 27 Utica
and Publication Society, 7 Tremont ‘Temple
Catharine Mra. house 378 West Second
teamster, bds. 378 West Second
vopemaker, Navy Yard, house 21
Bibrim Sarah E, Mies, dressmaker, 30 Green, b. do.
Blekel William, steam and gas fitter, b, 12 Charles
iret place, Chan. ket, bade. 6 Bowdoin
Bickford Albert H. butterand checes, & Contral Mar-
Bickford Annie Miss, house 22 Crescent place
Bickford Artemas D. janitor City Point snd Capen
primary sctiools, house 719 Kast Fourth
Bickford Arthur W. clerk, 161 Tremont, b. 1168 do.
‘Bickford Byron C. freight conductor, B. & M. RA.
ote nt Portland
Bickford Caroline A. widow, house 32 Bremen.
Bickford Charles, eiocutionist, 18 Boylston, house
Blekfomd Charles HL. CW: D. Bickford & Son), 398
ektord Charles IE. (WD. on),
Atlantic av. bds. at Newtonville ’
Bickford Charles H. shoemaker, house 7 Seaver pl.
Bickford Charles M-atecl letter cutter, § Dock sq.
hhoune 162 Leexington, B+
‘Bickford Christiana G. Mrs. house $1 Dover
Bickford ©. W, steward U.S. Hotel
Bickford Daniel, machinist, bouse 42 Gates
Bickford Daniel ©. foreman, H.
Bickford Daniel T. ticket clerk, B. & M. R.R. house
‘at Reading,
Bickford David, cook, rms. 88 Phillips
Bickford Eliza, widow, bouse 22 Clarendon
Bickford George C, Charlestown Express, 34 Court
- house 43 Kussell, Chan. (n. Western av. Br.
Bickford Harry W. clerk, 43 Hanover, bis. Market,
Bickford Horace M. clerk, 88 Kilby, bas. 42 Gatox
Bickford tra Hl. 143 South Market, houwe Brighton
‘ay. Alleton
Bickford Jumes R. 11 N.R.IL mkt. b. $6 Myrtle
Bickford Jamon T. 7) Bowdeln,
Bickford Jason H., provisions, 18 N.F.H, mkt. house
1 Causeway
Bickford John, driver, 8... 11, h. 905 Sumner, E.B.
‘Blokford John'E. Custom House, house at Maiden
Bickford 4. H. eabinotmaker, rms. 90 Main, Chen.
Blokford JL. organmaker, i131 ‘Tremont, house at
nat Medway
Bickford J. W. dentist, 396 Tremont, house do.
Bickford Leroy M. clerk, 14 Boylston Hall, bds. 836
Bickford Louiss Miss, honse 53 North Russel
Bickford Merrill W. tanner, b. 1 Pearl place, E.B.
Blekford Nathan A. house Madison" (Har.
Bickford Nathan B. machinist, 0. O. HA. house 215
Blekford Robert L. 40 Court, hds. 81 Dover
Bickford Weare D. & Son (0. H.), abip stores, 336
‘Atlantic ae. house at Newtonville (bridgeport
ckford William K. elerk, 103 Chambers, hi. at Cam
iokford, see Beckford (685 Hust Eighth
Bickley Alexander, clerk, Bay State fron Works, b.
Bickley 0.1). 121 Broad, hda. at Medford (E. Ehehth
Bickley William, at Bay State Tron Works, bds. 585
Bicknell Alfred, president Mechanics’ Muttial Insur-
‘ance Co. ib Milk, bouse at Melrose
Bicknell C. widow,
Ploknell award, Laveyer, 82. Pemb. #q. bes. 43 Som
(Bicknelt Stacy), lawyer, 5
41188 Harrison av.
Bledel James Tied Aprit 3, 2880
eknell James’. Mrs. house 1180 Harrison as
Bicknell James W. superintendent Boston Machine
‘Go. Granite, house 78:1
Bicknell Joseph, machinist, bds. 375 W. Broadway
Bicknell Joseph L. (George MH. Dickerman & Co.)y
‘32 Green, house at Malden
Bicknell Mary, widow, house 4 Summit, Rox.
Bicknell Perey, student, bds. 775 Tremont
Bicknell Robert T. bookkeeper, 200
‘house at East Weymouth
Bickuell Sarah F. dressmaker, rma, 46 South Russell
© L, 1, b. 18 Cotting | Bi
das. | Bigelow Emma M1
Bicknell Thomas W. editor National Journal of
EAucation, 16 Hawley, house Harvard, Dore.
Bicknell Walter F. 117 Water, bas. Midland, Dorch,
Bicknell William, shoe cutter, honse 367 Dorchester
Bicknell Wen. E. grocer, 4 Howard, h. 43 Somerset,
Bicknell William J. clerk, 1 Winthrop square, bds.4
‘Summit, Rox,
Bicknell W. H.W.
Bioknell & Stacy ( 0.
Stacy), law sere, Court square,
Biekner Mary C. widow, house 4 Tremont pl. Rox.
Bickum Joho K. Mrs. house 344 Tremont
Bleyeling World Co. CE. 0. Hodgen, 'C. E. Pratt
‘and F. W. Weston), publishers, 40 Water, ¢. 28
Biddle B. George, patnter, 24 Elm, house 40 Irving
Biddle Joseph G. hairdresser, 104 Bunker Hill, house
‘25 Anderson
Biddle Lemact A.
land Metotlte
rooms 0 and 10
itor, house 28 Anderson
Biddle Sarah J. widow, heruee 28 Anderson
Biddles Robert 8. hairdresser, 180 Main, houre 29
Lawrence, Chan. [tgonara, i,
Bidwell Frederick H. printer, 16 Hawley, bids, 2
Bidwell John, H. salesman, 400 Washington, hovre
47 Newland [Bllzabeth, No. 2
jobn M. engineer, 430 ATbany, house’ Hotel
Bidwell Lawson B. chief engincer N.¥.& N,E, RR,
M4 Federal, house at Hyde Park
Bidwell Lawaon B, jr. englacer's office, N.Y. & N.E.
t, bd. 8 Hote! Eh
Bleri Christian, laborer, house Washington, cor.
Grove, Wilk
Blester Augustus, iron moulder, b, 99 Chelsen, EB,
Blewald Charles, eonfectioner, house 209 Roxbury
Biewend Adolph H. Rev. house 34 Alleghany
Blewend Henry E. removed to Gardner
Biguonette Joba N. cablnetmaker, hy 11 Coventry
Bighy Fob J- musie prioer, 41 Washington, owe
{aby Sarah Mr. hoose 4 Lynd
Higelaw Abraham 0. 511 Washingt
Bigelow Addison G. candy manufacturer, bd
‘Crescent place ‘Concord
Bigelow Alanson, 311 Washington, bouse 108 West
Bigelow Alanson, Jr. (Bigelow, Kennard, Co,), 91
‘Washington, bouse at Cambridgeport
Bigelow Albert &. treasurer Mining Cos. 178 Devons
‘shire, room 36, house 10 Gloncester
Bigelow Alfred P. officer, Deer Talan
Bigelow Andrew Mrs. house 3 Hancock
Bigelow Ann Mrs, holise 20 Crescent phice
Bigelow Charles, merebant tailor, 1 Monument nv.
Bigelow Charles A. died Sept, 19, 1879
Bigelow Charles H. supt, Mystic Water Works, §
‘Chelsea, Chan. house 374 Main
Bigelow Charles 8. painter, house 288 Centre, Rox,
Bizelow Charles T. driver, house # Mystic, Chet.
Bigelow Charles W, bookkeeper, 18 Indla sq. bouse
af Cambridge
Bigelow David I. teamster, house 405 Kat Third
Bigelow Edwin M. lawyer, 8 School, room 16
Bigelow Elisha C. shoemaker, 89 Meridian, house
10 Saratoga
house 38 Edinboro!
Bigelow Erastus i died Dic, 6, 1879
Bigelow Erastus B. Mrs. houre § Commonwealth ay,
Bigelow Everett W. 790 Washington, b. 10 Regent
Bigelow Eustis ©. cotton dealer, £6 State, house 120
“Applewn [Newton
Bigelow E. Howard, ealesman, 61 Chauney, house at
Bigvlow E. Leslie, clerk, 70 High, house # Arcadia
Bigelow E. Peand AvMfisses, house 18 Boylston
Bigclow Francs Hi carriage tamer; bs 1 Abb
igelow Prancia Ti. trimmer, .
Bigelow Frank H. calesmnn, 178 Devonsbire, r. E
Bigelow Frank Hclerk, 1 india, bds. at Catabridge
Bigelow George A. bde: St. James Hotel
The BOSTON DIRECTORY, “*xstiseibrnatim sc near Cousrem st.
No. 155 Frauklin St., near Congres Ste
108 Bostoy [B]
Bigelow George B. lawyer, 5 Old State House, house
‘at Nantaiket Wayne, Rox.
Bigelow George D. lawyer, 23 Court, room 31, bds,
Bigelow George E. clerk, P.O. bds. 19 Regent.
Bigelow George F, physician, 34 Shawmut av. h. do,
Bigelow George F. 113 Broad, bds. Quincy House
Bigelow Goorge N. furs, bats, and caps, 446 Wash-
ington, bourde tc Juanes Hotel
Bigolow George Nj. Wonrde Ste Jarace Hotel
Bigelow George K. coachman, dds. 1 Ash
Bigelow George W. printer, bds- 70 Harrison ay,
Bigelow Guilford D. bs. Cambridge, Allaton: ta
Bigelow Henry A. periodicals, opp. depot, B.&- be
Bigelow Henry B. house 11 Crawford
Bigelow Henry C. president Citizens’ Mutual Ins.
(Go. 8 Exchange place, house at Dedham
Biglow Henry derby hs
Bigelow Henry J" closky 63: Notuh Mark
‘at North Cambyidge
Bigelow Henry Me 24
i jorsester
ose Co), 98 Lacan,
Blgslaw Henry W: hoster, fc Washingron, oppostts
‘Grove Halt
Bigelow Henry W. 06 State, house at Medford
Bigelow Henry W. treasurer Tucker Manuf, Co. 70
‘Washington, house at Newtonville loner
Bigelow Horatlo. 178 Devonshire, room 9b. at Ha-
Bigelow Irene Mrs. house 9 Hanson
Bigelow Jacob Mrs. Louse 50 Mount Vernon
Bigelow James, porter, 1 Milk, house at Hyde Park
Bigelow John P. 450 Washington, house at Quincy.
Bigelow Jonathan & Co, produce, 28 North Market,
house at Cambridge [at Cohasset
Bigelow Joaeph 8. 178 Devonshire, room 86, house
Bigelow Joshua R, 6 State, house at Newport
Bigslow J. 1
#3 North, a
Bigelow, Kennard, & Oo. (W. I. Kennard, F. 7.
Bemis, and Alanson’ Bigelow, jr), jewellers,
511 Whsbington and 8 and 10 West
Bigelow Liberty, 223 Washington, bouse at Melrone
Bigelow Loule Hi. salesruan, 23 North Market, bas,
‘at North Cambria
Bigelow Livelus A. 87 Voundry, and treae, 68 Kagult-
able building, house 1333 Washington — (Chan.
Bigelow Lyman i. clerk, Navy Yard, house 11 Eden,
Bigelow Mariba, whlow, bis. 21 Kast Springield
Bigelow Mary E. Mrs. house 20% Columbus av.
Bigelow Mary P, teacher, School for Deaf Mutes, 63
Warrenton, house 334 Shawmut av.
Bigvlow Melinda F- matron, Deer Island
Bigelow Melvitie M. lawyer, 4 Exchange pl. house
Big ACES se aD ;
igelow Nancy Mrs. house 3 Hremen place
Bigelow Samucl, 6 Old State House, bis, 2 Derne
Bigelow Samuel Mrs. nurae, house M4 Marcell
Bigelow Samuel, student, bas, 15 Joy
Bigelow Samuel’ A. (Macomber, Bigelone, Downe),
166 Oliver, hovias 62 Mount Vernon
Bigelow Sarali E, widow, house 612 Sumner, E.B,
Bigelow Timothy, iawyer, house 3 Hancock
Bigelow Walter ¢:. salesnan, 100 Court, house at
Kast Somervilie (coin, b. Hotel Btrunawick
Bigelow Walter 1. (at. M. Bigelow wb Co.), 80 Line
Bigulow Wesley (Bigelow a
bullng. hs. 08 Waltham
Bigelow William, at gas works, house 4 Phipps pl.
Bigelow Wen. L, notary publie, 5 Old State House.
Digelow Willian Pi Oo, trimmings, Se. 6 Temple
‘place, boure at Natick
Bigelow Wiliam Sturs jsielan, h. 60 Beacon
Bigelow & de Sapte: a low and E. de Saptes),
furniture, 20 Studio building
‘Biggnne Jobn, foreman, house 12 Bay
‘Biggart William, laborer, house 3 Seutt's ot. Chen.
‘Bigul Andrew, lager beer, 94 N. Beanet, b. r. 34 do.
fiat Domlnleo, organ grinder, house 42 N. Hennet
igui John, organ yrinder, house rear 40 N. Hennet
Biggi John B. laborer, house rear 34 North Bennet
‘Biggt Jobo B. fruit peddier, house 40 North Bennet
wie tobn, house 117 West Eighth
gute Joseph, ema.'22 Dwight
Digue Carlos, carpenter, bis. 1b Florence (Har. av.
bine Douglass 8. printer, 248 Washington, bde. 190
John B. driver, baa. 10 Chore
ley Charles, conchiman, house 45 Bartlett
Rigley Jobo, enwinecr, bis. kz Tremant
Bignoy Dantel K. mariner, house 208 Athens
BINi Erastus ¥. salesman, 450 Wasb. b. 33 Tremont
Bill Frank O. 296 Washington, bh. at Cambridgeport
Bill George D. medical student, bds. 35 McLean
Bill James P. clerk, Post Office
Bill William, stableman, rear 349 Shawnwtt av.
Billard George, clerk, 285 Washington, room 2, bd,
iamner, EB,
Billiard Joseph, machinist, house 336 Sumber, E.B.
Billldo Mary, widow, bouse Call, cor. Carolina av.
Billings Abbie J, Miss, house 544 Shawmut as
Billings Adolphus E. gas fitter, gas works, Keyes, n.
‘Washington, b. Washington, n. Keyes
Billings Ano W. Miss, h. Centre, n. Lagrange, WR.
Billings Arthar 1. travelling salesman, #1 South
Billings Arthar R. electrotyper, house 167 Plenannt
Billings Charles G, machinist, 8. 177 W. Broadway.
Billings Charles E. (iltings, Clapp, w Co.), 105
High, house at Newton
Dullings Charies Moy N.Y. & N.B. WAR, bas, 116
Billings Charles O. National Bank examiner, 19
Congress, house at Winchester
Billings, Clapp, & Co. (C. E. Billings and A. Ry
Clapp). want, elemisia, 108 and {07 Tigh
Billings Clarence TL. (Tolman Billings), 883
‘Washington, house at Cambridge
Billings David H. bookkeeper, 12 Post Ofllce aquaro,
room 6, house 76 Emerson
Billings Edward K. 95 Arch, his. 0 Worcester sq.
Biikings Edward K. machinist, h. 1051 Washiny
Billings Edwin T. artist, $9 Stadio building, house
Bowdotn, near Olney, Darch.
Billings Eaabeth, widow, house 14 Village
Rillings Ernest A. varniaber, h. Wash. nour Keyes
Billings Esther, widow, house 182 Castle
.| Billings Frances E. widow, house 20 Fountain
‘Billings Frank 8. veterinary surgeon, b. 46 Dudley
Billings George, abip storea, 183 Commercial
‘Billings Georgo A. expressman, 39 Court aquare, b,
28 Revere one 190
Lllings George H. roll turner, Norway Teom Worl
niltess awe ‘A. clerk, 93 FEL. mkt. rma, 3T South
‘Billings Harry, com. traveller, bds. 600 Shawmut av,
Tiilings Hen tron worker, rms, 224 West Fifth
Milings Henry O, 26 Summer, ‘29 Upton
‘Willings Horace (Billings & Eaton), Purchase,
'b-823 Commonwealth av. {Cool
Bul James B. boots and shoes, 20 High, a
Viliinge James H. patternmaker, h. 8 Hotel Osbort
‘Billings Jerome, undertaker, b, Briebton ay. Allaton:
Billings Jobn, boarding house, 85 West Newwn:
Billings Joseph E. architect, 38 School, house Wal-
ut park
Rittings Yonah, muatclan, bia. 8 La Grange
Billings Lorengo T.. muaielan, bda, Carleton House
Billings 1. K. 448 Wash. bas. at Carnbridgeport
Billings L. 8. driver, bd. 23 Centre, Rox.
Billings Margaret C. Miss, house Percival av. Dorch,
Billings Martha J. and Mary J. Misses, bi 4, Soley
Billings Myra A. Miss, dressmaker, houne 132 Castle
Billings Myron T.. 40 Court, house i Binney pluoe
Billings M. BP. & Co, (Sed. Connor), hate nod capa,
374 West Broadway, house 451 West Fourth,
Llllings' Norwood Express, 78 Kilby
Aillings PA. Mire. house HO Camden
Billings’ Quiney Ex. 48 Kingston and 36 Court sq.
Billings Richard 8. clergyman, b. 3 Boylston place
Billings Kobert ©. (Faulkner, Puge @ u.), 06
Franklin, house Pond, cor. Rockwood, J.P.
Billings Robert E. clerk, 401 Summer
Billings Sarah E. Mra. rooms 10 St, Charles
Billings Walter H. Aliston Express, 78 Kilby and 26
Devonshire, b. Brightov av. n. Allston, Allston
Hinge Willen 8: Baggnge master, FIR,
inge William 8. rmnster, ¥. ure
at North Adame
Biitings Williaey 8. baa. 190 K
Bilings & Eaton (Horace Bulings and Horace Kas
ton), hide and leather dealers, 246 Purchase
Dillingtin John, clerk, T. 8. Wiles, bis. Linden,
Billingson Joseph, masom, house 245 Pynchon
Billmwn Charles, rlgger, 81 Commercial hat Chelacn,
Willman Jobn, cutlery, 4 Brattle, by at Cambri
Billman John J. pelnter, 29 Hawiey, bds. at Chel
Bille Charles A. clerk, 240 Devonsbire, bds. at Wal.
‘ham douse at Waltham
Bille Carlos (Stone, Bile it Winey), 300 Pent,
Fes WCW We Graham Co), 70 Bud:
Bille P. machinist, bde, 173 Ruggles
io NEW ENGLAND, meso Dock seunce: | BURDITT & WILLIAMS,
Boston [B]
Bilis George TL. police station 10, house 173 Raggies
Bills Harriet, widow, house 309 Ruggles
Bille Henry i. condietor, b.19 Wasbington pl. Rox.
Bills Isabella, widow, house 1126 Tremont
Bill James E, physician, bh. Doreh. av. Fields Cor.
Bills Lewis A. express office, 4 Central, bat Walthara
Bills Theodore K. grocer, 1049 Tremont, house do.
Carry one bairdresser, 75 Main, Chan. bds.
Binbeldle Henry, elgarmaker, bda. Sheridan
Binden Alfred #0. 253 Washington, h.at Wakefield
‘Binder William, Jr. auctioneer, 51 State, room 8,
‘ods. 7 Walnut :
Binford Clarn C, broad store, 104 Salem, h.1 Cooper
Binford Deblois N. collector, bh. 71 Chapman, Chsn.
Bingham Almerin, hat manufacturer, 18 Province
conrt, house 10 Edgewood
Bingham’A. O, engineer, Creighton House
‘Bingham Charies, laborer, bouse 135 South
Bingham Edward A, tnemith, b. 24 Trenton, E.B.
Bingham Frank J, clerk, 95 Commercial, house nt
Bingham ¥, E. printer, 4 Williams ct. b. at Chelsea
Bingham George M- salerman, 140 Baie, house at
‘eat Somerville (illgh, bds. 000 Tremont
Bingbam George P. (Olouiman dé Bingham), 2
Bingbam Harry, house 44 Church
Bingham Henry’ M. hoxtler, house 33 Webber
Bingham James, laborer, house 44 Malden
Bingham Joho, laborer, b. 24 Clark.
‘Bingham Jobn' F. asst. engineer,
Bingham Joln B. cutter, rms, 6
Bingham Joreph, coachean, house 47 Revere
Bingham J. M. Cambridgeport Express, 86 Court eq.
Bingham Michael, laborer, bas, 68
ham Norman W. spcolal U.S. treasury agent,
0, building, room by house at Winter HLL
Bingham Oscar 15 Pleasant, hat Dedtam
Bingham Samuel, sslesrman, 30 Winter, bde. Al Mil-
ford place
Binghan William, bas. Revere Hou
Bingham William H. secretary, 4 Ald
Blugham William H. teamster, bade. 44 Malden
Bingy Henry, watchinan, bas, 2 Lathrop pace,
Binkhourst Albert, watchman, Bes As IK. house
64 Cuatle [Hotel, bs. 64 Castle
Binkhourat Albert C. balrdrossor, 14 United Staten
Binney Amor, student, bas. M8 Chandler
Binney Barnabas, real estate and paper, 10 North
‘Market, hous? at Somerville
Ball (00 Went
Charles E. (Mf, Binney’s Sows), Arch, ba
Charles J. F. house Binney, n. Lon
‘Binney Charles 0, letter carrier, P.O. i, at Somerv
Binney D. W. 82 Hawley, roont , bds, 27 Bowdotn
Binney George Il in Europe {iss Highland
Binney George H. clerk, § Congress, rou 4, Uda.
Binney James L. carriage painter, h. 21 Salem, Chen.
INNEY JOHN & SON (Lewis 'E.), tin ware and
ships’ cabooses, MZ and #4 Atlantic ay, — See
page 1262
Binney John F. shoe cutter, house 13 West Sixth
Binney Lewls E. (John Binney dé Son), SH Atinntic
fav. Dds, at Newtonville,
Binney Matthew, 04 Arch, house 90 West Newton
Binney Matthew, jr. (Ml. Binney's Sons), 4 Arch,
house £5 Winthrop, itox.
Binney Matthew's Sone (Matthew, jr. and QE, Bine
Cr Drellys, 6. 4 Arch
Binns Joaoph, machinist, 28 West First, boure 83 0
‘Binns Walter H. caterer, 8 Williams court, house
‘348 Enat Eighth
Biokland Charles, mariner, house 107 Paris
Birat Pierre, Inborer, house rear 96 Pleasant
Biteh Charles W. engineer, 1. Federal court, house
998 Enst Sixth
Birch Harvey, planomaker, bas. 18 Ashland place
Bireh John, mulriner, house 33 Pitts
Bireh Joseph T. mioulder, house 187 West Ninth
Birch Samuel, wood turner, house 166 Weat sixth
Birch Thomas W. engineer, house 47 Lenox
Birch William F. clk, 218 Purchase, b. 47 Lenox
Blrobard K, A. 122 South Market, b. at Brandou, Vi.
Birchmore, see Burehmore pet eookuine
Bird Albert H. (1. Bird Co.), 40F.Hewkt. house
Bird Amuxa, painter, 12 Hancock, Dorch. house
Cottage, near Norfolk av.
Rird Ann Miss, house 682 Dudley
Bird Annie, widow, bouse Taylor, Ne
‘Bird Annie'E. Miss, bookkeeper, bds. 754 Dudle
Bird Ata F. clerk, 82 Commerce, bat Hyde Par
lo | Bird Harrison & Uo. (A. H, Bird and &.
Bird A. 8! WJ. A. & W. Bird & 0.),
iliks oat Mataposeen Tiana, tire
Bird Benjamin C. janitor Mather school,
Bird Calsin, real estate, h. Centre, op, Bell
Bind Calvin, clerk, houee 788 Dudiey
Bird Catharine, widow, house 137 Cabot
Bird Charles, eupt. Boston Land Co. 48 Congres
‘room 19, house at Revere
Bird Charles C. porter, bas. 117 Cabot
Bird Charles D. died Dee. 21, 1879
Bird Charles G. Mrs. widow, hutise 22 Copeland
Bird Charles G. bookkeeper, 24 Ollver, house 20
Copeland, Rox. (Hammond
Bind Charles H, inepector, Custom Honse, houre 85
Bird Charles H, provisions, 76 Meridian, E.B, house
at Revere
Bird Charles H. tleket agent, B.R.B. & 1.I.R. Wins
sbrop Junctlon, bas. at Atevere
Bird Charles L. 83 Summor, bis, at Newton
Bird Charies [carriage painter, house 211 Athoom
Bird Charles 8. (F. W. dird, Hollingscorth, e€ Cv-),
20 Federal, bds. at Kast Walpole
Bird Charles W. bookkeeper, bi. 734 Dudley
Bint Charles W: removed w Lynn
Bird David HL telephone repairer, house 62 London,
Bird's East Boston Express, 48 North Market
Bird Ebenezer, sexton and. funeral undertaker,
Commercial, cur, Pleasant, house do, Dorel.
Bird Edward, house Boston, i. Albright et. Doreh.
2 Marshall, h. Wash, near
rawford Houxe, howwe
Bird Edwin A. storekecy
3 Summer, bis at Aubarae
ea vere clerk,
Bird Francis D. grocer, 475 Albany, bd. do.
Bird Francie H. salesman, bis. 48 Northfield
Bird Francla W, (F. W. Bird, Holtingsicorth, s€ Co.),
20 Federal, house at East Walpole
Bird Francls W. bookseller, 47 Corniill, and $2 Brat.
te, house Hotel Florence
Bird Frank L. diver, house 242 Webster
Bird Frank # aalesman, 18) Federal, . at Canton
Bird Frederlek, carpenter, house 24 North Russell
Bird F. W., Hollingsworth & Co. (FW, Birdy Ze
T. Hollingsworth, anit Charles 8. Bird), paper
manufacturers, 20 Federal
Bird George, house 07 Tyler
Bird George H. carriage
Bird George J. porter, house 72 B
Bird George W. Mrs. house 5 Fayette
Bird George W. jr. collector, bde. 5 Fayette
fav. houne a
iver, n. Blue Til
. Sturtee
fant), provisions, 38 and 40 FH. mkt. house at
Bird Henry, clerk, bds. Columbia, near Hancock
Bird Henry'C. & Go. (George #. Hail), wactionvers,
157 ‘Fremont, house 142 [Allston
Bird Henry W. clerk, 60 Chauncy, bas, Cambridge,
Bird Henry W, packer, 65 Bedford, bds. 08 Leverett
Bird Hernan, insurance avent,$% Devonshire, rm. 4,
house at Cambridgeport [house nt Lynn
Bird Horatio G. tithographie printer, 141 Frankiin,
Bird Iraae W. clerk, 32 Bratile, h. at Auburndale
682 Dudley [740 Dudley
77 State, dda
(ae Mate
Bird James B carpenter, b. Walk Hill, e.
Bird James H. artesian well digger, bie. 1
Bird James 1H. boots and shoes, 63 Pearl, rms. 42
Bird Jeon 7 Eabin
Bird John, j
Bird John’ H. painter, Hostor
Bind Jou Le at ‘Biron dir
tage, near Humphrey
Bird Jolin Mf. tearsaters house 2 West Haven
Bird Jobin Q. clerk, 104 Tremont, l. 32 E. Broadway
Bird John W.48 Franklin, house at Auburndale
Bird Joseph E- 07 Surmocr, bds. Mt. Auburn
Bird Joseph W. at re alarm office, City Hall, bouse
143 Athens
Bird Josbiva P. ine, 172 Devonshire, b. nt Newto
Bird JA & W_& Co, (A. Sigourney Bird, W- Be
‘anid ia ti Atte
+b, Highland, Doreh.
Bird J, Warrea, salesman, 2201 Washingt, hotise
33 Ruggles
Boston Almanac and Business Directory,
Bird Lewls J.& Co. auctioneers, 216 Washington,
‘house at C.H.
Bird Lewis P. provisions, Hancock, c. Downer court, | Blabee
hbouse Hails court [bas 101 Appleton
Bird Lissie H, assistant teacher, Winthrop sebool,
Bird Luthera W. Miss, bead assistant Brisamer
‘school, bds. 104 Appleton
Bird Margaret, widow, house 3 Hammond av.
Bird Michael, trunkwaker, house 7 Corey, Chen.
Bird Nathanlel IH. fireman, 8.P.E. No.’ 17, bonse
‘Higbland, Doreh.
Bird Patrick, bollerinaker, bouse 62 Berlin
Bird Reilly & Co. (William G. Bird and T. W.
‘Reilly), farnitore, 297 Harrison av.
Bird Samuel C- Mrs. house Highland, Doreb.
Bird Samuel T_91 State, house 4 Creseent
Bird Sarah H. Mrs. house 104 Appleton
Bird ‘Thomas, gardener, b. Bird, near iI. Station
Bird Thomas H. variety store. 173 Dadley, b, T4do.
Bird Thomas M; Mrs. house 154 Dudley
Bird Veronica Sirs, milliner, bale, 38 South Rossel
Bird Walter, painter, bls, Hacolet
‘aleamoan, 108 Tedford
‘A, ob W Bird Co), 119 MiNi,
‘cor. Savin Hl av, Doreh.
‘house 160 1
Bird Wiliam G. (Bird, Reilly s& Go.), 207 Harrison
‘av, Dudes SL Trem
Bird Wiliam Hamiin, clerk. 19 Milky b. 211 Athens
Bird William FL pollaber, house 10 Warwlek
Bird Witlara 1; house 748 Dudley
ind Zone b-cterk 32 NPAs mkt. b. Cambeldge,
Bird, seo Burd [Beacon
Birdsall Arthur W. tea broker, 27 Doane, bis. 23
Washington, house 222
[wharf, house at Chelsea
H, (Jones x6 Birdwatt), 17 Central
treasurer Tremoot and Suffolk
‘ra 20, house at 1.owell
Birdaall David. clerk, 027
Harrison av.
Birdue Patrick, printer, bia, 200 Salem,
Birgo, see Burge [Windsor
Birkbeck Jouve RF. Mrs. muale teacher, b. Kast | Bi
Bikey sree ena Bs
of Dorchestor, bile. 247 do. :
Wirkloy Patrick, tllor, h 102C — [dorson House
Birkmaler Charles KE fororman, 23 South. b. 8 Hen-
Birkmnalee G. Lewis, Inapector, house 100 K
Biskmaler Hermon, Gurrer, house 9 Oriental court
kinaler John F._ bookeeper o ware,
‘nda. 8 Rookland ere
IRKMALER JOHN J. & CO. (Lo A. Marah), cloth
nd Huser, #8 Bouib, hy @ Mockland
Gitta, seaman, house Hentey, Chen.
lip. tallor, YI Dudley, h. 4Creighton
ab, walter, house 39 Grove
‘Birminghain Edward, laborer, hia. 22 Botton
ham Edward F. & Co. liquors, 108 Ligeola,
house 32 ‘Tyler
Birmingham James W. clerk, 106 Lincoln, b, 22 Tyler
Birmingham Lewls H clerk, Mt Chambers, house xt
‘Weat Medford (Botton
Birmingham Patrick, foreman, 109 Areb, hose 232
Birmninghats Patriek J. sponger, 40 Federal, bes, 282
Bolton house de.
Birmingham Samuel T. physician, 14 Chambers,
Birwingham Thomas, lnburer, b. Mt. Vernon, Br.
Biringhas Walter, teamster, 774 Washington, b-
Birmingham William, laborer, house 2 Short, Chan.
Birmingham William, Inborvr, bouse 10 Onelda
Birmingham Wan. P. laborer, he 3 Decatur, Chan.
Birnbaum B, dds. 132 Dudiey "(10 Uiiton place
Birnbaura Jacob, hairdresser, Y Court aquare, house
Barnbaum William, tallor, house 12
Rirner Jobn, eabinetmaker, hovee 27 Kirkland
Birney John, janitor, house 237 Webster, KB.
Birnatein Isaac, baker, 97 Salem, house do,
Birx Henry, tallor, house 1 Want, W.¥.
Bisagno Domipica, widow, house 6 Dartmouth pt.
Boseages a "crcenana et soa
0S rma.
Bisbee Churn M. widow, bee Clark, Doreh.
Bisbeo George 8. walter, H ML Vernon, house 45
‘North Anderson ae
Dishes Herman Rev. dled July 6,187 [
Blabee J.D. salesman, 63 Biackstone, house at Soun-
Bisbee Lucien I. sce. International Inst., 375 Tre.
‘mont, house do.
‘Thomas (Watson Bisbee), wood turner,
Friend, cor. house 6 Lyman
Bisbee William H. clerk, 430 Washiny
Risch Caroline, widow, house 14 Ivan}
Bisch Frederick H. removed to Natick
Bisch Josepb, laborer, house Heath place
Bischoff Carl'D, house 1 Elm
Bischotf George, stone cutter, house 36 Hampden
Blscoe A. G. died Sept, 1, 1879 [11 Concor
Biscoe J. Foster, lawyer, & Post Ofllce aq
gine, bh 81 East Eighth
‘S3'Alnany — [Chen,
er, house 4 Edgeworth,
ice man, house 4 Salem, Chan,
‘Central National Hauk, & Co,
Bishop Charles J: (Oy. lshop o& Oo
chase, house 315 Marlboro"
Bishop Clayton, bde. 130 Dorchester
Bishop Cyrus A. teamstor, house 24 Everett, Chan.
Bishop Daniel H. merchant tallor, 34 School, house
at Ubelsea
Bishop David, tearnster, bouse 267 Athens
Bishop Ellen, widow, bouse 130 West Broadway
Bishop Elwell L. assistant superintendent, Faneull
‘Hall, dds. 61 Princeton
Bishop Fred. A. stone cutter, bds, 24 Everett, Chan.
Bishop ¥. B. house 67 Woodbine
Bishop George A. laborer, bids, 200 West Eighth
Hist Gone gene mann bon We ih
is! jranvitle T. 5 on
tral wharf, house 7 ‘Dwight,
Bishop Henry, tenmatwr, house 81 Decatur, Chan,
Bishop Henry E, poltee station 15, bas. TS Migine
itsbop. Hudson id-sateeman, 22 South Murer hon
nt Haver
Uisbop James H. termster, house 81 Decatur, Chan,
Mishop James 1. pwr, i, 61 Privcetor
Miabop Jennie Sites, house 7 Dwight
Hishop John, shoomiaker, bas. 21 Harriva
Wishop John’ A. ropemaker, hv 00 Russell ct itox.
nop Jub Ln bookkeeper, 6 Hanover, hone at
Bishop John , 28 State, room 47, house 7 Dwixht
iabop Jobin. bookkeeper, 106 Oliver, house 1 Hotel
200 Went eighth
‘Betanop), 408 Wa
cotton waste and paper stock,
‘S71 Aulantlo avenue, and 157 West lath, bouwe
at Brookline-— Se page 1388
Bishop Kobert, carriageamith, house Leonard, 11.8,
Blahop Kobert'R. lawyer, 8 Congress, bon
‘Bissell Clarence H. clerk, 178 room 36,
putts i wndiatt
leeell Daniel M. watchmaker and West
clerk, ¥ Glens
r bds. 10 Lexington, E.B.
House Joiners’ TOOLS & Hutlders HARD.
Boston [B]
Bissett Elizabeth A. widow, house 158 Bennington
Bissett John, wheelwright, hone 365 Cheleca, E.B.
Blenett Jonephs F. blacksmith, h. 265 Chelsea, EB.
Blasonett LN. clerk, 19 Washington market, house
‘017 Shawsiut ay, [Mason court, Chan.
Bither Alired 8. architest, 69 Devonshire, house 4
Bitah Michel, miller, 407 Atlantic avenue, house ai
‘nat Cambridge (James Hotel
Bittenbender W. H. salesman, 104 Pearl, bas. St.
Bitiner George C. varnisher, house 41 Revere
Bitzer Jobo A. restaurant, 42 Cabot, house do.
Bixteo Mary Misa, dresamaker, bia. 4 Exeter place
Bixbee William J. American Band, 221 Court, room
30, house 61 Hammond
Bixby’ Arletia HL. widow, house 20 Clit
Blaby Arthur N. (7. E. Bieby & Co.), 32 Central
‘whrf, house nt Lynn ‘North Russell
hy Charlon H. clerk, 26 Old State House, bds. 20
Bixby Charles L. bookkeeper, 10 India, b, at Newton
Bixby Kben F. janitor, 901 Washington, house do.
Bixby Edgar M. bd. 29 Glenwood waitding
Bixhy Franklin G., Custom House, house 16 Studio
Bixby George HL. Dhysiclan, 143 Boylston, houee do.
Bixby Jouse O. bas, 29 Cli”
Bixby John L. olen Rh. at Arlington Height
Taby Lather W- autionery, books, Re 2167 Waal
ington, house 100 Roxbut
Bixby Mary B, widow, bds. 107 West Newton
87 Court house 18 Cottage
‘wateinan, Grand Junction wharf,
sales, Ke. ST Court, house 29 Glenwood.
Bixby Thomas E.€ Co. (A.V, Bixby), merchants,
Central wharf, house at Francestown, NH.
Bixby W, & Co. (Frederick C. Herrick), uors,
116 Binckatone
Bixby, nee Bixboe
jorkinan Augusta tins, house 0 Langdon
Jorknian John, tailor, house 00 Cross
Black Abner, painter, bds. 10 Terrace place, E.B.
Binck Addie M. Aties, house 33 Chapman
Black Albert, upbolsierar, bis Bowe, Rox,
Black Amor Hi. bridge builder, house 24 Meridian
Black Archibald, clerk, 148 Weat Sixth, bas. do.
Black Arthur 8. removed to Providence, RL.
Black Austin, conductor, Mot. 1A h. Louisiana pl.
Black Charles W. clerk, Red Lino, 210 Washington,
house at Medford.
Inborer, house 24 Decatur, Cbs.
Inborer, bds. 488 Dorchester ay.
Bing Dante draughiaman, @0 Devonshire, house
cabloetmaker, b. 24 Decatur, Che
river Hook anil Ladder No. 8; house
ave 1 {homee 23 Terrace a
‘Forest Hilla ay, TM.
Black Donald, architect, 60 Devonshire, room
Black Edmund, pollsher, house 12 Texna eourt
Black EWeabeth, widow, house Forest Hills av. L.M.
Black Freda A. Mix, musle teacher, Institute for the
Blind, bd, 648 Bast Fourth
Black George, forryman, Deer Island, house do.
Black George, clerk, B.S L, RR. 28 Snot, rms
Bowdoin inouse Hote Tennyson
Black George E. assistant station agent Bo).
Black George N. bouse $1 Mt. Vernon
Binok George N. jr. 18 P.O.
Black Grenville M, olork, bds, 110 West Cheater pk.
Black Henry, teamster, 182 Causeway, house 487
Black Henry A. porter, B. & A. depot, he 41 Garden
- porter, B. & A. depot, be
Black Jen, sateaman: tis, 60 Charles
tack James, puddler, house 2 Vinton
Binck James, bas, 14 Boylston place
Black James A. clerk, 491 Wash. dds. at Chelsea
‘Black James Wallace & Co. (v1. L. Dunmore), pho-
iphers, 833 Washington, b. at Cambridge
Black James W. machinist, Phil
Binck John, mariner, house §
Black John, laborer, house 14
Black Jobo, blackmith, house 192
Binck Jobn, Inborer, bouse 182.)
Black John, cablnetimaker, house 01 Liverpool
Black John'A. florist, 411 Warren, Rox. b. 423 do,
Black John M: laborer, house 45 Atlaton, Chsn.
Black John W. carpenter, h. Lincoln, Br. [b.do.
Black Loulan Miss, dressinaker, 61 Princeton, E.B.
‘Black Mary, widow, bouse 488 Doreliester av.
Black Patrick, inborer, bds, 488 Dorchester av.
Black Peter F. conductor, Mid. RR. bis. 1 Russell
[equare Hotel
bade SLM, Vernon
Black Ralph, sale stable, 99 Chestnnt, house Park-
Black Ransom, cook, 9 Water, rms. 29 Grove
Black Rhodes C. hairdresser, 419 Hanover
Black Robert, plasterer, 1 V block, Waltham, house
Hotel Bradford, No. 1, alon-park atreet
Black Samuel, tallor, bouke 6 Phil
Black Susan A. Mrs. bouee 1 Rasacll place, Chin.
Black Thoroas, janitor, 400 Washington, house do.
Black Thomas, fireman, bourse 35 Smith [park
Black Thomas, teamster, h. Beacon, opp. W. Chester
Black Thomas'C. salesman, 78 High, house at Dane
Black William, salesman, 477 Wash. bds. 7 Ball
Black William, clerk, bds, 09. Charles [Cambridge
Black William, teamster, 181 Broad, house at Kast
Black William 'A. florist, 411 Warren, h, 1 Bower
Black William C- salesman, 450 Wasi
Black W. F. (Black & int), 48 Hanover, house
Black i iiryant (i: F. Black and ft: Bryant),
rioters, 48 Hanover
‘Blackburn Abner, Ree aieties. 13, h. Carolina av.
‘Blackburn Arthur W. clerk, 191 State, bda, 362 Tree
Blackburn Benjamin, clerk, Green, J.P. house do.
Blackburn George & Co. (David Nevins, jr.), dry-
ods comrefesion mersbante, 8 Chm
Blackburn Henry, clerk, Greum,1.P- house do.
Blackburn Heorg Lz 310° Atlantis. av: house 38 Gray
Blackburn Iraac, bill poster, house Union ay. J.P.
Blackburn John, grocer, Green, opp. J.P. station,
house do.
Blackburn Mary Mis, b. Groen, opp. J.P. tation
Blackburn Samuel P,'& Co. railroad supplies, 370
“Atlante avs bie. 38 Oray
Blackburn Sarab teacher primary, Lowell diat
Dah Oak place, near Great
Blackbarn William, laborer, bouse 37 Cottage, E.H.
Blackburn William HL. coachman nt J. W. Itolla's,
‘Cambridge, Allston (h, 6 Hotel Baldwin
Bilackden E. A. commission merchant, 19 Surumer,
Blacker Eliza F, assistant Sbartlet! school, bde. 170
‘ard), lumber, 413 and 4
Blackett Henry, printer, rms
Binckle Clara T., widow, house 10 Tuckerman
Blackie Kilzabeth, milliner, 176 Hanover, bds. 7 Bow-
doin square
Blackie John, bia. T Bowdoin square
Blackinton James F. muster Emerson choo}, house
116 Princeton, E..
Biackiedge Theodore, confectloner,7 Fulton, rms. do.
Blacklee Charles, salesman, 25 Tremont row, rms, do.
Biackler Charles, currier, house 7 Medford court
Blackley Ira N. police station 7, house 280 Meridian
Blarkman Alfred H. clerk, 219 Washington, house
‘at Newtonville
3 | Biases Allen: carpenter, hone 204 Bowes
Blackman ©. (Mrs, house 600 Shawratt ay.
Blackman Ef. We foreman, 42 Hanover, house at
Binckunan Robert, earpet cleaner, h- 198 Cambridge
an Rabert, carpet cleaner, bh 109 Can
Hiskinan Sumoe’S.cainetnaker, bi, ena Hse
yh. 1 Amory,
(Blackomar te Sheldon), a
er, 37 Court, bas, fotel Brunswick
Blackmar © Sheldon (WM. Blackman ani 2 Ne
‘Sheldon), law pers, 37 Court
Biackmer Albert Me (/. 3. Roberta Oo.) 08
Washington, bouse 7 Albion place, Chsn,
Blackmer ©. W. house 11 Hotel
ngion, bids. 8
Blackmer Hannah Miss, bas Parkman, n. Adams,
LACKMER JAMES L. & 00. sign painters, 06
‘Court, h. 17 Lexington, Chan. — See page 107
Blackmer Lather Mrs. house 7 Albion place, Chit
Biackmer Peter, jeweller, house Parkmai
Adame, ILS, fhouse at Hyde Park
Biackmer 8. AM. (Hlackmer d& Mandell), 48 Bedford,
Blsckmer & Mendell (8. M. Blackmer'and A. A.
Mendel), ruflle manufacturers, 48 Bedford
Blackmore James L. laborer, house rear 17 Charter
Blackmore John, house Milton, near Moore
Blackmore Jost J, milkman, house 283 Dorchester
Blackstock Frances, widow, house 73 Maverick aq,
The BOSTON DIRECTORY OFFICE is at No, 155 Franklin St,
nz ostow [B]
Binckstock Gorge W. bas. 21 East Sprivgfield
Binchttone Bopltime We ifas, mairbe Mares,
‘Home, house do. [Somerville
Blackstone Frederick M. 435 Washington, house xt
Binckstone ©, machinist, bds. 817 Tremont
Blackstone Herbert A. shipwright, b.3 Harmony pl.
Blackstone Hollts M, supt. Marcelis-st. Home, bs do.
Blackstone Margaret Miss, died Jan. 14, 1880
Blackstone Market, 72 to 2 Blackstone
Blackstone Nathaniel B. (fwing Bros. & Co.), 14
‘Bedford, house at Auburndale
Blackstone National Baok, 132 Hanover
Blackstone Sarah Sry
Blackstone Stephen C-
vatlst, Sk Green, house do.
wright, house ? Maverick
Blackwell Clarence F. clerk, 89 State
Blsekwell Elbridge G. pl
Blckwell Francis H. police station 12, how
“East Third (Park, h. Boutwell ay. cor. Train
Biackwell Henry B. treasurer, Woman's Journal, 5
Blackwell Henry M. 33 Saromer, bds. 31 W. Fifth
Blackwell Jamon, laborer, hones 31 West Fifth
Blackwell Joweph, physician, 37 Huryard, house 8
Riackwell Samael '.
Biackwell Seth B. el G
Bluckwood Adam, clerk, bis. 086 Harrison
srk Ha, wholenae,io4 At
wobridge— See page
Busckiroud & Gardner), 73 West
‘Dedharn, Louse 27 Unton-park street
Blackwood Janes, deutiets’ materials, 17 Studio
‘building, house 708 Kuat Sixth
Blackwood Phebe Mrs. house 046 Harrison a.
Blackwood William, bell hanger, 4 Dock sqnnrey
‘house 790 Kast Eighth (Washington, bh. do.
Blackwood William, -pletre-frame maker
Blackwood & Gardner (1. J. Blackwood and G. W.
Bladon George E. b
‘Binen Avon Coal Co., Gay % Parker, agents, 20 KUby
Blagden Edward, removed to Chicago, Il
Hancock, 'n. Downer court
Blagden George & Co. (8. M, Weld), cotton buyers,
‘Us MTK, room 40, house at New York
Blagden George W. Rey, house 257 Marlborough
‘lagen Susan C. widow, house 74 Apple
Blagdon Philip ¥. whoctwelght, b, rear Lavertt
Bikgjon Thoniae J-eabinetmaker, house 11 Belmont,
Biagus Samuel, cle, bids, Bare, near Boylatow 1.0.
Blahr Joseph, iallor, house rear 113 Everett, Kal.
Blaikie Alexander Itev. house 8% Baater, 8.'B.
Blaikie Buther & Co. produce, $4 and 80 Mereantile
ranrket, house 100 Uharlen
Blaln Charles Hl. (Fulton, Bartlett, & Blain), 004
‘Washington, rina. 77 Carver
Blain George D. clerk, #7 Court, bas. 609 E, ‘Third
Blaine Edwont, laborer, house | Anwe place («ter
lanier, slater, 1006 ‘Tremont, W. 334 Westinin-
John, liquor sent, house 1 Morton place
HL. Mra. taney woods, 149 ‘Tremont, b. a
Blair Alexander, carpenter, house 1042 Harri
Blair Altred A. wtationer, 18 P.O. square, bd.
and, cor. Thorton, Rox.
Bute Archibald, provisions, 2390 Tremont, b. do,
‘Blair Edward, removed to Ireland
Bair Elizabeth, widow, house 8 Princeton, Chan,
ir Ellzabeth, widow, house 8 Fellows court
late Frances Mrs house 180 F
Binir George F. printer. 4
Blair Howard K. bile. 31 Upton
Blair Jobn, porter, 67 Penrl, house 164 W. Cumton
Blale Jobn'D. salesman, 21 ‘Exchange, bis. at Up-
ham's Corner
Blair Jobo D. carpenter, bouse 40 Dadtey
Biale John 4 bullling mover, 444 Harrison av. order
‘vox 84 Hawley, house 31 Upton
Blair Jobn 8. machiniat, honsw 29 Delle ay
Blale Lewle H. sexton Charles st. ch. b. 3 Davie ct.
Blair Lew\a K. clerk, 149 Tremont, h. 197 Tyler
Bialr Louis, currier, house, Whitney
‘East | Blaledell Ezra Re
Sodi| Biaodelt Mark A. nw yer, 27 Court
Bialr Samuel F. moulier, house 31 Adams, Rox.
Bialr Samoel M. rms. 11 “Aubarn court" [Carver
Binir Samoel W. clerk, 451 Washington, house 03
Bialr Willian, teamater, house 31 Pratt
Blair William, tallor, house 145 Chelsea, E.B.
house Chestnut
Blalr William 8. grocer, 22 Chureb, bds, 2 Ferdinand
Bialr Willlaia 'T. walter, house 7 Andersou
Blair & Joves (William J, Blair anit Christopher M,
sYonea)s printers, 1958 Washington
A. clerk, 181 Honover, b, at W. Medford.
Adrian, clerk, Tremont, cor. Court, bas,
‘20 Bulfinch
Hiaiadell Albert J. patnter, house 240 Lon,
Blaladell Andrew J. clerk, 90 Green, bia.
Blaisdell Charles, bont builder, b. 4 Montimont, Chat,
Bialedell Rawin ©, student, 8 ‘Park, bda. at Concord
umster, 35 Hawkins, houve at
East Cambri
Binledeit E. Mrs. h. 197 W. Canton (Wall, Chan.
Blaisdell Prank -A. aaleaman, 19 Hueval place, bh. 6
Blaisdell Frank C, clerk, bds. 37 Hammons
Blaisdell Frederiok W. ©. earpenter, house $0 Pearl,
Che, [ington, House at Chelsea
Blaisdell George R. corresponding’ clerk, 130 Wash.
Blaladell George 8. mason, house Minot, cor. Sheri
dan, Nep, ‘Atwood
Blaisdell Heury J. foreman, 168 Raxgler, houre
Blalsdell Howard M. fireman, F, IGM. house 16
“Austin, Chen,
Biaiadell H.W. malosman, 200 Congress, h, at Lowell
Binladell James & Co. olle, 43 Tndia, h. at Choloen
Blaisdell John W. carpenter, house Tlieatow ay. Mat,
Binledetl Joseph A. newspapers, house 37 Hatomond
Blaladell J. Lowie, clerk, 109 Blate, bia. at Water-
Biaiedell Lydla Mrs, house 49 East Canton
30 Regent
i, house Glen~
food avs
Wiaisdell Maru
jee wtation,
‘dale, near
5: 2
Biaisdell Mary 8, Mrs, house 34 Woodward av,
Wialatell Nicholas,
boat builder, b, 20 Ruswell, Che
house 49 Kast Canton
Tne pare
intel Witter HL: machina ta
MM Willlam HL elerk, 839 Waab. b. 66 Ian
w, upholstorer,
Blake Andrew M. bookbinder, Public Library, hows
“at Cammbridgeport
Blake Ana H. Mrs, house 91 Tyler
Blake Annie Miss, house 993 Columb:
Blake Arthur IL, clerk, house 1 Alpine place
Make Arthur W. (Blake Brow. ab Co.), 28 State,
house at Brookline
Blake Austin, house 13 a
Blake A. C, Mise, drosstnaker, 20 Claremont park
Blake A.J. Mra. dressmaker, M1 Meridian,
Blake Bros. & Co. (George 2: Hake, 4. te dlake,
J.-P: Morquand, J. E, Brown, and Ge Ke Hare
ris), bankers and brokers, 28 State
Blake Charis M, Cleane Fenno s& Oo.), 28 Summer,
dda. Ruena Vista av. cor. Warren
Binke Charles 8, bde. Mt. Vernon, 1. Centre, WaT.
Blake Charies 8. Mrs. house 5 Holyoke
Blake Chartes W. clerk, 80 Chauncey, bas. at Ne
Durypert (orton, Dorel
r, furniture, 100 North,
Bilal L. ‘30'Court, room 5, house at
La wudent, Fy
Blake 0 ous Eve
Blake Clarvace J. physlelan, Hotel Berkeley: house
19 8s, James ar. (ign at Woburn
Blake Kbeweaer N. & Co. (W. 8: lake), leather,
Binke Award, roome 26 Lynde
Sovbers and Retailers of HARDWARE.
Boston [B] Directory.
Binke Kdward Mra. house 21 West Cedar
Blake Edward, oar driver, bouse 11 Northfeld
Blake Edward, salesman, house 1 Rand place
Plake Edward’ A. clerk, 121 Cnton, b. Cambridge
enter, house 380’ Athens
Blake Edward D. (Sawyer € Blake), 7 Exchange
Dace, house 343 Marlborough (a) Upton
Biale Edwin K. watchmaker, 65 Washington, bde-
Blake Killen ME, widow, bouse'3 West Walnat park
Blake noch E. (Crocker & Blake), Si Chatham, h
‘at Hyde Park
Blake E, A. 8. engraver, bds. 824 Longwood
Mra. ti. Hotel Westminster
(Blake & Page
Blake Francis K. teas. G.
lire, room 14, h. Got K.
‘entre, opp. Seav-
74 Washington, 17
Tedford, nnd 200 Franklin, house Thomas, J.P.
Blake Bred. W. clerk, 120 Milk, bds. 17 Rutland aq.
Bake George, painter, house 19 Newman
Binke George. Baty (Buake Brot. & Co), 28 State,
house 2 Beacon,
Blake George B, 19 Summer, house at Chelsea
lake George B. rooms 60 Dover [Wakefleld
Hake George
Blake George P. watehmaker, 2) Elm, 0 Uy
Blake George F, \comrve FP, Blake Manus. Co.), 44
‘Washington house at Belmont
Blake Geo, F, Manuf. Co., steam pumpa, water me-
tors Caureway, Cor. Friend
Blake George M. house Bailey, Doreh,
Blake George S.nsat. baggage master, N.Y. and N.E.
AR. roome 10 ‘t'yler
Blake George W. of
Blake George W. Mra. removed to Wakefield
Blake George W. clerk, 4 Thompeon #q. bis. 12
"Austin, Oban,
_teamater, bonse 17 West Engi
Blake Gustavus A. fur ler. house 30 Upton
ake Gustavus A. jr, aseletant baggage master, Ey
. baa, 0 Upton
Blake Handel P. salesman, 219 State, h. at Walpole
Blake Hanuah 6. Miss, bouse 8 Highiand
Binke, Hastings, 8 Co. boots and shoes, 44 Hanover
Blake Henry F. porter, 856 Washington, bda. Dor-
‘chester av. cor, Charles ‘Somerville
Blake Henry H. salesman, 18 Cornbilt, bh. at Weat
Blake Herbert, Unemith, house Cambridge, «. Ota,
Allston fudson
Blake Hiram M. salesman, 450 Washington, bas. 10
‘Blake Horace W. removed to New York
Blake Howard M, mason, bds. Centre, 0, Burroughs
Blake James, rooms 00 Chandler
Blake Jamon, elerk, bds. 24 Tylor
Blake James, laborer, bis. 2 Yeoman court
Blake James A. (0. C. Farwell & Co,), 42 High,
Toure wt Dati
Blake James A. bds, 408 East ‘Third [Beacon
Blake James H. clerk, # Sears building, house 193
Blake James M. salesman, 244 Purchase, house at
Blake James 8. 376 Washington, bh. at Newburyport
Blake Jane E, widow, house 41 Carve
Blake Jonnie Mrs, bis, 20 Sterling
Blake Jorviniah FP. whitener, 79 Kingston, house
North av, near Dudley. Tewksbury
Blake dense (iubbard of tvke), 202 igh, hours at
lake Jounnu J. Mise, at Home for Aged Women,
‘West Third
Blake John B. boote and shoes, 603 East Broadway,
Blake Joba C. police #tation 10, b, 201 Longwood ay.
Blake John D. rooms 200 Harrizon av.
Blake John G physiclan, 1890 Washington, bdo;
Blake John H. h. 19 St. James av. (Worcester
Blake John H. clerk, Bt. James Hotel, rooms 41
Blake John J. couchman, house Washington, near
Brookline tine, Br,
Blake John J. house Mt. Vernon, W.R-
Blake John M. canvasser, rms. 76 West Cedar
‘Blake John Q- house 17 Itutland square
Blake Jobn It. Mrs, house 223 Beacon
Blake Jolin 8. Mrs. house 119 West Concord,
Blake Jobn T’. bartender, dds. 41 Ourve
KE. (Wicker & Blake), 19 Central, b. at
Blake Joseph E. painter, house Ruggles place, L.M.
Blake Joseph G- waiter, house rear 18 Clambcrs
Blake oniah W ireararer, Saxonvile Milla, and
ixbui co. ”
Baked. E. Miss, house 6 High, Chan
Blake Lanson 8. carpenter, house 8 Bromley park
Blake Lyman H. Rev. house & Copeland
Blake Lyman . bds. Commonwealth Hotel
Blake Margaret, widow, houne 470 Atlantic a.
lary, widow, house rear 238 Gontre, Itox.
Blake Mary J. widow, hunse 7 Charles-at. pl. Chan.
Blake Marve, house 9 Fay
Blake Nancy G. Mra. bds, Norfolk House
Biake Nathan D. (Blake € Stearns), 39 Franklin,
Bouse at Melrose
Blake Nathan D. jr. 29 Franklin, bds. at Melrose
Blake Nathan F. fisherman, bds. 80 London
Blake's Newtonville Express, 200 Franklin
Blake Oscar ¥. marble worker, bie, 31 Tyler
Blake Perey M. hydraulic engineer, 1 Exchange pl,
house at Taunton Chicleea, Ee.
Blake Perley H. salesman, $50 Washington, bis, 3
Blake Peter, bis. 65 Charter [Edgewood
Blake Peter M. clerk, 512 Wasbington, houre 29
Blake Richard H. clerk, 17 Bromleld, bds. 182
Marcella {Worcester
yal E. postal clerk, room 52, P. U. houne nt
Blake Ruth, widow, house 18 Grove” {house do.
Blake K- periodicals, Osborn's bik. Washinywon, Br.
Blake Samuel, teacher in sparring, 01 Hanover, hb.
40 Park, Chan,
Blake Samuel, laborer, house 29 Corey, Chan.
Blake Samuel houso Cedar square
Blake Samuel W tailor, bouse {7 Melrose
lake Bamuel W Jr: dled Aug. 10,1870
Blake Sarah H. Mrs. died May 24, 1870
Blake Sarah Hates er b-19 %, Dedham
*. clerk, 21 Suffolk mkt. house 811 Kast
Blake Simon (James Skinner & Co.), 131 Summer,
house at Woburn
Blake Stanton, 7 Exchange place, h. at Brookline
Blake Sylvester E. house 987 East Fifth
Blake 8: Parkman, jr. real-estate agent, 19 Exchange
lace, house 32 Chestnut
Blake Thoraas, laborer, house 8 Snow il
Blake ‘Thomas'D., Causeway, cor. Friend
Belmont {E.B,
Blake Thomas 1. flagman, E. RR. h. 62 Chelsea,
Blake T. P. produce
fond pace
. Cantou, houke do,
Blake Walter, bds. 41 MO
Blake Walter F. pop corn, 56
Blake Walter H. B. teamster, house 407 “Athena
Blake Warren Hi. broker, b. 128 W. Brookline, rm. 1
Blake Warren N. (4.9. Blake Co.), 3 Hix, house
‘at Woburn cours, C
Blake Washington L. rousic teacher, bh. 2 Brown's
Biake William, foreman, gas house, hh. 468K. Third
Blake William, coachman, house 43 Piedmont
Blake William’ Mfrs. house 47 Allen
Blake William, driver, chemical engine % Brookline
comer ‘ood av. h, 324 Longwood av.
Blake William, laborer, hot rk, han.
Blake Willinm, ordnanes department, Navy Yard,
House 6 Decatur, Chen,
LAKE WILLIAM’ & CO. (Fim. §. lake), dell
‘founders, copper dealers, and manufs. Brighton,
cor. Allen — See page 1370
Blake Witam A. machiolst, bdy. 230 Tremont
Blake Williaa H. buirdresecr, 67 Temple place
Blake Williaa H. billiards, 78 Court, bouse 16 Dart-
mouth pace
Blake Willlam J. house Oakland place, Mat.
Blake William J- carpenter, bas. 10 Kast Dedham
Blake William 0. clerk, bda. 119 Beacon
Blake William P: lawyer, 31 Court square, room 10,
house 21 West
Blake William §. (Wm. Blake 6 Co.), Brighton, cor,
‘Allen, h. 21 Allen
Blake —, hostier, bds, Jamalea, J.P,
Blake & Alden (Chae. Blake), furniture, 178 Tremont
Blake & Page (£. NV. Blake, &. Page, and D. ¥.
‘Smail), flour, 47 Commercial
Blake & Stcarns (47D. Hlake, E. Stearns, and G.I.
Hill), woolens, 9 Franktin
Biakeley Ellen, widow, house 8 Sewall place, Rox.
Blakeley Goorge J. teumster. bds, 02 Hammond
Blakeley Harry 1. clerk, 129 Tremont, b. at Chelsea
Blakeley Jobn J. teamnster, house 88 London, £.B.
Blakeley Mary Mre. house 92 Hammond
A Pocket Directory of Boston, | miccccicyseche tteston Directory omee.
Gets Boston Almanac and Business
14 soston [B]
Blakeslee Theron J. 127 Tremont
Blamey Belle Afr. house 0 Walker, Chan,
Blane fimily, house 103 West Brookline
Blane ¥. Ay Mrs, house 19 Upton
Blanchard Abigail B. Stes. house 47 Schoo}, Chan.
Blanchard Abjah, teamster, h. 89 Warren, Chan.
Blanchard Adolphus J, bookkeeper, b- 538 Tremont
Blanchard Alfred, clerk, 110 North, at Chelsen
Blanchard Alfred's. express weasenger, bas. Pro
ince House [bouse at Lowell
Blanchard Amos, treas. B. % M-TA. Keteq.
Blanchard Amos'S. 3» Court, room 29, bas. nt Sllton
Blanchard -Arthar ©. (Blanchard ce Laneers), 49
Tiigh nid 43 Bristol h. at South Prannimgham
Blanehurd Arthur E- (Blanchard, Puller, Cb.),
110 Summer, dds, 10 Northampton
Manchard Augusta W Min, bas. 24 Linwood
Blanchard Austin dy F. RR. bds. 96 Causeway
Blanchard Benjauin'B. switchman, house 80 War-
Buanchard Benjamin F. engineer, bds. 9 Call, Chan,
hard Benjamin F. engineer, bds.
G. house 4 Bow, Chon.
Blanchard Calvin 5 Chapel place
Blanchard Calvin, Dutcher, 4s leet
See cere ae ae ee
Blanchard Charles ‘tate Lrow Works,
‘Kast First, house at Chelsen
rd Charles C. wood moulder, h. 154 Chelsea,
‘Cha Guingsos
Blanchard Charles C. clerk, 6 Franklin, bday Wel-
Bianebard Charles F. printer, 16 Hawley, bda. 34
Mlonchard Charies F. carpenter, bas. Ni
Blanchard Charles H. bamaker, a2 Federal, house
‘82 Bow, Chan. 123 W. Chester pk.
Blanchard Charles H stock broker, 47 Kilby, dda.
Blanchard Charles It. binckssnlth,
Wlanchard David, earpenter, howse 7 Fay
Blanchard David H. house $20 Columbua ar.
Blanchard Davbl W., Kialto Stock Exobaoge, 119
‘Devonshire, bdx. #20 Colurabs avs
Mlanchard Eben W. (Blanchard sb Lambert), 3Cen
‘ral roarket, house 609 Knat Broadway
Blanchard Edward, carpenter, b, 100% Washington
Wianedard Raward’ A. bose dt Wealey XU
Blanchard Edward O. bookkeeper, 147 Franklin, bh.
‘Stanton ay. Dore
Blanchard Edward P. machinist, bh. Oak place, J.P.
Mnchard Ferdinand Le Kulp nis, Sinnoll, @ Blan:
chard), 38 Green, 68 Tavervit, and 105 West
Cedar, house 09 do.
Frank, bookkeeper, bis. 63 Hancock
Mauchard Frank’, elerk, 183 West Brookline, bds.
‘090 Tremont Linwood pl. Oba
Manebard Prank M. clerk, 29 Washington, bids, 4
Hlunchan Frankito P. rubber worker, bas,’ Green,
‘uppoaite J.P. atatlon
Manchined red. W. tailkman, house 1 Lyndeboro*
Wlanchard Fre clerk; b. Albany House, Nr.
Mlanchard, Fuller, 8 Co. (/ra Blanchard HM £. Fut.
ler, and A. E. Blanchard), boots and aboes, 110
Simmer (State, b. at Somerville
Blanchard F. A. commission merchants, 160
Hlanchard George A. removed to Malden
Biuichard George B. & Co, lquore, wholesale and
‘otal, 20 Washlogton and 81
wood piace, Chet
Mlanchard George D. B. salewnan, 1
Blanchard aay ‘HL. (Marehalt & Blanchard), 2
John, bide. Wood, cor. Taylor, bn
eyo W. bookkeeper, Milk, Bde
‘Binnchned Herman, clerk, 61 igh, bda. st Chelees
‘Blanchard Hiram W. insarance agent, Nep-
‘Blanchard Huldab H. widow, house 7 Knapp
Blanchard H. jr. tacks, brads, &¢. 96 Union, house at
‘Wilmington [mer 210 Northampton
Blanchard tea (Blanchard, Fuller, & Go.) 110 Sum.
Blanchard Isaac A. bas. § Aft. Vernon, Chan,
Blanchard Isaac W. bookkeeper, National Eagle
Bank, 95 Milk, house 8 Mt. Vernou, Chan,
Blanchard I. Laurence, clerk, 26 Tremont, bds. at
‘Kast Stouxbton [ton, b. at'Newion
Blanchard James A. superintendent, 818 Washing-
Blanchard James 8, messenger, Hamilton National
Hank, 60 Devonshire, house at Chelsea
Blanchard John A. 40 State, rm, 85, h, 8 Gloucester
Blancbard John C. jr. clerk, 417 Wasblagion, bds.
ft Hyde Park
Blanchard Jobn D. 83 Summer, bas. at Malden
Blanchard Joho H. engineer, American House, bh.
rear 102 Chambers
Blanchard Joba H. cutter, 453 Washington, bax, 9
nion park [Cambridge
Blanchard John HL. clerk, TL Summer, bouve nt
Bianebard John H. student, 16 Pemberton square,
‘hie. 194 Chelsea, Chen
Blanchard Jobn (. A. palnter, house 69 Emerald
Blanchard John 8. proprietor Albany House, Ne
Heacon, Br. {station
Blanchard John W. carpenter, bh. Green, opp. J.P.
Blanchard John W. (Holmes d B.), 37 Charlestown,
house Park, cor. Commercial, Hi, 8.
Blanchard Jonathan G, ardst, G0 Washington, i.
‘Chickatawbut, Nep.
Blanchard Joseph’ B. licntenant, police station 7,
bh, 53 Eutaw
Blanchard J. AThert, 24 West, bouse at Artin
Blanchard J, Hartwell, printer, 3 Winthrop block,
‘ide, A utaw
Blanchard J; Henry chemical broker, 96 Battery.
march, house 47 School, Chen,
Blanchard’. 1" foreman, #60 Maverick — [Waltham
Blnvebard Kate . masistant, Franklin chook, by. 79
Blanchard Leonard, clerk, 82 Commercial whnef,
‘house at Swarnpecott
Wianchard Lorenao A. music publisher, 13 Tremont
row Ubde. 8 Willow park
Mianchard Lydia F. toncher, Went Concord primary,
Mlanohard L- M-borse-radish manuf. 11 City #quare,
houre at Lowell
parked Me ina Seach
5 q iy S
wharf, dds. 67 = =e
Blanchard M. Lizzie, widow, house 218 Princeton
Blanchard N, surveyor of lumber, 23 Central, house
‘at Chelacn.
Blanchard Oliver ©. clerk, 612 Washington, house at
Blanchard Parker, ish, house 37 Chelsea, K.1,
Mlanehard Payson TL teamater, bouse 41 Jenkin
Blanchard Prentice S.clerk, 0.0. RR. frelght, Mouse
fat Brockton
Wianchard fulchard D, muslelan, 18 ‘Tremont row
house 14 Fulwon
N. teacher, Shurtleff achool, by
‘st Dartino
Mianchard Ramuel, cutter, rma. 140 Harrison av.
Blanchard Samuel D. ion 1. b. 80 Brook
Blanchard Stephen Ibany House, b do;
Ianehard Sylvanus, AF State, bade.’ 02 Co-
Blanchard Sylvanus C. 17 State, b.002 Columbus ay.
Blanchard 810) rs house f81'Dodley
Blanchard 8. H. Mien, 277 Clarendon
Blanchard 8. Stiliman (Chase, Merritt, db Blanch-
‘ard), 04 Pearl, house 140 West Concord
Blanchard 8. Stoddard, president, Hamilton National
pana Reser bang Ge
re, cutter, 100,
Blanchard Thomas 8. aalermman, 100 Medford, bade.
International Hotal
Manchard T. A. bie, 82 Tremont
Blanchard Walter, clerk, 0.0. RR. hove nt Kast
Blancbard Walter’ 8. president Metropoliian Na-
tional Bank, house at Concord 7"
: | mianchard Walter W, teameter hoves 27 Lndsburg?
Blanchard Warren J. moulder, house 41 6
Bignchard William, bds, 1225 Washington
Blanchard William, merchant, 18 Matterymarch, hy
70 Lambert av. {be 36 Ashturtun pl.
Blanchard William & Co, cracker bakers, 12 Canal,
Blanchard Willlam A. salesman, Miliun piace, house
123 West Cheater
Biancbard William X. Mrs, house 34 Bt. James ay.
Blanchard William G. house 13 West Cheater park
BURDITT & WILLIAMS, | ** Sms ircec "20 Sek Sgearee
Boston [B] DrREcToRY. 115
‘Blanchard Wiliam G. carpenter, Wood-street court,
house Gakiman, Nep.
Blanchard William H, bottler, 178 Tremont
Blanchard Willlam L. (Grout, Warren, «€ Blanch
‘ard), © Franklin, h. Burr, near Boylaton, J.P.
Blanchard W.E. & Co. (ZF. Myers), boots and
hows, 44 Hanover, house at Lynn
Blanchard & Lambert (A. lanchard and J.
‘Lunbert, jr), butter and cheese, 3 Central rakt.
isnchard & Lavers (4. C. Blanchard and W.
Lavers), buot and shoe dies, 49 High, factory:
45 Brintot
Bland Allen L.. servant, bda, 29 Metropolitan place
Bland Edward, bda, Commonwealth Hotel
Bland George, i
‘Bland John, packer, 215 Devoushire, h. 6 Hoote
Bland Humphrey,
Bland Robert (Coo
Bland William A. coachman, house 106 Castle
Bland Willian A; waiter, house 4 Avery place
Bland Willlata tL upholsterer, bis. 44 Fleet
Blandford William, periodicals, foot of, Hanover,
houne at Chelsea + {0
Blandin Benjamin A., Navy Yard, honse 79 Bard
Blandin Thomas, patternmaker, h 99 Kins, Ch
Blandin Wallace’ B, clerk, 67 F. 3. marke, bas, 98
Elm, Chan.
Blanding Andrew Mf, porter, by. rear St Warrenton
Blanding Charles L, aslesman, 4. Broad, house at
‘South Newmarket, N.H. 17 Dale, Rox,
Blanding Edward F, clerk, 2277 Washington, house
Blane Bred, salesman, 477 Washington, bas
Faust Third Halley, LaM.
Blaney Arthur H. 18 P.O. a. baw. Dorchester av. cor.
Blaney Augustus, bis. 16 Joy
Blney, Brown, & Co. (W. 0. Alanry and L. 8.
Zriven Hor and grate, Connmerce and 183
South Market [Areadia, near Adams
Blaney Charles, bookkeeper, 432 Washington, house
Blaney Charles'L. Weamster, bls, $0 Old Harbor
Blanoy Charles W. draw tender, Cambridge-street
ridge, honse do.” [Cambrdgeantreet brid
Blanvy Charles W.Jr, eleotroty per, $.N. Anderson, b.
Blaney Cyril C, metal rvtiner, house 28 Dexter
Binney G. 1. 676 Washingto
Blaney Dunlel, laborer, house 1 North Margin
Blaney David Hl. real ‘estate, 3 Winthrop block, bh.
Ado Webster, E.B. ofto0 Wetter a
Blaney D. Walter, ins-agent, 3 Winthrop block, bas.
Bianey Kilanboth Miss, howe Temple, LM.
Blaney Ellaabeth, widow, house 42 Haverhill, Cho,
Blaney Frank H, real eaiate, & Winthrop block, bda,
16 Webster, Els. {room 5, bale at Woburn
Blaney George ‘Andrew, lawyer,’ 82 Devonshire,
Blaney Harriet Miss, h, Adams, n. Bowdoin [Hotel
Blaney Henry, 181 Devonshire, room A, b. Garden
Blaney Henry’. clerk, rms. 8 Boylaton place
Blancy Henry 8. house Park, near Ashland, 1.8.
Blaney Horace, bookkeeper, s) Frankiln, house at
Blaney H, Jobn, bds. Maverick House
Blaney H. 1.40" Avon
Blaney Irving, teamater, house 89 Old Harbor
Blaney Mercy Miss, bis. Termple, LaM.
Blaney Michao}, porter, 115 Federal, b. 204 Foundry
Blaney Osgood ©. clerk, bia, 89 Old Harbor
Blanwy Patrick W. locksmith, bdx. 1 North Margin
Blaney Stephen, laborer, house 30 Weat Broadway
Blaney ‘Thomas R. sailmaker, 122 Commercial, house
‘075 Tremont [Bast Somerville
Blaney William HL printer. 117 Franklin, house at
Blaney Willian H. engineer, b. 10 Chapmas, Chen.
‘Blaney William P.clerk,1 Broad, b.8 Autumn, Rox.
‘Blaney William, W. refiner of metals, b. 6 Knowlton
Blaney W. Orgood (Blaney. Brown, & Co.), 00
‘Commerce, house B Gaston
Blank Charles, laborer, house 2 Fountain place
Blank George, laborer, house 111 West Seventh.
Blank George J. machinist, house 4 Springer court
Blank Herbert F. teamster, house 879 Silver
Blank Jobo, car driver, house Central av. Doreh,
Blank Morte J. pyrotéehoiet, ds. Huntington x
t. Hope
Blankenburg James H. teamster, h, 64 Lynde, Chan.
Blauny James, teamster, house 12 Stark, Chst,
Blanton Robert, butcher, house 5 fuiverside
Blasdale Henry, caabier, National Revere Bank, 100
‘Franklin, house at Fiyde Park (320 do.
‘Biaser Alexander, baker, 822 West Brondway, house
Blaser Arnold, baker, 598 Harrison ay. house do.
600 | Blazo William G. butcher, bds. Spri
| Blaser Jacob, baker, 698 Harrison av. bas. do,
Blaser John ©. baker, bouse 258 E
Biasland Edward B. clerk, collector's office, houxe
| 'att West Fourth field
| Biasiand Gideon 1b., Custom House, house
| Biasland Joseph F. ship joiner, b,
| Blasland Koi clerk, 106 State, bda. 11 Bowdoln
| Binsland AC Mrs. howee 397 West Broadway
| Biasiand R- bde, 13 Bowdoin
| Biasiand William, carpenter, house 18 Winchester
Biasser Adam, saloon, 121 Harapden, house do.
Blaser Charles, cabloctmaker, 6.29 Ridasell ct; Rox,
Blaaser Joseph, wrocer, 29 Ieuseeil et. b- do. Hox,
Blatchford Kaward W_ bookkeeper, big, 7 Orange
Blatebford Frederick M. mason, house 7 Orange
Blatchford George, b. 96 Chandier —[h. 98 Chandter
Blatchford George’ W. treasurer Boston Muscum,
Blatchford John, mason, house 7 Orange
Blatehford Jobn'S. treasurer, 13 Exchatige, room 21,
‘house Hotel Pelham
Blatchford William 1. mason, bd
Blatt Joseph, peddler, house a1
Blatz John, laborer, house 12 Hampden place
iat, St Tremont
©, clerk, 2% Perkins, Chsit. bd, 9 Lins
‘wood place, do.
Hlazo Byron, waiter, 2 Brattle
Biazo Joseph, moulder, h. 9 Linwood place, Chan,
Biazo Melinda M. nuree, bd. 11 Waltham
Wlazo William A: house
Blazo William G. bas. Pi
ner, Wolk.
Blazo William W. teamster, house 97 Bartlett, Chan.
Bleakley Bros. (Frank and Willian), 283 D
Bleakley Frank (Bleakley Bros,), 288 D, bdn. 289 do.
Bleakley Willian, porter, 35 High, hou
Bleakley Wiley, J eutley ro
Bleller Charles, butcher, house 62 Heath
Bieller Frederick, provisions, Heath place, house do.
Bieller Frederick J. house W Russell court, Kox.
Bletler Jacob, provisions, 838 Ruygles, houne 4. Me:
cchanle, Rox. [Rox.
Bieller Jacob, jr. clerk, 828 Ruggles, b. 4 Mechanlo,
Hielter John, provisions, 1210 Tremont, houre do.
Blelschwits Juseph, bouee 168 Cabot
Blew Jobn D. boxmaker, h. 2 Temple and 22 Lynde
Blenkinsop Jamex 8. epecial agent, 10. Pemberton
Ware, house 7 Mt. Pleaxant av
Blenkinsop Joneph, engineer, b. 1 Jackson, Chen.
Blenkinaop Robert, clerk, 7] Buwdoln aquire, house
Blenkineop William A. Rev. house 65 W. Broadway
Blenn George W. stoves nnd ranges, 190 to 1d
Border, house 22 Paris {Seneca
Blennerhassett Francie H. grocer, 906 Har. ay. Wt
Blesch Charles K. restanrant, 16 Elm aud 774 Msn.
‘over, house 17 Brattle equare
Blesdill Charles H. house 68 Russell, Chen.
Blessington Granite Co, onter box 33 Hawley
Blethen Edward J. bookkeeper, 6 Union, bil
Everett {Burroughs place
Blethen Joseph C, satoaman, 450 Washington, "b. 11
Blethen Levi B, removed to Texas
Bletzer Henry, brewer, house Bumstend tane
Blevins J. J. roofer, 18 River, hat Cambridye
Bley John’ D. bootmaker, 9'La Grange, house 38
Blesly ol. George, hatter, bouye 84 Oxford
leyly ol. George, hatter, bouye 34 Oxf
Uiick’Alived, weaver, house 219 Cabot
Blick William, bie, 219 Cabot
Blifiin Thos. E. clerk, 27 Winter, b. 9 Worcester #q.
Blight Joho, porter, 87 Milk, room 35, house ut
Bilan, Amsden, & Co. (¥. F. Blinn. F. MeNae. and
2. W. Morrill), teuckmen, 4 Chatham row and
113 Franklin
Buin A. E: Mra. n.04E. Brookline | [mony pl.
Blinn Bradford H. teamster,2H Congress, b. 10 flar-
Blinn Calvin H. teamster, house 162 Bremen, E.B.
Blinn Charles P. stair builder, house 29 Arnold
Blinn George R clerk, 4Chatham row, bda. 3 Roalin
Bifnn James Q. painter, bda. 94 East Brookil
Blinn Jobo F. ( “Amaden, & Co.),4 Chatham
row and 13 Franklin, and (2. W. Morrill
Co.),1 South Market, house 3 Roslin
Blinn Joho H. stair builder, bide, 94 East Brookline
Blinn Richard D. clerk, botise 94 East Brookline
Blinn Richard D. jr. bds. 94 East Brookline
SAMPSON, DAVENPORT, & CO., Publishers, 155 Franklin St.
116 ostos [3]
Biteh George W. elocutionist, 50 Temple pl. rma. 21
Wieyiceworih. pa
Billsh Henry, printer, house 37 Webster av.
Bliss Abby L.. Miss, house 56 Newland
Uilles Albert W, clerk, 157 Summer,
Bliss Alvio E. clerk, .
Bliss Arthur T. &
Bilas C. N. (Wright, Blive, & Fabyan), 100 Summer,
house at New York
Biles Edgar J. manager Boston Seale Co. 2 Union,
‘cor. Elin, h. Ky. g-n. Wash. (11 Marlborough
Bliss Raward P. (Chahing & Biles), 86 Franklin,
Bliss Edwin A. clerk, Charles, cor. Leverett, hot
40 Levere [at Chelsea
Bilas Eli C. W. (Bliss Bros.),170 Commercial, house
Millen Ezra 8. varisty store, 171 Hanover, bh. 46 Upton
Wiise Fred. law student, ba
Miles George, medical stud
411. Shawmut aw.
1 bde- 411 Shawmut ay,
Biles George Edwards, clerk, 67 Summer, bids. 16
‘Kast Springtield
(oor. Bim, J.P,
pF saletian, 280 Devonshire. Green,
Bilas Henry il. jeweller, bouse 24 Dix place
lian Monry P. (Cushing & Blias), 86 Franklin, bh.
11 Marlborough
Dil teving We locknnith, and bell = and
(Ativa cé Manson), 0 Kingston, bi. 26 Rdvnboru
lve Jamnen & Co. (dF. Blian andl J. Leerow),
‘ship stores, 301 Atlantic av.
Bilas Jumnen F. (James Bliss & Co.),36) Atlanticny,
‘binuae 189 Weat Brookline (Harvard
Bliss James L, Jr salesman, 269 Washington, bd, 20
Billas James W. Mrs. houee 10 Worcester
Milos Joel K. patterncoaker, b. 1 Homvstead pl. Chan.
Bila ohn (25 gas fixtures, 35 and
77 West, house at W. Newion
Blow Jobo AL. (PN. ob Je Mt laa),
Libise Jobo B. Me, bouse 16 kenat 5
Hiss J. K. A, cleric, ba. 29 Buttine)
Wiles Lucia 8, Mire,
Wllae Le, Ante Me
Milas Vorwer N. XJ. SM. koliting, #16 Washtngton,
house 20 Indiana place t
Bitar Iichard, editor Keonomet, 31 Milky Unda. 13
Milas Samuel 't. yrocer, house 16 Hudson, Doreb.
Uillan ‘Phoman K. bia. Falmouth Hauev, 70 Cavseway:
Biliag Wiillats, govern manoger, B. SA, RK hone
‘at Springiold [rome Hiighlanda
Biles Willlans ©. fruit, 8e. 90 8. Market, Ne at Moke
Blias Willinus 1, bookikeepe Devousbire, house
‘at Maplewood {Springielad
‘Willinen 8. clerk, 2 State, room 2% Us 1 Kaat
W, Henry, eouduetor, N.Y. N, Be lilt. rma,
5 Oliver place
Blies & Munson (/reing W. Hise and Ephraim Le
Manson), spring-bed manta, 0
Wiles & Verkina (John Hae and
‘hins), gue fixtures, 5 and 22 We
fearpenter, house 12 Hf
Jeweller, house 20
Hoch Samuel 8, rma. 114 Chandler
Moche Arthur, bartender, International Hotel, b. do,
Block David, clgarmaker, bouse 38 Bilver
Wlock eorge, at rubber factory, bonas Heath place
Nivek Peter, cook, Tremont House, bas, da.
Blookbouse Loule, ropemaker, hie: 20 Sudbury’ pl.
Wiocklinger Casper, died April 7, 18%
Blocker Casper Mr habe ¥ Mending
Blodget Henry T- manager Kqvnable Life Aveur.
‘nce Society, 22 Equitable builling, house Sd
Cedar, Rox,
LODGET H. TOWNSEND, Jr. tiling, fireplace
‘work, Ke, 48 Boylstun, house 82 Cedar, ox. —
‘See page 1338 [Nsw Sewion
Blodgett Aaron D. (Blodgett Brow ), ke Kilby, Ih. wk
Bloagytt Albert N. physician, 8 Boyleton, hi Wa.
Blodgett Ariel, buuse St Kendall
‘Blodgett A. W. carpenter, 31 Bowker, h. wt Maken
Bodyeut Bros. (aaron D. and Geo, W:),electicane,
Miodgett Caled (oardman & Hlodgett), 17 State,
rom aS 1 Led “g [Columbus av.
Blodgett Charles ©. clerks, 6 Milk, room 2, b. 374
1 Charles Ht.
Bivlig Cherion H. earpester, ilps
Modgelt Chan 8. (C.F. Smolt 0b.),8 Pinckney,
Blodgett Obaries W. 49 Avon, bda. 8 itutland
Blodgett George W. (Blodgett Bros,
Bloagetr Hattie AvStise, di
‘rma. do.
Blodgett John
Blodgett John K- police station 3, b. a7 Warten
Blodgett Luther, over alters, 333° Washingto
lava, Chhoti. be 17
Blodgett Ni Keeper, bs. 71 Hancock
Blodgett Robert B. aniline dyes, £8 Kilby, room 15
Bode Kufue H. printer, 11 Milk, house 374 Co-
jumbus ay.
Blodgett Sewail, baker, h. 40 Rutherford av, Chan.
Blodgett Walter C. 26 Tremont, bis, 34 Dale, Hox,
Blodgett Warren K. 7 Merchants’ Exehange, howwe
307 Beacon
Blodgett William A. st
Mlodgett Wiliam
Blodgett & ©
terchandise b
Silom Henry N. pal
Blom William, oler
Blomberg Chatto
Wlondell Mary A, Mrs, Gurse,
Blood At Mrs. house 196 Warren av.
Mlood Augustus, ship carpenter, house 4 Marion
Blood A.B. (Baker & Blood), "Wo Marrioun ay. b,
MG Vernon, ward 18
Blood Charles, engineer, bda, 8 Washington, Chan,
Mlond Charles ® auctioneer nnd gale stably, 18 Dor
Mood Dwight
Wlood Elina, wide
Wlood Elzabot
rk, 40.¥. M1. mkt, b. 02 Allen
+ hotine rear 14 Chambers
h Mids, Douse # Garde
Blood Margaret Ky M. Milas, clerk,
Library, bile. 3 Faxon
Blood Mary’ A. widow, dressmaker, house 3 Faxon
ood Mary “A. Mis, jeacher, ot oboot, bas. at
‘wood ay.
Blood Willian HL. house 64 Hudson [Auburndale
Wood William H. salesman, O1 Franklin, houne
Bloom Alexander, tailor, 196 South, house 42 Weat
Fourth, ‘ay, oppoaite O, J.T'.
Bloom Axel, hairdresser, I. & P: fh. Spring.
Bioom Charies A. 'T. tailor, 433 Washington, hotiee
‘at West Medford Medford
Bloom Charles E. clerk, $2 Water, bds. at Woat
Bloom laaae, student, bd. 4 Mt. Vernon
Bloom Julius I. (Norling 4 Bloom), 86 Washing.
ington, house at Hyde Park
Mioom Solomon, glaster, b. 7 Stillman [Dover
Kitoom William, clerk,’ 96 we at
Bloom Williato, printer, 197 rua. 23
BURDITT & WILLIAMS, | *sicsucscaTncor se beck manare.
nostox [B]
Bloomer Anna, widuw, house 4 Elm [pl. 8.8.
Bloomfleid George W. laborer, house 1 Washiogton
Bloomfleld Harry, stevedore, Cunard wharf, house
rear 216 Margin
Blosser Ann, widow, house St Emerson (Chelsea
Blossom Edwin De ®. salesman, 139 Fulton, b. at
Blossom Eugene F. leticr carrier, P.O.h,22 Bedford
Blotsom Hiram A. butter aud cheese, 8 Union mar-
et, house at Chelaen {Court
Blossom Witllar A. constable, Roxbury Munielpal
Biount Dallas, hairdresser, 178 Kitot rma. 45 Win-
Blount Ev}
Blonut Herb
Bloxham Alfred, watchman, house Oakland, Mat.
Bloxham Edward, laborer, house 72 Couinge, K.B,
Bloxham Grace C. widow, bis. Kiver, Mat
Blue Henry C, foreman, 08 Summer, hat Swampacott
Blue Hill National Bank of Dorchester, Washington,
‘cor. Mtichinond, 1,.M.
Blue William, window cleaner, house 75 Preble
‘Blue Willlam'H. 177 State, house 16 Magnaine
Blum Hyman, tailor, 707 Washington, b. 23 Wert
‘Third [Noyes pl.
Blum Vincus (Leftorith & Blum), 192 Portland, b. 1
Blam Simon, tailor, houre 18 Sheate
Blum Willlam, clerk, 1 Commercial, b. at Chelwea
Blumberg Charles (Shales & Blumberg), Dorebes-
ter, cor. Newman, house 114 West Broadwa
Blume'Andrens, coudselior, & School, room O, b.
7 Yarmouth
Blume Andrew, dds, Parker House
Blumenthal Max, peddler, house 13 Lowell
Blumenthal 8. peddler, houae rear 62 Endicott
Blundell James, shoemaker, LamarUne, u. B.S. b.do.
Blundell James's. bds. Lamartine, near B.S.
Blunt Alfred M. planomaker, house 11 Somerset
Blunt Charles, machinist, house 60 Parker
Blunt Dallas, hatrdresser, rms. 43 Winchester
Blunt George, braxs worker, house 11 Cabot
Blunt George's, wut, earrees! department,
Blunt Harlan A. confectioner, bh. § Frothingham
Chat. [Premont, house do.
Blunt Harvey, confectioner and caterer, 715 ‘Tre:
Blunt William, removed to St. Lonle, Mo.
Bloshworth Martin, nugar house, house 18 Clapp
Blathardt Gustave, layer beer, 43 ‘Tremont, house
4 Hotel Chapman
Blutte John, soupmaker, house 23 Willard
Blutte Patrick, hostler, house 948 Harrison ar.
Bly Charley L, clerk, 37 Pentl, house at Bradford
Bly John D. shoemaker, house 83 Middlesex
Bly Malach, laborer, house Le, J.P. [Glenwood
Bly Willing 1. salesman, 670 Washington, houre 20
Biye Ellzabeth Mee. dressmaker, hi. Lamartinc, J.P.
Bye Nettie G. Miss, matron Boston University, 36
Bromfleld, house do.
Blyeven Derk, plano-sharp manufactarer, Washing-
ton, nent Poplar, Ros, hone Bille court
Boag John M. clerk, 34 North, house 49 Condor
Boag William R. janitor, Kennedy Hall, house do.
Boardman Albert T. clerk, P.O. atallon A. bas,
7 Ashburton place (29, house 101 Chartes
Boardman Alonzo W lawyer, 7 Court equare, room
Boardman Amanda M. Mrs h. 19 Allen [et. Chan,
Boardman Ambroke A. clerk, 320 Main, he 1 Kxeter
Boardman Benjamin G.& Co, (7. B- Boardman),
‘commission mer. 189 Congress, h. 120 Beacon
Boardman Benjamin L. clerk, 450 Washingtou, bde,
46 Walker, Chen (Chan.
Boardman Benjamin 8. baker, house 4 Walker,
‘Boardman Charles, treasurer Met. RK. 16 Kilby, b:
405 Columbus av.
Boardian Charles A, 13 Kilby, house st Brookline
‘Boardinan Charles E. clerk, 10 Peraberton square,
‘Dds. 19 Howes a [32 Broad, house at N.Y.
Boardman Charles G (FHint, Boardman, Nash),
‘Boardman Charles H, insurance agent, 43 Congress,
house at Lynn ‘Somerville
Boardman Charles MC. clerk, 41 Pranklin, baa. at
Boardman Charles T. clerk, §o Winter, bi. St Baer,
Boardman Daniel, mariner, bouse 66 Lynde, Chen,
Boardman Edwin, wood turner, bds. 3 Irving
Boardman Eugene 8. salesman, 67 High, b. at Saugus
ian E. A. wine etore, 20 Congress, entrance, 2
‘Post Office av. house 158 Beacon
‘Boardman E. A. Mrs. bouse 168 Beacon,
‘Boardinan George, house 89 Sullivan, Chsn.
Bosrdman George A. Mrs. house 11 Wesley, Chen.
Boardman George G. clerk, 26 Congress, bda, 101
Boardman Halsey J. (Boardman & Blodgett), 17
State, room 5, house 41 Perrin
| Boardman Henry’ Hi. printer, 262 Washiogton, bh at
Melrose (Auburn, Chen,
Boardman Joreph, L. baker, 48 Walker, bol
Boardman J. E, 33 Summer, b
low, bds.08 West Brookline
Boardman Thomas, furniture dealer, 27 Maverick
are, bds. 125 Meridian, EB. (Chen.
Boardman ‘Thomas C. fisb, $2) Main, b. 60 Sullivan,
Boardman T. Dennie (Benjamin ¢. Boardman &
‘Gh.), 189 Congress, boure 243 Beacon
Boandman William C. tailor, 21 Summer, house at
Boardman William Dorr Mrs, house 38 Kenilworth
Boardman William E, physician, Hotel Cluny, h.
132 Chandler {Bunker inti
Boardman William 1. clerk, F. RAR, freight, b. 389
Boardman William H, stair builder, 419 Dorchester
‘av. house 14 Ward, W.V. (Burroughe pl.
Boardman William L.'P. inaster Lewis school, i. 9
Boardman Walaa PInepector and weigher ‘of hing,
2 Pearl-street wharf, house Selden, Doreh.
Boardman W. B. (7. B. Holden & Co.), 86 High
house at Saugus
Boardman & Blodgett (/1. J. Boardman and Caled
Blodgett), inwyere, 17 State, room
Boardman, ‘dma [herton square
Board of Ald to Land Ownership. Umited, 11 Pome
Board of Registrars af Voters, office 90 Pemb.
Boardwin Abby Mrs. houro 164 Chambers
Boardwin George, tearster, house bd N. Andereon
Boardwine Taabella Mre. house 1 Blossoin court
Beas Hros. (Loute and Harry) tailors, 138 South
Boas Harry (oar firos,), 196 South, h. 200 Athens
Boas Loula (Boas Zrov.), 156 South, houve 336 1
Boas Robert, peddler, house 49 Chapman
} Roback William, elermaker, bouse 18 Clapp
Bobbin Jobn, tailor, house 18 Marshall
Boch Mary, widow, house 4 Waterford
Bockiay Jule, switchman, B. RB. & L. RR, hours
1 Doherty court, E.B.
Rochay Simon, brakeman, bis. 1 Doherty et, FE.
Bock Jacob, died July 27, 18% ca" pl
Bock Rachel M. clothing, $7 Hanover, Mechan-
Bock Valentine, carpenter, 26 Culvert, ty 243 Vabot
Bockelmann Frank, baker, 83 Pleasant, bd. 84 West
Third (Sroadway, bh. 610 Kast Fin
Boekelmana Frank I. panier, order box 380 4 W.
Bockelmann Henry, baker, ho W. Third (Cha
Woekelmann William F. baker, rma. 31 Decatur
Bocklng Sosan L. Mrs. h. 81 Shirle (Medford
Bocklalter Gottlieb, polisher, rear 1208 Wash. Nat
Bockus Charles E, editor, Boston Herald, 208 Wash
ington, houre Ashland, 1.8.
Bode Julids H. Iaborer, house 412 Hanover
Boden Charles D, baker, house 715 Sh
Bodenbrown Jos. 1.74 Devonshire, ba
‘Bodenbrown William, boot manufacturer, 74 Devon:
shire, house Green, J.P. aP.
Rodenbrown William, jr. 74 Devonshire, bas, Greet
Bodenschatz Christina, widow, house Sheridan a
‘opposite Terrace av. ‘Sheridag a
Bodenschatz Herman B. clerk, 1 Court av. Wile, 6
Bodfish Joshua F. Rev. house Harrison av. cor.
‘Union.park street lace
Bodtish Win. H. printer, 99 Arch, rms. 61 Indiana
Bodge Abby Mrs. boarding-house, 29 Shawmut av,
Bodge Adeline 8. Mise, teacher, Coahman primary
‘school. bds. 15 Hanson
Bodge Andrew J. 24 West, house at Melrose
Bodge AA. Mr. house 333 Tremont ;
Bodge Edward A. paper hanger, 14 Chapman place,
Rouse at Malden {de 13 Hanson
Bodge Frances M. Miss, first assistant Ellot #chool,
Bodge Francie, laborer, bouse 2 Brighton-st_ place
Bodge George A. porter, 110 North, b. at Somerville
Bodge George M. clergyman, house 1 Butler, LM.
Bodge Helen 1. Mise, neslatant, Brimmer school,
vase 19 Hanson
Bodge H. A. clerk, 4 Union market, bd. at Dedham
Bodge Lydia C. Mrs. house 18 Hanson
Bodge Nellie IL copyiet, rms. 2 Northampton
Bodge Willian (#/. £. Fraser Co.), 20 Central
juare, boure do,
kin Jobn, tailor, 89 Shawmut av. h. 32 Genesee
Bodkin Joho, moulder, bds. $1 Cotinge, E.B,
muy State in the Uns
CIRCULARS ADDRESSED | semen iavenpare, a con, 155 #rankiin se.
Bodkin Julia, widow, house 1 Cottage, E.B.
Bodkin Matihew, tailor, house $7 Cottage, E.B.
Bodwell Charles’ H. iter, Winchester, cor.
Pleasant, Louse 47 Newland
Rodwell Charles T. bis. 47 Newland
Bedwell Fred. H. 49 Medford, bls. 7 Cedar, Cben.
Bodwell Harvey D. clerk, 116 South Market, bds. 47
Bodwell Joseph R. foreman, das. $4 Tyler
Bodwell J. C. Rev. bis. Seaver House
Bodwell Nathaniel, boot manuf. 73 Kingston, and
‘boots and shoes, 14 Winter, house at Hyde Park
Bodwell William P, bookkeeper, 618 Washington,
Yds. at Hyde Park
‘Boehm Jacob, cutler, house 138 Eliot
» binckamith, house 47 Middlesex:
Boenke John, palnter, house 2 Payson et. [Chsn.
‘Boerum George C. sallmaker, U.S.N. house 100 Elm,
Hoethel William, bootmaker, 37 Chapman, house 417
Harrison a
Boettner John, confectioner, baa. 19 Pine
Bolin's Bower (reading-rooin), 1031 Washington
‘Bogan Francis, boarding-howse, 16 Cross
Bowan Frederick, ship sawyer, h. 16 Princeton, Chan.
Bogn Frederick’ B. mason, bis. 16 Princeton, Chan,
Bowgan James, machinist, 1'Hamilion place, house 4
‘Allen court
Rogan James J. D, clerk, 24 Friend,
Bogan Joseph D. police station 15,
t, C
Hogan Mary Sirs. bouse 83 Wheeler
Rogan Klchard, porter, 13 Union, house 101 D
W. printer, i17 Franklin,
aa Frederic
james, cooper, house 4 Allen's court, E.B.
Tether Jna, 8. Instrumentmaker, b. 4 Allen's ot. Kit.
Edwin P. com, mer. tral, bde. at Cam
ridgeport at Cambridgeport
b, at Cheleen
house 14 Pros
Rogge Frac M.ateamip mater 3 Cental
‘Hogge George E, cotton bu: 45 Kilby
ogi Joniah. M. junk, Commer, fouse 32
Parmenter [rleon uw.
‘Thomas, freroan, TH. 8 La 3 house O40 Har
Boule Even 8 ‘house Washington, ‘opp. Lake, Be.
Coe E. house 125 Warwick
Hon deal
Hole int Hy cle
Houle ‘iam, 46 ‘Schooh ‘by ot Meh
Hogliaceo V, bairwork “
Bogman Gvorge E. (Boyman ck Vinal), .
Bost Walter ded May 25,1870
ian Walter, died 7
gmat Walt Mw. poure River, near Cedar, Taf.
pee MAN & VINAL (George B
amen W, Vinal), hardware, 7 Dock ayy See
Rogie Hugh Mrs. hovee 44 West Seventh
Bogue Faces KE, blacksmith, 6 Emerald, bds, 60
Mohan Daniel, Inborer, bds. 123 Dorchester av,
Mobanan Daplel, tailor, house 9 Spenr piace
Tobaoan Dantol W, clerk, 184 Stato, house 70 White
. salesman, 28 Oliver, house at 1
Hobansan Arming J, Mise, dreeemaker, 290 Cota
carpenter, house 06 Sturxinal,
Boliwe George B. ininstrel, house 46 Barwon
Molver Lewis, plinomaker, house > Nan court
‘Bobiling John, cooper, hotise 8 Kverett, Kal.
Bolim Loon, confeetioner, bouse $4 West Cedar
Robm Rudolph, eandymaker, 11 Kim, baa: 1 Kim pl.
Rohn Charles, saleauian, 24 Cliaton, b-
Hobuer Louis, ahoetouker, house 1 Calvert place
Hohner Louls Mra. house 10 Middlenx
Hobnatedt Kilzabeth A. widow, house } Pinckney
Holee George, hide, Th Waltham [672 Shawmut av.
Holes KE. Kilzabeth, toacher, Sherwin sohoot, baa,
Boles Frank G. 0 Washington, House at Chelaom
Boles iiman F ray th ‘Wish. house nt Chelsea,
ive sb Som), 343 Washlog-
(house at Newton
|. & Bon (Prune A.), clothing, 343 Waals,
; enry. 160 Waabngtoi, , de, Quine House
Bole Timoun ‘Wash bia, Bt Raw
Balt Harriet St. teacher, Bennett school, baie. Hale
‘win place, Br. (ut ation
Hoh Ramer A. 2 Balle 40 ifuy, ba
Bolvin Cherie; ocmaators Notas & Murry
Bol "01 Bummer, Rel howee
Boston [B]
an tan |
Bolam George, hostler, house 125 Myrtle
Bolan Abbie Mi. widow, house 243 Border
Bolan Catharine, widow, houre 16 Lincoln block
Bolan Catharine, widow, house 33 Norfolk av.
Bolan Edward, hostler, house 387 Charlee
Bolan Edward, teamater, bda. 35 Chelsea, Chan.
Bolan Francis, laborer, house 100 Charlestown
Bolan Frank L.. clerk, 1030 Wash. bds, 70 ATblon
Hai ist, 171 Devonshire, house 25
isl, 171 Devonshire, bds..25 Charles.
{[tineh plice
Polan Joc! C. teacher, Adams school, house 4 Bul-
Bolan Joe! R. supt, draw, Charles-river bridge, house
do, Chan.
Bolan Jobn, palnter, bds, 16 Lincoln block
Bolan Jobn'R. house 6 ince
Bolan Michael, labor K
Bolan Michael, laborer, bin. 40 Webster ay.
Bolan Pairick, tailor, House 113 South
Bolan Purick, proce 68 Old Heath, hones 10 feat
Bolan Wealey' J. e} injow, cor. Friend, bda. 248
Border (run
Roland Charles Mt: lamp lighter, houre ast Hunker
Boland Edimund C. clerk, 21 Exchange place
Boland Kulsha 8. in, Toeane Asyhim
Balan ames, laborer b
Boland John, stone cutter, house 650 Harrlson ay.
Boland John't ¥. Mey. boone 89 Bunker Ul
Holand John H. cooper: bds. 0 Kverett
Roland Lo P. itey, by Union park, cor. Warriaon av.
Boland Xieboinss porter, Adana House, of Waal
Boland Robert, mason, house 165 Shasinut av,
Boland Stephen, tallor, 11 Dock +g. h. 149 South [+a
Boland ‘Thomas, sleninan, 81 Union, bds. Concord
nd Willlato HL. baker, bd. 329 Hunker HL
Bolender W. Il. removed te New York
Molden Edward, eaterer, house 66 Lucas
Holemen Snirok H.driter 6B. RR. bease
Holeman Thomar, tds. 125 Emersois ed
Holew Aibert Gi clerk, 703 Tremont, bde, 207
Boles Edward M. clerk, 18 Waterford,
‘Columbus tio Hinnovek
Boles rank W. (Leei Boles d Son), 2 Buddury, bids,
Boles George KE. bookkeeper, bda, 64 Clarendon
Boles James, machinist, house } Medfard
house 148 Pynchon, Ro
Moles John, wire worker, house 88 Princeton, Chan.
BOLEs LEV & SOK (Arank, W. Holes), doore
‘and whod oo window plas, Buitbury, cor,
lehael O.
un 40 Hancock — See
Roles Cverer, douse (Medios
Holes Robert, printer, rms. 6 Deacon
Boles Thomas, teameter, house 1 Medford
Holes William MH. printer, 218 Franklin, h. 6 Bescon
Noles, ace Hollen b~ Howles, don
Boleyn Anna Miss, laundry, 167 Washington, house
Bolger Ienae, tailor, house 38 Oxwego
Bolger Me. Miss, modista, 07 Bog laton, bouwe do.
Bolger Patrick, longshoreman, house 41 Clark,
Nol trick F. cooper, 3 Com'l, b. 175 W. Fourth:
Wort Krnent, dyer bee Greet, near Washing
| Hat W. Broad
Nottenin Mt rand A mat each, Noreron sail
| Hotkeann Tiivy A. Mrs: tewcher,’ Simonds eshool,
bee ca W at on
Toll A Thou 68 Washi
678 Washington
Holt Alfred, Putter, 121 Chaney,
Holl John Ih. laborer, house 11 Orie
Bolles Charles H.C. Callender «& Co.), "3 Devou.
shire, house 34 Chifford
Hollee Charles M. 80 Broad, house 69 Hammond
Nolles Cornelia G, Mra. by S71 Dudley: Dudley
Bolles HL Kuyene, lawyer, 2 State, room 3, b.
Molles Lewis ii. removed to Kanaae
Bolles Mutthew & Co. CM. 8. Bolles), hankers and
brokers, 70 Bua, bouve 40
ealooman, 23 Summer, bde. 238
Bolles Wiltam BP. physician, house qi pd
Bolin faites Mt tencher, Genesso-trevi pelmary,
ion Thats Mt eneher, Geneece sine.
bie, 63 Shawmut ay. ~
Tolman Willian Mrs. bouse 65 Shawmut av.
Holster Charies, r, house Adame, ir Dor-
{North Tusoell
30 Bowker, bda. 32
lies Walter B.
Headquarters for CARPENTERS and
BUILDERS. No, 20 Dock Square.
poston [B]
Bolster John, laborer, house $36 Albany
Bolster John’, 93 Sommer, baa. at Cambridi
Bolater Joseph D. stone cutter, house 179 W.
Bolster J. Q. A. teamster, house 13 Cross, Chan.
Bolster Margaret, widow, house 88 Hudson
Bolster Oliver, moulder, house 33 Pearl, Chan.
Bolster Solomon A. Bolster, Dextin), lawyes
“2389 Washingion, house Cobden, n. Walnut av.
Bolster Thomas, currler, bds. 336 Alban}
Bolster Thomas’. gas fitter, 615 Washington, bd:
‘at Cambridge
Bolster William, currler, house 39 Everett, E.B.
Bolster & Dexter (8. A. Bolster and £. K- Dexter),
lawyers, 2380 Washington
Bolt Robert, laborer, house 179 West Third
Bolter M. L. Mrs, house 82 Harrison av.
Bolter Nathaniel V. harnessmaker, bda. 38 Dover
Bolton Charles, clork, 317 Hanover, hovse at Chelsea
Bolton Charles 'S. machiniat, house 200 Ew
Bolton Edward D. civil engineer, 60 Devonshire,
room 24, house at Somerville (Chan.
Bolton Kaward H. messenger, house 7 Hollen row,
Bolton Krank W. teamster, house rear 38 Charter
Bolton Gilman B, salesman, 109 Washington, how
Holbrook, J.P.
Bolton Horace W. Rev,, house 3 Wallace ct.
Bolton James, house 31 Alaska, near Blue I
Bolton Jobn, stone cutter, house 66 Adams, Kox.
Bolton John B.cugraver, 383 Wash. h. at Somnervillo
Bolton Joseph F. paper banger, house 12 May wood
Bolton Murgaret, widow, house 2 Jackson ay.
Holton Richard T. clerk, house 14 Albion, wa. 16
Bolton Samuel H. flaisher, h. rear 130 Cambridge
Bolton Sarah K, Mira. wasoclate editor, 24 Congrega-
tional House, house 8 Ashburton place
Bolton Thomas S, provisions, house $ Bicknal
Bolton William, melter, house 6 day [Chelsea
Bolton Wiltiwm'H. porter, 13 Faneuil Hall aq. bs at
Bolton William R. bds. aT Alaska
Boltz John P. bariender, bs, 2 Davie place
Holte Philip P. varnlaber, house 2 Davis place
Bon Marehes ri Winter
Bond Ada G. Miss, house 12 Derne
Bond Alfred H. clerk, 40 State, room 8, bds. Forest
Hills atroet, J.P. (0 Staniford pl.
Bond Alonzo, leader Bond's Band, 44 Sudbury, b.
Bond Andrew W. clerk, 10 Ollver, bie, 142 ‘Trenton,
Bond Annie E. first assistant, Horace Mann school,
‘69 Warrenton, house at West Newton
Bond Annie M. bookkeeper, 173 Washington, bis.
‘at Winter EAL {ot Medford
Bond Arthur 'T, salesman, 430 Washinyton, house
Bond Aaa, tearuster, 120 Summer, b. 47 Bunker Hill
Bond A. Frank, teamater, house 65 Banker Hii}
Bord Bonlamio M. paper hanger, b. 36 N. Anderson
ond Charles 1 vatiety toro, 140) Wash bd do,
Bond Chatles Ti. (Waitt & ond), 03 Blackstone,
‘Cliftandale [at Waltham
14 P, reporter, Traveller, 31 State, house
Bond Edward B. secretary Boston Safe Deposlt and
“Trust Co. 87 Milk, houae at West Newtou
Bond Ellen, widow, house 824 Washington
Boud Esther A. Mrs. house 1 Essex, Chan.
Yond E, Russell, machinist, house Kilton, Doreb.
Bond Fioronce A. Mrs. bas, 65 Chapenn, Chan.
Bond Frances A. widow, house Varker Hill ay.
Bond Frederick H. (Henry Bond & Oo.), 237 Con
reas, houwe G4 Tremont [Heath
Bond Gaines, teamater, 238 Centre, Rox. house 17
Bond Guorge, walter, house 9 Weat Sixth,
Bond George, wool broker, house Forest Hills, J.P.
Bond Geo
Bond Geo.
Bond Henrs
Bond H. Misa, hair goods, 88 Win
‘Bond James A. bookkveper, 61 F. H: mkt. bis. 47
‘Trenton, E.B.
OND JAMES §. sallmaker, 190 Commercial, house
Bood John B. walter, 40 State, room 39, . wt Hyde
OND J. ELLIOT, carpetings and window »
18 Warhingto, house at “Winter fii —
page Wis [house do,
Bond Leonard E. surgeon chiropodlet, 20) Tremont,
Bond Lewis B. (Corey & Bond), 24 Purchase, hore
‘at North Woburn [hds, at Winter Hil,
Bond Luther A, card and job printer,
Bond iret S, baker, 1088 Tremont, house at
Bond widow, house 27 Anderson
Bond P. Mi. clerk, 08 Court, house 1 Essex, Chen.
Bond Richard F, Mrs. (William Bond & Son),
‘Water, bouse 514 East Broadway
Bond Robert H. clerk, bis. 147 Trenton, E.B.
Bond Robert J. salesman, 22 Federal, bide. 624 Wash-
ington Trenton
Bond Sara A. teacher, Emerson school,. bds
Bond Sarah Mf. Mrs. house 1401 Wushlngton
Bond Sidney HL. 108 ‘Tremont, house at Milton.
Bond Silliman D. driver, Met. KR. house 115 Lenox
Bond Thomas, euiter, house 147 Trenton,
Bond Thomas, Novelty Steam Bending Works, 02
‘Utica and 285 South, bouge at N
Bond Thomas C. cutter, 34 North, ba
us av.
Bond Thomas D. driver, 127 Merrimac, h. 36 Tynde
Bond Thomas L. appraiser's office, 177 State, hours
‘at Chelsea [22 Haverhill, Chen.
Bond Thomas P. P. paper hanger, 63 Union, house
OND T, EDWARD, ticket agent, Central Vermont
Line, 260 Washington, house at Newton Centre
Bond Watson L., collector, house 61 Dartmonth
Bond Wiliam, rms. 1 Oxford place
Bond Williaa & Son (J. M. Clinch ant Mrs. Mich
ard F, Bond), chronometer and watch maker,
824 Washington,
(alt, he BAB clo,
. 200 Fed
Bond William 8.
‘eral, bia. Forest Hills, cor, Glen rond.
Bonds James, laborer, hotise Grant Alston
Bonds Matilda, widow, house 3 East Lenox
Bone Edwin J, brewer, at Boston Boer Co, house
‘367 West Fourth
Bone Richard, gunsinith, bose 177 Bennington
Bonelli C. A. clerk, 5 Bedford, b.nt Cambridgeport
Boniface 0. 8. F. Kev, pastor St. Leonard's church,
house 28 Prince eld
Bonin Benjamin F. pianomaker,
onoano Charles, halrdresser, 373 1
Bonnar Isabella G. teacher, Dwight school, bile, 23
Bonneau Christopher Mf. caterer, rms. 88 Phillips
Bonnenu Joreph, tinerlth, house 23 Medford, Chen,
Boonell H.C. Mra, removed to Providen
Bonnell John D. printer, 8% Hanover, bo
at Hyde
Bonnell John J. bookkeeper, Elmwood Spring
brewery, Elmwood, cor. King, h. 25 Delle av.
Boonelle Frank J. night editor,
ton Herald, 255
‘Washington, rma. 4 Milford.
Bonner Anthony, gus works, honse 215 Endicott
Bonner Barnard, teaneter, bds. 37 North Margin
Bonner Catharine Mra. varity store, 305 Sumner,
‘house do. E.B.
Bonnier Catharine, widow, house 284 Shawmut av.
Bonner Charles, riachiniet, bis. 19 Moridlan
Bonner Daniel F. teamster, bde. Winship, Br.
teamster, house 9 Norman
Bonner Edwai
Ronner Ellen J. variety store, 35 Chapman, bi, 254
Shawmut ay inctimak
Bonner Eugene Fyeabinetianker, house River, cor.
Cedar, Le [Somerville
Bonner George C. conductor. F. IR. house ub
Bonner Hagh, laborer, house Winship, Br.
Bonner James, toamster, house 13 Maurwaret
Ronner James, clerk, 31 Decatur, b.08 Everett, E.B.
Bonner James, teamater, bs. 3 Pond-stroet place
Bonner James, gas house, house 216 Endicott
Bonner James H. teamster, be, Winship, Br.
Bonner Jobn, laborer, house 16 Plympton court
Bonner Jobn, laborer, bd, 96 Salem
AL Reading — See page 138:
Bond dob, tailor, house 690 Kast Broadway
‘Bond John (Gatti Bond), 2 North Market, house
126 Webster, E.B.
Bonner Jobn, Iabofer, house 50 Hull
Bonner Michael J. teamster, bds, Winship. Br.
Bonner Neil,laborer, bouse 96 Everett, KB.
No. 155 Franklin St., near Congress St.
Bonner Nell, jr. asst. storekeeper, Atlantic Works,
Dds, 06 Everett, EB.
Bonner Neil, laborer, house 92 Tremont, Chan.
Bonner Nell, laborer, bouse rear 28 South Margin
Bonner Patrick, laborer, bouse 68 Maveriek
Bonner Patric ‘house 06 Salem
Bonner Philip, iaborer, house 88 Cottage, E.B.
Hooper Willlam, laborer, house 11 Morton
Bonner William Hl. teamster, bds. 9 Norman
Bonner Wyatt A. blacksmith, house 9 Acton
Bontes Hannah, widow, house 69 Bolton
Bonnos Itichard, Inborer, house 89 Bolton
Bonnet Alexis G. masie teacher, h. 65 Shawrauta
Bonney Charles B. clark, 518 Wash. bds. 16 Upton
Bonney Gladden, watebmaker, house 107 Silver
Bonney Ixadora, ‘teacher, Sherwin school, bds. 40
‘Concord square
Bonney dames G. clerk, bas. 4 Myrtle
Bonney Ouls L. removed to South Abington
Bonney Pelham (Fletcher & Bonney), 22 Sebool,
room 1, hotise mt Cambridgeport
Bonney Perez F. ealoaman, 618 Washington, house
‘at Carnbridye port [Bowdoin
Bonney P. Irving, clerk, M42 Washington, bis. 12
Honney Sarah It teacher, Sherwin school, be. 229
‘Shawmut av, [square, house do.
Bonney William A, (Bouncy & Baldwin), Eliot
Bonney William L. supt. 450 Wash, bh, at Cambri
Bonney & Baldwin (W. A. Boaneyonit Fromktin #.
Baldwin), grocers, Eliot square
Bonnie Louls, jewelry, 8 Waal
Bonnlo Mury, teacher,
iio Sharon
Bonangnl Vincenzo, grocer, 236 Friend, house do.
‘Hoodro Veter, hairdresser, 32 Bedch, house 265 Gold
Roody Cyrus W. teamater, 6 Avery, hr, 957 Tremont
Boody Lot, real estate, 1337 Tremont, by 1363 do.
Hookor Agnes, widow, house 24 Franklin place
Rooker Bridget, widow, house Waverley, Br.
Kooker Edward, house 10 Dover
Nooker Edward, porter, 25 Winter, h. 44 Kendall
Hooker George W. painter, bia. 24’ Franklin place
Hooker Oliver J. driver Hows 23, house 14 Winslow
Houker William F, fireman, 8.F.8. 13, Cabot, house
127 Vernon
Boole M.D, salesman, 110 Washington, bids. at Me.
Roole Thomas P. 12 Port Office square, room
house at Maplewood. ‘Chan.
Boomer Clayton 8. engineer, house 29 Brighter
Hasone allen Pe (dtnones Connells Co), 64 Chun:
house at Winchester
Cannell, & Co. We H, Cannelt and Ae Be.
Boone), clothlers’ trimmings, 54 Chaane
Toone Joneph, waiter, Commonwealth Hot
Moe Gabriel (A. Crpph & Cb.), AF Tyler, bd 20
Hoos Henriotta Mrs. honse 01 Tyler
Hoone iiman, wilder, house 6 Itugeire-street court
Hoote Johi A. aa fitter, house ibe Kaw’ Kighth:
Vooth Alfred, physician, house 18 Do
Hooth Catharine, widow, house 2 Smith court
Booth Catharine, widow, house 380 1
Booth Charles, house 668 East Sixth [hy
Booth Charles U. priowr, 262 Washingian, house 26
Booth Charles 8. engraver, 90 Frankili, b, 26 Lynde
Moot Clam Ik feneber, Capen primary school, bie,
Te lore
Hoth Eawart C. fn Europe
Hooth Kiza Mrs. house 16 Edinboro!
Hooth Frankitn, jobber, house 2 Smith court
Hooth George, laborer, house 3 Suillinan place
Hooth George, removed ta Springtold
Booth Haley, bookkeeper, raome 17 Oxford
Hooth Jobo, foreman, 138 Kebmond
ooth John, carpenter, bis. 108 Warren, Chen.
Booth tar ble worker, h. 3 Shortt. ple Chan,
Booth Joho’ A. chair tiniaber, he at Ortenk Heights
Booth Jusaphy, walter, house 2 Sraith court
Booth J. R, lumber, Tt Kilby, house at Canada
Hooth Samuel, innorer, house 36 Woodward
Hooth Squire, paver, bouse Zt Telegraph
Hooth Stephen, printer, 238 Washington, h. 74 Carver
Wooth Thomas, machinist, house 00 Prescott, Kb.
Hoothby Aton:
Voothby Aaa
Boothby ©. Miss, dresamaber
Boothby Frank, packer, (& North, bda. ST Peasant
‘Boothby Horatio, restaurant, 105 State, house 80
1, Chan.
‘Pearl, Chan. vende: 318 Colmmndas av.
Boothby Ht. Miss, ‘kinmer primary,
Boothby Joba F. ter, house Oak place, JW.
Boothby Nathan 8. driver, house 1 Reed's court
Boothby Putnam 3. bouse 34 Sargent, Doreh.
Ess castes ce ete are.
‘cor: Devon, und at Biddeford, Ate,
Boott Cotton Mills, office 6 State
Boott John, bds. 124 Charles
Boott Kirk Mrs. house 208 Warren, Rox.
Boott William, ‘121 Charles
Bopp O. J. painter, 1166 Tremont, house TI8T do.
porns, Fred, conductor, Mid. R.R. bds. 4 Cam-
Borden George E hy, 10 Blossom, 5
m George E. a room
Borden John, ‘salcamuby 3" ‘Batterymareh,’ bse 20
Borden John Mrs. house 63 Putnam, EB.
Borden #. Andrew, painter, 8.B. Kft. b, 83 Emerson
Borden William, teamater, bds. 406 Border
Borden William N. clork, 381 Washington, bas. 408
Shawmut av.
Bordman Charles, U.8.N. house 21 Mystic, Chan,
Bordman Charles D, ladderman, H. & 1,1, house
2 Joiner, Chan.
Bordman Rebecea B. widow, house 12 Porter
Bordman Richard ‘T. 245 Atlantic ay. house 380
Banker Hill, Chan.
Bordman, eee Boardman [{B.8.
Borel Auguste, designer, 70 Franklin, b. Forbes av.
Borg Peter N. musictan, rma, 09 Leverett
Borgbardt A. W. OC. physician, 363 Tremont, bh, do,
Rorgholzer Anton, house 145 Shawmut a
Hargisson Jobn, mariner, house 166 Saler
Horgues Cwaar P. tallor, house 401 Hanover
‘Borgues John, laborer, house 455 Hanover
Borguea Joseph, bda, 3 Revere place
Borgues Lucio, tailor, house 25
Borls Peter J. (WAitmore W Borts), 178 Washing.
ton, house 1 Boylston place
Borla Haphsel, clerk, 21 Parl, Dds, 84 Lovering pl,
Borkowsky Coffman, variety store, 1201 ‘Tremont
house 1199 do. seme
Norkowsky Inidore, bootblack, TE. Ru By & la RRs
Horland Altda 1. Miss, house 87 Beacon
Borland John N-28 State, roorm 10, hi. 227 Beacon
house 227" Beacon
Vormann Henrietta Mra, house Western
Bormann Henry, butcher, house Western av, Allaton
Hornkesse! Annie, widow, house 65 Smith
Morokeesel Charles, polisher, house 12 Hampden pl.
Horokessel Hermon upholetere, Wis. At ralth
Borne Jobu ¥. clerk, 64 Corohill, b, at W. Medford
Bornatein Alex. cutter, Washington, eor, Mraitley
owe OL Vill
Bornateln Daniel, house 14 Kirkland
he 15 Le
‘& Co.
Hornstelo Isaac, baker, 97 Salem, house do,
Hornatein Israel M, com't traveller, 49 Bummer,
house 230 Harrison ay. [70 Chandler
Hornatela Jacob L. anlesinan, 87 Washin)
Bornstein Joseph A. peddler, bis. 1 Vii
Bornatein Julius, Tr, house 72 Balem
Bornatein Louis, varniaber, house 27 Bawyer
Borneteln Mayer, saleaman, Coolidge building, bd,
79 Chandler
Bornatein Meyer 1. » house 18 Sharon
Horrow Charles W. hair worker, house 7 Lansiny
Borrowseale George W. later, 14 ‘Tyler, bds, 9
Medford court
Borrowseale Willa A. slater, hy 7 Adare pl. wa.
Borab Francis, twareo driver, house 811 Albany
Bosley Willlar, walter, rum. 11 Oaborn place
Bors Uharles E: clerk oo Sunnimer, ‘bs Windsor
Mav ait Carpenters FOOLS st | BURDITT & WILLIAMS, {Scr
Boston [B]
Boss Robert P. foroman, Dally Globe affice, 236
‘Washington, house 105 N
Boseardt Frederick, collector, house 87 Warrenton
Bosse Bernard, sugar house, house 195 Sliver
Bosse Emil, walter, rma. 9 Hoylston place
Bosse Henry, sugar house, house 164 Silver
Bosnelman Charles, laborer, houre 213 E
Bosselman Charlotte, grocer, 217 E, house 215 do,
Bosselman Theis, ailkman, bouse 219 E
Boarert Andreas, house 4 Acorn
Bossey Anna, widow, house 18 Blossom
Bonney Charles W. fish packer, house rear 27 Border
Bomom Heury (Hoxsom & Cugt), Albany, cor. East
Brookline, office $2 Canal, house 110 Camden
PBossait GENE Urenry Borsom and Wn Coy),
abjnetmakers, Albany, cor. East Brookline,
ole #2 Canal nnd 171 Friend — See page 1285
Boston Albert, D. lawyer, § Court, roous 7, house at
Chelsea [ror, Chan.
Bosson Charles, foreman, 60 Hanover, house Deca.
Bosson Charles P, 87 Milk, rm. 48h. 24 Berwick pk.
Bosson Edward P, clerk, 45 Kilby, bids. at Chelsea
Basson George C. 18 Chauncy, house ai Chelsea
Boson. George T, wharfinger, 1 Ruesla wharf, hones
‘3028 Washington (Ghelsen
Rosson Harry P. bookkeeper, 99 Blackstone, b. at
Borman Henry, carrier, house 269 Rugg!
Tomson William B. 7 Franklin, houseat Newtonville
Boaort Rudolph, cellarman, 65 Kilby, h. La Grange
Boston Air Carpet Cleaning Co. 18 Rutland
Bontan Antiquarian Club, 10 Pemberton square,
Boston Art Club, 64 Boylston (32 State
Boston Asylum sud Farm School for Indigent Boys,
Boston Athenswum, 10} Beacon
Boston Bare Ball Assoclation, 736 Washington
Boston Batting Co., G. K. Goulding, selling agent,
‘O71 Atlantic av. Doreh. av. n. Greenwich
Boston Beacon and Dorchester News Gatherer,
Boston Beef Packing Co., George 0. Sanborn, general
page 1354
Bortdn Blue Vitriol Co, 16 Mt. Washington av.
Boston Board of Marine Underwriters, 18 Merehanta’
‘Exchange [State
Boston Hoard of ‘Trade, Merchanta’ Exchange, is
‘Hoston Hox and Tag Co.165 Devorshire and 26 Arch
Boston Branch Hardware Store, Mason's bli. Waal
ington, Br.
Boston Brass Co, 38 Oliver
OSTON BRIDGE WORKS, D. H. Andrews, engi-
eer, 13 Peimberton square See poge 13S
OSTON BUTTON CO. (1. Be Mefealf Willvara
MeCleery, aud W. W. Wade), 88 Morchase, cor.
Oliver— See page 1540 [Court aq.
Borton Cadet Band, J. ‘Thomas Baldwin, ie
Boston Can Company, 126 Mike (Federal
Boman CarsSpring Cou, 1. C, Lothrop: treasurer,
jaton Carpet Slipper Company's
Boston Chemical Works, 21 Doai
Bonton Chess Club, 181 Fremont
Boston Chihiren's Friend Society, 48 Rutland
Boston Cigar Company, $66 Atlantic av.
ton Clty Flour Mile, 41 Corinerclal whart
fi Clearing House, 65 State [Covgress, rm. 22
Boston, Clinton, Fitebburg, & New Bedford RR. 8
C.C, Converse, treaa. Atlantie ay. cor, Eastern
ay. = See page 1900
Boston College, 761 Harrison av.
Boston Color Printing Co. 153 Mik
‘Nes page
Boston Commercial Exchange, 83 State
Boston, Concord, & Montreal RR, office, 31 Milk,
oom 1, tiekot office 5 State
‘mont— See page 1251
Hoston Cooking School, 188 Tremont
Boston Co-operative Age's Clyar Manufs,70 Sndbur
Bontou Gosoperniin woe ies, 9 Cornhill,
ton ive Store, groceries, .
'D, Eldredge, trens. 30 di. India
Boston Corrugated Paper Packing Manuf. Co. 36
Boston Cartet Co, 150 Washington
Boston Credit Bureau, 67 Federal
Boston Custom Boot and Shoe Co. (Henry 0. Skin-
ner and David P. King), boots and shoes, 136
Bummer {Schiool, Doreb.
Boston Cynthia B. Mrs. house Washington, wear
Boston Dally Advertiser, 29 Court
Boston Daily, Weekly, and Sunday Globe, 238 Wash.
Boston Decorating Company, 17¥ Coury
Artie Assodlstiony 327
Boston Easy Chair Co, 63 Sodbury
sree beget
OSTON ELECTRIC CO. WT. Nutting, manager,
J3t Devonshire, room 24 — See nage 1367
63 Summer — See page 133%
Roston Elijah, hairdresser, b. 40 Melrose {ler
Boston Elizabeth M. Mixa, dressmaker, b. 4 Chand~
POSTON EXCELSTOR CO. 20 Canal — See page 1280
Boston Fancy Cabinet Co. 61 Haverhill
Boston Fancy Wood Carving Oo. 418 Washington
Boston Fire Dept. Repair Shop, 18 Harrison ay.
Boston Fire Underwriters’ Union, 33 Congress, rm. 05
Boston Fish Bureau, 176 Atlantic av.
Boston Fish Co. 80 Commerctal wharf
Boston Five Cente Savings Bank, 38 School
). 176 Devonshire
Boston Flax Milla, ‘85 Commercial
Boston Folding Lamp Bhade Co. 86 Budbury
Boston Forge Co. 840 Maverick, E.B.
Boston Gas Burner Co. 634 Washinyton
Boston Gas Improvement Co, 17 State, room 3
Boston Gas Light Co.24 West [box 35 Hawley
Boston Granite Co. Curtis wharf, 250 Federal, order
Boston Grocers’ Arsoclation, Merehante’ Exchange
Boston, Halifax, & PAE. Island 8.8, Line, 18 T wharf
Boston’ Harness Co. 73 Hanover
Boston Herald, 256 Washington
Boston Home Journal, 152 Dudley and 352 Wash,
Boston Hommopathie Hoepitel, Hast Concord
Borton Homeopathic Medical’ Dispensnty, 14 Bur,
roughs place [Equitable buttdiny
Boston, Hoosae Tunnel, & Western Railway,
Boston’ Hotel, Beach, cor. Harrison av.
Boston Hotel Record, 106 Sudbury
Boston Hotele Coach Co. 129 Eliot
Boston Hydraulle Motor Co. 33 Charlestown
POSTON 1CH CO. 70.Stato— See page 1298
Boston Toe Cream Co. 9 Spring lane
Boston Industrial Temporary Home, 17 Davie
Boston Job Print, 4 Alden court
Boston Joha A. police station 2, house 1 Off place
Boston Joseph, driver, 725 Wash, bds, 260 Tremont
Boston Journal, 264 Washington
Boston Journal of Commerce, 206 Washington
Borton Kindling Wood Co, 419 Alban
Boston Lamina Wood Co. 11 Chardon
Boston Land Co, 45 Congress, rooms 19 and 20
‘Oliver — See page 1804
Boston Library Society, 18 Roylston place
Boston Loan Co. 276 Washington
Boston Lunatic Hospital, East First, near Me
Boston Lying-in Hospital, 24 MeLean
MACHINE €0. Gronite, cor. West Firat,
'S.B, treasurer's office, 70 Water— See page 120%
Boston Manuf, Co. 00 State, room
Boston Manuf. Mutual Fire Ine, Co. 11 Devonshire,
Boston Marble Co. 114 Beverly [room 18
Boston Marine Ins. Co. 17 State and 45 Devonsbire
Boston Marine Society, 13 Mercbante’ Exchange
Bonton Market, Gary and Sargent, manngers, 1 Per-
Boston Mary Airs, house 257 Ruggles (Dorch.
Boston Mary A. Mins, bda. Washington, near School,
TCH CO. (Byam, Carlion, & Co.)y
‘96 Friend — See Jront cover.
Boston Medical Library Assoclation, 19 Boylston pl.
Boston Merchants’ Association, 06 Summer
Boston Museum, 28 Tremont
Boston Music Hall, 15, Winter
Boston Music School, 29 Euot
The Mass, Register & Business Directory |
Tsan indispensable Book of
‘Reference to Business Men.
122 Boston [B]
RY. 71 Sudbury — See page 1200
Boston Mutuat Benefit Society, 40 Water, room 39
Boston M. Jennie Miss, milliner, 12 Temple place,
bds. Washington, near School, Doreh.
Boston National Banke, 95 Milk
‘A. N. Clark, treasurer — See
Boston North End Mission, 201 North
Boston Novelty Co. tin and bardware, 383 Wash.
Boston Novelty Sign Co. 980 Washington
Boston Nuraismatic Society, 18 Somerset
Boston Nut Co., W. H. Swift, agent, 02 Broad
Boston Oakum Co. 86 Norfolk
Boaton Oyster Co. 115 Atlantic av.
Boston Paraifine Paper Co. 180 Portland
Boston Paste Co. 46 Beverly
Boston Penny Savings Bank, 1371 Washington
Boston Piano Stool Co. 578 Washington
Roston Phiting Co. 00 Sudbury
Boston Police Relief Ausoclation, Charity ballding,
Boston Post, 15 Milk
Boston Post Otfieo, Milk, Devonshire, and Water
Boston Poat Oflce, Station A, 1569 Washington
Boston Pottery Co, 412 to 418 Border, EB.
Boston Hrinting and Numbering Co. 80 State
Boston Produce Exchange, rotanda PHL. mkt.
Boston Protective Department, 39 Congress, room 35
Hoston Protective Department Co, Nos
Boaton Protective Department Co. No. 2,00 Pleasant
Boston Provident Assoclatlon, Charity, building,
‘Chardon; South Boston branch, 835
Boston Pablle Library, 40 Boylaton
Roston Pump Co. 110 North
Boston Retiners' Line, 42 Indiw
Boston Rettigerntor Co. 92 state and 300 Albany
“Atimtle avenue, foot of High — See page Lite
Boston ftiding Academy, 1209 Washo
Boston Royal, palnter, house Forest
‘near Bani
OSTON RUBBER CO. George 2 Hood, tres:
‘urer, 58 Portand — See
sa 100, Con
lla avenue,
Boston itubbur Show Co. 1 creas
Pout Ofice square — See page 1104
Boston Seale Co., Edgar J. Hilas, manager, 2 Valon
Boston School of Oratory, 1 Somerset
Borton Kehool Gupply Ca-18 Bromfield
Botton Seamen's Priend ‘Boolety, 1 can
Boston Sewing Ci
Boston Bivwle Co, et
Boaton Shell Fish Co, 112 Atlantie av.
Boston Soap Co, 284 Commerch
Boston Soapstone Furance Co. oat Kilby
Boston Soctety of Decorative Art, 8 Park squat
Boman | Society Of Nawurel ilisory, Derkeley, cor,
Boston Spiral Tube Works, 250 Chartes
oaton Split Bamboo Flabing Kod Co, 34 Besoh
Hoston Steam Carpot Cleaning Co,, Kast Canton,
cor. Albany
OSTON ‘stuhxorrer FOUNDRY, 4 Pearl — See
Boston Stock & Exchange Hoard, 13 Racha,
Moston Sugar Tetinin
Youon Sus The, 304
ton wunday Budget,
Hoston Supporter Co, 12 Sumrace
Boston Suspender Co. 867 Wal
Boaton Tea Oo. 17 Federal ‘230 Washington
Rowton Telegraph Inaltute, J.J, Uellohen, manager,
Boston Temporary Home for Working W
Boston Theatre, 699 Washington
Low Theatre, 699 Waa
Moston Thmes, i308 Washington
Boston ‘Tow Hoat Co. end T wharf
OsTOH ZEANSCRLET CO. 284 Washington — See
Moston Trovetler, 3t State
Boston Turu-vereln, 29 Middiosex
POSTON TIPE FOUNDRY, 104 atin. — See pave
Boston University College of Liberal Arts, 20 Heaoon
Boston Dalversity College of Musie, Musie Hall
"o., Webster, €, Lewls,
‘4s Summer
Boston Daiversity Law Library, 36 Bromteld, rm. 3
Boston: University School of Law, 34 Browtlcht
Bosion University Schoo of Medicine, E- Coneond,
‘bet. Harrison ay. and Albany
Boston University School of all-Selences, 20 Beacon
Boston Univeraity Sebool of Theology, 36 Bromfleld
Boston Watch Case Co. § Province court
ONTOH WATER BECER G0; 29 Devonshire — See
Boston Water Power Co, 87 Milk, room 20
Boston Water Works, 221 Federal and 710 Albany
Boston Wesleyan Association, 38 Bromfield
Boston Wharf Co. office 40 State, room 37
Boston Whist Club, 145 Tremont
Boaton William M. 0. C. RR, b, 257 Ruggles
Boston, Wiathrop, int hirley Rt Co. C- A
Yarks, pres. and manager, 7 Exchange, place
Boston Wooten Mills, B, cor, W. Second, ulee 17
Boston Woven Hose Co.'100 High (cor. Tremont
Boston Young Men's Christian Assoctation, 63 EUioty
Boston Young Men's Christian Union, 18 Boy’ ston
Boston Young Women's Christian Assochation, 68
POSTON A ALBANY R-R. CO. Abany, cor. Beachy
LWcketoffee 231 Waahington — See page |
Boston Albany Hele. Mlevaiot, ‘Conndlet cof,
Berkeley Treas. 96 Milley rm, 24 and 28
Boston & Colorado Sinelting Coy J. W. Morrill
Boston & Gloucester Steamboat Co. 264 Atlantic
‘wharl— See page 1243
Boston & Lowel Kft, office at station, Cunsoway
Boston & Maine RR. Co. Haymarket square, tHokot
‘offlon 280 Washington
}OSTON & PROVIDENCE Blt. CO. hend Colum.
bus av. opp, Hark square — See page
Boston & Roxbury MU tight BS Devooshire
Boston & Sandwich Boot & Buoe Gov itt Summer
Bonton & Bundwich Glass Co, 164 Devonshire a
PO. | Boston X Kavannah Stearnehip Line, 18 T wharf
Boston, & Worcester oh Kexproas, VI Kilby
‘and 48 Kingston
Bostwick Edwin P, clerk, 61 State, bs 12 Dartmouth
Bostwiok J. G. conductor, Mi It.Re houre 4 Langdon
Bostwick Nelson & Co, ‘produce, 24 Washington
market, house 617 Shawmut
Roswell Fidolin Mies, house 21 Maldon,
Boswell J. Iresom, student, bday 14621 Washington
Bosworth Benjamin 8. sna fiter, 10 Pleasant, house
16 West Walnut park evi
Hosworth Charles B, foreman, 11 Chardon, boune
Mosworth Cha. flour, 202 state, 26 Iutland #4.
Bosworth Chas. F, cook, 28; Market, 28, London
1 Bummer,
Bosworth ©. Ve agent, E
house at West Newton’
Bosworth David Q. bds. § Krving [Florence
Hoaworth Edward N. salesman, 90 Winter, bia. 1
Bosworth E. Oscar, clork, Bell's Hotel, house 110
Bunker fi house at Amherst, N.
Bosworth George W. salesman, 41 Commercial,
Honworth G. W. clergyroan, and sec, Mass, Liaptlat
Convention, house Harvard
Bosworth Hiram K. bde. 77 PR
Honworth Jesse Mrs. house 1
Hoaworth John H, house 34 Bol
Bosworth John W. Thea
Bosworth Mary A. widow, house 2 Belknap place
Hoaworth Mary A. Mrs. house 73 Joy
Bosworth Mary widow, hy Taylor m, Wood, Nop.
Hosworth Md. Mra. house Hotel Florence, room
Bosworth Nathantel (Bosworth & French), Wa Tre-
‘wont, house 4 Clarenesy tos.
Borwonhie Newtonville apres, 8 Court square,
300 Franklin, and 94 Reith ast Healing
Bosworth Itoyal oaworth sé Mamitn), 20 Fudural
Boewonh Win, Q. Teemaer, 08 FTE, packet,
ose 6 Kuasell or, n, Wood, Ni
Bosworth Williaa en ‘Washington,
OSWORTH & PRES Lonworth and J. We
Mrencky, plamblngs steams and eae iting, 208
‘Tremont and 33 Hawley — See page 1343
Boeworth, & Samalin, (Royo! Boseerth, and 5. 8.
Hamlin), coal and
Botham Tred C. slerk, 6 3 Washington, bis. 205
Mothatuly W. B. 107 Devonshire, bds, at Cambridge
rh. ak Newton
Bothtold HP. United States Engineers’ offleo, 26
Vemberton square, house at Newton
Bothwell iid ©. house 245 Warren
Botsford Charles B. élerk, house 1003 Washington
soston [B]
Botsford Charles B. teamster, 6 Avery, house 96
Botsford Charles B. & Co. (4. G. Perkins), paper
‘25 Hawley, house 43 Appleton
esraan, 191 State, h. at Gloucester
Hotter Erich P. clerk, house Byron, cor. Cowper
Holto James, painter, 101 Fulion, b. 2 Stiliman place
Botto Jobo, needlemnker, hous jouth place
Botto Thomas, laborer, hoore 2 Stiiknan place
Botume John & Co. provisions, 122 8. Market, house
at Wyoming [at Wyoming
Botume John F, student, 14 Pemberton square, bda.
Bouchard John, mariner, house 74 Brond [Malden
Bouché Charlee N, salesman, 18 Cornbill, bouse at
Bouché Joseph, roadman, B. ft, B, & L. H.R. house
Doherty court (13 Fabin
Bouchor Charles J. fo
Boucher Robert B. clerk, bds. Metropolitan Hotel
Boudoln Louls, barber, bas. 687 ‘Tremont
Boudrot Elias, boarding-house, 11 Tileston
Boudrow Frank, bartender, bds, 69 Chelsea, EB.
Boudrow Inaac, roadman,
‘at Winthrop Junetion
Boudrow Isaac, ship carpenter, hous
Toudrow James H. boatman, house 58 Chelsea,
Boudrow Simon, junk, house 104 Marginal, E.
Boudwin Joseph A. teamater, house 6 Tyler
Boudwin Willlam H,, 8.F.E. ¥6, Mason, b. 58 Tyler
Boulay Albert, artist, house 1 Edgerly lace
Boulger James, ateam and gas fitter, 4 Charlestown,
house at Malden
Boult Charles W. clerk, Marston House, 17 Brattle,
Is do.
Boulter Laroy 8. enrpenter, house 45 Ottawa
Boulton, Geor-e' A. printer, Advocate office, houre
108 ‘Trenton, KB.
‘carpenter, house 8 Mechantew place
iu, carpenter, house 6 Paris, EB.
anomaker, house 4 Amor}
ine, painter, h.42 Columbia, Dorch.
{roporter and exporter, house 108
1 W. Dedhain, house
Bourdon Augi
Bourgeols Lou
‘arren, Rox.
Bourgeots Philp, farmer, dds. Humpbreys, cor.
Bourges Lisl, boarding house, 25 Fleet
Bourke's Weymouth & Kast Braintree Express, $3
N. Market and 174 Washington
Bourne Angie B. Miss, 451 Watsb buts, 90 Chandler
Bourne Barnabaa E. carpenter, house 187 Tyler
Bourne B.D, B. photographer, 493 Washlagton, b.
197 ‘fyler
Bourne Catharine, widow, house 484 Boston
Bourne Charles C. plano tuner, 156 Tremont, house
at st, Charl
Bourne Charles EB. (William Bourne & Son), 666
Wash, and 63 Harrison av. bds 01 Appleton
Bourne Charles H, foreman, 45 Wareham, bds, 1
Bourne Clara ¥., Mrs. b. Sanford, LM,
Bourne Edinund L, eabinet maker, b. Doreh. av. cor.
‘Crvek, Doro.
Bourne Elia, calker, bouse 313 Saratoga, E.B,
Bourne Elizabeth F. widow, bda. Adams, n. Dor-
chwater av. LM.
Bourne Bera A. Mra. house 49 Beacon fat Malden
Bourne E. W. (Ub. J. Bates 6 Co.), 11 Chardon, hy
Bourne Francis, dentist, 02 Hammond, house do.
Bourne Frank W. driver, h. 16 Metropolitan place
‘Bourne Frod. W. clerk, 108 Milk, bds. 318 Saratoga,
E.B. fat Cambridgeport
Bourne George F. carpenter, 148 Mt. Vernon, house
Bourne George H. clerk, 257 Wash... at Auburndale
Bourne George H. clerk, 143 Tremont, bile.
Bourne George 8; painter, b. Adare 9
f Bartlett Putten & Co.), 39 Har-
hat. pl. Chen.
Ington, rine, 1469 do.
Bourne Lorenzo P. brakeman, B. & A. ILI. bds. 833
‘Bourne Mary, widow, house 7 Sawyer
Bourne Paul E. (Stickney & Bourne), 187 Atlantic
bd. 167, Tyler
Bourne Robert T. (Bourne & Leavitt), 140 Mt. Ver-
‘non and 85 Hawley, house at Cambri rt
Bourne Temperance Mrs. house 02 Hammon:
Bourne Willlam & Son (Charles £.), plano manu-
facturers, 656 Washington and 526 Harrison av,
house 61 Appleton
Bourne William C. bds, Sanford, LM.
Bourne W. 5. clerk, freight dept. N. Y.&N. E. R.R.
‘da. at Hyde Park
Bourne & Co. (¢. MV. 0. J. Hoteh), produce, cellar
13, Faneuil Hall market, north side
Bourne & Leavitt (2. T- Hourne and William Lea.
‘eiit), carpenters, 146 Mt. Vernon and 35 Hawley
Bournes Evans W. driver, house 143 Chelsea, Chan.
Boursand Edward V. Rev. Borton College, 101 Har-
ison av.
Tousch Peter Rev. house 1545 Tremont
Boushy David, bartender, 119 Causeway, bade, do.
Bousquet Alfred, restaurant, 122 Milk, house 8 Sof-
folk place [106 do,
Bontelje Eva Mra. pawnbroker, 108 Dorch. ay, houns
Boutelle Abby S. clairvoyant, 770 Wash, house do.
Boutelle Charles B. proof reader, 29 Court, bd 19
Perkins, Chen. [ward placa
Bootelle James A. (Sheppard & Bowtelie), 16 Was~
. | Boutelle William, shoemaker, h. 417 Harrison ay,
Bouliller Jacob B. tronworker, h.208 Lexington EB.
Boutilier dames, mariner, bie, 138 Evorett, KB.
Boutilier James W. mariner, h. 134 Everett, EB.
Boutwell Charles K,, Custom House, h. at Medford
Boutwell Francis A.’rme. 22 Chambers
Boytwell Francia M. patent solicitor, 64 Equitable
building, bds, at Groton [house at Groton
Boutwell George S. lawyer, 64 Equitable buildings
Boutwell Henry W. watehinan, 1-0. buildings MN.
43. Chambers [at Winchester
Boutwell James P. saloaman, 63 North Market, h.
Boutwell Roswell M. clerk, 7 North, hat Medford.
Boutwell Willtans T, clerk, 39 North, hi at Chelee
Boutwell Willle M. clerk, N.Y. & NE. RR, bouxe
108 Lexington, E.B.
Rouve Aibert H. sal
Bouve Allston G. den
at Wakeflold
Bouvé Charles 0. 65 Summer, bds. 40 Newbury
Bouve, Daniels, & Giows (£. 7. Bouré, PB. Daniels,
1. 0.Go0m, and GH, Bowed), wholesale clothing,
65 Summer. (mer, house at Hingham
Bouvé Edward T. ( Bowes, Daniela, d& Goes), 6) Surm-
Bouve Ephiralio W. card éugraver, boure Allgtnns
‘cor. Parker {12 Tremont
Bouvé George F. sole leather, 197 Summer, houre
Bouye George H. (Bound, Daniels, & Goa), 05 Sum:
‘mer, house at Longwood 16 Milford
Bouve dance A. clerk, 104 Water, dda, at Cobnnset
Bouve Jarwes I, ensbier, Boston National Bank, 9%
“Mii, Bouse at Cobuaret and 18 Milford
Bouvé Luey Mra. huuee 18 Milford
Bouve Thomnas T. treasurer, Glendon Tron Co, 18
Post Office square, house 40 Newbury
Bouve Walter L. lawyer, 09 Court, roots 15, houre
‘40 Newbury
Bouvé William, painter, rms. 37 Indiana place
Bovais C. A. halrdresscr, Hotel Brunswick
Bovell Benjaruin, laborer, house 47 North Anderson
Bovey Edward W. sign palnter, b.1 Poplar court
Bovey James G. clerk, Insurance Commissloners*
office, 38 Pemberton aquaro, h. 26 Langdon, Rox.
Bovey Mehitable, widow, house 28 Lawreves
OVEY THOMAS L. £ C0. (1. A. Gates), Highland
Machine Carpet Beating Co,, $83 Warren, bouxe
5 Bower— See puge 1380
Bovine Joseph, Urakeman, bas. 4 Murray court
Bowden Albert Il. borse shocr, 115 Merrimac, house
Tis fiutherford av. Chan.
Bowden Albert F. Express drivor, b.7 Renfrow pl.
Bowden Annie M. Mliss, bookkeeper, 322 Border,
‘bas. 86 Eutaw
Bowden Anthony W. steward at Institute for the
Bind, house 324 West Third (wi
Bowden Caroline P. widow, house 380 West Broad-
Bowden Denuls, bootmaker, bouse $2 Baxter
Bowden George, baker, houre Baylston av. 4.P.
Bowden Henry i, clerk, 1 Mt. Wash. av. b. 77 Beach
Bowden James, laborer, house +3 Weet Canton
Bowden James G. clerk, 290 Devonshire, house at
Bowden John, eaptain, house 47 Bennington
Bowden John’C. eabinetmaker, 20 Warren, house 7
Renfrew place
Bowden Joseph, moulider, house § West Fourth
Bowden Oliver, mate of steamer, J. Putnam Bradlee,
Thouse 168 VL (bad. Churles, Doreb,
Bowden William G. music printer, 451 Washington,
The BOSTON DIRECTORY OFFICE is at No. 155 Franklin St.
Bowatteh Alden, 14 Summer, bds. at Braintree
Bowditch Alexander, salesman, 159 Devonshire, bh.
‘at Braintree
Bowditch Alexander @. (Wiliam 1. Horton dé Co.),
0 Summer, bds. 13 West Canton
Bowditch Alfred, 8 State, rootn 31, house Maple, c.
‘Wayne, Rox. [Rox. boose 681 do.
Bowditch Azell, nurseryman and florist, 645 Warren,
Bowditch Azell C. reedaman, 57 Tremant, house at
‘Somerville {Chan
Bowditch Benjamin F. wood turner, h. 20 Trenton,
Bowilteh Charles A. (Boreditch, Skillings, & Co.),
14 Summer, house at Brookline
Rowaltch Charies I. bas, 120 Eustie
owalich Charles P-28 State, room 31, house Pond,
near Rockwood,
Bowditeh Es landscape gardenet, 60 Devon-
‘shire, room 24, bas. at Brookline
Bowditch Express Co., Quincy, 33 Court square
Bowditch E, H. clork, O, C. Hi, bds. 11 Rollin
Bawditch Frederick ©, conveyancer, 28 State, room
'48, house at Brookline
Bowditch Galen M. machinist, bs, 9 Cordis, Chen.
Bowitoh Henrietta Mrs. house 18 Kirkland
Bowd'teh Henry H. painter, house 120 Eustis
Bowalteh Henry Ingereotl, phyelolam house 118
Bowditch Henry Pickering, prof. physiol
Tard medical echool, hy Pond: Heoek
Bowdlich John F. brush manufictorer, 14 Todia
house nt Revere Fond, n. Rockwood. J.P
Togersoll, 2 State, room 1, house
jonander D. cabinetmaker, house 4 Crys
tal place, Chan.
Rowdlich N. I. Mrs. house 29 Commonwealth wy,
Bowditch R, Willams, travelling agent, house &
now Ai Ro:
1» & Co: (CA. Bmestiten and C.
‘millinery and straw goods, 14
Bowditch Vincent Y. house 113 Boylston (861 do,
Bowditch William E, florist, G4 Warren, Rox, bila,
Bowditch Willinm I, eonveyancer, 28 Stale, room 46,
Toure wt Brookline
Rowdlear Joho, pumpmaker, b. 1 Byron et. Ky. aq.
OWDLEAR SAMUEL Gs & 0. (WA Rowdlear
and T. Green), four, W2 nnd 194 Biste— See
page 11 [State, house Westrolnster ay.
Nowdlear William A. (8. G. Hawdlear & Co), Wa
OWDLEAR WILLIAM H. & CO. (0. If. ok),
cormmlaston merebants, 8 Central wharf, house
Brown av. near Ashland, Mt. Hope — See page
at Medford
Bowdoin James E,
Towltoln Joseph A. teamater, 33 Summer,
Bowdoin, see Te Moudwin, and Hoardwin:
Bowdren John, labor house 82 Princeton, Chan.
Bowe James, laborer. house 40 Maveriok
laborer, house 9 Auburn court
Bowe Jobn H. mason, house 9 Camden place
Howe Patrick, mrocer, 25 1, house 680 Haat Second
Howe Patrick, er, house WS Hudson
Bowe ‘Thomas, painter, house 4T Woodward avs
Towe William, miter, house I Hewer
Howen Alonzo K. elerk, 112 vaney, h. 40 Hodson
owen Andrew, marble worker, bd. 11 Mitte
Bowen Ann, widow, Rouse 7 Huntington House
Bowen Ann, widow, house 1 Chambers
Bowen Anna Mra. house 73 Chambers ‘Fourth
Bowen Ben). J. clerk, 50 Cormmereial, bas. Kast
Bowen Bradt L. milkman, house 4 Main
widow, house 78 Berlin
iy house 48 Porter, EB.
Bowen Catharine Mra. se 61 Middlenoe
Mowen Charles F. house Ceatre, a. Adama, Doreh.
Howen Charles F. painter, house § Worcester pl.
Bowen Charles H. & Co, (¥. OC. Dereie), marble
workers, 33 Haverhill, house 13 Medford, Chen.
Bowen Charies I, hada. St Waltham
Rowen Clorinds, widow, house 6 8. Townsend pl.
Bowen Cornelias, clerk, 2 Bowker. b. at Somervilte:
Howen Cornelius, gat BK. Noose 22 B
meeper, 0,
Rowen Cornelius, trunkmaker, bids. 88 W. Fourth
Bowen Cornetius, conductor, house 634 E. Eighth
laborer, h. Whitney, 0. Tremont
Bowen Daniel, ateam fitter, house 9 AYbany
‘borer, bis. 42 Magazine
Hhed Apr. 14, 1880
Bostoy [B] Directory.
| Bowen Daniel W. (Nath'l ZL. Chamberlain dt 0o.),
‘stamps, 425 Washington, house 22 Arnold
Bowen 'V. Rev. house 17 Catawba
Bowen Edward, laborer, bis. 34 Athens
Bowen Edward B. (J.'W. Brigham .€ Co.). 14
‘Peart, houre at Newton Centre [88 Waltham
Bowen Elisha C. physictun, 371 W. Broudway, baa.
Bowen Ellen, widow, house 87 A
Bowen Fordyce F. bouse 493 ‘Tremont,
Bowen George A. ear driver, bds. 805 Tremont
Bowen George H. paper banger, 149 Hanover, house
‘at Malden -R, 28 Minot, h. at Aubuirnd
Bowen George W. foreman, frelght house B.
Bowen Harvey. builder, hodse 83 Middlesex
Bowen Henry J. bookkeeper, 102 State, h, 19 Atinntic
Bowen Henry W. organwaker, 1131 Tremout, house
Brookline ay. cor. Park
Bowen Honora, widow, house 208 West Third
Bowen Hosea B. real estate, 407 West Broadway,
‘house 602 Eaat Fourth
Bowen Jaber M. porter, rms. 69 Church
Bowen James (William Worthington x Cv.), 20 Cen-
tral wharf, house 80 Commonwealth ay.
Rowen James, blacksmith, b. Tremont, n, Whitney
Rowen James, blacksmith, houre 18 Colon
Bowen James 4, Nqoor, 198 Havre, house do. E,B>
Bowen Jane Mre. house 13 Sawyer
Bowen Jeremiah, walter, house 3 Genesee
owen Jeremiah, laborer, house 70 Middlesex
owen John, shoemaker, house 6 Eddy place
Bowen John, laborer, bouse 42 Magazine
Bowen John, marble worker, b, 06 Lexington, Chen.
tailor, 89 W. Concord. by. 16 Northtleld
carpenter, house 48 Magnzine
‘painter, house 2 Carter, Oban,
Howen John T. student, bids. 8 Commonwenith av,
Bowen fonathan J. horse tralner, house North Har-
vard, Allston [yhews, houne at 8. Aviom
Howen J. A, wool extracts and shoddy, 1 Mat
owen Lawrence, teamster, h. 22 Lincola building
Howen Lee, eondictor, bas. 1i4 Kendall (oourt
Bowen Lorenea, printer, 7 Spring Inne, hy 4 Poplar
Bowen Lyriia B: Aire. house 133 Hudson
Howen Margaret, widow, houre 24 Nastrun
Mowen Margaret, widow, bouse 74 Hudson
Bowen Matthew, machiniat, house 03 W. Seventh
Bowen Miebael, iaborer, house 38 Hudson
owen Michael, laborer, house 384 Federal
Rowen Newman Mrs, house 304 Maln, Chan. (Br.
Rowen Patrick, laborer, h. rear Lincoln n. Mar
Mowen Patrick, laborer, house roar 681 Shawraut av,
Bowen Patrick T. machinist, baa. 73 Chambers
Bowen Reuben 8 & Co. awnings nnd tents, 62 South
‘Market, bouse at Woburn {Waltham
Bowen Robert E. bookkeeper, 19 High, house 86
Bowen Romeo, watehman, 04" Washington, house
‘at Cheleen
Bowen Stephen (17. Hurrla d On.), auctioneer and
‘com. merchant, 227 State, house 7 Greenville
Bowen “earpenter, hove & Trambull
Bowen Thomas Mrv. house 74 Hudson
Bowen Thomas J. engineer, bouse 18 Dx place
Bowen Timothy J. Ble cutter, bia. #84 K, Becand
Bowen T. Mrs. dressmaker, 120 Tremont
Bowen Walter. car driver, house 800 Tremont
Rowen Walter H. clerk, 118 Bummer, b. nt Cheleon
Bowen Wiliam, laborer, W. 23 Marray courts HM,
Bowen William, blacksmith, bda. 208 W, Third
Bowen Williara HL. machinist, h. 8 Hudson, Doreh.
Bower Christian (0. Ruse u& Go), 268 Nortump-
‘tom, houre 24 Copeland fat Malden
Bower Frank A. (Bmeer Bartlett), 23 Elm, Wouns
Bower Rabert, 177 State, house at Lawrence
Mower & Bartlett (F. A. Bower ani A. KE, Bartlet),
tena, 23 Elm {ae Waltham
Bowen John
Rowers ‘Alonso, salssrere. S18, Washingvon., houad
Bowers Alpheus, bookkeeper, th,
at Kast Comervilie ‘Comvridee
Bowers Charles E. 25 Congress, rm. 2, houve at N.
Rowers Charles W. 100 Blackstone, b. 491 W. Fourth
Bowers Rdmand B. clerk, 40 State, room %, house nt
North Cambridge:
Bowers Eliza A. Mre. house 38 Sharon
Bowers Eugvae, butcher, bs, 0 Leverett
Bowers Fanole B. teacher, Chardon-eourt pri
school, bde. 84 W. Newiou [Dartmouth A
Bowers Fred. W. clerk, B, & DP’. freight offlee, b. 20
Bowers George E. (Wash Bower 40 School,
house 51
WILLIAMS, |“ sosrox!"™
Boston [B] Direcrory.
Bowers George F, omnibus deiver, bas. 368 Tremont
Bowors George H. dled March 25, 1840
Bowers George P. iron founder, 2 Washington,
foundry at Wobura, dds. Norfolk: House
Rowers Henry, eandymaker, rms. 14 Livingston
Bowers Henry’ T. mason, and foreman Hose 10,
house 32 Vinton,
Bowers Henry T. mason, bds. 31 Jenkins
Bowers Herbert K. clerk, 32 Franklin, b. at Andover
Bowers Howard M. 23 Pearl, house 64 W. Newton
owors H. KE. Miss, house Béighton ay. Allston
Bowers HM. stock broker, 43 Devonshire
Bowers Joho, painter, house 18 Blanchard
Bowers Joho’. back’ stable, 56 Leverett, house do.
Bowers Joho L, Mra, howe St Jonkine
Bowers Joho W, clerk, 10 Kilby, bda. 82 Vieton
Bowers Jonas 0. laborer, bas. 2 Merrimac place
Bowers Joseph it. bricks, order box 3 Hawley
Hower Luke K. 32 Franklin, house at Andover
Bowors Malcomb, house 84 West Newton
Bowers Orrison 1 ear driver, bis. 5T Bartlett, Rox,
Bowers Russell K. clerk, 100 Blackstone, bas. 53
Bowers It. W. Mrs. bouse 3088 Washington
Bowers Sarah E. teacher, Apploton-st. primary, bas.
‘St West Newton
Bowors William, printer, 4 Willams ct. rms. 29
‘Bowdoin [Arlington
Bowers William TB, gas fitter, 24. West, house at
Bowers Wiliam J. alesman, 263 Washington, bouse
‘472 ‘Peemont
Bowes Edwin, walter, bia. 18 Lawrence, Chan,
Bower Jacyntbia, widow, bourse 75 Lawrence, Chan.
Bowes Thomas W. engineer, house § Harrie
Bowle Charles D, pleture-framwe maker, 14 ‘Tremont,
‘bas. 61 Warren ny. [i Warren ay.
Bowle Edgar F. fsb and oysters, $77 Tremont, bda.
Mowle Killen M. Mrs, house 07 Warren ay.
Bowle Krank 5. 162 Conyress, house 67 Warren
Bowle Harry A. clerk, bia. 07 Warren av.
Bowly James, carpenter, bis. 00 Nashaw
Bowker Albert, president North American Ins. Co.
1 Old State House, house 173 Webster, K.
Bowker Andrew G. carpenter, hy 822 Washington
Bowker Arthur L. clerk, 07 Pearl, b. at Carabridge
Bowker Ben). carpenter, ide house Minot, Nep.
Bowker Benjamin U. jr. clerk, Quincy Hall, bda
Minot, Nep.
Bowker Caleb, dey goods, 19184, and 100 Hanover
‘Bowker Charles ¥. house 682 East Kighth —_ (throp
Bowker Charles ¥, clerk, 443 Federal bds. 37 Win-
Bowker Daniel, house 846 Tremont
Bowker Daniel’ Mrs. house 180 Northampton
Bowker Edwin (Bowker, Torrey, & Co.), M18 Port.
and, cor. Chardon,’ and (Zorreys « Co,), 61
Beverly, houxo at Waltham
Bowker Fertilizer Co. fertilizers, 48 Chatham
Bowker Frances N. Mre. house 47 Warwick
Bowker Frank, assistant engineer, 8.F.1, 4, Bul.
fhueb, houxe 4 Allston,
Bowker Frank KE. 118 Portland, bas. at Waltham
Bowker Frank L. clerk, 61 Beverly, house 74 War.
on, Chan.
Bowker Franklin, 49 Cornhill, house 74 Kendall
Bowker Freeman, carpenter, house 40 Grove
Howker Gorge H. milkman, bds, 352 Tremont
Bowker George H. shipper, 726 Washington, bouse
Bowher George W. 1d Star Lighter
er George W. carpenter an z
‘Manuf, Con 619 Albany, b. 73K. Eighth
Mowker Henry, 100 Franklin, house Minot, Neponset
Bowker Horace L., State assayer (& Co.), manufac.
‘suring chemints, 192 Milk, b. 813 £. Broad
Bowker Howard, clerk, 287 Washington, h. nt Maiden
Bowker HJ. teacher, Walnut st. primary, Nep.
Bowker H. L. eattle driver, b. Cattle Fair Hotel, Br.
Bowker Janice H. clerk, roonis 8 Hancock
iowker John, carpenter, rooms 83 North Russell
Bowker John E. saleamin, 6 Dock aq. h, $8 Dwight
Bowker John H. dry yoods, 12 Hanover, bds. 33
Bowker John P. 30 Indiana place
jowker John P. rooms 20 Indiana
Bowker J. H, barkeeper, Crawford House
Bowker Leonard, commercial reporter, 100 Frank-
lin, house at East Somerville
ia, widow, rooms 32 Hanson
Miss, bas. Minot, Neponaet
Bowker 8. Dexter (iiner, Beal, & Mackett), 08
‘Summer, house 140 Blue Hill
Charles Torrey), inarble,
Chardon — See page 13x3
Bowker Waldo B. clork, 10 High, b. 613 E. Eighth
Bowker William D. cheesemaker, 49 Berkeley, bds,
‘852 Tremont
Bowker William H., president Bowker Fertillzer
"Co. 43 Chatham, house 218 West Newtan
Bowker Wiuslow L. insurance broker, 33 Kilby,
house at Cambridge [inent, Cbs
Bowlby Milbora L. porter, 31 OUs, house 1y'Munu-
Bowlby Randolph, bas. v2 Chandler
Bowler Abraba s,, laborer, rooms 40 Carver
Bowler Ada E. teacher, Bunker Hill primary school,
‘baa. 407 Main {howse 86 High, Chan,
Bowler Addie E. (W. F, Bowler d& Co.), 1vt Friend,
Vowler A. L. Miss, dresemaker, house 6 Dover
Bowler Edward KE. bouse 23 Fruit
| Bowler John J. house $27 East Eighth
Bowler Mary, widow, house G2 Dover
Bowler Michael, cooper, house 827 Kast Eighth
Bowler Michiel, cutter, house 2 Adams pl. ward 9
Bowler Michael, laborer, bds. 7 Coluinbis, Chat
Bowler Patriek, tallor, 248 Washington, b. 113 South
| Bowler ‘Thomas, engitiver, hours 1v Thacher
| Bowler Thomas, tallur, house 2 Adams pl. ward 0
Bowler Willian F. %'Co. (4. &, Bowler), mablos,
107 Briend, hone 06 Hixis, Chen. House
Bowles Anatin I’, conductor, M. IR. bda, kverett
Vowles Benjamin F. Rev. house #22 Tremont
Bowles David, shoemaker, bde, 181 Hudson
Bowles Edward M. travelling salesman, bus 435 Co-
lumbua av. {Linden
Bowles Edwin, foreman glider, # Park, noua o
Bowles EAwin J. varntelver, bda. 6 Linden
Bowles Frank H. & Co, fruit and produce,
farket, bids. O4 [clurendon
Bowles George E. bookkeeper, 1787 Wash.
Bowles Gordon, houre 264 Heacon
Bowles Hiram’ A. painter, 43 West Brondway,
‘house 417 West Fourth
Bowles Jaros, printer, house 80 Coventry
Bowles James 1, p 82 Cunt
Kowles John L. supt. h. Norfolk, n, Capen, Doreh.
Bowles John V. baker, bouse 22 Groton
Bowles J. H. elerk Winthrop House, bas
Bowles Mary, widow, house 30 Coventry
Bowles M. Lincoln (Cabot, Bowler, d Cu.), 44 Kithy,
houxe at Brookline
Bowies Ralph 1. clork, 91 Federal, b. at Brookline
Bowles Rhoda, widow, house 8 Smith court
Bowles Robert C. bds. 72 Mt, Plewsant ny.
Bowles Thomas, tailor, bouxe 10 West Sixth
Bowles Thomas, grocer, 168 D, house 448 W. Bixth
Bowles W. Bi. clerk, 3 Summer
Bowler, seo Boles and Bolles [bria
Bowley’ Asa F. tinamith, 42 Clinton, house
Lowling Edwnrd, jobber, house 66 Liven
Bowling Ezra, jobber, house 06 Lucas
Bowman Albert, machinist, rooms 157 Harrison ay.
Bowman Ben). ¥. (Bowman «€ Co.), 105 Summer,
‘house at West Medford [house at Waketield
Bowman Benjamin P. street lanterns, 66 Union,
Bowman's Bridgwater Express, 76 Kilby
Bowman Charles, fireman, bde. 83 F
Bowman Charles, laborer, house
Bowman Christopher C. printer, b 318 Longwood uy.
Bowman C. M. clerk, N.Y. & N.E. freight office,
house Bird, near 1.R. station
Bowman Dexter D. 13 Kilby, house at Newton
| Bowman Eben, salesman, 40 Summer, bh. at Billerien
Bowman Edward H. earpenter, b. Central uv. Doreh.
. do.
Bowman Fred. salesman,
Bowman Gardner W. ‘salesman,’ 60 Broad, bids.
‘Coolidge House
Bowman George D. clerk, bds. Forest Hills ay. 1
102 Columbus
Bowman Harriet C. Miss, house 14 River
Bowman Harrison G. action inaker, house Codman,
near Washington, Doreh.
Bowman Henry, broker, 10 Salem, house 12 do.
Bowman Henry F. 92 State, bouse at Winter Hill
Bowman Irwin C. hoseman, 3.F-E. 8, h. 152 Salem
Bowman James Tb. Harvard, c. Warner av. Dorch.
Bowman Jeremiah, engraver, house 38 Bolton
Bowman Jeremiah, laborer, house 430 Federal
155 Franklin Street.
126 sostoy [B]
‘Bowman John, machinist, house 5 Grime
‘Bowman Jolin, machinist, house 267 Columbus av.
Bowman Joba, saleeman, 30 Winter, bas. #6 Fear
Bowman John A. (Seavey, Foster, & Bowman), 4 Boyd
‘Summer, house #1 Berwick park
Bowman Levis, harness maker, b. Richmond, EM.
Bowman Lacian B, watchman, bda. Myrile, near
‘Howard, Dorch.
Bowman Martin, student, bds. 9 River
Bowman Nathadlel, cabinet maker, house rear 30
Lawrence, Cham.
‘Bowman Oliver P. died March 13, 1880.
Bowmun Oliver P. Mrs, house 174 Cambridge
Bowrnan Oliver W. clerk. bd. 174 Cambridge
Bowman Orlando, salesman, 216 Stale, house at
Bowman Kobert, teamater, house 1411 West Second
Bowman Kobert H. bds. ¥ Union park.
Bowinan Samuel, tailor, 7 La Grange, house do.
Powinan Willlasi, bookbinder, 48 Federal, bia. 6
‘Given place. 1.8,
Bowman William 1H, organ builder, house ‘Tileston
Rowman William L, salesman, 45 Winter, bda, Rich-
mond, TeM.
Bowman ‘Winthrop H. physician,
Bowman W,
(ag, Rowe do
t Broad
F. saleeman, 40 Surarper, house at Bur.
% (ters, 105 Sammer
rick Hl, mariner, ba, 1 Prince
Bowne Bordon P. professor, Boston University, 29
Beacon, house 99 Rutland (Yeoman, house do,
Bowran William, blacksmith and variety store, 6
Bowron Benjamin, musiclan, rooms 07 Melrose
Bowser Lsanc, conchman, bds. 29 Membroke
Bowser Thowns, laborer, house 2 Hodson
Mowthorpe Ellas plaso tnlsher, house Pupta, 1.
Washington, Kos:
Rowthorpe biicy C- died Peb. 17, 1880, [lags Row.
Bowthorpe Lucy . Mis, mile tencher, bia: Wop:
Bowthorpe Samuel 'T. dentist, Florence, cor, Aah
land, bi, Voptar, a. Washington, Ios,
Boxbatin Julie, Church, house Melrose
Boyce A inter, BY Cornhill, house Dt
Boyoo A. ‘Congress, bide. OF Camden
Boyee Han)
40 Union, house at Wendl
Hoga alien Gh, printer, is ¥, honea ted Raat Third
Boyd Arihar X. elerk,@@ Puretasr, bis. st Cam
| Boyd Elizabeth W. widow, bouse 12
Charles C. earpenter,
[bridge | Boyden Clinton A. elerk, 2h
1 & Co. (Samuel. Fi
Boyd, Cores, & Co. ( Boyd), boots and shoes,
Boyd Edward W. 89 Broad, house at Revere
Prospect, Chan.
Firearms Co. ‘Boyd, treasurer, 200
Washington, room 6
Boyd Francis, treasurer, Boyd Fire Arms Co, 20
Washington, room 6, house at Hyde Park
Boyd Francis A. painter, house 28 Oran
Boyd Franels E. 209 Washington, room wa
Boyd Frank R. clerk, 66 Devoushire, h.8 Warren aq,
Boyd Frank U. salesman, 184 Court, b. 17 Chambers
‘Boyd Frank W. at H. ©. Derby's abaitolr, Br, Wilts
Atbany House do
Boyd Frederick W. clerk, Milton pl. b.at Hyde Park
Boyd George, painter, 34 Charles
Boyd Harlan P. elerk, house 47 Chelsea, EB.
Boyd Henry ©. (oyd Me Clure), 5 Castor House
‘street, house at Somerville 1136 Chambers
Boyd Henry SC clerk, North Russell, cor, Eaton, I,
Boyd Jaines, engineer Hotel Brunswick, house 32
Burroughs place
Boyd Jamen, Inburer, house rear 1008 Harrison av.
Boyd James, upboleterer, 23 Fulton, h-at Somervi
Hoyd Intuen & Sons (Alex. Boyd and M. . Ward),
‘addlers and manuf. hone, 192 Devonshire
Boyd James T. mechanical engineer, Atlantic Work,
E'B house 27 St, Jamon a
salesman, 23 Fulton, bds, at Somerville
Teri 49 Commercial, houte 281 T
tasterer, h. rear a Webber [hs dos
Co. (Albert. MeClennen), 3 Hodson,
Boyd Jobn
Boyd John F, (Boyd & Bullard), 18 Water, hours
at Newton
Boyd John G. clerk, North Ruswell, cor, Eaton,
rina. 1 Poplar
Hoyd Jabn 8. plumber, 909 Highland, b, 098 Parker
Boyd Joho W. palater, bide. 28 Prince
Boyd Joseph, removed to California Doreh.
Boyd J. George, palnter, 54 Charles, b. 28 Milton a
Koya J. R. salesman, 477 Washington, bile. we Cam.
Dridgeport (100 Franklin,
Boyd J, Walter, cor, clerk Nation
Boyd, Leeda. & Cor (0, T, Buys By L
und ¥. . wholéasle: groos
Boyd Leste, teamater, house Brighton
Noyd Matthew, house 16 Quiney, Chan.
Hosit Mores, conductor, Be & 1 TAL h. at Dedham
Boyd Moses E, clerk, Assessors’ office, City Hall
Boyd M. Gardner, 22 High, bds, at Dedham
Bera ale i a, aU ai ae
yd Orman ‘Te (Boy a )4 218 State,
‘ods. 13 Dana place
Mayd Robert, plumber,
jb-at Cambridge
Boyd Kobert'S, 08 Milk, room
Boyd Samuel, house 120 Warwiel
Boys Samuel (Boyd, Corey & Ov.) boots and soon,
135 Buinmor, house at Martbore*
iam, planer
Dadiey, house 406 do.
Boyd Wililam F. brushos, boards 37 Carver
280 Heuguton
Boyd Willams J. cabinet maker, b. 10 Quincy, Chins
hi, hed Winchowter
era ee ae Boyd and Albert MoClennen),
wood coal, 30 Hodson
Boyd & Downey (Thomas H. Boyd and John
Dovey) painters, 280 Washingt
Boyd & MeClure (11, & Boyd and We We MeClure),
Jron and steel, § Custom House atrvet
Boydar Charles, tailor, b. Porter, J.P, | Brookline
Boyden Addison, Cornbill, house ab
Boyden Albert, tinemith, bde. 312 Main
Boyden Amos J. architect, 28 Sebuol, room 65, hose
‘at Foxborough col
Boyden Arthur, clerk, 1189 Tremont, bis. 4
Boyden Arthur ©. removed to Bridgewater
Boyden Charles, house 270 Clarendon
0. 7 house 490 W. Fourth
'N. FHL mkt, rink, 38
Boyd Charles 0 eter
Tivat aesorimen tae RIZONZE WAIT W AIS
la NEW ENGLAND, nf 20 Dock Square.
Boston [}] Drrectory.
Boyden Edward ©. (Boyden & Son), druggist, Joy,
cor. Myrile, beds. 24 Joy,
Boyden Kinlly A. widow, b. 24 Joy (Hi a
Boyden Lrastue E. clerk, bds. Pleasant, near Savin
‘Boyden Karnest N. architect, 7 Exebange pl. rm. 53,
‘Boyden Fraak, clerk, 249 Tremont, bas. 36 Hudson
Boyden Krank, house 1723 Washington
Boyden F. A. clerk, 76 Pearl, bd, at Kevere
Boyden George KE.’ aupt. woilve power, N.Y. & N.
Batenierapr ted nti
fon Llurvey, house ‘asht
piyden Herbert E, clerk, bd. 24 Joy
‘Boyden H. Davis, milkman, house Pleasant, near
‘Savin iil ay. Dudley
Boyden Ida 1.. head asst. Gibson school, EV
Boyden Juson H. measurer of leather, ie 7 Wal
dressmaker, M74 Washi, A
bookkeeper, 202 Federal, bds. 33
Boyden Samuci 8. 153 Tremont, bds, 36 Hudson
Boyden Uriah A. dled Oct. 17, 1870
Boyden Walter W. & Co. spelng-bed manufacturers,
‘24 Lincoln, bouae # Rockland ay.
Boyden Warren, insurance agent, J Mik, room 4,
houee at Walpole [house at Somerville
Boyden Win. B. express messenyer, dv Court square,
Boyden Bon (Beard C. Boyden), drugdate, Joy,
oor, Myr
Boyer Anbrove, baker, bas. rear 84 Salem
‘Boyer Benjamin F. laborer, house 31 Garden
Boyer Charles W. police stauon 2, dda. 46 Green
Buyer Klorence Hi, Miss, house Hotel Sun
Boyer Frank, wateh-case maker, b. 18 Winchester
Boyer Fred. H. clerk, 0. C. 14k. freight, hivuse at
North Cambridge (oridgeport
Boyer George 8. clerk, 0. O. freight, bd
Boyer Howard, bds. Hotel Sau Let.
Boyer John K. (Boston Watch Cage Gy), Province
Boyer Joseph, bootbluck, bade. § Piedmont
Boyer Jus. LL’ porter, b. Al Village:
Boyer Kaineford U. (Gay & Co), batter, 9 Central
Market, 8.8. house 1 Atherton, Eg. 69.
Foyer Williaa A. Inborer, houxe 471 Qvmmerelal
‘Boyban Andrew J. biacksnulth, bie. Dorchester av.
oar Linden
‘av. near Linden
84W, Cedar
rear 79 Prince
house Neponset av.
nine 14
Co, shipping merchants, 21 India
eae (01d Harbor
Boyle John, coachman, h. 242 Centre, Rox. _ [cock
| Bogle ohn’ Amana, 13 rote, bd 7 finn:
Boyle Jobn B. porter, bds. 47 Hudeou
| Boyle John H. salesman, $6 Kilby, bouse 21 Melrose
Boyle John J. salesman, 81 Franklin, bouse 22 Mitiot
Boyle Jobn W., 8. &A.'R.R. ems. 11 Edluboro! [wo
Boyle Joseph 8, sterevtyper, 78 Federal, b. 116 Hud
Boyle Julla, widow, house 24 Lowell,
Boyle Mary, widow, bds. 85 South
Boyle Mary, widow, houre v4 Enst Eighth
Boyle Michdel, gardener, house 42 Middlesex
Hoyle Michacl, baker, bda. Washington, near Rock.
land, Br.
youse 42'Middlese:
Boyle Patrick, Inborer, bd. 0 Salem
Boyle Patrick, lnborer, bda. 38 Hull
Boyle Patrick, cooper, bda, 7 North equare
Boyle Patrick’. coachman, 101 Commonwealth ay.
Yala. 42 Middlesex
Boyle Patrick H. conchman, hose 39 Winchester
Boyle Patrick J, upholaterer, houre 38 Norman
Boyle Kiehard, laborer, house 34 Thacher
Boyle Sarah, House 204 North
Boyle Sarab'J. widow, house 79 Fellows
Boyle Terence, clerk, ts Cambridge, houre 08 do.
Boyle Thos. watchman, 121 Portland, her. 45 Pitta
Boyle Thomas, tinsmith, bide. 21 Sheate
Boyle Thomas, rms. 3 Maban place
Boyle Thomas, laborer, houxe 150 Sliver
Boyle Thomas A. bda, $6 West Dedham
Boyle Thomas F. clerk, 1M Summer, bde. 4 Clapp
houre 4 Henchman
Boylen John, laborer, house 6 Eaton court
Boylen Margaret, widow, 4 Went Cedar
Bosien Thomas F. cutter, ney, heat Linden
Boylee Augustine B, boat builder, rear 80 Border,
house #9 Meridan
Boyles Hezekiah K. watches, jewelry, &e, $2 Cam.
‘ridge, house 36 Temple
Boyles Loulen Mrs. house 5 Ranaom court
Boyleton Clothing Co. 661 Warlingion
Boylston Market, Washington, cor, Boylston
Boylaton Museum, 067 Washington
Boylaton Mutual Insurance Co.-45 8tate
Boylston National Bank, 616 Washington
Boylaton Street Land Co. 33 Congress, room 34
Boylaton Thowas, h, Boylston, opposite Burr, TP.
‘Boylston Thomas, jr, h, Boylston, opp, Burt, JP.
Boynton Albert K. machiniat, b.77 Warren, Chen.
Boynton Alden B- palater, 2 Spring la. b, at Norton
Boynton Amos B. 1s North Market, house 22 Maln
Boynton Andrew J. (Hoynton Brothers), 106 Sud-
‘bury, bouse at Lynn
Boynton ‘A. B. painter, rms. 1115 Washington
Boynton Brothers (W.'d& A. J.), paper bag manufs.
100 Sudbury. 88 Congress, room 3,
Boynton Brothers (/, d L- Boynton), contractors,
Boynton Charles A. clerk, 4 Beacon, house 1 do,
Boynton Charles E, 8. clerk, 6 Fancull Hall square,
‘house 40 Clarence, Rox (hi at Medford
Boynton Chas, H. ealcsman, Washingtoo,e. Brattle,
Boynton Charies H. house 18 Dix place
Boynton Charles W. bookkeeper, § Exchange place,
bde. Hotel Edward, Tremont, cor. Dover
Boynton David A. Mrs. house Elin,
Boynton Edward, carpenter, bds. 24 Harvard
Boynton Edward’ P. boots and shoes, 60 Cambridge,
Touse at Cambridge
Boynton Edward P.(W. Boynton & Co.), 8T Com-
‘mercial, bds. at Malden
Boynton Edwin A. Mra, house 96 Chelsea, E.B.
Boynton Eleazar (V. Boynton & Co,), 31 Commer-
‘lal, house at Medford Elm, HS.
Boynton Elizabeth P. teacher, Harrie achool, bia.
Boynton Ella Louise Miss, bds. 46 Dartmouth
Boypton Frank P. provisions, Allston station, house
North Harvard, Allston
SAMPSON, DAVENPORT, & CO., Publishers, 155 Franklin St.
Boynton Fred. T. house 20 Kirkland
Boynton George C. provisions, 105 Warren, house
Warren place, cor. Harrison av. {eer
Boynton George k. porter, 65 Bedford, bds. 43 Bor-
Boynton George F, teamster, 6 Commercial, house
17 Lincoln, Cham 6
Boynton George H. rms. 13 Gra
Boynton George M- Rey-bouse Harris av. J.P.
Boynton George O. butter and cheese, 10.N, F, H.
mkt. house 31 Regent
Boyron George 0. lapidary, bds. Elm, HS,
Boynton George W. 4 Chauncy, bds, 50
Boynton George W. butcher, house Market, near N.
. Br.
Boynton George W. (Farless & Boypton), 18 Corn-
Till, bus. 164 Cburlew {bds. 287 do.
Boynton George W. (Deland & Boynton), 31 Main,
Boyaton G. W, map and card engraver, 425 Wash-
ington, house Bowdoln, cor. Bellevue, Doreh.
Boyntoa Henry H. died Mareb 9, 1880
Boynion Herbert A. clerk, 130 Milk, house at Cam.
Boynton Herbert EL. at secre tice,
Boynton Horace E, boots and 48 Pearl, cor.
Franklin, house 417 M:
Boynton dames IE conductor, H.R
joynton Jewse m_ Brow), 8 Congress, rv0ts
730, house at Providence
Boynton John, laborer, house 26 Lynde, Chan.
Boynton Joha B. house 61 Poplar
Boynton Johu Kt. removed to Philadelphia. (Melrose
Boynton Justin &. bookkeeper, 1 Blackstone, bds, at
Moyoton Lesito, clerk, 24 Faneuil Hall square, howse
14 Frothingbam av. Ohen,
Boynton Lucius C conchman, bonge Hotel Kaward
fiton Lyman (Boynton Bros.),3 Cobgrens, room
a0, bdis Toot Washingion
Boynton Martha M. Mrs. house 1982 Washiny
Boynton Morris B. (luey Boynton), 63 Commer-
celal, house at Cambridge
Boynton M. J, Mra, house 476 Columbus av.
Boynton N. & Co, (2. Boy he PM
‘Benneti, William’ Ht. We
Hoynton Bamuel E. earpent
Moynton farah F. assistant, Allston school, bde,
North Harvard, Allaton {Oumbrtdee,
Boynton Susan P, Are, house North Harvard, near
Boynton Thomas G, clerk, 18% Banker Hill, bde,
14 do. (eno
Boynton Thurston, shoemaker, 13 Devonshiry, house
Hoynton 'T. K. house 18 Alexander av.
Hoynton William B. machiniat, h. Sydney, Doroh.
Moynton Wiittam i lawyer, 4t Tremont, room 8,
house at Mesiford
‘clerk, 06 Wash. b. at Somerviile
Brabrosk George’ saleeman-06 Washington, house
rabrook George T.. 96 Waal 7
aon Wa, ieamater, house 914 ARbany
. house
‘Brace James H. carpenter, house 62 Weaton
Trace William &bootmaker, Hampden, cor. George,
my y
Brack Vollentine, bookbinder, hose 182 Bowen
Bracken Michael, Mer, honee 40.
Brackett Albert A. k Cor (omen if. Prnntoven),
leather, 00 High, house at Eaat
Brackett Almon, carriage painter, bh. 16 Union, Chan.
Boston [B]
Brackett Andrew D. carriagesmith, $16Shawmut av,
house 19 Washington place, Rox. [sharon
Brackets Arthur J. clerk, 14 Central wharf, bia. 48
Brackett in, provisions, 201 Roxbury, h. da.
Brackett Ber . & son (Wiliam H.), dining
Toots, 3 Rowe place, house do.
Birackett Carrie M. veacher, Phillpe-stroct primary,
‘bda. 19 Centre ne, Bre
Brackett Cephas H. house Washin; ton
Brackett Charles, painter, hove 45 Chapman, Cuan.
Brackett Charles, flolsher, 34 Canal, b, at Somerville
RACKETT CHARLES A; paper-box manuficiurer,
‘v8 Hanover, house at Waltham—See page 1318
Brackett Charles G. clerk, bds. 12 Thornton
Brackett Charles G. porter, 276 Purchase, b. 160 F
Brackett Charles H. foreman B. & A. It. elevator,
house ak Quincy
Brackett Cb (Densmore & Brackett), 177 nnd
183 Blackstone, house at Somerville [do,
Brackett Dantel C. fish, 49 Warren, Chsp. th. 30 Cross,
Brackett DeWitt C. Mrs. house T Darunouth place
Brackett Dexter, clvil engineer, clty engineer's ofllee,
‘City Hall, b. Washington, n, Newton line, Br.
nm, near Ne
| Brackett K. F. dentist, 200 Tremont, house do.
| Brackett Frank H. student, b. 49 Rutland ae
Brackett Franklin B. 16 Central wharf, b. 49 Ratland
Brackett Fred, teamater, house 4N. Grove, room T
Brackett Frederivk A. clerk, bas, 48 Sbaron
Brackett Frederick H. clerk, 219 Stste, b. 1 Allston
Brackett Frederick H. teamster, house Hotwl Carver,
Brackett George A. (£dwards & Brackett), 160 Pur.
‘chase, house at Quincy iyrtte ple
Brackett George A. mason, 60 Warren, Rox, house 3
Brackett George G. at Navy Yard, bh. 4 Holden row,
Brackett George Tt, clerk, 42 India, b. Green, J.P.
Praeen erry Bote Bie. Sree
48 Hromfield, b,
Brackett Harvey 8. bool
‘Chostnut, Chan,
Brackett Henry I, carpenter, 98 Travers
Brackett Horace N, salesman, 63 Commeretal
Brackett Horace W. real estate, 1 Peib. 69. rr.
i, 318 Baratoga, K, 1, 61 Lodiana
Brackett Humphrey #, engineer Th. & A. TLlt,
Brackett Isaac W. sasiatant engincman, 8.1K,
17 Green, Chan.
Brackett I. Lewle (George Win. Bond & Co.), 200
Kederai, house nt Longwood
Brackett James D. sumach and abegp akina, 249 Con:
ross, house at Maplewood
Bracket James E house 133 Warren, Rox,
Brackett Jano I, widow, house 16 Staniford
Hraekert Joremiah F, foreman, 028 Main, t, 626 do,
Brockett Jobn, blacksmith, house 20 Dove
Brackett John’, marble cutter, house 33 Lark
Brackett John 8. (7. J. Joner i Cv.), 170 Atantia
ay. boure at Htyde Park
Brackett Joba W plano manufacturer, 681 Wash:
Hogion, bale, Adarus House ‘han,
Brackett Joseph, police etalon 2b. 4 ald row,
carriage painter,
Brackett Joseph.
cor, Onkland,
Hirackett Josiah Sirs,
bh, Washington,
Irmckwtt Jo
bh. 118 High, Chan.
Brackett J. QA. (J. Brackett « Son), 12 Tigh, by
113 High, Chem
L.A (Wade Brackett), wwyer, 48
Congress, rm. 15.0. 4 Union park
Brackett Liewellyn Ik. conductor, I. 1B. & L Ratt.
house at Lynn [Bomervitte
Tirackett 13
F. clerks, 431 Washingion, bde. at
Brackett Mary A. teacher, lntant scbool, Kaat-st pl
wuse 6 ee, Ros
Brackett Melvin D. Junk, house 281 Enst Eighth
1 4s
Brackett Samuel A. (Claftin, Alison, & Co.), 10 In-
Brackett Samuel KE. real estate, 28 School, rm. 20, by
at Braintree
BURDITT & WILLIAMS,} ** move Sace ee Beck
Boston [}] Directory.
Brackett Sump, widow, house 5 Clarence, Rox.
Brackett Thomas I. & Co. printers, 85 State, rms. 1
Brackett T, Warren, house 117 Webster, 3.
Brackett Waltor M. wrtist, 4 Tremont
Brackett Walter 8. clerk, 3M Canal, b. at Somerville
Brackett Win. D.
Brackett Wen. H. (2. #
Brackett W. G. (Lilly, Dirackett, & Co
‘a, house at Newton
Brackwtt W. Henry, cashler, Washington National
Tank, 47 State, h. 14 Hawthorn, Tox.
Brackett W. Russell, clerk, 0 Chatham row, house
at Newton [Somerville
Brackett Zara H. clerk, 49 Warren, Chan. bouse at
Brackett & Co., Great Falls, NHL ex. 32 Court sq.
Brackin Charles F. physiclin, house 64 Beach
Brackin James W-eablneunaker, h. 8 Piediout
Brackin Jon A. upholsterer, 180 Tremont, house at
Brackin Jobn J. stone cutter, house 650 Tarrison av,
‘kiman Henry, manufacturer of clothing, 798
‘Washington, house 8 Asylum
Brackman Samuel, house 25 Lowell
Braconier Franz L. & Co. (P- Christenson), apothe-
‘cries, 1001 Tremont, bouse doy
Bracy Jolin B, morocco, ‘house 24 Norfolk
racy Job F ‘M4 Norfolk
: olerky b
Albert I. bookkeeper, 211 State, b. at No.
Bradbury Benjamin F. apothecary, 443 Washington,
‘cor. Winter, house at Wyouniny
Bradbury Caleb’ B. paying tellor, National Bank of
Redemption, $5 Devonshire, h. nt N. Cambridge
Bradbury Charles, house 10 Warren wy.
Bradbury Charles'C. painter, h. 1 Hateock, Chen,
Bradbury Charles E. machiulst, house Union-park
‘trost, cor. Albany folk, Atat.
Bradbury’ Charies J, foreman, paper mils, hc Nor-
Bradbury Charles L. printer, 40 Federal, bi. 62 Sulll-
van, Chen. [rose
Bradbury Edward, printer, 78 Hanover, b. at Mel-
Bradbury Rdward W. insect powder, house 1201
‘Washington {house do.
Bradbury Edwin P. dentist, 124 Commonwealth av,
Bradbury Ernest £, toamatcr, h. 58 Kusselly Chat.
Bradbury E. W. Mra. dressmaker, house 120 Wash,
Bradbury Frances Mrs. h. 6 Monument av. Chan,
Bradbury Frank C, baker, Crawford House, bds. 481
Hanover fat Somerville
Bradbury Frank D, bookkeeper, 178 Tremant, house
Bradbury Fred. A. 118 South Market
Bradbury Ered. M. rms. 14 Cary
Bradbury Frederick Treo. tellor Faneuil! Mall Na-
tional Bank, 8 South Market, houre 285 ‘Tremont
Bradbury George F. mason, house 20 Fountain
Bradbury George O. clerk, 48 High, bis. 48 Chest-
mut, Ube. 0 Hanson
Bradbury George W. bookkeeper, 104 P. H. mkt. b.
Bradbury Horace D. secretary F.'H. Insurance Co.
0 Devonshire, house at Winchester
Bradbury James SI Medford, Chen.
Toure Bt Hay (bids. do.
Bradbury John Mt 4 Western av. Br.
Bradbury John P. clork, house 234 Bunker Hill
Bradbury J. O. Mrs. house 48 Chestnut, Chan,
patnary 1 Dis hanae 8 Bordola
Bradbury Maria, nurse, house 8% Harvard
Bradbury M. W. foreman, Boston Courier, 209 Wash-
Bradbury Sarah A. Mrs. house 76 Alblon’
Brulbury Sumer "P. conductor, i. 1. & L. LR.
house at Winthrop junetion
Bradbury W. B. salesinan, 42 Summer
Bradbury & ‘Bishop (Grumville 7. Bishop), ware.
housemen, 37 Central whort
Braddock W. 1. over-«aiter tnunufacturer, 129 Sum-
mer, bs. 90 Waltham [554 Enet Pith
Bradeen Ade A. teacher, Lawrence primary, house
Brndeen lla M. Miss, bds. 554 E. Fifth [East Fifth
Braden Gilbert K. clerk, 032 Washington, bds. 564
Braden 1. Lincoly, clerk, 451 Wash, bds. S67 Silver
Rrudeen John G, Mrs, dressmaker, house 367 Silver
radeon Joseph W, shoe-pattern cutter, 154 Pederal,
‘als, 867 Sliver
Braden Bridget, widow, house 7 King-street court
Braden Christopher, laborer, bas. 801 Tremont
Braden Edward. carriage palnier, h. 7 Kiug-st. ct.
Brden Henry &. & Co, produce, 38 North Market,
house 7 North av.
‘Braden Richard, laborer, house 3 A
Braden Willlam Mre. house r.7 Taber (Rox.
Braden William Prabber factory, h.& Church piace,
Bradiield Michael, laborer, house Crowley's
Braddleld’ Robert, porter, 252 Sta
Bradford Alexander W. provisions, 2075 Washing-
ton, bouse 1 Rockland, Rox. (051 Trenvont
Bradford Amy E, assistant, Hancock school, bdv
Bradford Arthur L. trata sbifter, B. 1H Lo
Bradford A. P. clerk, 518 Wash. bds. 22 Charles
Bradford Charion C. cooper, house 43 Cheieca Et
Bradford Charles Frederick, b.** Auchiauty House,"
2438 Washington, cor. Clift
Bradford Charles H. inachinist, house ST Telegraph
Bradford Charles Mf. house 4 Cross, Chen.
Bradford Daniel L. vice-presidunt 8.15, [t.{t, house
520 East Broadway
Bradford Duncan, notary public, 5 Maln, rms, 208
do. Chan. {chan
Bradford Edmund, proof reader, house 30 Kw
Bradford Edmund’ C. (Qoberte %& Bradford). 03
Washington, house at Malden
Bradford Edward E. (Iteckera & Bradford), 18
Boylston, house 138 Lexington, E.B,
Bradford Edward H. physician, 180 Boylston. b. do,
Bradford Elisha B. 14 Oliver, Hyde Fark
Bradford Ella F muste teacher, ba. 3 Delle av.
Bradford Ea F. telegraph operator, 9 City squnre,
house 4 Cross, Chen.
Bradford Erastos ¥. sewing-machine repaire
Bradford E. M. Mies, bds, 10 Montrose ay,
Bradford Forrest J. clerk, house 202 Main, Chan.
Bradford Frank, clerk, bd. 310 Meridian
Bradford Fred. A. telegrapher, 100 State; b. $ Croes,
Bradford Fred 0, clerk, bde. 21 Clu?
Bradford Fred. T. 9 Channey, bds, 30 Chambers
Bradford Gamaiiel, 46 Beare building, louse at
Bradford George, bis. 681 Tre
Bradford George, saletman,
Bradford Geor
Devonshire, ie,
stocking ‘weaver, hows Linker,
F. Bt B.
thason, bi. 85 Delle a
Henry South, Ros.
Bradford Henry W. physician, Eye an
‘ary, houre do. (
Bradford Horuce A. machinist, house 1 Pleasaiit,
Bradford James Mrs. houre 71 Lexington, E.B,
Bradford John, port warden, 120 Commerchal, ious
‘at Winebester
Bradford Jobn A. bookkeeper, 7
Bradford Jobo R. Mrs. boarding-houre, 32
Bradford John K. clerk, house New Seaver
Bradford Julia, widow, house 116 Chelsea,
Bradford J. B. taneon, house 47 Indiana place
Bradforl J. Russell, notary public, and (Znadyord
& Folger), 56 Stato, house at Cambridve
Bradford Lemuel B. 197 State, house 9 Walnot, Nep.
Bradford Lewle M. ba. 1 Welle place
Bradford Lodowiek H. engraver, 87 Milk
Bradford Martin L. (Brudford & Anthony), O16
‘Washington, opp. Bromfield, h. Sumner, Lorcb.
Bradford Morton, carpenter, b. 15 Princeton, E.B.
Bradford Oscar Hi. bookkeoper, 204 Devoushire, lils.
30 Exsex, Chen, (ar cut
Brodfont Otie F. clerk, Warren, cor, Dudley, tds.
Bradford P. Catharine, asslatant, Franklin school,
bds. 175 West Canton, [Appleton
Bradford Richard, teamster, 89 Federal, house 65
Bradford Rufus B. wines and groceries, .
Bradford Samucl D. Mrs. h. South, n. Centre, Kon,
Bradford Sarat, bis. 1507 Washington,
Bradford Sarai Miss. bds, 102 Mount Vernon
Bradford Sarah E. Mrs, house 276 Bunker Tilll
Bradford Silas S. apothecary, 48 Main, house 29
Essex, Chen.
Bradford Thomas, porter, 0 B
Ear Inf
Federal court, bh.
for sale at Publishers’ prices by
All City Directories {samen Davenport de Con 155 Franklin t
Bradford Thomas, clerk, bds. 90 Chandler | [House
Bradford ‘Thotnas, carpenter, house $ Henderson
Bradford Thomas’ H. clerk, '190 North, house at
Somerville ‘Clarendon
Bradford Thomas R.
Bradford Timothy
6 Russell, €
Bradford V. A. Mrs. (Z.
Bradford William, tal)
Bradford William, brakeman,
Bradford Williars, tearpster, house 14 Clapp
Bradford William per-box manufacturer, 478
‘Washington, house at Quincy ‘Doreh.
Bradford Wiliiata H. watebmaker, house 12 Hudson,
Bradford Whiliam J. cutter, 6 Chauncy, bd, wt Bom:
Bradford William R. $4 Summer, house 3 Dover
Bradford William W. clerk, 74 Was!
Bradford Zephaniah, fia inspector, Fort HM wharf,
house 810 Meridian
wrtin L. Bradford and
sea han. Aathon), ardwars and eutlry, 314
‘Nothun anthony). hardware ‘on ;
site Bromfield
|, notaries,
Washiogion, op)
Bradford & Folger (/. evenelt Bra
‘average adjusters, und insurance brokers, 66
, house at Winchester
Hownrd Gannett, agent, 82
Bradish Levi J. salesman, 89 Bedford, houre at
rndlee Arthur, clerk, 3 Meridian, bda. 177 Webster
‘68 Chand
Brudleo Caled
Hradiee Charles
Rev he 37 Chester pk. (How
printer, 188 Mlk, house? Dexter
Bradice Charles L. clork, 8 Pemberton square
Bradlee Dudley -kley & Bradtee), 110 OM»
vor, houxe at Medford
Bradlee Edward, teamater, bonse 2 Rverett, E. Th.
Brudive Kaward’ 1, 164 Wasbington, bas. 860 Bun.
Bradlee Fanny B. Miss, house 16 Mount Vernon
Bradlee Frederick H. ‘2 Central wharf, house 18
‘Commonwealth a
Bradlee Frederick W. house 107 Beacon
Hradice George B. clerk, Ih. &P. LR. b. at Milton
Hrudive Henry, 161 High, bouseat Medford (Bharon
Hvadioe Henry’ E. lumber deater, 278 Albany, b. at
Braaleo Jamen A. oller, EB. North ferry, hours
Tidiee John '’. merchant, 14 State, bh. 113 Beacon
Brndice Jostab, house 14 Mariborough
Teadiee J. ae roca ere © Chaon-
ey, house urton
"Adstine, widow, house 0 Melrose
‘atbantel J. arehitect, 18 Pemberton square,
Wedd ie
Portiand, bie. 15
Radley Danlet I salesman, £2 Sudbury,
Hradley Daniel J. wai! house 24 Rochester
Hiredioy Daniel 1, palnter, house 155 Athena
Uradiey Date) 8 bookbinder, Sf Stato, house 119
Myrtle [house do.
Brady Dociue B. turnkey ot Suiflk, connty” all
Bradley David, Wiborer, house 109 London, E.
Hiradiey oY wy aml bde. 66 Green
Mrndiey Edwin Are, house 21 Rutland square
. | Bradley Harrison, stationery,
| Bradley Michael, mariner, house
Bralley Ferillzer Go.2t Kilby.
Lradiey Frederick (Foster & Scull), 53 Devoushire,
Bradley George, stevedore, house 4 Model pl. E.B.
Bradley George H. clerk, 27 Central, bis. 22 Lowell
Bradley George L.. removed to Pomfret, Conn.
Brady G. Warren, salesman, 2 Winer, be
21 Ratiand xq.
Bradley Ira & Co. bookbinders and publis
‘Wasbington, house at Malden
‘Nouns at Mallen
‘Wash. bas. 00 Green,
Bradley Jaunes, currier, house 6 Margaret
Bradley James, seamen's boarding-house,
Bradley James F. porter, 11 Commercial, bia,
‘East Fourth
ion, b. 6 Oliver
‘eourt [mer, house at Cambridge
Bradley John W. commission merchant, 101 Bu
Bradley Jonathan A. & Co. boots and’ shoos,
Bummer, house Dover, N-H. wealthy a
Bradley Joseph H, lawyer, 19 Court, h. 191 Common-
Hrodiey Joseph S. CF. Brigham & Co,), 1 Poark,
Ieadley J. Payson, 104 Water by 400, Broads
raltey J. Payson, 104 Water, be o
Tratley Leverett, jr, removed to Gardiner, Mas
Hiradicy Margaret, widow, house 2 Waverley place
Hiradley Margaret Mrs. hovse 4 Sullman
Bradley Mary, widow, house rear 09 Charter
Bradley Mary, wliow, house 4a Harete
Bradley Mary, Misa, publle library, Afiimont, bda.
‘Cheatnut iv. JP.
# Lewis, ward @
Kiradley Michael, longshoreman, house T Morton
Bradley Michael, tnborer, hotse 91 Salem,
Bradley Michael, laborer, house 9 Clapp [ward 6
Bradiey Michael, Je, hortler, 282 North, h. 8 Lewin,
Bradley M, Honfy, 20 Summer, house 647 Rast 11h
Fradley Neal, mariner, house 44 North Bennet
radley Pateiok, died July 24, 1879
Bradley Patrick, diver, house 361 Maverlok:
Hirndley Patrick, aboe cutter, house 204 Endteoth
Tradiey Patrick, laborer, house 49 Snowhllt
Bradiey Patrick’ F. wire worker, bouse Brighton ay.
Cote: arm
Bradley Teter B. 27 Kilby, house 160 W. Cheater pk.
Tradl tober, laborers house 190 Hampi
a rer, house ahtee
ridin Gs 8. treasurer Bradley Fertilizer Co.
27 Kilby, dds, 61 Commonwealth av.
Bradley Sarmuel, laborer, house 24 M
etropottan pl
Bd cee is Moneret m
Headley sWrnniise ‘station 15,h. 10 Sherman, Chan,
Bradley Thomas, engineer, house 4 Weat Third
Bradley Thomas, Fo ‘house 8 Oriental court
Bradley ‘Thomas bartender, b§ W- Seeand, b. 251
Bradley Thomas Boston Herald, house
‘alonoins, 306 Bedford
Bradley Willing, aalestoan, bde. 004 Tremont
Bradley William, clergyman, house Chestnut av.
‘opp. Infant Anylum, 1
Bradley Wallin A bouse7 Tayward place
Washtan uf Boom
. iney Toure
‘Willian Hsu tof sewers, City
all, house 88
BURDITT & WILLIAMS,) *2etusstriee Seer sears
Boston [B] Directory.
Bradley Willinra TH. featnster, house 22 Lowell
Bradley William L. fertilizers, 27 Kilby, room 2,
‘oowe 61 Commonwealth ay.
Bradley Winifred, widow, house 3 Foster place
Bradley W- Le photographer, 14 Hanover, iouse at
Bradley & Hubbard Manufactoring Co. 147 Franklin
Bradley, neo Bradlee
jradmnn Frank ©, bds. 15 Ashland place
Bradshaw Aaron (Bradshaw de Putch), 7 Central
‘wharf, house at Cambridgeport Dorch.
Bradsluw' Aaron, bds. Washington, near Harvard,
Bradshaw Alfred A. ‘salesman, 480 Washington,
‘hyuae at Cambridgeport
Bradatinw Austin, brass moulder, bas, 2 Wattl et,
Bradshaw Briggs B. musle teacher, bis. § North av.
Bradshaw Charles FH. bookkeeper, 88 North, house
at Somerville
Bradshaw Edwin B. hats, capa, and furs, § Ci
‘Hall ay, house wt Somerville Newtonville
Bradshaw Elbridge, lower hall, Public Library, beat
Bradabaw Eleazer Ie, died Jun. 24, 1880
Bradshaw Eliza M. dressmaker, house Wasbington,
near Harvard, Doreh. [Centre, Doreh.
Bradshaw Lease, sbip builder, b. Washingwon, near
Bradshaw Frank A. clerk, 15 Doane, b.at Somerville
Bradshaw Joanna, widow, house 29'Cooper (erly
‘Bradshaw John, salesman, 187 Summer, he at Hev-
Bradshaw John, fireman, tug boat, b. $ Cross, E.B.
Bradshaw Joseph, Inborcr, house 23 Watth court
Bradsuaw Mary E Mrs, house 831 Colurabu
Bradaaw Mlcfinel, laborer, house 85 Haynes
Bradetiaw Roger, machinist, h. 191 Maverick, E.B.
Bradshaw Thomas, salesman, 123 Clinton, house 12
‘Adams place, Tox.
Bradshaw Valentine, laborer, b. £8 Middle _ [ville
Bradshaw William (, clerk,'228 State, b, st Somer-
Bradshaw William G: house Swan court, Dorch.
Bradshaw & Pateh (Aaron Bradshaw and C. R.
Futch), oll und eandles, 7 Central wharf
Bradstreet Augustus B. h. Blue Hill av, bear Wales
Bradatroot Charles W. 155 ‘Tremont, house Hotel
Bradatreot Charlotte Mra. h. Blue Hl ay, n. Wales
Bradstreet Daniel N. bds. 11 ML. Vernon
Brudatreot George W. house § Lovering place
Bendetroet Hurry Re clerk, 44 ‘State, house Hotel
Bradatreet Samuel, house 32 Salem, Chan.
Bradstreet Samoet jr, bde. Blue Hil wy, near Wales
Bradstreet Sarah A, Mias, honse 60 Montgomery
Bradetryot Co. improved increnaile agency, Charles
¥. Clark, prosident, 100 Franklin
Bradstreet Wiiliam D.” yen, tioket offlee, F. RR,
da. nt Waltham J Hill ay. cor. Rand
Bradt Charles A. sulesman, 119 Washington, b. Blue
Bradt Georgo H. clerk, b. itand estate, Blue Hill ay.
Bradt Herman D. commission merchant, 20 Kings.
ton, house Rand estate, Blue Mill av,
Bradt Jobn H. driver, 8.B. R.Lt, house 804 B. Third
Brady Alexander, earpenter, h. 7 Wall
Brady Androw Mrs, don, near Washington,
Brady Ann, widow, house 08 Russell court, Rox.
Brady Ann, widow, house Linden, Dorch.
Brady Catharine Mis. house 88 Hudson
Brady Charles, bas. 855 Euat Fifth
Brady Charles E, organ tuner, bis. 41 Sharon
Brady Charles O. Ite. house 16 Blossora court
[at Somerville
dy Christopher ©. clerk, 360 Washington, house
Brady Daniel, ropemaker, house 456 Par
Brady Edward, hairdresser, 913 Washington
Brady Frank, driver, bd. 4 Mason.
Brady Kawand, porter, 9 Dock «4, b. §1 N. Margin
Brady Edward J. machinist, B. s P. Ruf house 22
ford place [Sheafe
Brady Edward J. J. bookkeeper, 10 State, house 3
Brady Francis, laborer, house 164 Tudor
Brady Frank Mrs. hovte 149 London
Brady Frank K. clerk, 14 Pearl, bds. 121 W. Third
Urady George, inborer, bds. 68 Russell court, Rox.
Brady George P. bookbinder, bds. 128 Brighton
Brady George W. harnessmaiker, 107 Federal, rms,
16 Blossom
Brady Henry, marble polisher, house 160 Merrimac
Brady Henry’J. clerk, 283 Washington
Brady Hugh E, bookbinder, house ¥0 Decatur, Chsn.
Brady James, iaborer, house Fancull, Br.
Brady James, steward, house 87 Mouiton, Chsn.
Ey. 9q-| Brady
Brady James, clerk, P.O. howee 29 Sprin
Brady James, tentatier, house 121 Were Phird
Brady Janies Mrs. house Ellsworth, Durch.
Brady James, laborer, bas. rear 84 {andon
Brady James, teamater, house 300 Harrison ay.
Brady James, laborer, house 623 Enst First
Brady James, teamster, houwe 51 Wall
Brady James, jr, machinist, bds. 121 Weet Third
Brady James, Inborer, bie, 162 Endicott
Brady James, foreman, houre 2052 Washington
Brady James, paper maker, b- 0 Eagle Mill pl. LM.
Brady James Sirs. dressmaker, 212 W. Fourth, hiedo,
Brady James, fireman, house 18 Seneca
Brady James'E. carpenter, house 50 Middlesex
Brady James J. locksmith, 73 Devonshire, li. 30.C
Brady James M. car driver, baa. 1
Brady James 8. machinist, house 30
Brady James T. 376 Atlantic ay.
Brady Jobn A. clerk, bds. 221 2
Brady John F. bas, Kllaworth, 1.8.
Brady John J. walter, houre 20 Oneida
rrady John J. 9 , 26 West Broadway, baa,
243 Weet Tied of
Brady J., B. © A. Rat. h, 18 Seneca
Brady Mausie E. bookkeeper, 1140 Tremont, bas, 22
it E. Cambridge
ip: Oakland, ir,
Fier, @ Oliver, house 38 Pear) pl.
24a Were Thick
61 Keyent
Brady piniaber, bda. 19 Vernon
Brady Philip, mason, house 149 Leverett
Brady Philip, laborer, houno & Trainer court
Brady Philip, wiass stalner, house 245,
Brady Philip'H. clerk, 107 Milk, house
Brady Philip H. prop. Lawrewoe House, 108 Union
Brady Rebecea, widow, house 128 Brightwn
Brady Itose, widow, house 221 E [Rox.
Brady Ruth H. asst. Dudley school, bds. 16 Putnam,
Brady Stephen, bolter, house 53 Lowell
Brady Thomas’ (Brady «@ MeMorrow), Dorchester
nv, near Shamrock, hopse do.
‘Thomas, laborer, house 127 Exsox
Brady Thoinas, laborer, hotise Fulton, Nep.
Brady Thomas, houeo $6 Lynde, Chien.
Brady Thomas, back driver, bda. 12 Orange court
Brady Thomas, teamster, bia. 1208 Treinont
Brady Thomas, teamster, bouse 275 Pynchon,
Brady Thomas, machinist, 86 Uuea, br 12. W. Third
Brady Thomas F. liquors, $34 Albany, h. 81 Dover
Brady Thomas F. clerk, 08 Salem, bis. do,
Brady Thomas F. plunber, (Fourth
Brady Thomas J. clerk, 10 Boylston mkt. b. 195 W.
Brady Willlans, 45:
Brady Willian, ro
Brady Willa’ clerk’ 21 Comgrens to Slovene
ly William'F. clerk, 22 Congress, h. 100 Maveric
Brady Willisea H. laborer, house 516 Dorchester av.
Brady William J. clerk, bas, 6 Hollls pince, Rox.
Brady & MeMorrow (Thonas Brady and Felt afe-
forrow), grocers, Dorehester av. n. Shamrock
Brady & Shortell, boots and shoes, 120 Summer
Braese Itichard E, expreseman, house 425 Hanover
Bragun James, tailor, h.18 Billerica (Alyde Parke
Bragan Toomae P. tailor, 42 Washington, house at
Bragan Winifred, widow, house 30 Division
Bragdon Alice J. Ubrarlan, South Boston Branch,
‘372 West Broadway, lds, 82 F
Bragdon yron F. eat.
Bragdon Charles A. hairdresser, 24 Water, house 31
Bragian Euvia Ax salenman, &2 Tigh, b. 6 Hahcoek,
jon Edwin 0, h. 6 Hancoe
Bragdon iy
Dayton av.
Frank A. removed to Peabods
SAMPSON, DAVENPORT, & ©0., Pub’rs.
No. 155 Franklin Si
near Congress St.
soston [B]
Br mn George A. pre, office Washington, e | Braley Alexander, laborer, house 7 Bow, Chsn.
urehill place, house do. LM. Braley Goorge F. roaster, 215 State, b. 46! Chan,
Braga tl vee (Win, Bragdom & Son), order | Braley Job B. (OAild if rocker), 2 N. Slarket,
ox 73 High, bd. at (Brooks, E.B. house do.
Bragdon Granville L. T Willisms court, house 166 M widow, bh. 7 Hamilton (Chen.
Brogdon James, truant officer, 30 Pemberton square, | Braley Kussell W. brakeman, bds. 10 Sherman 5.
ase O12 East Seventh Braley Silas A. draughtsman, bide. 10 Sherman sq.
B Jobn E. clerk, 25 Kt oc [eq. Chas
jragdon on
Braigon Joh W.je, clerk, 42 High, h. at Medford
Bragdon Joseph B. clerk at P.O. 2) Lan,
Beagdon Joscph 1, palnier, 138 Harrison av,
‘South Russell
Bragdon Joseph W, bas. Wordsworth, n. Saratogs
Brugdob Laura A. Mrs. house D, J.P.
Brugdon Mary W. teacher, FiNh-street primary
‘school, house 82 F
ighlands Express, 36 Court
Bragdon's Newton Hi
‘don Oren, boots and shoes, Portsmouth, ¥. See front
jaune $2 F d page (bda. 448, Bencon
Bragion Bamnner, carpenter, doase 9 CPD Beaman Dwlaht (J, enry Farleny Co.) 60 Bato,
ragdun Win (George W. Braydon), leather | Braman George I. dry goods 2 Kings:
Mn vers order bax 72 lig, ouse at Seven | tom, house A =
Bragdon William A. clerk, 130 Federal, bds, 82
us Willian Gr. (Benj. £. Cole & Co.), 118 8um-
‘hier, house 30 Rockland
Braman H. B. farniture,
Bragy Abby M. widow, be 15 Lexington ay. Chan. ket eqiiare, and 109 Friend, house 41 Rutland 94,
Trg Alone igh Ciigg, Conantaae Coy 1aand 16) andat Wayland a
fashingtun, house 68 Clifford, Braman James C. see. Mass, Hospital Lifo Tus. Co-
Bragy Andrew, laborer, house 6 Exeter piace. Chen,| 50 State, house at Auburndale
Carlton 8. lumber, 4 Decatur, K.B. hotise 160 | Braman Jareis D. pres. Boston Water Power Co. BT
reuton, do. ‘Dudley | "Milk, room 20, house 43 Beacon
Beagy Charles foreman, 27 Bromfield, house 347 | Braman Jeunte Mins, h-Charles,
Conant, & Co. (Harry Ht. Bragg, William if. RAMAN JOSEPH B. law
nant, and AW drag), Woleing-glassen,| 1) comsntasioner of deeds
bi 1 ‘aeblngton Tories, and Bettish provinces, also passport agent,
‘Bragg Hew
Brow L
Braye Willian
Benge Wiliam W, oarpenter, house 107
Hrags, W: #., Custom House, h. at Cambridge (Clu
‘Dragylottt Francia, banker, 67 State, bde, Somerset
Braham John,
Brahaus John
leader of orchestra, Roston Muse-
‘um, be
Brabanwy M . Walle HN, Mt. Hope
Brahaney Patrick ‘ooase Walk TAI, near
Ho 1. Sargent, Mt. Hoy
iralandy thomas 1f moroeootdresser hs Walk Hil,
Brainard Aug. W. died July 2b, 1810
Brainard Charles, forewan,
Brainard Charlee Hollie, law; DT Washington,
h. Hotel Albemarle Ta » OT W, Fourth
‘(Brainard Edward TL. em
‘Brainard Emma B. widow, bh, 7 dull
rene, eamater, ele, 1572 Tremont
Ww. Mra. portrait painter, ho
Ti. student, b. 31 Mt. Vernon
2 Winslow pl. Rox.
jase 2
§ Court and 1875 Tremont, house Washington,
‘opp, Parsons, Br.— See back cover
Braman William 1, salesman, T Holemes’s bik, May
market square, house at Maplewood
Braman Willem F, clerk, Mystlo wharf, Chen. bh, at
Braman, seo Brayman South Market
Hramer David, manager Warrior Mower Co, 38
Bramball Albert N. salesman, © Peart, bh. at Lynn
Bramball Charles, bookbindor, 63 Cornbill, rma, 4
‘Osborn place
Bramhall Otis, 2, blacksmith, 964 Federal, We Mews.
‘ant, cor. Savin Hill ay. Doreb.
Hrambhatl Thomas M. Mrs, bouse 8 Mt. Vernon
Bramhall William, stoves, &o. 10 Bive Hill w
High, eor. Highland, Doreb
Bramball William T, house 134 Rencon
Hirumlet ‘Thomas N. (Bramlet & Moore), 04 Pearl,
bade. Kvane House
Bramlet & Moore (7. ¥. Bramlet and L. E. Moore),
‘boots and soos, 64 Pentt (place, Itox.
Beaunmver Joneph, teacher of palnilug, i. 7, Warren
Vieanoh George, plumber, 10 Howard | [place, Chen.
Branch Hiram I janitor, 10 Kdew, Bouse | Kien
Branch Oliver, removed to Malden’ [Cambridge
Hiraneh Pity room Ky Be Wt
N. student, £3 Schoot,
Hiranoh Sybil A. widow, house 10 Winthrop, tox.
Biraneb William 1, carpenter, b. 72 Sultivan, Chan.
j,| Brand Daniel Te prof Boston College, 701 Mar~
hao aV. tds, 21 doy
Brandels Loula D. lawyer, 60 Devonshire, room
Urandenburg Jaraes, removed to Cambri
Brandenburg Joseph, bootmaker, 6 Lincoln br. do.
Brandenburg Joseph, Jr. elurk, bis. roar 63 Lnootn
Kirandenbang Will ‘elerk, 151 Harrison a
| Tirander James, abtp . 205 Bowntnguon
Brander ames L upholsterer, 160 Washingiony h.
Kobert, cabinotmaker, bd
Bradard Ji ier . 19. Carver
Brainard John C: Unarith Oo Tremont, bX Sav. | Brander Thomas K upholaterer, 160 Washington, he
Brainard Marion H. teacher of muslo, @2 Berkeley,| | 119 Pleasant
ide. do. ndewiede Frank, sergeant and clerk, 1.8. re»
Brainand Milling Machine Co, 94 Oliver
Bealnand Robert A. 9 Aabtand
Bralimed Sarah A. Mrs. house 184 West Canton
Bewine Annie Miss, dressmaker, bis. OL Myrtic
irainoed Alma C. b.bde. Franklin rt.
aineed Aiphous T, britannis worker, h. Olney, n.
Brainerd Frances HL. Mire, b, Prankiie av-Spr, StS.
Hrainord George E. brakeman, house £34 W. Fin
Brainerd Lorenzo F, paper haager, house 138 Bowen
Brainerd, aee Kraynard
Bimkewan Michiel, tailor, bie, 883 Harrieae av.
‘Brakemun Xatauel, tailor, house 23 Lawell
Brakeman Samuel, tailor, house $33 Harrison ay.
Brandloy Vetwr, peddier, hones Downer
Hiranally Vincent Mrs. house 12 Reed's court
Hirandon Jobo J. clerk, 19 Faneult Hall market
Lirandon it. Frank, removed to Brook’
Brandt Christan, rtgger, Bouse 12 Haynes, EB.
commlasion merchant, 18 Chauncy, he
Irandt Fanny, widow, house 96
52 Dadiey
Brandt Loula, printer, bis. 56 Blekfoed
Brandt Jol
Brandt Ovear ‘17h Tremont, bds. 207
‘Headquarters for CARPENTERS and
BULLDERS, No. 20 Dock Square.
Branigan Patrick, fie ontier, E, Sixth, near N, b.
‘East Seventh
MANIGAN THOMAS A. & CO. (117. Branigan),
ase cuttery, 19 Harvard place, house 140 Haat
Harvard pl. bds. 749. Broadway (E. Fit
Brann G. J. pleture frames, 28 Beverly, b. al Soley.
Brann Herbert W. pleture-frame maker, rims. 23)
Bremen, H.B,
Braun Mary’. widow, bds. 153 Putnam, E.B.
Brann Solon H. gate tender, h. 89 Bartlett, Chsn.
ran Stephen, carpenter, bu. 69 School, Kg. a.
Brannan Jolin W. physician, 8 Park square, b. do.
Brann Lawrence, Iaborer, bh, Dorchester av. opp.
Brannan Mary E. widow, bouse 18 Decatur
Brannan Patrick, cooper, h. rear 405 Chelsea, E.B.
Brannan Patrick’ J. laborer, bds. Dorchester av.
‘opp. Creek
Brannan Meter, bas. 6 Kagle MU place, LM:
Brannlck Joseph, Inborer, house 46 Snowbill
Brannon Christopher, walter, Commonwealth Hotel
Brannon David, 8. & A. RR. bds. 50 Maverick sq.
Branoon John, deputy four inspector, 186 state
Tirannon Matthow, 221 Federal, hi. 5 Waverley pl
cy folk
Beangon ‘Thom
Brannon ‘Thom
Brannon Thomas
28 Sterling
Brannon Thomas F. grocer, 135 Ty
Branscomb A. Hl. printer, Waverley
verley House, Chan, house at Chelsea
Branscombe William F. printer, 4 Willams court,
house 42 Bromley par
Branston Felix, laborer, house 48 Moulton, Chan.
Brant James, mariner, tma, 6 Utica (Havre, EB.
Brant John (Brant Smith), 20 Auinntic av. b. 206
Brant J. Melvin (Leavitt & Brant), 60 Bromfield,
house at East Weymouth,
Brant Oscar, bottler, bia. 131 Hudson
Brant & Smith (/. rant and A. He Smith), paiot-
ra, 20 Atlantic av.
Franyun Harry £. conductor, house $71 Warren
Brasat Simon, blicksmith, house 40 Northampton
Birasee W. H. sntemnan, 42 Summer, house at Wol-
aston Heights
Braaher George, driver, M.R.R. h. 3182 Washington
Tiraaher James IL. driver, 8. B. RR. hh. 7 Beckler ay.
Braaingion George, butler, 168 Beacon
Braalan Charles P.31N, Market, b-at Cambridgeport
Mrast Edward L. agent, 21 Bromfield
Brassell Mary A. Mia, house 116 Hudson
Brastow George tom Honse, h. at Somerville
Braude Bennett, peddier, house 14 Edgerly place
Brauer Adolph, aupt. M.L. 0, Home, Baker, above
Weld, W.R. [ftos.
Brauer Frederick W. gardener, bh. Centre, n, South,
Brault Gunave, shoemaker, rms. 4 Briges place
Braune Sailow ~. Brookins
Bravo Camillo, house eourt,
Brawley Anthony T. clerk, 769 Washington, b, 1242
farmer, house Sumvalt, C.EL.
lacksmith, house Whitney
confectioner, 128 Tremont, bh.
fer, bia, 18
‘ine, Wa-
Brawley Margery, widow, house 07 Tampsbire
Brawn Flavel B. carpenter, house 547 Dorchester av.
Braxton Richard, fireman, U. 8. Hotel
Braxton Richard, removed to New York elt
Braxton Robert 8. teamster, bis. § Irving pi. Chan,
She ya
ray Charles F. (Bray & Hayes), importer,
“road, house 6) Thoraton
Bray Edward [.. curtain fixtures, 122 Eliot
Bray H. C. housed LMCI, Now 3
Bray Inex D. Afra, house Ti Asiland place
Bray James, stone mason, house 2 Milton
‘Bray Joseph E. & Co, paints, &e. 246 Main, house 20
"Pearl Chet
Bray Mrs. house rear 61 Prince
Bray Melien € Co. tin boxes, 161 Pearl, house at
Sewton Centre
Bray Mellen N. 161 Pearl, house 05 Bowdoin
i Boston [B] Directory.
Bray Patrick W, painter, house 22 Brihton
| Bray Pbilip, foreman, 161 Pearl, b. 4% Fort ay. Rox:
| Bray Sanford, sign painter, 240 Main, bs, 26 Pear,
| Bray Sarah J. widow, house 15 Monument ay. Chen.
Bray William H. engineer, bouse 40 Warren, Chan.
Bray William M, 122 Ellot, bids, 129 Pembroke
W. C. teamster, 234 Atlantic ay,
No.8, East Canton
Brayton Charles F. clerk, 97 Court, h. 6 Pinckney’
Brayton Dantel C., Navy Yard, bide. National House,
Brayton George B. 60 Federal, house at Providence
Brayton George W. teamater, house 157 Silver
Brayton Petroleum Engine Co, 60 Federal
Brayton William A. artist, 161 Court, bis. 3 Bulfinch
Brazer Annie Mrs, wacher sewing, public school, Ne
10 Thromley park, ‘Longwood av.
Brazer John H. packer, 240 Devonshire, house 316
Brazer Luther B. yrainer, 20 Bromfiold,
Norfolk, Rox. (house at 3
Brazer William 8, fresco painter, ¥ Hamilton place,
Brazier Frederick W. carpenter, house 102 Wanhi-
Jnxton, Chen,
Braaier Walter 8. plumber, bds 418. Main
Brazier William B printers house 415 Main
Brazil Jobo, clerk, Franklin, bde. 1143 Wash.
Brazil Patrick J. salesman, 516 Washington, rma. 8
‘Chapman [at Somerville
Brazillian James 8. carpenter, 105 Merrimac, house
Brazyl Ann, widow, house 72'North Margi
Braazel Jobn, laborer, house 11 Hudson, © a
Brazzel William, laborer, house 1 Carrl Chan.
lark, engineer, & NE. RR. house 360
t Thins
Brearton Edward, laborer, house 178 Tudor
Breartun Edward, laborer, house 1013 Harrison av.
Brearton Jobo, laborer, bde. 68 West Fourth
‘Norway Iron Works, house
Brechin William P. physician, 9 Temple, rms. do.
Breck Charles H. (J. Breck s€ Sona), 01 North Mar-
ket, bds. C. HL. B. Breck’, Br.
Breck Charles H. B. (Joseph Breck & Sons), 61
‘North Market, bonee Nonantum HiileBr,
Breck C. E. ©, (Whitman d Breck), 86 Devonshire,
room 23, house at Eat Milton
Breck Jobn, artist, bas. 758 Raat Third
Breck Joseph & Sona (0. H. B. and C. Ht. Breck),
agricultural warehouse, 61 to 6a Norih Market
Breck Joseph F. $1 North Market, bds. Nonantum
Breck Wiliam, ren} estate broker, 19 Congress
Breck William, artist, 148 Franklin, b, 708 5. Third
Breck Win. 24, 18 Chauncy, bda, at Springtield, Vt,
Breckenridge Ida J. teacher, Princeton-at. primary,
da. 115 Trenton [115 Trenton, EL.
Breckenridge Joseph, bookkeeper, 31 Hawley, house
Breckmaeyer Ristena, widow, house 3 Oliver place
Bredeen D. F. clerk, B. & MC. RoR. Causeway, bda.
at Everett [bds. 17 Linwood pl. Ghan.
Bredeen Elizabeth C. teacher, Bunker Hill pri
Bredeen Frances L, teacher, Dearborn acho)
Mt. Pleasant av. {tel
Bredeen Frederic A. 13 Pemberton aquare, bd
Bredenbarg Hugo, cloth printer, h. 140 W. Seventh
Bredachneldes Krniest, foreman, 25 Temple pl. bdo.
Breed Adelaide M. Miss, bookkeeper, hing:
‘ton, house at Lynn [Cormbill,
Breed Amos F. presilent L. & B. 1.
Breed Annie F. teacher, Roxbury Latin
16 Wigglesworth,
Breed George W. B. clerk, 385 Warren, bas, Edge-
‘wood, near Blue Hill ay.
Breed Horace A. & Son (W. H. Breed), paper bang
Ings and window shades, 904 Washington
and OTMEI CVELES, for sale at che
Directory OMice, 155 Franklin Street.
134 Boston [B]
Breed Hubbard, 43 State, bouse at Salem
Breed Hubbard W. house Savin Hill av.
Breed Jane Mrs. bouse 72 School, Chen.
Breed John, furniture polisher, bds. 25 Hawkins
Breed Lewis C. (Butler, Breed, & Co.), 132 South
Market, bds. 67 Columbia, Dorch.
Breed T. Harlan, bookkeeper Second National Bank,
1 Sears building, house at Lynn
Breed William H. {if [1- Breed ue Son), 908 Was
Ingzon, house at Wert Medford
Breed fe Co's Lynn Express, onder box, 338, Market
Breeden George, bookkeeper, Wareham, corner Mal-
don, house at Cambridgeport
Breeds D.C, bas. 43 Warren av.
Breen Andrew, horse shoer, house 82 West Eighth
Breen Chatiew it. painter, bls. 88 Shawmut av.
Breen Duniel, waiter, 151 Commonwealth
Breen David, porter, bds
Breen David B. clerk, 263
Breen Dennis, cutler, 18 Province et. house 41 Smith
Breen Dennis Edward, walter, house 45 Charles
Breen Ellen Mrs. house 00 Carver
‘Breen Francia, walter, house T4 Endicott
Breen Gregory, blacksmith, house 88 West Third
Breen Hannah, widow, house 98 West Fifth
Breen Hugh, laborer, house 42 Prentiss
Breen James, laborer, house 90 Endicott
Breen James, cooper, h: Chelsea, e. Princeton, ¥.B.
Breen James, upbolstorer, bde. 7 Kast
Breen James; house 20 Rochester
Breen James F. hairdresser, bds. 12 Cotting
Breen James T, moulder, b. 179 Katherford av, Chan.
Breen Jeremiah J, teamster, dds. 98 West Pith
Breen Joanna, widow, house 02 Worrenton
Breen John, shoemaker, bis. 34 Eliot
‘Breen Joh sddier, house 1 Watt! court
Breen John, Jr. seaman, bds, 218 Hanover
Breau Maryuret, widow, house 179 Rutherford av.
Hireen Margaret, wilow, bis. 48 Spring | [37 Cherry
Breen Mary A. und Eliza Mases, embrotdery, house
Breen Mlehael, pa
Ireen Michiel, In
Breen Nancy, widow, house 388 Charles
Breen Patrick, marble eutter, h. 70 Decatur, Chan,
Breen Patrick, machinist, house 8 Rochester
Breen Patrlek, laborer, house 10 Dix place
Biron Patrick, laborer, house 2 Warren,
Breen Robert
Nquors, 222 ¥, bde, 147 W. Seventh
Breen Solomon i, student, hovse 21 Kutaw
Treen Thomas, tailor, house 89 Cooper
Uren Thorns, laborer, house 90 Bunker FN
Breen Thomas’ A. action maker, house 4 Wall
Breen Willlam, barber, bds. MT Harrisen ay
Bren William, gardener, house Jamatea, J.
Breen William, cutter, house 99 Coo}
H. marble cutter, house 6 Bawyer
Gog HET Re ve
Foose 8. Livingston, eaptaln recely “Wa
aah, ar, bose scapsined
rpenter, house &} Sawyer
plasterer, bowse 50 Bawyer
Brelim Erauces, widow, dled Nov, M4, 1810
Brehm Frank, marble worker, 17 and lv Pynchon
Brehm Frank, tailor, bde. 4 Parker
Brehm Joseph, polisher, b. 127 Roxbury | (Dorch,
Brebm Joseph, laborer, house |, ». Hebool,
Brobm 1. 8. Miss, bookkeeper, bds. 9 Buckler av.
reba Py A. Mrs. house 0 Beekler ay.
Brehm M. 1. Mins, muste teacher, b. 70 Bhawmat av,
Belding Charles, ‘upholaterer, house » near
Breivoyel {iunlvi, baker, 102 Galera, house near do.
Breivogel Gustave, baker, bde. 1 Boyleton
Bretvogel Jobu, baker, 312 Sumner,
Bremer J. 1, lirother, & Co. (4S. Soyer, W. Mi,
Bremer, William Amory. Stewar
SW. Sibley, anit dames
292 Devonshire, house 4) Mt. Vernon
Bremer William M. (7, L. Bremer, Bro. & Co.), 202
Devonshire, house at Hingham
Bremmen Frederick W. mariner, bh. 1, Webster av.
Bremuer Jobin, shoemaker, bis. bT Decatur, EB.
Brendin C. M- machinist
Brendler Jaco!
Brenn William T’. salesman, 450 Washington, bda. &
Brennan Ann, widow, house 49 West Second
Brennan Annie M. Miss, dressmaker, bda. 44 Porter
Brennan Bridget, widow, bouse 15 Suliman
Breanan Bridget, widow, bouse 65 Hampshire
Brennan Bridget, widow, b. rear 26 Cherry, Rox.
Brennan Catharine, widow, house rear 47 Portland
Brennan Cal widow, h. 29 Lowell (Chan,
Brennan Charles H. driver, house 126 Rutherford,
Breonan Shriecopber walter, rms. 102 Kendall
Brennan Daniel H. teamster, bouse 25 Salutation
Brennan Dennis, laborer, house 203 Salem
Brennan Dennis, laborer, house 13 Lincoln build
Brennan Dennis F. porter, 252 Devonshire, h. 267
Brennan Edmund, laborer, house 65 Fruit
Brennan Edward, boree shoer, house 11 Cotumbia
Brennan Edw varnish maker, bide. 14 Readin
Brennan Edws hoatler, 606 Harrison av. bda. do.
Brennan Edward, laborer, bouse 182 Ruggles
Brennan Edwerd, bostler, house 615 East Eighth
Brennan Edward L, bde. 288 Princeton, E.B,
Brennan Ellza Mrs. dressinaker, house 4 Porter
Brennan Elizabeth A. widow, b. 185 Shawmut ay.
Brennan Kileo }, dressmaker, 50 Albany, h. do.
Brennan Eugene, trunkmaker, bis. rear 124 Bale’
Brennen Ferguey Warble'pollsber house 40 Dunk
jrennad Fergus, marble pollaber, house 4 Duntow
Yrennan Frank, bartender, 1243 Tromont, bds. do.
Hrennan George, painter, house 370 Dorcheater
Hrennan James, laborer, house 17 Spri
Brenoan James, laborer, house 40 Winchestor
Brennan Jas, farmer, bh. Walnut, n. Glen road, J.T.
Brennan James, press feeder, Traveller, b. 64 Porter
Brennan James, ee 238 Princeton, EB
Hronsan James, painter, bas. renr 144 Salem
Brennan James, printer, house 87 Oak
Brennan James, currier, bas, 76 Por
Rrennan James, eabinetmaker, bds,
Firennan James, carpenter, bis.
Brennan James, printer, hous
Hrennan Jas, laborer, bh. Dore
Hirennan James, bes. Norfolk a
Mirena Jam
Brennan as
Krennan Jeremiah, laborer, h. 44 Churoh
Hreunan Jeremiab, porter, 00 Commorce, b.T Joins
Urennan Jeremiah Hsaloon, U8 Weet Bevoath
West Second
Hawes Tati, house 304
Brennan Joanna Mre. janitor,
Brennan Jobo, liquors, 23 Reading, he M4 dow” (Ir,
Hrennan Job, wheelwright, Western ay. i. Churel,
Brennan Jobn, laborer, house 1042 Harrison ay.
Hrennan Jobo, paver, house 9 Medford
Hirennan John, laborer, house Shamrock, 1.8,
Hrennan John, liquors, 1848 Tremont, house do,
Brennan Joho, hackman, bs. 17 Kat Canton.
Brennan John, laborer, house 10 Chadwick
clerk, 20} Groen, bia, 10 Lovorett
Cherry, ox.
Hreanan Jobn, eonfect 7, 26 West he, 10 Davie
Brennan Joho, ear driver, house 477 Stain, Chet
Brennan John, expressman, a&Court oq. hat Kverott
Brensao Jobo iver, house 1048 Washi
Brennan John KE. deputy Sour Inepeotor, i} State,
bide, rear 124 Chan,
Brennan John F. clerk, 60 Commerce, bas. T Joiner,
Mreonan Joho 8. house 87 Oak
Hirennan Joseph, Inborer, house 80 Decatur, Chan.
Brennan Joseph P, painter, b. 16 Charlee-at. pl. Chan,
Brenan J shine (Chisholm & Brennan), 06
Pleasant, oe
Brennan Julia, widow, house 25 Keglo-roill pl. LaM.
Brennan J. F. to Providence, HL.
Brennan Lawrence, laborer, house 16 Salutation
Brennan Lawrence, cabloetinaker, house 263 Bowen
Brennan Margaret, house 4 Waltham
‘Brennan Margaret Mrs. house 88 Cheatnut
Brennan Margaret, witow, house 179 Bolton
Brennan Marun, baker, bds. 65 Hampabtre
“ira dtnew tories | BURDIITS
Boston [B] Directory.
Brennan Martin,
Brennan Matibew, laborer, bds. § Waverley place
Brennan Michael, an.
‘Brennan Michael, laborer, bouse 481 Honover
Brennan Michael, contractor, hk. Sharon, Mt, Hope
Breunan Michael, clerk, house 1 Seneca
Brennan Michael, laborer, house 155 Bennington
Brennan Michael, house 267 D
Brennaw Michael, jr. bas 267 D
Brennan Michael), laborer, house 88 London
Trennan Michael, marble worker, bds. 11 Pitt
Brennan Michael, bas. 1283 Tremont
‘Brennan Michael, currier, house 47 Haynes, E.B.
Trennan Michael, laborer, house rear 430 Hanover,
‘Brennan Michael’ A, porter, 37 Franklin, bouse 217
‘ast Elgbth (1828 do.
Brennan Mickel H. liquors, 1220 ‘Tremont, bis.
‘Brennan Michael P. saloon, 377 Hanover, b338 North
Bronnan Neal, laborer, house 00 North Margin
Rrennan Nicholas, aailmaker, house 202 Bremen
Brennan Nicholas, trader, hotise 27 Athens
Brennan Patrick, waiter, house 88 West Cedar
Brennan Patelek, shoemaker. h. 49 Sumner, E.B.
Brennan Patrick, gardener, house Norfolk ay. near
‘Brennan Patrick, paver, house 6 Scatt’s court, Chan.
Brentuan Patrick,
Brennan Patrick, cooper, bouse 305 Chelsea,
Hreonan Patrick, J, lnborer, bas. Surfolk avn. Balt
Trounan Patrick F. mason, house 42 Vale, Rox.
Brennan Peter J. 13 Boylston, rims, do.
Hreunan Philip, machinist, house
Brennan Richard, plasteror, house
Rrennan Rlebard, bookbinder, bow
Brennan Richard, palntor, bis. 1808 Washington
Brennan Stuphen, bricklayer, house G6 West Cedar
Brennan Stephen, bricklayer, bls. 1 Lynde-st, place
Bronnun Stephen’ Srv. laundry, 8 Green, house do.
Brenhan Stephen, coal and wood, 8 Green, h. do.
Brennan ‘Thomas, laborer, house 12 Cottage place
Brennan Thomas, car inspector, bouse 157 Kuther-
ford av. Chat
Brennan Thomas, laborer, house § Vinal place
Brennan Thomas, pediller, houke 4 Baker's alley
Brennan Thomas, confectioner, house 28 Sterling
Brennan ‘Thomas, laborer, house 16 Walden
Brennan Thomas, baker, rms. 81 Revere
Bronnan ‘Thomas, carpenter, hose 1 Alger
Brennan Thomas, Iaborer, house 365 Hanover
Brennan Thomas, stone myeon, house Chareh, Br.
Brennan Thomas, laborer, house Baker, above Gard-
shorér, house 30 Marton, Chen.
‘Weat Secon
nor, Spr. St. 8. [4 Reading
Brest Thomas, cooper, Boston Lend Works, 2.
Brenaan Thomas ®. grocér, 135 Tyler, b. 13 Decatur
Brennan Thowas H. harnessmaker, 8 Merchante
TOW, house 29 Lowell
Bronnan Timothy, carpenter, house 3 Nawn
Brenuan Timothy’ F, clerk, rms. 88 Chestnut
Brennan Walter, coachman, house 882 Charles
Brenoay William, bds. Chureb, Br.
Brennan William, laborer, hoose 48 Snowhilt
Breanan Willian, porter, 35 India wharf, house 18
Brennan Willlam, laborer, house 7 Gray, Chan.
Brennan William, coachian, dds. 1
Bronnan Williaw, at gas works, house 2N. Hudson
Brennan William’ E, varnishmaker, house 83 Yeo-
‘man, Shawinat av.
Brennan William F, clerk, B. & A. Tait. rma.
Brennan William H, gilder, 608 Wash. b.14 Reading
Brennan William H. waiter, house 600 Harrison av.
Brennan William T. deck hand, E.B. South ferry,
ds, 949 Sumner
Brennen James, papermaker, house Norfolk, Mat.
jouse 12 Springer court
Brenner James C.
Brenner Joli, houte 12 Springer court
‘Breanick Bridget, widow, house 18 A
Brennick Charles B. X'Co, embroidery, Re. 28
‘Winter, room 19, house 35 Greenwich
Brennick dames, laborer, house 90 Joiner, Cis.
Brenntek Janes, printer, bls, 18 A
EBrenolek Micha fear, ponee18C
reniick Thomas, carpenter, bas.
Brent John, painter, house 335 Havre
Brevton Jennie Miss, dressmaker, b. 214 Shawmotav.
Breslin Cornelius, iter, h. 14 Belmont, Rox.
Breslin Daniel, clerk, house 10 Wall
Breslin Ellen, widow, house 25 Vine, Chen.
Breslin James, foreman, 89 Blackstone, h. at Malden
Breslin John, wire worker, house 10 Wall
Breslin John, laborer, house 162 Commercial
Breslin John, furniture polisher, bas. 18 Sheafe
Breslin John, teamster, house 30 Chadwick
Breslia Jolin E. travelling salesman, 7 Charlestown
Breslin Michaci, engineer, house 10'Wall
Breslin Sarah, widow, house 28 Walnut, Chen.
Breslin Thos, gardener, house 11 Shelburne, Doreh.
Breslin Thomas, porter, Creighton House
Breslin Thomas, steamboatman, house 254 Webster
Breslin Thomas, porter, 110 North, bis. 9% Loverett
Brealin William, porter, 67 Summer, h. 28 Ki:
Bresling Margaret, widow, house 15 Havre,
Breslow Jobn J, carriage painter, b. 34 Adai
Breslow Patrick, clerk, house 34 Ada
Breslow William, painter, bds. 34
Bresnahan Catharine, widow, bouse S11 Harrison ay.
Bresnahan Charles, presser, $35 Washington
Bresnahan Cornelius, hackman, house 16 Winchester
Bresnahan Cornelins, laborer, hotise 136 South
Breapaban Qornetius, laborer, honse 8 Essex plnoe
Brestiahan Danlel, laborer, bouse 102 D
Bresnaban Daniel, junk, bouse 107 Warrenton
Bresnahan Dantel, clerk, 40 Pitts, house do.
Bresnahan Daniel, book’ binder, 47 Frankila, bie.
73 Bedford
Bresnaban Dante, bartender, bas. 20 Miller, Chan.
Bresnahan Elizabeth, widow, bouse rear 208 Fedoral
Bremaban Ellen, widow, house 82 Silv
Bresnahan Hugh, peddler, bde. 62 Alger
Bresnahan Jeremiah, mason, house 37 Lowell
Wreanahan Jeremiah, teamstor, house 17 Norfolk pl.
Bresnahan John, peddler, house 7 Centre pl, wa, 18
Brespaban John, Junk, house 163 Weat Sixth
Breshaban John, enginver, Louse rear 122° West
ron Way (Chen.
Bresnahan John, laborer, house 43 Rutherford ny.
Bresnahan John, laborer, h. Market, cor. Lincoln, Br.
Bresnahan Jobn, horse shoer, 71 Middle, house 482
Dorchester av.
Bremahan John, laborer, house 20 North Anderson
Bresnahan Jolin, laborer, house 170 Bowen
Bresnahan John, bricklayer, house 81 Lowell
‘Bremahan Jobn, laborer, house 110 Warronton
Bresuahan John’ Mrs. house 16 Winchester
Bresnaban Jobn J. mason, ba. 16 Winchester
Bresnahan Jobo T. upholeterer, bids, 58 C
Bresnahan Margaret, widow, house 107, Warrenton
Bresnahan Maurice, teamster, bas. 82 Silver
Bresnahan Maurice, removed to Rockville
Brestiahan Michael, laborer, house 17 Davenport
Brosnaban Patrick, hackman, houre 4 Way
Bresnahan Peter, laborer, honse 11 Oneida
Bresnahan Thoroas, laborer, house 60 Middlesex
Bresnahan Thoms, laborer, bda. 16 Unity
Bresnahan Timothy, laborer, house 4 Plympton ot.
Bresnahan Timothy, laborer, house 134 Lincoln
Bresnahan Timothy, shoemaker, 228 Federal, h. 580
Bresnahan Timothy, teamater, bis, Cottage nour KI.
Bresnalian Tlmothy A. edge'trons, 63 High, house
228 West Nini
Brett Charles G. freight clerk, F, R.R. house at
Brett Charles M. bookkeeper, 77 Pearl ‘Chen.
Brett C. L, salesman, 518 Washington, b.31 School,
Brett David J, 320 Harrison ay. bda. do.
Brett Ellen, widow, bouse 690 Harrison av.
Brett Frederick, rigger, house 6 Greenough lane
Brett Frederick’ L, salesman, 61 Chauncy, house at
254 | Brott George, physician, 104 Boylston, house do.
Brett George E. clerk, 51 Franklin ‘am pton:
Brett George W. ealeeman, 27 Otis, bouse 371 North-
Brett Henry W. house High, Nep.
Brett Jobn, grocer, 820 Harrison ay. house do.
Brett Mary, widow, bda, $71 Northampton
Brett Michael, carpenter, house 45 Henley, Chan.
Brett Michael, laborer, bds. 26 Telegraph
Brett Michael’ J. clerk, 1456 Washington, bd. 609
Harrisou av. Chen.
Brett 0. D. clerk, 515 Washington, bds. 31 School,
Brett Saunvel G. salve manuf. 47 Washington, room
2, house at Cambridge
Brett Theodore W. clerk, 78 Pearl, h. 114 Chandler
Brett Thomas F. waiter, house 41 Camden
Brett Willlatn, laborer, house 580 Harrison a
—See page 1380 [Brockton
Brett W, Fraik, salesman, 518 Washington, bd. at
Brett Z, F.3 Winthrop square, house at Brooklls
The BOSTON DIRECTORY OFFICE is at No, 155 Franklin St
sostos [B]
Breuel Henry, miller, Taylor & Tupper’, North
Henson, Bt. Bouse Brodks, e- Newton, Faneutl
Breubols Charles, billiard-table manufacturer, 3 Tre-
mont row, house % Bunker Hill
reper Aamo T ple Watertown Arnel,
ic Fair Hotel, Be. <3:
Albert Mrs. bh. Lamartine, cor. grok
Andrew 3. at restaurant 0.C. depot, dds. 75.
‘Brower A. M. removed to Brockton
Brower Charles, palnter, bds. 266 D
Mrewer Charles & Co. (C. Hi, Lunt, E. M. and J
Brewer), merchants, 2 Kilby, house Pond, op-
posite Prince, J.P. (Green, Chan.
Brewer Charles Hi, expresaman, % Court, house i
Beewor Oharles O. clerk, 25 F.H. sq. bh. 6 Melrose pl.
Brewer Charles P. painter, bd. 850 East Fifth
Brewer Charles W. bookkteper, bds.
Brewer Christina, widow, h. Magazine,
KEWER CLARK & SONS (2iiwcard
Brewer), tobscconiats, 36 South Market — See
page 1318 (House
Brewer Cytun, Ine, agent, 42 Water, Dis. Goold
Brewer ©. A, Miss, house) Beacon [Doreh.
Rrewer David HL forint, Cottage, n, Pleasant. 0. do.
rower D. C. Mrs. bds, Cottage,
Brower Rdward. (C-
Market, house at Sangus
rower Edwant M. (Charles Brewer & Co.), 2
Kilby: and coven Hawallan Islands, bas. Mond,
‘Sppdelte Prince, dP.
Brower Edward W: student, ba, Alvexton
eower Ellas (Breier & Cb,), 307 Federal, house
‘BAT Kast Eighth
Tirewer Elizabeth Hf, Mias, b. 70 Commonwealth ay.
Mower Elizabeth P wacher, Phillipsstreet prisnary
S Cazenove
, dled Dee. 20, 1570
Brower Elanthan, house 27 Sterling
Uvewer Francia W, 22 Summer, house T2 Common:
wealth ne, {park
Tirower Frunk, clerk, 8 FHL mkt. bila. 22 erwick
Mrewor Frank’ C, Provident Inst. for Savings, 34
‘Temple place
it, excelalor bedding, &e, 75 Union,
rilett, Chat le
er Gardner, Jr, clerk, 81 Hanover,
Tirewer Gardner Ary, hy 29 Bescon
Hrewer George A. Mrs. house 16 shitley
Ivewer George HL salesman, 48 Pearl, b. at Malden
Brower George 8: dining rooeae, 108 Kingston, house
78 Kano
Brewor James P. stock broker, 4 Exchange place,
Toom 3, bds, Commonwealth Hotel
Neowor Jou! K, dled June by 1870
Avower Joel K, Mrs. bouae 5h Pearl, Chan.
Brewer John M. tenmater, bile. 580 Kat Fifth
Brewer John KR. 18 Post Cities square, house T2
Commonwealth av.
Brower Joseph, Janitor Hotot Cluny, house do.
Brower Joseph’ (Charles Brewer 'Co.),21 Kilby,
40 Summer, house wt Hyde
ire. 18 Dartmouth Newton
Hrower Nathaniel, & Exchange place, bide. Wd West
Hrewor Nathant Jr 4 Kxehange place, room 3
Mrower Otls, house Alveston, cor,
rower Page Mra, b. 8 Cazenave ph.
Mirewer Samuel F, anlosman,
Hrowor Thomas, cartiage washer, 12 Garden
Brewer Thomas SM. died Jan. 23, 1X80
Hrower Thomas M: Mrs,
Brower Walter 8, book
Meowor% Coy Charlestown Kxpress, 34 Court 4.
VI Kilby, and 7? Hedford
- tne Brewer and £, W- Fertinwnt!),
afaeturers, 207 Federal
Wheelwe (Wn. Zi Brewer anit James 3
Wheeler), sallinakers, 40% Atiantle
Mrewater Al ble 48 Pearl, Chen.
0. lawyer, 13 Court square, room
West Newtan
John Brewater, Withlorm
j, Henry E. Cobb, and Arthur B Kata
), Bankers, 39 Congrene
Brewster house 80 Walnat av.
REWSTER CHARLES @. natural history store,
En Washington; house 5 Hotel Florence, Toes
‘See page 1381
Brewater M. (0. W Brewster & Son), 22
Bowker, house 26 Kingston, Chan.
Brewster Charles W. & Son (Charles Mf), spring
makers, 29 Rowker, house at Medford
Brewster Dana W. painter, h. 5 Washington, Oban,
Brewster Danie! Mrs. house 188 Webster, E.
Brewster Edward, upholsterer, b, 10 Porkins, Chan.
Brewster Edward 8. clerk, $2 Washington, house al
Brewster Edwin @. salesman, bds, 78 Carver
Brewster Ernest, house Cie ‘Chan.
Brewster Frank, foreman, 22 Pitts, house 19 Allston,
Brewster George B. (Otis Bros. Brewster), 12
Kilby, bds. 30 West Newton
Virewster George L. oll polisher, 166 Cambridge,
Tina. rear 42 Grove ‘Chan!
Brewster George L. clerk, § Howard, bds. 48 Pearl,
Browster Heary M 48 Franklin, bids. 74 Waltham
Brewster Henry T. shoeraaker, house 31 Pilliips
Brewster James 1, 33 Commercial wharf, houre 306
Meridian [uress, house at Cambeldge
Brewster John (Brewster, Basset, & Co.), 3 Con-
Bowater Jolm A agent, bis, 45 Boneh Chan.
Bi rJohn ®. F. trensurer N.K. Mortgage Se-
ity Co. 43 Milk, baa. 80 it a
Browster John W. foreman, 228 Cuosews
Mrowster Joshua Mrs. h. 48 Pearl, Chet
Urewster Lewls, conductor, Met. 1.1.
Beowster Lewis, 3 Franklin, bda. 82 Hancock (do.
Browster Loulas Mrs. milliner, 304 Meridian, by 300
Hrewster M. W. house 67 West Brookline
Krewater Oamyn, prealdent Franklin Savings Bank,
house 32 Hancock
‘plotutes, 101 Leverett, h,
Brevesier && Co.), Wb Water,
Brewster William H. died Jan. 1880
Mrewster Witham EL. (Brewster & Graves), 17 Ex
change place, tals, Motel Berwick
Brewster William M, clerk, 13 Exebange place, room.
bie. 67 West Brookline
Browstor & Oo. (W. #. Brewster and W, A. Travis),
nancial agents, 40 Water, room Th
Trewster & Graves (1, Brews
Graves), Insurance, 17 Exchange pl
Breyvogle Phillp, hatter, 387 Washin
Brexel Witilam, laboror, bouse 00 Weat I
Hrese!! Annie Mrs. house #2 Silver
Urtar Tony, bairdrosser,
Rirlard Oliver W. clerk, 612 Waahin,
Uriard William Ti, student, re, 7 Bomerset
Urtoesoll Stephen (GAtela & Ariaasoll), 47 Wane
ovr, house 304 do.
Brice Thomas, clerk, 65 Court, house § Lawrence
Hriebor Henry & Co, wood engravers, 3 School,
house wt Melrose
Hrichoto James, frult, house 14 Margaret
Uirlek Ieaae, painter, h. 3 Haverhill, Chan.
Trick James A. coachman, house Adama, n,
Brick John, laborer, house } Porcelain place
Brick John'W. pressman, bds. 47 McLean
Brick Michael, coachman, Centre, cor, Orebard, J.D.
Birtek Wiillam, taborer, house 30 MeLean
Lirlekett Charlotte 1. Mie. house 1073 Washiny
Uriokett E. 8. h. 83 m, BB. (at Medford.
Peet [mies La pi ene dy be
rickett George, bookkeeper, OF Summer, b. wt LYNN
Briekett George F. bookkeeper, 64 Pearl, bat Quiney:
ickett George P. teamater, bds. 148 Court
Brewster William F,
room 74, house at
lon, houne
ari [10 Hancock:
Dijehett Sarah O. asahtant, Bowdoin seboo!, bas,
State, room 1, house €
Brickett Willis H. clocks, 2
Hiriekii! Hanoah Mrs. house 133 Bustle
Briel rs hone |
Brickley Elin, laborer, house
House Joiners’ TOOLS & Builders! HAILED.
poston [B]
Belokley James, hack driver, died Sept. 22, 1879
Bylekley James. driver, bds. 9 Tremont court
Brickley John, machinist, house 184 F
Brickley John, Inborer, house 95 A
Brickley John, laborer, bds. 116 Cove
Brickley Joho, laborer, hotixe rear 595 East Second
Brickley John A. police stations, bi.13 Marton, Chan.
Biletley Margarets widow, b, 10 Vicksborg.
Brlokley Margaret, widow, b. 10 Vicksburg [man
Brickley Mary Stra, grocer, 21 Charter, hy 10 Hench
Brickley Michse), lnborer, house 135 Hallock
Brickley Patrick, laborer, bis.23 Cove place
Brickley Thomas, teamster, bda. 18 East
Brickley Thomas, Inborer, house 16 Cove place
Brickley ‘Mhomas, rigger, house 18 Kast
Brickley Thornas Hl. laborer, bas. 16 Cove pace
Brlokley Timothy, laborer, house 297 Federal
Briekley William, condymaker, bas. 3 Thacher
Firekley Willian’ H. teamster, bds. 18 East
‘Bride Benjamin F. telegraph repatrer, 37 Pearl, b.
at Cambridgeport
Bride Hunoats Mise, house 219 FE
Bride Jane, widow, honre 40% Medford, Chan.
Bride Michael Mra. house 610 Medford, Chsn.
Bride Patrick, laborer, houxe 25 Fabio
Brlde Richard, hoatler, house Cambridge, opposite
Beacon park, Allston
Bride Robert, plumber, house 508 Medford, Chan.
Bride Thomas, foundryman, house 631 East Second
Bride William 4, treasurer Lorton Lead Manufaotur-
ing Co. 24 Oliver, h. Walnut av. cor. Bower
Bridys Abel. hide Toker, 228 Congreas, houre at
Bridge Carolloe.A. widow, house 4 Hotel Van Rene.
Bridge Charles A. printer, 1 Somerset, house Char
‘ondton Hits Chen.
Rrllge Charlen H1. exbinetmaker, bs. 2% Baldwin,
Bridge Chartee I, elerk, O41 Washington, bas, Hotel
Bridge ©. 8.
(Brkitae, Fletoner, & Homey. 38 North,
oR at Somer viihe ‘bda. at W. Medford
Bridge Edmund (Svott Bridge), 122 8. Market,
Bridge Edwin E. porter, 18 Chauncy, bde, 968 &
Budge, Fletcher, & Howe (0. 8. Bridge, R. Fletcher,
‘aud T. H. Howe), provisions, 23 snd 2 North
Bridge KH, olerk, H&M, freight, house at Malden
Bridge George H.,5,F.£. 7, East, house 8 Hudson
Bridge Holman E. ds. 633 Shawmut av.
Bridge James P. 105 Stinmer, hat Tyneshorough
Drldye Joutah G. (0, Me Barred? « Go.), 298 Con-
ron houve 18 Salen, Chan,
Bridge Juila A. widow, house 23 Baldwin, Chen.
Bridge J. H. boure 16 Hotel Madison
Bridge, Lard, & Oo, W: Bridge, Ue Lord and
- B. Burtt), ship brokers, 125 State
Bridge M. A. hata aud trunks, 1085 Washlngton
Bridge Nancy C. Mrs. bas, 09 West Springtield
Bridge Nathan W, (Ziridge, Lord, & Co,), 173 State,
house at West Medford
Bridge Rebecoa, widow, house 132 South
Brldye Theodore E. clerk, 19 Summer, bd
Bridge Wiliam F, cabinotmaker, house 23 Bs
Bridye W. W. Custom Houxe, rms, 44 Myrtle
Bridges Adelino Miss, bouse 31 Edinbo
Bridges Arcos, xpress driver, 244 Wasbington, b.
‘at East Somerville (Celal, ti. 125) Emerson
Bridges Churles A. horse shoor, rear 127 Commer-
Bridges Charles H. physician, bouse 72 Sawyer
Bridges D. T. 188 Summer, house at Hopkinton
Bridges Brank, car driver, house Dorcbester ay. cor.
Bridges George Ws engineer, house 112 Londo
cw George W. engineer, house ndon
Bridges Henry E. driver, house 1040 Washington
Bridges Henry L. car driver, bda. 112 London
Bridges Iaauc, teamster, house 148 South
Bridges Sambcl §. teamster, house 46 Austin, Chen.
Bridges Stephen G.ship carpenter, 13 Marion, EB.
Bridges Willlam G. 98 Pear), house at Somerville
Bridges & Co. boots, 138 Summer La
Bridgett Samuel Mrs. house Sanford, near C
Bridgett Samuel J. driver hose carriage 27, bd. 16
‘ood, Chiat.
‘Brlejgett Willlam, missionary, house 10 Wood. Chen,
Bridgett William’ E. pahiter, bds. 10 Wood, Chan.
Bridgewater Iron Co. 28 Broad chen.
Brldgham Daniel H. police station 8, house 190 High,
Eridgham Leland B. salesman, $4 North, house st
fedford (house at Somerville
Bridgham Perey A. lawyer, 32 Pemberton square,
Bridgham Prescott C. (Bridgham & Co.), woolens,
Sc, 48 Bodford, house at Newtonville
Bridgham Robert ©. (Bridgham & Co.),48 Bedford,
bds. at Newtonyl
Bridgham Sanford H. driver S.F.E, No, 21, bds.
toughton, cor. Hancock, Doreh.
Bridgham Valentine K. stable, 25 and 27 Berkeley,
house 38 Clarendon
Bridgtam & Co. (P, C. and R. C. Bridgham),
oolens and tailors trimmings, 48 Tedford [pl
Bridgioan Alvin W, flah mkt. 28 Derne, ti Rollins
Bridgman Arthar Mf. rms. 50 West Cedar’ (Park
Bridgman A. F. bookkeeper, 59 Cornhill, b.
Bridgman Elisha B. school and church furniture, 7
tk, houre 194 West Brookline
Bridgman Erastus 8. 88 Washington, b. at Ni
Bridgman G. H. medical stadent, bas. 44 Bo
Bridgman J. C. 9 Corn
Bridgmaan ¥F. Vincent,
Bridgman Marcus
‘Washington, house do. Br.
Bridgman Oliver B, died April 12, 1880
Bridgman R, L., Daily Advertiser, 27 Court, bas. 60
Vest Cedar
Brien Lucy A. widow, house 77 Phillips
Tirien Mary Mrs. nurse, house 3 North Anderson
Brien Edward J, B,& A. R.R. elevator, house 13
‘Old Harbor piace
Brier Joho (. balrdresser, bds. 278 Hanover
Brier Lewis B, driver, howse 9 Hote! Columbia
Briere E. Mme
Briery Joxoph, hairdresser, 9 Court aq. rm
Brigadier Noah, whitewather and plasterer, house
7 Middlesex
Brigg Entz & Co. commisaion merchanta, 88 Hawley
Briggs Albert D., R.R. joner, T Pemberton
‘square, hous ringtield
Briggs Albert Hy (Briggs Bron), 75 Warcbuw, bis.
"2 Pleasunt-street place [69 Pearl, Chen.
Briggs Albert W. engraver, 370 Washington, house
Briges Alonzo HE. manager, 88 Congrom, room 0
ouse 137 K
Driggs Andrew G. (Briggn & Shattuck), grocer, 85
Broad, house 23 Chester sq. [h. at Wyoming
Briggs Andrew H, law: ‘Wasbinigton.roorn 10,
Brege Andrew J. Cir 75 Warebam,
hotise 85 Gray. [Tremont row
Briggs Benjamin F, engineer, 21 Boylston, rms. 3
Briggs Benjamin F. lawyer, 172 Washington, house
‘at Stoneham {Winchester
Ririgus Bodwell 8. 24 Merchants’ row, ds. at
Brigys Bros. (Andrew Jo, Albert I, and Walter 2,
3 Grenville place [Chen
fair buliders, 7% Warebam
advertiatirg ayent, b. 24 Walker,
Chester W. (8. . Brigg & On), 132 Par’
‘chase, house 08 Myrt! ‘Newtonville
Briggs ©.'0. £Co, planofortes, 1125 Washington, by at
jaye ©. C. Jr. clerk, 1125 Washington, bda. at New-
‘tonville ton
Brigye C. W., West Hanover Express, 174 Washing
Briggs Daniel R, tinamith, 113 Blackstone, house at
‘West Medford
Briggs Edward C. dentlety 1 Mt. Veroon, rm 6
inpcock i
Briggs Edward T- curtain fixtures, 1571 W
Briggs Edwin, house 106 West Chester park
Briggs Elbridge G. foreman, honwe 368
Briggs Elton
‘W, salexman, 71 Summer, house at
Beige. F. J. & H. G. grocers, 121 London, bds. 20
Briggs George, b. Btoughton,n. Everett ay. Dorch.
Brigme George, earpenter, rma. 18 Tyler
Brigys George, seaman, houre 344 Harrison,
pase George, confectioner, eee fe
rigas George A. messenger, 48 1. be OT,
"Shen. #°T houre 48 Cheater park
Bilggn George C. (Brigg? Davenport), 110 Biakey
New England Directory,
156 Franklin Street.-Price 86.
138 Boston [B]
pa ran Winch (Briggs & Wright), 4 Harrison
B George W. ype Columbus av. opposite
renville place, house 23 Cortes
Brigge Barret Mrv. house 23 Temple
pte a O. presi National Bank of the
ger pate. ‘3 Merchants ', house 124 Marlboro”
iry B. fireman, house 210 West Seventh
aa pone P. 85 Broad, bouse at Brookline
Ar fl 5., U.5. appraiser, 177 State, house at
Bice ae, ome uals, Sotos 00h Cheats es
mer’ paper banger, 96 Wanhington,
Me Carnbridge i a0 ods. 10 Benniogion | B
Briggs Hl. G. ea Pa ACA iat he
Briggs James, machialst, 81 High, Co
Brigge arse w President Branatick bg et a
2. Erion Hlascod
ileal aoa's cae, Sat
th, ol, nad ut,
pie Fradela.
Briggs Jou, mact
Briggs John; je clerk, 45 ‘Boueryoarsh, b, Francis,
‘cor. Bellevue
Brij Jobn F. hor 22 Irving [Cazenove pl.
Heep Joe ik arpa, ht remus
Bees Lestor F. coachman, at Mra,
hook, Br le. dow
Briggs Lewis, onglneer, steamer 18, house
Betyge Lloyd, youre feta) and passport agent
£ fousairewrm.¥) Bouse2 Cazenove places am
Bs Lucius H. agent, Roxbury Charitable:
re Koxbury, house 63 Dents soon,
Briggs uther & Co. (J. Smith), architects and en:
gineers, 200 Wash. rm. 35, b. 14 Walout, Nep.
ws se Br ©. ring & Cushman), 9 Court,
aus Lyman ‘aleornan, bie, 2 Wallen park
Mu Ht igus Mary aceite he 98 Corey Con Chen.
ilue Mary A. widow, house a8 Corey,
Briggs Mary C. Mra. bda, 28 Beaoon, Z
Briggs Mary E. widow, bouse 22 Lrving
Bile Mary F. house 596 Main
Masea, deputy sherif, Middlesex county, 173
Taabt wilse at Melrose Highlands
RIGGS OLIVER Le billiard tablen, U0" Wash,
house 111 Chandler — See page 1310
gue Philander 8. house 30 Adam
thecary, 1369 Tremont, bds. Bhaw-
x et Narhilk Howse
257 Waly
Briaee 8 ponees Ls carriagemaker, Nousbeaagck
‘Weat Hrookline
12 Montgomery place
Hrlggs Busan A. wi ) house Beaverne av. J.P.
Tt Co,
gt ‘iin ict
Wiltan, oe
‘Ot Auburndale
‘Briggs Wiliam It laborer,
house 6 Mahan place
Briar William 8. salesman, 287 Washington, bide,
nse ne Howes
Brews 5G.
Briggs & Cushuian (2.
Brigae & Shattuck (4. G. and E. Shattuck),
grocers, 85 and ¢ Hamilton
meg re (ase. 2 awh Herbert 2.
right). revmenrans @4 ay.
Brigham alfred (Lord & Brigham). "WC
=a salesman, 19 Summer, bia. 3
jok par
AL Mis
Brigham Cine. has. (Sturgte i Brighain), 19 Exchange
lace, house at Watertown
Brigham Charles, clerk, P.O. bd, 20 Montgomery
Brigham Charles’. clerk, P.O, house at Medford
Hingham Charles E. iron und steel, 22
Fulton, bide.
‘Clareudon Hotel Doreh,
Brigham Daniel 8.
Brigham Daniel
‘edentiat, 2 Na
133 Saratoga Cindiana‘place
S| iio Kdyar M, engineer, B, & A. IR. rms, OL
Bg ous. Soaps, eta
rs rf
erie. 2 Forest [ Webster, KD.
Bigham award A. ction msaitoeey, 3i0 Devons
cot io VOR
shire, boune = Micrelana ota
Brigham Kdward ¥, bde, 130 Newbury,
cist Ubrarinh, 19 Boylston
m Kawi
Bridbam iaiwin W: clerk, Wheblngogs ns harvard,
wn edwin W. My
Rirlgham Ella J, clog, Fell. P.O, bos 4 Sarntoga
Brigham Bethe 1 sgillee, woamatrona, be 4 Teoapeot
Euucne W boots and shots, 8 Humunsr,
\ouse at Hanehiner, Walt)
avin, roa 20, heat
Brigham E,W,
Hirigham Francis Has: 13 West Con
Urighain Frank A. organ-key Snisher, bia. 156
Brigham Frank nila’ house Hallevse, corner
Brigham Frank ST Summer, . at Waltham
Brigham Frank (dF. ding), oor anil
‘show machiners it house Balto ph
Brigham Franklin, house 1898
Brigham Frederie leral, bela. wt
‘Camel sea ais Webaior
Bigham Broderick. clerk, Lovee, earner 8
Brigham ¥. & Co. (J. 8; Brad
Brigham George, awitehinagy L-lel
Wirigham George C. carpenter, b, 162 Bhawan
Brigham George H AMO ‘asbiluyton, house at
Beigham ‘Ge bookkeeper, bds. Lrewar, J.P.
un CGeurge Hie teamneter $57 tate, house ibd
Hrigham George T. messenger, 244 Wash
"| nan io ‘George W. saloon 12 Chardon, hyase 12
Brighees Mon nab, widow, house 38 West Cedar
Brighaa Harrie G, express, houre 4 Vernon place
Hrgham Helen A. Mies, 180 Worcestor
Boston [}}] DIRECTORY.
7. house
RIGUAM JOHN A, baker, 094 Shawmut
'40 Arnoiil — See page 1887
righam Johu W. & Co. (2. B. Bowen and J. W.
/ham, jr.) boote and shoes, 114 Pearl, house
197 Beacon [Pearl, house 197 Beacon
‘Brigham John W. jr. (fohn W Brigham & Co.) 14
Brigham Josuph B. commission merchant, 38 Cen-
‘tral, house 165 West Brookline
Brigham Joseph 1. (Thayer, Brigham, € Oo.) com.
‘Therchants, 32 India, house 72 Mt. Pleasant av.
Brigham Julia Mra. (Jewett & Brigham), 233 Tre-
‘mont, house do. (house at Salem
Brigham Lincoln F. chief Justice, Superior Court,
Brigham Martin F. house 13 West Cottage
Brigham Mary A. Mre. physician, 40 Carver, h. do.
Bri Moses B. los, and com. 242 Washington,
Ouse at Eaat Somerville
Brigham Nahum, coal and wood, 83 Soutb, house do.
Brigham Newton J. carpenter, house 7 Wheeler
Brigham Oscar K. clerk, 27 Winter, bis. 8 Florence
Brigham (Brigham & Tingley), 105 Summer,
jouse 233 Tremont ington, house do,
ham Robert B. restaurant, 642 and 64 Wash-
Brigham Rt. V. A Mfrs. bds. High, Doreh.
Brigham Sarah Mrs. house 6 Chickering pl: The
Brigham Silas H. clerk, 61 Federal, b. at Bradford,
Bil ‘Tyler, sulerman, 65 Bedford, bds. 218
‘ebator, EB.
Brigham Wiliam Mrs. house 96 St. James av.
Brigham Wiliam C. (Brigham Co.), 11 Cornhill,
jouse nt Medford.
‘William D. clerk, 21 Milk, bds. Clarence
lace, Dorel
Brighamn Willan E, (Jamaica Pond Iee Co.), house
rewer, bet. Eliot and Burrougts
Brigham William P. genta furviehing
‘Chauney, bde. Hotel Edinburgh
Brigham William P, 27 Avon, bds. 130 Newbury
Brigham William T. lawyer, 95 Milk, room 58, bas.
‘36 St. Jamos av. ho
Brigham W. FP. Brigham
righar irigham & Co.), 77 Pearl, house
{motal, 11 Corakitt
Co. if LG 0. ee veel oe Tn on
Perry Braghatn and C.B. Ting:
alos merobants, 105 Summer
at Ly ye factory, bds. 7 Wash. ot.
‘Bright Elmer H. clerk, 69 Congress, b, at Cambria,
Bright Henry (Jiright ue Oo.) 12h ‘Chauney, be 38
ie Mrs. coatron, 1
Brsghe Witla HE (Tore
‘ashingtim, house at
Bright & Co. (//. Bright), cloaks, Se. 121 Chauncy:
Brightman Ben; ‘Co. (Fe Ae Brightman),
reatanrant, 12 Court equare ‘Form,
Brightman Dunlel 8. hostler, h. Brighton av, C
Brightman George W. aalestan, 24 Winter, bas. 163
‘Shawmut ay. [Court aq. bia. $3 Myrtle
Brighunau Tda A. (8. F. Brightman d& Co.) 12
Trightinan Nellie Miss, nurse, bda, Carlton House
‘Brightman Willian H. cutter, 72 Franklln, houre at
iddleboro" ‘cor. Chestnut Hill av. Br.
Brighton Five Cente Savings Bank, Washiogton,
ley William, cooper, house 868 Bremen, E.B.
‘Wrilt Michael, Inborer, bis. 126 Everett, KL.
Brill Roswell H. carpenter, house Abbot, Dorch
Brimbecom Nathaniel (Brimbecom € Co.), 16
'F. H. market, house 172 West Chester park
Brimteoom & Co. (N. Brinbecom), poultry and
ume, 10 Now Faneuil Hall market
Brimmer Daniel, janitor, Hotel Lyndeboro', h. do.
Brimmer Martin, house 47 Beacon
Brimmer M. A. Mrs. dressmaker, 1268 Tremont
Beier William, seaman, house 1868 Tremont
Brimner Ann, widow, house 1 Metropotitan plaice
‘Drime Daniel W. F. salesman, 138 Court, bds. Centre,
Tear Spring-park av. J.P. fav. JP
Brine Willa, gardener, b. entre, n. Spring-park
Brindelaon Edward, rma. 101 Harrison ay.
Brine Charles H. letter carrier, P.O. b, at Somerville
Brine George 1. & Co. clothing, 313 nd 317 Wash-
ogton, house at East Cambridge,
Brine Job, laborer, house rear 12 Corey, Chen.
Brine Jobn'Ht. clerk, 75 State, bds. at Somerville
Brine Lawrence F. clerk, 17 Tremont row, bis. at
Brine Matthew, mariner, house 6 Somerset
Brine Michael, at brewery, house 28 Alford, Chen.
Brine Robert, tailor, 19 Tremont row, room 2, house
at East Cambridge
Brine Robert, teameter, house 168 1
Brine Robert’ F, salesman, 315 Washington, how
at East Cambridge
Brine Thomas, laborer, bouse 78 West Fifth
Brine William H. (J- Harrington & Co.), 17 Tro-
mont row, house at Somerville
Brines Jolin, laborer, house rear 12 Corey, Clem,
Brinkman Theodore, capmaker, 20 Avon, b. 166 Silver
Brinley Walter ©. lawyer, 61 Court, house 9 Eaton
Brinley Wiltiecn P. electrician, 19 Bromfeld, house
Brinnen Edward H. died May 9, 1579
Brinnen Mary W. Mrs. house 142 Hudson.
Brintnall Benj. (Lockwood & Brintnall), 6 Court sq.
Briptnall Norman Y, & Co. wholesale liqu
‘22 India, and stable, 31 Chapman,
2 Hathon equare do. fon qua
Brininall N. ¥. jr. bookkeeper, 22 India, bai
Brintaall Samuel R, (Brintnall & Osgood,
honse 7 Aul a0.
Brintnal! Thomas Mrs. house 35 Bartlett, Chan.
Brin & Osgood (3: 2. Brinenat gnit 4G. Or.
ds paper haagings, 77 Main, Chan. (Barton
Briaton George W. halves Loverett, hy 58
Briody Margaret, widow, b, 87 Cabot {Sau
Briody Patrick, bookkeeper, 76 Broad, h. at it
Briold Charlotte and rguret Misses, house 5
‘Goodwin piace
Brion Jacob, Nquors, 01 Kneeland, boase do.
Brion Joho, bartender, #1 Kneeland, bis. do.
Briscall Thomas ©. carver, house 161 Hunker HU
Brisco Jolin, zineler, house 223 West Ninth
Briscoe Daniel, engraver, § Bromfield, and frult, 802
‘East Sixth, house 797 do.
Briscoe Henry, machinist, honae 136 Cabot
Briscoe James, Inborer, house rear 10 Roxbury
Briscoe William, 27 Dock #q. house at Cambridgeport
Brison Daniel, paloter, house 281 Hanover
). 44 Tilenton
Bristol Edi
Briaton John, paper carrier, fm 104 Brighton
Britt Louis W. pipe
Britt Patrick, trunkmaker, house 37 Middle
Britt Peter, mariner, house rear 15 Everett
Britt William, eabinetmaker, b. 43 Belmont, Chen.
Brittan 8. A. bds. 62 Union park (Canton
Britten E. F. printer, Boston Herald, house 131 West
Britten Jeane T anve filer, 23 Travers, b, 44 Myrile
Britten Thomas, hardware, 180 Frieud, h. nt Everett
Britto Antolne, boarding-house, 104 Richmond
Britton Edward, bde. 22 Myrtle
Britton H. M. supt. Eastern Division N.Y. & NE.
uM house 28 Yarmouth
laborer, bds. Boyleton, J.P.
it Cambridgeport
on av. SP
65 Oak Beachmont
Briton Thomas 8. R. packer, 71 Portland, house at
Britton William, hostier, house 380 Eust Second
Britton William, shipper, 23 Otls, rms. 39 Edinboro
Brite Charles, bartender, rms. 35 Metron
Broad Francie W. watcliman, Met. IR. houke High-
land, Doreh. [house 699 Tremont
Broad Frank W. provisions, 133 West Brookline,
Broad James A. bds. 3 Boni (house 163 f
Broad Salisbury F. mason, 140 West, Broadway,
Broad William, 154 State, bds. Highland, Dorch.
SAMPSON, DAVENPORT, & CO., Publishers, 155 Franklin St
Broadbent Joaep!
bent Fore}
Broadbent Wallace, brewer, house 10 Bromley park
Broadbent William, machinist, house 6 Rogers av.
Broaders Frederick’ W. house #2 Pearl, Chan.
Broaders Jobn, ca
Broaders Wm. F. cl
7 Sate, bde. at Chelsea
Brock Rdward, mason, house 41 Bow, Chen.
Brock Frank, clerk, Centre, ite Bellovie, WR.
Brock George E. messenger, Natlonal Market Bank
of Brighton, bds. 4 Newton, Faneuit
Brock Henry, manager, Boston Credit Bureau, 67
Fedoral, house at New York
Brock Heory 4. cigars, 19 Water, house 38 Bpriog
Brock Henry W. photographer, 823 Wash. io.
Brock James, servant, 304 Beacon
Brock James, porter. 068 Wasble
Brock James M. Janitor, house Allen
Brook Jerome B. buteher, house North Beacon, cor.
Market, Br, (equare, Allston
Brock J. 1. marketer, bde. N. Saunders, Union
Brock Mary Mrs, house 200 West Broadway
Brock Mary E, Miss, librarian, Brighton Branch
m, house # Liv.
lace, Br.
Public Library, bis. Allon piace, Hr,
Tirook Matthias, roachiniat, house 1) D>
Broek Owen, bollerm honse 89 Joiner, Chan.
Brock Pearl 8. 670 Washi: + bag house at Cambridge
Brock aiph E, buscher, bds. 16 Newton, Faneuil
Brock Ralph H. butcher, house 4 Newton, Faneuil
Hirock Walter fi. clerk, ba: Hutlers EM. [om pl:
Tirock William, blacksmith, 237 Roxbury, b. 1 Put
Brock William, jr, 67 Summer, house at Melrose:
Brock Willian ff, clerk, 9 Commerctal wharf, house
40 Bebiol, Chane
Brock William W, (Broek @ Coy), 245 Atlantic av.
and 78 Clinton, house. vu
Brock & Coy (William W, Hrock and 8. I. Cy),
Festaurant, 243 Atlantic and 76 Clinton
Brock & Crane (€, ee Oe R. Crane), bed
gaton and Million Rupees
Dorehestor av. LM.
house 1
i Adame,
FY, conductor, Mid. HI.
North Mead, Chen. house 396 Banker Hit
Trrockbank Lanne, letter ry Charlestown P.O.
Brockelbank Preston 1. master mariner, bouse 10
orkler ay.
Brockmetor Christina Mrs. hoase 3 Olive place
Brockton Chemleal Co,, Re HL. Parker, treasurer, 4
Brotha) Charles. & Co. storage and commlad
way Charles (. & Co. storage and commission
merchants, 220 Friend and 18 Portland, house
TW sualtoed
Brockway D. 1, assayer, 25 Washington, room 14
Tirockway Frank S. proprietor Metropolitan Hotel
Broek way Fred HL. salesman, bile. Savin Hill av. cor.
Vlenaant, Dore.
Brockway John L. & Co. grocers, 12 to 16 Buffolk
Market, bile. 19 Monument av, Chen,
Brockway Lebbous H. ms ns. BK S. Reports,
32 Equitable baltding, bis. 29 Worcester square
am, salesman, 100 Pearl, boase
av. cor. Pleasant, Doreh.
Harrison av. bis. Os Weat Cedar (14 Lisdalt ph
Trodbine Patrick, bartender, 208 Cambridge, rma.
Hrodor Lawrence, bricklayer, house 12 Kmerson
Broder Potrick, beleklayer, house 076 Harrison av.
Brodertek Anse! W. house 51 Regent
Brodertek Aeahel ‘Br.
1h, Waehlugnon, cor, Foster,
Broderick Cornelius, laborer, h. 41 Chapman, Chen.
Uroderiok Daniel, tenuiater, bla. 41 Chapman, Chen.
Inborer, houne 50 A.
k James, clerk, 40 Washington, bis. 14
Princeton, Chan.
Broderick James, inborer, h. rear 482 Commercial
Broderick James I. cabinetmaker, house 34 Cabot
Broderick John, earrier, 4 Clapp, house East Ches-
ter park, cor. Clay
Broderiek ohm, laborer, house 8 Maverick
Broderick James,
Broderlek Jobn, stone cutter, b. 1 Wall's pl. Chan,
Broderick John, laborer, house 90 Warrenton
Broderick Jobn, machinist, house 26 Billerica.
Broderick John, mail driver, house 88 Wall
Broderick John, laborer, house 675 Albany
Mroderick Jobo, Inborer, house 2 Albany place
Broderick Jobo, painter, bouse 2 Downer,
Broderick Martha Mra. b. Washington, c. Foster, Br.
Broderick Michael, laborer, h. rear 080 Harrison nv
Broderick Michael, Inborer, hovse 381 Bunker Hill
Broderick Michael, coachman, § Monument mq. Chan.
Broderick Patrick, stone mason, b. Call, hear Keyes
Hroderick Patrick, jr. eurrter, bis, Call, near Reyes
Hroderiek Patelek: rsh. 14 Princeton, Chat.
Broderick Richard, house 834 Commeretat
Broderick ‘Thoraas, laborer, house Keyen
Broderick Thomas, laborer, ris. 43 Naahua
Broderick William, laborer, house &4 Ward, Rox,
Broderick William, ier, house Spring, near
‘Centre, Spe. St. Be [Eliaworth, Doreh.
Broderick William, laborer, bis. Commercial, near
Broderick William’ It. elyars, 112 Dorchester
house 237 Dorebester [h. 287 Dorchester
Broderick Wiliam J. clerk, 300 Wert Hiroadway,
Brodeur Henry ¥, clerk, 23 Union, h, at Winchester
Wrodhend George’ H. clerk, 432 Washingwom, rims
8 Hayward place
Brodhead J. A.t Col, U.S.A. bonse 84 Montgomery
Brodie Jobn, carpenter, house 8 Tufts court, Chan,
Brodie Patrick, harnessmaker, bo rd
Brodrick Alfred I, elerk, 173
Brodriek Jobn, carpenter, hou
Wrodrick Matthew, section maaster, II-B. 8 Ls
KR, house 216 Everett, K.1,
Brodrick Michnol, section minster, TD. & Us Tle
‘oda. at Winthrop junction
Brotleld Thomas, buteher, b. Market, n. Lincoln, Br,
Brogan James, printer, beds. 06 North Margin
Hrogan John, tailor, house 12 8ullman
Hrogan John, porter, bids. 66 North Margin
Brogan Michael, tailor, house 66 London
Brogan Patrick, horee ahoer, house 2% Chadwick
Kirogan Wiliam, tron worker, house 100 Halton,
Hrogan William, laborer, house 66 North Margin
rowan Wiliam J U. 8, Navy, Dia. 0 N. Margin
i Patriek, laborer, b. rd, Br,” [Nnlem,
Liroy! artholomew, wire worker, 00 Union, bh. 148
Brow Daniel, laborer, house Faneuil, Hr,
Hrogl Octave’ (dirogt’ & Lawrence), Wh anover,
Brogl x Lawrence (Octane firogt and Charles Lave.
rence), aaloony 108 Hanover
Hrogie Thomas, laborer, house Tremont, Hr.
Urohan Jatves, laborer, 72 Chauney, bids. 40 Sliver
Brokaw Jobn, walter, ruia, 20 Orange
Browade George F, Salter, TT Milky h. wt Cholann
Bromade Samuel, aalimaker, house 45 Auatio, Chan.
Browberg Lev, chgars and tobacco, 1230 Tremont,
Brom! Lakas, stone cutter, house & Treen pl.
Bromby Fred. birda, b, Hoyleton, n, Amory, 3.1
Hromwell Nellie ¥. widow, house 6 Union pl. Kits
Lromwich Charles M. slaves and ranges, ala
plumber, 13 6, Broadway, h. O88 KE. Seventh
Bronck Althea. Mra. talloress, house Washington,
Lake, Br.
Hronkhorat Esward, clerk, 129 Dover, bila. 131 do.
Hronkhorst Jucod, clgarmaker, house ¢ Fay.
Lsrookborat Lewls Mre, clothing, 129 Dover, b. 131 do,
Bronkhorst Mardin, a ot La Grange
Brouner J. George, Si
(The Dock Square HARDWAIS WORE.
Established 1860, 20 Dock Square.
soston [B]
Bronson Herbert C. bookkeeper, 18 Boylston, bas,
Bronndon J, Warren, tallor, bis, Torrey, Doreh.
Bronson John T. flour, &e. 106 State, h, at Longwood
Browpons, Weston, unbast Co. lumber, 75 State,
Patt, agent
iter Frederick R, house 1545 Tremont
9% Court, house
nt Hatch Lithograph Co. 8
‘de Parke
Brooky Alphonso, Piyplclam, house 284 Gold
Trooks Arthur A. 185 Devonshire, bds. at Woburn
‘Brooks Arthur L. clerk, bds, Faneuil, Be.
Brooks, Ball, & Btorey (B. #. Brooks,
"M. Storey, and Be L. Mf. Tower), lawyers, 40
Water, rosea 27
Brooks Benjamin F. (Brooks, Ball, & Storey), law-
yer, 40 Water, room 27, house 15 Joy (leat
Brooke anil J ‘clerk, 94 E. Canton, bis 2Green-
ro) jainin 8. conductor, b. 2 Dabney place
Birovks Catharine, widow, house 00 Heath
Broo! 3 Crescent cl. fav.
Brooks Charles, laborer, lids. Swett, cor, Dorchester
Brooks Oharles Mrs, hovse Chelsea, near Bennington
Brooks Charles A. laborer, house 11 Elanover av.
Brooks Charles H. 68 Devonshire, rooms 1, bds, 190
house 14 Joy
it, 608 Wash, bas. 10 Tyler
baker, bis. 4 Kadyerly pl
clan, 1 Saratoga pl. bis. 83
. bds. 05 Princeton
12 Haverhill, Chen.
Brooks Charles 8, clerk, 110 Summer, bide. Faneuil
Bre (Mc. 8.
Brooks Charles 7 laborer, house Florence, near
Brooks Charles W. coal and wood, 1022} Tremont,
‘baa, 38 Cunard EB.
Brooke Clarence, clerk, 178 Congress, bas. 46 Muriou,
Brooks Daniel, hostler, house 6 Trainer court
Brooke David P. teameter, house 66 Conant,
Brooke Douglas A. ticket agent, Penn. RR. 203
Washington, houxe at S, Brautree [Salem
Brooks D. B. & Co. yes, &o. 17 Franklin, house at
Brooks Edger P- 63 Pearl
Brooks Hawerd A. engineer 8S New, bds. 36 Dover
rooks Edward C. casbler, Second National Bank,
‘Bears building, house 89 Worcester (Somerville
civil engineer. 0-0 RR. heat W.
he 18 Oak, Chan.
over), 208 Main,
house 766 Shawmut av.
Brooke Elizabeth E. Mrs, house 39 Essex, Chen.
Brooke Esther 8. Miss, teacher, River-st. primary
school, tds. Butler, LM.
Brooks E.'A. widow, house 858 Washington
BROOKS: Be A COn taser! mad career! find
fous, 173 Suniner, houseat Cambridyeport— See
Brooke Fannie Mra. house 87 Village
Brooks Frances N. teacher, Winthrop-street primary
school, house 17 Auburn, Rox.
Brooks Francis A. lawyer, 31 Milk, h. 130 Bo;
Y. clerk, 28 Blackstone, bile.
Princeton, E.B. row, Chet
Brooks Frank R. bellbanger, 22 Milk, house 7 Hull's
Brool ‘rederick, civil engineer, dds. 190 Boyleton:
Brooks Frederick, porter, 16 High
Brooks Frederick A. deck band, E.B. ferry,
‘9 Putnam, E. Hts ton
ngineer, Howard's Foundry, b,
». Faneuil, Br.
Brooks Frederick
Brooks Frederick E.
Brooks Fred. 7. lodge keeper: Cily Hospital
Brooks Gardner ©. clerk, 00 High, bdx-at Brookline
Brooks George (Brooks & Young), 90 High, house
‘at Brookline ‘Chan
Brooks George, machinist, F. R.R. h. 3 Garden pl,
Brooke George A. clerk, 903 Meridian, house 23
Trenton, E.B-
Brooks George B, carpenter, house 6 Kast Engle
Brooks George C. (Brooks «é Warner), bankers, 60
‘Congress, bds. ‘Tremont House
Brooks George F. iceman, house 7 Stone, Chi
Brooks George H. bds, Tremont House
Brooka George H. h. Faneuil, Br. [at Brookline
Brooks George K. (Hroaks «& Young), 0 High, Wi
Brooks George M. lawyer and judge of probate fo
‘Middlesex county, 6 Tremont, house at Concord
Brooks George P. apothecary, 1885, Dorchester ays
Bron TS Dudley, Noms Hehinond, LM. :
rooks George W. Jewellers’ boxen dad tage, 1
Kilby, house 23 Quiuey
Brooks George W. paluter, bds, 156 Pleasant
Brooks Gorham Mrs. house 91 Heacon
Brooke Henry, ebipweight, house 46 Marion, E.13.
Brooks HLmry, maachiniet, howse 101 Cabot
Brooks Henry'& Co, hardware, 115 Mik, house at
Brooks Henry C, bouse 428 Bunker TIL
Brooke Henry ©. & Co., Australiun packets, 67 Com-
merolal wharf, bas. “Tremont Hou
Brooks Henry 8. died Feb. 23, 1880
Brooks Herbert F. anlestaan, 0 Commercial, houre at
Brattleboro’, Vt.
Brooks Hiram W.
Brooks Hugh, labore
Brooks 1. W. Mrs,
Arch, House at Cambridge
house 73 Chambers
une Studio building
Brooke Inane Hf clerk, bd 201 Dudley z
jrooks Jaies I. stock broker, 19 » house
142 Blue Hil cine
Brooks James L, house 17 Polk, Chan. [Apple
Brooke James N: cotton dealer, 85. Kilby, house 120
Brooks James W. trustee, McKay & Bigelow Teel-
‘ing Asoo, 108 Summer, houre at Cainbridge
Brooke Jane, widow, house 4 West Canton,
Brovke John, nailer, bis, Taylor, 1. Water, Nep.
Brooke Joby treasurer Copper Fails Mining Co. 10
‘Exchange place, room 6, house at Cambrid
Brooks John, upholaterer and cabinetunaker, 6 War.
ren, Rox. honwe 4 Regent [22 Newcomt
Brooks’ John, trankmaker, 2251 Washington, house
PHoowS JOHN, model maker, 99 Sudbury ‘See
pagel: House
Brooks John, salesman, 67 Summer, bas, Quincy
Brogks Joba’ C. baokkeoper, 9 Chatham, house x0
Brooke Jolin er, 6 Lowell, house do.
Brooks Jobn F. merchant, 103 State, house at Salem
Brooke John G. Rev. house 58 Cedar, Rox, [Milton
Brooks Jolin Henry, clerk, 49 Sears’ building, bh. at
Brooke Jobn I, aalimaker, bis. 15 Carter
Brooks John J. aupt. Mt. Benedict Cemetery, Arnold,
Wait. house do. TTrenion, EB.
Brooke Joh M. ship builder, 334 Border, house 95
Brooke Job M. news agent, F. KR.
Brooke Jon W. 50 Scare building, house at Milton
Brooke Jouathan Mra. b. Adams,n. Ashmont, Dorch.
‘Brooks Joseph, bouse ¢ Linwood place
Joseph, tailor, 28 Sommer, \, 206 W. Fourth
R. Mrs. house 21 Atherton, Ey. #4.
joshua Mrs. house 14.0} [hridgepor
tate, house at Cam~
Brooks Katle M. Miss,
tham, bia. do.
Mass. Register and Directory, (“use sans sereersvicees.
142 Bostox [B]
Brooks Levi S. grocer, 218 Trenton, house 267 Lex.
Brooks Lloyd H. clothes cleaner, 9 Hollie, house 7
Brooks Luther F. & Co. manuf. Jewellers, 383 Wash-
ington, room 18, house at Medford.
Brooks Lither 8. bartender, Young’s Hotel, house
Brooks Hyman Be 8. stationer, 11 Cornhill, house at
fewton Ci
Brooks L. Loring, clerk, 61 State, bds. at Newton
Brooks Mark G, salesman, 16 Oliver, b. wt Malden
Brooks Martin, jaborer, bouse 14 Phillips, Rox.
Brooks Mary, widow, house 37 Lawrence
‘Miss, house 82 Eavex
y M. widow, house 6 Chadwiek place
laborer, b. Canterbury, Mt. Hope
Brooks a ap D, agent, Cutter Marble Co. 13 ‘State,
room 14, bds. 124 Pembroke
Brooks A Sirs. manul French lowers, 18 Temple
Brooks Nelaon M. 4 Chauncy, bas. at Mallen
Brooks Neon T- 316 Washhnton, bouse wt Malton
Benen. ‘ Photographer, 43 Washington, house
i Cheleea
Brooks Oliver Hl. house 8t Myrtle
Brooks Patrick, tailor, house 21 Adama, Rox,
Brooks Veter C. house #0 Mt. Vernon
Brooks Peter ©. jr, 7 Court #q, room 18, b. 7 Arii
Brooks Pane vaiter, rooma ¥ Acton
Boe ee eat gee
rook P. T. Klageion Exprens, 34 Court square
Brooks Robecea Ax widow, house 14 Tndlane
Brooks Richard J. 01 ver, bis. Arnold, Wik.
Brooks Robert baker boose 13 Union, Chan.
Urooks Konwei real eatate agent 44 Winchester,
house ¢ Eagerly
ay Ttusbivn, & we (8. @. Brooks and R. %
Rushton), Concord and Artington Express, 4
Court square, 73 Kilby, 174 Washington, and
‘Merchants row
Brooks Samuel 8, house 11 Hancock, Chen,
Brooks Shepherd, 7 Court oq, room 18, h 92 Beacon
Brooks Sidney, bookkeeper: and houry public, Ot
ll wharf, bus, 40'Temple
‘Square . watchmaker and optician, 120
Dudiey, house 61 Quincy, Hox.
Brooks Stephen, provisions, 23 North Market, house
Boy ree Hit oa uf, 854 Bot ad
Brooks Stephen lano Mant j house
Brooks Those, aburer, hovee 2 Grevbeat
Brooks Thomas W. hairdresser, house 3% Alten
Brooks Timothy, inlon dealer, house
bridge, near Union square, Allston
Brooks Walter ©. & Cor Gfohn Curtle), elothing, 6
Caton, be, 1 Achbecion pt, tm, ai Cambridge
Brooks William, #upts Fo
Brooks William 1.
Brooks William C. elerk, 99 1
Brooks Willan a inapects
(Charles 0. Brooke “wee
Brodit wept Feneull Mali 483 Theo
rooks William rw yer, removest nine
Brooks Willlam G- taahier, Nellonal Ragle Hank,
‘05 Milk, house fi Weat Cedar
oh ea kn
rooks Wes. P. Bi. (Brooks
furniture, 151 Hanover, b. 4 Bellingham, Chelaen
Brooks Wiitira T. bda. 391 Dodie
Brooks Wiliamne Ui. 27 Hromfekt, house Matler, L.A.
Brogks Wiltame Br. clert 168 Beate, tals. But
fy LM
Brooks Wyroan, dled July 24, 1879
Brooks W. Aiden, clerk and glove dyer, 08 Term.
Ince, howe mt Chelan
Brofts hives, Sew Toeieh Exprese, 32 Cocrt
cooks & Sever,
1. Brooke and A. W. Stover),
Brooks, Leet and FG. nah ae
Sone, and) Miatahall a
Brooks & Warner (Geor, ESE ney 5
Warner), bankers,
KOOKS & YOUNG GUNG ao. re ‘rook Bo ound
ad An
‘and G, XK. Brooks), leather
18 Tennyson,
Broomer William, china rapaer 3 shaw ae
pare Mark, removed to Cam!
rophey George, laborer, house Br,
Brophy Patrick, laborer, house 68 Moulton, Chan.
Brophey Thamas, liquors, wines, Xe. 202’ and 204
‘orth, house 4 Garden-coort eee’
Brophy Daniel. rms. 31 Indiana place
Brophy James, 138 Pearl, rms. 176 Harrison av,
rophy James B. mason, house 287 Charles
Brophy James B. jr. ‘mach ist, bis. 237 Charles
Brophy Jobn, laborer, bds. Madison, Br.
Brophy Jobo, blacksmith, house Shelton, Porth
Brophy Kain J. porter, 612 Wash. bda, 51
Brophy Margaret wiiow, hous i Geetha eon court
Brophy Michael rein ene house 223 Dorchester av.
Brophy Patrick, house 255 West Fourth,
Brophy Patrick W printer, 49 Federal, eer Charles
Brophy Philip, laborer, bds.
Brophy Kicbande laborte; bouse Mahan av.
Broanaban Daniel, laborer, bouse te Albany
Broanatan Jeremlah porier, 81 804th, house 968
‘Brosnan ‘Dante J, clerk, 111 bt ated vir
Brosnan Samuel, ship Joiner, house
Marion, E.B.
Broatrom Gustave A. furrier, house 1) Joy
Hrosaelt William, tailor, 4 Province soars house B,
Model place, ward iy
Brotchie Andrew Re Yen dealer, bis, 1 Wadleigh ple
Hrutehle Ann Ky widow, house 382%
Brothers Andrew (, collector, 10 State, room 9, ba
Brothers enbuin F. coat ood, 3 reste,
others MF. cont and wood, 28 Trait
brakeman, B.
apes John KE. & LB, bide, 40
Drothrs Joba F. Mrs. Seisei Gains [Poorn
Brothers Joshua, coueiable, 10 State, mn. 8, bs 02 We
Brothers Kate A. Mins, bis. 37 Chestor park
Hrothers Nettle Miss, bie. 87 Chester park
Hroxberean Johns laborer, house 12 tudeoa, Oban,
Brough Sarah, widow, 4 Nashua
Brougham Edward, tailor, houwe 40 Fudor
Brougham Edward J. painter, house 202 Found:
Brougham James H. porter, 72 Lowy b. 40 Sifvor
Kroogham Thomas; laborer, house 40 Biiver
Brouxbion Hen wv physielan, 6 Union park and
Broughton John, ey house 10 Hotel Bristol
Breagusen Signoweny Custom House, hore tam.
ino, J.D
Broughton Wiliam FL, Hqaors, So, 6 Court ay. bh. at
ping Vatharing ©, MI twoober, Harvard pri-
, dele, 23 Winthrop, Chan,
Brower’ gilaabeth Hk. Mina, teacher, Common-strect
‘primary, bide, 95 Wi whey Cn, [Chan.
Brower Henry, cutter, 1 he 26 Win hrop,
Brower Henry, Jr, boo Hhookteeper, Ga Cor Thompace
house 9 Auburn, Chen,
Mrowor Wi, Os tailor, 17 Waa, b.
Mi mt
Devonshire 7
Brower Same clerk, 40 funmer,b. 304M
Hrown Abram, Clerk, 90 Harrison
Brown Abram, agent for Clark
Brown Abram W. engineer, h, 8 Hotel said
Browa Addison Fler runs. 14 Cham be :
Brown Adeline, widow, h. 12 Gates {Warren ay.
Hrown Adooirai, eaosinan, 402 Washington, b 8
Brown Albert, ele h Lis Myr ave
own Albert, ron, house a
orga Aa eens « ree ais
ianover, howse at port 9
Drown Alten Or selowean 1 house 104
Hrown Albert E. house 17 Dartmouth
Brown ‘Albert Q. clork, ¥2 State, h. at Auburndale
Broa Albert K: messenger, Amerionn Haprons, 24,
Brown Alber Ty tines nsbes Ba ston ny. J.P
Brot ra Albert 3 Ki Riley,
Bron Alben We {Breee Brother oe
Brown Aldon W. bouse Katine Place
Headquarters or CARPENTERS an@
BUILDERS, No. 20 Dock Square.
ayers, 35 Cony », hi. at Newburyport
Brows Alexander B. carpenter, b. 19 Kennard av.
Brown Alexander L. commission merchant, $3 Bed-
ford, house 133 Dudley
Brown Alexander T. carpenter, rms. 3 Oxford pl.
Brown Alfred, bread driver, bas. 76 Leverett
Brown Alfred, machinist, b. 8 Sumner pl. Rox.
‘Brown Alfred A. eabinetmaker, h. Greenwich, HS.
Brown Alfred 8, (A. 8. & J. Brown & Co.), 17
State, house Brown pl. J.P.
Brown pied ‘W. entry clerk, 14 Dock sq. bouse 04
Brown Alico Miss, teacher, Wells school, b. 1 Myrtle
‘Brown Alice J. Mrs. removed to Somerville
Brown Allen A. 7 Exchange place, room 55, house
Hotel Clifford
Brown Almira (Brown hated et dressmaker,
‘B1 Meridian, rm. 6, >. 91 London, E.B. [Malden
Brown Alonzo, night watebman, B. & L. depot, b. at
Brown Alonzo B. jobber, bda, 71 Kendall
Brown Alphens R. (Brown & Alger), lawyer, 23.
‘Court, room 14, b. at Somerville
Brown Alvah W. cigar manuf. 31 Broad, b. at West
Brown Alvan, 94 Sonth, house 16 Vinton [av. J.P.
Brown Alvin It, milkman, b. Burr, cor. Spring-park
Brown Ammi, house 1303 Washington (worth:
Brown Amos, driver, M. RR. h. Dorch, ay. B. Elle.
‘Brown Amos, carpenter, 60 Lawrence, house 40
‘Washington, Chan. (Chen.
Brown Amos H. conductor, F. R.R. honse 84. High
Brown Androw J. porter, 98 Frankils, b. 71 Kendall
Brown Ann, widow, house 26 Lowell
Brown Ann, widow, house 28 West Seventh:
Brown Ann, widow, house 6 South Maj
‘Brown Ann Mist, house Eliot place, J.P.
Brown Ann Mrs. house 65 Beach
Brown Anon G. Mra. house 22 Common
Brown Annie Mra. hate Ber
Brown Annie, widow, b. 168 Endicott (Maple pl.
Brown Auor W, hoseman, 8.F-E, 29, Mason, bh. §
Brown Antony 8. hairdresser, 27 Dock aq
‘4 Liver
Brown Arno W,
Brown Arthur,
Brown Arthor:
Brown Asa Mre.
Brown Atherton T. (J, /. Brown & Sons),
Brown Au
Brown A. ©, clerk, F. at Cambridge
Brown A. F. Mrs. by
Brown A. K. Mre. kinde ‘Cluny
Brown A. 0, conductor, ¢
Brown A.8.&J.8 C0. (W. 0.
produce, 117 State
Brown Bartlett J. v.18 Tremont [Prinecton, E.B.
Brown ieee ootmaker, 82 Meridian, house 120
Frown Benjamin, 838 Washington, house at Beverly
Brown Benjamin, clerk at Post Office, house at East
Brown Henjamin, carpenter,
Brown Benjamin, carpenter, bis.
Brown Ber
ouse 2999 Washington
10 London
nin Str houye Cant C8. {bury pl.
‘waiter, 11 Bowdoin, house 1 Sea-
dresser and dry woods,
house do,” [E.B:
1, h. 20°Trenton,
‘Worcestershire sauce,
Brown Benjamin F.
Exchange and 19 City 9q. bouse 35 Mr, Vernon,
Chen, and at Lexington
snjamin F. dis
ROWN BROTHERS (Fin, ond, Alert W:
), solicitors of patents, ool,
28 — Ber page 120 eg:
Brown Brothers (Harry W. and Frederic), pletures,
frames, stationery, and pleture mounting, 1817
Washington ‘visions, 205 Hat. av.
Brown Brothers ( Frank 2. and Benjamin C.), pro-
Brown Brothers & Co. banivers, 08 State
Brown Buckminster, physician, Bowdoln, bdo,
Browa BF & Co. (2. Zl. Fennenry and F. Ne
Brown), dlackings and leathor dressing, 185
Fulton, office 186 Commercial
Brown Caleb 8. house Eliot place, J.P.
Brown Carian A. carpenter, house 20 Plympton ct.
Brown Catharine, widow, house 42 Spring
Brown Catharine, widow, boase 2 Draper's lane
Brown Catharine Mrs. pictures, 72 West Broadway,
house 74.4. [ward 8
Brown Charles, clgarmaker, house @ Union place,
Brown Charles, baker, house 33 Glenwood
Brown Charles, laborer, house 6 Sumner place, E.B.
Brown Charles, eating raloon, 110 Atlantic av. hi. do.
Brown Charles, laborer, house Moore
Brown Charles, travelling salostonn, rma. 74 Eases
Brown Charles, watcbsnan, bda.4 Elaier place
Brown Charles, cook, tms.7 Auburn court
Brown Charles, rma.'39 Wall
Brown Charles, mariner, house 9 Decatur, Chan.
Brown Charles, steward, house 82 Orleans, EB.
Brown Charles, paper dealer, house 40 Worcester «q.
Brown Charles, porter, rms. 5 Ph
Brown Charler’Mire: House i04 Styrthe
Brown Charles A, at Directory office, 155 Frankllmy,
Brown Charles A. passenger agent, PRR.
306 Washington, bds. Hotel Bs ffouxe
Brown Charles A. salesman, 3 Winter, beds. Milliken,
Brown Charles A. calker, house Jeffries, n. Everett
Brown Charles A. bairdrosser, 82 Endicott, house
15 Marshall
Brown Charles A. engineer, bia. 70 Brooks
Brown Charles A. L. (Chajtin « Zirown), 00 Fede
bd, 02 Tremont (Melroas
Brown Chartes B. engineer, 93 Brond, houre at
Brown Charles ©. clerk, 24 Wash. b, 28 Warrenton
Brown Charles D.ailerinnn, 0 Cornhill, b. at Chelsea
Brown Charles E. clerk, bis. 09 Onk
Browa Charles I. earpente 5 Monmouth
Brown Charles KE. Iavorer, bas. 17 Lark
Brown Charles KE. couper, house 16 West Seventh
Brown Charles E. 201 Washington, house at Malden
Hrown Charles E. bia. 42 Concord'sq. | [Chelwen
Brown Charles F, copperamith, 9 Bowker, house wt
Brown Charlee F. assistant engineer, bis. $0 Havre
(C.D. Wright Brown), nolichtor
11 Pemberton #q. house at Ieading
Brown Charles F, granite cutter, house 45 Veasant
Brown Charles F. lithographer, bds, 656 Enet Eighth
Brown Charles Hazen, cotton broker, 32 Kilby, house
iat Somerville. ‘inuton, LM.
Brown Charles H. proprictor, Hotel Milton, Wash
Brown Charles H. travelling salesman, 68 Commer-
tial, bds. at Haverhill
Brown Charles H. student, bits. 79 Pleaannt
Brown Charles H. actor, hovse 50 Sherman
Brown Charles H- machinist, house 61 Webster, EB,
Brown Charles H, salesman, house 6 Dover
Brown Charles H, clerk, 6 Chardon, rms. 7 Auburn ot.
Brown Charles H. clerk, 130 State, h, at Somerville
Brown Charles H. (William Tidd & Co.), 31 High,
house at Stoneham (15 Claremont pik.
Brown Charles H. insurance agent, 147 High, bds.
Brown Charles H.C. bookkeeper, Tremont, cor.
Court, house at Chelsea
Brown Charles H. L. clerk, bas. 24 Winslow
Brown Charles H.R. walter, house 2 Newton court
Brown Charles I. telegraph ‘operator, 109 Sommer,
‘bouse at Beverly Newton Cornet
Brown Charles J. salesman, 135 Friend, house at
Brown Charles K. collector, 24 Weat, bh at Malden
Brown Charles M. removed to Brant Rock, Marshfield
Brown Charles P, draughteman, 9 Schoo}, b. at Salem
Brown Charles P-clerk, 14 Milk, rms, 24 Leverett
Brown Churles R. teamster, b. 15 Edgeworth, Chen.
Brown Charles 1. agent, Maddux, Hobart, & Co.5
Charis building, Foster's wht. b. at Auburndale
Brown Charles R.salesman, house Midiand, Dorehy
Brown Charles S. (Clark & Brown), 22 Charles,
Thouse 37 do.
‘Brown Charles W.
Brown Charles W. porter,
‘Newton Centro
clerk, 70 Washington, bds. at
2 State, h. nt Melrose
SAMPSON, DAVENPORT, & CO., Publishers, 155 Franklin St.
Brown Charles W. provisions, 48 Bunker Hill, house
6 Jackson, Chea.
Brown Charles W. mariner, house 4 Lewis place
‘Brown Charles W, telephooe maker, 109 Court, house
at Wakefield
Brown Charles W. machinist, h. 40 Dearborn [sea
Brown Charles W. fireman, basement P.O. b.at Chel-
‘Brown Charles W, teller, Pacific National Bank, 131
Devonshire, bds. at sakes
Brown Charlotte, widow, house mus av.
Brown Charlotte M, widow, house 3 Stanhope place
Broa Chrstes; Socmaber aise wisbinanes
wo Christine, a 7, 2189, Waslington,
106 Zeigler [Chapman ‘Chan.
Brown Christian, freight house, B. & L. Ib. 43
Brown Clarence, clerk, 23 F-f. mkt. b. at Camb'pt.
‘Browa Crawford F. engraver, 353 Washiagton, bouse
at Somerville ton, h. 329 Shawsut av.
Brown Curtis & Co, merchant tailors, 414 Washing:
Brown Cyrus B. whitener, house 43 Middlesex
ore ed. 1. Allston m Re
own C. Dru (Gre & Brown), Vest,
house 6 Tock a TL8.
Brown Daniel, laborer, bide, Ne wot av. near Mill,
Brown Daniel, laborer, house 4 Wells place
Brown Daniel, jr, laborer, bde. 4 Wells place
Brown Daniel’ A. grocer, Green, opp. bce ‘station,
house Gordon a
Brown Danlel A. house 721 Tremont [House
Brown Danie! C. master, Bowdoin school, bas. Derby
Brown Daniel E, clerk, house 231 Warren:
Brown Daniel G. 1 West, bds. 29 Ottawa
Brown Daniel H. plasterer, house 52 Austin, Chan.
Brown Daniel H. fireman, B.B. ferry, b. 141 Meridian
Brown Dantel J. house Parker Hill av. near Tremont
Brown David, laborer, bds. Locust, n. Butionwood
Brown David, house 436) Main
Brown David, shoemaker, house 387 Weat Second
Brown David, machtuist, rma. 14 Garland
Brown David, clairvoyant, 852 ' ity house do.
Brown David, organ varniaher, bs, 11 Melrose
Brown David MH. (Thompeon, Brown, & Co), 2
Hawley, hoose at West Medford
ROWN DAVID J. grocer, 860 Washington, house
10 Hotel Huntington — ‘See page i
rown David S. & Co. dry.goods com. 70 Franklin:
Brown David W, IL teunater, house 2 Phipps, Chait
Brown Dennis, laborer, bouse 1 Melville pl
Brey Dem semen: U, 5. recruiting office, 8
rt, rma. doe
‘Brown Dennis, Inborer, house & Chapman pl, Chas.
Brown Denula Mrs, house 56 Carver eh
Hrown Dora, waeher, Iice school, bh, at Stony
Brown Douglas B. ‘officer at Suffolk county jal, Das,
Green ium Blige Bs 44 Cm
Brown Even 1. organ Dander, ori Grove, cor.
jrown Kben K, ner, Eaak Canton, cor, Albany,
House Hayward, near Warren, Ht
Brown Ken @. house 2000 Washiogion
Brown Edinund, sawyer, house ¥9 High, Chew.
Hrown Edward, lather, house 102 Cabot” (Chen,
Brown Edwant, labore
Daa. at
square, Be.
Brown Eslward, carpenter, house Bigelow, wear Oak
Brown Edward’A. Janitor, 435 Wal, bovee 800 do.
Brown Ealward A. paintor, dds. 2 Bradford
Brown Edward Bcalker, house 3 Hildreth
Brown Edward 8. express, bus. 312 Maln, Chan.
Brown Edwant i. clerk, bus. 148 Mt. Plenaant ay.
Brown Edward ©. gen. agt. U.S, Strvet Lighting Co.
‘4 Kilby, ba. 48 0
Hrown Eitward i. machinist, house 64 I,
Brown Falwant F. flabe
Trown Edward F. 135 Summer, house ai Salem
Brown Kaward J. dry guods, 98 ond 8 Green, hose
10 Katon
Brown Edward J, & Co. (FL, Brown), cotton deal. | Biro
0 Oliver, house 8S Mu Vernon
Brown Raward ‘tu
house 2 Weitingion
mbridge | 8
Doreh. | Brown Frank, Ueket clerk, B. & Pde}
Boston [B] DIREcToRY,
Brown Edward W. clerk, 518 W: u
re clerk, ‘ashington, bds.
Brown Edwand W. toamster,b. 1 Holden row, Chan,
Brown Edward W: house Hilo place, J.B."
town Edwin, zs ington, house
Walk tl eat [Everett
Brown Edwit A. salesman, 287 Devonsblre, bis. at
Brown Edwin M21 Chauncy, bas. 38 Bennhigion
Brown Edwin R. Mra, rms. 13 Pembroke
Brown Edwin S. bis. Myrtle, near Dudley, Doreb.
Brown Ewin 8. salesman, 183 Devonshire, bda. at
T Indiana place
(Brown Brothers), 28 Sebool, be
Brown Edwin W. teamster, hoarse 112 East Canton
Brown Edwin Y. weigher, h. 202 Lexington, E.B.
Brown Eibridge, salesman, 102 High, hotise at Mar-
Brown Elbridge L. conductor, bide. Everett House
Brows Eleazer G. organmaker, bouse 6 Tomple
Brown Eleazer G. jr. clerk, 64 Summer, b.6 Tomple
Brown Elias A. walter, house 60 Kendall” [House
Brown Elisba H, cabinetnaker, house 7 Henderson
Brown Eliza, teacher, Dudley ‘school, bds. 8 Mon-
Trove av.
Brown Eliza, widow, house 39 West Third
Brown Etiza M. dressmaker, house 47 Warren ay.
Brown Elizabeth, widow, house 1 Clark place, B.S.
Brown Ellzabeth A. Miss, b. South, n. Foster, Br.
Brown Etizabeth B. widow, house 6 Baldwin, Chan,
Brown Elizabeth J rchool, hours
471 Columbus
Brown Elizabeth M. widow, house 124 Leverett
Brown Ellen, widow, house 28 Irving
Brown Ellea, widow, house 12 Hanover av, {Clark
Brown Bilen, widow, seamen’ boarding-house, 47
Brown Bilery C. bookkeeper, 61 Chatham, bla, 4
i. Vernon
Brown Eugenie D. moulder, house 252 Kaat Righth
Brown Eugene M. 4 Chaune
Brown ete ‘5. weigher,
pees. ‘Kael
Dida. at Cambridge
1 Bord
tel M, carpentory 304 Federal, bi, 64 Lone
at Somerville
Brown Frank, hide. 11 Hanson
frown Brank, clerk, house 2 AC 1, Newborn plage
nis B.S,
Brows Frank, carpenter, house Was ogion, near
‘Oak squate, lie.
Brown Frank, iter, rms. 28 Oxford
Brown Prank, mariner, bids, 107 Sawyer
Brown Frank, earponter, house 78 South [Chelsea
Brows Frank A. & Co. furniture, 87 Union, house at
Brown Brank A. Dusk wb. 4 Liverpool, ell
Brown Frank Bridge, died we
Brown Frank 1, biliiurde, 148 Meridian, bide. 40 d
SVioeeeal Usieaper ee eee
Brown Frank Bh. Wanner bs 5 Manover
rank 1, 23 Domne, bde. wt
Brown Prank K. clerk, 137 Federal,
lawyer, 74 Equitable building, | Bro
wn Frank M. fireman, 8.8.1.
Brown Frank M. clork, 61 Federal,
Mind ait Carpenters Kota ae | BURDITT & WILLIAMS, (2.20%
soston [B]
Brown Frank N. (B. F. Brown & Go.), 156 Commer-
house at Newton Centre [mlt, Rox,
rown Frank N, clerk, 89 Court, room 9, b. 2 Sum
jrown Frank P. fancy goods, 11T Dorchester, b. 12
Brown Frank 8. halrdreeser, bas, 54 Liverpool
‘Brown Frank W. clerk, 51 ‘North Market, bds. 25
Pinckney [piace
Brown Franklin, 150 Devonshire, bis. 12 Ashburton
Brown Fred, laborer, house 4 Heath,
Brown Fred'E. (Jason P. Brown x Co.), 185 Atlan.
He av. bds. 009 KE. Eighth ‘Shawmut av.
Brown Fred B, dentist, 149 A ‘Tremont, bda. 34d
. Brown Ered Ie W. bis Unlon square, Alot
Brown Fred O- clerk, 3 Browofield, b. do.
Brown Fred V; clerk, 6 Boylston, bs. 45 Pleasant
Brown Fred W. clerk, 288 Washington, b. 69 Mystic,
Brown Fred W. teller, 40 Water, rm. 1, bas. School,
cor. Washington, Dorch. [Berkel
Brown Frod W. salesman, 518 Washington, bds. 62
Brown Frederic (Brown Brothers), Wit Washing.
Yon, bis. 2 Bradford iii, 32 High, Chan.
Brown Frederic L. (£. J. Brown & Co,),9 Oliver,
Brown Froderiek, wamster, bds. 70 Main
Brown Frederick, driver, bils. 70 Leverett
Brown Frederick, clerk, ds, 161 Roxbury
Grown Frederick Mra, house 161 Roxbury
Brown Frederick A. president U.S, Street Lighting
G5. 54 Kilby, house at Newton
Brown Frederick D. Mrs. house 10 Curve
Brown Frederick G, fireman, P.O. bailding, bouse
97 Chelsea, Chen.
Brown Frederick H. clerk, bds, 104 Myrtle
Brown Frederick J. clerk, 117 State, hi. at Woburn
Brown Frederick L, sulesinan, 26 F. Ui. mkt. bds, at
Somerville Dosidgeport
Brown Frederick L. liquors, 5 Broad, house at =
Brows Frederick It, buker, 356 Main and 108 Bunker
Hill, house 14 Albion pt, Chan. (Myrtle
Brown Frederick T. jeweller, 421 Washington, b. 08
Brown Frederick W. collection clerk, National Rank
‘of Republic, 3 Merchants’ row, house at Melrose
Brown Freeman ©. conductor, house 6 Sawyer
ae ee are pease ae M Gel hy 60 Tek 3
Fown F, Barion, 40 Fort Hill aq... $0 Telegrap)
Browu Garduer G. 24 Merchants Exchange, house
BK West Newton (ton, do.
Brown Goorge, grocer, Walk Till, F-H. house Mor-
Brown Gvorge, laborer, house 242’ Bolton
Brown George, aaniatant engineer, B.F.D. house 56 G
Brown George, laborer, b 22 Phill
Brown George, tinemith, 71 Meri
Brown George, clerk, 618 Washington,
Brown George, podier, h. 75 Prentien
Trrown George, wool yrader, 114 Federal, bouse 10k
ub roorn, House 22 Albion
yorter, house 109 Pleasant
house at
Brown George, carpenter, house 18 Groton
Brown George, real estate, 26) Exchange, bh. 58 Oak
Brown Georye, clgarmaker, house 130 shire
Brown Georgy, laborer, honse 63 Dove [Chelsca
Brown Gorge, foreman, 356 Commercial, house at
Brown George A. Custom House, house 4 Pacific
Brown George A. salesman, 15 Otis, house at Ma-
Brown George A, ship joiner, b. 130 Brooks, EB.
Brews Geass i touse 8 Hotel Lynda
rown George By house 5 Ho aro?
Brown George aj. house at Framingham
Brown George ude. 29 0)
Brown George B. bda. 4 Allston
Brown George C. bill diatributor, b. 30 ’Trenton, E-B.
Brown George D. stable, 63 Northampton, house 45
Bi wn George D, wrovisic 15. N.F.H. mkt. hor
own George D, provisions, 15 N-F-H, mkt. house
Bury, cof: Spriog-park av. J.P. [W. Canton
Brown George Kdward, 2 Central w! , house 159
Brown George E. sawyer, house 722 Harrison
Brown George E. 10 Milk, house 154 Charles
Brown George E. saleainan, 90 Arch, b. at Somerville
‘Brown George F. wood hanger, b. 2 Dabney place
Brown George F. captain, house 109 Treaton, EB,
Brown George F. farniture maker, bis. 22 Eutaw
Brown George F- porter, 109 Sumiper, bouse 171 T
rown George F. plumber, house
Brown George G. baker, 83 Pleasant, b- 610E. Ninth
Brown George H. slater, bds. River, near Hyde Park
Ine, Mat.
Brown George H. clerk, 83 Court, house at Chelees
Brown George H. time clerk, 490 Washington, bis.
Hotel Marion
Brown Gcorge H, clerk, 17 Blossom, bls. 104 Myrtle
Brown George H. engincer, bde. 31 Border
Brown George H. piano tiner, 3902 Washington, h.
‘at Newton [Langdon
Brown George H. carpenter, 514 Wareham, houres®
Brown George I. teamster, houre ® Hampden place
Brown George L. salesman, 125 Federal, bls, 28
Brown George M. 902 Washtn
rown George M. ‘ashitngton, b, at Brookline
Brown George M. ds. 06 Zelglor ‘Melrose
Brown George Temple, clerk, 39 Tremont, house
Brown George. dry yvods, 14 Bedford,
Brown George Washington, por
bas, 211 Cambridge
Brown George W, machinist, house 10 Fountain
Brown George W. engine man, 8.7K, 0, house 126
Eutaw, B.D. [house 70 Dennin
Brown George W. wool and produce, 5% Comutercial,
Brown George W. clerk, 87 FH. ‘mkt. house 3
Brown George W. harnessmaker, b. rear 06 Salem
Brown George W- merchaut tailor, 80 Went, bia. 31
Brown George W, laborer, house 7 Primus ay,
Brown George W. salesman, 33 Summer, bis, 28
E, Windsor
ott, Chae
Brown George W. agent, Wheeler and Wilson Man-
ufsecturing Co, 167 Tremont, house 15 Wellington
Brown George W. hairdresser, 101 Prince, hi. 112 to.
Brown Gideon P. (Brown, Steeee, & Clarke). Milton
since, and Cm ponenaag € Co.), North Beacon,
ir. house Union aquare, Allston
Brown Gilbert C. er, + West Dedham and 83
‘Pleasant, house 79 do.
Brown Gilbert L. driver, M. RR, b. 14 Baker, B.S,
Brown Gurden 8. bookkeeper, 55 Causewny, rms.
187 Warren av.
Brown Guy, driver, M. R.R. house Freeman, Doreh.
Brown G. Frauk (John F: Brown « Sona), 189 Suu
mer, bie Commonwealth Hotel
Brown Hannah, widow, house 6 Billerica
Brown Hannah Mrs. botse 9 Reading
Brown Hannah G. widow, house M Lawrence, Chen.
Brown Hannah T. Miss, house 99 Dover
Brown Harriet N. widow, house 173 Norfolk av.
Brown Harrison, ear driver, house 10 Bhirley
, clerk, 91 Warren, Rox. b. 43 Winslow
inter, house rear North Beacon, opp.
n da. 2 Bradford.
Brown Byos.), 1017 Washington,
Brown Harvey Y. clerk, 107 Sustovb. 44 Shawmut av.
Brown Hassle T. clerk, bds. 07 Winthroy
Brown Hattie A. Mrs. bair worker, 105 Shawmut ay.
ds. 12 Davia
Brown Helen L. teacher, Allston school, Alleton
Brown Henry, laborer, He 11 W. Fith [Malden
Brown Henry, bank note printer, 87 Milk, house at
Brown Henry’ Mrs, house 4 Village
Brown Henry, clerk, bus. 137 Warren av,
Brown Henry, watchman, dda. 69 Temple [Cabot
Brown Henry, fresco painter, 36 Charles, ria. 1b
Brown Henry, laborer, house 198 Albany
Brown Henry, clerk, house 8T Main, Chsn,
Brown Henry, salestnan, 45 Temple pl. h. at Melroue
Brown Henry A. butter and cheese, 87 F.fl. mkt.
house 105 Brook av.
Brown Henry A. porter, 24 School, h. 8 Strong place
Brown Henry C., Brown's Brigade Band, 225 Wash-
ington, house do. ‘Cambridge
Brown Henry D. salesman, 67 Cornhill, houre at
Brown Henry E, tamster, 605 Wasbinyion, house
V4 Lawrence, Chen.
Brown Henry H, house 200 Bescon
Brown Henry K. shoemaker, bis. 51 Eliot
Brown Henry M. house 828 East Broadway
Brown Henry M. bds. 45 Poplar
Brown Henry It. painter, house rear Dorcbester av.
near Codman, L.M. [5 Claremont park
Brown Henry 8, teas and molasses, 78 Broad, house
Brown Henry T. clerk, 78 Kasex, bds. 85 Edinboro’
Brown Henry T. Nines Brown & Oo.), 152 Fes-
eral, house at Melrose [Chan
Brown Henry’. boat builder, bde, rear 35 Everett,
Canvassing for Committees and others,
By Experienced Solicitors,
155 Franklin Btreet,
146 sostos [B]
Brown Henry W. 156 Commercial, house 74 1
Brown Herbert A. organ keys, b.3 Holden row, Chan.
Brown Herbert A. printer, ‘ods. 8 Allen
Pownce: a iis polishers ba 2 3 ph
rown Herman, marble polisher, D
eo rn re’ Rouse lid Bauer Hilt, Ch
‘Brown Hiram’A. teamster, 29 North Market, house
at Somervi
Brown's Holliston Express, 75 Kilby
Brown Honora, widow, house 142 Leverett
Brown Horace E. clerk, 121 Fulton, b. st Somervitle
Brown Horce R. bookkeeper, mt Smith's Or
Manufhetory, b.at Malden’ (C, Hotel
Brown Horatlo W. (Mullin & Brown), 1 High, he
Brown Hubert E. carpenter, rma 38 Myrtle
Brown Hugh G. salesman, 68 Kilby, b, 383 Warren
Brown Hugh W. builder, 349 Warren, house 63
‘Quiney, Rox. [116 Boylston
Brown H. 1. Miss, artist, $2 Stadio building,
Brown H. K. lecturer, bds. 9 Cortes
Brown Ida Mrs, rms. 23 Indlana place
Brown Irving W. bottler, 4 Clinton, b, at Cambridge
Brown Irwin, packer, & Wiaihrop square, bouse
Brown inuc E. salesman, $3 Broad, house 23 Mt
‘ernon, Chan.
Brown Tsaaé HL. salesman, $8 Broad, house at North
Brown Laue N, 62 Canal, bia. 11 Hancock:
Brown LJ. §T Mliik, room 1, house ak Hyde Park
Hrown LM. widow, bia, 09 Russell, Chan.
Brown Jacob (4. 8: & J. Brown of Co.), 117 Btate,
hovae at Woburn {house at Newburyport
Brown Jacob B, marine Inspector, 16 Exchange pl.
Brown Jacob ¥. shipper, 168 Congress, houre at
Mrown Jacob W. phystetan, house $43 Tremont
Brown James (Brown, Seavey, & Oo.), ah 20 and
1M Commercial wharf, house 280 Bunker HI
Brown Janes Mrs. house 17 Beseon
‘Brown James, ped 1 Buttriok place
‘Brown James, wamater, house 2 Fral
nion av. Doreb. died Nov,
cannvuawer, house 24 West Brond way
rown James, mariner, bis, 140 Lexington, Bll.
Brown Jamon, ol ‘Ubestor park
Brown James, bol ‘2 tor
Brown James, ballast agent, 8 Commercial,
197 West Springtiel
Brown James, printer, bis. 817 Harrison wy.
Arown James, clerk, 6 Oliver
Brown James, brakeman, bis. 210 Harriacn aw.
Brown James, pop corn, 70 Prines, bas, 4
Brown James, shoemaker, bds. 133
Tirown Jammer, cook, house 2 Baileys court
Hrown James, earpenter, rooms 6% Oak
Hrown James, laborer, house 123 Iobmont
ea, Je. (Brown s® Mesntonh), 188 Com
‘its it Went Bpringtild
itor, Allatonost, Allston, bi. do.
room, 1 Central wharf, house
48 Wiothroy (Moulton, Oban,
Brown Jamos A. tailor, 29 Court, room 3
Iirown James A. milk driver, bile, Payson av. Dorel.
mes A. house 44 Cook, Chan.
jaines A. house 7) Washington, Chen
Havre, house do,
Brown James, din
Tirown James I
>. Midland, Doreh.
TLK, b. #0 Webster
Hrown James f*. exp
Tirown dames 8, oamater, house 120 Putaadm, 51.
Drown Jamiees. express, 9) Westie, house 3 Trving,
Brown James T, machiniat, house 14 Dearboro:
Hrown James Wentworth (Leeks, Brown, d@ Co.), 42
‘Suimtier, house TT Chester square
Brown James W. 83 Summer, bouse at Hyde Park
Tirown Jason, clerk, ba, Hotel Windsor
* & Co. (Fred. E. Brown), produce,
135 Atlantic av. bouse ov East Eighth
Brown Jeremiah, painter, bouse rear 819 ATbany
Brown Jeremiah, lawyer, 02 Seare building, house
roll West Cotcord : ox
own Jesse, carpenter, house 6 Prescott, Rox
Brown Jesse M. brass finisher, house 39 Chadwick
Brown Joel F. patternmaker, h. Carlton, Doreb.
Brown Joo! Ht,
Brown Joo W. (Burnett
Central wharf, h. 183 West Newton
Torinen), 22
Brown John, laborer, bouse 18 Want,
Brown Joho, leamster, house 3 South Manin
Brown John house 2 West Kis
Brown Jobn, laborer, house 179 West Second
Irown Jobn, carrier, house roar 16 Quiney, Chm
Brown Joh house 164 Cedar, Kox.
Brown Job
Jaborer; house 60 London
Hirown John, salesman, bes. 30 Carver
Mrown Jobn, laborer, honse 212 West Fourth
Hrown John, laborer, house 44 Fleet
Brown John, laborer, house 20% North
Brown Jon, teamster, house 28 West Seventh
Brown Joba, laborer, hus. 18 Norwan
Brown John, sh + 140 Kilot, house St do.
Brown John, blacksmith, house 43 Winslow:
Trown John, biackamith, house 143 O-
Brown John, hone euter, basse 10 Pore
we stot f, carriagemaker, jurrinon at
bow ‘East Dedham
Brown Jolin, ship carpenter, house TA Tromton, 1.1,
Krown Jobn, laborer, house 30 Swan
Krown Joho’ A. porter, house 2) Anderson — (park
Tirown Joho A. clerk, 19 Congress, bda. 20 Berwick
Brown John A. dent, 12 Mamition place, houve at
house | Frown John A. clerk, 100 Biate, house at Cambridge
Brown John A. letter earrier, 10, bis, 178 Bowen
Brown Joho A. bouse 401 Meridian
Hrowa John A. (Richmond & Brown), 812 Dorch.
ay, his, 6 Tuckerman
Brown Joho B. maker, h. 6 Jackvon, Chen.
Brown Joba B. clerk, 48 Bunker 1), house 6 Jack
Brown Joho KE. hairdresser, 75 Leverett
Brown Yoho It foreman, Middlonex HI, house, sia
Hrown Joho F 138 Water, bie, 34a Went
Brown John ¥; (drown Suet) 'iawyer, T Court
007: Stanton
‘square, room 1, house Norfol
ston, Chany
Hrown John G. brakeman, E. RA. at King
Hrown John G. & Co, tron and steel, @® Purchase,
Brown Jobin I + lune 147 Chelaen, Chan,
Hrown Jobin Hi. hauee 1 North aquare
Brows John 1. & Bone’ (Aiderion 7: and G- Prank
house aio Shawmut ay, a
Brows John J. bookbinder, bis. 283 Federal
} BURDITT & WILLIAMS, {*’so'sea'siatees
‘ Boston [B]
Brown John J, teamster, bas, 28 1
Brown John Murray (Little, Brow, d& Co.), 254
Washington, house at Belmont. [Brook av.
Brown Jolin M. ealesman, 518 Wosbington, house 49
Brown John M: Mrs. house 23 Elm, Chen.
Brown John M. (Brion & Co.), 258 Washington,
bale. at Naniasket (equare
Brown dohn N. Insurance agent, house § Liuwood
Brown Jobn P. machinist, house 142 Knee
Brown Jolin P. (Woodward & Brown), pianos, 892
Washington, house at Salem — [3 h. 227 Border
Brown John P. lawyer, 29 Pemberton «quare, room,
Brown Jobo It agoat, 23 Hawley, bds. 1 Hancock
Brown John 8, laborer, house 2 Anderson place
Brown Joba 'T. clerk, 33 Otls, bd. 37 Everett, Chan.
Brown John T. laborer, houre 24 Parkman
Brown John T, house 75 Prentisa
Brown John W. conductor, H. RR. h. 28 Madison
Brown Jonathan, jr. & Co, children’s «hives, 108
Bummer, house at Baler
Brown Joweph, clerk, house 99 Oak
Brown Joseph, tinwnn, house Boylston av. J-P.
Brown Joroph, police station 9, house 28 Langdon
Brown Joseph’ A. stair bullder, 37 Orleans, house
214 Baratogn Umer, house at Cambridye
Brown Joseph A. (Brown, Durrelt, && Co.), 88 Susn-
Brown Joseph B. teacher of dancing, 45 Ellot, h. do.
Brown Joseph Ii. bds, 229 Plensant. [Westminster
Brown Joseph D. bartonder, 147 Court, house 17
Brown Joseph E, (rant & Brown), statloners, 873
Washington, Louse at Beverly" [at New York
Brown toneph Ht. (Blake doy: Go 28 Stat,
own Joweph E. 48 Summer, hds. 25 Mystic, Chin
Brown Joseph E- house 22 Pleasant
Brow Joxeph F, 87 Summer, bds. at Chelaen
Brown Jowph HM. hairdresser, 176 Sumner, house 41
London, E.
Drown Jowuph H. baker, 99 Princo and 216 Friend,
‘and bread store, 108 Charter, house 175 Salem
Trown Joreph Ly clerk, 69 Bromfield, h. at Chelsea
Brown Joseph 1. doormaker, 19 Wareham, house 4
Hotel Hierison mont, bas. do.
Trown Joseph Le steward, Athenian Club, 103 Tre-
Brown Joneph E: pninter, house 2 Palmer place
irowa Joxephi 8. (Serpa d& Brown), 40 Be Hi.
nquare, house 84 Liverpool (78 Harrison ay.
Trown Joseph 5. fish and oysters, 200 South, house
Brown Joseph T. & Co, (J. 7. Brown, jre anit C. H.
Bosyett), druggists, 604 Wash. bh. at Brookline
Brown Joreph. T. I. T. Brown & Cb.)y 604
‘Washington, ibd. Evans House fae.
‘Brown Joseph W, clerk, Brighton Hotel, Br. bds.
Brown Josephine M. Mrs. dress and cloak making, 91
‘Cambridge, bouse at Cambria
Brown Josbua M, conductor, Mid.
Brown Joxiah W, real estate, 30
Brown Julia A. widow, house 28 Terrace av. J.P.
Brown Julia A. Mrs, house 2M.
Brpwn dollar, painter, house Baker court, LM.
jrown Justin E. & Co. grocers, Washington, cor.
‘Chestnut Hill av. house Baldwin place, Br.
Brown J. Mrs, house 661 Dudley.
Brown J. Adams, clerk, bds, 20 Berwick park
Brown J. Appleton, artist, 9 Park, house do.
Brown J. B. Mrs. bis. 17 Beacon ' [house 600 do.
Brown J. Crawford, grocer, 600 East Broadway,
Towa J. Edmiston, 47 Kilby, bda, 26 Berwick park
Brown J, Frank, bookkeeper, Market National Bank,
‘86 State, house at Somerville EB.
Brown J. G. watohinan, KE. RR. bds. ST Webster,
Brown J. Harriaon, clerk, West Boston Savings
‘Bunk, 17 Pemberton sq. rm. 2, houre 104 Myrtle
Brown J. Harvey, clerk, 52 Summer, house 74
‘Wert Eighth
Brown J. Henry, mason, bds. 3 Tremont, Chan.
Brown J. Heory, clerk, 11$ Main, Chsn. bas, 67 do.
Brown J. Howard, stock broker, 51 State, room E,
Douse 171 West Newton Bunker Hilt
Brown J. Hurd, cashier, 0.0. R.R. freight, dda. 70
rowa J. H, Mrs, bouse 50 Chandler
Brown J. Wales, physician, 20 Chatnbers
Brown J. Willard, sub.master Emerson school,
douse at West Medford
Brown Kilburn J. house 764 East Brond
Brown Leander M(t. D. rowen <& Son). cotton
ayers, grees, room 25, h. at Newburyport
Brown Lens, widow, house 16 Anerson,
Tjrown Leonard B. removed to Concord, N.H.
Brown Leroy S. (Blaney, Groin, & Oo.),89 Com-
merce, house at Cambridge
‘Brown Lewis, tailor, 32 Pleasant, house 28 do,
Brown Lewis M. cleriy Quincy Tal
‘wood 53
house at Maple.
ks i
i i Malden
Brown Lewis P. bookkeeper, Blackstone National
Brown Loring D. elork, Hotel Milton, Wash. Ly M.
Brown Louis, at rubber factory, house 14 Porter
Brown Loule'K. printer, 17 Franklin, house €
pl. Doreh- a
Brown Loulsa C, Mra. at Old Ladies! Home, 108 Re-
Brown Loulss F, Mrs, dry goods, Green, near J.P.
sation, house Porter, near Bosistoa, 1.
Brown Lucius A. clerk, 119 Milk, house’? Rockland
Brown Lucy A. widow, house 281 Eustis
Brown Lyman ©. houre 557 East Seventh
Brown L. A. Mra. house 343 Tremont
Brown I. A. Mrs. Children's Mission Home, 277
‘Tremont, house do.
Brown L. D. & Son (WZ. L. Brown) machine silk,
119 Sommer
Brown L. L. (Brown, Wood, & Kingman) 61 Chaun-
cy, house at Adame
Brown L.. T. Mra, bds. Commonwealth Hotel
Brown Maggie, bds. 2 Leonard, H.3.
Brown Marcella Miss, variety store, 00 Melrose, rns.
431 Columbas ay.
Brown Marcus, salesman, bds. 3 Jamon
Brown Margaret Mrs. house 30 Anderson
Brown Margaret, widow, hy rear 35 Everett, Chan,
Brown Margaret, widow, house 16 Irving
Brown Margaret, widow, houise 28 Federal
Brown Margaret, widow, house 9 Margaret
Brown Margaret P. Mrs.'h. Hotel Waterford No. 2
Brown ‘A. widow, house 126 High, Chen.
Brown Marin E. Mra. dreawmaker, 30 West, hy do.
jon Le Mrs. house 7 Auburn court
Ain, Inborer, house 27 Kesex place
Brown Mary Mfrs. varioty store, 19 Stan, house do.
Brown Mary, widow, house 583 Medford, Chan.
Brows Mary, widow, house 101 Portland
Brown Mary, widow,
Brown Mary Mrs, house 88 Portland
Brown Mary Mrs. houxe 19 Oxford
Brown Mary, widow, house 04 Chelees, E.B. (da.
Brown Mary'Mrs. variety storo, 107 Warrenton, hh.
Brown Mary Miss, teacher, Winthrop School, bda. 6
Concord square
Brown Mary, widow, house 116 Albany
Brown Mary Mrs, house 15 Bell court
Brown Mary Ann Mra. house 301
Brown Mary A. Mrs. boure 24 Wi
Brown Mary E, Mrs, house 82 Thornton, Rox,
Brown Mary E, widow, h. 1 Morse Mansion, No. 1
Brown Mary G. widow, house 54 Liverpoo)
Brown Maty Hi, Mrs. bouse 104 Myre
Brown Mary J. widow, bda, 16 Clapp, 8.B.
Brown Mebiltable C, widow, house 8) Ferdinand
J. remberton equate,
Brown Michael, currier, house 9 Eaton court, Rox.
Hrown Michal, laborer, house 15 Harvard aq. Oba.
Brown Michael, bostler, house 110 East Canton
Brown Michnel, laborer, bds. 175 Wert Eighth
Brown Michael, blacksmith, house 99 Norman
Brown Michael d. driver, bis. 2 Draper's lane
‘Brown Michael R. walter, rms. 10 Dover
Brown Morgan, clerk, house 23 Fleet
Brown Mortimer M. mason, 14 Hancock, Dorch. hh.
Myrile, near Quincy
Brown Moses P. pollee #tation $, houxe 127 Eustis
Brown Mones P, camphorated snuff, 1, 224 Tremont
Brown Moses P. constable, Municipal Court, E.B.
house 176 Webster, E.B. ‘Hotel
Brown Moses T. slocution, bas. St. Jamen
Brown Moses W, clerk, 65 Bedford, bis. 170 Web
ster, E.B,
Brown Munroe, eater, house 124 Dudley
Brown, Murphy, & Thorndike (4. Brown, P. F. Mur-
ys ‘0. Thorndike), window's
Brown M. Amanda Mrs. house 141 Charles
Brown M. A. Mrs, house Allston square, Allston
Brown M. C. Mrs. house SH Shawmut ay. [do.
Brown M. L. physician, Wash. opp. Parsons, Br. hi,
Brown M. L. engraver, 242 Wash. bda. at Brookline
Brown Nathan Mrs. house 674 East Broadway
‘Brown Nathan, engraver, 45 Court, room 17, bas. 3
Holden Row, Chen. {Marion
‘Brown Nathan 8. fish dealer, 3 Bennet, bie. Hotel
Brown Nathaniel, 42 Fort Hill sq. b. 42 Concord
Brown Nathanlel, calker, house 164 Marginal, E.
Brown Nebemiah, State Honse, house 72 Chapa
Brown Nella F. Mise, public reader, b. 117 Berkeley
idea, 175
The BOSTON DIRECTORY, “*xertsetrentiie sc, near omeren St.
148 Bostos [B]
‘PEON XELSOS I. clocks and clock materia, 73
Hawley, house at 5. Braintree — bad oe
Brown Newell R. copfectioner, 209 Eliot,
Brown Nicholas, cooper, house 22 Yeoman
Brown Nicholas, rms. 35 Edinboro” (pert
Brown N. Huntington, Custom House, b. 17
Brown Oliver Mrs. house 306 Main, Chen.
‘Brown Oliver Mrs. house 02 Middlesex
Brown Oliver A. patteromaker, bouse $8 Eutsw_
Brown Oliver F. rms. 8 Edinboro? [Medford
Brown Oran (G. E. Turner & Co.), 18% Court, b. at
Brown Orin ©. removed to New York State
Brown Orville H. 08 Kneeland
Brown Ous, 86 Franklin, house at Wakefield
Brown Ous T. salesman, 62 Canal, wnat at Hopkinton
Brown Ouse carriage painter, rms. 9 Leverett
Brown Otway, stucco worker, tear 65 Warren, and
‘35 Hawley, house 2 Newman piace
Brown Patrick, laborer, house Marston
‘Brown Patrick, porter, 55 Broad, house 53 Billerica
Brown Patrick, house Whitney, n. Tremont
Brown Patrick, borer,
Brown Patrick, tailor, rms. 88 Kirkland
‘Brown Patrick, buckstn{th, house 1322 Tremont
Brown Patrick, mason, bids, Union ay. J.P.
Brown Patrick H. Jeweller, house 91 Hampshire
Brown Patrick 8. tailor, bia. 29 Harrison av.
Brown Patrick W. cooper, house 901 Dy
Brown Paul D, japanner, house 2 Medturd, Chen.
Trrown Freter J tetter eafrier, bids. 490 Kast Righth
Brown Paiueas G. engineer, 0.C. RR. by at Col
Brown F. Ann Miss, nurse, house 28 Pleasant, Chan.
Brown P. Henry, grocer, Union sq. Allston, bi. do.
Brown Haiph 135 Pearl, bda. at Cheises
Brown Itiehard, earpenter, house 2 Bamonet
Tirows Richard, porter, 25 Pearl, h. 11 West Third
‘Browa Kies ter, #8 Hroad, house 18 Naxhua
Hrown ichard, [nborer, house ® Baiith court
Tirown Michard, house 33% Shawnsut w
fo40, house 78 Poplar
Hrown, Itley, © Co. (4. £: Brown and Wad lay),
Tatkers and brokers, 9 Congress
Brown Raber rms, 207 ‘Myr
own Kabert, dent change place
Brown Kobert, drag 1 2 Hagen on, ‘Chen.
Brown Robert, Inborer, house 147 8
Hrown Robert B. house Midland, Dore,
Hirown Robert ©. hack driver, he Veroon pt
Hirown obert J; Gy clerk, 40 Wedturd ietering
Brown Kobert T. carpenter, Bowdoin
‘square, Dorebs
Brom Rsbineom, & Co. com. merchants, 343 Wes
Brown Kodney 8. teamster, house 11 Uhippe, Chan,
Trown Koaa Mrs, dressmaker, 25 Winter, do,
Hrown Kosa 8. whlow, house 72 Green,
1h 107 Brooks, XM,
bok | ~f3 a
rown (tutus QO, ateam-heatiog "0 Charis.
town, house at Waltham yor,
Brown Kine, foreman paint shop 0.0, 1.
Brown Samuel A. sbipper, 130 bie. Merrt
ao Howse ‘Kast Beventh
Brown Bamvel A. bookkeeper, 27 H. Market, house
Brown samuel 1, engraver, 209 Washington, b.
Brown ‘Samed H pole sation 2, Downe 749 Bast
Rrown samuel G. or ove 26
Hrown Samuel 8 Nort are
Brown Samoet
Brown Samuel N.
‘wealth ay.
Weown Samuel Te
ys Daas 11 Dale
Brown Sansuel W. Furoitnre Co. B.C. Blore, TF
Brown, and J. We Charlestown,
faery Charsber, ‘orner War, Chen, howe’ @l
‘ods. 34 Boyteton
roe Samal W, (Copy o Drbae)s 37 Cangreee
rows Sarab A. Mra howee 107 Saw;
Brown Bars Woe powee ‘Tremont
wo Sarah H. Mrs. house 143 Mz. Uleaaans av.
Brown Seth E. real-estate 18 Old Bate Houre,
Brown Sidney, clerk, bis. Ee atem ©
Brown Simeou W. contractor, house
cor. Brighton av. Allston
Brown Simon H, foreman, B. & A. repair sbop, All-
‘ston, house North Beacon, d
Brown timon V. house 1 Brown's court, Atlston
Brown Smith, laborer, house 24 Sliver
Brown Spencer K. stevedore, house 84 Brooks, E.B.
Brown, & Clarke (@. 7. Brown, Edward
Steere, and Amoan Clarke), wool commission
arotncrehan, alton page, indiana
roma Stopes salesstane ington,
Brown Stephen, bas: 138 WWert Newton
Brown Stephen E. laborer, b. 39 Trenton,
Brown Sterling, servant, 64 Commonwealth
Brown Samper, furnitdre manufucturer, 9 Med~
ford, bouse at Somerville
Brown Sylvester, rine. dl Buckingham
Rrown Sylvester, died Sept. 18, 1870
Hrown Sylvester Mrs. house 21 Meridian
Mrown S. Mrs. bouse 12 Dartmouth
Mrown 8. 16 agent (Gannls, Barritt, & Hogan), 7%
Peari, bouse at Cambridge [143 Att. Peasant ay,
Brown 8.'S. Miss, faney goods, 263 Dudley, house
Brown Theodore F. 10 Bummer’
Brown Theodore O. carpenter, 2 Mechanics’ block,
Waltham, house &% Clarendon, root &
Brown ‘Thomas, hour Union av. dP.
Brown Thomas, musician, bia. 79 North
Brown Thowas, walter, Commonwealth Hotel, rms.
BD Neweomb
Brown Thomas, baker, bas. 13
Brown Thomas, blacksmith, house 37 Webber
Brown Thonn, rf, house TI Koggles
Brown Thoma, laborer, hotee 1 Baldwin
Hrown Thoroas A, laborer, house 227 Federal
Hirown ‘Thomna ©. barber, house 8 Vinal
Brown Thomas C, salesman, 09 Redford,
Brown, Thomas ¥. conductor, M, Welle house 14
uous 9 Auburn,
ldreth place
own ‘Thomas 3. wlevedsro, house 160 Beno
91 Auatin, Cen. baa,
9 Call, do, (tovero.
naa Pr. clerk, TOL Washington, Doves a
Brown Thomas K. walter, house 0 Kendall [I.1,
Mrown Thomas 8. earraige painter, bis. 807 Cholsoa,
Dowker, house at
Brown Thomas W, shipwright, house 404 Hanover
Brown Thomas W, taaescah sane tte reer Cais
Brown Thomas W. (Brown & Curter) oh 1 Court,
Douse at Staiden elmont
Brown Thomas: hardware, 23 Eushinge, house
WOWN THOMAR W. Je. wholeanle qwors, 10
_Ghasiemawa, bouse 68 Harvard, Chas. des
To oT. 1F. (8. W, Brown Furniture Co,), Water,
cor, Chambers, Chan, bowse at Chelsea
. Haseall, clerk, 19 Centenl, b. 67 Winthroy
Walter, clerk, 36 North, b. 168 Marginal wet,
Hrown Walter, Hiquors, 100 Portland, house
Brows Walter & Co, (Henry T. Brown and ieee
we Jr.), wool com, more. 182 Feder
‘erk Talks freight house
Brown Walter Le elo, 14 Tigh, bie. & iri
Brown Walter 1 ptock browert 1) Gon
ion, bowse
Brows Ward Be chalr ornamenter, 101
becrnge crpven nd bach, B, I
at Somervilie
Brown Warren 8,
1, & Le HR house 60 My
*sikt, cn} BURDIIT & WILLIAMS, {Samer
posrox [B]
Brown William,
laborer, bor Beacon, ite.
West Cheater ‘dx =
Brown Willis, machlolst, honge 399 Harrison av,
Brown William, fresco painter, houre 34 Cabot
Brown William, Jaborer, house 27 Metropolitan place
Brown Willian, carpenter, house Leonard, 1.
Rrown William Mra, house $7 West Brookline
Brown William, teamater, bds. 28 Weat Seventh
Brown Willia
Brown William,
Brown William, clothes bleane
Brown Willian, laborer, b. 1 Carrigg’s court, Chan.
Brown William, Inborer, house 316 flanover
Ham, laborer, house 4 Sliver
lam; Hreman, 18 School, house do.
Brows Wiliam, rms. 24 Exeter pl.’ [Walnut, Ne
Brown Wiillais, moulder, bds. Neponset av. cor.
Brown Willian, eabinetmaker, b. 857 Chelsea, EB,
Brown William, olerk, 66 Melrose, rms. 60 Church
Grown Willlam, bda. North Beacon, 0. Market, Br.
Brown William, longshoreman, house 7 Raxtern av.
Trown William, laborer, house’6 Scott's court, Chan,
Brown William, rigger, house 226 Chelsea, EB,
Brown William, Uoamith, bds. 26 Lowell
Brown William, rigger, house Shelby, n. Princeton
Brown Willlam’ A. clerk, bds. 16 Chapman
Brown Willan: vet
rown Willian B. billiards,
Brown Willian B. treanurer Boston
Go. 87 Milk, room 20, house at Marblehead
Brown William B. vocalist, honse 5 Stevens
Brown Willlam B, tinaeoith, house23 Webster, Chan,
Brown William C; ealker, bs. 8 Hildreth place
Brown Wiliam ©: foreman, H. SM. RI house 76
‘Brown William D. 215 Devonshire, b. 70 Plenxant
Brown William D. painter, house 4 Bradford,
Brows William D. printer, 21 Brattle, house 21 Tel.
eoraph [38 do.
ere Villlam KE. undertaker, 14 Bennington, bie.
own William E. police station 7, b, 161 Sarat
Brown William K. brass tintshor, h. 8 Lathrop pl
Brown William F. coachman, h. 369 Shawmut av.
Brown William F, bi master, B. & P, RR.
house 23 Bowe, near Centre, [ox,
Brown William F, clerk, 48 Sommer, bds, at Salom
Hrown William F, stadent, b. 197 LC
Brown William Henry, paluter, house 4 Palmer place
Brown William HL. clerk, 60 State, b. 87 W. Brookline
years: William H. plasterer, b. 346 Princeton, E.
jrown Willian H. Lentenant, police station 14, house
Cambridge, near Union square, Allston
Brown William H, whitener, house 2 Cooper
Brown William EH. carpenter, E.B. ferry, house T
Union place, E.B.
Brows Wiliam i, Yoameter, bh 1 Lyadeborot, Chen.
own . paper hanger, 14 Chapman place
Brown Willum 1, balrireeser, 73 Leverett, b. do.
Brown William H. jr. printer, house 141 Charles
Browa William H. house 7 Primi
Brows William H. mariner, bai "
Brown William H, furniture polisher, h. 2 Bai
Brown William H, real estate, 7 Exchange place,
house 9 Worthington
Brown William H. calker, bds. 20 Decatur, E.B.
Brown William H. undertaker and coftin
14 Bennington, house 35 do. i
Brown William I salesman, 477 Washington, house
‘Brown, William H. salesman, 450 Washington, bie,
ot Everett Bunker Hill
Brown William HH. lieut, police station 16, house 74
Brown William H. house Blue Hill ay. near Har-
Yard, Doreh.
Brown William J. letter cutter, b. 360 Chelees, E.B.
Brown William J. laborer, bouse 1 Webster court
Brown William K, 43 Kilby, house Oak place, J.P.
Brown William L. rms. 118 Myrtle
Brown William 8, mechanieal engineer, 46 Court,
room 20, house 279 Bowen
Brown William 8. ter, bds. 72 Chapman [do
Brown William Wells, physician, 28 Canton, b.
Brown, Wood, & Kingman (L. L. Brown, William
'B. Wood, and A. W. Kingman), dry goods com-
iI Chauney, cor. Bedfor
Brown W. Frank, clerk, 89 Bedford
Brown W. F, & Co. (S. J. Parkhill), printers, 218
Franklin, house at Cambs et
‘Brown W. H. I. elerk, 86 Chauncy, b, at Buffalo
Brown W. L. (Broien, Wood, & Kingman), 51
Chauncy, cor. Bedford, house at North
Brown W, L: ruffemaker, st South
Brown W MeCalfob, chemist, Bay State Snzar To-
Tinery, td. 83 Pluckney {Somerville
Brown W, W. salesman, 2 Canal, houre- at. West
Brown Zenaa Te (Bren «& Thomas), carpenter, 73
Wareham, houee 118 Gr
Brown S Alger (4.2. Brown and , A. Ager), law:
padre coor me fund 1
rown & Carter (7. I. Brown andl George I. Cars
ter), boots and shoes, 151 Court
Brown & Co. sores, Ser? Portland
Brown & Co, (7. At Brown), job printers,
Brown & McIntosh (Je dinoion, Yrs ant Jey Me.
Tatorh), ballast agents, 185 Coxamerclal
Brown & tothertord (Almira Brown nyt Martha
. Rutherford), ateaamuera, 81 Meridia ry 8
Brown & Swett. #. Brown and 3. ._Sicetty
Tawgers, 7 Court square, room 10-and 41
Brown & Thoman (2. % Zirown, & C. 8. Thomas),
cers, 75. Wareham
Brownblll Albert E, clerk, bis, rear 601 Kast FIN
Brownbill Edwin A. clerk, 31 North Market, de Tear
30) Ent Fifth
Brownbill Toba, cutter, house rear 601 Keet Fifth
Tirowne Addisan, agent, 8. F.C. C. house 26 Laurel
Browne Addison’ Peclerk, 8 Carmuerclal, bie. 145
Browne Albert A. clork, 945 Washington, bs, do,
Browne Alexander P. (Browne, Holmen, Brotene),
2 Water, hotve i0 Marlborough
Browne Andrew. J. real eniate. broker, $2 Devon-
shire, room A, b. 09 Bainbridge, n. Walnut ave
Browne Annie Ty htrv: house 107 Shawmut av
Browne A. Parker (FJ, Oiliorne it Co), 50 Stato,
house 18 Pemberton square
Browne Ber. clerk at P.3. honse at E, Somersitlo
Browne B. walter, rms. 48 Pledmont
Browne Causten (Browne, Holmen, x Brotene), law
Yer, 2 Water, honwe 30 Mariborodgh
Browns Charles Mrs, houne 62 Commonwealth av,
Browne Charles G. clerk, 83 Devonnbire, bis. 98
Browne Charles I phyniclan, house 11 Hancock
Browne Clarence Ev clerk, 30 Harrison av.
Browne C. Allen, merebant, 34 Commercial, house
Fs Doxtaton
Browne Kdward Mre. boarding houso, $1 Kaaex
Browne Edward I. (Browone de Thorvilike), Iawy ry
7 State, h. 2 Commonwealth av. [Somerville
Browne Edward 1. clerk, 2235 Washington, b; at.
Browne Franels P17 Batterymarch, roum Sy house
32 Commonwealth a. Tat Dedbamn
Browne Frank Fedentst, 6 Hioffinan Hots, house
Browne George, clerk, bda. 81 Eaeex’ (Dedham
Browne George’ E, clerk, 8X. F. Tf. mkt, house at
Browne George, E. real ‘ettale agent, 25, Congrens,
Toom 1, te King, 1.8. [tony hcnt New York
Browne George d-(3énot, Hooper, Co), 18 Kinga:
Browoe Harry M.S Broad, hoare'at Lyn
Browne Henry, watchmaker, 29 Hanover, bée, 143
Pringetony EB.
Browne Henry IW, student, da, 19 Martborongh
Browne, Holtues, & Browne (Causten Broenes dS.
Yotmes, and’ A. P. Browne), lawyers, 1 Water
Browne, Horton, & Co. (W-2/. Browne anit C.D
orton), faraiture nnd carpets, 870 Washington
Browne Jobn, painter and glazter, 2 Market, h. do.
Browne John B. calesman, 39 Franklin, room 2, house
‘at Everett
Browne John Hl clerk, honse 12 Miller, Chan.
Browne J. Engene, $56 Washington, bie. 22 Dix pl.
‘Browne J. Merrill, lawyer, § Court, house at Milton
Browne Lewis H. collector, 45 Kilby, house Abbot,
Browne Louis L. clerk, 75 State, bis. 190 Bescon
Browne Martha A. G. L. Mrs. inusie teacher, bds.
10 Pembroke [137 West Newton
Browne Mary B. teacher, Tyler-street primary, bds.
Browne Nicholas, bookkeeper, house 107 N
Browne Nicholas A. (0. F.'Browne & Bro.), 81
‘Exchange, rms. 85 Edinboro’
Browne Oliver F. & Bro. (¥. A. Browne), Catholie
‘hooks, 31 Exchange, rms. 35 Edinboro’
Browne Perey, clergyman, house 30 Milimont, Rox.
Browne S. G. Mrs. dressmaker, 25 Winter, room 16,
house do. [at Dedhara
Browne Theodore L. butter, &e. 5.N. F. H. mkt. be
Browne Thos. eabinetnaker, 16 Winchester, Chan.
house 27 Decatur, do.
Browne T. B. agent, 15 Doane, house at Newton
Brown T. Quincy, treasurer Assabet Manuf. Co. and
He € Browne), 75 State, house 190
Bescon and at Concord
Boston Almanac and Business Directory,
155 Franklin Street.
‘and furniture, 876 Washington, bouse 65
i oct eae
& A. B.R. howe
19 Mariborou
Browne Ww. J.gen. at. for
machines, 35 Winter, room 16
Browne William M. wool broker, 18 Matthew, house
Browne & Thorndike (Zdward J. Browne and
Charles Thorndike), lawyers, 47 State,
Brownell Andrew 8. rail
Brown 3 ey
Brownell A. A. biackamlth, bis. 6 Asylum
Brownell Benjamin C. safe-case maker, 76 Sudbury
house 28 erett (Chan.
Brownell Charles B. clerk, Tl Sullivan, ™
Brownell Charles P. Mes. house 130 High, Chen.
Brownell Frank, treasurer N. E. Car Co. 45 Congress,
bia. 297 Cotumbue ay
Brownell Frank C, bds. 1 Perkins place
Brownell! Fred. W. clerk, 38 Ceotral wharf, rms, 28
Leverett ). BT Columbus av,
Brovll Harrie C. ace, N. R. Gur. Co. Congreny,
Loan fon G, saleaman, 1 Bedford, Cd
Vent Fourt)
Brownell Herbert J. removed to New Bedford
Brownell John R. dry goods commission, 1 Bed.
ford, house 382 West Fourth *
Browaeil J, Walter, removed to New Bedford
Hrownell L. H. Mre. bde. 10 Ay
Brownell Sarah E. Miss, house 126 Pleasant
aes Ml meen yeeeeare Sree — and
Do. Dongress,. Columbus av.
Browne hte ‘ind Flagging Co. 48 Congress, rooms
Brownell T. W. com, mer. 37 Avon, bh. at Newton
Brownell Uriah T. palater and glagier, 140 Ruggles,
boure 1 Perkins place
Brownell William ¥ (Martin L- Keith's Sona), 188
Droge Witlleca W. bone foreten, B. fe A repair
rownell Willan W. gen. foreman, 1.
shops, Alletan, house 307 old
Browner dames, ro) house 68 Athens
2a; plumber, 163" Mato, 1
‘Tames A. elork,0T High, b-T Sheate, Chen.
‘salesman, 0 Kilby, h. at Salem
Browning), WO Port:
Browning Joho P
rowan Josiah ( Ord
Mander 8 Hotaneh
Browning J. rms. 18 Bulfinch,
Browning M. K. Ales, house 26 Centre, Rox,
Browsing Robert, bookkeeper, 171 b,
406 Kast Seveuth
Trowning slins W. planomaker, house 12 Fountain
Hrowning Thomas, engineer, bis. 304 W. Hrosdway
Browning William A. bda. 08 Pembroke
Brownlow Joseph, expres, 30 Court, honse at Cam.
Deldgeport bas, at Cambridge
Brownlow W. A. (very & Brdniow). it Court,
Brownlow — Mra. house 111
juore, 514 Com.
Brownrige Jane, restaurant and
merolal, house do.
Broyer Constant, removed to Australi
Brute Albert F, clerk, 138 Tria tas Whoo
‘Bruce Augustus, teamster, 62 bade. 26
‘Somerset [Ceotre, house de. JF.
‘goods, 34 | Lirw
‘38 Sullivan, Chan.
Bruce Emily ‘A. Afrs. bouse § Centre, Hox.
Bruce George E. clerk, bis. 2022 Washi
Bruce George F. clerk, 114 Federal, b. at Somerville
Bruce George H. salesman, 34 South Market, bds.
12 Tremont
Bruce Henry J. laborer, house 14 Clifton place
Bruce Ira, house Wood, Ne
Bruce Jacob By clerk, bls. 1453 Washington
Bruce James C. calker, house 11 Haynes
ese Ch
Brace Lorenzo, clerk, 45 North, house 4 den:
Bruce Marcus Ik. polisher, house 4 North Grove
Bruce Maschal A. painter, 205 Commerelal, house at
Bruce Robert, bape! ‘S83 Summer, h. at Edgeworth
Bruce Walter K. elork, 66 F, H. mkt. h 68 Leverett
Broce William, laborer, house 29 Pbilt
Hruce William ’K. eallmaker, bds. 26 Sullivan, Cha
Iiruce W. L. agent, 251 Atlantic ae. b. 168 Tremor
Bruder t |. teamater, house 2 Crosby pl. Rox.
Brocholts Charles, house ba Banker mi atu
iruen James, inter, ‘aahington, bis.
Kheuen Jamee J. nborer, butse 10) D
Bruen Patrick C. 18 Tudor, house do.
Kruon Thomes, inborer, bouse 28 North Anderson
Hrverton Kdward, bda. 87 Garden
Hruerton George, bde. 37 Garden
Bruerton James, secretary Shawmut Tasurance Co.
4 P.O, square, house at Malden
Rruerton Simeon Mre. house 37 Garden:
tl itene meceeermeeant
ugh John {Carder itugh), proeetor,
‘Carter @ Brugh), proprietors, Come
otel, 1007 Washington
vod Alero B,
Drommott Willan % aallmaker, bosiee 28 Chi
Brommett William M. clerk, rma. 3180 Washington
Brummett William 0. goldboater, 8 Budbury, bday
‘2h Charter
Brundage Andrew G. painter, bda. 17 Clifton place
Krundage Armold D. evrrier, hy 17 Clifton piace
i v. groceries, 967 Hiarrsou wr,
Tirundage Francis Mra, bis. 17 Clifton place
Brundate Williags Meloni, O.ce Mlk telght, ba,
Keine ‘hen.
Brundige Jennie Mrs. Yoarding house, 40 Austin,
Mrunotfe Charles, rave. 4 Alten court
Branen Henrietta Mrs, house 17 La Grange
Hrunen Otto, baker, house 17 La Orange
Brunet Edward, walter, 17 Water, rma. 21 Green
Brunet Emile, barnesstiaker, rina. Crescent place
Brunker Ai ‘Poldamaith, 11 Weat, hous La:
marine, cor Boylston, B.S,
Rrunker James 8. cutter, house 66 Pleasant
Bruokhorst Martin W.'B, boarding house 41 La
Brunner ©. 311 dda, 156 Court
Brunqulet Bre, 7 bide, 80 Kendall
Brane Anton, fresoo oan Ss West Canton, house
Boylaton, newr A} ¥.
Brae Fredrik: phyela 3 Tremont, and Lae
eet WwW
pete ar tte
Branewick Berth Co. 31 Milk, rooms D and E
iNnw mhoLasm acsemecnsqere, | BURDITT & WILLIAMS,
soston [B]
‘Brunawick J.M. and Balke Co, billiard table manufs.
'g Tremont row
Brunton William, clergyman, house Foster, Br.
‘Bruorton George B. superintendent NE News, 14 to
‘20 Franklin, house nt Somerville
Bruphacher Frederick, house 02 Castle
Brush Electric Light Go. 8 Pemberton say frataster
Brush Ialdor, eapmaker, 47 Kingston, b. 10 West-
Briinh M. Wagner, 14 Province, house nt Hyde Park
Brush Samuel A. ateward, house 11 Southise place
Britsket Maurice, elgarmaker, hovse 206 Harrison av.
Bruton Patrick, porter, 18 Dock #4. house at Malden
Bryan Alex.'T, rms. 18 Phillips
‘Bryan Andrew L, 30 Washington, b. at Somerville
Bryat Daniel, laborer, bd. 69 Urince
Bryan Daniel’ E, (0. 17. Knoe dé Co.), 1708 Wasb-
piyttt Daniel te (Daley 2 Sudbi
yan Daniel aI. (Dale ryan), 45 Sudbury,
Mouse 11 Jerome plage, Chane ~ib
Bryan Edward, laborer, b. Mt. Hope, Mt. H. 8.
Bryan Eunice A, widow, bouse 1261 Washington
Bryan Guorge F. glassmaker, bas, 14 Brewster
Brynn Jamen, laborer, house @ Greenough lane
Bryan Jobo, blacksmith, house 23 West Third
Bryan Jobu, blackwnith, house Mt Hope, Mt. HL. 8.
Brynn Joseph, shoemaker, 1263 Tremont, house 219
Cabot (bda. 1202 Washington
Bryun L. ©. demonstrator Boston Dental College,
Bryan Martin, laborer, hi. x Nepouset av. Mt. Hope
Bryan Mary, widow, house 6 Prin
ryan Thomas F. silversmith, house 3 Salem court
‘an Williams, gardener, house Bath av. Doreh.
Bryan William F, cooper, house 14 Brewster
Bryand J. A. awitehman, house & Russell court
Rryund Margaret, widow, house 3 Russell court
Bryant Abby A. Mrs, house 150 F
Bryant Addison W. carpenter, house 28 Melrose
Bryunt Amos A. toamater, h. ¢.27 Princeton, Chen.
Bryne Anna E. Mrs. house 176 Chambers
Bryant Anna M. Mrs. bh. Myr
Bryant Arthur, eabinetmaker, cay
Bryant A. 8. foretoan, 7 Holos’ block, Hayroarket
‘tq. house at Newton Broadway
Fryatt Benjomin 1. hairdresser, bis, 24 West
Bryunt Benjamin R. & Co. (7.T.fryant), com. mers.
td) North Market, house at Cambridgeport
Bryant Caroline Mes, house 65 Phithips
Bryant Charles, car driver, bouse 1917 Washington
Bryant Chartes, eumater, ids, 29 Milford place
Bryant Charles’ A. fireman, bide, 2 Eden, Chsn,
Bryant Charles B. (Bryant d King), 08 South, hoose
‘at Wyoming, Stoneham 1796 Dorel. av.
Bryant Curler E. bookkeeper, 26 Chauncy, house
Bryunt Charles K, clerk, 19 Austin, bs, 27 Wood,
Chats irri
Bryant Charles H. machiniet, bas. 1, rear 143 Cam:
Bryant Charles L. walter, bas. 00 Onk
Bryant Charles M. 27 Summer, h, 13 Parker, Chen.
Bryatit Charlew M. clerk, 254 Devonshire, bia. at
Bridgewater lexington
Bryant Clitford W, clerks, 38 Hanover, bds, at East
Tiryunt Cullen, U.S.A. 57 Foundes orfolk House
Bryant Daniel C. foreman, E- hop, house 16
at Springfield
ttaes Ee
Bryant David, at Home for Aged Men, 133 Weat
Bryant David W, servant, 350 Columbus av.
Bryant Dorrance, elurk, Charles, cor. Chestnut, bas.
2 Revere
Bryant Edward, courrier, house $15 Dudley
Bryant Edward, painter, house 18 Metropolitan pl.
Bryant Edward J. clerk, 686 Washington, bde. 20
Cottage, Chen. [Arlington
Bryant Fawin P. cor. clerk, 38 Hanover, house at
Bryant Elizabeth E. Miss, teacher, h. 176 Chambers
Beaches avons maith
iyant E. A. (Black d Hiryant), 48 Hanover
Hollis (as Newland
‘Bryant Francis A. W. mason, S47 Shawmut a house:
‘Bryant Frank, clock, 370 Washington, house Clar-
‘ence place, Dorch.
Bryant Frank, carpenter, house 506 East Seventh
Bryant Frank A. upholsterer, b. 7 Buckingham pl.
Bryant Frank E, clerk, 6% Tremont, b. 94 Newland
Bryant Fred E. eilesman, house 20 Chapman
Bryant P. Eugsne, lawyer, i) Court, bi. 9 Pinckney
iryant Gale E. driver, bds. 24 Kendall
Firyant George, cabinetmaker, bis. 20 Chelsea, EB.
Bryant George, teanster, bouve 4 Decatur, Chen,
Bryant George, at 1 factory, bds. 29 Mliford pl.
‘Bryant Ge 8. Ht Bromfield, house at Newtor
Py itighlande .
Bryant Gridley J. F. architect, 28 State, room 4
Bryant G. V. builder, house Plerce ay. Nep.
‘Bryant Harry B. lawyer, 33 School, ruom 14, bie.
Ba Golumbs av.
ryant Henry, clerk, bds. 61 Bescon
Bcyeat Henry Ms 6 eseaa
ryant Henry F. (Bryant & Potter), 15 Dudley,
eye Howard av, neat Dudloy i
ryant Henry J. paper hanger, 23 Bromfield, house
258 Harrison ay. (house at New Bedford
Bryant Herbert P. (Turner «& Lryant), 87 Milky
Bryant Horatio, jewelry, watches, Sc, 180 Hanover,
house 178 do.
Bryant H.C. clerk of paving dept. City Hall, House
Brighton av. near Chester, Allston
Bryant H. H. bds. Hotel Lynde
Bryant Jeremiah T. engineer, houte 39 New
Bryant Jerry, porter, rms. 3" Almont place
Bryant Joho, house 170 Bunker Hill
Bryant Joba, carriage manufacturer and undertaker,
15 Austin, house 27 Wood, Ch
Bryant Jobn A. (Aryant Sates), 17 NoP.A, mkt.
house 151 West Newton
Bryant Jobn €. srood and coal, 96 Doane, and variety
‘store, 373 Hanover, house 6 Webster ay.
Bryant John D. lawyer, 00 Sears building, house 28
St, Jamies av. house 1 Holile
Bryant Jolin E. dress plaiting, 25 Winter, ro
Bryant Jobin E. olerk, 15 Austin, b. 37 Wood, Che
Bryant Jobo H. driver, 2235 Washington, bis, 30
Bryant Joseph, shoemaker, house 4 Mt. Deaxant ays
Bryant Joseph, paper ruler, #2 State, house wt Cam:
bridgeport [Fort ay, Rox,
Bryant Joreph B. foreman, 701 ‘Tremont, house 70
Bryant Joreph H. messenger, Bunker Hill Navionnl
Bank, bouse Park, Chet. Melrove
Bryant Josuph, 8. tent 27 Sudbury, howe at
Bryant Joshua T. carpenter, house Sheridiun, D
Bryant Josiah, salesman, 38 Hanover, bds, 34 Perrin
Bryant Laurn’ Miss, Dookkeeper, 10° Green, baad
Bryant Lucy C. widow, house Adams, n. Bowdoin
‘Bryant Lydla J. widow, house 21 Eden,
Bryant L. M- Mrs. house 27 Winthrop, Chan.
Bryant L. W. Mra. dressmaker, 25 Winter, room 4,
house 1 Holle
Bryant Marshall If. clon
Bryant Marshall M: pac
107 State, b. 6 West Cedar
ir, 46 Cornhill, rms. dos
Bryant Mary A. widow, house &2 Allny
Bryant Mary E. Mrs, b: Howard, 1. Myrtle, Doreh,
Bryant Mary 1. widow, house 118 Bim, Oly
Bryant Mf. nurse, a, Church
Bryant Napoleon B. hoOly rs
house 925 Columbus av. [tonyitle
Bryant Nathaniel H. coal, 104 Water, house at New=
Bryant Oliver C. cl Woburn
Bryant Oliver F. nuncy Hall
‘school, house at Woburn
Bryant Orinda Mrs. house 28 South Russell
Bryant Parker, stable, 361 Warren, houre 3 Date
Bryavt Robert M1. leather mattress ws, 44 Lincoln,
House 48 Hudson
Bryant Sarah, widow, house 9 Essex
Bryant Sarah Mrs, rms. 2h Exeter place
Riryunt Sidney E. foreman, 105 Friend, h. at Newton,
Bryant Southworth, elerk, 3 Unlon, hi. at Chelaca
Bryant Thomas, blacksmith, house 16 Warren, Rox.
Bryant Thoman, junk, 46 Albany, house do,
Bryant Thomas i. 1 Hamilton, b. 656 Kast Sixth
Bryant Thomas T. (2. 2. Bryant «€ Co,), #0 North
Market, house 23 South Russsell
Bryant Timothy Mrs. died Aug. My 1
Bryant T. J. bookkeeper, 34 Broad, bls. at Everett
Bryant T. Weston, clerk, 15 Austin, house 14 Trea
ton, Chan.
Bryant’ Walter C. weigher and gauger, Natloual
Dock Company, h, at Hydo Park
Bryant William d. clerk, 37 F. H. mkt. house at
Bryant William T. 177 State, house at Cambridice
‘Bryant W. E. night editor Boston Journal, 262
‘Washingt, Bouse Hotel Dearborn, room i
Bryant ZF aseeman 8 Cungress, B. at Malden
vant & King (0. 2. Bryant and T. King, Jr)»
iat a ir pnt on,
t& Potter (Henry F. Bryant and W.
ter), masons, 1256 Washington xnd 15 Dul
Bryant & Scates (J. A. Bryant and @. M- Sci
‘utter and checee, 17 New F. fH. mkt.
Bryant & Straston, commercial schoal, 008 Washlng-
The BOSTON DIRECTORY OFFICE is at No, 155 Franklin St.
Bryant & Young Furnace Co. 65 South
Bryant, see Briant and Bryent
Bryden Carrie Mrs, bis. Lamartine square, J.P.
Bryden E. M. clerk, bds. 16 Highland, Rox.
Bryden Frederic, musician, house 0 Oak
Bryden James (Bryden & Estabrook), and (J. Bry-
. Market, h. at Chelsea
Bryden S Estabrook (James
and We J
Zuabrook), product, 41 North Market
Bryent James, boarding-house, 114 Kendall,
Bryer Alexander K, house 2 Wyomin)
Bryer Mexander W. salesman, 13 Hi
Bryer Surah J. matron, Boston’ North
i, Windsor
a, H. 28 Hast
1d Mission,
201 Nort
Bryne Charles, painter, bds. 10 Cooper
‘Bryson James, carpenter, house 81 Arnold
Bryson John, coachman, house 3 Arnold
Bryson Joseph, carpenter, house 57 Taber
Bryson William, porter, 60 Summer, h. 28 Kingston
Bub Henry, restaurant, 48 Leverett, house do.
Bubier John E, 23 Exchange, house at Chelsea
Bubler John H. Custom House, house at Lynn
Bubler ‘Joseph A. physician, 35° Hancock and
(Bubier & Oo.), 2 Exchange, house 39 Hancock
Bublor Ruth A. widow, house 9% West Cxnton
Bubler & Co. (Joreph ‘A. Bubier), ornamental trop
‘work, 23 Exchange, factory 65 Merrimac
Buchanan Alex G. valéaman, 477 Washington, bas,
9 Eliot
“Andrew, butler, 141 Beacon
‘Andrew’ A. engineer, house Whitney
Buchanan Daniel, teamster, house 49 Middlesex
Buchanan Elizabeth, widow, house 1807 Tremont
Buchanan George, laborer, house 10 West ‘Thind
Buchanan George’ (Buchonan & Dorman), $5 Chat-
ham, house at Woburn
Buchanan George M, clerk, 21 Temple
Buchanan Henry, 17 Summer,
Buchanan Hagh E. engineer, tls. 49 Middlewx
Buchanan James Mrs. house 23 Knox
Buchanan James E, brass moulder, bls, 2% Knox
Buchanan Joanna, widow, house 10 CHir
Buchanan Jobn, removed 'to Glencoe, Minn.
Bocbanan Jobn'B. clerk, 40 High, bda. 10 Cir
Buchanan Jobn H. clerk, bids. Norfolk ay. n. Cottage
jachiniat, h. 1027 ‘Tremont
Buchan jouse 6 Newton, Faneull
Buchanan Orange W. bds. 33 Essex,
Buchanan Perry, leather roliers, 183 Summer, bas.
Buchanan Robert, expressman, house 108 Dorebester
Buchanan Robert, coachman, house Norfolk ay. n.
‘ottage (court
Buchanan Robert J. earpenter, house 15, Plympton
Buchanan William, Whipple’ Co.) 17 Federal
court, house $6 ‘Telegraph
Buchanan William, removed to Glencoe, Minn.
house di
‘orfolk avy.
Buchanan & Dorman (George Buchanan and S. @.| Bi
Dorman), fruit, 6% Chatham
Buchanan & ial, tobacco, 31 Central
Bucher T. Park, inaursnce agent, 43 Devonshire, bh.
166 Shawmut av.
Buchholy Jacob, carriage trimmer, b. 90 Mechanie
Buck Augustus’ H. professor, Boston University
College Liberal Arts, 20 Beacon, hi at Wellesley
Buck Aurelia J. widow, bds. 16 Gates
Buck Heniaminy farmer, house 8 Fulton, Sep.
Huck’s Combridge, Mt, Auburn, and Cainbridgeport
Expres, 4 Central
Buck Charles, hides, &e, 20 Clintou, h. at Stoneham
Buck Charles, elerk,'rms. 27 Chapman
Buck Charles F. clerk, 20 Clinton, bds. at Stoneham
Buck Charles H. sign painter, 11 Pleasant, bh. 149
Shawmut ay.
Buck Charlotte, widow, house 14 Oriental court
‘Buck David Mrs. house 9 Somerset ‘Malden
Buck Frank H, telegraph repairer, 37 Pearl, house at
Buck George W. aalenman, 486 Washlogtin, b. 185
Buck Gilman R. teamster, house 69 ‘Telegraph,
Buck Heory H. lawyer, $9 Court, room 19, bds.
Somerset (h. at Cambria
Buck Henry I... Cambridge Express office, 4 Central,
Buck Henry N. removed to Hyde Park
‘Buck Howard M. bds. 9 Somerset
(at Woburn |
ace, houne |
Buck Ixaae D, machinist, house 121 Bunker Hill
Buck James, organ builder, rms. 1 Oliver place
Buck James, printer, house Allston square, Allston
Bock James; waiter, house 38 Phil
Buck James F. butcher, house 12 Middlesex, Chen.
Buck James W. removed to Hyde Park
Back Jerome €. salesman, 65 Summer, bds. 290
Buck Jobn, bis. 26 Oxford
Buck Jobn, salesman, 66 Chauncy, house at Chi
Burk Lewis D. laborer, house 34 Medford, Chan.
Buck Malvina, widow, house 43 Grove
Buk Orin B. cabinettaker, h. Rugules pl, 1M.
Buck Same! H. driver, Hook and Ladder No, 7, b-
Highland, Dorch.
Buck Sarat. widow, house 71 Old Harbor
Buck Stuart M. bds. 9 Somerset
Buck T. H. & Co. lumber, 9 Kilby, house at Chelsen
Buck Walter, 4 Exchange place, room 1, house at
‘Andover feet
Buck Walter J. clerk, 701 Washington, bas. 9 Ben-
Buck Witilam H, Job printer, 356 Shawrautay. h. do.
Buck William 8. vice-president F. H. Ins. Co, 00
Devonshire, bas. 6 Bowdoin square
Buck W. H. Mrs. breud store, 350 Shawmmt av. h. do.
Buckingham Charles K, Sirs. house 63 Worcester
Buckingham Edward M. physlel
Buckingham E. B. 97 State, house
Buekingham John D. susie teach
Conservatory of Mule, house 12'Sammer,
Buckingham J. W. carriage painter, hy 27 Lyman
Buckingham Locks Hi. muster’ English High
‘school, South street, house at Newton
Buckingham N. L.salesinan, tds. 1485 Washington
Bueklngham William, porter, 22 Stantford, bd.
Buckler David, enddiemaker, h. Washington, Forest
Hits makers, 89 Way
Buckley Ann, Mary, and Margaret Mission, dress
Backley Bartholomew, laborer, bis. 3 Faxon place
Buckley Bridget Mra. house 278 West Second
Buckley Bridget Miss, house 2 Porcelain place
Buckley Catharine Mrs. house 88 Hudson.
Buckley Catharine Mrs. h, rear 078 Harrison av.
Buckley Catharine, widow, house 63 Tremont, Chen,
Buckley Catharine, widow, house 10 Charlo river
av, Ch [Wert Fourth
Buckley Charles A. clerk, 450 Washington, bds, 423
Buckley Charles B, foreman, bds. 17 Sharon
Buokley Cornelius, laborer, house Kemble,n. Gerard
Buekley Cornelius, marblo worker, house’ 39 Oneida
Tinekley Cornellue, laborer, bia. 20 Minot
Buckley Cornelian, Inborer, bas. 14 West Second
Buckley Corneltos aborer, houie 201” [Chelacn
Buckley Dan, wool grader, 180 Congress, house at
Buckley Daniel, teamster, house 400 Kast Eighth
Buckley Daniel, laborer, house 33 Newbern, Rox.
Buckley Daniel, plumber, 63 Dorebester, house 602
Kast Sixth
Buckley Dantel, tallow team, h. r. 904 Harrlaon av.
Buckley Daniel, jr, delivery clerk, 76 Chauncy, bids.
460'Exat Elzhth
Buckley Daniel, laborer, house 8 Cherry, Rox.
Buckley Dantel, carpenter, house 63 Gearee
kley Daniel'J. porter, 1 Federal, hy 105 Athena
ickley Dantel J. lintrdresser, baa, 150 Chambers
Buckley Daniel W, teamster, bila.r_ 008 Harrison ay.
Buckley Dennia, laborer, house r. 44 Bow, Chin.
Buckley Dennis, conebmian, bonse i Bow, Chan.
Buckley Dennis, compositor, house Roba Block,
Kasex place
Buckley Dennis, roller, House 619 East Second
Buckley Dennis, teamster, bds, 320) Federal
Buckley Dennis J. clerk, bas, $8 Hudson
Buckley Edward, ear diver, 18, MetropoUtan ple
Buckley Eltzabeth, widow. House 20 Seal
Buckley Ellen, widow, hoviee 320} Federal
Buckley Florence F. shoemaker, house 298 Federal
Buckley Florence F, painter, house 64 Reach
Buckley Francls Mrs, house'l Bartlett court
Buckley Hannab, widow, house 13 Johnson's block,
Buckley Hannah, widow, house r. 48 How, Chin.
Buckley Herb ‘'W- apothecary, 631 East Broadway,
2. 568 do.
Buckley James, engineer, house $04 East Seventh
Buckley James, mill hand, house 48 Medford, Chan,
Buckley James, tanner, bds. 480 Main
Buckley James Mrs, house rear 131 West Concord,
Buckley James Mev. bds. 182 West Ninth
Buckley James, driver, 19 Harvard place [cord
Buckley Janes T, tenmater, house ¥, 121 West Con
‘House Joiners TOOLS & Bullders HARD.
Bostos [B]
Buckley Jeremiah, shoemaker, 196 Ellot, bds. 14
‘West Second
Buekley Jeremfah, lather, house 115 Tug
Buckley Jeremtaly, laborer, h. rear 33 Chelsea, Chen.
Buckley Jereraith, laborer, bds. 37 Cherry, Kox.
‘Buckley Jeremiah, machinist, bds. 911 Harrison av.
Buckley Jeremiah, laborer, house Commercial, near
Dorchester 207 West Third
master, 0.0. RR. house
joure 1 Itocheater
Buckley John TH. (Bwekley & Dundar), 252 Com.
merelal, house 18 Dwight
Buokley John J, cabinetmaker, bids. $09 East Eighth
Buckley John JT, Rew. bds. Dudley, cor. Magazine
Buckley John i. clerk, GT Harrison aw, de. 00
Buokley Jobo J. engineer, house 141 High, Chen.
Buckley John T, plumber, 12 Brattle, b. at Chelsea
Buokley Joseph, clerk, 224 W. Broadway, bde. 09 ©
Buckley Joseph Mrs, house Leonard, HLS.
Buckley Joseph F. eopperamith, hda. 33 Liverpool
Buckley Fula, widow, house 22 Liverpoat
juckley Margnret Mra, house 08 Melrore
Buckley Margaret, widow, house 0 Chapman
Buckley Margnret ©. widow, house 27 Vinton
Buckley Margaret M. di houre 31 Revere
Buckley Martin, laborer, house 2072 Washington
Buckley Mary Miss, dresemiaker, house 31 Revere
Buckley Mary Mrs, house 760 Enst Sixth (Chan,
Buckley Mary and Ellen Misses, bouse S34 Medford,
Buckley Mary J. widow, house 26 Billerion
Buckley Mutibew, laborer, hovae Tileston ae. 1.8.
Buckley Michael, Inborer, h. Obestnat Hil! ay. Br.
Biiokley Michael, clerk, 373 Harrison av. house 44
Buckley Mlchse), polisher, house 1 Rochester
Buokley Michael, Inborer, house 0 L
Tiuekley Michacl, wateb-case maker, 300 Washington,
Yds. 27 Exsex place
Tuuckley Michacl, helper, bas. Taylor, Nep.
Buckley Michoel, backman, hose 213 Havre:
Buckley Michael, laborer, house 1288 Tremont
Buckley Michael, Inborer, house 1 Troy:
Buckley Michael, 42 Beacon, honse 9 Albany
Buckley Michel, Mrs. honae 27 Essex place [hilt
Buckley M. H. conductor, B. & ML. R.A he at Haver
Buckley Nancy Mrs: house 401 West Second
Buckley Patrick, laborer, house 207 West Fourth
Buokley Patrick, peddler, honse 147 Tudor
Buckley Patrick, laborer, house 1 Hudaon-st. place
Buckley Patrick, taborer, bas. 084
Buckley Patrick, laborer, baa. 2072 Washington
Buckley Patriok, laborer, botree 543 East Fires
Buckley Patrick’ (Clarke & Buckley), 33 Merrimac,
house at Somerville
Buckley Patrick, hostler, house Unlon av. J.P.
Buckley Patrick, engraver, 309 Washington, house
258 Weat Fourth,
Buekley Patrick, foreman, rear 425 Medford, Chan.
house at Somerville
[W. Fourth
Buekley Relecea A. Mls
ds, 147 Albany,
Buokley Richard, Inborer, house 47 Billerica
Buckley Samuel, millwright, 120 Fulton, house at
Wakefield [rison av.
Buckley Stophen 8. porter, 51 Federal, bds. 29 Har-
‘Thomas, conchinén, ‘de. Dorchester av.
‘Thomas, bineksmith, h. 547 Harrison sv.
256 | Budd Richard, w:
Buekley Thomas F. clerk, 205 North
Buckley Thomas J. foreman cutter, 100 Washington,
dda. 6 Lathrop plice
Backley Timothy, laborer, house 18 Hanover av.
Buckley Timothy, laborer, house 23 Swan:
Buckley Timothy, blacking manuf, 176 Lincoln, b.
Centre place, J.P.
Buckley Timothy, laborer, house 74 Dorchester ay.
Buckley Timothy, coachman, house 162 Cedar, Rox,
Buekley Timothy, laborer, b. 2 Wharf (19 Albany
Buckley Timothy’ J. bartender, 10 Koeoland, bis.
Backley Timothy J. laborer, house 14 Cherry, Rox.
Buckley Timothy R. cellar 5, kt, b. 163 Beach
Buckley William, laborer, house $7 Lowell
Buckley William, gardener, b. 270 Highland, Rox,
Buckley William, wharfinger, Atlantic wharf, 72
Border, house 83 Le
Buckley William, house 67 0
Buckley William, currier, house 29 Cabot
Flor grater, Ke. houre
house 27 Vinton
Buckley & Dunbar (J. 17.’ Buckley and John Dun-
bar), shipping office, 252 Commercial
Bueklin L. Mrs. house 7 Lanving — [E. Cambridge
Buckman Albert A. teamster, 169 Leverett, howe at
Buekroan Amos, foreman RAR. bala. 40
Union, Chen.
Buckman Francis, teamster, bis, 40 Austin, Chan.
Buckman Janes, laborer, house 247 North
Buckman Jobn, teamstor, Leverett, near Cralgte’s
‘ridge, bouke 403 Chntles {Woburn
Buekroan John P- porter, 180 So. Market, house At
Buckman William, teamster, house 70 Rutherford
ay, Chen. Madison
Buckman Walter E. clerk, 27 Winter, bds, 13 Hotel
Buckmaster William, shoomaker, 42 Clark, Ni d
Buckminster Aneel, machinist, ty. 002 Sumner, EB.
Buckminster James 1. machinist, his, 902 Sumber,
EB, house at Malden
Buckminster Jobn M, bookkee
ri Mort Markt
Buckminster William B. 35 Commercial, house at
Malden (ner, E-B.
Buckminster Wiiltam N, machinist, house 02 Sum-
Bucknai Charles A. lawyer, 19 Congress
Bucknam Charles ©, carpenter, h. 1828 Washington
Bucknam ©, M. salesman, 61 Chauncy, house 3 East
Brooklipe ton
Bucknas Frank, clerk, 23 Congress, his. at Arfing-
Bucknam George C. messenger, Navy Yard
Bucknam John U. 145 Pearl, house 37 Howard
Backnarm Joshus, machiniet, house 18 Cherry:
Bucknam Theodore G. (Bueknam & Loic), 288
Congress, honee at Arlington.
Bucknam Warren F. printer, 27 Court, honse at
Wakefield Melrose Highlands
Baekwam W, E. salesman, 181 Washington, de.
Bueknam & Dow (7. @. Bucknam and WE.
leather, 283 Congress
Buckner James, ice dealer, W, 64 Dorchester
Bockner Loula, clerk, house Lamartine, opp. Spring
lane, 3
Buckner Thomas, boots and shoes, 664 Dorehester
ay. house da. (its,
Buekpitt Joba, janitor, Harris «chool, h. Exchanges
Buckpitt John W. bia. Exebanye, HS,
Buckup E. L. inventor, rms. 67 Sullivan, Chan.
Budd Edward, rma. 21'Crescent place
Budd George H. porter, 182 Iti, hovee 106 Prince
Budd Henry, bouse 17 Stillman
Budd Teac B. clerk, 18 Court, house Dale, W.R.
Budd Richard, photographer, house 35 Warwick
iter, rine. 41 Garden
Badd William, walter, rms, 41 Garden
Budding Frank H. merebant tallor,%40 Washington,
house 33 Fayette Quiniey House
Rodiong F. A. superintendent, 490 Washington, bia.
Budlong Williaa D. salesman, 82 Pearl, bouse at
Buechler Michael, laborer, honse 75 Chadwick
‘Buechler Michael'T.. eabinetmaker, hde. 148 Parker
fer Gustay, painter, rms. 3 Oxford
George huryeyor Hoyal Ine Co. 98 Devon-
shire, house at Melrose
Buerk J. E. watch clocks, 230 Washington
Buerkel John F.& Co, (Samuel Bentiry), steam and
‘gas fitters, 30 Unlon-park at. b. Ashland Hove
A Pocket Directory of Boston, {
Get a Boston Almanac and Business
Directory at the Boston Directory office.
154 Boston [B]
‘Buessinger T. Dr. house 12 Bromley park,
Buettner Charies F. L. mason, house rear 268 Athens
Buettner Louis €. boots and shoes, 928 Washington,
house 46 Gray
Buf! Frederick, cigar manuf. house 18 Linden park.
Bui George L. (Buf & Berger), 9 Province court,
Bull & Berger (Ceorge L. Buff and Louie Berger)
jerger (George L. Buff ani erger),
Instrument manufacturers, 9 Province court
Bouffard —, baker, house 75 Bedford
Biutfet Prosper, colorer, h. 18 Tennyson [Thornton
Bnifinton Clarence W. 2163 Washington, bds. 44
Butllnton Eugene L. lawyer, 95 Milk, room 63, house
‘1 Hayward. ‘Lynn
Burfinton L, & Co. stove polish, $1 Commercial, hh. at
Buflinton §, Mrs. worsted goods, 36 Winter, house
44 Thornton
Buford F. G. (John H. Bufford’s Sons), 141 Frauk-
pug Danse st Somerville, Sean
ufford John H. (John Jf. Buford’s Sons),
Franklin, house Milly H.
Buflord’s Juhu H. Sons (FG. and dH.) art pub-
Vahers and lithographers, 141 Franklin
Buffum Adelbert A. clerk, bds, Adams, n. Dickens
Buffum Ann M. widow, house 45 Anderson
Buttum Betay F. widow, house Fremont, Mat.
Butfum Carlon, grocer, 101 Friend, house at Melrose
Buttum Charles, physician, bds, % Rollins
Builum Charles’ & Co. Yoors and, shoes, 105 Pearl
and‘ Hanover, house Hotel Pelham
Buttum Charles F. cutter, rms. § Allston place
Builum Chirles J. clerk, 381 Washington, bds. Hotel
Albemarle [yore
Butlun Charles K.P. clerk, 191 Friend, bds. at Mel-
Butfum Daniel C. boots and shoes, 105 ‘Pearl, house
at Lynn [at Chelsea
Budum Edward §. inspector, Custom House, house
Bufhum Edwin M. eabinetmaker,
Bullum Frank B. bagzage master, B, R.B. & Ly RR.
850 Aulantle av. bds. 141 Webster, Kb,
Buthum Frank iystic wharf, bis. 437 Main
Butfum Frank lan, 31 Cornhill, house 806
Shawmut av.
Builum Henry, hairdresser, 437 Main, house do,
Buttum Job, agent, house 83. Blekford
Bulfumn J. & Co. (Galen A. Purker), veneers and
lumber, 32 Canal and 83 Merrimac, bat Melrose
Builum J. ©, apothecary, 207 Warren av. rms. 48
‘Tennyson [Garden
Butlum Thomas J. salesman, 22 Chauncy, house at
Buthum Walter N. law student, 11 Sears’ building,
Dds. Hotel Pelharo
Buffurn William A. house 222 Beacon [Cban.
sao atari At bas. orbesr ar war. Eatin
yee Charlon ML (
“inill, Commercial, hy Dorchester av. cor. Belfort
iwrles M. laborer, house 10 Fruitestreet ct.
Bngbee Daniel W. teamster, houte 181 Hampden
Bughee Eben, remuved to St, Loule
Bugbee Esther, widow, house 921 Washington
Bugbee Frank P. clerk, Gl Federal, bis. at Newton
Bughee Frank W. clerk, house Charles, Dorch.
Bughee George A. agent, 120 State, he at Brookline
Boxdee Gilbert D, broker, 168 Hanover, house 14
Bugbee Henry, clerk, 450 Washington, bis, 921 do.
Bugbee Ira J.’ printer, 160 F, house Evans, neat
"Thetford av, Doreb,
Bugbee James AM. house 96 Charter
Busver Folin B. (Wort & Bugbee), 13 Friend and
‘$4 Canal, house 7 Hancoe [921 do.
. bookkeeper, 450 Washington, bids.
ise 21 Washington
Bughee Willian T,
Bughee & Spooner (Charles M. Bughee and Wiliam
“A. Spooner), sawing and planing” (SeNell's
mill), Commercial, HS.
Boot William H. machinist. house 40 West ‘Third
‘Bubrielster Jobin ©. clerk, Boylaton station, b, do,
Bule James, carpenter, howe § Taylor av.
‘Bule Walicr A. clerk, bds. § Taylor ay.
‘Bulst Andrew J. upholsterer, h. 4 Dayton ay,
Buitekan Alexander Mrs. clothing, 144 Eacex, h. 149
Buitekan Barney, peddler, bouse 258 Harrison nv.
Boitekan Isaac. second-hand clothing, and pawn
broker, 98 Dorchester av. house 96 do.
Bultsek Mary, widow, house 17 Parkman
Buker Margaret C. dita Jan. &, 1880
Bulekley Joseph W. salesman, rms. 30 Chambers
Bulfinch Arthur J, lobsterman, Warren bridge, he
29 Mystic, Chen. (30 Main, Clisn.
Bullinch Charles ¥. clerks Park, cor. Menlo, bade,
Bullnch Francie V. deputy cilletor, eolléetor's
cofiee, City Hall, house 98 Boylston
Bulger James, laborer, National Dock and Ware-
Bolger Jusves, carpenter, house 58 Nonhtild
joler Jam enter, house §2 Northfiel
Bulger James, cooper, house 60 B
Bulger Jamer Mrs. house 7 Lark
Bulger John, blacksmith, house 317 West Third
Bulger Martin, cooper, house 174 Wert Third
Bulger Mary, widow, house 141 West Fourth
Bulger Patrick F. cooper, house 175 West Fourth
Bulger Richard J. printer, bds. 606 Tremont
Bulger Thomas, Inborer, house 06.4
Biilke sd. A. (Bide Co.), 142) Tremont, house 149
Shayemut av. {mont House
Biilke Paul (HUcke d Qo.), 142) ‘Tremont, bids. ‘Tre-
Billke & Co. (Pinul and Juitua A. Balke), lager bee
1424 Tremont, {Chamber
Bulkeley Joseph W. clerk, 273 Washington, bie. 39
Bulkley Simon 8, hatter, house 21 Sawyer
Bull Arthur E. 05 Bedford, bis, 112 Charles
Bull Charles, foreman, 37 Foundry
Bull Ephraim W. jr. watchman, bie, 200
Bull James I, B, clerk, 378 W. Brondway, hi. 04
Bull John C. police station 4, hi. 200 K (Rox.
Bull John E: bookkeeper, 100 High, b. 9 Forest av.
Bulhin Bridget, widow, house 1 Draper's Jane
Bullard Albert E. clerk, 66 Hudson, b.do. (ford
Bullard Albert E, alestoan, 694 Wash. hb. at Mod
Bullard Alfred M, 30 Congréne, bas. 20 Winthrop
Bullard ‘ea Tv. secretary Gong’ Pub. Society,
Congregational House, house wt Cambridge
Bollard A, W. 31 Pearl, bda. 113 Appleton
Bullard Benjamin F. §. house 1 Sumner place, Rox.
Bullard B. F, clerk, 75 Browd, bas, at Medford
Bullard Calvin, howse 274 Tremont
Bullard Charles E, pollee statfon 1, house 2 Vila
Bollsrd Charles F, clerk, 33 Summer
Bullard Charles G. merchandise broker, 19 Central,
‘bds. 30 Worcester aq. ‘Cainbridgeport
Bullard Daniel W. clerk, % Court House, houxe at
Bullard Edgar H. bookkeeper, 241 Cambridge, bas.
3 Rowdain
‘©. sen, Ie, 185 Hare
physician, 165 Harrison ay. b. dos
xr, dled Muy 26, 1870
‘Mra, house earl, 6. Dorchester ay.
Bullard Eleazer, 62 State, h. Pear,
Bullard Elizabeth 1. M6
Bullard Elia HL. widow,
Bullard Emory, carpenter, house 6 Magwetne
Bullard E. Ht. (Boy & Bullard), 16 Water, house
at Somerville
Bullard Francis, house 77 Mt. Pleusnnt ay. | [avs
Bollard Francis L, 430 Albany, house 82 Aft. Pleasant
Bullard Francis §. bostler, 108 Roxbury, rmx. do.
Bullard Gardner W. (Wellington Bros.’ ue Co.) 00
‘Chauncy, house Hotel Eqlinbargh
Bullard George, clerk, rins. 3 Somerset
Bullard George B. clerk, 18 Merehonta’ row, house
at Hingham, Chan.
Bullard George D. teameter, 18 Main, house 2 Eth,
Bullard George E. 06 State, bds. 77 Mt. Pleasant ay.
Bullard George F-ck Union wharf, bas. Quiney
Bullard George Hh. 14 Sharon | [Pemberton ag.
Bullard George P. bookkeeper, 127 liver, bda.
Bullard George I. clerk, house 10 Kneeland place
Rallard Isaac, ety Inborer, house 2 Brigliton-st. ph.
Bullard Jane M. assistant, Shurtlei? achool, bids. 206
rehester [Duley
Bullard Janet MC. assistant, Everett school, bis.
Bullard Joel, rns. 3 Bowdoin
Bullard Joti) M. mausiclan, 282 Washington, house at
Linden, (room 21h. at Dedham
Bullard Job R. lawyer and notary public, #0 Water,
Bullard Joseph O. coal and wood, and (Bullard de
‘Seott), Western av, Alistoo, Heat Cambrideport
Bollard Youephy Ps & Go. groctr, 308 Wast Broad
‘way, and flour, 378 do. house'04 G
wachier, Be Austin,
Jobbers and Hetatlers of HARDWARE,
poston [B]
Bollard J, Hovey, wurgeon, Clty Hospital, wis. 113
music toacher, bas. Austin,
Bullard M. G. ©. Siva, m
Bullard Nathantel G. 714 Harrison av, b. 3 Sharon
Bullard Otis Mra. house 198 West Brookline
Bullard Richard, laborer, house 30 King
Bullard Robert 8, Newton Lower Falls Express, 91
Kilby, house at Newton Lower Falls
Bullard Roxwell A. planomaker, bouse 9 Catawba
uliaed Stephen fl Ars, house 149 Bescon
illard ‘Thosmaa, taborer, house 11 Culbert
Bulinrd Ureuls Mt. wldow, bouse 11 Oak, Chan.
Ballard Walter H. honve 432 Myr
Bullard Willlan J. died May 21, 1879
Bullard William J. Mrs, house $7 Pembroke
Bullard William N. student, bda, 6 Mt. Vernow
Bullard William 8. house 6 Mt. Vernon
Bullard William W, 714 Harrison av. house 3 Sharon
Bullard & Scott (/. 0. Bullard and A. F. Scott),
‘earthenware manufs. Western av, Aliston
Bullard & Temple, boots, 76 Summer
Bulle Charles, foreman, 29 Commercial
‘ide, bouxe rear Western av. Br.
Bulle Charlos, fr clerk, rma, 34 Parmenter
Bullen Henry’ L. printer, rma. 8 Carver
Bullens Albert N. (/tolina & Bullens), 79 Franklin,
house at Newton {ington House
Bullens Edmund M. clerk, 80 Broad, house 5 Hunt.
Bullous Frank H. 35 Summer, h.6 Huntington House
Bullens Frank W, clerk, bds. 7 Pearl, Chen.
‘Bullons Gorge L. clerk, 79 Frankltn, bds.at Newton
Bullona George 8. president Natlonal Revere Bank,
100 Franklin, house at Newton
Bullens H. W, Mrs. house 7 Pearl, Chen.
Batons Jouephing Mrs: House 0 Northeld
uiling Henry, shipwright, house 210 Saratoga
Bullivant Williaa ‘MY. salesman, 163, Franklin,
‘Nouke wt Newton
Bulloch William V. muchiolet, bas. 78 Harrison av.
Bullock Albert, cigar manuf. 26 Portland, house
‘97 Sudbury
Bullock Brigham N. treasurer Home Savings Bank,
‘Tremont, cor. Boylston, bia. at Cambs rt
Bullock Chauncey K. mason, house Holbrook, J.P.
Bullock Cyrus, bis. 002 Wastington
Bullock Dextor, Navy Yard, b. 12 Thompson, Chen.
. saleaman, 4 Chauncy, house at
Haverhill W.
Bullock Edwin ©. clerk, 13 Otts, house 16 Ward,
Bullock Edwin O, aslestan, 4 Chauney, houre af
wharf, north
Butlock George, bda. 881 Tremont [411 W.
Bullock Herschel N. clerk, 373. W. Broad
Bullock Horace, clerk, 352 Dorobester,
‘Ward, W.V.
Bullock H., 0. 6. K.R. house Sydney, Dorch.
Bullock Jack, bis. 45 Bradford
Bullock James W. removed to Providence [Chen.
Bullock Nathaniel, cablnetmaker, bouseS% Medford,
hillock Olive Mrs: house 2 Dallas pince
Bullock Petor U, engineer, house 47 Main, Chan.
Bullock Rufus A. lawyer, 28 School, room 2,
21 Joy [Prescott House,
Bullock Samuel J. master, Bunker Hill school, bas,
Bullock 'T, organ bullder. 1131 Tremont
Bullock Witla W., Custom House, h. at Everett
Bullock William We jr. vocaliet,
place, Chsn. (1.8. bas. 71 Myrtle
Bulson Thomat L., teacher of drawing, Elot school,
Bumpne A. H. 47 Summer, h. 52 Alpine (Quiney
‘Bumpus Cephis C., Custom House inspector, Ii. at
1), Inwyer,
Bamps Everott C. (Bampur & John:
roat building, 17 Milks, house at Weymouth
Bumpus E. F. machine needles and pegging awh
ent Heights, house do. BB. ‘bas, do.
Bumpus F, Edgar, neediemaker, Orient Heights,
Bumpus Laurin A! house Wayne, Dorch,
Bumpus Ira C. saw maker, b. 9 Harmony pl. EB.
Bumpus & Jobneon (A. C. Bumpus aud
on), lawyers, Post bullding, 17 Mille
Bumatend Charles E, plano tuner, bds.
Bumstead Ebenezer W. house 1
Burnstead Jeremiah, house Fuller, Doreb.
Bumstead Jeremiah, jr. clerk, 17 Doane, dds. 339
ware, J.P.
Insurance agent, 31 Milk, room 4,
Villis (J. F. Bumstead & Co.), 148
Shawmut a ‘Warren
Bumstead Johi
Bumstead J. F. & Co. (¥. W.
, 148 Tremont, cot
Bunce Charles, house § Ransom court
‘Bunce Fred, machinist, 34 Beach
bis. 8 Linwood
it. John-
Bunce George, salesman, 628 Washington, house 20
Trenton, Chen.
Bunce George C. clerk, Roxbury Post Oflloe, bis.
20 Trenton, Chan. [Cholnen
Bunce John, brast finisher, 38 Chardon, hours at
Buncher Henry P- salesman, 24 Temple place, bds.
rs, house 07 Newbury
Terk, 1128 Washington, rms. do.
ina, 30 Newcomb
Bundy Frauk E. physician, 402 Columb
Bundy Walter, porter, B&F. RR bi
den-street arch ‘Cedar «quare
Bunker Alfred, sub-naster Quiney school, house 10
Banker Charles, mason, bde, 50 Appleton
Bunker Charles, lawyer, house 69 Centre, Rox.
Bunker Charles M. teas, 241 Central, bie, X.1, House
Bunker Charles W. salesman, 518 Washington,,
house at Chelsen
Bunker Clarissa, died June 26, 1879
Bunker David T, 31 Milk, house at Auburndale
Bunker Edward G, officer, House of Correction,
‘bouse IN
Bunker George A. teamster, bds, 31 Old Harbor
Bunker George C. machinist, house 130 Cabot
Bunker Hill Monurnent Association, A, ©. Fe
‘tec. 13 Doane, room 6 Clty
Banker Hill National Wank of Charlestown,
Bunker Hill Times, 26 Main, Chen.
Banker Jobn M. eonduetor, bade. 54 Clifford
Bunker Lauriston, clerk, bis. 75 Dover
Bunker L Ac Mrs. house 8 Maple place
Bunker Marston B. clerk, 7 Trem
50 Chandler
Buntle John, brews
Buntou George A.
Banton George va.
Bunton James, hairdresser, 811 W. Fourth, b. 241 D
Bunton Will ocer, 441 D, house 239 do.
Bunton Willlam, house 6 Narsan
Bunton Wiltlam'A. (Wadley, Andrews, & Co.), 270
‘Franklin, bovse at Cambridice Ke
Bunton William H. 38 Bedford, bds. 247 Warreny
Burbank Aaron O. leather, 231 ‘Congress, house at
Burbank Albert H, &7 Summer, bids.
Burbank Alonzo
83 Devonshire, room 5, how
Seaver vt
. 67 Bummer,
Burbank Anguatie A. 350 Washington, b. at Chelsea
Burbank AF. & Co. storage, 489 Atvantic my hou
fen mat
Burbank Charles E. walter, 47 Milk, bde. 71 Sha
| Burbank Charles E. house $88 Shawmut ay
Burbank Charles E. flagman, B. & A, KR. bdas
‘North Harvard, Allston
Burbank Charles G. (Burbank, Ryiler, & Domon),
62 Alford, Chan. and 42 Oliver, b. ut Somersiile
Burbank Charles M. planomaker, house 21 Jenkins
Burbank Charles O. bookkeeper, 00 Devonshire,
house at Medford fat Somerville
Burbank Charles W. elerk, 49 North Market, house
Burbank ©. A. Mrs. bouse Everett, J.P.
Burbank David W. bds. 10 Fulton, Nep.
Burbank Edmund H. elerk, rme. 81 Tilexton
Burbank Edward A. cook, house 35 Cooper,
Burbank Edwin A, discount clerk, North National
Bank, 109 Franklin, house at Cambridge
SAMPSON, DAVENPORT, & CO., Publishers, 155 Franklin St.
‘Burbank Edwin A. varnishmaker, bouse 14 Kings.
ton, Chen.
Burbank Ella L. teacher, Brimmer school, house at
Burbank E. J. Mrs. hone 11 Joy
Burbank Frank I, clerk, 90 Water, bds. Cambridge,
near Union square, Allston ‘Som:
Burbank Franz D. dentist, 2 Hamilton place, bas. at
Burbank George, salesman, 4 Bedford, house st
Burbank George, tallor, house 87 Essex
Burbank George’ A. clerk, bds. 37 Blue Hill ay.
‘Burbank Henry Z. bookkeeper, 60 Pynchon, house
63 Fort av. Rox.
Burbank James 8. (George Lyon & Co.), 489 Wash-
ington, bis. 167 West Chester park
Burbank John & Co. liquors and wines, 120, Water,
house § Gloucester 4 Taylor
Burbank John H. clerk, B. & A. R.R. freight, hoase
Burbank Josinb ©. janitor, Bunker Lill sebool, bouse
64 Baldwin, Chen,
Burbank dulia'M. Mra. teacher, Frothingham prl-
mary school, house 3 Pearl, Chan.
Burbanie J, Leonard, salesman, 42 Oliver
Burbank J. Oscar, removed to Manchester, N.H.
Burbank Robert I. (Burbank & Lund), lawyer, ball
commissioner, 61 Court, and Judge Municipal
Court, 8.B. district, house 28 Allston
Burbank ufus H. foreman, Met. KR. stables, Mt.
Pleasant, house 37 Blue Hill ay,
Burbank, Ryder, & Damon (Charles G. Burbank,
W.F. Ryder, and JN. Damon), varnish aud
japan manufacturers, 42 Oliver
Burbank Samuel, teamster, baa. 21 Tonking
Burbank Samuel'N, clerk, house 2 Presby place
Burbank Silas Mrs. house 12 Parker, Chsn,
Burbank William H. clerk, 61 North Market, bda. at
Somerville Wellington
Burbank William H. clerk, 21 Milk, bds. 7 Hotel
Burbank William L. insurance broke r
shire, house 3 Pearl, 1, at Somervi
Burbank William 8. bookkeeper, cellar 0, F. H, mkt.
Burbank & Lund (Robert £. Burbank and Rodney
Lunil), lawyers, 81 Court
Burbeck Dantel, blacksraith, house 20 Causeway
Burbeck Edward, clerk, 202 Devonshire, bids. 275
Bunker Hill 197 Bunker Hill, Ghar.
Burbeck Edward M. clerk, 13 Boylaton market, h.
Burbeck Frank A. clerk, basement 2, Fanen!l Hall
market house at Chelsea [Lexington, EB.
Burheck George 1B. eabinetmaker, house rear 156
Burbeck Harry, clerk, 236 Washington, bs. 207
Bunker Hil
Burbeck Hattle L. dressmaker, 6 Hamilton pl. h, do.
‘Burbeck Hency, receiving teller, National Banik of
Merehants row, House 54 Forest
Burbeck Mary Mrs. house 275 Bunker IIL
Burbeck Samuel K. house 176 Brooks, EB.
Burbeck Samuel K. jr. bookkeeper, 19 Exchange
Ince, house at Somerville
Burbeck ‘Thomas H. bolter, bia. 275 Bunker EN
Burbeck Walter, clerks 6 Hamilton place, rms, do.
Burbeck Willhim G. clerk, 72 Devonshire, bda. G4
Forest, Rox. (22 Oxford
Burbidge Charles, restaurant, 2 Exeter place, rma.
Burbidge Tryphena E. Mrs, house 348 Tremont
Burch Amos, produce, house 43 Washington, Chan.
Bureb Frederick B. planomaker, h. 928 Washington
Bureham Charles, constable, Munlelpal Court, Chan,
house 3 Prescott, do.
Burcham George B. tide, 3 Prescott, Chen.
Burebard Joha 4. carpenter, house 47 Brook av.
Burchard Joseph WJ. carpenter, bis. 47 Brook av.
Burehard Joseph J, 31 India, bds. 40 Brook a\
Burchard Thomas A. shoemaker, 500 Dudley, house
Howard av. near Dudley
Burehell Abraham, laborer, house 62 Park, Chan.
Burchell Bridget, widow, house 199 Vernon
Burchell Ellen, widow, house 62 Chapman
Burchell George, labarer, house 80 Oneida
Burchell James, died Aprit 11, 1870
Burchell Richard, laborer, houise 15 Downer
Burchell Iticbard, Inborer, 30 Onelda
Burchell Richard. teamster, bas, 22 Kast
Burchell Richard, laborer, hou
Burchell Richard WJ. house 48 Weston
Burchell Samuel, eablnetronker, bila. rene
Burchell Thomas,
son av,
jeamater, house 36 Rochester
jorer, house 22 Enat
‘Burelunore Charles F. P. bds. 1 Lincoln, Chen.
ie | Burchmore Stephen, blacksinit
‘Barchmore Frank, eabinetmaker, bds. 18 Putnam,
Borchmore » furniture repairer, 8 Sullivan,
house 1 Lincoln, Chen. [1 Lincoln, Chen.
Burchmore George 1, music, printer, 22) Mill, bas.
i, houke 18 Putnam,
Chen. [Oaks, Chen,
Burchmore William TH. 196 South Market, house 17
Burchmore, see Birchmore
Burchstead’ David, saah and diind maker, house
‘Washington, near Oak aquare, Br. ,
Burchstead Frederick F. organ worker, h. Mill, HS.
Rarchstead Henry F. (Doe, Hunnewell, & Co.), 917
‘Wastiinyton, rms. 2. Beacon
Burchstead Jane N. widow, house Mill, 11.8.
Barchsted dobn H. salesman, 47 Temple place
Burck Charles F. machinist, house 3 Orange court
Burekes George W. carpenter, b. 64 Walker, Chane
Burekes Martin, house 49 Monument av, C
‘Hurekes Thomas J. mason, house + Ferri
Burekhart Antoine, shoemaker, house River, near
Fremont, Mat,
Burekbart George, shoemaker, River, near Blue Till
ay. bd, River, near Fremont, Mat,
Burckiuart Nicholas, laborer, horise River, near Fro-
mont, Mat. {24 Parinan
Burckmnyer Issac, porter, Post Ofilce butiding, house
Burd Edwin D. (Lewis, Brown, o Co.), 42 Summer,
ds. 162 West Chester park
Burdakin James E. janitor, house 307 Saratown.
Burdakin Joseph, wusician, 252 Washington, how
‘at East Gambrid (gi Patoam, E-B,
Burdakig Wiliam H. messenger, EB, ferry, hose
Burden Arthur W. carpenter, hovwe 258 Ruggles
Burden Delia Mise dressmaker, house Berkeley, cor,
Burden Edward, contractor, house 02 Chelsen, E.B,
Burdett Charles A. teacher of poomanship, 100 Tre:
mont, house do.
Burdett Charles L, removed to Hartford, Conn,
Burdett Everett W. nast U8, Court
House, 140 Tremont, bds. 349 Columbus av,
Bardett 66 Franklin, b. 108 ‘Tremont
Burdett Horatio 8. (Whitten, Burdett, & Young),
8 Winthrop square, house at Brookline
Burdett Joseph O. lawyer, 99 Summer, ).at Hingham
Burdett Samuel F. machinist, house 58t, James place
Burdett Thomas, eaptaln, house 40 Weat Fourth
Burdetta James, laborer, house 18 Mechanic, Chan.
Burdick Allen, student, ds. 31 Mt. Vernon
Burdick A. A. (Metealy & Burdick), 16. Summer
Burdick Horace R, artist, bda. 8 Chestnut
Burdick Huldab, widow, house 00 Zeigler
Burdick Oliver E. watchmaker, 319 West Broadway,
houre 17 Vinton
Burditt A. P. bda. 204 West Brookline
Kurditt Charion A. (Burditt d Williams), 18 and 20
Dook aquare, hooxe Hotel Clittord.
Burditt Charles E, 383 Enat Eighth, house 881 do.
Burditt Charles P. house 181 (07 Tremont
Burditt Edward HL. bookkeepe be
Borditt Edward P. 385 East
Barditt Everett, Inwyer, bds.
Burditt Frank 8. janitor,
Burditt Frank W, clerk, 114 State,
Wert Brookline
28 Winter, house do.
his. 28 Winter
Burditt Harriet 8, widow, houe Ashland, HLS.
Burditt Henry, house 181 Heath
Burditt James L, elerk, 022 Washington, bds, Ash-
land, wear Mitt, HLS.
Burditt John M. organ taner, bas. 1261 Washington
Burditt J. R. & Co. merchant tailors, 33 Temple
lace, house at Auburndale
Burditt Nathan, saddler, bds. 806, Albany
Barditt William A. bookkeeper, 24 Hawley, bda, 204
‘West Brookline Tu. Min, 11.8.
Burditt William 8. 6} Dock square, bis. Astiland,
Burditt & North, manngers Stoddard lectures, 20
‘Dock square
BURDETT A WILLIAMS, (Onarics 4. Burdilt and
voreph Wittiams), bardware and cutlery, 18 and.
3) Dock square — See foot liner, Hy and to Z
Burdock Jobn J. laborer, house 961 Tremont
Burdon E. Everett, general agent, Hartford Life An-
naity Insurance Co. 31 at W. Newton
Bureau of Credits, 108 and 113 Summer
Bureau of Statlatics of Labor, 83 lemberton square
Burford Elisha ©. house 364 Centre, Rox.
Burford George, clerk, 6 Merchants Exchange, house
at Fitchburg.
Burford Lizzie, widow, bds, 1799 Washington
Burg George A. teamster, bds, 99 Princeton, EB.
Lowest Prices. 20 Dock Square.
7 oston [B] DIRECTORY.
Burg James E. ealker, H, & L. No.2, rms, Sumner,
irpenter, bda. 82 Warren, Chsn.
teacher, Lawrence scbool, house 81
Dartmouth (Congress, b, at Waltham
“Arthor La (Lorenzo Burge & Hayes), 27
Lorenzo & rea, Insurance agents, 27 Con-
ferven, houwe ot Wall
Burge, see Binge
‘Express, 26 Dev-
Buryur Jonoph, cand fim, baa. 1 Elm pl
ager one, candy 1 Elm pl.
‘A |, Unamit 1 School-st. pl. Chet é
ina 'H. sawyer, house 35 Polk, Chen.
weryest of Simpron), 116 Dor-
West Broad:
‘Bu Bet in & Bons (2. F, ms and W.
rgess), commission merchants, Exchange
piace, room 8
Burgess be
njarnin F, (Benjamin Burgess & Sons),
Bs een emit Bo Geen
rt jenjamin F. & Son (2. F. Burgess,
\lirwork and tollet goods, 0 West, bouse 2
tel Worcenter
Burgess Benjamin F. clerk, bds. 66 Pleasant
jurgese Benjamin F, mavager, 14 Kneeland, bas. do.
jurgosn Benjamin F. jr. (B. Fy ant cb Son) 9
reat, bh. 4 Hotel Worcester (Warren ay,
Burgess B, P. teacher, Skinner primary, Dds. 175
Burges Charlee A. & Co, commission mérchants, 31
isla, hor Newtonville
‘Burgess Char! }. fireman, rooms § Shawmut
jurges# Chorlen B. bis, 33 Bast Canton
Charles G. bookkeeper, 34 Fancall Hall eq.
Malden” [Eampden, bda. 2 Montrose ay.
gems Charles G. Novelty Tron’ Foundry, 160
uxgess Charlee H brashmaker, bds. 137 O
irgoas Clinton HB. removed to Colorado
Hurgeaa Dante, clerk, bide. 38 Emerald [Milford
printer, 262 Waxbington, ras. 4
‘Burgos Daniel L. tailor, house 38 Emerald
Wat Kaward, Boston Society Natural History,
yuse 300 Beacon 7 Cook, Chen.
‘Borgess Edward B. 280 Bunker Hil}, house
Jurgosn Edward I, clerk, 200 Hanover, b. at Chelaea
Burgess Eliza G. Mrs. house 235 Northampwoa
Burgess Hien E- teacher, Stouyhion bd,
jotel Milton, LM.
‘Burgoss Enoch M. agent, house 99 Pleasant
‘Burgess Erastus B. printer, house 255 Heath
Burgeos K. AM printer, 4 Williams et. b.91 Chambers
‘Burgoss Francis, dopot master, house Fuller, Doreh.
‘Burgess Frank, clerk, bas. $ Allston
Burgess Frankiin, house 62 Beacon
Burgess Frederick, conductor, house 1 Bicknal av.
‘Burgess George, teamster, bds, 7 Phipps, Chan.
Burgess Georze, farmer, bde. 40 Blue Hill av.
George A. clerk, 261 Purchase, b. at Cam-
idgeport [ Russell, Chan.
Burgess George O. clerk, 250 Bonker Hill, house 23
Burgess Gilbert, foreman, house 33 Kast Canton
Burgess Hannab, widow, bi. 24 Bagle Ml! pl. LM.
‘Burgess Harry, porter, b. 169 W. iehth 037.0
‘Turkess Harry A. anicsman, 904 Washington, bas.
jurgess Henry E. hairdresser, house 7 Smith court
# Horailo G. draughtsman, b. Bailey, Dorch.
Br Howard K. clork, 24 Franklin, 8
frre [Adams House
Burgess Jamex E. anteeman, 246 Devonshire, bds.
Bungoas Junes L. printer, house 4 Blossom
Barges James M. 70 Devonshire, h. 1, Worcester
Turgess John, sbip carpenter, house 3 Monmouth
‘Burgwss John, teamster, house 7 Medford
Burves Jobo A, cabineimaker, Norfolk,
‘near Fremont, Mat.
‘Borgess Jobn A. ‘salesman, 904 Washington, house
Burgess Jolin B. real estate and, constable, 1878 Tre-
mont, bds. Greenwood av. J.P. [bridgeport
Burioxs Jobu B. clerk, 451 Washington, bds, Com:
Burgess John Hi. caaketmaker, hotise Cedar, LM.
J. Henry, clerk, 89 Water, b. at,
Barge Lacy L. assistant, in school,
olumbus [Cam
a i
‘Burgess Luther P. clerk, 268 Washing . dda. at
Burgess TM; carpenter and baller, 6 tlawking
jouse at Romerville [West Cedar
B ‘Moses R. clerk, 686 Washington, house 63
‘Burgess M. N. C. Mra. house 73 Montgomery
‘Burgess Nelson A. (Burgear Wells), East Fifth,
cor, O, house 776 East Fifth
Burgess Patrick, laborer, house 73 Maverick
Burgess Robert G. cutter, house 38 Emerald
Burgess Sdney B; sawyer; house Leonard, HE
a 4 Exchange place, rooni 6,
"S53 Beacon ee Coe
Burgess Stephen, removed to Cambridge
Burgess Thomas C. clerk, 190 Summer, b. 7% Mont-
omer [Warren uy,
Burges ‘Thomas H. painter, $00 Tremont, house 176
es Thomas J. 450 Washington, house at Cam~
Walter (Benjamin Burgess d Sons), 24
oe eabanee Dine, coum 6, bone 2 Mariborcingls
urges . planomaker, b. 285 Nortbampion
Burgece Willa A tiuaaith, ¢ Chamber, house 100
fonley, [Emerald
Burgess William A. clerk, 211 Albany, bde. 38
Burgess William C. provisions, 9 and 11 Suffolle
market, house # Allen
Burgess Williams H. salesman, 65 Bedford
Bargess W. B. cotter, died Feb. 1580
Burgers W.'T. 4Chatiucy, ria. 254 Shawmut av.
Burgess & Simpson (Annie £: Burgers and Anna
2, Simpwon), fancy goods, 14 Dorchester
Burgess & Wells’ (V. .t. Burgers ani George Ls
lla), provielons, O, cor. Kant Fifth
Burgett Frank H. clerk, 450 Wash b. 31 Buckingham
Hurgh Edward, 27 Decatur, KB.
Burghard Charles (F. 0, Lowe «¢ Co.), 1968 Tro-
mont, bds. 1419 do. (0 Hamilton, bas, do,
Burgher Charies, cupt. Watkins Automatio Sig. Tel,
Burgholzer Antoln,variety store, hi. 145 Shawmut ov,
Burgin Fred. cabinotmaker, rms. 18 Harrleon ay.
Burgin Mary A. Miss, house 8715 [ville
Burgoyne A. A. salesman, 105 Bedford, h. at Somer-
Burguyne Cornelius, walter, bis. 4 Seneen
Burgoyne Elizabeth, wilow, house 4 Senvca
Burgeirom C. F. 211 Tremont, house 49 W. Sixt!
Burgstrom K. L. 211 Tremont, houre 4 Atwood
Burille Conmtant, house 63 Charles house d
Burllle Frangolee Madamo, dressmaker, 6 Charles,
Burk Alexander E, ship carpenter, h 201 Meridian
Burk Edward W: couvesancur, b isd North
Bark Richard,
Burk Jobn, bridge ou
Burk John F. MC police station 14, Rockland, Br.
Burk Walter F. pile driver, house 14 Monmouth
Burkard Joseph, clgar-box maker, bds, 49 Camden
Burkard Martin J. tatlor, house 4 Camden,
Burkard, wee Burkhard and Burkhardt
Burke Abby Mra, bouse 10 Ohi Heaths
Burke Addie H. Mrs. (Young Burke), 140 A
‘Tremont, bda. 12 West Cottage [near Oreen
Burke Alan, painter, Boylston av. house Union avs
Burke Ann, widow, house 277 Causeway
Burke Ann, widow, house 10 Smith
Burke Ann, widow, bds. 14 Monmouth
Burke Anna Mra, variety store, 187 South, house do,
Burke Anthony, watehes, clocks, and Jewelry, hours
193 West Fourth,
Burke Bridget Mrs. house Cambridge, Allston
Burke Bridget, widow, bouse 40 Downer
Burke Bridget, widow, house 42 Simmons
Burke Bridget, widow, house 4 Gardner, Rox,
Burke Bridget Mes. house 15 Vicksburg’ [58\Cove
Burke Brothers (Michael 1/.and James J), grocers,
Burke Catharine, widow, house 180 Pynchon
5 Highinnd park
Burke Charles D. clerk, 7 Dudley,
Burke Charles D. collector, house 79 Brighton
Burke Charles H. cook, 177 Eltot, rms. 16 Tyler
Burke Cornelius, tnborér, bas, rear 310 North
Burke Cornelius, teamater, house 108 W. Broadway
Burke Daniel, coacbman, house 2 Waterford House
Burke Daniel F. mason, house 275 Pynchon
Burke David, mariner, house 24 Decatur, Chen,
Burke David, engiteer, bds. 1 Rowe place
Burke David, porter, Bell's Hotel
Harke David, laborer, bas. 12 Unity
Burke David, printer, bds. rear 04 Exsex
Burke David &. clerk, 518 Washin)
Burke Dennis, Inborer, bis. Wins)
Burke Dennis, teamster, house 637
Burke Dennis, laborer, house 78 Dorchester
Burke Dennis J. porter, 96 Long wht. b.40 W.
Burke Edward, jr. teamater, bds. 318 Federal
Burke Edward, laborer, house 318 Federal
Barke Edward, laborer, house 11 Cottage pl. wd. 10
Burke Edward, Inborer, house 7 North Margin
Burke Edward, junk, 107 Dorchester av, house rear
42 Wert Broadway [house Taylor, Br.
Burke Edward, blacksmith, U. K.R. stable, Onk #q.
CIRCULARS ADDRESSED (aizrcn'isavenrecs: a co i05 frantiia nt.
158 Boston [B]
Burke Edward, clerk, 9 Court, bds. 6 Blossom,
Burke Edward, liquors, 161 Harrison av. b. 108 Tyler
Burke Edward, printer, bds. 977 Causeway
Burke Edward’ A. tinsmith, house 144 Salem (Rox.
Burke Edward J. marine engineer, h, 40 Phillips,
Burke Ellen, widow, house 10 North Bennet ay,
Burke Ellen, widow, house 63 North Margin
Burke Ellen, widow, house 285 Federal [row
Burke E., Exst Somerville Express, 7 Merchants’
Burke Frank, laborer, house 8 Silver
Barke Frank’. freseo painter, bas. 11 Staniford pl.
‘Burke George E. beltmaker, 24 Charlestown, house
‘at Chelsea
Burke George E. shipwright, b. 99 Princeton, E.B.
Burke George W. barnessmaker, 42 Richmond, b.
at Chelsea
Burke Hannah, widow, h. 266 Cabot _ [608 ‘Tremont
Burke Hannah’. assistant, Lawrence school, bis.
Burke Harriet, widow, houge 81 Charter
Burke Helen B. Miss, b.4 Trenton, E.B.
Burke Henry, wool grader, 119 Federal, b.
Burke Henry, baker, house rear 66 Cove
Burke Henry’F. plumber, house 03 Smith
Burke Honora, widow, house 115 Eesex
Burke Hugh, lnborer, house 2 Langdon place
Burke James, laborer, h. Keyes, near South, J.P.
‘Burke James, Inborer, house Mt. Vernon, Br.
Burke James, pice ds. O48 Harrison av.
Burke James, painter, h. Magazine, cor. Norfolk av.
laborer, house 7 Norfolk place
japer carrier, bouse 39 Webber
laborer, house 22 Havre
house 2 Stetson place
telegrapher, bds. 10 Bennet av.
ter, houne 214 E
Burke James,
Burke James, liquors, 83 South, bh, Fourth-st. court
Hurke James, track repalrer, bouse 48 Baxter
Burke James, jr. 89 Court equare, bds, at E. Camb.
Burke Jamen ‘\. clerk 254 Dock ag. bis, 206 Cabot
Burke James C, laborer, house 126 Bolton,
Burke James F, calker, house 26 Bucktogharn,
Burke James F. machlojat, rms, 24 North Russell
Burke James F. 48 Winter, bds. 109 Chandler
Burke Janes H. telegeapher, Equitable bullding, bds.
10 North Bennett
Burke James J, express driver, 99 Court square
Burke James J. (Burke Bros.) 88 Cove, house do.
Burke James M, carriagesmith, h. 25 Perkins, Chan.
‘Burke Jane, widow, house 73 Middlesex
Burke Jeremiah, plumber, b. 18 Boylston ay. J.P.
Burke John, laborer, house 8 Old Heath
Burke John, furniture finisher, house Tremont, eor.
Burke John, ship carpenter, house 17 Watt! court
Burke John, laborer, bds. 6 Hudson
Burke John, marble cutter, bis. Mt. Vernon, Br
Burke John, laboror, house rear 310 North,
Burke John, waiter, bds. 17 Langdon place
Burke John, laborer, botise 30 Prenties
Burke Jobin, laborer, bds. 277 Causeway
Burke John, laborer, house 72 Middlesex
Burke John, laborer, house 19 Mason, Chen.
Burke Jobn, ear driver, house 60 Clreult
Burke John, teamster, bd. 318 Federal
Burke John, bartender, 186 Pynchon, bds. do,
Burke Jobu, Inborer, house 73 Norfolk av.
Burke John, laborer, bds. 50 L
Burke John, porter, 17 Federal, b. 2 Amory, Rox,
Burke Joho, laborer, house rear 4 Phillips
Burke Jubn, laborer, bds, 9 Billerica
Burke John, machinist, house 2 Plympton court
Burke John, laborer, house 65 Lenox
Burke John,
hyslelin, 107 Salem, house do.
laborer, house Winship av. Br.
Inborer 32 Cherry, Rox,
police station 12, house 740 -E, Rourth
Burke Jobo, marble eutter, house $8 Thacher
Burke John’ B. undertaker, 60 Leverett, house 16
Burke John E. plumber, house 50 Mercer
Burke John EF. tinsmith, house 37 Way.
Burke John F. clerk, 78 Clinton, bds. $2 E. Dedham
Burke Joho H. clerk, M. J. Floyd's, Market, Br.
is. do.
Burke dohn HL. sign painter, b.29 Eaton [B. Fourth
Pate ote Ht iawfer” ise. W¥chingtous bdo: 108
Burke John J. bda.4 Medford court
Burke John M. carpenter, house 211 West Ninth
Burke Jobn P. laborer, bas. 161 Albuny (Chan,
Burke John W. porter, 117 Federal, house 12 Mason,
Burke Joseph, teamster, house 40 Northfield
Burke Lawrence, grocer, 655 Harrieon ay. house do.
Burke Lewis A. brass flaisher, bds. 3 Orange court
Burke Margaret, widow, house 34 Athens
Burke Martin, laborer, house Commercial, cor, Ella.
worth, HB.
Burke Martin, seinemaker, house 177 Weat Seventh
Burke Martin'J. laborer, b. Taylor, n. Water, Nep.
Burke Mary Miss, dreasinaker, b. 143 Washington
Burke Mary, widow, bds. 118 Havre
Burke Mary, widow, house 8 Warren, Chan.
Burke Mary, widow, house 2 Langdon place
Burke Mary, widow, house &4 Lowell
Burke Mary, widow, house 45 Charter
Burke Mary’E. Miss, grocer, 3 Newman, bas. do.
Burke Matthew, fisherman, bds. 161.8
Burke Michael, laborer, bds, 8 Linwood place
Burke Michael, coachmian, house 28 Metropolitan pl.
Burke Michael, laborer, bds. 148 Medford, Chen.
Burke Michael, laborer, house 20 Columbia
Burke Michael, laborer, house 6 Luther place
Burke Michael, bollermaker, h. 34 Suniner, E.B.
Burke Michael, laborer, house 45 Sumner, 1.
Burke Michael, Inborer, bds, 285 Federal
‘Norfork ay.
1276 Washington
Inborer, bd. T10-Albany
teamster, bouse 601 Harrison
teamster, bd. 49 Austin, Chan,
Iaborer, bds. Pine Island
Inborer, house 119 Harapahire
laborer, house 28 Naws
Inborer, house 6 Slorton
hacktman, house 190 Weat Canton
laborer, lionse 38 Newman
Inborer, house rear 602 Harriaon ay.
Burke Michael D. file euter, bda. 15 Vicksburg
Burke Michael H. Burke’ Brow.), 88 Cove, and
liquors, Kneeland, cor. Hudson, house do.
Burke Michael J. shoemaker, Western av. cor. Mar-
ket, house do. Br.
Burke Michael J. press foeder, $1 State, h. 6 Blossom
Burke Nicholas F. 113 Canal, bda. at E: Cambridge
Burke Oliver, laborer, house rear 249 Centra, Rox,
Burke Oliver, laborer, bourds rear 242 Centro, Kox.
Burke Patrick, hackman, house 191 Albany
Burke Patrick, 177 Stato, bds, 12 Unity”
trick, at gas works, bds. 148 Charlestown
Burke Patrick, laborer, house rear 457 Main
Burke Patrick, marine engineer and machinist, 1.
‘63 Havre
Burke Patrick, laborer, house 40 Bolton
Burke Patrlek, painter, bis. 277 Causoway
Burke Patrick, bouse 18 Trumbull
Burke Patrlek, Inborer, house 42 Gold
Burke Patrick, driver, 2830 Washington, b, 2550 do.
Burke Patrick, fisherman, house 101 B
Barke Patrick Mrs, house 1 Dove, Rox.
Burke Patrick, laborer, ba. 119 Hampshire
Burke Patrick, Inborer, house 67 Wert Sixth,
Burke Patrick, gurdenér, house Tremont, Br.
Borke Patrick, laborer, house off Brighton nv, Cot
tage Farm’
Burke Patrick, laborer, house 12 Marlon, E.B.
Burke Patrick, presaman, 4 Williaus court, house
‘at Enat Cuinbridge
Burke Patrick, clerk, 908 Hanover, house 29 Charter
Burke Patrick, marble worker, house 27 Margaret
Burke Patrick, laborer, house 120 West Eight
Burke Patrick’F, blacksmith, house 118 Havre, K.B,
Burke Patrick F. priotor, Boston Herald, h. 40 Q
Burke Patrick F. (C.F. Dewick & 0o,), 360 Dore
chester av. house 4 Vinton
Burke Patrick HL, police station 4, house 77 Baxter
Burke Patrick J. laborer, Dds. 40 Weat FM
‘Burke Patrick J, teamster, house 910 Harrison av.
Burke Paul A. clgarmaker, bs. 11 Staniford place
Burke Peter, laborer, oust 447 Commerclal
Burke Poter, currier, bds. 3 Butirick place
Burke Peter, Inborer, house 17 Billerica,
Burke Philip Iaborer, house 92 Tremont, Chan,
Burke Rachel A. widow, house 10 Norfolk place
Burke Redmond, teamster, 2 Brattle, h. 20
Burke Hichard, laborer, house 88 Cove
Burke Richard, watch-case maker, 309 Washington,
‘bas. 291 Meridian {Cambridgeport
Burke Itobert P. restaurant, 64 Commercial, bas. at
Burke Rosanna, widow, honse Poplar, Ros,
Burke Stephen, flaberman, house 23 Swan
Burke Thomas, laborer, house 29 Charter
Burke Thotnas, bolter, house 181 Chelsea, Chan.
‘The Dock Square HARDWARE STORE.
Established 1860, 20 Dock Square,
Boston [B] Directory.
Barks Thomas, marble pollaher, house 52 Middlesex
Burke Thomas, laborer, house 72 Bromley
Burke Thomas, city taborer, house 56 Lowell
Burke Thomna, tailor, house 130 Lincoln
Burke Thomas, lahorer, house 10 Charlestown
carpenter, bouse 18 Stillman
painter, house 281 Chelsea, EB,
Earpenter, house 82 Dunlow
labarer, house 8 Dave, Rox.
laborer, house 204 Dorchester av.
t. Taborer, bda, 181 Chelsea, Chan,
miuiter, house 88 Bow, Chan.
Burke Thomas A. 450 Washington, b. at Malden
Burke ‘Thormas F- 20} Green, house 81 Brighton
Burke Thomas K, exprosman, 444 Washington, b.
‘at Somerville
Burke Thomas F, shoen
‘urke Thorns B. tearnster, bi
Burke ‘Thomas,
Burke Thomas
Burke Thoms,
Burke Thomas,
Burke Thomas J. machinist, house 56 Fayette
Hurke ‘Thomas P, melter, bose 113 West Third
Burko Thomas P. laborer, house 6 Foster
‘Burke Timothy, hackman, house 15) Albany
B ‘imothy, laborer, house 10 Burke
Th Iaborer, bds. 45 Everett, E.B.
TuWvke "Ettuothy, laborer, bds, 161 7
Burke Walter, laborer, house 25 Colon:
uke Walter’ pile driver, house 14 Sfonmouth
Burke Walter J, foreman, 102 Commercial, h, 26 0
sab pe ‘C, carpenter, bouse Ceylon, ©. Bird,
Burke Wa, shoemaker, 88 Sumner, b.r. 18 Havre
Burke Wiliam (Tighe & Burks), grocer, 8 Charles,
house 131 Zelgler
Hurke Willlam, plumber, bds. 206 Eustis
Hurke William, carpenter, house 01 Shirley,
Turko William, laborer, house 187 Everett, KIB,
Burke William, tailor, house 412 Hanover
Burke William, laborer, house 113 West Eighth
Hurke William, laborer, house 115 West Kighth
‘Burke Wiliam, panes hours 127 Brighton
‘Barko William, boilermaker, house 32 Kast Dedham
Burke William, mason, house ‘Essex
jurke Willlam, engineer, house 375 Hanover
lerk, $1 Kneeland
Nice station 1, bh. 4N. Bennet
mngineer, hoose 80 Everett, B.
borer, house 910 Harrison ay
borer, house 048 Harrison ay
laborer, house 475 Main
Hurke Wiliam,
Burke Wintara, hoster, house 2 Wasbington court
jurke William, Weamater, bouse 17 Sha
‘Burke Williats, house 6 Burke's court, EB.
Burke William, painter, house 43 Taber
‘Burke William’ A. stenth and yas fitter, b, 198 Hudson
Burke William A. treasurer, Lowell M. 8, Co. 8
Pemberton square, house at Lowell
Borke William F, hanherman, h. 240 Everett, E.B.
Burke Wm. J. grocer, 1 Cottage, E.B, b. 78 Everett
Tiveke —, bds. 17 ASbland.
‘Warke —, seaman, house 258 North
Turke, aee Buerk
Burkelt Edwin F. carpenter, house 22 Main, Chen.
Turkott Everett D. clerk, 01 Franklin, b. at Chelsea
Burkett George A, baker, 182 Cambridge, house do.
Burkett Swphen, house Taft's place, Ros.
‘Yurkett Thomas, rigger, house $82 Sumner, E.B.
Burkett Willan’ D. cabinetmaker, by 10 Lawrence,
urkhard Charles, rma. 195 Shawmut
urkbard Michael, panomaker, House Cabot
urkbard ‘Tublas, planomsker, by 493 Harrison av,
Turkhardt George, machinist, house 6 Burke
Burkhardt Gottlieb F. brewer, Parker, cor. Station,
office 65 Kilby, house #2 Station
Burkhardt Goutied F. jr. brewer, house 704 Parker
Burkhardt Gottlich W, teamster, houso 10 Nawn ct.
Burkburdt Joseph, lager beer, 111 Pynchon, h. do.
Burkhardt, see Burkard, and Burkhard
Burkman Andrew B. sailmaker, 52 South Market,
house 9 Leverett
‘Burkman Axel M. polisher, house Dorchester av. c,
Turlat Pierrette Miss, bas. Parkaan, Ts
Burleigh Albert P. salesman, 64 Summer, bds. 1 Atl.
ston place {Stite, house at Cambridge
Burleigh Jacob N. (Langdon & Burleigh), 186
Burleigh N. G. police station 4, house 10 Indiana pl.
Burleigh Olive Mrs, dressmaker, 1008 Washington,
Burleigh Orlando TE ine. agt. 42 Kilby, bi at Nate
Burlen Caroline W. Mise, bis. 21 Union-park et.
Barlen Lorenzo W. disc. and coll. clerk, Columbian
‘National Bank, 65 State, b, at Somerville [40 do.
Burlen Moses, mason and’ bulld Leverett, b.
Burlen Moses P. mason, bds. 40 Leverett
Burlen M, W. 115 Washington, bds. 47 Hancock
'URLEN ROBERT, bookbinder, 39 Exchange, b.
at Melrose — Ser page 1274
Barlen William H. (Cutler, Foster, & Co.), 220 Cou-
ress, bds. Hotel Hamilton
Burleson &. J. Mrs. 108 Washingien, oom 24
urley Benjamin D. Inspector Intelligence offices,
Dds. T Goodwin place
b. 714 Dorchester ay.
Harrison ay. hous
(Union, Nott,
Burley D. 8. boots and shoes, 119 Summer, house at
Burley Ewin P. clerk, 43 ‘Temple place, bis, 4
{. Vernon {Academy Hill, Bre
Burley Franklin G. engineer, S.F.E. 29, house
Burley John, patternmaker, 3 Charlestown, house
at Everett [Somerville
Burley ‘Timothy C. clerk, 92 Richmond, house at
Burley William, ssiesman, 1 Dock square, house 73
een, Can
Burley William P. nallmaker, b, 714 Dorchester a
Burley, sve Burleigh,
Burling Fanny Mt
house 100 Richmond
Burlingame in, jr. house 67 Centro, Rox,
Burlingame Ia Mrs. house 67 Centre, Rox.
Burlingame Charles If. 17 Uemberton square, rm. 11,
‘ode, Alllton ay. cor. Maxwell, Doral.
Burlingame D. Harry, mariner, b. 21 Decatur, Cho
turlingame Howard, clerk, house 29 Cunard |
Burlingame John, eaitle reporter, h. Academy Fill,
Burlingame Jobo K. Federal, house Milton ay,
Maxwell, Dereh.
Burlin e William, agent, Exeter Machine Works,
‘80 Federal, house at Exeter, NH,
Burlington Durkoer, manicure’ goods, 69 Cornhill,
house at Wakefleld
Burlington Charles, hairdresser, Park-«quare Hotel
Burlington, Missourt River, & Nebraska KAI. 40
‘Sears building
Burlington Woolen Co, 16 Chauncy Ling
Burlington and South Western K.R, 27 Seare bulld~
Braap Caraine Atay matzo, iHome tor Aged
‘and Frlendless Women, 3 Anthony place
Burnell L. G. (0. W. Duncan & Co.), 16 Congresn,
house at Cambridge
Burnett Andrew, stevedore, bda. 2 Lime al
Burnett Andrew J. clerk, Perkins, cot
‘Chan, house atEverett at Weat Newton
Burnett Charles W. bookkeeper, 67 Wasbington, he
Burnett Edward, Deerfoot Farm, 6 Hamilton place,
me Hane over and 97 Cambridge, house at South-
Burnett Harry, clerk, 27 Central, bds. at Southboro*
Burnett Henry, coachman, bis. Pope, cor. Curis
Burpett eniy’ A. clerk, freight depot, 0.0 HR.
houre at Hyde Park [at Somerville
Burnett Janes (Burnett & Brown), 22 Bowker, b.
Burnett Jane F. Mrs. nurse, bia. 62 Gates
Barnett Joreph, stevedore, house 12 Foster
Burnett Joneph & Co, favoring extracts, Se. 27 Cen-
‘tral, house nt Southborot
Barnett Lysander, real-estate agent, 207 Washington,
house 10 Bloatom court Ulyde Hark
Burnett Marshall, machinist, 221 Federal, house at
Burnett Marsball T. freight agent, 268 Washington,
bda. 28 Montgomery.
Burnett Mary J. widow, house Pope, eor. Curtis
Burnett Neleon, clerk, 448 West Broadway, ms
Burnett Robert, 611 Commercial, house 2 Lime
Burnett Robert E. clerk, 108 Congress, hor
Obelsea (borough
Barnett Robert M. clerk, 27 Central, bis, at South.
Burnett Simon, house 68 Clarendon {eran
Burnett &. W. printer, 4 Williaims et. b. Motel La
Burnett William, house 26 Bunker Hill
Burnett William’ B. 92 Hanover, bs, at Chelsea
Burnett & Brown (Jamer Burnett and Joel W.
‘Brown’, machine blacksmiths, 22 Bowker
Burney William, iaborer, bds. Park, 0.8.
Burnham Albion, pollee Maton 10, 10 8 Charles
Burnham Ailan 'W. (Choate Burnham & Son),
Burnham's wharf, bis. 308 Weet Broadway
‘No, 155 Prauklin St., near Congress St.
Burnham Alonzo,
Boston [B]
lice station 12, b. 13 Atlantic
Burnham Alsou, bas. 47 Williams, ward 19
Burnbain Andrew, U.S. boat inspector for steam
‘vessels, 176 Atlantic av. house at Revere
Burnbam Anna R. widow, bds. 35 Central square
Buroham Annie M. Mrs, h. 68 Anderson
Burubam Arthur, clerk, 28 State, room 7, bids. 60
‘Thornton (Williams, ward 19
Burnhau Asa, foreman Chickering’s factory, bds. 47
Burnham Aea P. engincer, house $ Duncan, Rox.
Burnbam Benjamin F. lawyer, house 48
Burnbam Byron C. machinist, 82 Hawley, house 10
Burnham B. Frank, ST Milk, room 14, bds. at Melrose
Burnham Charles A. printer, 824 Washington, house
at Malden [Marion, E.B.
Burnham Charles F, engineer, 96 Border, house 14
‘BurnhamCharles H. switehman, house 43 Regent
Burnham Charles Wallace, bookkeeper, 45 Boylston,
‘ds. 63 Montgomery
Burnbam Charles W. black and white smith, 3%
Hawkins, house 26 Sullivan, Chan,
Burnham Choate & Son (4. W-), cout and wood,
Broadway, cor. Dorchuster av. East Fourth, cor,
K, and Kant Ninth, cor. Old Harbor, house 398
‘West Broadwa
Burnham Christopher, mariner, h, 97 Everett, E.B.
Burnham Clark W. piano polisher, h. $4 Bickford
Burnham ©, M. Mra, house 107 Chandler
Burnham Danlel, paper banger house 21 Travers
Burnham Daniel's. Co. real estate, 373 Washing-
ton, bids. 13 Temple
Burnham Dudley, bis. 231 Harrison av,
Burnham Edward E. salesman, 28 India, house at
Burnham Edwin, clerk, B. & A. frelght, house 231
Harrison av,
Bombarn Everett, paying teller, Freeman's Natlonal
Bank, 111 Summer, bows
Burnham’ Everett, assistant superintendent East
Boston dry dock, bds. 26 Sarato
Burnham Kara H, Mrs. house 67 Allen
Burnham Krank, clork, 0.0. Rl, b. at. Braintree
Burnham Frank’ K. eonduetor, Mid, RAR. ds. 10
‘Sever, Cham, [renton
‘Burnham Bred A. waiter, Parker House, bds, 4 War-
Burnham Fred 8, planoinaker, “bis. 47 Williams
urnham Frederick P. shoe manuf. b. 60 N. Russell
jurtham George, printer, bds. 16 Cambridge
Burney Georye’A. conductor, 818 1k, ou 202
‘ent Brod wi
Burnham George He foreman, $1 Hawley
Burnham George K; fireman, house 20 Milford place
‘Burnham Gershom (J. B. Callahan), ear
punters, 16 Beverly, house at Somerv!
Bornham G. W. pouse & Alpine place
Burpham Henry D. 40’ Water, room 45, bds. 21 Com.
monvwealth 1 t
Burnham Henry B, police station 19, house 41 Wil-
Burnham Horace P. tinamith, h. 165 Chelsea, Chen.
Burnham H. Blanchard, clerk, 383 Washington, room
'§, house 6 Hotel Worcester
Burnham Ira F, salesman, 46 Chauncy, bh, 0 Clift
‘Burnham Jobn A. 40 Water, rooms 45, hovse 21 Com.
‘monwealth ay. {Commonwealth ay.
Burnham John A. jr. 40 Water, rvom 45, house 67
Burnham Jobn i. carrier, house 35 Central aq.
ena ol tian Warren ae Co.) 130 Peark,
Burnhaw Jobo E.
house at Norwalk, Ov
Burnham John , cutter, 120 Sommer, rm. 21 Albion
Burnham John F. salesman, 273 Washington, bds.
69 East Windsor
Burnham John H. engineer, house 8 Milford place
‘Burnham Jobn H. superintendent Eaat Boston Gas
‘Co. 83 Central square, house 75 Eutaw
Burnham Jobn H. ship earpenter, b. 69 Bennington
Burnham Jobn EL mason, house 4 Bay-view pl.
Burnham John M. earpenter, house Nassad (J.P.
ornham Johu W. conductor, M. It.It. house Green,
‘Burnham Joseph IL. clerk, 38 Hanover, b. 7 Allen
Burnham Joseph H- coal, wood, and hay, Mystic av.
corner Main, bids, 1 Kingston, Chsa.
Burnham J. V. aalesinan, 149 Court, bia. 4 Hancock
Burnham Lewis, grocer, 101 Meridian, house 145
Brooks, EB. (Union park
Burnham Lizzie M. teacher, Rice school, bd. 50
Buruha Louis W. house 81 Montgomery
Burnham Luey Mrs. bds, 133 West Newton
Burnham Lycos Wells Manufacturing Co.), 35
oR uaury, house at Wobara Peed
URNHAM L. G. & CO. coal and wood, 75 State,
‘182 Charles, 109 Chester park, and at Enet Cam-
bridge, bds. Young's Hotel — See page 1311
Burnham Mary, widow, house 25 Palmer
Burnham Mary'J. Mrs. house 447 Shawmut av.
Barnham Paul D. shipwright, house 218 Ssratoga
Burnham Reuben, superintendent Enst Boston dry
dock, 98 Border, house 28 Saratoga
Bornbam Reuben A. clerk, bds. 26 Saratoga
Burnbam Rose E. Mrs. (Zebbetts & Burnham), 85
Kesex, house do.
Burnham Sarah H, Mrs. b. 84 Commonwealth ay.
Dorfimale discharged prisoners, Pemberton ec
fe isl ers, 30' Pemberton #4.
‘bas. 38 Woodb! =
Burnbain Tena Mra, house 44 Cambridge
Burnham Thomas Q. 1. P. antique and modern
urbgaks,€8 Betoal house TO do. [Seaver House
rubam ‘T. I. photographer, 581 Washington,
Burnham Wallace; bos 04 Montgomery
Burnham Walter 8. provisions, 6 Boylston market,
house Cilton, gpposite Atblon [tral sguars
Burnlum Wesley, foreman, gan works, Dds, 29 Cen.
Burnham Wilbur 'L. wood worker, house 146 Put
‘at, E.Bs (Commonwealth av.
Burnham William A. 40 Water, room 45, house 21
Burnham William H carpenter, bds. 8 Nabe
Burns Alexander, printer, bouse 37 Shuate
Burns Alexander, foreman, 154 Hanover
Burns Alice, widow, house 83 Emerald
Burns Allen F. dds. 400 Columbus ay. [ Wash.
Burus Alvin D, conductor, Met. RR. house 1804
Burns Andrew, slater, house 87 La Grange
Borns Andrew, at gas works, bde, 200 Salem
Barus Anna H. Miss, bda. 81 Myrile [hose do.
Burns Anthony, laborer, Notre Dame Academy,
Burns Bernard, teamster, house 4 Trainer court
Burna Bridget, widow, boure 88 London
Burus Bridget, widow, bouse $02 Dorchoster ny.
Burns Beldget, widow, house 47 Parkman
Burns Bridget, widow, house 41 Oswego
Burns B. Walter, superintendent sleeping cars, Bs
A. BLK, house 12 Hotel Lafayette
Catliaring, widow, bouse 20 fall
eellin, Widow, houae 1 Oliver pl.
Charles, machinist, OL Charl
Shares, shi iter, house
Burns Charles ' 49 Atlantic ay.
Burns Charlotte, widow, house 14 West Sixth
Burns Christopher, blacksmith, houke 22 15
Burus Dank 7 house 260 Gold
Burns Daniel, laborer, b. 1 Vial place (MeLonn
Burns Daniel’ (McOann & Burns), 11 Bulton, b. 3
Burn Dantel, jr, wearmster, bds. 11 Vinal place
Burns Daniel #. clerk, 207’ Harrison av. b. 0 Seneca
Burns David, gas fixtures, be 148 Lexinyton, EB,
Bure David'rs, house d Clapp, 8B.
Burns David, laborer, house 21 Rochester
Burns David, walesman, 477 Wash, house at Medford
‘Burns David’. wire worker, bds. Brighton ay. Cot-
Burne Ealward, laborer, bds, rear 63 South Margin
Burne Edward, liquors, 108 Portland, house at East
Burns Edward E. house %7 Newland
Burns Edwurd 8. driver, house 2 Mt, Pleasant ny.
Edward W. marbie cutter, bda. 18 Lacust
Eliza, widow, house rear 63 South Mat
izabeth, widow, house 9 Grant's vt.
Burns Klien, widow, hotise 175 Bowen
Burns Etta, teacher elocution, New England Con-
servatory of Music, bds. 1421 Washington
Burns Francisco L, engineer, 238 Devonshire, house
9 Ward, W.V.
Burns Frank, roofer, house rear 16 Ontario
Barns Frank, lather, bes, & Sharon ct, EB,
‘Burns Frank, house rear 72 Havre
Burns Frank, lnborer, bids. Arlington place, Br.
Burne Frank E condustor, Met. HR. dx. 2908
ashington Ty Berkele
Boras FreieD. esleeman, 8 Winthrop square, bd
Burns George, bartender, 7 North square, bids. dos
Burns George A. agent, 36 Otls, li at Winchester
Burns George W. conchiman, house 9 Cottage place
Burns Halle RK. matron, Industrial School, Centre,
Buroe Henry Jt poper hanger, b. 10 Everett, EB,
urns paper hanger, b. erett, EB.
‘Burns Hugh, inborer, house 105 West Fourth
‘Burne Hugh, at gas works, bas. 36 Sheafe
Burne Hogh, laborer, house B, Model pl. Pleasant
Headquarters for CARPENTERS and
BULLDERS. No, 20 Dock Square.
nostow [B]
» hoatler, 3 Mason
; laborer, house Gerard, near Howard
Isabella, widow, house rear 20 Charter
Jamnes, salesman, 17 Tremont row, b. 105 M
urna James, laborer, house Lyman av. Br.
Burns James, fruit dealer, house 111 South
Burne James, laborer, h. 40 Cherry, Rox. (Doreh.
Burns James, laborer, bas. Park, near Washington,
Burns James, packer, 62 Canal, bat E. Cambrtdge
jurns James, laborer, house 2 Benton
Burns James, fisherman, bds. 38 South (20 Charter
Burne James, doputy flour inspector, 188 State, bds.
farmer, h. Wash. n. Richmond, LMC
Iaborer, house 15 Kogers av.
borer, hotise & Mahan wv.
Iaborer, house 2 Greenough lane
laxterer, house Winship, Br.
iremad, house 5 Sumner place, E.B.
imi Jamnes, tallor, bis. 285 Federal
rs Jarmen, jr. feberman, bas. 38 South
Burne James'A. paper hanger, bie. 25 Cottage, EB.
Burns James C. teamater, house Tebhetts, Chan.
Burne James Edward, peddler, house 20 Liillerien
Burns James G, 3 Winthrop #q. bis. 19 SL. Charles
Burne dames 4. teamater, house 2 Greenough lane
Burns Janies L.. 197 Devonshire, bds. 1 Sanford pl.
‘Burne James 1, house 228 Weat Fourth
fuines P. marble cuttor, b. 18 Locust [E.B.
James Kt lewther meastirer, bia. 151 Putnam,
Jobn, hair dresser, TL A, houne a
jolin, laborer, house 181 Matoan, E.B.
ingadine, . George
laborer, house 6 Fahin
Inborer, house Benton place, 1.8,
Iver plater, bds. 42 Portland
hoster, bouse 113 Northampton
‘chachinan houre 1 Grove square
Burne oun, laborer, bis, 88 London
Burns dobn, bostler, houre 8 Texna ne.
Burns John, bde. 8 Marshall's block, Walnut, Chen,
Burns Jobn, teamater, bas. 175 Bowen
ne Folin, laborer, bia. 7 B
Jobo, laborer, bids. Fear 40 Chadwick